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The Huron Expositor, 1965-02-18, Page 9
1 a. .' ,. a .r. , t x{, . 14S •.,•',:. •n. .4 ...n ,rr '��'�'�'� i ,t,_, ,� { t..,l.ri r P Sap e..Y.r�. ! •Skk3 �� jj 1 •(R I. � Y N • .. _, � - , ,..:.,. K .... r, ,.. k., I. . .. ,.:... .. -..,, ,,,'I.r•.-.¢ X: A � H :�l ,� r,..: F i i i , , �. .b ... ,. a'- i �,Jr. f r: .•h f F' �( ,i, gr i.. r 1 :!', •d '� `•� I: tti ,Y i •:1' ,�:�� � p; a .. .i ,, " cr „}:. ^, rt , w :'A v t i! •:'t d <'" • . y, 1 �9• I,. Y 3 9#49,9# 'k� , Yt, E 0 nTAX µy - .•r.: M R c•' �` Y. plxs � , '1.1 t .• M i' "ar :A' P ^' tM I Y, USE THESE Ci.AS$(FiCATiQNS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 4� Help Waut6d ],1, Articles For 'Sale 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21,- Tenders Wanted Z1: T.eloders ''W11aritod` DO YOLJ WANT A KARIPT Organ and Singer sewing - • 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed BETTER INCOME? machine. Apply P.O'. Box 143 Seaforth. i1-584 - INOTICE AUCTION SALE. WARBLE FLY I'OA SA,�E 3. Found wearer pigs, auiaund T weeks illi. Cor Dorssers 'RR 4 Sea,- _ The. Township of Hibbert will this this must comply with SPRAYING ' TENDER bY+ 4, Help Wanted AN inbernahianal coo any', p ONE lame oils ace,thehter• Ap- large p 1t; Mrs'. Catherine ° Ryan, not be responsible. for vehicles left on townsblp roads during Dairy Cows and HeiEeuiS `y ENDER 5. Business 0 opportunities `` wholesaling g needed farm p ply Y -R R 1 Dublin bane 90 R 5. ,p snowplowing operations through SATURDAY FEBRUARY ?Jtltinr T Twp. of Tuekers'mith _ SILO BARN 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted ducts to farms, requires an agent in this area. Full' ' 11-58-4 out the winter months. ED. CHAPPEL, at 1:30 p.m: at For ra ,in sp �" g Pottle for warble N FRIDAY and Saburdaay^ only, i 8: Farm Stock For Sale 0me employment, tela invest- Roa Superintendent. Hen,sail Sales! Arena• fIry in 1965. Tender to state price less fitter carcai+era .s�6eei' shab]ip'g 'Ear. 9. Poultry For Sale mient ,required, Imusit � bond a'e,'' good health and have chocolate malshmeD6w. -mils 39c reg, 490 Savo 100. Crich's''Bak- 10-52-14 consisting of 2 ,h'erds, 55 .110-1s,te'in cows and heifems, per h'e'ad ped a Work to be deme under the direotUin' of the and Located ,at 120 Ralgl:an, Street,, BUS TRIP 10, Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale a reliable car as sm,ala tnuck_Nb i cryi, Se,afort4u, i1-60-1 ftc'sh and due in' Feb.& Mannch. I tspactom in aceordan' wlblt •the Sale to incL'uIdo mprv'at. after 12. Wanted To Buy gitn+mick. Thins is a gemvine op 1\0. 1 red clover seedy a'nd� tSSct Brussels, 19-35x18 Temrrs a�na@labl'e up to 3 yieams to pay, by ' re+gi+�la�.�ons of the • W�aalbl+e Fly Act. 10 May; 1965; and beaiJ a d!ati6 13. Wanted or Zxpos Apply Box' 1435, Her or. l,,xpasitos. 4.60-2 pick-up brick. Norman Benne wl'es., Brodhagen, phone 347-23M To Ice Capades, in Kitchener, FEBRUARY coma+cGin mlana g �, Victor Hap etphone 482- T'end'ers to be clearly marked acceptrable so the 014on Dia 14, PropertyFor Sale . 