HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-02-18, Page 1099° fEIizeosITOR, SEAFofTB, ONT., FrB. 18, .1965 u, ,1 eg'al.r'Notices A SIFTED ADS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ixt taw F+ hate of QEOR,,GJ AUSTIN_ DOLMAGE A42, persons beedtg dame ' againett •th+e Estate of George Antstin Dolinage, )late of the .Township of MdKano, in the Cotter Of Huron, Retired Mer- chant, .deceased; Who died on tole 30th day of January, 1965, a1re 'hereby notified to send in lid particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of March, 1965, after Web date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 8th dary.of February, 1965. MeCONNELL & STEWART Seafen tb, Ontario. Solicitors for the Eaoecutare 22-59-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILL IAM BEIM. A11 pet -Sons having claims against the Estate of William Kent late of the Township of McKillop, in the the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of Februr ary, 1965, are ;hereby, notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of March, 1965, full particulars of their claims, after which date, the assets of the said estate willt. be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to .claims of • which • the underrsigned ,shall • then have native, ' DATED at Seaforth, this 16th day of .February, 1965. . By their solicitor, ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario. 22-60-3 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH . TAKE NOTICE that the. Coun- cil of the Town of Seaforth pro- poses to enact Ia by -haw urviiee Section 459 (1) of The Munici- pal Act,' la.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249 establishing and laying out as a 'h'i'ghway in the municipali- ty the northwesterly extension in a straight )hive of Railway Street as shown on Registered Plan Ne. 3 for the Town of Sea - forth from the northwesterly limit of said Registered Plan No. 3 a distance of 99.07' (more or less to the southeasterly bank of that ,part of Lot 12, Conces- sion 1, Huron Road Survey in •fhe Toiwn of Seaforth, now oc- cupied by one Carl' Dalton. AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Seaforth proposers to enact the said by- law after the publ'i'cation of this notice in four successive 'issues of The Huron 'Expositor, the first of which) appears in the is- sue dated the 11th days of Feb- ruary, '1965, that the Council • shell 'hear in person or byhis ccunsel;, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his and will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be, held at the Council .Chambers in the Torn Hall in the Town of Seaforthon -the 8th day el March, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the afternoon or as soon thereafter as the said meeting may be held, and that this Notice is given pursuant 'to Section 462 (1) of „The Nadel - 'pal Act. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 9th day of February, 1965. C. L. Hammond, Cleek, Town of •Seafar6h: • 22-59-4 23. Business .Directory JOHN Ed LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST , Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs.,' Fri., 9 to 5.30p.m. Sat, 9 to 12 noon Thursday eventing by appoint- ment only. Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 ' Mon., Wed., Clinton Office A. M. HARPER Chartered. Accountant 55-57 Sotith Street Telephone, Goderich 524-7562 SEAFORTH VETERINARY •' CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull,: D.V.M., V.B. W. R. Bryans, ,p.V M„ 'V.S. V. J. V. Parks, D.V.M., V.S. G. R. Gray, 13.S.,D.V.M., V.S. Phone 5274760 . Seaforth McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. L STEWART , Seafo,th, Ont. -Phone 527-0850 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Offide, 527-1850r Res. 527-11643 Seaforth : Ontario