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The Huron Expositor, 1965-02-18, Page 7
MITPIM i tt k i r 9 'n r rr a The li ebruary meeiin of g, r; U,init One, of; dor!„ktOdG UCW, � w; `s hol at ,the g . R Mra. ” .9 Fa Don I? s. i.'o det'Mr l( od. xo• x► 13 a ' „ god opened the meeting with Members of CP antY ba c ,y teading, A Tribute to Sir Winston ChuTchill." ' Beef Improvement Assockatio><}^ ) The minutes of the last, meet- at their annual meeting rn ,Pliti, be inyg were read by Miss Fennell ton, proposed that'• -all proces- ay tr sora of farm xod�lce be ade= ric. 1 acts P and roll call showed '22 Present. Several thank-yo.0 cards were quately bonded. ' b,a Seed and Fertilizer Supplied readi items of business discuss- *The members felt that their se ed -and it was decided to hold Proposal, which is being or- wic our Choice: PARKLAND (six rowed), a shower at the 'next • meeting warded as a resolution to the Du BETZE (two rowed), of baby heeds for the bale. . annual provincial meeting of The devotional portion' was the parent organization in To- Str An -Excellent Cropfor Earl Cash. led by Mrs. E. H. Close,, read- ronto Feb. 18 and 19, would fe' y inp parts of the booklet,, "Up- protect the produce from 'Sei- tha per Room, I Am the Light of zure by creditors other than pet the World." Mrs. W. Campbell the original owners. an read the Scripture lesson. •,Ruth The members also recom- .bel' Bean Seed. Cluff sanga lovelysolo and mended that freight assistance m d g. the hymn, TherBe Light," for shipment of teed grain' from ' xeellent Quality Ontario Registered: was sung. the West be discontinued. They, as c • SANILAC The �� study book, "This i s felt that the financial help it is Brazil, was given by Miss Fen- was intended to : provide bona gr • SEAWAY nell and proven very interest- fide farmers was doubtful.' fat • SAGINAW ing. The' hymn, `Take My 't.ife," The provincial organization be t NIICHELITE . 62 was sung, followed with, the will be requested to see that Th Lord's Prayer. • Mrs. Elgie proper. and adequate chutes and Pi thanked the hostess and all tak- water facilities are provided by hal Michigan Certified: ing part. Lunch was served by the railways moving cattle from fill •.,SANILAC • SEAWAY the lunch committee. Western to Eastern Canada in mi UNIT TWO, UCW double -deck cars. It was re- ` All Seed Grown from Foundation Stock Mrs. Ross Savauge was hos- ported at the meeting that some U. tess for the February meeting cattle have been . seriously in- jo Bean Contracts Available- of Unit Two of Northside Unit. jured during loading and un- ou ed Church, with 19 members loading. and two visitors present. Mrs. Elected as president was El- Me Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Frank Storey, had charge of the mer Robertson, of RR 5, Gode- t h ceJlent 'Markets• Create Good Bean Price's devotional- period. The theme rich. He succeeds. Robert me. Fa throughout the program was Gregor, of. RR 2, Kippen, who id "Love." Final plans for the has headed the organization da rop ,in Now for Your Spring Seeding and Valentine supper were discuss- since its inception 12 years ago. su Fertilizer Needs ed by Mrs, P. B. Moffat. Russell Faber, of Kippen, was er A review of General Council, elected vice-president, and D. or which was held in -St. John's, H. Miles, of Clinton, agricultur- co Newfoundland, • in September, al representative for Huron do Phone 262-2714 Collect was given by Mr. Sam Scott, County, secretary -treasurer. He He mentioned the overwhelm- Mr. Robertson was named di- no ing welcome and the kindness rector to the provincial board pl received by the commissioners, with Mr. McGregor as alternate. be L: L• Mickle & Son also the restpnesshOf the work Directors: Winston Dougall, no and the res oval alit of ' this RR 1, Exeter; Harr Dougall, highest order of -the