HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-03-25, Page 9DIA YOU - that Sun ,life of Canada #a' us of the world's 'Aiding Life insurance companies, with 150 branch offices throughout North America? • A* the Sun Life represent alive in your community, map" 1 be of service? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 ' — 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada NEED RUBBER STAMPS? • THE HURON EXPOSITOR Dial. 52.7-0240 -- Seafortli iiM" 91LICIIMIT 1964 '550' CLASSIC—A.T: 1964 RAMBLE`R 440 CONVERTIBLE ,1964 AMERICAN 1963 AMBASSADOR—Automatic 1963 VAUXHALL 4 -DOOR 1962 FORD FAIRLANE 1961 AMERICAN—Deluxe 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1958 FORD V-8 COACH 1957 FORD V-8 COACH MILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1410 Seaforth Cars May Be ,Seen Across the- Street at Huard's Service Station :.TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT TENDERS Tenders will be received by the . Township of Hulled for the construction of an Improvement on a Municipal • Drain, known as: "TAE MURRAY LAMB MUNICIPAL, DRAIN" • The construction shall consist of the follow- ing work : 2,592 Lineal Feet of Covered Drain 2 Catch Bas,iris Repairing existing Tile Drain as shown in the Report and Filling the Exist- ing Overflow Drain. The Plans and Specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Lot I6,. con. 8, Hullett Township, Tenders' must be accompanied by a certified cheque ' to the amount of 10% of the tender price,and must be submitted to the Clerk's Office not later than 6:00 o'clock , p.m., April 3rd, 1965. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk -Treasurer R.R. No. 1, LONDESBORO, ONTARIO AIt CAMEI F�.%f afrg A /14149,2164 ire 'Pala ,, j+esr'rF NIP, 2'9PtI; ea �/tr, .,r Bl aoa:"fit ':q 4�{.1 f<� Pr 1,0 "And now here is the CBC National News, read by Earl Cameron", is probably the most familiar introduction. on Canadian broadcasting.. lVfillions of Canadians habitually tune to CBC announcer Cameron reading the news on CBC radio or television. Cameron was born in Moose Jaw in 1915. He taught school, drove a hearse and worked as a lifeguard and railway section hand before joining the CBC as a staff announcer at Toronto 21 years ago. THIS WEEK and NEXT After Diefenbaker, Who? By RAY ARGYLE . Bay Street and St. James Street. Will Dieferibaker's departure help or hurt the Conservatives?. • Will voters still loyal to Mr. Diefenbaker desert the Tory ranks once their chief is gone? Or will the thousands of Cana- dians who supported the Tories in the early days of the Dief- enbaker leadership, return to its ranks under a new leader? This dilemma arises from the fact that John Diefenbaker has fulfilled , the strange • role of being, at one and the same time, both the Conservatives' greatest asset, and their great- est liability. Hit policies 'of the last three years have split the party sharply between urban and ru- ral wings, between English speaking and french speaking branches, and between Western and • Eastern blocs, In 1965, he has lost the sup- port of big city and suburban voters, thrown away the loyal- ty of his Quebec followers, and has been left • with”- only his person Prairie base of party faithful. The new Conservative leader will have to regain this lost 'support while at the same time holding on to the Diefenbaker vote of the Prairie Provinces. He also wil 'have to make an attempt to re at least some measure of pp rt in Quebec. The Liberals sti have enough strength throughout the rest of Canada to • make Quebec once again.— and unlike 1958 — the key to a Conservative parlia- mentary majority. When the day comes for the Conservative leadership..conven- tion to crown its new party chief, Mr. Diefenbaker will as- sume the role of the elder statesman that evolves to for: mer party. leaders._ But because of the intensity of his support on the Prairies, he should continue to wield considerable influence in party policy. For this reason, it Is too early yet to assume, as many observ- ers have done, that B.C.'s Davie Fulton is a shoo-in Dief- enbaker's successor. Mr. Fulton lacks the person- al magnetism of a popular par- ty leader, and his disastrous bid to topple Premier Bennett in B.C. showed he is unable to inspire either party workers or voters. ' Moreover, he will enjoy no support from Mr. Diefenbaker at the -.leadership convention, whenever it is held. The three' `Conservative , pro- vincial • prernfers—Duff Roblin of Manitoba, John Robarts ' of Ontario and Robert Stanfield of Nova Scotia—will probably be- come the chiefs, contenders in addition t� Fulton. Among Conservative MPs, the Yukon's Erik Nielsen could count on support from the Dief- enbaker faction if he could win Dief's blessing. Mr. Nielsen's maih problem is that he is still young, is not too well known despite his prominence in' forc- ing the- Dorion inquiry, and has no massive regional following to compare 'with that of a pro- vincial premier. The eventual resignation of John Diefenbaker will confront the Conservative party with the dilemma of finding another man, who can bring the Tories out of the political wilderness for the second time within -a de- cade. It was John Diefenbaker who re -cast, the Conservative party from a party of big business to a party of the people. More than any other man, 'he is re- sponsible for the_ sharp turn to • the left in Canadian poli- ties since the mid -fifties., 1 Having accomplished, this, it was also Mr. Diefenbaker's fate to falter at the Crucial stage of his career, to fritter away ;life immense• popular support which had given him the greatest par- liamentary majprity of ; any Cahadiarr Prime fimster. The big question facing the Conservative party will be whether it .is to slip back into its, pre-Diefenbaker image of .. a party that is nothing more than a tool of the money moguls,. of SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERING Centre Street Tel. 527-0190. FOR ALL KINDS OF UPHOLSTERING — We Arrange Easy Terms -- CONTRACTS Maiting and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED White Beans SEED and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED We Have All Popular Varieties Sanalac, Seaway, '•Michelite, Saginaw t. Seed Oats & Barley CONTRACTS - . OATS—Russell, Garry, Rodney BARLEY.