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14013P; WAPON ExPosrroR. swoRpi,
APRIL, 8, 1965
iitottliside Miff Has
The Easter Thankoffering
meeting of the United Church
Women c.1 Northside was held
Tuesday. The president, Mrs.
G. McKenzie, opened the meet-
' trig with a poem, 'The Life
You've Lived Today." A hymn
was sang and a prayer offered.
Mrs. McKenzie extended a wel-
come to all present. ,Guess
were present from the Presby-
terian, Anglican, Egmondville,
St. James' and Winthrop
Mrs. Nelsen Reid, of Walton,
president of Centre Section of
Huron Presbyterial, was pres-
ent and brought -greetings from
the Presbyterial, and congratu-
lated the president on uniting
all the women of Seaforth for
this meeting. Northside mem-
bers were eminded of their
,turn to vi t at the Ontario Hos-
pital at Ttrich in April.
Mrs, E. Williams, for .Com-
munity Friendship, reported 214
calls made. Mrs.. 0. Oke re-
ported 39 boxeS of fruit and
one plant had been sent out.
Mrs. McKenzie extended an
invitation to all to attend the
cantata. Our Living Lord," be-
ing presented by Northside
choir on Sunday, Apri1411, at
7 p.m.
Mrs. P. B. Moffat, president
of Unit Two, presided for the
devotional part of the meeting.
Hymn 254 was sung. Miss
Gladys Thompson read the
Scripture from St. Luke and,
led in prayer. The offering was
received by :qrs. Ure Stewart,
Mrsy, Beth Bechely. Mrs. W.
Stephenson and Miss G. Thomp-
son, and dedicated by Mrs. J.
C. Britton. Nancy Berger and
Carol Brown favored with two
piano duet selections.
Mrs. R. Savauge introduced
the speaker, Mrs. Willis Van
Egmond, of Clinton, who works
as an occupational therapist at
the Goderich Ontario Hospital.
Occupational therapy provides
entertainment for the patients,
the speaker said, to keep them
occupied so they do not get so
much time to think about them-
selves. She told of the various
items the patients make, piece
quilt tops, and some quilt them
too; they do huck .embroidery,
knit socks, make ceramics and
weave rugs. A new loom has
recently been presented to the
hospital by the Foresters of
Huron County. Mrs, Van Eg-
mond displayed some of the.
items the patients had •made.
In 1964 they sold $783 worth of
items patients made, but had.
paid out $760 for materials to
work with. There are 80 pa-
tients who have no relatives
who would appreciate pen pals,
to receive a card at Christmas,
birthday and an occasional let-
ter, is a wonderful 'experience
for them.
A ladiessextet, composed of
Mrs. R. .McKercher, Mrs. E.
Williams. Miss R. Cluff, Mrs, E,
McCue, Mrs. D. Wood and Mrs.
N. Bell, sang, "I Am Listening."
Mrs. J. M. Scott thanked the
speaker , and all others taking,
part in the meeting. Hymn .100
was sung, and Rev. U. Stew-
art pronounced the benediction.
Married Couples
Plan Program
The Married Couples, Group
of' St.' Peter's Lutheran Church
met Tuesday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Hinz and Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Fischer in
charge of devotions and lunch,
-• Pastor 'Brill played some re-
cordings by J. S. Bach from the
• Passion of Christ, from Mat-
they 26 and a discussion fol-
Business was conducted by
the vice - president, Reuben
-Buuck, in the absence of the
• president, John Glopr. Mrs. R.
Sholdice, the secretary, read
the minutes and the treasurer
took up the collection and some
fees, which remain at $1.00 per
• The next meeting is Tuesday
- evening, April 27, with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Beuerman and Mr.
and, Mrs. Jack Gloor in charge.
,Lights, are being • inst'alle'd at
the parsonage and church to
. light up the back entrances to
the church and parsonage, in-
stead of. the ..post light as had
been previouslymentioned.
' Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck
and family attended the shower
for their niece, Mr. and Mrs.
Litt (Diane Pauli), at Milver-
ton .on Friday evening. Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Sholdice and Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Elligsen also
attended, Gary playing for
dancing with Wolfe's orches-
Mri and, Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
acconfpanied Mr. and Mrs. Mar-
tin Diegel, of Shakespeare; to
Toronto for the weekend, where
they attended the Home Show
and visited the former's jaugh-
ter, Mrs. Jaek SommerAle and
Mr. Sommerville, Ethobicobe.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe also were
guestS of' Mr. and Mrs. Kelly
Haupt, Toronto,
• Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hedged,
of Eketer, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Mervyn .Hodgert on
Sunday on the occasion of their
daughter Audrey's confirmation
at St. Peter's Lutheran Church,
arid Mrs. Hodgert being
Audrey's ..sponsors. at baptism.