15. Property For Rent grade' Holstein caw, caRSyuny - Monkbon• 116M ,25th 7511,Ckntoln. "Tender—Warble Fly, Spraying' t'nict' Collegiate Instiltlute $oard. Offer to s''tate 'eleaTiy if price 16, For Sale or Rent 8• .Farm Stock For Sale' USED 3 -piece walnut 'bedroom p) pe CLEAVE COOMBS Auctioneers: Harold J•a'cksion Temdteluvs to.be in Clemk's'htamds by 12 o'dlocki noon on'Mamch 1, incgudes levelling of sitbe or FOURTEEN i pigs, 7 weeks old. 17, Wanted To Rent pte0. with, spring and su'i'te' mattress, rrvattr,ess, $�' SUNOCO STATION, SEAF RTA Hector McN�ell 1965: and will be opened and �:v3ng of fo,uudatibns. $ 18, Property Wanted Jan Janrnaat, R•R 2, Seaforth; • 'Boor '' 11 60.1 For, tickets and infoTttUation. 20.60.2 epasidered on March 2, 1965, at may be viewed until 26 Feabm i, arry, 1865. 109t( sIt bid port • 19, Notices 20. Auction Sales p�lnone 5'2708551. $-60x1 BOY'S sport coat size B-10 ne'am •1958=2 - 2:39 p.m. Lowest or an y 'Gen'de'r n'o't . necess'ar'ily accepted. p'�• Tenders+ TY weaner pigs. Heuiman and 7 p.lm. 114 1 21. Tenders Wanted 21, Tenders Wanted Legal Hostie RR 5, Selafoartdr ' , Pie 527'-6528• lY new, also, Girt, Guide uniform Size 14. phone 52',:0253, DEAD ANIMALS 1. "Coming Events . necessarily accepted. so mlarked, to• be, �postttnarked not later than Fridaly, 26 • Feb- of gravel' to township 'road's in 1965 /a screen to be, used and 22. Notices 23. j3usiness Directory ' . . 8-oxx 1160xQ REMOVED 'Township of Hullett J. I McINTOSH, Clerk,, ruar , 1965, and -addressed to TW+ELVEI ehunks of pdigs. Thar' UNIVIEIRSAL Milker with pup Ing for 20 cpws,, or will sell units w 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Meraoriam as Ka+le; 'phone 107 R 9, Dublin. For Dead or Disabled ,Animals TENDERS RR 3, Seafcunth,•,.Ont. 2160.2 Mr. L. R. Maloney, g�4irr.eL. R. Ma atrnl, 26. Personals 8-60-1 25 pigs, 8 to 10 weeks, old, Ri0b'b, Rtegele, separately. Jahn 9. Maloney RR4 S&Owth, Ont. 11'•60x1 CALL COLLECT Darling & Compaxly Tenders will. be received by the Township of HuRett far the _ � Township of Hullett Clinton D s6def OoBeglate In tr}te Baird The cost is low. Classifiefttions .RR1 Dublin, phone 527- 071,5 8601 of Canada Ltd spraying' of cattle for Warble TENDER , N VIKING cream separator, in 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. TVi ENTY-two Ehurrkss and 30 good condition, will, sell reasion- able. Phouuel 110 R 17, Dublin. Phone Clinton 482-7269 Fly control within• the munici- alit eat far p '' y 011' persons tem'd Tenders Will be r, ceived by Jack- Lane, 'RR 5, Sriafomth; Classification 25, minimum 65.c, wearer pigs, auiaund T weeks illi. Cor Dorssers 'RR 4 Sea,- , Licence No. 350•G65 19 '54 this this must comply with the Townsduip -of Hallett for the he DAY, FEBRUARY 24, at 1 p.m., -� M'eCORMICK power washing plus 25c for each 4 -line -verse. h' plane 527 0656. 