HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-03-25, Page 3• r • • • 4 •• F •WIL IA1 n _ �.. M. HART Phone 527-0870 Seaforth 1� Arnold Stinnissen GROUPLIFE - ACCIDENT and SICKNESS - MAJOR MEDICAL, PENSIONS - ANNUITIES.. Representing • Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 Goderich St. East - Seaforth LOOK TO THEE THE HURON EXPOSITOR. • Dial 527-0240 -- Seaforth Penny for penny, vitamin for vitamin, Milk is your best buy! • Start enjoying MAPLE LEAF Extra Delicious Milk now! MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Phone 527-0810 • • Seaforth s► Sundays, Holidays, Everyday -- Maple Leaf Dairy. Products are available at Vanderhoek's Supertest FOR YOUR ��BEST BUY ON A Seaforth Motors '63 CHEV. COACH ' '63 OLDS SEDAN—A.T. and Radio '63 DODGE COACH '58 FORD SEDAN "8"—A.T. '59 CHEV. SEDAN--A.T. '62 RAMBLER SEDAN '58 CHEV. STATION' WAGOf '62 FALCON COACH , '61 CHEV. SEDAN—A.T. '59 PONTIAC SEDAN '59 LARK ° '5$ PONTIAC SEDAN '58 PONTIAC SEDAN '56 CHEV. "8" SEDAN No Reasonable Offer Refused! Seaforth Motors Dial 527-1750 -- Seaforth,. — , Phone 527-0450 r n. Used Lot Open Evenings • N.QRTNS!DR UNI !REE u.it't'hree otr •,#tifzl` !the MBlrch. meetin 0t t +, ?l9ttle,�tf A' 's P a` Puroolr r It i1 t elft. be*s, pxesent Mra. tined the Meeting with, a read- ing, •,fiillpwed by a hymn and prayer Mrs. -Dunlop eleomed, everyone Gild led the. business 'period. Members are asked to answer the troll, call for April with their favorite recipe. The group will visit thea Ontario Hospital L i Goderich on the lst and 15th of April, and: .are helping with the : Presbyterial dinner, and also are catering for the East- ern Star dinner. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. B. F. Christie. Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Wilbee conducted the devotional, be- ginning with a reading and poem on "Faith". Miss Carol Brown and Miss Nancy Berger favored with two piano duets. Mrs. Knight gave the study book on''' Brazil ,and South America. Jed: "Is it bad luck to have a cat follow you?" Joe: "It depends whether you're a man or a mouse." sr. Father Tiiol>xas.cQta ,Stiperpar of Nazarttlx ,#louse, Vit, Marys,. was a recent .spealw,r, at St. Jalnes' 44$11.411 Ch z ch, St. Marys, and told of the sev- en year he spent in the China mission 'field., 1VIeg►uade- is the son of Mrs. Joseph McQuaid, 1,on don and formerly of St,. Coln*ban, and the late Mr. McQuade, Father McQuade was in Chula during perilous times from 1940 until 1947 and spent a, number of these years in Jap- anese prison compounds during World War IL ' The difficulties of learning the Chinese ` language were il- lustrated with some of the symbols explained in a humor- ous fashion. For• instance, the Chinese symbol, of peace is the roof of a house with the sym- bol of a woman underneath. The same symbol, with two women, is the Chinese word for quer- reling or 'wrangling, • Strangely frtiough, although -the a zxi w len language , is used in moth north and south China, the. spoken language in, Peking at the -north is altogether different from that spoken in 'Shanghai to the spath. Hard On Children , Referring to life in the prfs- on compounds, Father McQuade Said it was not too diiileult for adults, but very hard on „ the children, of missionaries from the Protestant faiths who were interned in the same compound. Some humorous incidents con- cerning the black market and the way it operated even inside the compound proved highly entertaining, ' For instance, the exchange of eggs for cash thdt went on between the captives and the Chinese -outside the wall via a drainpipe. This op- eration went off so well that eventually the exchange was being made by the basketful District councils Hear "Grey Council At the recent meeting of Grey Township council, motions adopter included: • —That we accept the tender of G. A. Gibson & Song Ltd., Wroxeter, for the' construction of the Krauter Bridge at lot 25, con. 7, according to the plans and specifications prepar- ed by 13, M. Ross, P.Eng., for the .price of $34,590.00. —That we open court of re- vision on Bylaw No. 7, 1965, 'Hanna Drain and Extension. •. '?That the appeal of Roy Pat- terson against the Hanna Drain and Extension bylaw assessment on Lots 28 and 29, Con, 13, be not allowed and the assessment sustained. That We accept the tender of Frank Smith •for approxi- mately 1,400 pounds warble fly powder (Green Cross), at $4.46 per 15, pounds. • That we•-accept•4he tender of Charles Fischer for warble fly spraying at 10 cents per head per spray. - —That we appoint Fred Smalldon warble fly