HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-02-25, Page 12pSl,.,.QR>f S -r M'IRH,, On, •t '25 196
• Directory
L -L
:niter. s,; , Solicitors, Etc.
P, 7]l,rMc.CONNELL, Q.C.
hearer*, onL Phone 527.0850
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. '
• f€ 4e,. 527-1850, Res. 527-1643
Seaforth : Ontario
Seaforth, Ontario
Night Or Day Calls — 527-0510
Goderich St. W., Seaforth
Adjustdble hospital beds for
Phone 527-1390 Seaforth
• Funeral Director
and Ambulance Service
Night or Day Calls:
Phone 43 R 10
Prompt and careful attention
Ambulance Service
Flowers For All Occasions
.;: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885
Licensed Auctioneer.
For a better Auction Sale, call
Percy Wright, Hensall, 262-5482.
23q 56-10
24. Cards of Thanks
25.1n Memoriam
REEVES — lin loving memory
of Mrs. Fred Reeves wain past-
ed away February 25, 1956.
Take her in thine arms, dear
And ever Welt her be
A messenger of love
Betweenou hearts and Thee.
Everremored by Clarence.
HOW — In loving memory of
. a dear. wife, mother and grand-
mother, Mrs. James Hogg, who
was iso suddenly caned to her
eternal rest three years ago,
March 1 1962.
So many things have happened
Since you were called away,
Things yoit would have enjoyed
Had you been left to stay.
SQ,many things to shame with you
In just the usual way,
Things that would be so snafu
If you were here with us to -day.
We cannot bring. the old days
Your hands we cannot touch,
But God gave us wonderful
Of the one we loved so much.
Ever remembered and so sad-
ly mussed by - husband Jim,
daughter and set -in-law, Lois
and Bedford Dungey, and grand-
children Brenda and Bonnie.
I wash to thank all• those who
sent .me cards and gifts while
I was a patient in .Scott Mem-
orial Hospital. Special: thanks to
Dr. Malkas, Dr. Brady and, the
.Staff for your care and kind-
ness. It was greatly appreciated.
— Frank Phi ll ps. 24-61-1
I wish to thank my friends and
neighbor's for' -cards and treats
while I was „v, patient in- Scott
MMmarial ' Hospital.- Special
thank§ to Dn Goatwlt4 and. the
staff,,It was greatly nppreciarbed.
—. • Rlobett C. Speer. • 24-61.iul
I those Wish; to .thank allallose who
• remelbereid .me watch, cards,
letters and visits, and the C.P.T.
Hens.Kinettes, and W.M.S.
and Ladies Md ocf. Carmel
Church for Christmas boxes
and flowers. I am most grateful
to Dr. Goddard and. tate staff of
South Huron. Hospital.' .— Mrs.
W.H.' McLean. 24-61-1
I would like to thank everyone
who,. sent flowers, cards and
letters and gid while I vias a•
patient in the •hospital. Special
thanks to••Dr. Brady, nurses
and staff of .Scott Memerial Hosa
pital' and all others who helped
at home. It was very much
appreciated. — Mrs. F'oreslt
McKay, RR1 Walston.
I would -like to express my sin-
cere' thanks to ail those send-
ing cards, gifts visits during
- my stay 'n South Huron Hos
pital'. Sial thanks . to Drs.
G.... ard, Walden; Gans and
to nurses staff. — Pearl
• I Would llike, to thank • all my.
fr ie ids and relatives for making
my !stay in the ..hospital Mane
nt by remembering .mre
cards, • gifibs,• and treats.
li thanks to Dr. Brady, Dr.
Vat tine, Dr. Jennie and the
turses and staff :of Wal r
M..leifiorial Sick Childnens Hos-
pitat Thadiks again. �- Janice
McCllure. 24-61-1
I would:like to thank all my many
filen& far cards,' flowers, treats
and visits .while a parttent in
Seaforth! h+aspita 1. Special
t honk s to, Dr. Brady, Dr.
Maf ci s! and the nurses and staff
.of #she hospital for their kind-
' »tai's. Monica Callw'llh,
THE'famdly of the late Mrs. W.
