HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-03-11, Page 12OS),`013, SEAFORTH,. ONT., MAR. 141, 1965 This MO At the-Seaforth District High school (Torben Haarbye) . ` Well, the • formal 'is all over now for this year. Although not so many people as were expected turned out, the stu- dents' council managed to make a profit for the first time in years.. If anyone could have Too Late FOR SALE = Registered La- combe sow, due March 27th. Phone 527.1205. 8-63-1 or'CaIves*1.5 wks old 'REPLAXCER 50-LB.B $',g5 BAGPE.."",.. Other Calf Feed Products CO=OP Starter $ 'L- X7,,5 Pellets �7 ,per cwt. COOP Starter -. $/11 m Grower ' per -cwt. CO-OP Dry and $3 et Fitting Rationt per cwt. *Registered Trade -Mark I• I Seaforth Farmers Co-op Phone 527-0770 CO-OP Feed now better than ever peeked in the window I'm sure they would have wished that they had gone. The decorations were good; and even though it was an orchestra that played the less strenuous music for the young people (to quote Mr. Plumsteel), the parents and everyone else for that matter really enjoyed the music. A thank -you should be extended to all the students who gladly gave up several eve- nings to help the decoration committee carry out its work, and to Mrs. McKercher who made sure no one went hungry during the dance. LOCAL Miss . Alice Reid, wile spent the past three months in Sas- katchewan, has returned to her home here. Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Staple- ton have returned from Florida, where they spent a month. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dor- ranee and family, of Burlington, were guests of Mrs. N. R. Dor- ranee over the weekend. Miss Susan McLean, of Mc- Gill University, Montreal, spent the weekend at her home here. Miss Sally Nott, Reg.N., of Victoria Hospital, London, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Raymond Nott. Mrs. Laura Jermyn, of Brus- sels, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Alma Pinkney. Mr. John Weber,. of Toronto, is a guest at the home 'of Mrs. Jean Fortune in Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cough- lin, of London, spent the week- end with Miss Alice Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hopper and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hopper, of Seaforth, at- tended a convention of Je- hovah's Witnesses in Stratford last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. .J. M. Eckert leave .Saturday by air from Lon- don for a three-week holiday at Port of Spain, Trinidad. Mrs. W. J. Faulkner, of Galt, spent the weekend in town with Miss L. Faulkner. RIEFS k * * Last week I stated that the basketball season was over for this year. Here is a resume of the games and of the individual" scores: Senior boys' team: Dave Mills, 117 points; Wi- told Chomicki, 50; .Bryan Stew- art, 20; Doug Mills, 19; Doug Fry, 12; Eric Ross, 11; Brian Scott, 10; Doug Wright; 9; Dav- id Britton, 6; Jack McCall, 5; Fred Knetch, Fred Hassan and Gary Van Loon, 0 .pts. The games scores were as follows: Seaforth 36 vs. Wing - ham 48; Seaforth 26 vs. Clin- ton 86; Seaforth 37 vs: Exeter 64; Seaforth ,69 vs, Mitchell 59; Seaforth 44 vs. Goderich 71; Seaforth 45 vs. Listowel .54. Senior girls' team: Deanna. Dale, 38.; Darien Sills, 37; Hel- en Elliott, 16; Sally • Mowat, 8; Barbara Cli'esney, 2. Ann Sills, Ruth Gorwill, Roba Doig, Dawn Shepherd, Grace Stephenson, Alice Ban- -,non and Janey •Hassan_played _uards--all season, thus they could not score any points. The game scores were as fol- lows: Seaforth 17 vs. Clinton 24; Seaforth 28 vs. Wingham 5; Seaforth 11 vs. Exeter 18; Sea - forth 16 vs. Mitchell 17; Sea - forth 16 vs. Listowel 20; Sea - forth 23 vs. Goderich 17. Junior girls'. teani: Mary Sills, 76; Maryanne Phillips, 17; Atje Zwep, 15; Suzanne Dale, 7; Julianna Rau, 3; Lynda Forbes, 2. Janey Boshart, Joan Gorwill, Lea DeJong,-,Monica McCurdy, Debbie Miller .-and Pat Bannon played guards all .year. The game scores were as fol- lows: Seaforth 25 vs. Wingham 18; Seaforth 20 vs. Clinton 12; SPRING IS HERE Don't ,Forget_ Your SPRING CLEANING! FLANNERY CLEANERS Phone 527-0250 : Seaforth Purchase New Flag Huge Jnsiders-, New Street Lights L GAN CCIIINCIL_,- There being no appe.a-ls on the Rolph Drain, the court of revision of 'Logan Council was dispensed with and the by-law finally passed. W. C. Hoegy was awarded the warble fly "spray- ing for 1965 at '9e per head per spray, and applications „are to be called for an inspector to be considered at a•special meet- ing March .15. Seven tenders were received for crushing and. hauling' 20,- 000 cubic yards of gravel, and John Murray Construction (Moorefield) Ltd. was awarded the contract at 73.'