8-60 1 ermson blue berms and conditions of the Warble Fly Control' Act.' supply4'n.g and delivering of 800 `y 11, Articles For Sale All other classifications, mini- mum mum 65 cents per insertion, cream c � paro;�, like ner Wil Fred McQuaid, 'phone Dublin, SEPTIC TANKS Ail benders to staff the per price lbs. of Warble Fly Spray Pow - der. 7.50 IlIbs. to be in I5 lib. ba bags, To 1;1'OLSTEIN cow 4 Years�olki, due except Auction Sales (20), Ten- middle of Manch, bred H•ereAord. Phone 46 R 22, 11-60x! CLEANED head per spray, Tendrerst ,to be' and 50 lbs, to be in 1 Ilb. bags• N ders Wanted (21), . and Legal 262-5255, W. H.' Gibson Chisselhnurst, Modern equipment used. Al. cle:'arly marked as to contents', All ten'd'ers to stalbe the brand of cen , 1955 Fargo /2 bon pick-up. truck Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. FOUR choice Landra'ce- sows, ith racks, '$225. Po w Pony „miaTe cam, 8 months' d, work guaranteed, W'r'ite or phone aid midst be in. the clerk's of- lice not later than 6:00. o'cloc'k powder and the race per p p p prod if more po'wd'er is to he sup- l� For, cash payment, or if paid bred 12 )3 wetexs. Apply Dennis Ducharmie, RR 2, Brussels',R , of quiff, $s0 Call 348,81,69, MitticheR, after 5 LOUIS BLAKE 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6, p.m., February • 27, 1965. Low- est or any. y tender not necessarily plied the same! r' p pound p u'ce perobe lull!. a l Delivery is to be pp Y• ry Fly Inso by 10 days following last inset- phone 343 W 7. 8-60x1 - —•- P.M.mit 60x2 SINGER, Zig-Zig sewing mach- Brussels, 19-35x18 accepted, Harry F. Tebbutt, made to the township garage * ' tete the kee ' tion, 15 CENTS deducted from FIVE pigs, 10 weeks std; one ine, does. fancy sti'tch'es, make's Clerk, Landlesbnra. All tenders, to be d s, to catt' NOTICE above rates: grade' Holstein caw, caRSyuny - buubbanholes: Can be had for $52 RR1 Landesboro Ont. clearly marked as Sa COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED 3rd calf. Phone 482- Clinton, 7262, 8-,6-0x1 cash or berms: Write box 1434 Hunan Expositor. 11-60,x2 We are sihipping cattle' 'gv+ery Mond�ayl to United Co -Operatives 21-60'-2 and mush be in the cllenk's not later Cham 6;00 o'clock and Ap RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- TWO Holstein heifers, bred Hereford, dues an; also'a trim- CHOICE of Beatty or McCrary of Ontario„ To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phos by Satt GRAVEL TENDER p.m,, p,m�• February 27, 1965. Lowest or any bender • not necessanly such �N. men; etc.): Minimum, 50 Bents so her of sows.; due in one week's refrigerator, round dininug'rootm table, some chaiat- and child's indole night. TW • of Tuckersmith P hecep�ted• per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. time. Apply Jenny Heyink, RR 1, . Blyth, p'ho'ne 523'-9708, "' 8-60-1 ° bed, Phone 5217 0742 b• 6 � FRANC -IS HUNT, Phone Seaforth 5271-1946, For the crusihang and hdiwUihn,g of approximately Harry F. Tebbutt, ceiv and 7 p.lm. 114 1 or y 17 000 cu. yds. . CIerk, ley SIX choice beef cows, Auigtrs Feb.;allGieb. cross, due in 2 Shorthorns, 1. "Coming Events .SALES a'nd' Service'. VikingMICHAEL J. DOYLE, `Phone Dublin, 1.14 R 6. of gravel' to township 'road's in 1965 /a screen to be, used and Rhi I.ondesd,aro, Ont', �Vam 6ou. Solicitors for the Estate. due in May; a. number of Cream Separators; Viking Mlilik- - 19-60-tf the' crusher• to, be shovel fed, 20 60-2 Ten WARBICTDE CABARET Dancing at Brod- 'second and ,third litter sows, due. ers, pump and 2 units installed $498,' Basil' O'Rourke, Bruce' 5INGE'Fi Contractor to supply a>ll re-. pp"y per hagen H'adL, Saturday, Feb. 20. AI Wa ner'g Orclnlest'na', .Lunch g soon. W. C. MM' so�i, phone 5.117 -ANNOUNCEMENT 1167, after 5 p.m. 8.6rh-1 field, pbanae ClintonClit, .48D9131. ... 