Roger on wish to express their
stinceate thanks and appreciation
' to friends, neighbqurs' and rela-
tives for their many acts of kind-
ness, floral tributes, donations
to the Pioneer Memorial Mauso-
leum Fund, an'd • cards+ of syni-
pathyi received during ' their
recent bereavement. Spetlal
Ella/aka to Mrs.' Orville Dale
for kindness and help when
must needed,Ma's. Anna Coyne,
Miss Drope and staff of Scott
Memorial Hospital, Rev,
Douglas Fry, Dr. Gomwill, Dr.
Staplleton, G.A. Whiteley Fun-
eral., Homier, pallbearers .an d
4awaraaamens. • Your kindness:
was deeply appreciated and
' will always be remembered.
• 24-61x1
Members of the Father Steph-
en Eckert Council of the
Knights of Columbus, at their
meeting Thursday night, honor-
ed Mayor John• Flannery when
he was presented with a
Knights of Columbus emblem-
atic ring by Grand Knight Chas.
Rau. The members chose Mayor
Flannery as "The Knight of
the Year" in recognition of the
years of public service as , coun-
cillor, and now mayor of the
Mayor Flannery thanked the
members in a brief reply, as-
suring the council he would
treasure the gift and would as-
sist the council in all its en-
deavours whenever possible.
A second .presentation was al-
so made by the Grand Knight
to John L. Malone, in the form
•of a Past Grand Knight's Cer-
tificatewhich was issued froth
Supreme office and signed by
the Supreme Knight. Mr. Ma-
lone expressed his thanks- in a
few brief words.
The 100 Club draw was made
during the meeting. The win-
ner was Henry Rau, RR 2, Zur-
The council will award $10
to two grade 8 pupils in each
Separate School in the council
area. The awards will be made
in the fall mad will consist of
$5.00 each to the highest stand-
ing girl and boy in each school
in grade 8. There are nine sep-
arate schools in the council
area. The council is looking to
the future and hopes that it
will be able to increase these
awards after the initial year.
BLAKE — At Scott Memorial
Hospital, Seaforth, on Feb.
24, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Blake, RR 2, Clinton, a son.
POWERS — At Seaforth, on
February 22, to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Fowers,. Bmucefield, a
GROOTHIUS — At Seaforth, on
February 20, to Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Groothius, a' son.
HULLE.Y — In Stratford Gen-
eral Hos'plita1, on February
11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hulley, RRL Seaforth, a
daughter, Debbie Helen:
Public Hospital, on February
.12th, to . Mr. and Mrs. Russel
Hoffineyer; Clinton, (nee
Patricia Carter) a. son, Russel
JASNEY — At South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, on February
19, to Mr. and Mrs- James
Jasney, twins—son and daugh-
RONEY = At Seaforth, on Feb-
ruary 23, to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Roney RRl Staffa, a
Deaths •
ROGERSON — In Seaforth, on
Thursday, February 18, 1965,
Elizabeth Dunlop, - widow of
the late Walter Rogerson, in
her 92nd year. •
WILCOX — In Sunnybrook.
Hospital, Toronto, on -Febru
nary 18, 1965, Arthur Frederick
Wilcox, beloved husband of
Marjory Wigg.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Powell
wish to 'announce the engage-
ment of their elder daughter
Linda, Louise to Mr. Donald
Edgar Coleman, son of air. and
Mrs:- Harold Coleman. ' The
wedding to take place' March 20
at 3:00 p.m., at St. Thomas
Thomas An .can Church.
25. In Memoriam
Too Late
Mrs. C. Reith presided over
the regular meeting of the
Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of
First Church Tuesday- evening,
when there were 12 present.
Plans were advanced to hold
a June supper and make two
layettes and send Christmas
cards overseas. Mrs. E. Rivers
explained the visitation to the
new Ontario Hospital at ..Gode-
rich, and asked for volunteers
to go the following Thursday.
The World. Day of Prayer was
discussed and Mrs. Rivers is to
read the- Scripture ..lesson. The
Scripture lesson was read by
Miss Bessie Grieve from the
sixth chapter of Galatians. Mrs.