W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls --° 527-0510 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Godeticli .,:fit W., Seaforth AMSULI&CE SERICE • Adjustdble hospital. beds for rent. • FLOWERS Fbft EVERY • OCCASION Phone 5274.39O • - Seaforth J. A. BURIE Funeral Diiyector • ,arid Attib trance- Sett Ice DONTARIO. AN ht 0 Day Cauls: 23. Business Directory BOX. FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 24. Cards of Thanks 1 would like to thank my' many friends for cards treats and visits while I was a patient in Stratford General • Hospitals. Special thanks to 1)r. Scratch and nurses of Stratford Hospital. — Ames Corby. 24-60oc1 I would like ,to thank everyone who sent me flbwerse cards and gifts while I was a patient in hospital. Special thanks to .Dr. Mallets, nurses and staff of Scott Melmoauall Hospital; also those who ' helped at home, It was very much) appreciated. —Mrs. Hellen. Lane. 24-60-1 THE family of the late Mrs. James Campbell wish to express 4x relatives and friends) their thanks and appreciation for missions and floral tributesre- ceived during their sad beeeav'e- ment. Special thanks 40 the Loc - heat Funeral . Holme and those who assistedin any 'ways, 54-60x1 IN lappreeiation for a l l the filorwers, cards, visits and treats), that I received while in .South Huron Hospital, and to Dr. Ecker, Dr. Goddard, the nursing staff and especially Mr. and Mrs Robert McGregor, a greatful thank -you. — Archie Hoggarth. • 24-60x1 THE' family of the late WilllStam Kerr wish to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation to friends. neighbors and relatives' for their many acts of kindness,. floral tributes, donations to The Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum' Fund and cards of sympathy re- ceived during their recent ber- eaeememt. ,Sp cia1 thanks to Rev. 'Britton. Dr. 'Malkus, Dr. Brady, the nurses and staff of Scout Memorial Hospital., also the nurses in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London,' on 2nd floor, room 231, the Rebekah Lodge, The; Whitney .Funeral Home and the pallbearers. Your kindness was greatly 'appreciated and will always be remembered, 24-60x1 25. In Memoriam UBLER--In loving memory of Martha K. Uhler, who passed away Febterar3n 19,• 1964. —Ever reniei:mbered by Vic and Linda. •• 25-60x1 UHLER—In Doming 'memory of a wonderful wife and mother, ,leambha• K. Uhler, who passed away February 19, 1964. A mother 'who gave us the best g rams of her Who cherished our secrets, our sorrows, our'strifes, Who taught us 'to love and • taught us to pray, Dear mother in Heaven, God blese you today. —Always loved and ever re- membered by husband. Ernst and Fattnily, . 25-60x1 Births HUARD — At Scott Memorial Holspitat, on Feb. 13, to, Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Huard, Sea- forth, a• sone McCLURE-At Scott M'e noriad' Hospital, on Feb. 16. to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel.M'CC1ure, of RR 2, Seaforth, a son. REID—Art South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Feb. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Reid, Exeter, (nee Oateill-.Smith), a daughter. WILSON — At Scott Memorial .P Hospital. on Feb. ' 15,.. to Mr. • and Mrs. Douglas Winson,. of Egmondville, a son. • Engagements„ Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A:lfan, of Brucefield, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Mary Marrgamet, to Mr. tG'eorge Gleade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrold Gloade, of Kitchener, the 'marri'a'ge to take place easily in March, art St John The Evangelist Anglican Church, Kitchener. 60-1 Too Late LOST—On No. 8 Highway, on Wednesday morning, between Chinticn and St. Colnsmban, red, white-faced Guernsey calf. Hen- ry Klaver, phone 482-9166. 