Mr. arid Mrs. Norman Benne-
wies and Mr. and MTS. Louie
Bennewies were 'guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Drager, -RR'5,
Seaforth-, on 'Sunday, celebrat-
ing Mrsi Drager's birthday, and
herdaughter Janet's fifth birth-
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Hoegy •Sunday on the
occasion of their daughter Bon-
nie's confirmation were: Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Kieber, Ruth
Ann, Roy and Paul, of Kitchen-
er; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beuer-
man and Susan, Seaforth: Mr.
and Mrs. Peel Boyd, Randy and
Lindsay, and .Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Eickmeier, Brian and
Brenda ,of Logan.
Sharon, Sheila and Janice
Dietz, daughters of Mr. and.
Mrs. Mervin Dietz, took part in
the Mitchell figure skating carn-
ival on Friday evening. A num-
ber from here attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDou-
gall and Mr. Con Schellenber-
ger, of Mitchell, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dittmer on
Sunday, Mr. Sche I len herger
Will be celebrating his 92nd
birthday this Week..
The rites of Confirmation will
be conducted by Rev. Harold
Brill at St. Peter's Lutheran
Church. Brodhagen, on Palm
Sunday, April 11, at 11 o'clock,
. when four girls and three boys
will be confirmed. namely:
Sheila Janet Dietz, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Dietz;
Bonita Louise (Bonnie) Hoegy,
daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
• bur Hoegy: Audrey Grace.Hod-
gert. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Mervyn Hodgert; Beverley Eliz-
abeth Sholdice. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Sholdice; Gary
Frederick Dietz, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Dietz; James John
(Jinimy) Diegel, son •of Mr. and
Mrs. -Henry C. Diegel; James
Ivason (Jimmy) ,Henderson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Hender-
son. '
A call has been sent to Sem-
Marian John Kappas, of ,W4-
terloo, tb be minister of St.
Peters Lutheran. Church here.,
Mrs. E. J. Fischer, of Elm-
wood, visited with Mrs. Ed.
Scherbarth recently.
The Logan Federation of Ag-
riculture held a banquet at the
Community Hall here Wednes-
day evening.
• Mr. and Mrs. Cary Scholdice,
Paul and Mark and Roger Shol-
dice visited Mrs. Sholdice's,
ter, Mrs. Ronald Law and Mr.
LaW, Bowmanville, recently.
'Miss Glenda .Dickison, from
Brodhagen School, and Miss
Bonnie Hoegy ,of•SS No. 7, Lo-
gan, took part in public speak -
in at' Bornholm last week.
Mr. and' Mrs,' George Mogk
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
• ort Weitzel, of Mitchell, to the
skating carnival in St. Thomas
• arena, of which Miss Terri
Mogk, daughter of Mr. and
- Mrs. . Carman Mogk, of St.
Thomas, was a participant.
Mr. Chris W. Leonhardt at-
tended the Underwriters' Fire
Insurance Association conven•
ticin in • Toronto .recently.
• Mr. and Mrs.' Milton Brod-
hagen and family, of Brunner,
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk
• and Mr. 'and Mrs. George Mogk.
61043403114, aeiV4
rikes and Spares
St James' League,
Following are the results of
the first night of playoffs: Flip.
pers, 5; Night Hawks, 5; Hap-
py Gang, 5; Pacemakers, 2;
Crackerjacks, 2; HotshOts, 2.
Ladies' high, single and tri-
ple, Martha Van Geffen, 288
and 697; men's ,high,
290; triple,- Jaek Sne.a,, 089.
* *
Seaforth Mixed League
Playoffs started. Wednesday
with tha following results :
Kingfishers, 18; Swallows, 15;
Canaries, 11; Robins, 9; Orioles,
7; Martins, 4.
,:dr.,..13,140,1.1.= •
Ladies' high, single an4 tri-'
ple, 'Betty Smith47/; 857:' merits
high, Eric Matzold. 303, 749
Legion tealitie
Team standings:: Guttersnip,
ers, 110; Beatles, 107; Lucky
Strikes, 91; Hepcats, 67; Mar-
tians, 57; Red Caps, 52.
Ladies' high, single, Helen
Nicholson, 253; triple, Ann
Wood, 591; men's high, single,
Don Wood, 30,6; triple, Norm
MacLean, 763a
The.4Inal scheduled' game will
be .this FViday
Men!s later -Town
The final games, were played
Saturday, The playoffs - start
this Saturday with 'A' and '13'
groups. - The first and third.
teams meet in a home -and -home
series, while the second and
fourth teams do the same, with
total pinfall determining the
two winners for the semilnals.
