The Huron Expositor, 1965-04-22, Page 1it
Whole No 5069
106th Year"
Seaforth Council at a special
meeting Thursday, appointed
the members of Protection to
Persons Committee, together
with Samuel Lerner, London, as
members of a committee to ar-
bitrate- with , Seaforth Police
concerning salaries.
Mr. Lerner' is' a member of
the London legal firm of. Lern-
er, Lerner, Bradley and Cher -
nick, who are acting for the
Other members of the commit-
tee are: Deputy Reeve Cuthill,
Councillors, B. Flannigan, W.
Murray and F.. Kling. Mayor
Flannery is exofficio a mem-
ber of the committee. ,
Named to
William G. Nediger, B.A.,
Seaforth, who has headed the
mathematics department at the
Central Huron Secondary School,
Clinton, for the past two years,
has been appointed associate
registrar at the new Ontario
College of Education, which op-
ens in London in September.
Mr. Nediger was on the staff of
the' Seaforth District .:High
School prior to assuming his
Clinton position.
A Clinton native, Mr. Nedi-
ger was a member of the Rob-
erts Committee for the Bevel-
opment of curriculum,' the . re-
organized plan in secondary ed-
ucation' that his resulted in
schools such as the Central. Hu-
ron (School in ClintonHe is
presently a member of the in-
termediate division . curriculum
committee in mathematics, that
is writing eourses•Qf -study from
• grades 7? to 10 lle:initiated the°
junior mathematics contest
which is provincial in scope,
involving about 10,000 seeon-
`dary students. The contest is
sponsored by the OSSTF and.
the University of Waterloo.
For the past three summers
he has lectured at OCE, Lon-
don. He has been co-author ,on
three text books in mathema-
tics for grades 10, 11 and 12,
and has done 'several -TV pile
grams on • the new math.
A son of Mr.. and Mrs. John
Nediger, Clinton, he received
his elementary ...and . secondary
education in Clinton, and gra-
duated from' Stratford Teach-
ers' College and the University
of Western'Ohtario. He taught
for one year at the Clinton pub-
lic school, three years in ele-
mentary , schools in Oakville,
and three years •• at the Seaforth
District High School.
Mr. Nediger expects to 're-,
side in London with his wife,
the former Phyllis Hanley, for-
limey of Clinton, and three
In a few weeks this corridor in the. newSeaforth -Community Hospital will be busywith
nurses and doctors active on .their rounds: Work is well advanced and occupancy is ex-
pected in June. Workmen here are installing: corridor lighting units in the West wing of
the patient area. • Supports for the ceiling ' are in place as well as hundreds of feet of air
., flow ducts. Painting iscompleted in many of the individual rooms.
Iospital Board Considers
urnishing Requirements
Work at the new Seaforth,
Community Hospital, on Goder-
ich 'Street East is well advanced
.and •oecuparey of the building',
is _$ eeted w lir' Clii
ne- acciirdin
to hospital officials. While,- the
contractors, W. • A. McDougall
Co. Ltd. is pushing the work to
completion, the hospital board
at the same time -is completing
plans for furnishing the new
CO -F:' Aids
Therapy ,
Pr�gra m
Members of the Huron Dis-
trict,Council- of the C.C.F. were
at Goderich, ' Sunday,, when a
weaving loam was .presented to
the Ontario'Eospital.
The gift to aid in patient
therapy was presented by Wal-
ter McClure, president of Hur-
on Council and received by Dr.
John Hagen, Hospital Superin-
tendent. In attendance at the
event were 75 C.O.F. members
from lodges at Atwood, Walton,
Much of the . existing equip-
reent in the present hospital
'will, be.moved .to. the G-040 4*
Street East Jocation,Jnit4Wit
tronarfUrnisliiire: b`'Vrovide for
the increased accomodation in
the new building is required.
Includedin the requirements are
23 beds_and related furnishings.
Average cost of furnishing a bed
unit, which includes a hi -lo bed,
mattress, over -bed table . with
tray and mirror, bedside table,
arm chair, side chair, safety
sides and 'drapes is approximate-
ly $500,00 it was revealed at .a
meeting of the board Tuesday
In discussing .requirements, it
was emphasized again that the
helpof the community would be.
required so that the furnishing
program could be completed
promlitlyr~. Organizations wishing
to assist may do so by under-
writing the cost of one or more
bed, units. The donors will be
recognized by suitable plaques
The board considered and ap-
proved new 'bylaws governing
the hospital- operations and the
medical staff. The board was
advised that the .bylaws dealing
with the medical staff 'hid been
considered by the staff and were
recommended. Recommended •by
the Ontario Hospital Associa-
Constance and Benmiller. tion, the bylaws now will be
Area Visitors Are. Easter Feature
presented to the annual,meeting
for acceptance
oval of _ ' Ont to s--,
tar.... Hos",
e e o•.