inspector at $1.15 .per hour:• —That we accept the tender of H..F. Donegan,• Listowel, for crushing and hauling approxi- mately 15,000 cubic yards of gravel at 72c per yard. —That the coIlector's roll for 1964 be accepted and the •koi- lector relieved of further re- sponsibility. —That we give St, John Am- bulance a grant of $10.00. Accounts approved. for pay- ment included:<• St. John Am- bulance, grant, $10; Skeoch Of- fice Supplies, supplies, $16.58; Ontario Hydro,.... office, $11.40; Township of Arthur, January relief, • $20•'50; Hiemstra Nurs- ing Home, $48.25; Queensway. Nursing Home, $104.25; Federa- tion of Agriculture, levy on roll, $914,69; Wilbur Turnbull, balance salary and exchange, $66; Clifford R. Dunbar, Archie Mann, Kenneth Bray, Glen Hue- ther and Lawson Ward( each), to Good Road Convention, $25; E. M. Cardiff, bylaws, Hannah Drain and Extension, $100; The Municipal W o r 1 d, supplies, $7,55; Provincial Treasurer, ill - -'Grow Successfully with iimM SEEDS From years and years of ex- perience with seeds, and noth- ing but Seeds — Jones, Mac - Naughton, Western Ontario's leading seed specialists, have discovered which strains are most suitable to the soils: and »climate of this area. And this experience is your guarantee that all Jones, MacNaughton seeds will give complete satis- faction — true to variety and high in germination. You benefit in another im- portant way, too, when you buy Jones, MacNaughton seed's— you get far better value for your money. Because of Jones, MacNaughton's special- ized knowledge of where and when to buy, they areable to offer you substantial savings on your farm seed ' require- ments. Get the complete list -from your local dealerbr Jones MacNaughton Seeds EXETER Phone, 235-0363 CliEi�l ON-••.Phatie 23 •' 63 sulin, $2.00; Robt. Cunningham, oil, office, $27.30; firemen to Wm. Murray, $28; Elwood» Mc- Taggart, $7.10; Geo. Rowland, gas, fire dept., $2; J. C. Conley, battery and chain,•fire dept., $12.81; Allan Dobson, garbage collection, Ethel Village, $14) roads and bridges, $3,606.85. Howick Council At •the regular meeting of Hawick Township courted mo- tions adopted included: That we accept the tender of Joe Kerr Ltd. for crushing and hauling 18,000 cubic yards, more or less, of %-inehscreen- ed gravel at 76c per cubic yard, and 8,000 cubic yards, more or less, of 11/2 -inch screened gray - .el at 52c per cubic yard. That we accept the tender of Engeland Produce Co., of Mil- verton, for the spraying of cat- tle for warble fly. That we' accept the applica- •tion-of Geo, S.• Ashton,- ..for-war-ble fly inspector. That we accept the tender of R. H. Carson & Son for , the supplying of warble fly powder. That, we charge the farmer 13% cents per head for warble fly spraying if paid before July 1st, and 2c extra per head if paid thereafter. That We grant the Howick, Township Municipal Recreation Committee the sum of $200.00 re insurance on thee Gorrie Rink. That We accept the. tender of John A. Inglis for the construc- tion of the Stephens Douglas Drain.. •. That we accept the proposal of the Maitland Valley Conser- vation Authority for the.repairs to the dam at Gorrie at a fixed price of $1,000 to the munici- pality.. That 'we advertise fora dog catcher for the Township of Howick »with the following re- quirements: (1) A pound to he set .up to be paid fur by the Township of Howick to a maxi- mum of $50; {2) The owner •of '. each dog placed ill the pound will be charged a'.flat rale of $5.00, plus $1.00 per clay or part of day for keep. This pay- ment•to be paid to the pound - keeper on the release of the said dog; (3) If the owner fails to claim the dog 'within 48 hour, Reports after the notification to owner of tagged dogs, the said dog will be destroyed and the fee paid by the Township of How - ick; (4) All dogs not bearing tags will be destroyed within '48 hours unless claimed by the owners. Accounts cleared for paymen included: Listowel Banner, ad vertising, $17.15; Town of Palm erston, Norwell District Hig School debenture, $1,996.02; re lief accounts, $105.95; The On tario Gazette, subscription, $6 'own of Listowel, fire call, r Ted Fraser,. $50; H. N. Gowd & Son, stove nil, $22,32; Wroxe ter Community Hall, rent .fo nomination, $5; H. G. Harris part salary, $75; Department of National Revenue, income tax, $45; W. E. Whitfield, .part sal- ary"$200, convention expenses $30; 1. Haskins, convention ex- penses, $30; R. Gibson, .conven- tion expenses, $30; H. Robin- san, convention expenses, $45; N. Carson, convention expenses, $15; H. N. Gowdy & Son, stove oil, $31.67;. B. Hubbard, fox