HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-02-18, Page 4"', 11,11`1W, ", �l,'-,,��",.,",.,",".,�ll'�1,1�,,,,,,�.1i, -i I. �111';,,�Q� _::"o,!U_�,V . .. .. . ...... d • Ij4I 'f m • -WALTON NEWS 0 arty On F TO WEX FUMERALS rprise P EU C E M X47, 4 S ARA The gu=tvy,meeting of the 6 WILLLW JMRk _T 'c"WIPP U* Wallam u7ift of Durs UmiWl rh� Februzzy meeting of Me FluneralL services for. e * - n CONSTANCE �4% U n memoponsored by 1G O.F: ry -1 w4s held 46ikNr ftf=aed from pap 13 Church was Wd the vb-.Prcb P _r0#9X$ UW- ]'�e I honig of AnOrew E William Kerr, who. exed Wed- th'Anniversary Isr-boolro= Wed� even - I Wednesday aft=oou -Vft 22 nesdA5. Feh- 10, in St- J0sePh`,s A. =prise celebration for Mr. of Mrs. Elizabeth lquvreng(,111- Friday, Febi.,19th jA. J,0.0y, IM was held 4 The home, of •the -1 „timg uvb XTs. Nelson Marks and I ladies Attending. Mm Caeo Ngs. HospltaL London 13x_3d and Mri noward j_ (�uerenges. r t I William Quer. lead� Xm Gerald Mrs. DAgL_,g p_, Were se and he ate at 9.00 Pin. THUM, MR Viffi presiding ;: Ifichol presided for tile* d. from of Mitchell, engesspr, of Brodbagen, Ce. Atonal part of the meetiu& 99, The couple have a family of ADMISSION 50 CENTS 8:3D P -M CAreY- The , meetin_- opaued far the worship servi the G_ JAL Whftngyf�meral W Wilda Cz-qe), held, at their hom6 FYiday A with the 4M Pledge repeated In -opening, Psalm 637. -The en=g with 113rMn M -C� hQme on Friday st 2 RX0. Rev. , WAdcamae Vvemillg, On 'the abcasion of three daughters and one soll: Ladies please Bripq Lunch LIIENCH SERVED by fm= gi4s and tw4 leaders. L=d's My Shepherd� rU Not Holy SPhit. Heavenly Dove_- i C. Britton officiated, witb mi -I their 2Dth wedding annivers- Mrs, Barry (Susan) Smith, of Axlm!Won 5S! Gents_ Mrs. jhn WaMce ,Up.,u,4 the WanL-, mms sun.. with Mrs.. Ray The LOrd's PT2Wer was repeat-" termen-1 in Elizabeth Rite Mem-� ary *il Feb. 17th. Stratford who •was born in objectiwes of, this V��je&_ I Hued4iz� at the piano. MXS- �%lel_ ed m unison- Mrs- Glen Me. onAi Mausouen= NftcbeM out 30 rblatiTer, and England, Patricia and Elizabeth son -Marks read the scripture Nichol read the Scripture pass •Pallbearers were Gwvlan Pap- friends attended from St. (Beth), and John Robcd (Blub), • The electon of officers ftJ- j lesson from the 23rd Psalm. age fraiii Luke 15.11-2A, and pl, j&,- Henderson, one grand, Valentine 'Listen TO: lowed" preiddezit, Mary En— I mx--, jack M&pw= Mrs, Ger- followed with the "Meditation- Bed,,, Arthur�: Thomas, Scarbfto, �tratford, all at home, and Susan Smith, on, Archie &,ith, Hir, Sl�eSPBR174e, Br*db-hgen and daughter, Nancy Doyle: %icypresident, kargaret!ald Watson, My -4. Howard Hack- and prayer. v, -N Mei twain and James Mc. Mitchell. They werethe re- of Stratford. treasurer, wen. Mrs- Leonard Leeming, Mrs, John Burich, the presi- Quaid, Flowerbearers were .,rhinn, elec- -NCE * clPient of gifts of Carol -42M Do 'Mrs. Wesley Hackwell. Mrs. Ed- dent presided for the second four grandsoris: Leslie Camp, tric can opener and carpet /l A•, is Victory"' " - D A 1Tn press repOrter, Bomme W, girl,"v,ard 14r . Mrs. Walter Bew- Part of the meeting, The topic ben Arnold Campbell. Dennis -weeper, Brenda 1�ers_lahe. le.v and Mrs Nelson Marks gave, was given bX M -n. Me W�UTON Broadmst CK rtDn Ker, And Danny