11-56-13 Jinx' McGregor, Egmaardvi�lil;e, qui'remezrbs and 'to obtain and .supplty" aim •gnamel. Tenderer to TENDER with Fly. av�aila+ble. Couples only., 1x641 has been appointed repr+esertta- state it locations and 'a P pproxi- , N +r THE Setaton�tr Farmers Ca- FOR SALE TIMEX WATCHES five for Singer Sewing M'atch'ine g g mate yardage, to, be delivered •from each. Twp. of Tuckersmith ceiv erative Annuals Meeting wi8d be held Thunsd'ay Aprud' 1st, 1865, DAIRY COWS and HEIFERS One year guarantee Priced Eroan $7.95• up. °w Co. of. Canada,. Sales and Ser vice for sewing rnatcdnintes', van- Work bo, be, carr completed -by June 19, 1965, 'Ivor approximately 600 Lbs..of m rah' y at the Etg,mandviH& United SPRINGERS' and, MILKERS' .. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LT'D. uum -cleans, So& poltishens und`eu, the supemv sdbn of the, Road Suiperin�tendent warbicide for spraying . cattle on deli Church. Professor Jack Muuuiay Tern first calf Holstein heifers 11-54 tf and typewriters. yp PHONE .52,7=1486 and subject tb the a p1movall of the for Warble Fly. Tenders to sta+be grace 1.5 it V pm.,s,,e�Inblyn 'attending Michigan Sbaltei University Lansing, due one week; Ten Halsteini 5eaforth.- Dept,. of Highwayus of Ontario. Tenders pear lb. bag deillivered to Towniship Se 12. Wanted TO Buy at' caws, four to six years old, due 19-6Qw1"Tender-Gravel" to be clearlyt marked Shed in hamlet of E•gmondvili a will be. the 'guest speakler. 2 to 4 weeks: Six Hollstein' caws. Tender Gravel'" and must be Ontario". Tenderer 'to state chem- ben ALL kind's of sadhrage wanted, 1.1141 * 4 `to 6 years old due 4 to 6 metal, ,iron, rags. W11 call for.. WATCH REpAIR►�' in the Road Superintendent's ical supplier, and A Personal invitation to Mr. and weeks. LouisHi]debramd, Ord' St.; Sea forth Box 186. 12-58x1 FAST SERVICE' bands by 12 a elloek . noon on March. 1, 1965, Land willbe open, p Tenders to the clearly marked <'Tende, nece, Mitis. I.H. ,customer .and the familly. Let usi shivw'. our rapprec- Convenient 'terms arranged. AlI work guaranteed ed and considered on March• 2 , - Warbicide" and in the Cle'rk's hands- by 10 o'clock ' - HIGHEST prices paid for live iation for your 'business at our GEORGE' NESBITT, fowl, picked up at the farm. ANSTETT 1°65, at 3 p.m,• Tenders to be noon on March 1st, 1965 and Pancake Harvest. Open house, Phone 523-94'39, Blyth.', Ronald Bennett, Walton. Phone, . JEWELLERS- _accompanied .accampauvied b a marked ebe Y q fou^ app will tie' opened and considered Thursd' .aid pancakes41h, ,old duly, We deliver, Seaforth 527-0887. 