HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-04-15, Page 510 I - 4 S) ' 'EV -1 A L BOYS' Sprin'g, jackets r $2,95 Others — 4.9,5 to 8.95. Men's, $4.95 Others — 8.95 to 15.95, B [LL 0'SHEA MEN'S WEAR 0 MG, INVITATIO 1 NS COASTERS 0 GIFT IDEAS • SERViETTES JHE HURON EXPOSITOR Dial 527-0240 Seaforth Notice of POWER I INTERRUPTION [ (weather peimltting) -, '1965 Friday, ,April 16th 9 a.m. to- 11 'a.m. AREAS AFFECTED:, EAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET Between No. 8 High*ay an& CNR Tracks /WEST SIDE OF' VICTORIA STREET East side of Victoria from Gouinlock to Crombie, Crombie St. and George St. Interruption necessary to, change Primary Lines YOUR CO-OPERATION IS REQUESTED SEAFORTH PUBLIC. UTILITY, COMMISSION D. SILLS: R. J. BOUSSEV;' Chairman Manager WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 WE'RE .SPR UTING, Y 0 v A "' . i ri .j M f� W .a. ,�i, ,.'n tyy,? 1,�yy,Ej►jp1� �j ,1y � �', �' % j, 4, d` A , 4 A C 4 7 �KF t 4`2ary 6' 0 WN becks 't 1 ell C ir Interest in'the Meat lnspeq� The J�oAthVj:�;" .4 4L�'O', tu' - r M is Martin Dietz, the presi- and A Act (Qatari, prompted a, oward Quere. tl y% A; - 0.10V Ilroftggew'-ar � 1-11.1. . S, bu , Fre6 Litt b .d4 "DU "Aft� dent, conducted thq, business, s.er, Pat.ri ?I ly discussion at the second b cl " j3etn, PA Bob,, of io bet of It wagdecide t0hold the next Mitchell, Mr. and. Ws, F d meeting of the Huron County A., and OIW466 p+ t, lgft meeting -on Tuesday jrr,," Abattoir Operators' Associati Y evening, Klrdssler, Mr, and Mrs. �B -19 May 4, and on Wednesday eve, Smith and Nancy, of Strgtford; gn caterers seryod, 40�, mbmtXtW held at thi agrlOulfdroj board 9( roast bOef 40100n nine, May 5.,'the group will on- Mr. and, Mrs. Martin plegel, R MILLS room In Clinton,'- March 30th. PAY YOU espear Rev. and M"r& Wardell R061pli. Bauer intro- tertain the ladles of Alice and �hak Thirteen owners. were present duced Waite, , e; Walter Gert,,h, of - Milver- First Lutheran Church, Lo An. harold, Brill, Bkod e Accou or represented. hog n pt ton, as president of the Mid- The Western District Assena. and Mrs. Donald S -lemon' and The act and regulations western Indust;jal DevelOPMeilt bl is being held at Wellesley Utirtay, Mitchell; Mr. and A, NO OPERATING C were explained by Dr. K. A. Beard. Xr." Geith in' y Mrs. I turn, In- on May 51 from 10 a.m. to 4 George Rock; Walton; M_r. and McDermid, Director, Regqla. troduced Wiiiiain Vrquhardt, p, Correspondence and thank Mrs. Warren. Sholdice, Scarbor- d tory Division, Ontario Depart- the chairman of then same board. 310m' C -L I N TO N C07 Monk - went of Agriculture, U cards were read by� the sec. Miss Ruth Davey, M_ T of the Mr. Urquhardt explained how retary, AR, Veterinary Services Bfteh,. the board got its start -and Mrs. L. Pfeifer, along t0hFUr. and Mrs.- Gary Shol. UNIO Its with 'the minutes of the last dice', Paul and Mark and Mrs. CREDIT N.'- L I TED, Dr. McDermid's department purpose. As a help to local meeting. A donation was' re- Elizabeth Querengesseri, Brod• will take over the supervision people, a separate--�board is set ceived. Mrs. R. Sholdice gave h4gen. of slaughtering plants except up, called A"A. - This is to the treasurer's report in the Visitors With Mr. and Mrs. those under federal inspection be kept at the local level, us' absence of the treasurer. Mervyn 11odgert on Sunday for Read the Advertis "d the plants engaged solely in g local people to run, -it. In Advertisements — It's a. Profitable Pastimel in slaughtering animals exeippt- this way they know the needs A wedding dinner is to be Audrey's confirmatioil were: ed