Robert Charters read the Glad
Tidings Prayer. Miss Florence
Laidlaw, in the absence of the
treasurer; s,read her • report and
received the collection. Two.
groups were formed and held a
discussion onvarious questions
which were put to' the group
concerning fellowship and the
need of such groups.
FOR SALE -2 bull calves, 3
days old. Phone 527.0546,' Tony
Van Loon, RR 2, Kippers_ 61-1
FOR SAFE:--•Househelld Amnia
tures. must sell, moving to wets
coast:. Phone 527-0032 and ask
for Mrs. Fenwick. 61-2
FOR SAA1EE -Fkirmal, size 14,
only worn twice;, phone 527-1265.
FOR SALE—Nearly new, large
space heater, b r o w er a n d
thermostat. 'Win heat 5 to 6
rooms, reaaionable price. Phone
5227-0307. 61-2
FOR SALE—A few good hirer-
' ford shorthorn cows. freshening
soon. They, are young caws:
Luther Sanders, phone 527-15771
FOR SALE—Charoloas-Durham
calf, Dale Nixon, phone 527-0738
Seaforth. 61-1
FOR RENT—Downstairs apart-
ment, heated, 2 -bedrooms, 3 -
piece bath, Gordon Noble phone
527-0840. 61-2
FOR RENT—Recently remod-
elled house.' First floor,4 rooms
including modern kitchen: -and
separate laundry. Second ftbor,
3 bedrooms and bath, gas fur-
nace. Phone 527•-1904. 61-1
WILLEMS — In lovingmemlory
of a' dear wife and mother Magda
G. Wtllems, who passed away
February 25 19.64.
God knew that she was suffer-
ing,That the hills were hard to
So he c weary eyelids
And whispered, Peace be thine::
Away in ; the beanibiful bins of
B'y the Val ley of Beat so fair,
Soma daffy' we. know snot when
We Win :Ince t our loved one
' Akwa st logreld aid even remem
`' be d by 'blei? h l alndl 'a d fes.
Every week more people dis-
cover - what mighty jobs are
accomplished by low cost Ex-
positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240.
Mr. and .Mrs, James Ramsey,,
Steven and Vickie, of Listowel,
were Sunday visitors with his
parents, Mr: and Mrs. Alex Ram-
Mr. Alex } Parker left for
Northern Quebec, 'where he is
employed, after Visiting for a
week at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wal-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner
visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Gardiner's father; Mr. Henry
Eggert ,,of Rostock.
Mr. T. L. Scott attended the
meeting of Stratford Presbytery
of the Presbyterian Church, at
Monkton on Tuesday.
Weekend visitors With Mr.
and Mrs. Otto .Walker. were Mr.
and Mrs. Jack McGhee and chil-
dren and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Currie and • daughters.
Mrs. Jennie Fischer, Guelph,
visited with her brother, Mr.
Russell Butler.
Mrs. Alex Walker, Kimberley,
and Michelle, who have been
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 'Otto
Walker, left Saturday for Kirk-
land Lake, where they will re-
Mr. , Russell Butler is a pa-
tient in South Huron Hospital,
We extend our sympathy to
the family of the late Mr. Carl
:Walker, who passed away sud-
denly at his home ,on Saturday
CONSTRUCTION of a new sewer lateral to ser"ve the new Seaforth Community Hospital
's well advanced and is scheduled for completion before March 8. Work now is' at the
deepest point, with the trench "excavated to a depth of 26 feet.' Here, workmen are busy
preparing to lay pipe after :the shovel had cleared , the trench. Frank Kling Ltd. has the
contract. (Expositor photo by Visser). .
Ladies' Guild
Has Meeting
The Ladies' Guild of St.
Thomas' Anglican ' Church met
at the home of Mrs. William
O'Shea for the February meet-
ing. The president, Mrs. G.
Snowdon, conducted the busi-
ness session, when the :follow-
ing committees were named for.
the booths at the November 17
bazaar: aprons: Mrs.• J. Grum
mett, Mrs. N. Oldfield, Mrs. G.
