HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-04-08, Page 9• W LLI M: M. HART... Phone 527,0870 , • Seaforth • M SEAFORTH 11�O .RK8 MONU ENT _.. t}.• MONUMENT. DAILY n T. Pryde & *Son. ALL TYPES 'OF CEMETERY- MEMORIALS Ingitiries are invited;- Teiephone Numbers: ' EXETER 2x35.0620 CLINTON 4529421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis: Dundas • M r e INCOME TAX i If, you need help in making your return, I shall be glad to assist; ,for which the fee is very reasonable. But make your appointment as early as possible, please! H. G. MEIR Phone 527-1250 Seaforth DID YOU KNOW .. that Sun Life of Canada,s}s or of the world's leading life insurano• comi anies, with -150. branch office. 'throughout North America? As the Sun Life represent - afire in flour community, mai, 1 he of service? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 — • 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun, Life Assurance Company'of Canada FERTILIZER SERVICE A complete Warehouse Service ...now within a few miles afyour farm. Products- • SUPER FLOW Fertilizers in bulk or bags ,. C -t -L Anhydrous Ammonia iri 2 -ton nurse tanks (applicators available) - • Special Turf and Gdrden Fertilizers (GOLFGREEN ant! gVERGREEN) Services Save time and money with the CSI -L Bplk Spreading Service. A fast,efficient method of top -dressing and broadcasting. • Truck bulk spreaders • 800ipound "Lely" spreaders • •4 -ton pull -type spreaders • Soil Testing Laboratories • Farm Advisory"$ervice - Ell)FERTILIZER SERVICE Topnotch Feeds Limited SEAFORTH Phone 527-1911 BRUSSELS = Phone 199 - W. G. Thompson .8‘ 'Sons. ENSAI,L Phone 26212527 Centralia ',Farm' Supply• CENTRALIA —Phone 228.8638' . Norman Cennter,; Ql4494, chairman of the - finance, com- mittee of the Central• Huron Secondary school, Clinton, pre- sented a801,43$,, budget to •the board' Wednesday night;; to cover. the . operations; ,of the school for,1965, The board has requisitioned a rev from it.. nine supporting municipalities of $170,208 or 16 mills.—a de- crease of two mills for the high school district. Mr. Counter . explained that althoughthecost of operating had increased for this year, $314,154 would bereceived in legislative grant, an increase_ of $51,720 over 1965. ,Tuition.,fees for 1965 were estimated to be $314,262,; an increase of $35,- 679. 35;679. A surplus from last year amounted t0 $31,270. ExPenditiires listed showed cost of administration, $49,658; instruction, $631,486; plant op- eration and maintenance, $77; 077; transportation, $55,000; auxiliary services, development and miscellaneous, $30,330. The 1965 debenture levy of $47,892 is included. The cost per day • for ' a stu- dent enrolled in the technical course is $3.03, and in the academie • course, $3.05. Last year the cost per day for the technical student was $2.71, anti for academic, $2.43. Fred: • "How do you meet ex- penses?” Ed.: "My wife • introduces them to me." The 1arg'estl ad ectors arid. •z 4415' er's , mi^ es of Bim' - A> T Sooi�ety, held ThLifi 'y even4ng`,• 171 M7eln7A41iail 'HaJ1,• wwas eTt."our",. 4vging and 'them en`Glrusia?s ni m!la�s baker asp a#.014.011, fol+' •the sije l ees,.of 'thc 16Bi h Fa41 Fair to be • held elmnlbe r 21S t aril 22nd. The same!',;, H e1.ubs+a vV again be oiwed, nani�el� . ]B+ly�h Dain 11 Balt. Clhib B1yhh-B�el1gra;ve B' galif Blyth 4-I; Gn in Curb.- In the Senio7: Cannons grain corn will again be wed as field crlop, but it should be noted that .5 ',i1�eres are reguirekOr a de,^ "fart l and'"? '•;sb Tte: . e average u •fir ,eor p'el titdon % - i issp,• them V ' ttiassuon mush' be ob!Galned. 'leaders in .the gratin c loo n 7 npetihion are i3.mllce F Omer; rge Watt„arid Rebep' l at°Ce detega�tt to� a poalyentlion %ow recently in TOrmrdo I<a?'f 1pniting gave �a. c'Q'hgipreh�ensn�ve. freponb of the events Of the first day.