United RR ,3, Exeter; Mr. McGregor; m LIMITED Church.., Mr, Faber; Mr. Robertson; Wal- be Mrs. Lorne Dale thanked lace Wilson, RR 2, Auburn; pr NENSALL ONTARIO everyone who took part in the Jack Bryans, of Brussels; Rob- du meeting.ert Campbell, RR 1,, Dublin; in l� fa - w THIS WEEK And NEXT n0 IoBombs, Over Vietnam h 0 By RAY ARGYLE'L part in military operations if LOOKThe threat of "all-out war in the war. escalates any further. TO g , ' Southeast Asia loomed greater The prime. motive for this sh t last week in the wake of the would not be in the importance in THEx 3 U.S. attack on North Vietnam. of whatever military aid Canada © The sudden decision to bomb could render, but in, the pres- Communist 'bases in the North entation of a united Western .al 527=0240 Seaforth co indicates the United States has front against the Asian Com- decidedac to try and strengthen munists. its rapidly deteriorating mili- There is still considerable p t s I s tary position in South Vietnam. hope in Canada that Vietnam r r President Johnson thus ap- can somehow' be neutralized Nitro, :.i:::.. !� }�`.. ears to have thrown overboard ..... �i y g and kept o,lt. of' the, . Lurtr�oil —ate le'a'st;-f6ethe time befrig— and. skullduggery of interna-, the idea of negotiating with the .- ��> •{•' !�'r,,;• tional politics, Communists.' Following the collapse of the For Canada, and other U.S. allies, the chief ,consequence of French regime a Indochina in American reaction in North the 1950s, the Geneva concords Vietnam rests in the possibil- Fere supposed to have newly :.'...:,�..'. teed the existence of the newly <,! •. ��' �^ ity we will be asked to take independent states of Vietnam —both South and North - as •F';`'r:; - well as Laos and Cambodia. - ;<':r';: r:'•''s:r,:•. !r ''The Eisenhower administra- tion !• •. ';`v $ '. didn't have much f5ith in ...... BURNC' theneutralization theory, but /7.f; r ;/ �r<':i,.C: u.:.,;.., ,�• President Kennedy went for it �r/� ��r!+�9' �s.�• <•.. a/<::;•::. :. , .• �j{•i� in a big way-. ! rn lis � ': < { ;.o:EC:1t# f%3y' {,ay;: • • h rfll ...'.: The Kennedyadministration reversed U.S. policy by sup NO SMOKE ,NO ODOUR F<•,�:•>;�'-- ;.•r,;»?'-yt}' .�,:;.{ o• porting neutralist Premier Sou- ''' / 99 _ vanna. Phouma in Laos. The first step toward the neu- tralization of South Vietnam was made when. the White ET STARCROSS 288 CHICKS FROM '__ House backed the coup which TEACO overthrew the ' Diem Regime. WIFT'--PROVED SUPERIOR AS ;A _'' Efforts were. made to, placate left-leaning ,Cambodia., On • 0 P P R 0 F I T PRODUCER! - should have teased up in South- HEATING o things- Wash - here's a prosperous future in your hands when you pick = HEAT/ NG OIL east Asia as a result of Wash ington's new attitude. However, p Starcross 288 chicks today, Next fall and winter your = this isn't what happened. +l gg income —your egg . profit —will be 'the highest pos- Walden & Broadf oot In Laos, the neutralist regime `ble. Test after teat in the United States proves that = Phone 527.1224 -- Seaforth has been under military attack tarcross 288 has consistently excelled in across-the-board by Communist force's' aided mparisons.• Just look at this recent Random Sample Le from North Vietnam and Red, ;est ih New`York. = China. Cambodia has become Eggs Per % Eggs o o PET nothing more than a stooge for Net Pullet Large and = Peking. , In South Vietnam, the Income Housed Extra Large c, aver Starcross 288 $ 3,55 253.7 77•8 = •Johnson administration's only, alternative to carrying on the ;Test Average 2.74 222.9 75.7 bloody war seems to be a •com- haver Advantage $+.81 +30.8 +2.1 _ plete Communist takeover in B ISN CLEANER the country., The fatal flaw in the neutral - i' �JNLOADER ization the ry was; of course, " . Get Starcross 2$8 chicks Red China. Although Peking t - 4 —the proven money -pro- _ B ICK-FEE09k your Swift = YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- supported the Geneva Accords, +�r ! ducer from = F�pR� PNCE AND LONGER the Red Chinese interpretation Hatchery or your near- _ „ - 1AI� 1 , ROM A BADGER of neutralization is Commun- i+ est Swift Hatchery deal- _ 4{ ALES • SERVICE INSTALLATION is(,control of Southeast Asia. r er, Ask him to show you = S _- � • - As a result, it -s- somewhat all the facts --it's the JOIN BEANS t . ludicYbus to witness the unha a. surest investment infor- - / Jr.