McGavin, Mrs. E. Case, Mrs. H.
Pretty; knitting: Mrs. A. Reid,
Mrs. A. MacLean; puddings,
cake, candy and mincemeat:
Mrs. L. Ford, Mrs. E. Dinsmore,
Mrs. E. C. Boswell; variety, Mrs.
C. Coombs,_Mrs. Ted Southgate;
children's: Mrs. B. McLean;
baking: Miss D. Parke, Mrs. D.
C. Cornish, Mrs. J. Oldfield;
country stare: Mrs. D. Netzke,
Mrs. T. Brown; tea room: Mrs.
J. R. Spittal, Mrs. C. Rowcliffe,
Mrs. G. Stockwell. The list is
subject to change if necessary.
Mrs. Bell and pupils at S.S.
No. 3, Hibbert, held their Val-
entine party on Friday after-
noon. Each grade decorated a
school window and prizes were
awarded for the best; also priz-
es' for the beat decorated Val-
entine hag. There were six pre-
school children present—Susan
Norris, Kathy Roney, Jeana Lou
Elliott; Nancy Templeman, Glen
and Dennis Parsons.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan;
Exeter; , visited recently with
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and
Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman
and families.
'We Norris, Guelph, spent•
the weekend with his mother,
Mrs. Sam Norris, and Mr. and
Mts. Bob Norris and daughters.
Terry Daynard, a fourth-year
student at the O.A.C., is Press -
dent ref the College Royal this
'year, which is, , beim held the
:-first• Week- i . Marchi '
4.1i/fi%; ROSS Smile wag in To-
*.leVC,4t0 Ale ytte k.,
Juveniles 'Win'
Second Game
Over Wingham
Mrs. Spittal explained to the
members the plan for' the va-
rious churches to assist at the
Ontario- Hospital ,at Goderich,
ea ,h.church to be responsible
for four days a year,• with- our
first days being.the first and
third Thursdays in May, various.
materials and ideas' for crafts,
etc., to be brought to the March
meeting—print scraps for quilt
blocks, plastic cleaner bags, body Sunday morning. Rev" Ar -
ends of wool •and yarn, old ny- thur, Higginbotham conducted
Pons for rugs, etc. There will the service. Boy. Scouts from
be mote discussion next month here • who took part in Sing -
when the ladies will be shown time -on CKNX TV, Wingham,
how to cut the nylons. Sunday afternoon, included
Several ladies volunteered to Bruce Clark, Keith Williamson,
make pyjamas and knit socks Gerald Baan, Larry Walters,
for the Children's Aid Society.
Mr. and Mfrs. Joe. White spent
the weekend at:Windsor Windsor and
Detroit 'While attending the
White - Mayville wedding at
Mrs. R. ' Elgie • visited last
week with friends in Lucknow
and Goderich.
Mr. Russell Hays, of Detroit,
visited relatives in town, over
the weekend.
Mrs. Watson Sholdice, Blyth,
was a- guest last week of her
sister, Mrs. Robert Joynt, and
Mr. Joynt... -'
Miss Lois . Maloney and • Mr.
Karl Schmitt, of Kitchener,
spent the weekend at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore
of Wallaceburg, were Sunday
guests of Miss Hazel Reid and
Mr. D. L. Reid.
The Hospital Auxiliary van-
ishing euchres and bridges are
progressing favorably and con-
tinued progress is anticipated.
The following have enter-
tained: Miss Dorothy Parke
was hostess to Mrs. Harold Cole-
man, Mrs. A. Bethune, Miss Mae
Smith,. Miss Hilda Payne, Mra.
L. Rowat, Mrs. R. J. Spittal and
Mrs. E. Stephenson; Miss Kath-
erine Cleary entertained Mrs.
J. J. Cleary, Mrs. J. Meagher,
Mrs. Frank Maloney and Mrs:
James Kelly; Miss Florence
Laidlaw was hostess to' , Mrs.
Harold Whyte, Mrs. P.. Brady,
Mrs, R. R. McKindsey, Mrs. W.