• Tea* Th ,atalldilla up to March.
27; Exeter. 190; Cloud Nine,
187; Cliutqn RCAF, 187; Jim's,
Selects, 167; Little Bowl (Red),
161; Little' Bowl (Blue), 141;
Zurich, 88; Seaforth. 67.
The banquet will beLheld this
year on Saturday, Ma? 8, at
7:30 p.m., at RCAF Station Clin-
ton. Tickets: $100 for bowlers
and wives or girl driends; $2
for each guest. •"
"rtn teaching hint to bee"'
'Entertain At Dihner
Miss Beverley Sholdice enter-
tained a number of girl frieride
611t1 neighbors to a dinner and
.secial evening at the home of
let .parents, `arid Mrs. Rtis-
•011;ShelClice Oti Sunday on the
dt"'Iter Cenfirrriation
(By Jack Holland)
Well, comrades, we are into
April and still kits of snow
During the Lenten season
there was d' 11111 m the social
activities of the Branch, but
next weekend (April 18) and
Easter will he here," and let's
hope some njce weather along
with it.
* * *
By the way, Thursday night,
April 8th, will be our regular
meeting night. Let's see you
* A
Recently our 'Brandi lot two
more of their meihbers, hav-
ing been called to their reward,
but thinking back, comrades, to
the not to distant past, quite
a few of our comrades have
passed away: Ed. Brown,
Stark, J. M. MeMillhn, G. 'Bright -
r11, B. Muir, PatMcGrsath, Ed.
Miller,lohn Earle, Nelsen -Card-
no, Itoddy MacLean, whom 1
believe was tbn1y surviving
member 0Oiletegion wtv was
a Veteran .(it.the Beer .
.11OVIII of the
sr.` ...• ' • ,
Special Purchase!
Compare at 1.29
Here's a value tha t will
sweep you 'off your feet!
5 -string bind with wire
bound top. 54" hardWood
handle. •
• , .
For outboards, lawn mowers,
chain saws and other 2 -cycle
engines. 1 -qt. visible metered
Visor •
99, .
Multi - purpose compartments
for holding comb, memo 'pad,
licenae, photos, etc. Large
zippered map •pocket.
Clamp -On
PRICE 66 '
Two-tone, colour fast cotton,
• fastens to chairs, picnic ta-
bles, etc. 8 - rib steel frame
with 44", spread. Assorted
colours. ' .i.. -
!.• '• , , : • • ••• • .
• Reg..
- 2.69'
• AttractiVe,` fluffy, 'plush ani-
mals theme red bulbs for eyes,
• to function'as rear deck di-
rectional signals. Dog or cat.
50 -ft. Plastic
Worth at jeast $1.59. Candy -
stripe, sturdy 7/16" plastic.
hose; coniplete' with coup1-1
ings. Pre -season savings. I
Strong, Reliable
4.44. 2,91
Standard - Duty Bumper to Screw -Down Ball and Socket
Frame Connector -- for gross Coupler — can't accidentally
loads up to 2,000 - lb. Solid open while in use. For loads
steel draw bar. up to 2,000 -lb. gross.
SLE PING Single or Double Dutch
SALE 5-ipat
Save! Comfort, warmth, wear SPECIAL • SPECIAL .22
72". Full-zippey. Red kasha Strong, colourful, easy to handle; the kids will have a ball!
and design. Man size 36" x
lining, autumn gold pophn. , Durable, candy stripe plastic, with plastic handles moulded to
outer shell. •.. the rope. Full 7 -ft. long single rope; double dutch- tope -25 ft.
:rr,.••••"•••rr.r.: ''''''' ' , ' •••••••r:r?ivefrr?,r.er,:r:r
* Handsomely
* Safety
* Boys Girls
4 to 6 Yeirs
Canadian Made sturdy, easy riding
bike with convertible cross bar that raises or
loWers to suit ether boy or girl. Attractive lust.
rout "Fir. Chief" red baked, enamel, chrome
handlebars, adjustable seat. 16" ball Waring
wheels with 1V? moulded tires. Ball bearing
sprocket, chain-guarck
Regular 75c ea.
1st Quality, only the price has
been reduced. High1 compression
• distances ball for the better golf- me
er. Polybutadiene centre. Super- MI
tough cover.
Deluxe, Slide Shut Off *
, Greatly Reduced.
Soft 7" plastic oval head, extra
long thick bristles with flagged
ends. Rubber grip, all brass han-
dle. On-off water control valve.
1 . 4