Kerr, MT- Carman Yogic, of St Set Dates ',The hostess served a delicious a shephe'rd's interprefation of Ra&wel). from the _,*utly book Thomas, was Stratford lunch. T -e next- meeting wffl Psalm 2& PrAyer - was offer&a on Trinidaid., After the. secre. MRS.' JOIJN AUSIN weddingpi�gt �man at the 20 years ago, and the i An um commun'ty Ran be held at the home of Mar- -by Mrs, Bf. Ennis, after which tan's and treasurer's reports,, Mrs John Aubin died sudden-, bridesmaid was her sister, Mrs. Fo n the Lcisd's Prager was repeat- 'Plans were made to cater to a ly at her home in SeafmtJi,'on Fred (Li-Duin) Jones, of Eng - Every SUMiday w,,od 'M. Lloyd Miller and ed in unison. Hymn 475, "The banquet on February 22 for the llur,�daT. Feb. 4, age 4& 7be IBM& 0 FRIDAY. i f=uy had as their Nine" 'was stm. 8 guests Ninety and N w 9 Bay Scouts, Cubs, their leaders former Rossella Leon corli- The evening was spent in Blyth Fair Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. 'Herbert Traviss, as in and fathers, to be held in the veau- of Zurich, she was mar, games, sing -song and dancing, February 19th Will= MM— Mr. And Mrs. charge of the topic- We Must church ba pmt ned in 1946 to John Ambin and Inurb was serrj�d, includ- 1240 Kenneth mtx�-Tla and Mrs. Keep Our Risol;rbons Stron.g Mrs. Charles Mccutcheon op who suxNives, along with W� ing a=versary raper The directors of Blyth Agri. cultural Society met Tuesday De6jardine's Oiichestra lGram Sc*1t, aE of Cromw-tv. -A-11 Year,- and read a poem_ ferad to pack and send on the daughters, Bernadette and Bar- Mr. and Mrs.. Querengesser evening for the purpose of set - The amasaon was the 45th wed- -Tf We Would But Remember." used Christmas cards that had bara. both at home- Also -ed in "oudon, Eng- ting up the various committees On Your Radio Dial 1 0 S=- were married LUNCH BOOTH 1ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs An -am McC�an, the prem- been brought to the meeting. viving are two sisters, Mr&.Al= land- Mrs. Querengesser is the in the men's division. Mn. Wilham. Miller. deut, -was in .charge of - Anna) Meiding , Zaitich and daughter of Mrs. Alice Case ness sess;i _e bus3 Plans were completed Jor the f i� Leona 'er, s� f The date of the 1965 Blyth Everyone Welcome!, 6n- Mrs. Jame Clarke' crokin03e party being held F�n_ M -s Masse, Detroit, and and the late Walter Case, o Go . deri�rjl; eston Super Mare, England.,Fair was set for. Tuesday and mad the minutes of the pre- cia�v evening in the church base- five brothers` Leo,,,of d W e Sept. 21 and 22. was .1neilt. A I n -and Mr. Querengesser is the sun Wednesday, We PBS 'oous meeting The roll call rollec-don for the Willprd. Rudolph and Franklin- sale of Feeder Club answered with a book from the March of Dimes will be taken all of Zurich, and Dennis of An auction • a calves '-will be a feature of Highest Prevailing I New Testament. Mrs. McCan at the March meeting. Rev_ W Stratford Tuesday ' afternoon, and t�e 4 read a card of thanks received J. Maines, of LandeSbUg, V1'6 I The body 'rested at the G. C014STANCE show, the spep BROTHERHOOD annual horse from Mrs, Harvey Brown for a be the guest speaker at the A. Whitney funeral home. Re- , I -v -a, I Mrs. James MTdd spent one the for Tuesday evening gift •presented to her on lean_ World Day of Prayer, F'rida., quiem Hich Mass v -, sting in i 1 cbkv last week with her daugh- the Rrst day of the fair. 