• py mien of. American officials ' matron anyone can have. = BtUCEFIEIJD at Washington and U -N cockr M, SALES — seRvICE rail parties when they are told 4 F• = Phone Collect: by their foreign colleagues that �rv6 r r Southeast Asia must be neu- ;, = 4$2-9250 - Clinton tralized and the U.S. must w,. .. = withdraw. r• USBORNE AND The American officials are un - j' SWIFT ec'%" HIBBERT comfort¢ le hnd annoyed be - r+, ATC H rE RY , " 3 cause no one wants the neu QUAL1iY ''� MUTUAL FIRE tralization of Soittheast Asia INSURANCE CO. more than the 'U.S. State De- SFpR HEA6 OFFICE- EXETER, Ont. pa`rtmemt and President' John- ` - son. The big question Js how Directors: to achieve it. St,R111C Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1, Even if Washington were to Y President Cromarty agree to a .complete pullout in Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin z South Vietnam in order ,to end Walter Vice -President our losses there, this would not �y �. 4 Wm. 1i. Ch'h11e - RR 4, Mitchell solve gnything'. The presstire' McClure s ,� E. Clayton •Colquhoun R.R. i from Peking would merely be = Science ilii{ transferred to Thailand and . E!. 2 Raymond McCurdy R. R. 1, after that to other Asian coun- { Seaforth, Ont. M Kirkton tries, thcluding India'. Dial 527-4476 G Tim Toohey R.R. 3, Lucan Thus, the American problem Agents: is not how to get out of ,South Hugh Benninger • Dublin, 'Vietnam, but how to keep Aaia Arai+er!`s' - Flarry CdatRa' f Eiteter afid'i s teeming milI'ione' fiorn 22 E Cinytoil Haitis Mitc elt tallinj under the control of a • Secretary+Treasurer: • determined Communist regime "111Ulyltt1111111111111UIlIpI11Mtl�1b,IIIIIIIIIIItlMnI(IB�II�ll�llilltll�,IlUIft11i11O11111111UYtlltll�llr)i�n^ ^,Afthui* F090it' • Bkotef in, Pdi'ft p , h ' .,• s ;. a' !'�,. L^^..ftsyJ.+r lrS�jl'•+'.✓<;:�%W!�•`(d$iSiy, ,t, j.a"r,,t>�:. t,:.'�µ�y,ay...,s►w•.,wrn , >w • �J rt p n k 'aN.�ll!e�s, of Wingt►aip; Jack • ��t}nstrorig, Landesborp; 1Xer- r Klopp,, RR 3, Zurich; 1lar- f ,lV1ontgomery, RR 2, Gode: f X;, J X. Taylor, RR 5, Wing- m; o&s Knight, RR 2, Brus- s William Connell, of Ford. j and Ivan Rivett, of RR 1, nganrrQn• J, R: Stewart, of RR 0, #hroy„ one of Ontario's beef ed -lot" owner -operators- said t ?Ontario farmers are com- ing with the Canadian West d the United States "corn t" for a share of their own t Net. ar, `Ontario: is a deficiency area. far as, is produce concerned. We import feed ai'n, Cattle (both stocker and ), corn, potatoes, lamb, soy ans, wool, pork,, and so on,., ese are all things that we oduce.. We have thousands of f•idle acres, but we are not ing the market' right in our dst• Western Canada and, the S. corn belt are doing the b that we should be doing for rselves," Farm mechanization, said Mr. Gregor, is a new phase of e agricultural revolution. rivers will have to raise their eas of what constitute's a y's work. Capital is being bstituted for labor -to in- case net income. New technology can reduce Cos per unit, he said, but to so there must be volume. said that even $100,000 is t•enough to provide full em- oyment for one man in 'the of industry today if he is t using the latest techniques. Mr. McGregor, ^in his chair- an's remarks, claimed that of producers seem to,wish to oduce and place their ' pro- ets on the market privately more of a "hope