HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-03-11, Page 10t�ti` n91. 1..140 1 �t- 1-1 Le .e.;.. Y3'rl))0Ve telw'4rit, 141 !oilier 16 -Conjunction 16 -Snatch 13=Cliek beetle 20 -Preposition 22 -Man's name '24 -Retained 27 -Classify 29 -Male deer 31 -Macaw 32 -Spoor 34 -Is mistaken ,26-PlUral ending 37 -Small brook 39 -Cleverest (colloq.) 41 -Alternating current (abbr.) 42 -Placed 44 -Misrepresent 45-1<nork 47 -Highest point 49 -Cushions 50 -Wolfhound. 52 -Eat 54 -Compass point 55 -Also. 57 -Baseball team 59 -Symbol for niton. - 61 -Poem 63 -Unit of electrical measurement 415 -Repetition 67 -Marsh 68 -Songs 6) -Handle D9WN 1 -The urlal 2 -Trite to history 3 -Prefix: not 4 -Wooden pin 6 -Wire nails 4 -Refund 7 -Latin conjunction 9 -Marry IL-Cuunii of Asia 10•Prepositlen 11 Symbol for tellurium •17 nun god 19 -.Stamp of approval ?1 -Spoken 23-Itefuse from Mayes 25 -Chief exeeutk''s 26-isxperienees 27- Layers 28-C'nsh drawer ::0-r,Ig lahurioualy- 33-.luntp 35 -Walk 3S-Botind 40 -Verve MB= OBEW MEM OUOM MOO U00 !n!© EMI= DEB BM UME12 MUM ©DOM] MOM no© ©U®00 0110111 E0 ©®®©1f7E1 MIMEO IDD ©E 0000 ErM000 C3E 1 2 00120 U000 MEM M000 on. - E! i 3 0000 00 ©©CJ .IIP I J ©DO© BUM OMINl' MOW© SOLUTION 4;-t,aatidloos 46.Cunununiuu Plate 4S-Ittterttvincs 5.1 -Negative 53 -Printers . measure 56 -Bird 53 -Period of time 60 -Afternoon party 61.-1'reposttion 62 -Prefix: down 64-00uled lava 66 -Preposition R ®®1iii ©iiilillE '° g IIIIIIIIIIIENIIIIIIMN illialillinnillitttil 1,044 i■■11M1■■30 i• MEI 1111111111111E611111111" ■■ ®.g!i ®■■®!ilii!i1■.■ ®■iiIIs I.■ILE:®■■■ ■ r•••`®■ ■®g•• ®.' ••••11,11111111111-1-111-711-1141-11 50 60 1 COAL- FUEL -OIL t WILLIAM M. HART Phone 527-0870 Seaforth' -Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime! SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son. ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON'"482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas INCOME TAX If you need help in making. your return, I shall be glad to assist, for which the fee is very reasonable. But make your appointment as early as possible, please!. H. G. MEIR Phone 527-1250 • • Seaforth WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 CONTRACT MALTING BARLEY Seed and Fertilizer Supplied WHITE, .BEANS Seed and Fertilizer Supplied WE HAVE ALL POPULAR VARIETIES Sanilaic - Seaway - Michelite and Saginaw Seed Oat and Barley Contracts Russell - Garry and Rodney Oats Herta -- Brant and York Barley ® •• We haver a quantity of Feed Beans at $35.00 per ton while they last • • We are in the market for good Herta Barley suitable for'seed Also in the market for Feed Barley A FAMILY DINNER at Mitchell on Sunday honored Mr. and Mrs, George Wallace, Cromarty, who observed the 55th anniversary . of their wedding ori Tuesday. Mrs. Wal- lace is the former Christina McKellar,. Theyhave lived in Carlingford and Cromarty district all their married life. Cromarty Couple Is Wed 55 Years Mr. and Mrs.. George Wal- lace., of Cromarty, celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on Tuesday. March 9. A fam- ily dinner was held at the Roy- al Hotel, Mitchell, on Sunday, in honor of the occasion. Mrs. Wallace is the former Christina McKellar, of Crom- arty. She has three sisters, Mrs, .,,Horton MacDougald, of Hensall, Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun,l of Clinton, and Mrs. Sadie Scott;of Cromarty, whose birth- day was also celebrated on Sunday, and a brother, Lind- say McKellar, of Cromarty. Mr. Wallace has one sister, Mrs. Gus, (Isabel). Heagy, of London, living, from a family of five sisters and two broth- ers. Mr. Wallace lived as a boy on the -farm owned now by Mr. and Mrs, William Bissonnette, and 'attended Carlingford pub - lic school. Mrs. Rollo Smith