Cm'i '"•
ms :r.i
,i?„,� ,pY SiQ
gtred before 'tie byli�ws' tie-.
coxae effective.
” Hold Party
On Friday evening a surprise
dinner was- arranged at the new-
ly decorated dining room of
The ''Hicks House, Mitchell for
Mr. and Mrs.' Glenn Diegel of
Stratford on the occassion of
their' 15th Wedding 'Anniver-
sary. Those attending along with
the celebrants were: Mr. and
Mrs. William • Binning and Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Querengesser
of Mitchell, Mr. and . Mrs. Car-
man, Mogk of St. 'Themes, Mr.
and Mrs. Mervin Dietz of R.R.
1, Dublin and Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Sholdice, Brodhagen. After
the dinnera social evening was
spent at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Sholdice, Brodhagen.
They were also presented with
sey eral gifts.
Len Ford won the Fish and
Game monthly draw. The ticket
was drawn by, Mayor John Flan-
ery. The prize was $50.00.
Miss Grace Hoggarth, Shake-
speare, spent the Easter holi-
• days at her home here.
Mr. Ronald MacKay, of To-
ronto, visited his sisters, ;Mrs.
J. E. Daley and Miss Ethel Mac-
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,Welford,
and daughters, of Peterboro,
were guests at the home of
• Miss Mabel Thompson, John St.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Larone and
family, of Toronto, were Easter
guests ,of Mr. and—Mrs. J. K.
Spittal and Mr. Elmer Larone.
Mr. and Mrs. ¶larenee Arm-
strong and 'family, of St: Cathy
arines, were Easter—guests , of
Mr. and Mrs.' Harold"Jackson.
Miss Mary Laniont and Mr:
Melville Lamont, of Ethel; Mr.
Arnold Lamont, Hamilton; Mr.
and Mrs. Noreen Lamont and
f amly and Mr. and Mrs: Albert
Ausman and family, of Galt,
were holiday visitors with Mrs.
A. Lamont.
• Miss Nancy Corby 'arid, Mr.
Mack' Parent, • of Belle Iliver,
spent ,the Easter weekend with,
hers uncle, Mr. A. W. Corby.
'Easter visitora with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McMichaiell were
M'r. Wa,yrie McMichael of Jacky
son, Mieb., •Mrs. Wn me Me -
• Michael of Preston,. Mrs. E1T'a,
Eyre, Mr. and Mrrst 'Lloyd Eyre
David and Michael, Mr: and
Mrs. Ranh Watson, Donna • and
Davey, of Sardis, Mr. and Mrs.
Fergus Wright, Lariiy and i i-
ana of Brtamptert, Mr. J3rIan
Brurt, Clinton, Mr, and Mrs.
Chats. Ere and Amine, Kippen,
Mr, and Mrs..• : " tyre, Eg-
on ,dn*alrUo and and
Mnm. Mrs.
Ol>Iveie; Wtighofh,:� Sea '
>. �, d " ',•nr „i,
Mr. and, Mrs. George Sills,
North Bay, Missy Mary Lou Sills,
London, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
aKennedyi, Wateailoo and . Mr.
Ronald Sills and Cathy, Kitch-
ener, were Easter guests of
Mrs. Chas. P. Sills.
'Mr. and Mrs. Howard, I-Iaw-
lley of Napanee were Easter
guests of' Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Hawley and Mrs. C. Hawley.
Mrs. Bert McSpadden and
M ary1rin of Toronto spent the
Eraster holidays with Mr. Jack
MissBrenda Hodgert is
spending a week in Toronto
with Mr. and Jars. Ruth Men-
zies': •
Mr. and Mensa Kenneth Cowan
of Midland vyer .guests of Mr.
and 'Mts. Peter Dunlblp, -Sea‘.
forth and Mr.. and Mrs. Stan
Mien of ,McKillop.
Mr. and Mrs. Bookie Hallen
and family orfKrnptornt were al-
so guests of Min. and: Mrs. Dun -
!op. and Mr. andMrrs. Hilden.