• George Watt d'with the report of the second day's. ptiograim • The Feeder Cal CIO header's were requested tie make' another OPP Report3 '•Traffic Data ' A, 117 (3,721); ,rules of the road, . Part VV, HTA, 123 (1,-, 830); careless driving, Sec. 60, HTA, 22 (279);, fail to report. Accident, Sec. 143, HTA, .2 (47); :fail to remain at . scene, Sec. 143(a), HTA, 1 (19).; other 'charges, HTA,, 2 (67); crimin- al negligence, Sec. 221(1) (a), C., Code, 0 (0); fiangerous driv- ing, See. 221(4), C. Code, 4 (20); fail to remain at scene, Sec. 221(2), Cr Code, .a (18);, drive while intoxicated,. Sec. 222,' C. Code, 3 (37); ability impaired, Sec. -223, C..Code,' 7 (165); drive while prohibited, Sec. 225, C. Code, 5 (56); uniform strength, 1,99 (2,626). • The highway traffic, statisties for the Counties. "of Huron; Perth, Waterloo, Wellington, Grey and Bruce, and known as' No. 6 ,District, with headquar- ters at Mount Fore'st, for Feb-' ruary, are (Provincial totals, in brackets): Motor vehicle accidents, 262 (2,591); fatal accident, 3 '' (33) persons killed, 3 (434; persons, injured, 112 . (980); vehicles checked, 1,772 (41,219);, warn- ings issued, 691 (18,307); charg- es preferred, 394 (8,623); regis- tration and permits, • Part II, H.T.A., 16 :(2161); licences: op- erator, chauffeur and . tempor ary and driving instructor, Pt. III, HTA, 20 .(490); garage and storage licences, Part W, HTA, 0 (3); defective equipment,.•Pt. V, HTA, 66 (1,204); weight, load and size, Part VI, HTA, 6 (2065, Rate of speed, Part VII, , HT THIS WEEK and NEXT [Under the Maple Leaf By RAY ARGYLE In the past five weeks I Have travelled across Canada, from Newfoundland to Vancouver Is- land, asking questions about. where this country is going and what is happening to it. The mood of the country is one of optimism and' cheerful i ness, despite the near -paralysis which has gripped Parliament the past• two years. And, despite scandals and in- decision in Ottawa, nowhere did • I detect much sentiment favoring another ,general elec- tion. •There seemed to be agree-, ,ment among rriany that .the %ountry needs a. breathing spell and a rebuilding period from. the bitter 'political infighting that has been waged in Ottawa. •. The resignation of John Die- t'enbaker would speed this pro- cess tremendously. I got the .as - NOTICE -, For Co -Op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 - John St. 'SEAFORTH Complete . Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and .Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance' NEED SEED? GET TOP VALUE BUY j- impression that his leadership has become increasingly dis- creditedthroughout the coun- try. And it also would give Prime Minister Pearson a period of relief from •the incessant ob- struction which he no* faces. Time, one would hope, to clean out. the scandal -tinged Quebec. wing of the Liberal party and get his government batik on the rails. The country would ,then ,be abler to intelligentldecide which of the two'major parties. could offer the country the -best leadership". My recent travels have re- minded me again of the won-, derfut diversity of •Canada. Nova 'Seotians, for. instance, are boasting about the accom- plishments of their unique ad- venture in government and bus- iness co-operation through In- dustrial Estates Limited. This •is a government sponsored body set up to assist new industry. It is already -paying off in sev- eral important, new manufac- turing plants, with a second auto assembly plant preparing to move into p the province" This one . will import Japanese cars. Quebec, still in' the throes of finding itself as a modern pro- vince after many years of stulti- fication under reactionary gov- ernment, is' the liveliest pro- vince in Canada at the mom- ent. Its •bold new experiments in education' are . really more significant than the talk of sep- aratism which has drowned out quieter,. but more important trends. Ontario, big, busy and bus- tling, looks ahead in 1965 to its most prosperous year ever. Bay Street is reporting new profit highs and . new employment re- cords. The Prairie West is looking ahead to another big grain crop with ne,v sales .to Rnssia`and China in " prospect.' 