and Harvey Willows, classmates of his, are still living in .Carling- ford vicinity. - When Mr. and Mrs. Wallace were married, they • farmed where their son Donald, .of Car- lingford *lbw resides. They mov- ed to a farm east of Cromarty when Donald married, and af- ter about 18 years, they retir- ed and moved into the village of Cromarty, where they have been living for 12 years, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace have two daughters, Mrs. Ed. (Ver- na) Brooks, of Staffa, Mrs. Percy (Velma) Adams, Blyth, and',two sons; John of Cromar- ty, and Donald of Carlingford. They enjoy playing cards and whenever, the villagers want a lively game, they know where to go. Mr.• and Mrs. Wallace are still in very good health. Plan X-ray' Huron Food Handlers Area foodhandlers will re- ceive X-rays in the near fu- ture as a result of plans being worked outlay the Huron Coun- ty Tuberculosis Association. At a meeting in Clinton on Thursday, details of the pro- gram were explained. D. I. Stewart, Seafortll, • association president, was in charge of the meeting, which heard .reports from committee ,chairnierl. G. Thompson and Son Ltd. 'lione 2612-2527 : HENSALL Rehabilitation chairman E. R. Knight, of RR 2, Brussels, told of his visit to Beck Mem- orial Sanatorium at Christmas with gifts for the five patients there.. The secretary, Mrs. Beryl Davidson, read a letter of ap- preciation received following the visit. Members were told that TV spots .have been taken to CKNX for viewing March -1965 to October 1965. G. A. Watt, RR '1-; iilyth, is .the education ch,airntan, Dr. J. C. Ross, of Goderich, reported that Huron County had an increase of one per cent in the Seal Sale campaign this year. Work for the eradication of TB is continually being en- larged, ,quietly going on every day, and it cannot be done un - les there is this wide public support. The means of detect-' ing active TB are wide open and free. H. 0. Lawson, Clin- ton, gave the financial report of the association. "A nominations committee ap- pointed by Mr. Stewart, includ- ed H. C. Lawson, "J. 'E°. McKin- ley -and Dr. J. C. Ross, with Dr. Ross, chairman. A vote of thanks was given to E. C. Boswell for his many hours of '.voluntary work at seal sale- time. Tentative plans were made to hold the annual dinner meeting in Seaforth on May 31, 1965. , Present at the meeting Were Mr. Stewart, J. E. McKinley, Dr. J. C. Ross, H. C. Lawson, G. A. Watt, E. R. Knight, Miss Louise Robertson, Public Health Nurse, E. R. Walker, John Mer- rill, and the • secretary, Mrs. B. Davidson. Give a man credit for any- thing today, and he will buy it! Carbon arc welding was in- vented in 1885. 'Classified ads pay dividends. 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furanee 011 WILLIS DUNDAS Offi a t.27O150: s %Res Stt' se BURNS CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224- Seaforth . • -4: USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL 'FIRE, - INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Robert G. Gardiner " R.R. 1, President Cromarty Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin Vice -President Wm. H. Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. (Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, Science Hill Raymond 1VIcCtirdy R. R. 1, 1 irkton Tim Toohey, - R.R. 3, Lucan Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dubliff Harry dilates - - Exeter Clayton Harris • - Mitchell 4,01.:01 fyi eastirer: A.rthuur - "reser '..xet1l1 ' 1 S The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers The Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith Seaforth, Ontario. Gentlemen: , I have audited the accounts and records of the Town- ship , of Tuckersmith for the year ended December 31, 1964, and have prepared therefrom the statements listed in the Index accompanying this report. - Operations The operations for the year ended December 31, 1964, resulted in a surplus of $2,227.38 after providing for the 1963 deficit of $6,799.51. Presented herewith- is a condensed statement of com- parative Revenue and Expenditure for the three years ended December 31, 1964, 1963 and 1962. • ' bear ended December 31 Revenue 1964 1963 1962 Taxation .....