Min. Gordon: C: 'llenid,e, Sund-•
ridge,., Mrr. Clive Re'nule, Sault
Ste: Marie, Mor, Reit Rennie,
WiAter and Min and Mrs. T.
D. Aiken, Fort Wayne, Indiana'
were guests of Mr.. and Mrs. M.
B. Rennie.
Mr. and Mrs: Rudy Hahii,
Petry and Bradley, Rostock,
Spent Easter Sunday with the
formers) paremtsr, Mt. rano Mrs.
Ed Fisher, Seafomilt
Ralph . McFadden of Lon --
dint Was .an ,Blaster •gu'est of Mr.
and Mira. Don Morton.
A. .
Coons of Ottanniw spent
aster att his houne here and
vaulted hiss mother who has been
tinder title doetter's care.
3rsta 'lute Fattlknrer_ spent] East
rO i,m :Ga -b w1bh'; M` ;
Frau1'kner. ' Miss Elsie Drover of Hamril-
tom. visited :her mother; Mrs. W.
Drover for Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Edwards
of Branford' were Easter'gueetsis
of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kling.
Mr. and Mrs. Geary Coughlin
of London and Mn. and Mrs..
Malcom: -Read of 1- amwlrton were
giie,ats of Miss Allie'e Reid.
Miss Dale Hunt of London was
a week end :guest with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. M. Brown, Jarvis
Mar. and Mts. Wh'llliraanl Brown
Bill and ;Carol and Miss Dale
Hunt spent Easter Sunday with
Mrs. Brown's niorther, Mrs:
Henry J. Neeb art Tavistock.
Alvin MacDonald and
Lynne of Walton are viatiting at
the home of the formers sister,
Mrs. June Stewart and Tttey.
Stewarrrb. •
Miss Rarbaafa` NorVfi of London
visited • with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Mervin Nott over the
week end.
kr. and Mrs. Harold Nieman
-and Mrs, Laverne Scott attend-
ed the 60th Wedding Annivers-
ary of Mr, and •Mrs. 0, R.
Francis in Woodstock, Monday
Mn. and Mrs. Douglap .Know•
Pas, Sandra, .and Catherine of
Toronto spent Easter with Mrs'.
S. Mater and Mln, and Mats. L.
111m, , end. Mrs. Tont Carter;
J<ahwie St. were Surprised by
t'h'eir rneighbers bast week on
the occasion of afar 25th Wed-
ding Anni`vreatsaite. They w
•presrented with a wee 'ba
and a, pole Irainp..
' "' .Eh1§, glYre5Js tO the ho
Mrs, John Hotharmi were Mr.
John L. Hoth'aim and Sons Kevin
and Charles of Windsor, Mr. and
Mrs, Dnald Millard of Branford
and Mr,. and Misr. C. E. Laith-
waite of Goderich. -
Mrs. Jesuit Gastnni and Mr.
Fred Scott of Toronto were
Easter quests of Mr: 'and Mrs.
R. B. Scott and Miser Jean Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Clendon Christie
Catherine and' Ann spent Sun-
day with Mrs. Lorne Webster,
Mrs. Ada. Dale and Misses
Abbire and Wilma Seip spent
the week end in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mtrs. R. A. Waters
Dundas spent the week end with
'Mrs. J. C. "' Willis,. Mres. Willis'
returned ;home with them,/
Misses. Nancy end. Patsy 'Wal-
ters of :London vete Easter
guests of fiheirr .strand parents
Mn. and Mrs. -W. C. Bennett of
Mr. and Mrs. Stew: a'mif.iGeddet§
and sons, London spent Easter
with Mrs. E. Geddes and Miss
Nancy Geddes:.
Mfr and Mrs. James Bayham
and Dale were -Erasterr gueste
of',Mr. hind Mrs. Dale Nixon. -
Miss Judy Welt of Kitchener
spent the Easter holidays with
her pareniis, Mn. and ?Mrs. J.
C. Crich,
'Miss Ann Moore of Toronto,
'spent the Master week end with
her brother Mm. 'Andrew Moore
-and Mrs, Moore; Egmndville.