12-54tf Ltd. Lowest or an'y bender no't on March 2, 1965, at 2:00. p.m. Lolwest ANTI UE ' furniture lams 1 lamps,, dishes, books, etc. WrII buy m- Thursday, Manch 4th, 10 a.tm, to 5 p. -m;, at the Legion- Ia14., . _ 8-57.4 Phone 527,1720 — Seafoufih 19-54-tf necessaTiTy accepted. - AND'R'EW HOUSTON, or any. tender not n ecessarily accepted. Re mom «' Seafortlu. John Bach, I.H.IDeas er. 1,58.4, dividuai - -pieces- ar- complete Road superintendent, J. I M,cINTOSH, Clerk, Wan 9- Poultry For Sale household. Phone 271-1578. NOTICE RR 3, Seta6oq•,th, ont, 21-60-2 RR 3, Searforth, Ont, 2160-2 pock Seaf TWO hundred and fifty Honn- 4'. Help Wanted egger pullleits, sbarltedW lay 50% 12-53x8 - Twp. of Tuckersmli'th ' Mrs, Wilso¢� Aldan, 'phone 527- 13. Wanted $2:00 PER HOUR 0898. 9 -sal -go-use Ratepayers and , inhabltant,9 DF• KALB ISea[forth: All round. Apply to Avon WE would like to' rent w with three four bedrooms, of 'the Township of Tuckersinith are requested by Council to, , T� OUR V N year M Manager, Mrs. M. Millisony 17 d or in as close to school as not park cars on Township _ Roads n HawkesburyRea y -to taps possible.' Phone 5271273, Sea- g ecAve. London ar, Pullets Possible. and Streets duxun the Winter C� phone collect, 451,•4541, eveningg. forth, .2 •'m'onth$ in order to facilitate ff �r _ 4'5&1 Call smpwv plbwing operations,. • - 14. Property. For Sale Council will, not be responsible CLERK�TREASUREZ•1, ' 1101MEY'S FARM and P � for damages to cars and veh-- HATCHERi?LTD,, FOUR bedroom house, on',. East, Jens da(mia-ged on roads' or Zurich William. St. Phone•Leslie Beattie Isf.�r•,eebts, Town of Seafor'th' Phone' Hens'all, 26&2837. at 527.0542, Seaforth. 14.54tF 9-544f JAM'ES I, McIly1TOSH, Applieatiow. wdldl be resolved, t THREE-BEDROOM house, rear Clerk. m finished inside. and: out; perfect e Used. Cars' Fox` S�% location. N 19-5715 r -; Pte' gaS, furnace: Ap... vanderhoek 5 su 20. Auction' Sales' posrtihn Apglpnyra wzdtitr .'stats iWr chev, 2 door -hard- , r ply" pembest ox d k mgt•. 'qualliflaatilon ea amce; condition, Wayne Hugill°, p Henry. Lansink. 14 54tft r and: sa14a2�y Ito r° 4$d47548i 6W4IXL TWO -family(, dwelling: on Welsirr ; - AUCTION SALE' Tom? To l?tA} ` 195'1;. Chav one ton tMale $1" -.,St. dlecorated; new siding- andi 1 k Sea Phonel7 527-1668; Own- 'aluu mte, pro . widows.. Wr Sal; ce: Clearing Auction. Seale of a RIMseafornlft101604for• cash ocan handle t@rms: 'Cattle, Machinery aa9d' House- CYNTHIA Penstiorn skate• A,uotiddw n, Contact:. C:. J. Dennis, 10320 Z.:, , , 2 ,1962 OldsmobmUe, 2-doombatx(ltop, Grand "Rive -ti Bfightbn, Mich. hold Effects, for Wesley Roe, plower steering, and brakes ,Lot 3, Con., 13. Hulie,tb Township, 1454-tE' APPLICATTONS nadno, new whnteW"t' , ee' id t condition. g,inout: TWDk hundned -,and' forty aem, 3% males' West of Leadbury or IY4 'miles Norte of Londevboro ed amongst.the palies enfia led WANTED Jack- Lane, 'RR 5, Sriafomth; farm -V goo&buildings -, One gent and S miler's Fats,t, onWEDNES- , shall, then have nomioq , phone Dubbin, 107 R 177. 