$145,245.73 $135,465.91 $129,201.92 Debenture Debt Charges Recovered 1,376.06 722.18 722.18 Government of Canada gr"ant (net) 5,628.11 3,936.99 5,446•11' Province of Ontario- subsidies 35,041.77 38,275.83 37,362.73 Licenses and permits1,747.04 2,312.00 1,585.00 Interest and tax penal- , ties 8,908.08 ' 3,691.00 2,559.97 Fines 86.97 61.73 73.85 Service charges 2,975.78 690.15.• 2,130.86 Miscellaneous 36.99 489.05 214.48 Other municipalities 313:28 79.30 - 392.12 ' Other grants, Canada - 2,198.82 March 1, 1965. $201,359.81 $187,922.96 $179,689.22 $ 7,653.27 $ .7,730.35 3,528,41 2,217.30 64,309.28 51,678.25 459.10 498.63 716.47 1,999.71 Expenditure General Government .$ 8,041.92 Protection to persons and property 2,505.93 Public works, roads 54,421.77 Sanitation and waste re- - moval ..... 386:65 Relief assistance and conservation of health 1,751.38 U icor s Report E41P41.1411 59,979.95 68,135.00 61,868,10 Recreation and Cqm- -13111nity service 1,681.09 1,509,00 .5,835.00 Debt charges - - - 12,926:58 6,405.20 5,771.59 County rates -40,117.41 39,111,30 38,820.10 Taxes refunded' ' 24.04 44.46 - Provision for deferred revenue 36.67 632.07 Taxes written -off - 230.60 Discount for taxes 46.85 38.70 59.65 Capital expenditure out of current revenue 412.77 2,812.30 Sundry 461.26 Deficit of previous year 9,799.51 262.53 $199,132.43 $194,722.47 $178,065.14 Surplus or (deficit) for year ' $ 2,227.38 $ ( 6,799.51) $ 1,624.08 The results of the operations of the other Boards were as follows: Egmondville Water Supply System.... (deficit) $ 197.49 Tuckersmith Twp. School Area Board (deficit) $19,305.73 School Section No. 3 .........,... (deficit) $ 1,504.79 The accounts and records of Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System were not available for audit at the time this Report was written and therefore are not included herein. General A fidelity bond was not examined for the Secretary -- Treasurer of School Section No. 3 and therefore it is pre- sumed that he is not bonded. Auditor's Opinion Subject to the foregoing, I report 'that. in my opinion: (1) The financial transactions which have come under my notice have been within 'the powers of the munici- pality. (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance • with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. (3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Municipality as at Pecember 31, 1964, and the results of the operations for the year ended on that date. (Signature) A. M. HARPER Date of filing, March 2, 1965. License Number 2775 • Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet December 31, 1964 ASSETS General Fixed'(as per Schedule 18) ............. ... $ 38,748.08 Due 'from Schools (for Debentures) Collegiate and High $ 83,019.15' Due from Utilities and Other Muni- cipal Enterprises (for Debentures) Water Supply System 14,444.77 Accounts Receivable (Schedule 17) Due from 'Other Funds: Tuckersmith Munici- pal Telephone System • ASSETS Cash on Hand $ 916.21 Cash in Bank 83,019.15 14,444.77 11,839.21 110,000.00 $258,051.21 . LIABILITIES Drainage (other than General) $ 11,839.21 Public Utilities and Other Munici- pal Enterprises Telephone System 14,444.77 . 14,444.77 Total '' $ 26,283,98. Due to Other Municipalities (For 'Debentures Assumed=Schedule 2) 83,019.15 Temporary Loans .. 