and faith" shion; instead of a- business ay. The beef . mail he said, has t reached top efficiency at oducing beef as yet, but when does so, he .will be seeking her means of marketing,. The area of the continental elf adjoining the earth's land asses equals the area' of Africa. Every week more people dis- ver what mighty jobs are complished by low cost Ex- ositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. i'r's par011ts artfi,; Mr, And . Ilex, l► clyt},rtr1,% s Mr, aq+t• Mrs,, +fork Dtiit and Nancy returned -home last week tom a vacation .spe,nt , .4 Cali. orn;a,. Mr. Orville Worllman is con- A to his home with an in- ured back. ; The synVathy of Kippen resi- dents is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Eldin' Kerr in the passing of Mr. Kerr's father, the late William Derr, of Winthrop. Mr. Norman Long is' confin- ed to his- bed through illness. Mr. and .Mrs. Wayne Little - on and daughter, of London, v the Weekend with V over n Mr. and Mrs. Russell Faber and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Littleton afid family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parsons, of Seaforth, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lostell. Mr. and Mrs, Oswald Brown, of Detroit; `and Mrs. Marguerite Ach, of Windsor, visited, over the ' weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Little, of Hen,sall, and vis. ited Sunday with Mrs. Ulch'€ father, Mr. Norman Long, and Mrs. Long, SEAFOR`PH: -Contact Willis i t� f • PID Y EN: ALL TYM,.o,t QF'.;° {, ,� "), CEM.PTERY Inquiries arg invited'' ,ra , i t that Sun Life of Canada ,fib or .. � Telephone- N.u%nber�: s n4 ^ )y - EXETER 235-042,0_ eL.IN�pN �F8�p421f , } x. SEAFOR`PH: -Contact Willis i t� f • PID Y EN: {, ,� "), that Sun Life of Canada ,fib or .. � K ' of the worlds lead}r'g ,life tpsurtmoe s n4 ^ )y - s sFY % companies,,with •160,,bjranclh oHi i x. throughout North America? �SM1 :'• As the. Sun Life represent i u; w?;Y ::: y/ atine in your community. I f' %'' may I be of serviced rrr s; ... ' BUY JOHN J.. WALSH 1A,, Phone 271.3000 — 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD i Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada -- ----- GRAVES' 1 W ALLPAPER SPECIAL,.. i Special - 69 WEAVE.� T C SUITABLE FOR ANY ROOM IN THE HOUSE Regular Value A Distinctive Group of NEW Textures $1.15 Per Single Roll SUNWORTHY Here's Real.. 'Value! — READY -PASTED . — WASHABLE — (SUPPLY IS LIMITEb. MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW — A Small Deposit_Will. Hold Your Purchase — Satisfaction Guarantegd, Wallpaper & Paint GRAVES.F. Phone 527-0550—Seaforth Here is 1965's look of luxury! Chevelle's lithe, light for you. New, thicker body mounts make the ride extra lines invite you to look and look again. Slide behind quiet, too. And you'll enjoy the way Chevelle's practical -the wheel'. there's more luxury with curved sideglass size makes traffic handling a breeze ... parking finger - for lots of shoulder room, smart new fabrics and softly tip easy! textured vinyls on the foam -cushioned seats. Chevelle's new power is exciting ..: from the 120 -hp Hi -Thrift Six, with its gas -saving ways and brisk Now drive Chevelle. Right away, you'll, thrill to how efficiency, to the 350 -hp Turbo -Fire V8. smooth a road can be, with -Chevelle's redesigned and See what you'll like at a price you'll like.,.. Chevelle refined front and rear suspensions flattening bumps 165 ... at your Chevrolet dealer's now! e CHEVROLETCHEVELU-CHEW n - CORVAIR • CORVETTE AUTHORIZED CHEV,ELLE DEALER IN SEAFORTH SEAFORTH , MOTORS PHONE 527-17SO See Bo.DanZa on the 013c,I1i network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and ffr4e. t.md +r �W.N ^ :-wLy,.. +y , wy `M, ^. ^,'t �' b ^' •. 9 Ne �* _1'V •t:. 1 �'!h�`. ,�. R. • �'8 ,1S1r �`: f ,1..: .+•.t i;1t `:�., .,ri.' ..f. C'ti,.