from the act and regulati6n§. of Aheir own 'district, and can served in the church basement Mr. and Mrs. Norman, Fergu - ----- The Huron County Abattoirs pass on the information as . on May 21, and a fiftieth, wed. son, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Per- 4 have been under the supervi- what assistance to ding annivorsary-dinn6r on May gus6n, Mrs. Warren 90hilbeand is required ; 22. Committee's were appoint- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hodgert, sion of the Health Unit since farmers talk to other farmers its inception in 1949. Because about their beefs, so' if - these ed for both. Birthdays were re- all of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. or- Easter'' Paradci of of the requirements- enforced ported by Mr1b. Lavern Wolfe N111 MdClIncheY, of Varna, and could be passed along to the Mrs. It Miller, . s. Marti Mr and the progressiveness of the department, maybe their prob vin Mill Mrs.� Annie Ffilkbehler, of gur- rland Rohrer Aild ich. Mrs. Jonas Dittmer. Lunch was 'Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ellie operators, it is expected that a leets could be solved. The fu Mr minimum of change in facili- tune is our problem and can - ties and practices will be necat not be left to other hands to served by Mrs. Ed. Scherbarth, sen, Terry and Warren attend- fasm essary. The -Goderich Abattoir solve. He asked the local C Sr., Mrs. Russell, Sholdice, Mrs, ed the auction sale of farm has been under veterinary meat of C to participate actively and Lavern Wolfe, Mrs; Minnie stock and implements of - her inspection. since 1948. This, has to name a member to i . represent Voch and Mrs.' Fred Young. mother, Mrs. Mabel Higgerson, been en provided, by the towrl, pof- the Chamber and pass alone, On Palm Sunday the seven RR 4, Mitchell, on Friday. Mrs. fers and National Health grants. ideas and suggestions: tecumins were confirmed, Higgerson has sold her farm, The butchers express, optim- Warden Bauer asked 'the namely: Sheila Dietz, Bonnie but will be residing in' the. ca sho'e' ism in that the public would members what they thought of Hoegy, Audrey Hodgert, Bever. house. place the same confidence in supporting a hospital for Mit- ley Sholdice," Jim Henderson, , Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Byer- begins at' provincial lay and veterinary shell. Several members voiced Jim Diegel and 'Gary Dietz, at man, Acton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed - meat inspection as they have their opinions. The. outcome of St, Peter's Lutheran Church, gar Ritz, Kitchener, and held for federal and local meat Brodhagen, by ' Rev. -Harold and Mrs. Henry E. Diegel, Brod a vote by members shOv�ed �,r. - READ"S SHOES & LUGGAGE inspection., The acceptance Of they were not in favor. It was Brill, The church was filled hagen, at the home of Mr. and the Ontario Approved, Inspec- felt the Mitchell district is not with parents,. sponsors,, relatives Mrs. Henry C. Diegel foi Jim - tion' Legend by the public will large enough to support a fully and friends. Bouquets of white my's confirmation. open up new markets for some equipped hospital. A medicaj flowers were on the altar from •Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennewies, 9 Latest Heels and of the operators. 