/i cents per cubic yard. The Thiel Dram report was read and provision- ally adopted' with the court of revision to be held April 5th. A new Canadian flag is to be purchased for use in the lodge hall, members agreed at Monday night's meeting of Edelweiss Rebekah (Lodge, with Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill, N.G., pre- siding.. The CPT committee . is to again sponsor a magazine sub- scription sale in aid of its ben- evolent fund: . A' dessert' euchre is . planned for March. 31 in the afternoon and evening, in 'the IOOF Hall. Named in charge were: decora- tions, Miss' Eleanor Henderson; social convener, Mrs. Mae Hab- kirk; cards: afternoon, Mrs. K. Sharp; evening,; Mrs: • James Rose. Mrs. Rose readan article from the Tabloid regarding Schyler Coalfax, the founder of Oddfellowship. A social period followed the meeting. CONSTANCE The UCW held their meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Friday. Mrs. Reg Lawson, the president, presided over the business. Roll call was an- swered by nine ladies. The women of the UCW join- ed in the World Day of Prayer service. Mrs. Lawson' was. lead- er for the service. Hymns, "From All That Dwell -Below the Skies", "Once to Every Man a Nation", "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" were sung. Mrs. Borden" Brown, Mrs. Geo. Mcllwain, ' Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt, Mrs.' Wm. Jewitt and Mrs. Joe Riley took part in the readings; Mrs, Geo. Mcllwain sang a solo, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"; Mrs. Borden Brown gave the history of the World Day of Prayer and the mes- sage on, "What Doth the Lord Require?" The hymn, "The Day Thou Gayest" was sung and Mrs. Reg Lawsongave the bene- diction. Mr. and Mrs.- Reg Lawson were in London last Wednesday and visited with Mr. Harvey Taylor, who is a patient In Victoria Hospital, and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren, Helen afid Lynda. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Dyk, of Galt, spent ' a few days 'last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverkamp and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszca- tor and family spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Webb of Dashwood. Miss Betty Buchanan is a pa- tient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, .with pneumonia at the time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan spent Friday in London aannd, visited with.. Mr. Harvey Tayldr in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, Kim and Gregory, of Scarbor- ough, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGre- gor and Miss Mary MacGregor, of Kitchener, spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huth and Marion, of Clifford. Mrs. William Dale visited with her mother, Mrs. T. J. McMichael, of Goderich, on Sat urday. The many friends of Mrs. 'Ken Thompson are sorry to hear she is a patient id' St. Joseph's Hospital, London., Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott, of Staffa, on Sn'i day. Visitors with Mrs. Wm. Jew- itt on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dowson and family, of Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jewitt arid family, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt and family, and Master Terry Tos- szak. Mr. John Whyte and 'Andrea; of Oshawa; spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte. • Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale vis- ited with Mr. Harvey Taylor in. Victoria- Hospital, London,', on Sunday. Mrs. Taylor returned home with them for a day be- fore returning. to London. Miss Margaret MacGregor, of Molesworth, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Ross MacGregor. Miss Jane .Roest, of Clinton, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Agnes Haverkamp. Mrs. Effie Stephenson, of Sea - forth, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson and John spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson, of Cliff - ton. Miss Deanna Dale spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Don Glousher and Mr. Glausher of Blyth. Mr. - and Mrs. Frank Van de Molen, Paul and Mark, of Kit- chener, spent the weekend with Mr. 