1060-2 eraI store in • a'� small Village DAY, FEBRUARY 24, at 1 p.m., day of FebMaaeyy 1886655, by thR'ir )VI'leations for Organist and solidtors., Apply Harold Jackson, Realtor, CA'ITLE-•-•3-yr• old Hereford `y 11, Articles For Sale Choc' Leader for Cannel: Pres- phone 527-0640, Allan Campbell, bull, with papers; 6 -yr• old black NOTICE` byterlan Church, Heusallt, w°illL be received up to February 20, Salesman, phone 527-0445, Sea,, forth. 14-54-tf caw, due Feb. 17th; 6 -yr. old black coni, due March 6th; 5 -yr. STUDIO conch, in good cyorrdi- 1%5.: Apply sting salary ex- tion. Mrsi. Dave Lemon,, phone oke 'black cow, due March 8th; — �. peeled to: ' 527-0330. • 11460.1 SEAFORTH .6 -yr. .old • •Holsitein cow, due ' EARL CAMPBELL, VERNAL a!1'Ealfa seed 24 $ per, burshef, Lawry Wheattly, phone ry BUSINESS 13LOCK March 2L• 6 -yr• old rani cow, due Apr. 14; 5 -yr. o1'd Hereford died on the 27th day of Deeelm� CI'erk of Session, Hensialll, Oir't. 527410.5, 11-60-bf �l caw, due Apr. 14; 7 -yr, olid white 4-58-3 , WATER softener, good condition$13,500 Full Price cow, due Alar.. 16; black-fairrow 1965, anter which- date the assets k APPLICATI.ONS Jim..MeNairn, phone 507-0863•. pl'with Located on faup�way intersection Cow; 7 a -yr'. old' Holstein heifers, bared in Dec., Jan,; 4 Holstein F eived„ solid Wick construction - 2 heifiers+ n • 7 2 -yr. yr, old fat USED dresser complete with TOWNSHIP OF mirror, $24.00. Box Furniture, SeaAarth 11601 storey, each f1bor'conitains 3,324 'sq' ft'' only $3,500 down pay- sbeeTs; 6�2-y-yr'. old fat heifers,- 5 Registered shorthorn heifers, t WARBLE FLY CONTROL wnship, of Stanley veition& will be rle diby the Township of Stan for the position of Waww Inspector -for the year 1955 ector must be fam28naT wilt) Warble Fly Act mid mere p azo a'ccumate .record o e sprayed. lar'y will -be $1.15 per hour Be per mile.for mileage. pllications to ''be 'marked a and to bet in the hand's, o clerk ,by Feb.: 27, 1865. No 2 -Tenders will be re ed' by the Township of Stan for spra.ytin�g cattle fa blle Fly Conrtro;l for 1965.' Thi ^nshi'p wall supply the •powder deers to sbalte priceper +hea( spray, All work ba 'conforn the tsrins, of the Warbb Act. , No 3—Tenders ,1 be re ed fob supplying approxi ely 1,000 pound's of Warble pcwder, price's bo be quote( 15 pound ' and 1- pound bags vered to the township she( arnta sled tenders for each of lhi bov e, clearly marked as to -con ts, will be, received by tht e'rsigned unfA- Feb. 27, 1965 Lowest '6r any- tender no'' ssarily accepted. MEL GRAHAM, Clerk, Bru'cefield, On@ario, 21-60-4 member; it takes but r ent to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money it et. To adveriise, just Dia: orth 527-0240. I TNOU6HT YOU KIDS WI=RE TIRED OF SNOW ! �V . an112 •j. e � THAT GiVE IT e.r931ixP,�R'�r! TO HiM ! nr- Mt . nt lbcaitnon fou W1011 papers aid ages available HIBBERT 500,badlesi of 'hay, phogle =460 supermarket or departmental day of sale; 9 yearling steers; SMALL W�R�[� , Salta McClure, RR2 Sea&Tth, store. Contaeb J'. O-E'DD98 dial ;6 hedfer, calves. Applications will be receivled — 11-60x1 Se'afarith 527-1630 (+after 6 p:m.). MACHINE,RY-1.Caste S tra•c- by the •undersigned up to. Felt- ONE bhuaysianilbodes of hay, tor, good condition. 