Mrs. Elliott Waiters), is spend-
ing a Week with rhes, ston Bruce
and M. Wolter and family in
James CaJchi df Ma+f'kdale
t the lsasrberr+ ] rblid is , et
hiopine'.l here. w
AA . cavalcade of honking
oaArs followed a Seaforth Fire
..,r :e.k Wednesday night, as it
Ct}ipeal members of ,the victor -
.u4' Seaforth Beavers on 'a
triolh phantMain Strparadeeet. - up and
inutes before the Beaver
ha I defeated Brooklin 7=1, to
win! the Ontario Hockey. Assoc--
'iatin intermediate 8 Champ -
`fon hip, in the best of seven
set es. It was the first Intermed -
Wet OHA Championship won by
a .paaforth team since 1941.
er dropping the second
ga e, the Beavers came back in
UX'ridge Friday and here Tues -
da .to give.. them a commanding
3 t 1 lead in the series,.
the game, at Seaforth on
Monday, Jim Aldis opened the
scoring for Seaforth at 8:40 of
the; first period, assisted by Jim
Dick and Ed Dolmage. At 13:19
Do ig Galloway scored. from Har-
ry. Cummings and at 16:40 Jim
Dick scored' from Bob Beutten-
In the- second period Jim Al-
ois: got his second goal of the
night from Doug Galloway and
Bob Beuttenmiller at 15.35.
Brooklin finally scored at 18:25,
Dean West, assisted "by ,D. Har-
Seaforth scored' the only goal
of the third'period at 10:25, by
Bill McLaughlin, assisted by
Ja& Mcllwnin and Rae Anstett.
The sixth game if necessary,
will be played in Uxbridge, Fri-
day and a seventh game in Sea-
forth on Monday.
The Seaforth Cancer Cam-
paign is within $100 of the total
'subscribed last year R. J. Spittal
campaign ', chairman said,. Wed-
`i1'�esday, Sulascrip tions. totaled,
Mr ,Spittal pointed out that
while there had been an excel-
lent response, there were a num-
ber who were absent when' the
canvass was in progress and who
wished to contribute. Gifts may
be forwarded to him or left at
any Seaforth, bank.
The campaign ends on April
30, next he said.
Approval has been granted for
the holding of a vote on June 30,
on the sale of alcoholic bever-
ages in ' McKillop Township:
Clerk J. M. Eckert said the.'On-
tario board had approved the
date and that other necessary
action would be taken at the
next meeting of council. ,
McKillop electors turned doxn
the establisbrnent of beverage
rooms at a vote three years ago.
At that time 55.0 per -cent 'of
those casting ballots fayored
beverage rooms, but the Liquor
Licence Act of Ontario requires
-that 60 Per- cent of the voters
support such a proposal...
Sale of Residence
Brings Memories.
Meetings and events of • past
years were.. recalled when 'mem-
bers of the Hospital Auxiliary
entertained former membersand
guests at their April meeting
to mark -what was one of the
last gathering to be held in the
present nurses' residence.
.,The nurses' .residence has
been' sold and no longer will be
available for Auxiliary meetings
With the opening of the new
Hospital, the auxiliary in future
will use accomodation provided
in the. building.
Mrs. J. McConnell, a member
of the hospital board, recalled
that. the present nurses' resid-
ence had been built in the ear-
ly 1880's, by the -Johnston faro=
ily, early Seaforth merchants.
The building has an unique fea-
ture, four fireplaces let into a
common chimney, which rises
through the centre of the build-
ing. .
Following removal of the
Johnston family, the building
was converted into a duplex and
had been - vacant, for a time,
when it was purchased by Scott
Memorial Hospital,. as a nurses
residence. The board paid $1,200.
for, the building, Mrs. McCon-
nell said; but it was necessary
to spend an .additional $9,000 to
repair and fit it for,its new use.
M 's,.McCnnnell told the Meet-
ing., that- construetionea the_ new,;;
hospital -was well advanced with
occupancy expected in June:
She described the arrangements
at the hospital" and said all com-
memorative plaques in the pre-
sent hospital would be located
in the new hospital. Mrs. -McCon-
nell was introduced .by Miss Bess
Mrs. F. Cosford presided over
the meeting and• thanked the
associate' members for their
help in the Auxiliary. Miss -
Gladys Thompson reported that
$262.00 had been realized from
the vanishing bridges a n d
euchre project. The . Hospital
Auxiliary Regional meeting is
to be held this year in Strat-
ford, on May 3rd.
It was decided that corsages
for' patients will be made up
for Hospital Day, May 12th, by
Mrs. F. A. Dobson, Mrs. Gordon
Beuttenmiller and Mrs. Stan
Miss Drope, Hospital Admini-
strator recalled ditetings and
social evenings that had been
held in the nurses residence-.
A program followed, convened
by ' Mrs. M. W. Stapleton, Mrs.