'and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Mrs. Frank Riley held a quilting on Tuesday with a,. good, attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Glou- sher, Stewart and Barbara spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Glousher, of Blyth. Hold Euchre A successful euchre was held in Constance Friday' evening, under the auspices of the COF. Twelve tables were' in play. Prizes went to: ladies' high, Mrs. J. Bosman; ladies' lone hands, Mrs. Frank Riley; ladies' low, . Mra. Les 'Dolmage; men's, high,` -George. Campbell; men's lone hands, Bob 'Smith; teen's low, David, PreSzcator. Road aeeounts+ totalling $5,. 576.91 and general accounts aounig16:,aawerrxw,fa.t, appr opriation' by-laa requesting. approval for $63,000.00, was given three readings. HULLETT COUNCIL - The regular monthly meeting of the council of the Township of Hullett was held in the Com- munity Hall, Londesboro. The reeve and all the councillors were present. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L, Scot and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing. attended the College Royal at the OAC, Guelph, do Wed`nes- -day., Mr. Hugh J. Send, fourth- year student at OAC, won the Grand Champion award in the Crops and Soils Division and the awards for best: all-round showman at .the College Royal. A delegation of Londesboro residents was present at the Hullett council meeting to pre- sent a petition for the improve- ment of the present street light- ing system in" Londesboro. Mrs. Bert Allen, Mrs. Robt. Towns- end and Harold Livingston pre- sented the petition to council and discussed the proposed change from the present sys- tem of incandescent lighting to fluorescent standards. Council had already instructed the clerk to write to the HEPC to obtain, an estimate of costs and when this is received' a more realis- tic proposal can be made to the council based on the cost and number of street lighting standards that would be requir- ed. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE:.....-. The March meeting of the Friendship Circle of First Pres- byterian Church was held Mon- day evening at the home of Mrs. 'Glen Chesney. The presi- dent, Mrs. John Carnechan; op- ened the meeting with a poem.l' The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Marlyn Lee. Mrs. Bert Moggach read a -poem of Ed- gar Guest's, "Believe in Your- self." Mrs. George Miller introduc- ed Mrs. Batkin, of Clinton, who 'gave an . interesting demonstra2 tion on the making . and decor- ating of hats. The April meet- ing in the form of a social will be held at Mrs. Don Morton's. It was decided to hold. a bake - less bake sale at. this meeting, each •member''to pay $1.00. • Seaforth 21 VE. Exeter 28; Sea - forth 14 vs. Mitchell 23; Sea - forth 16 vs. Listowel 10; Sea - forth 22 vs. Gdderich . 32. • Junior boys' team: Doug Dal- rymple, 53; Larry McLean, 29; Keith Finnigan, 26; Leonard Jamieson, 15; Hank Scott, 14;. Gary Nicholson 7,; Gerald Townsend, 4;'Stephen Brady, ; Ted Scott, 3; Merwan Hassan, 2; Michael Stinnissen, 2; Mur- ray Hulley, 0; Bruce Drum- mond, 0. • The' game scores were as fol-' lows: Seaforth 25 vs. Wing - ham 26; Seaforth 24 vs. Clin- ton 62; Seaforth 28 vs. Exeter 65; Seaforth 42 vs. Mitchell 72; Seaforth 23 vs. Listowel 29; Seaforth 17 vs. Goderich 69. Tenders were opened for the supplying of crushed gravel for the roads. Twotenders were re- ceived and council accepted the tender of the George "Radford Construction Ctd, at a price of 67c per cubic yard for 12,000 cubic yards. Bible Society Meets The annual meeting of the Hibbert branch of the Cana- dian Bible Society was held Sunday evening at Staffa Unit- ed Church. Ross McPhail, re- tiring president, presided, and Rev. A. II.. Daynard •led in the worship period. Mrs. M. Lamond, using a chart, explained the work of the Bible . Society. Mrs. 'Robert Norris, secretary, said $271.00 had been collected in Hibbert for 1964. Musical numbers were given by Miss . Eleanor Kemp and a ladies' quartette, by Mrs. Robert Laing; Mrs. Gerald Car- ey, Mrs. Cliff 'Miller. and Mrs. T. L. Scott, accompanied by Mrs. Gordon Laing., Mervin Dow, was elected pres- • ident for 1965-66, . and Mrs. Cliff Miller was elected secretary. Weekend visitors with Mx. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey Were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bonin and daughter, of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ramsey, Vickie and Stevie, Listowel, and Mr. Bill Ramsey, of Stratford. .. Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson accoinpanied by ,Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jefferson visited on Wednesday with Miss Ina Jef- ferson, who is, a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London. Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. Chessell and ,children, Stratford, were -Sundy visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and family. Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun, Clin- ton, who attended the 55th wed- ding anniversary dinner for her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace which was held at Mitchell on Sun- day, 'is visiting with her sister, 'Mrs. Sadie Scott, and other relatives. Mrs. Shirley Elliott a n d family, of Essex, spent the -week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and were guests at the 55th wedding an- niversary dinner for her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Miss Margaret Ann Wallace, London, spent the weekend• at her 'home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cleland and children,' of Listowel, were -recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson. Mr. Andrew Hamilton, Exe- ter, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar. Mr. 'and Mrs. Otto Walker attended the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs. Garnet Cockwell, • of Dashwood, which was held in Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church, Exeter, on Tuesday. Misses Alice Walker and Carol Howe enjoyed a bus trip to Nashville and attended the -Grand Ole Opera during the weekend... Mrs. Alan Somers, St. Marys, visited Monday with Mr: and Mrs. K. McKellar: Tenders for the supplying of warbicide powder fo'r the war- ble fly spraying program were received with Murray Reid, of RR 1, Londesboro, being the successful bidder. James Leish- man, RR 2, Seaforth, 'was the successful bidder for the spray- ing of., the cattle at 10c per head per spray. ,James . Neilans was the successful applicant for the position of warble fly spray inspector at $1.00 per hour and 5c • per mile for travelling ex-' penses. The fair boards of Clinton, Blyth and Seaforth were given grants of $100 each Or their - respective fairs in 1965. The clerk was instructs. to call for tenders for the improvement of a municipal drain, •and these tenders will appear in the lo- cal newspapers later this month. The work will consist of approximately 2,500 lineal feet of tile drain. MORRIS COUNCIL , Morris Township Council inet,_ with all members present and Reeve Stewart, Procter presid- ing. Motions approved includ-' ed: Shortreed and Elston: That we request. the Department to transfer allotments in the 1964 annual return aS follows: $3,- 064.20 from maintenance bridg- es to construction bridges, and $979.11 front° maintenance roads to construction roads. Shortreed and Smith: That we give a grant of $100 to Blyth Agricultural Society. Elston and Mair: That each councillor attending a conven- tion be allowed $40 expenses. Elston and Mair: That tender of Eldon Stewart, of Kincar- dine, to spray cattle under the Warble Fly. Control Act for 8c per. head be accepted. Elston and Smith: That Jas. Mair be commissioner to• look after repair on the Russell Drain. Smith and Shortreed: That the tender of George Radford Construction Limited to sup ply, crush and deliver approxi- mately 18,000 cubic yards of gravel be accepted subject to the approval of the District Municipal . Engineer. ,Mair and Elston: That ' the road accounts .as presented by the road superintendent be ac- cepted. Shortreed and Smith: That Bylaw No. 3, 1965, road expen- diture bylaw for $63,000, be passed, subject to the approval of the' District Municipal En- gineer. Shortreed and Mair: That Charles Souch be hired as war- ble fly inspector, Shortreed and Mair: That Walton Hall Board be given a grant of $25. The following accounts were paid: General Accounts - Hy- dro on hall, $6.07; Department of Health, insulin, $4.55; J. M. McDonald, material for hall, $361.35; Crawford & Hethering- ton,, legal fees, $71.20;- Helen Martin, salary, $100; Ross Smith, convention expenses, 40 James Mair, convention ex- • WILKINSON'S 8.8 Cent Sale a SEE OUR o Jo FOURPAGE* cm COLOURED r HANDBILL o For 88- Cent Sale Savings y. AT - ,SEAAA- .1- ., i penses,- $40; William Elston, convention expenses, $40; VVa1= ton Hall„ Board, grant, $25. Road Accounts -Wm. McAr- ter, mileage, wages,. hookkeepp- ing, $204.47; James Casemore, wages, $307.50; John Smith, wages, $222.90; J. C. McNeil, wiper repair and 'soil, $50.59; Pollard's Chain - Saw, welding, $21; Dominion Road Machinery, Tachometer and tax, $16.17; Listowel ' Transport, freight charges, $9,44; James. Wright, steel,- $77.35; Listowel Salvage, welding rod, $4.9'7; Ideal Sup- ply, heater hose, lantern "bat- tery, $15.77; Brussels Coal Yard, coal and stove oil, $135.30; Alex Inkley, oil, fuel , oil,, 'and tax, $300.63; Glenn Snell, snow plowing, $924.50 ; Mel Jermyn, snow plowing and backhoe work,. $1,336.00',' CPR, Moving poles, $528.05; Hydro on -'shed, $13.05; Wilmer Glow,. abet"; ,sooty,,plowing, $170;^,i, '� � eYCiai. News, •ady'ertiatn WMS 'Meets Mrs. Grace Scott presided for the March meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society which was held at' the home of Mrs. Thomas Laing. The meeting op- ened with a: poem, followed witl$ devotions by Mrs. Scott. Rev. J. Boyne conducted the Bible study. A discussion regarding union of the ladies' organizations of the Presbyterian Church was led by Mr. Boyne. Routine busi- ness. period was conducted by the president, Mrs. M. Lamond. The roll call, "Prayer,"• was answered by 12 members. There was one visitor 'present. The study program, "Through' the Years," was presented by Mrs. Mervin Dow with Miss Olive Speare, Mrs. Wm. Harper, Mrs. Robert Dodds, Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. Ken' McKellar assisting. A to- pic, "Adventure of •Faith," was given by Mrs. Sadie Scott. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. T. L. Scott. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY---- , The Auxiliary met Tuesday night in the. nurses' residence with a good attendance. Mrs. Jean Cosford opened the meet- ing with the Lord's Prayer in unison. To date, the sum of $209.00 has been realized from, the van- ishing bridges and euchres. A newsletter is being prepared to be sent to all members and . as- sociate members. The penny sale. will be held in May, with. the draw held on May 14. The spring rummage sale will be held on Saturday, May 29. There will be a social after the April meeting for all 'as- sociate members and members, as'a final event for the present nurses' residence in which all have enjoyed\the meetings for so long. Miss' Gladys' Thonmpson gave a descriptive ,atld vivid talk on heli'reeet4 'Tit of Europe. t�0,1"' cvrnvlYll::tenders.,='. 14.74:.:., i,wtr?lis RCH SALE SOVEREIGN POTTERS LTD. CANADA ' 50 -Piece DINNER SETS in Five Sovereign Potters Patterns at 23.95 COMPLETE including Vermont (illustrated), Wedding Day, Sylvania, Manor House & Venetian SET INCLUDES: - 8 DINNER PLATES 8 B. B. PLATES 8 CUPS 8 SAUCERS 8 FRUITS • 8 OATMEALS 1 QPEN BOWL .1 PLATTER - 5 ENGLISHDINNERSETS AT , HALF PRICE 94 -piece . "DIOR" (12's), Reg,'. Value $96.30 HALF PRICE 94 -piece "CARISBROOKE" (12's), Reg. Value $116, 58e0U HALF PRICE U .. 66 -piece "CARISBROOKE" (8's), Reg., 'Value $87.60 �I 80 HALF PRICE 't 61 -piece "ROSE CHINTZ" (8's), Reg. Value $53.35 2S.D7, HALF. PRICE L li 61 -piece "MELINDA" (8's), Reg. Value $53.3,5 - c HALF PRICE 25'67 $48.15 .Costume JEWELLERY COVER 600 - Brooches, Earrings, 'Necklets, Bracelets,' etc., Reg. $1:00 'values. • ' To Clear At 590 EACH OR PAIR HIGHER -PRICED ° COSTUME JEWELLERY . AT ' " ' HALF PRICE English Bone China Cups and Saucers $1.29 $2.19 $3.09. Reg. $2.00 SALE PRICE: °Reg. $3.50 SALE PRICE Reg. $5.00 SALE PRICE "RIVIERA" International Stainless 32 -piece Set, including 8 Hol- low Handle Knives, 8 Tea- spoons, 8- Forks, 8 Dessert Spoons. Reg. Price $33.95 Sale Price $26..79 TRADE IN YOUR_ OLD WATCH On a Smart 'New One 1 Special March Sale Allowance Scotch JEWELLERYAT_ Half Price SPODE BABY WARE Plates, Mugs, Bowls, etc. To Clear At 390 each Half Price Table includes Ash Trays, Vases,, Water Seto Bowls, etc. TO CLEAR AT HALF PRICE' CUFF LINK & TIE BAR SETS Reg. $4.00 Sale Price $2.59 i Over 100 Different Patterns of English Fine Boob China in Minton, Spode; Roy- al Doulton, Wedgwood, etc., on 'tale at 15% Discount IN SETS Entire Stock of Jewellery, Diamonds, Rings, Men's Jewellery, 'Pens and Pencils, Bill - ''''Folds, China, 'Glassware, Blue Moun- tain Pottery, etc., etc., offered at.-- Attracti'`' MARCH SALE PRICES SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, MARCH 20th VAUGE!S Jewellery - Gifts l•�l� ' Fine China StAFO the aniys p was . R.•. ods; � .,, . r li , Ntrs;•,,R ,