110,000.00' Investment in Capital Assets 38,748.08 Revenue Fund Balance Sheet December 31, 1964 LIABILITIES Bank Overdraft 14,537.24 15,453.45 Accounts Payable $, 35,000.00 10,977.00 Debentures and Coupons Due Principal 2,629.55 306.41 Interest 1,020.52 3,650.07 $258,051.21 Accounts Receivable Sundry ' Agreements: Drains - 6,874.45 Total 7,181.86 Less Allowance for doubtful ac- counts ,(Schedule 8) 7,181.86 - 'Due from Province of Ontario 12,286.13 Due from Dominion of Canada 11,684.00 Due from Other Municipalities 206.20 - Due from Schools - 90.08 Due from 'Other Local Boards and • Commissions (specify) Egmondvill°e Water System..., 2,457.41' • ' Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) 40,125.67 Lesss Allowance for uncollec- tible taxes (Schedule 8) 40,125.67 '2,457.41 Due to Schools Other Liabilities Deferred .•Rev.enue (Schedule 8) Surplus (Form C) 2,690.99 .-F Total Assets , $ 89,484.80 ° Total Liabilities and Surplus Revenue. _Funnel S urplus Account_ - . 31, 1964 13alance at January°1, 1964 Deficit included in Current Budget Adjustment affecting operations of previous years: (specify) Adjustment of taxes receivable, control accounts Surplus for the year (Form D) C Debit Credit Batance $27,433:62 6,799.51 34,233.13 2,227.33 5.10 Totals of Debit and' Credit columns 5.10 '36,460.511 Balance of Surplus at December 31, ,1964 $36,455,41 (Form B) -_-_ Statement of Revenue and Expenditure For the year ended December 31, 1964 REVENUE Actual Total Revenue from Taxation (Sche• - dule 3) $145,245.73 Long -Term Debt Charges Recoverable (Schedule 12) 1,376.06 Contributions: Grants and Subsidies Governments: • Canada 12,059,90 Ontario- Welfare Assistance ...1,389.10 Highway Improvement 26,653.89 Payments in lieu of municipal taxes 368.78 Unconditional Per Capi- ta Grants 6,262.00 Other (specify) Warble Fly - 368.00 35,041.77 Other Municipalities 313.28 Licenses • dog and Permits (include , 1,747.04 Interest, Tax Penalties,etc. • 8,908.08 Other Revenues - Fines • 86.97 Service Charges 2,975.78 =� 3,062.75 Miscellaneous (specify) Sundry 36.99 Gross Total Revenue Total Revenue Section,... 36.99 D 711.33 2,690.99 36,455.41 $ 89,484.80 EXPENDITURE Budget Actual , ,Budget General Government $141,800.00 , Executive and Legislative 1,475.00 , Administrative .. 5,859.46 1,376.00 Other • 707.46 8,041.92 7,700.00 r Protection to Persons and Property ,10,550.00 ' Fire • 1,199.74 Street Lighting 554.75 Protectiye Inspection 128.95 Other (specify) 622.49 2,505,93 3,390.00 Public Works -Roads, Highways and L Streets, etc. 54,42L77 53,000.00 Sanitation and Waste Removal . 386,65 500.00 Conservation of Health 59.50 Social Welfare (Schedule 10) 36,600.00 Welfare Assistance .. 1,691.88 350.00 1,691.88 2,175.00 Education, including debt charges 2,000.00. (Schedule 9) - 69,979.95 69,200.00 3,500.00 Recreation and Community Services 1,681.00 1,550.00 'Debt Charges Long-term debt charges (Schedule 11) . . 13,647.06 770.00 Less own share of school debt charges 9,274.81, 350.00' • Short-term interest and other, charges 8,554.33 12,926.58 6,600.00 207,791.60 197,296.00 207,791.60 197,296.00 $267,791.60 $197,296.00 Discount for Taxes,......,.... Taxes written off Adjustment of deferred revenue 36.67 • 46.85 36.67 60.00 Capital Expenditures out of Revenue (Schedule 13) 412.77 40000 Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates 40,117.41 40,117.41 45,780.00 Miscellaneous (specify) Taxes 'refunded 24.04 ' Portion of Federal Air- port grant paid .to 'County of Huron 6,431.79 6,455.83 100.00 , Gross Total Expenditure . 198)/64.71 19.0,455.00 Deficits from previous years levied for 6,709.51 6,800.00 Surplus for the' Year Total Expenditure Section 205,564.22 197,255.00 2,227.38 41.00 $207,791.60 $197,296.00