Ken Etue and Mrs. Gus Boussey
and guitar duets by Bill Bous-
sey and Gordon Beuttenrniller
and a solo "Bless Thia House",
by Mrs. Frank Kling, accompan-
ied by Mrs. J. E. Keating.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Brad Smith, Mrs. Hal Whyte,
Mrs. Lorne MacDonald, Miss
Alice Reid, Mrs. Winnie Nott,
Mrs. Verne Graham, Mrs. Clare
Reith and Mrs. M. W. §tapleton.'
Vanishing Bridge and. Euchre
Mrs. M. McKellar. entertained
7VIiss Jean Scott; "Mrs: Ila Dor-
,Mrs_ Jessie:
Ann Henderson, Mrs.,, John Hil-
brecht, Mrs: 'Harry Pretty, .Mrs,
Isabel Chesney, Mrs. Margaret
Taylor, , Mrs. Lorne Dale, Mrs.
M. R. Rennie.
Cash . Donations Mrs. R.
Spittal, Mrs. John Gorwill; Mrs.
Cummings, Mrs.- Brown, Mrs;
Garnet Stockwell, Mrs. C. Hen-
Cromarty- Seniors Gather
For End of Season Meetin
The senior citizens club met
in Staffa Hall for the closing
meeting of the season. The pres-
ident, Mr. L. Laing presided
and opened the meeting with
O'Canada and the Lord's Prayer
in unison. Mr. Wilber Miller'
read theminutes and Mrs. 'Mil-
ler gave the treasurer's report.
The roll call was answered with
"Memories 'of Easter'. An in-
vitation from the -Stratford Gold-
en Age Club to be guests at
their next meeting was accepted.
A few games of euchre were en-
joyed. Lupch" was served with
Mrs. • T. Laing and Miss Olive
Speare as conveners.
The C,G.I.T. girls with their
Secret -Pals as guests enjoyed a
pot luck dinner in the church
basement on Monday. Musical
numbers were given by the
girls and a filmstrip was shown.
I 'Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardener
I visited on Sunday with Mr. and
I Mrs. Earl Eggert, Rostock. Mr.
Henry Eggert' returned home
'after visiting with the Gardin-
Holiday weekend guests with
Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Dow and
family were Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Worthington, Mark and 'Leslie,
Anne, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Fry and Richard, Bramp-
ton. Richard Fry remaining
with Brian for some holidays.
Sunday visitors with Mr, .and
Mrs. Gerald Carey were Mr.
and Mrs: Harold Carey, Staffa,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and
family, Weston, Mrs. James
Cowie, Mr. Jim Cowie and Miss
Susan Smith, Toronto.
Miss Margaret .Jean Russell,
of London spent the weekend
with• her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley, Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey
and Bill visited on Sunday with,
Mr..and Mrs, James Ramsey and
family, Listowel,
Miss Wanda McLaren of .Nip-
issing spent Easter weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Stephen, Ronnie and ,Nancy
Elliott of Essex are holidaying
with their grandparents, Mr. and '
Mrs. John Wallace.
Weekend visitors with Mr, I
and Mrs. Otto Walker were Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Currie and girls,
Dorchester. Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack
McGhee and family, London,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hulley .and fam-
ily, Winthrop.
Mr. Russell Butters is a poet=
ient in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don.. '
A successful auction sale of
implements was held' for Mrs.
Marjorie Walker on Thursday:
A large crowd_ attended and
good prices were realized:
Mrs. Sadie Scott and Mt. and
Mrs„ K. McKellar were guests
at wearily buffett dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Town
Woodstock. on Sunday, 'honoring
Mr, and Mrs. 0.` R. Francis, on
the occasihie of their Sixtieth
Wedding Anniversary. Many rel-
atives from'this district attend.
ed a reception for Mr. and Mrs.
Francis which was held at Cen-
tral United Church, Woodstock,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore,
Neil, Donald, Wayne and Elaine
of Lindsay are visiting with Mrs.
E. Moore and Mr., and Mrs. T. L.
Miss Janet Scott of Goderich
is holidaying with her grand-
mother, Mrs. Grace Scott..
• ' ship 'cy-ncit'`t'
meetwting three.
presented with a petitio
ing the vote.
The petition sign?Mr
than twenty-five perntf oi' the.
township's elegible voters asked
for a. vote .to Permit provision
of facilities to serve;' both Oen
and 'women.