— Herta, Brant, York, Keystone W. G. THOMPSON & SONS LTD. HENSALL 262.2527 nnoU f Ontario 41* The sake of nearly, 900,00.0 bushels of Ontario wheat for export . made by the Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board today, wipes out all stocks presently owned by the board. In making the announcement, board chairman R. T. 'Bolton, of Seaforth, said the sale• was made through a private export brokerage firm, but the over- seas destination is not immedi- ately known. He also said that "while we are not at liberty to disclose the actual,. price, we received our asking price and it's a cash deal worth about $1,500,000.00 for shipment during May". Mr. Bolton said the- board is indeed pleased with this latest development which follows on. the heels of a L866,000 bushel sale made by the board just two weeks ago.. "Our total position now stands at ..close to 5,000,000 bushels purchased " since last July and all of it has been sold for export." Mr. K. A. Standing, secre- tary -manager of the board, said the volume handled by the board, is out of about 12,000,- 000 bushels of the 1964 crop sold by producers from a total crop of approximately 18,500,- 000 bushels. Mr. Standing pointed out that it would appear that pro- ducers have sold more wheat out of last year's crop than during any other of the seven years in which the board has. been in business,' • ; "The amount handled by the board for producers. at 5,000,- 000 bushels shatters all prev- ious records and we expect the board will be required to handle additional small amounts before the marketing year ends on, June 30th," Mr. Standing said: • Mr. Standing advised that stocks are ° presently being arail- ed out of Sarnia and Port Col- borne on the way to the East Coast to fill the recent order for India. It ,is expected that the first boat load of that order will be shipped from Saint John, New Brunswick, March 23rd. Other sales of Ontario win- ter wheat have been made dur- ing the past eight months to overseas markets which include Great Britain, Ireland, Bel- gium, Luxembourg, West Ger- many, the Netherlands, Switz- erland and Pakistan. Every week more peopledis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furance Oil WILLIS DUNDAt Office 527-0150 Res. 527-1053 W. E. SOUTHGATE ALL LINES of INSURANCE MAIN R1'..t SBOORTH Rot. 5270131 Phone. 517'4400 INCOME TAX If you need help in making your return, I shall be glad to assist, for which the _ fee is very reasonable. But make your appointment as early as possible, please! H. G. MEIR Phone 527-1250 Seaforth Investi0ate the trf9st gee nomifal Type' Qf Nitre_000' far Corn. Sugar OW*? White Beans - •a, •,. . xd ydro s Ammonia FROM AGRIf6 WANT AD$ BRING QUICk Ra `7 CON BARLE PARKLAND BARLEY The most dependable variety to grow ! Proven from Past Performance ! —SEED and FERTILIZER. Supplied d FERTILIZER Complete Stock Carried Contact us for to -day's prices. SEED GRAIN Order early while supplies are good. SEED BEANS Good supplies on hand. CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Printed literature on growing beans available at our office COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LIMITED Phone 262-2605 . - HENSALL Nearly half=a million Canadians are now using this handy gadgeti keep tracLk of their money. If you haven't discovered Os ocketbank yet read On. A small book. But a mighty big purpose: it records your progress in saving! This is'a Personal Chequing Account chequebook complete with its own deposit slips. A convenient and low-cost way to paying'.. Mt. Saves time and trouble too. . , ... _ . + : ?:' � • 04' J. r t ;: rtia r; t re .: £ e; £ t; > . .. TtlifthfOgy Unto tont £o a 000tto tbi 4t4 Sd+' 1d you bolas.; year :ncumo nda£n.t you' ;tett Sd, Sue• eutxlW beggot:np Ane to bP b:' du pa£it6•.$That'o why the aaoo£a at ^Th' Osob tag .0 :000 :No, estey esetlitd ntoro '1'onage t s*£gso t $.00,iae Vst gad you'd coaly Poi $y be.b:e £o ',mut taistse , and rot sour ats,dde dodo. 1 Want to deposit money in your -4= Savings Account? Your deposit slips are right here. One of the exclusive features that makes Pocketbank such a good idea—The "Money -Manager". It actually helps you to organize your money! Lets you figure out the right amount for every need . , enables you to anticipate expense before it happens and set aside the necessary funds. This new idea takes care of every dollar and does away with doubt on paydays. .We're really not too surprised at the way Pocketbank has caught on. Because when you think about i't; it's 'a logical way to handle money wisely. Pocketbank is a Personal •Chequing Account, a Savings Account and a simplified money management system all combined in a handsome wallet. THE Included is a convenient cheque record for listing deposits and cheques. Helps you to record payments and keep track of expenses. it saves•you time. Does for the irktlividual what accounting records do for business concerns. Helps you to keep con- trol pf your money at all times. Sound like a good idea? It is. Ask the friendly people at any branch of "The Bank" how you can get one. TORONTO -DOMINION Where people make the difference BAN K