60x1 FOR SALE -2 pair wine satin drapes, reasonable. Mrs. Long, K'ippen, phone) 262-5180. 60-1 FOR SALE—Holetein heifer, due soon. Glenn Bell'), RIR is,. Hensall, phone 262-51153. 60-1 FOR SALEI--Hollstein, heifer, off purebred stock with white -'faced calf 2,days old; also Hereford x Jersey caw, with white-faced calf 2 days old; 4 Hereford cows, bred Hereford, freshen in ArprlII David Livingston, RR 2, Seaforth. 60-1 Protest Closing (Continued from Page 11 ah a matter of general Riley, and secondly, to avoid local in- convenience and disadirantage: Suggesting a loss' in business in the area, the townships pointed out in conclusion that "a curtailment of services will^ react unfavorably on the local. economic picture. It should al- so be evident that the degree of business confidences always maintained be railway person- nel is in sharp contrast to what would result in farming out ex- press and'iboney order services to partatitne appointees, and we feel that any aitch - move will result fit considerable .loss aid btitirxerls 3n these ;;BaIda and by .0.iAfi414d064. lf',. ttidotif etnn„.. LQ►CAL BRIEFS PO, and Mrs. Harry Corby, of Detroit, Mich., visited his brother, Mr. Amos W. Corby, on Saturday. Mr.. Harold Jackson has re- turned from Vancouver, B.C,, where he spent the past two weeks. Mr. A. W. Sillery has return- ed from a recent illness in West- minster Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Wal- ter, of Dundas, were guests of Mrs. J. E, Willis last week: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Farqu- harson, of London, and Mrs. Ed. Matthews have returned from a two weeks' trip to Miami and Nassua, Bahama Is- lands. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Slote, of Riverside, visited her brother, Mr. Amos W. Corby, over the weekend. CROMARTY Mrs. John Wallace, Mrs. Laverne Wallace and Pam are visiting with Mrs. Harry Elliott and family, of Essex, Mrs. Grace Scott spent a few days with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and family, in Goderich. Linda and Joanne Currie, of Dorchester,' spent. the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. David Hulley returned home on Sun- day after visiting with is grandparents. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar were Mr. and Mrs. Don Castagnasso, of Em- bro, and Mr. Frank Routly, Kirk - ton. Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Staffa, entertained at a quilting party at her home on Monday. Those present were Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mrs. ' Will Miller, Mrs. ,Grace Scott and Mrs. K. McKellar, Cromarty; 'Mrs. Ken Drake, Mrs. Bert Fell and ,Mrs. George Vivian and children, Staffa, and Mrs. Harold Coleman, Seaforth. Mrs. Hulley, of Brucefield, is visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Hulley and family. . The February meeting of the Staffa and Cromarty Senior Citi- zens Club was held in Staffa Hall with 15 members in at- tendance. A varied program of music, readings and games, pre- pared by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman, was much enjoyed by. all. . Observe 45th Anniversary Mr. and• Mrs. William Miller celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on Thursday, Feb, llth. They were guests of honor at a dinner party at the home of their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller,' and their family, Ron nie and Dianne, Staffa. Guests present were Mrs. Grace Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKel- lar. Mrs. Miller is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. D. McKellar, and Mr. Miller is a son of'' the late Mr. and Mrs. John M, Miller. They were married at, the' home of the bride's parents on Feb. •11th, 1920, by the late Rev. David. Ritchie. They fanned first on Staffa line, and for many years have resided on their present, farm on the 10th concession' of Hibbert. They have one son, Lloyd, of Hibbert Township. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are both enjoying fairly good health. BRODHAGEN NEWS Mrs. Lena Bennewiee.. is spending the winter •' months with her daughters in Torentq, Mrs. Jim Lloyd and Mrs. George Sherr{n. Miss Cheryl Bennewies, Brod hagen, • a grade 12 °student of Mitchell and District Righ School, was on a tour of the University of Western Ontario, London, with the, high school. Mrs. August Hillebrecht had the misfortune to get her right hand caught in the Wringer of her washing machine. She was treated at Scott Memorial _Hos- pital, Seaforth, her hand regtiir- ing 15 stitches. She is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Les- lie Wietersen and Mr. Welter - sen, Bornholm. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hicks, of Toronto, visited his brother, Lew Hicks, and Mrs. Hicks last Tuesday, and on Wednesday the former went on to Florida. Last Thursday Master Mark Sholdice celebrated his third birthday with a party for a few of his friends. Mrs. Elizabeth Querengesser, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Roger and Beverley, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice and Miss Ruth Davey, also Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sholdice, of Scarboro, attended the 20th wedding an- niversary ” of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser, Mitchell, on Friday night. Rev. Harold Brill, pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church here, spoke on "Church of the Air" on CKNX Wingham Radio and TV Monday morning, Mrs. Jim 'Clark, Susan, •Joan, Elizabeth and James, of New Hamburg; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sholdice, Scarboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Johnson, of Lambeth,' were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Leon- hardt and Earl spent Sunday in Thamesford with Mr: and Mrs. Henry Leonhardt. Mr: • Ray Beuerman and Mich- elle, of Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuerman, of Lon- don, with their parents, Mr: and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman, on Sunday. Mr. Andy Vandermeulen, of the northern part of • Holland, came by plane to Milton Air- port; Toronto, on Thursday eve- ning to be employed as a tool F THE WEEK and diemaker at the Ford Dicki-. son Industries Limited here. Mrs. Robert French is at the home of Dr. and Mrs, J. Pack - ham, Mitchell, for a few days With their two daughters, while they are gone.. to Alberta. Mr. and. Mrs. Lavern Wolfe with Mr. and Mrs.' Ed. Oliver, Stratford, and Mr. aid Mrs. Lorne Wolfe, Kitchener. Church Women Meet, The members of the Luther- an Church Women met, with Mrs. Martin Deitz and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer in charge of de- votions. Mrs. Pfeifer read the Scripture lesson and the prayer and Mrs. Dietz gave .,the topic, "What Heroes Are Made Of." After the offering was receiv- ed, Pastor Brill gave a thank - offering prayer. The minutes of the last meet- ing were eet-ing'were read by the secretary, Mrs. L. Pfeifer,' and the treas- urer's report was given by the 'president, Mrs. Dietz, in the absence of the treasurer, Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth. Mrs. Lew Hicks was the pianist for the hymns. The roll call was an- swered with the month of your birthday. Thank -you cards and cor-' respondence were read. •• Two quilts are to -be made for Wa- terloo College Girls' Domitory; $100.00 has been budgeted for Missions. Several layettes are to be made and sent to Cana- dian Lutheran World Relief. The box social, which had to be postponed on account of stormy weather, is to be held Friday evening, Feb. 19, when the congregation is invited. This group catered to the C of C Ladies' Night, Feb. 16, at the Community Dill. A birthday was reported by Mrs. Minnie Vock and a hymn was sung in her honor. Pastor Brill then continued on the Book of Revelations, chapter 1, verse 8. Lunch was .served by Mrs. Lloyd Prueter, Mrs, Lloyd Pfeifer, Mrs. t, Mil- ler, Mrs. George Mogk, Mrs: Harold Mogk and Mrs. - WY L. Querengesser. Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in.. pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. DICK'S STORE.: W1LLCLOSE 1_ Saturday, February 20th Watch for further announcement of Final Auction SALE Saturday, March 6th 13}DROOM -SUITE SPECIAL VALUE (3 -Piece Walnut Finish) This attractive bedroom suite contains three pieces, and each is of long-lasting, sturdy construction. The suite is finished in attractive walnut. Included are bed with bookcase headboard; a modern four -door chest in contemporary design; and a'47 -inch double dresser, com- plete with large tilting mirror. See this outstanding Bedroom $ • .._. roc Suite Value - At the Low, Low Price of WITH SMOOTH TOP MATTRESS and SLAT SPRINGS ONLY $166.00 COMPLETE You can buy this Special Suite with a low down payment of only $17:00, and with monthly payments to suit your budget. X FURNITURE • SPECIAL FEBRUARY' SALE BUY NOW AND SAVE $$�$ CHECK LAST WEEK'S PAPER FOR LIST OF PRODUCTS AT. SALE PRICES All Metal Products not in Stock Ordered Now, Less 10% Discount Off Regular Retail Price FERTILIZER PRICES HAVE GONE DAWN ! • . DOWN! DOWN!--, DOWN! AND SAVINGS TO YOU HAVE GONE UP! UP! UP! UP! UPI CONTACT US NOW ON SPECIAL. PRICES Early. Delivery Quantity --- Cash and Pickup Discounts OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED ,SEAFORTH PHONE.527-1910 "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLT i(R" WANT ADS BEING QUICK •RESULTS :Dial 527-0240 Minced BEEF 2 lbs. 79c Shoulder ROAST lb. 41c Chuck STEAKS lb.. 49c Beef Liver Ib. 45c Side BACON lb. 69c TENDER '!+E' JUICY RED13RAND • RIB - STEAKS FOR FRYING W HYTE'S SKINLESS WIENERS WJHYTE'S MINCED HAM WHYTE'S BOLOGNA by -the -,piece PINK—CRY.O?VAC SALMON CHUNKS PACIFIC—CRY-0-VAC • HALIBUT CHUNKS Ib. 49. u 59c Ib. 3 3 c Ib. 790 Ib FREEZER FEATURES rnacAlNaRE GEN PEAS HIQHLINER COD FILLETS SUNNY ORANGE CONC..ENtRATE NOSTON'S PIES PBACHY BAKERY SPECIALS Garden Patch PEAS WESTON'S—SAVE.e Your • choice, 14 -oz. r.1'; A4 470 ROLLS Cri.p 'n' Serra Pk,: 25'. r Tins i.le each orKounty Kist CORN RLEY QAV SAVE 4 2 ,..b.• ���. RAISIN PIE RRY JELLY ROLL •IS•w. ♦ WESTON•S 2 'Ia' 89 Honey Nut ROLL �,o,• SHIRLEY 04Y 6Ir. 37¢ SUGAR' DONUTS . • 39c Bathroom Tissue Mo. ' 45, "8 Rolls 99c P" °' JAMS 2 for 69c Ir; ar. 39R Spaghetti or Mace - 334 roni -- 16 -oz. Pkg. 2 for 39c D or. FIVE ROSES ROYAL—ASSORTED FLAVOURS111 HEINZ ' ` ' All Purpose E INSTANT , TOMATO FLOUR E PUDDINGS KETCHUP Bag 69c for 8914Bele7-16. DAIRY SPECIALS TOP VALU CHEESE SLICES S -O!, Pkg. CHERRY HILL MILD COLOURED CHEESE WEDGES 29' ,:vetB, 49c Fair E.ar, GOUDA CHEESE Z. 49c CHEESE SPREAD 55f „`-• (15 FREE •yi(RDLES). YORK PEANUT BUTTER 16•or. Ice Dor Jar T. TOP VALU WAX 'PAPER ,00+/1• SANDWICH WRAP 4 nen. 990 BAGGIES .AQ1(I65 SANDWICH• WRAP .ANIaAN GARBAGE" BAGS .. SARAN WRAP .. , , TOP VALU PI TEA BAGS .7%; 730 T04 VALU RAISINS .... ,, 101:E6N62 2 PLY WHITE OR 0050 TOWELS. 2 PAIN R'LI4V4R BUFFERIN EXNEVI CEDRIN BA11I OIL HAIR ORLSRINn BRYLCREEM ..,. 1 Sc OFF SPECIAL MAPLE LEAF LIQUID DETERGENT 32.OZ. BOTTLE 39c Pkv a,. 39*. Pk0• 69 7S•e',. PMO. �.. 9 3,'I.F Prek t' Oellle 4 J 4 J=.REO, 760 e1,, $Ee BABY POWDER , .. T69R in.'. o11N J 6 J-555. 302 n.' 99c ..COTTON BUDS , , ,35f. O'i•ei, N. 40 0044.474 EV4NPL0—R6o.111.4::44::4:1! 7.,5„ l'`:9 BABY BOTTLES ::. 3i�R Lr.. 69 ' COUQ i SYRUP . „ 69R OLD TYME ABLE SYRUP 16 -or. Jars PEA OR VEGETABLE HABITANT SOUPS 28.os. Tins FOR ... ta., ..> r r r, '0 oti 1 Y •