In the. 1962 vote,, ae total of
627 persons. cast ' ballots,.
per cent of the 886—who were
eligible. There was a majority,
favoring sale in polls 1 and 3,
while the majority in Rolls 2
and 4 was opposed.
W.L, Holds
The Annual meeting. of
Seaford" Woinens' Insroltuje'was
.held at the home of jvirs. E1.'din.
Kerr, Kippen. The .Motto "Don't.
find fault,. find a rermedyr" . was
taken by Ma's,, A, Crozie Mein—
bets - garve sngsgesthik ns for. iii
,provement of greetings, the
most popular •being 4 arrive
on time so meetings could begin
on time.
Mast.. C. •Vaaidea�on • derision •
strated two tasty recipes n Lt ve
to her ' homeilaand, • Holland. Cur-
rent Events were tgitven by Mrs.
L. Carter and Mrs,' A.. Crozier
told- "Heww. to Preserve -a Hns-
Corespondence inrolruded a fet-
ter and, picture Groan t>he W:I.
adopted ehikl in' Cow Loon,.
Hong Kong. Standing Coinnnit-
tee reports srnowed a ette!ce5sful
Mas. Jes. Dru nt mond, Kippen, •
District lreisideait, 1►r9u .ht
..greetings,. -and Peel ler 'the
eleetlion and: :instars i ; of -
(heti*"- A npr E,
)�W4�,,,'lei .f .4, .,1:1 �';1�N:n�
Th -e meettingr:3isrteQieldati4.14
ter • f cin Mrs Redman,
Volunteer Ceolinator of Activ-
ities at the 'Ontario 'Hospitatl','
Goderich int 'wht'ch e.appreeiation
was expressed for assdfance
given by the • Insrtitute..' �n her
letter she said: .
"On behalf of the patients, the
sr: aff of the Ontario Hospital,
and myself, please accept our '
thanks for the wonderful. St.
Patr ck's Day prognaan present-
ed for ;the entjoymrent' of allii. 'To' -
say the lerastt it was a'
warding effort. The patients
v ,redelighted with the enter-
tainment rand are :still talking ' •`•
about. it.
• .I should also like to say a -
special "thank yon" . for the'
lunch, so liberally provided =
this was a real novelty feature,
Would you please convey our .
thanks to the individual mem-
bers of the groups? I feel as
though I should write to each
One separately, in return for the
pleasure they. -gave our patients,
With best wishes: to you; Mrs.
•Strong and to all of your talent-
ed friends," ' •
Results of recent elections
for the Officers. of the Seaforth
Women's Institute for 1965-1966 '
were as follows,:
Post President; Mrs. Jas.
Key's:; Pre idetnb,-Mrs. L.
S1rini ; 1:s't Vice President,
Mrs. R. M. Scott; 2nd • Vice
President, Mrs. • 'Eidinr • Kerr;
Sec-Treas., Mrs. W: Coleneen;
M tric^ Director, Mrs, Jas. •
Keys; :alternate, Mrs'. L. Strong; ReaatIons, Mrs, ,Z E.
MacLean; Auditors, Mrs., R. J.
Meg andMrs. J. Hn1Ierbretsht; ..
Pi<zrrs:, Mrs. J. M'c'Gre,ger;
Barneh, Directxlrrst Mrs. J. Hillte-
brectit, Mrs. Jno. Kerr, Mrs.
RlKlin Kerr.
Members were remanded • to
cr*nsulrt their programs forr spec- ..
ial and 'Standing Committee
Convenors. ,
r .•xi,, �xlu airw
� + re ire
iCnftrrrade arras of Goderich, Zone Commander, paid her
official visit to the Legion Ladies Auxiliary and was intro-
dueed:by the President, Comrade P. Coombs. Twenty-seven
members answered the' roll with a donation -of clothing for
the Ctri1Uren's Aid, Goderich. The 8;30 draw war not won.
Comrade,,Cltarnbers won an' Y apron donated b Corrirade L.
1'3r` wit,rand mystery, prizes were won by, Comrades E. Brown
t Y�':°'i�fi Wednesday tw o `. oa"
, y, 4 �`X , 0'f Legion mem-
g n
bars and Legion Ladies Auxiliary visited with Georrge-. cis p�
sten; the Auxiliary's adopted Veteran aiidt•his :coon] Mate§
at \Ves'tminster Hospital, when treats Wein ' distribirteif.
Shown here are (left) 11 trs. Ken Barry, Mrs. James
Mr. 'berttpster, Auxiliary President, 4ItS C.. ., a
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