3 -furrow 10" ruary W th 1965 for 'the position Paul Vogels, R'R2 Dublin, phone . PAUL S. STARR & CO. LTD. bottom International plow; Jahn THERE IS / ' REALTOR . , BARDS• YOU MUST of Warble Fly Inspector+ far -,the 86 R 1'1. ]1-60x1 Deese 4 -baa• side rake, (nearly ANOTHER HAZARD WATCH OUT FOR BIRDS! Twp of Hibbert.' - MQXED.whea oats and, bade 14-60-1 new); ,7'-£t. Massey -Barris bin- `OU MUST WATCH THEY LOv6 THE TITBITS t, y> OR WHEN PICKING CHILDREN GIVE THEM, Please state expected hourly suitable for seed, .80e per bushel, der; 11 -'rum Massey -Ramis fer- UP CHILD12EN'S salaayt aT+d miWage rate. Lowest Apply, Beat Fabexy Kipper, RR 5. Property For Rent tilizer disc• droll- stet discs; 3- CRUMBS. 0r any applicatioln' not necess4 3. 11.60-2 MODERN 2-bedrooaows• m apartment, imetion dra+g harr; Interna r ` ariTy accepted. GERMAN shepard pups, may kitchen, bathroom, livingroom: 'tional, nearly new wagon,; 16 -ft. Rhone 527.0810 Seaforth hary 'raek; 5 -section diiaimond har Mrs. Anne BurchnlQ, 'scent at Rha Dalmtage, Maur , or 235- ,mss, George Street South, Seafoarth.: Phone 1510, Exeter. 15-45-tf White grain Olerk- ,as. $Q7;-1763. 14-59-2 DOWNSTAIRS a arbmenfr now grinder; land roller; 6 -ft. Me. Dublin, Ontario. p , Cormick mower• No. 4 Cock- A-59-2 FOR SALE CULL BiEANS --: ly decorated consisting of 3-' ' sl!utt spreader; Viking cream $35.00 per ton. COOK BROS, piece bath, kitchen; U!ving rloolm., sepawator; 14-ift& grain auger I I,� • - � l ,r r MILLING CO, LTD. Phone 262 • ole Barge, bedrom,adoilfulm-, .ladder• tihe l battow,; wood Hullett 260s roll. 1159z ace, orve Dade smomh4ceder postvf tea(3' ex ACUUM Cleaier Sales &Ser- 15;60x8:'m heavy.barbed,;e; 11 . r APPLICATIONS, vice for all makes. Filter Queen r� GENTTSY nemndel0ed ho , bleyelles; forks; Shovels; chains, Sales, V•aT ra.. Phone 262-5WO, is't 9W, 4 roomer including' maid-: milk pails. Appile�atians will be recs'lvled 11-54-tf ern'kitchen and, sepaaaite laund- • HAY and, .GRAIN Minded FLUNK© by •lire Township, of. Hulteft for rya, 2nd fleir 3 bedrolo'me aid 'gra•in; balleid, hays. the; 1posifib l,; Of - World& MF A, In. NEED A CLOCK? bath, gash ftu=cq, lvhIme 52'1- . HOUSMI'OLD EFFECTS •— a Spector in the munl*allity^ far 1904. 154ki bed, ma'ttmsm, sgru , ga; dining NATS the year- 191155. Tho salffity offered We have a large slemediotr of BUNGALOW on Markelt Street mom WIT sideboard; dining room // is $1.0090 petr hour, 'and 5c per alarm, wall and mantle clocks. 3 •bedrbamsy modem, convefil table; 6 kitchen chasms; cup - TASTE LIKE? mH6 while on township buisinfts, ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. i'emees, avaaUaew March W.. board,; sealers; dresser stand. `► t tt � : � r Tho hispeebor tmust'be. f'aan.0ir 11,54-tf Downstairs apartment, heated, Other articles boo numerous to , ° • y a ,•. with, the tler"msI and condtions'of- WE ARE YOUR _ 2rbe0uvoms, 3 -piece bath. 'Gard-' mtenbion. the, Wattble' Flit' Spray Ad. Add HEADQUARTERS on Noble, 'phone 5274M. 15-59-tf Terms, Cash, No Reserve, as �� C bOb ♦....,,,•,•i . A�ppJdcations are to, be, IcUearliy In town for Ti1Dey Leather----�.,-.