'The officers Clint- would the confirmation class. The ciation with the needs of the Mitchell junior Choir sang in anthem, his brother, Earl- Bennewies,- of the Operators' Association be more 'in line of Lorifti, spent Sunday with are: President, Ron Merner, Of district. with Joanne Jarmuth and Shar- and ­Mrs. Egrl Bennewie's. Flats, Patents, Black Dashwood, 'and secretary -tress- on Dietz taking the solo parts k . I ur071 Albert Deichert,, of,Zuf. Church Won�en­Meet Mr, and Mrs. Chris W. Leon- Leather, Past6l- Pa- ich. Pastor Brill, using as his text, ''hardt and- Mr. and Mrs.. Ross . . . . . . . . . . The members of the Luther- "Be faithful unto death and I Leonharid't,. Kim and Kathy, tents and Assorted an -Church Women met on Wed• will give you the crown of� spent Sunday. with Mr. George Classified ads pay dividends. nesday afternoon at St. Peter's life Pastor Brill asked the Jacob, Kitchener. Colors. to spent the winter months -wit For Complete were in charge of Mrs-.- Chris tion mean?" He helped us Lutheran Church. The diiviitions qu�stibn: "What does confirms- Mrs. Lena Bennewies, who Ra- W. Leonhardt, Mrs. Reuben R - see that confirmation is not a her family in Toronto and Ful- Shoes iftclude 'Unimold' by -Sav- INSURANCE Children s Alenpien and . Mrs. Fred Young. graduation service from tell- lartonj is naw with her laugh- age ked.and White Patent T -Straps on you#* The topic 'was, "Love Takes gious instruction, but it is just lets, Mrs. George Rock, McKil- M. HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, Many Forms." MA. Lew Hiqks a beginning into more meaning- Isses., CAR, ACCIDENT, as the,,piahist. for the I lop, • and Mrs, Robert French, CIDENT� LIABILITY w _W.mns; ful religious experience.. In Brodhagen. . I reading, "My Deck of Cards," closing he said.the OR LIFE giv6n, and Pastor Br purpose of Mrs. Jack Sommerville and SEE ill confirmation is to help us to Charlie, of ktobicoke, visited spoke on Revelations, chapter know God in Christ ----- - ---- . God is Mr. and. Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and 2, verse 8, faithful to us; we must be faith-' Mt. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice, f ul to Him. Mt. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe After the service, Pastor. 13'rill attended .the confirmation of s. FUMERAL was presented with ' a 28 -inch, their' nephew, Wayne Hint, at electric hand made bright brass Seebaeli's"Ifill. Lutheran Church MRS. ALBINO O'LEARY solid, walnut wall clock frorn, on Sunday afternoon and were The ,death occurred in, Brant-„ the, class the guests •-of his parents, Mr. ford on Wednesday; March 3,1,' n Friday evening, Russell' and, Mr's. VZra,Hinz, near Seb- of Mfg. Albino, O'Leary, in hdr Sholdice took as .-his guests, ringville, 94th yeit. Surviving are two Rev. Harold Brill, of St. Peter's' visitol,5 with Mr. and Mrs. daughters, Mary, of*California; Lutheran Church, Brodhageh, Wilbur Hoegy on'.Sunday for Celestine, of BtaAtf6rd; and and Rev. Patzer, First Lutheran their daughter Bonnie's confer - 3 four sons, Brother Arthur, -of Church, Logan, to ministers" mation'were Mr. and Mrs. Les - Scarborough; Patrick, of Brant- night dinner at the ' Mitchell lie Wietersen, Bornholm; Mrs. JOHN A. CARDN0 ford; Andrew, of Toronto, and Lions Club., Henry Wietersen and Mrs. Carl Insurance Agency Ighatius, of London. A son, Visitors at the home of Mr. Eisler, Logan; Mrs. Louie Hil- Latest in Men's Frederick, ,was killed in World and Mrs. Russell .,Sholdic!,�. on lebrecht and Edgar, Brodhagen, 'HEELS 'hone 527-0490 S64f0rth War 11. Palm Sunday on the occasion, and Mrs. Fred Hoegy, Seaforth. SPANISH Office Directly Opposite Followifig Requiem Mass in of their daughter Beverley's , Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beuerman, Seaforth Motors Brantford on Saturday,' the body confirmation at St. Peter's Luth-r' Michelle and Michael, of Mit- was brought to the Cleary