'Saskatche- wan is finding it easier to lure new industry under " a Liberal Government, and Premier Thatcher has made a popular. move by clipping the province's sales tax from• fiveto four per cent. - Jones, MacNaughton Seeds have provided •residents to t Western Ontario with reliable : e and -dependable results for t years and years. Long experi- g ence with the soil types and t climate peculiar to this area, has .made • the Jones, Mac- Naughton experts completely familiar with the strains that c are best suited to these con- c ditions. , - a You can be sure of successful results from all Jones, Mac - Naughton farm -seeds; true to - a variety and high in germina- tion. They know your needs s and • fulfill them exactly! And Jones, MacNaughton have always enjoyed the reputation of offering full valine the best duality seeds at fair,' low price's,. Always•demand seeds from Jones, MacNaughton-- Western Ontario's leading seed specialists: From your local dealer or Albertans are excited about he new provincially -sponsor - d company ,which will soon be appoing oil out of the world's reatest petroleum reserves of he northern tar sands fields. British Columbia's Okanagan Valley is currently the most fas- inating region of the west oast' province, • although there re Other spectacular develop ments in the interior, particu- arly • the huge Columbia river ower development program rid the Peace River.. hydro cheme ,further north. The Okanagan° is reaping the benefit of 'better highway eon- nectiQn with Alberta over the. fainous Rogers Pass through- way. And it is bringing more rnQtiey .and, mote people into the valley than ever before. In Vancouver, I counted eight new high-rise buildings under construction: in the downtoyvn area. And even these will be dwarfed by a 50 -storey B.C. kovernment building .now on the drawing boards. And everywhere t went, I saw the new maple leaf flag flying proudly from the ; flagstaffs of the .nation: As f heard ,the CBC radio coinmentntor covering the World hockey games from far- away Vinland renark, "It sort of grows on you, It makes you real proud to • see it fluttering there iii the 'breeze „ r "9 ""1, 1r�, .•. P bjN Jones MacNaughton Seeds EXETER."Phone 235,0343'• CREDITO$.:-,-Ptrone 234.6343 • Every week more. people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. N - O —W • • • is the time to protect your home and build- ings from Wind and Cyclone Disaster . WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER •:� RANCE CO. Wo •lr.;,; ock The Largest .,ther Insur- ance Company n Canada 'welcomes you. FOR FIRE • WIND • HAIL or ACCIDENT INSURANCE ' CALL OR WItiT ;: V. J. LANE R.R. 5 SEAFORTH Phone 107 tt" 12 - ,DUBLIN' n sj eetdon ', 11}e loam the: eallrep , arearx d s11te' had `received 'v ?a. • PROS' AMP: e'everall :e l era.: for- the second'.afiterno 0','9'f.'6he:' far,• Drivers who drive - fastest past sChool are, the sane ones who toots sok long . getting through it; • . ,initostigate ,,1te roost -,: nomfeal 'Oppfr Nitro en for - Corn, 4ugap`•:.Bee0, White edits• r • .. a imonja. FROM AGRicO, ' >'hQne S 7, • aIti:ng Bailey SEED and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED ,• White Beans SEED. and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED 4 We Have All Popular Varieties Sanalac, Seaway, Michelite, Saginaw Seed Oats 494 Barley CONTRACTS . OATS—Russell, Garry, Rodney BARLEY= Herta, Brant, York, Keystone G. THOMPSON lt.SONS LSD. ' HENSALL 262-2527 i Corvair Monza Sport Coupe Chevrolet Impala' Super`Sport Coupe Oldsmobile Della 88 Holiday Coupe A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE At your Cher -Olds dealer's now —it's DE'N' VEL TIME... 8 great names to choose from Hero's where you find great trades. Right now your Chev-Olds dealer is paying top " "'dollar for good" used cars. So come-on in. Here's where you'll find the great travel- lers. Here's your chance to make a great deal• -on the beautiful new Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy I[, Corvair, Corvette, Oldsmobile, Oldsnbbile -F-85 or Envoy Epic. With immediate delivery in most cases! And hore's where you'll find plenty of used car bargains too! ' So why shop around? Visit your Chev-Olds dealer: Trade today and travel away in style! It's Trade 'N' Travel Time...At-Your Chevrolet -Oldsmobile Dealer's Now! AUTHORIZED. DEALER IN SEAFORTH: PHONE S27 -1 /'SO ot .1 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO . w�a tire t-o'SO Saiortb bear#a b tit"i# Qtn'trn,r • • y 4,0/ ix,, oh ffok yuut;lo al Irstrnils 'I b rin • :i .{{ ;r.