bounty, $8; Municipal World; supplement to Assessor's Guide, $7.55; I. Haskins, mileage, re schools • ,$4:80; Robt. Gibson, schools, $4.80; Robt. Gibson, 2 hospital: board meetings, $10; Belmore Library, --grant, $10; Wingham Advance -Times, ad- e+ertising, $20.79; Howick Town- ship Municipal Recreation Coin- mittee, grant, $320;, transfer to Road Account, $4,718.56; On- tario Municipal Board, applica- tion fee Stephe D .uglas Dr., $4, application fee raig Dins- more Dr„ $3; total, $7,830.81. t h e Y r NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — Joh'h St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For: s° Auto and Truck • Fine Liability • • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial ' • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insuhance EARLY BIRD SPECIALS - For ONE WEEK Only! GARti':, N TILLER With 4 -Cycle Brig -g-& Stratton Motors Reverse gear optional . . 3 and 4 H.P. Units . . . Timken Bearings REDUCED PRICES On All. Models For One Week Only Save $14.95 Mode! 215-100 31113 $1 reg. 134.95 2 O For One •Week Only ! ALL OMR MODELS AT EQUALLY BIG SAVINGS! SEE HOW YOU SAVE! CRQWN AFC? t' I*hone 5274420 HARDWARE I,. 4*dr be prion w'a'll- "with -tht result ihe eatltfves grew care- less and were caught. TTe,head of the movetnent, which great- ly• eased the.hunger in the con: pound, Was a Trappist monk from' Australia, so that when he was sent to' solitary confine- ment by the Japanese as pyli- ishment for his leadership, • it was no great hardship for him. The " Trappist monks' rarely spe,ak at any time and a two=•, week period- -of silence was nothing new to he Australian priest. . Very Different Today Father McQuade said - com- munication with the church in China today was very difficult and'•they received very little m - formation on what was going. on. The -Scarborough Foreign Mission Society of the Catholic Church operates now in the mission fields of the Philip- pines,- Brazil and other Central and South American countries. The Nazareth House in St. Marys is a Novitiate for the Society where candidates for the priesthood enter a pre -sem- inary year to test their voca- tion. "ALL TYPES( INSURANCE Donald G. "Eaton Office in Masonic Store Main Street Phone 527-1610 Seaforth ].- oot1lka rP 4.454eOtive a s,Jacltet ir a.?-b`.reit ;A 1'Iril 3,3:1304Irk ,A>4 14,speed conte;+ 15zWelgitt a -, it }[iia 19•I1, tru+nent tor neaatlrfila a Walking distance 1s-Frrofe4ting 2u-:Icolphtnitice eetaeeait 21-itiyer In Italy 22-xumber 24 -Mates name 27 -Baker's product 29 -Unit of energy 30 -'taut 31-Printer'6 measure 32 -Beverage +8-Tdrf 34 -Babylonian deity 35 -Long-legged bird 37 -Secret agent :18 -Hard -wood tree 39 -Civil iniur'y 40-Muslc: as written 41 -Indefinite article 42 -Mental Image 44 -Passage" 47 -Pave 51 -Peruke 52 -Girl's name 53 -Nobleman 5I -Period of tithe 5 -Unclosed .,6 -Observed 57 -Communist DOWN 1 -free ticket 2 -Paradise, 3 -Mexican shawl 4 -Openings I -Exist �" r sirli iii Ii� �Qii �:,rLlQldgiXz,•, '4044 halt x.1 y. �iu,,,H1gh aa,7 r ]9:7R�rpooe�d? AFt}C d 22,11jettive ar}elan% '�1rINstlialt'' 2�•loxq 26-) tla e.. ' ne�"' s[tip�i.. !2:32°81,•-":4:01;;I:1444;;LE9:;1141ilt:iiiir:°;I.II:i:Ii: ilnl�ti'q-lttpit•araii'es-¢nytta}I :t7itiCeneaa sc+l)pEure;d • to stone ' 38 -Repay', 40-Htspritchea L Lf) C 1 z€;CC i a'"'?€i grit klinElr EO .•Y:l41l1.l OWE= LILU„ GM MC �5i'J11 1:12 €! 1I�1 ®El l lE 3.1. 9 - ti Limn Ell : • 9 No L9 Oil Q�Iat Woe! PJ 'i v p a '13.•Pis i <I4» la • 4Z Jf1,.=60104 anrq 4e TJlj t it 18 PreroSJI for' Itafi <tstrr41Ti19r•t cttrrepoy •J01ege`1Ti4 WEDDING INVITATIONS • Dial 527-0240 : Seaforth Do you have to ration hot water on wash days. and bath nights? a Cascada 4 eiectrgc water -h ter can change all t ., f't. j-. Cascade 40 has two elements: a 1000 -wan lower element for normal use, and -a 3000 -watt top element that surges into action at times of extra heavy use. That's why the Cascade 40 can -sup- ply more hot water than the average family is ever likely to use. Cascade 40' is flameless, safe and clean. It requires no flue so it can be installed anywhere. The ten year guarantee on the tank is your assurance of Cascade 40's reliability, With a Cascade 40, the' cost of abundant -hot water is tow. For more information... • ask your hydro FRANK; KLING LTD. Phone 527-1320 Seaforth BOB DOIG Phone S27-0387 Seaforth GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE, LTD. Phone 527-0290 : Seaforth GEO. A. SILLS & SONS Phone 527-1620 Seaforth DUBLIN ELECTRIC Phone 70R2 : Dublin Consult your Electrical ,Contractor for further inform' 1jq