Hart, Mrs. James Slattery, Mrs.
Fa R. Cosford, Mrs. C. P. Sills'
and Mrs. Dave Cornish.
Cash donations were received
from Mrs. Art Wright, Mrs. M.
Taylor and Mrs., Clarence Wap.
Was Sally • Nott, Iieg,N., of
London,. spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs. Raymond Nott,
in Egmondville. •
Those from a • distance at-
tending the ftmeral of the late
Mrs. Walter Rogerson were: Mr.
and Mrs, Fred Armstrong, of
Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
lace Shannon, Sarnia, and Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Pethick, of
Messrs. Glenn Smith, Thorpe
Rivers and John porrance haft
returned . from, a two weeks'
holiday in Florida.
Rev. S. W. McFalls and Miss
Lillian McFalls, of Hensall, for-
merly, of London, Ont., have,
taken up residence last -week in
Seaforth.` .Rev. McFalls has -
pastored several churches • in
Michigan, U.S.A.
Paul Felkar, son of Mr. and
Mrs. •Everett Felkar, of Moose
Jaw, has joined the RCAF`'and
has been posted to St. Johns,
Miss Alice Ann Nixon, of the
Exeter branch' of the Bank of
Montreal, has been transferred
to the Weston branch.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney
and family visited their daugh-
ter, Sister Ann Clare, at Mount
St. Joseph, London, on Sunday.
The regular monthly meeting 'ed the speaker.
of the 17th and Boundary Unit James Smith acted as chair -
of the UCW of Duff's United man for the evening. Rev. Ar -
Church was held at the home thur Higginbotham welcomed
of Mrs. Martin Baan. The roll the guests on behalf • of the
call was answered by ,16 mem- church. Mrs. Ronald. Bennett
bers and one • visitor was Pres- moved a voteof thanks to the
ent. McKillop ladies. The evening
Mrs. William Murray was in was closed with the Scout.and
charge of the devotional' per- Cubs Signs and Promise.
iod. .Hymn 498, "More Love To Mr:, Walter Somerville is at
Thee, 0 Christ," was sung. The present confined to Stratford
Scripture reading from Psalm General Hospital.
113 was taken by Mrs. Murray, Mr. Frank Kirkby spent the
followed with prayer. Mrs. weekend with • Mr. and Mrs.
Maud Leeming' took the topic Herbert Kirkby; Woodstock.
entitled, "Gratitude," while Mrs. Mrs. Walter Broadfoot and
Murray read the'' . Scripture Mrs. Fred Kerley, who is visit -
references. Mrs. Harold • Small- ing - here from Toronto, spent
don favored with a solo. Mr`s, the weekend in Seaforth with
George Williamson conducted Mrs. William Leeming and•Mrs.'
the business. The . financial re- Fern Patterson, who is a pa -
port was given by Mrs. Clifford tient in Scott Memorial Hospi-
Hoegy. After some discussion tal.
the meeting closed with the Mrs. William Miller, Mitchell,
singing of Hymn 394, "Happy Mrs. Edward Miller and Mr. and
the Home When God is There," Mrs: Douglas Ennis . visited in
and prayer. Toronto on Sunday with* Mrs.
A Valentine dance, sponsor- Edward Zoeger and other rela-
ed by the, Hall Board; was held tives, owing to the sudden
in the Walton Community Hall death of Edward. Zoeger on
Friday evening with- Desjar- Saturday. 4- ,
dine's orchestra supplying the Mrs. Forest McKay has re -
music. Spot dance winners turned home from Scott Mem-
were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hue- oriel Hospital, Seaforth.
ther, Brussels, Miss Anne Achil-
les and . John 'Varley. • in spent several days in Toronto
The Boy Scout Troop Cub this week.
Pack and their leaders attend- Mr'- and Mrs. Gordon Lydian
ed Duff's UnitedChurch in a and family, Barrier were week
end guests at the home 'of Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie.