fun- eran Church, were: -Mr. and Aell, with his parents, Mr. and DRESS SHOES P n', eral home, Seaforth, and thence Mrs. George Quincey, Montreal;' and Mrs, 'Manuel Beuerman. to the- Elizabeth- Ritz Mauso- Mr. and 'Mrs., Robert Queren-, Visitors at- the home of Mr. leum, Mitchell, for temporary gesser and Carol,, Richmond and Mrs, Mervin Dietz on Sun- -entombment, with burial to fol, Hil; Mr. and Mrs, Donald day for Sheila's confirmation CAS-_' U A L S low in St. James' cemetery, Rolph and Kathy, of Mitchell; were: Mr. and Mrs. John Diet Seaforth.. Father C. E. Sulli- Mr, and Mrs.. L. P. Plumsteel Dublin;,. Mr. and Mrs, Victozr,, T;, HGme of Hush Puppies Vail officiated. and Bob, of Seaforth; Mr. and 4ackson, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Pallbearers' were 'Frank No- Plk.'Sam Clark Mitchell; Mr James Norris q r _;; I for, the N -N -hole fainilv! I I I .. . Y. 01 1 lanj Frank Reynolds, Joseph J. and Mrs. Harold Diegel, Mit-;Brarnpton; Mr. and Mrs. -Milton Lane, Arthur Devereaux, Gor- shell; Mr. and Mrs-- Win. Bin-; Dietz and faraily,, of Sc4orth: don McKenzie and Con Eckert ning and Jane, Mitchell; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ro,; Jackson amd .'family, of Harriston: Mr. and Mrs.. MJurice Carnerie and Rev. Harold Brill, Brodh .,on ReaC�'S Si'loes,&.' family of Stratford. R .,. and Mrs. a, -W were their guests the pr.evious TRADE NO week. flit. and Mrs. Flarvey Dolmas Order your Spring requirements now! Sorry, of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. but Seed Grain is in very shok supply.We did oS Ivan Bennewies and Warren..of Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Har- ati"-facticr (41aranteed 527-0690, .have 18 Mixtures and 40 Grades'and Varieties of Seed Grain. Now we -can offer. you four Golden rsaU old Dietz, for their son Gary's Mixtures and 14 Grades' 50, A,nnive' confirmation. and Varieties on a first-. ordered first-served basis. Don't be caught at FR-101DAIRE J seeding time! Order fo-day! WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SUPPLY OF: cycla-matic SAVEYOUR MONEY -SAVE YOUR TIRES - SEED, BEANS ---:-Reg., No. 1 Seaway or Sanillac TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE ,SEED. CORN—Funk's and Jacques (Sorry, some popular varieties are sold out) Grass Seed—'Topnotch Forage Mixtures designed for your needs ;A teciaPeal where You. get'the services* of forage consultants.%n Priced' from a $8.55 per acre up • NKKriCorrect 'taster and Camber T. ,Bag Lot Seeds are Available and the Price Will Be -Up As Soon Check Steering Ralditis As. Preseni Stocks Are Sold! .... ....... & Adjusi Toe -in ... • ........... 0 Adjust Steering Box GerffiinatioD Certificates can be seen upon, request. 0 Adjust Front Wheel Bearings FERTILIZER—C-1-L Super Flow,,bagged and bulk, at competi- ( tive Prices ih U022, Inspect Front Suspension SEED FLAX —Certified No. 1 Marine Available. SPECIAL PRICE Cash oron contract" but present stock i� in short supply. We have an excellent supply of all Fencilg $,8.00 �;X F'— ALL MODELS Materials at at competitive pees.rf BARB,WIRE • STEEL POSTS FARM FENCE • CEDAR POSTS BRACE WIRE • STAPLES Order today and have no delay at seeding time I r / • OT -C H . P�,O$ LIMITED 'Phone. 617-1910 Seaforth • No defrosting ever in Refrigerator Section. • Store 110 Ibs. in'2ero zone Freezer. I Twin Porcelain Enamel Hy4ieors. Roomy storage door, $2,99 With trade B'OX URN TURE Phone '527-0980 Seaforth SPECIAL WHEEL BALANCE, Price (Weights Extra) Per Wheel $1.75, 1 'Comparabte Savings On Other Models Seaforth Guardian M.oto rs Phone 521-1750 Seafoillf,: -1 YA, 42