- b ; e Farm Said. miart'k+edl aL9 to eommemts acid be Clod's. See our large selection otE 16. For Sale .Or Rent WESLEY ROE, Proprietor, in, the rlemk's1 offibe not liat121r WaR09 . kAROLD JAM414 Auctioneer ° TEN-toom •'housle 'In 'mond_- Egmaxtd�- + tenon! 6:00 o'clock p,.rm1, Fiebu nalry Key Cases GllaORGE PO ZLL Clerk - 27, 1965. Jewel Boxes fie, atm road ttt:am General, 20-5 2 (j�t� eoat0lt. b;o t Stare, Rent $60.00 -,per mloduth• 4 (it►NJ Haiiry, F.. bliutt, C"llutah Pauses% Every Week inbre people die- a- Sale Ge $5f , 06, Avai>kt lee f,"]Crdtf Sit, F'ol>fshingSdgs M,a, I. J�qs "lu n. Baelpei cover whit_-, 1 lit nos 'ere V V�ILJ.rEO, .I11'1S, ! , . 'ANS j iu a' n#' g Y e ( e .: �cli eri.. • w y y y , ,:� • < .�yy�ya {�,,�,,y <. .A;.. .; . „'k� �'t do�{nm rrsup.�}"�,li 1.,1/,<W •$n t '1Jic ,•; ;. ,y• n....l`#slti. �ibii 1 4 '... , , .. .� l►7 Y'. .. , �'r. ,. Y..,. ,p• , Tt7•i' Q x.. J,.fi�• . , :. :, ,r Y,.,,,RAiYI!� .. , ar FYY ✓, v ,!1 .,A%,...� .LPs•,, n vu,,,'n�G, b.,,• .a>n. Y ., ;t �'nr .. �,., -9.. .r: •au ,:•;; ran, G' t.., U.t.• .. J. .:.., ,1 �..:n.r.N , �•x rV olmq„d<,.. •,. 4�'. ,.. „ha„ '7. ;„•,.,,,.. „ ..T`. ... ,.. ,. ,.,::,.....,, a. TO. I the $10 4147 Of ria v4rg9a'a?a'si m yiewpcxai=; afiGea° wh?ieix da,bc� top ass>ets,; v4y <r� '” ' the said esltalw wra•be, dusWi ed amongst.the palies enfia led �x theato Ihavin neglaad "yq%, trc .umde4 igryed Claims .Rf wbich finx , shall, then have nomioq , DASD at Seafgrmh, this islt day of FebMaaeyy 1886655, by thR'ir solidtors., r ALVIN W. SIIAa :Y, ; `y SeafarAh, Ontario, •.. 72 -ate$_, fM. z . r� NOTICE` 14. TO CREDITORS a In the estate of MARTHA FOWLER. A1tP persons having ' claims against the estate of Martha :• Fowler, Kate• of the Town of Se+afarth, in County* the o'f Hour- } z on, Spinster,,,, -deceased, who r "> died on the 27th day of Deeelm� ber, 1964, aTe hereby notified to �l send, in fine particulars of thein' claimer to the undersigned on or before the 5th day, of March, 1965, anter which- date the assets h; will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then rec- : F eived„ DATED at Seafwffi, this 5th day of Februarys. 1965. McCONNELL & STEWART, , Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. NOTICE, TO CREDITORS In, the estate of JOHN ALEXANDER MCCLOY ; All. .persons having claims. against the • esttate, of 'John.. ' Alexan der McC'loy,' hate of thee'•' Village of E'gxnondvillle, in the., CotIm y of Huron, Rodred Famm- er, dece'as'ed, who died on, ft , 24th day of January,, 1965, are hereby • notified- to ,send in hull, Particulars of thew claims. •t>a the undersigned on. or before.. the 5thday of March, 1%5, after which date the assets wild be ` distribu'te'd, having regard only to claims then received". DATED at Setaforith, this op dei, of Febnmry; 1w& McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 2a-59-3 ' SEE PACxE 10 WE.ARE-BUT THIS MIG14T.BE THE LAST SNOWSTQRM THIS p/ WI NT 6R- SO WE ARE s ENJOYING ` .,lT! 40 Qb 10-00: oba< �•. THEY ALSO REGARD INSECTS AS THE NECESSARY PROTEIN PART `^ DIET ` r ,a� ��WATERI