Before the largest crowd of
the season, Seaforth's high -fly-
ing Juveniles advanced a step
closer to the Western Ontario
Juvenile championship when
they defeated Wingham in a
high -scoring game Wednesday
night here. The locals took the
game 11-7 in one of the best
played games this season. The
teams return to action in Wing -
ham. Friday .night. This could
be another real game, as Wing -
ham faces elimination, being
down two genhes. to none in the
best -of -five series..
A house cat has been known
to reach the age of 27 years,
The March meeting' is to be
at the home of Mrs. L. F. Ford,
with Mrs. W. E. Southgate and
Mrs: Stockwell to look after
the lunch. There will be a
shower for the apron booth at
that time.
The president closed.t h e,
meeting with the benediction.
A social hour was enjoyed with
Mrs. Case and Mrs. Snowdon
serving lunch.
The February meeting of
First Presbyterian Church WMS
was held in the schoolroom of
the church with 25 present.
The president, Mrs. Francis
Coleman, opened the, meeting
with prayer and a poem. Hym
599; "0 God of Bethel," was
Members were asked to think
about a guest speaker for the
April meeting. The four group
leaders were to look after the
prayers for the World Day of
Prayer, to be held in North-
side United Church.
Miss Jessie Fraser gave the
treasurer's report in the ab-
sence of Mrs. '1VIcKay and re-
ceived the offering. The presi-
dent • then turned the meeting
over to the group leader, Mrs.
.lames. Keys. "All People That
on Earth Do Dwell" was sung
and Mrs. John Thompson read
the Scripture lesson, taken from
Philippians. Prayer was offered
by Miss Jennie Hogg.
• The second chapter of the
study book, "Missions On Our
Doorstep," was taken by sev-
eral members, and Mrs. Keys
thanked those Who took part
rib God', OU± Help in 'Ages
lust'' Was 4,ng,.;
Neil McDonald and Gary Ben-
Scouts Hold Banquet
The McKillop UCW Unit ca-
tered to a banquet Monday eve-
ning in the school rooms of
Duff's United Church with 97
attending. -
Guests included Boy Scouts,
Cubs, their fathers, sponsoring
fathers, leaders, group commit-
tee and Mr. V. I. McIntosh, DC,
St. Marys, and Ronald Eyre,
ADC, Egmondville, both of
Perth District.
Sydney Jolley, ADC, Bruce -
field, Huron District from the
Clinton RCAF Station, guest
speaker, was introduced by
Campbell Wey. Mr. Jolley had
S - .' g experience overseas
owed slides taken over -
William Leeming thank -
Surface temperatures of the
siftx •' avei ages 3.6,066degrees
fy A,
Na :. ter - .,....
ffl,ia�*�.lrirN k!#r�„,;tAra;waa ....
Honor Couple
Mr. and John F. Bell, RR 2,
Seaforth, entertained friends
and neighbors Friday evening
hi honor. of Mr, and Mrs. James
Owen ' Scott, newlyweds. The
evening was spent playing
;euchre, with the bride, Mrs.
Scott, winning the ladies' high.
Miss Jessie Fraser won the
ladies' consolation, and Gordon
Scott, men's high; and Fred Mc-
Gavin, the low prize.
Following lunch, Sani Scott
addressed the bride and groom
and Welcomed the Ito the
`onimunity. 'Many rift autiful
gifts> were presented Uy John
Beli.'to the '-dotiplte;W110,betli
it ride suitable repute arld'ihatik+
ed eveiryofip; incl Itl,fn Mr and:
igte .)1e11, ;fo . thalr' tto pltliti
astd�': tivited;
,vloit`' them `-iii �theti heW ftomt
Ito �W`ingHar�i�
Scouts Parade At
Members of the Egmondville
Scouts,, Rovers, Guides, Cubs
and Brownies held a church
parade to Egmondville United
Church on Sunday.
Ken Moore, chairman of the
group committee, presented a
flag to Ron Eyre, who received
it on behalf of the Scouts, in
memory of Thomas and Wil-
liam Oliver, , two Scouts who
died accidentally Feb. 15, 1964.
The flag was dedicated by Rev;
A. Scott and placed in front of
the church. ;
During the service the. new
Rover Scout flag was also dedi-
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