'S1 .tames' Churcli. Sp.aforth, on -was ing , th? unit 'for Blyth. March 5. ary intier- s WEEK Hymn 399. 'Taith Of Onr'M(.,day with temnorter, - Mrs. Ray Finth, and Mr. mr . Larne Scrimgeour����Mrs: 'Nelson Mark& convener Again named publicity conven- February_ of the bazaar committee, report- 11",-atherss." was sung in closing, mgr �n Elizabeth Ritz maus-! FinCIL Lit Bett BuchRa fen iz M`iehell. W. J� Oeayj- t tle -v ' an ed On a meeting and announc-:niter v,b-kb the M -Dah Rene-, c4lEum !last week and broke her arm. The committees set up were: -For Dead Cows and Horses m rhe ccmin:mees as fconov,c dwicyn,wis repeated in unison a, - -charge of arrangements I - � ­ T I - Mr. Charles Dexter returned Dairy cattle—RaY Hanna, RRI 21st to 28th i fancy work! correner, Mrs. Lunch sened by'Mrs- Chas. P_--­�bcarerc vere Louis, Den- home after being in Scott 2, Auburn; Jim Wilson, RR 2, i + Peter,, McDonald. Mrs. Edward MrGavin. Mrs. Stewart -mccam 1 n(-:ne. Gerald DID Aoeordin'g ..c, Size Blyth; David Webster, RR 2, J"2r e, Memorial Hospital,' 96aforth I The observance of Brother-, Miller. Mrs. William Sh4ldic*: Ms- Norman Sch�ade and. the 'C0rriN'e2u-, The CGTIT girls held. their Blyth. . hood Week in- the Seaforth hier. Xr&. ArLhur b�15U-Sl­' ;�9-.1frEd Cor mean and Louis, the home Beef Cattle—Lorne Hunking,' area is being sponsored by boLha", aprons� torvf�.ner,'Mrs Mission, Band Yd Pipe. Lo Auburn; LIoN meeting week at ! n- the I.O.O.F. and will be -of their leader. Mrs. Rey Law- RR L Au G-RAFSTOCK IcRa_2ph Tr2viss ldr_�. Gordon The MiRsion Band of Dufrs; Fe'La'jieF'and friends attend- son. idesboro: Leonard Archamhault, held at the Murray. Mrs. Wa'�-..er Bewle�, 'Urhed Church met Sund­- aricli Detroit- G RR 1, Auburn.' -Seaforth qui cow- morning with an attendance of e a : r:,:r.. Z code- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd at-IRR a­2 Seaforth. Hogs—Bruce- Falconer, Blyth; _ck mer tended the Crerar - McDonald 1 P00-r—B -2t -as E.rne,-T 49, Sandra ''Vi son - . -ee: corvener, M:- in Ab Community Centre weddin in Stratford on Sat-'F-dward Watson. BIN -er `&r ir- charge g. and, Kar-, MARS. P� 9 Bel- , c e of the, meet�n_ REMOVERS 4 ei.. _s. Mrs. Ro3 zimr­ X MIDDLETON. sheep—walter Scutt.. - oif Ing as pianistotr:is Thursday Evening 4 Le - ird Leem:nri,: bah -mg table'. McEu - acted I 4 Emerson The,,,meetirg opened witl of Bensall And com- Mr. And Mrs. ])on Glousher, grave; 'Dick SnelL RR 1, Blyth. do f-onvener. Mrs 3 Hymn,=,4,:-' 1 -re saddened to Horse show convener, Robert. February 25th, at 8:30 learn Blyth, spent Saturday evening Walkerton Ont. I M-h-cheL, cat-lider. 1L-E�. Dou;ia: 500. `Take.Time To Be Hol -v T) ' r I _. win. Dal' RR asFmg of highly e�- with Mr. and Ain e Carter. 3 Blyth: Feeder Err. Mrs Wil-lia= Coults. Sandra read the call to worship. beloved - Citizen, aTA family. N -- . j and belo Cal Club. Harr � Watkin5. RR 'takes but. a M- 7c,r_ance Di�_­fas. 1&- -in 95A. Mr R. H. Middleton. v -bo wds!�_ Miss'Joyce'Brown. of Lon 1. Londe-sboro: For Fast Efficient Sem,'ce Psal - and a.co=ment on Poultry. Win. Remember, it . H I -M 7-� - 1 .7 at-, Brow -r. Mr;_ Alas: Mc- 502-, "What 2 Ftizodied Lv:By or. Monday at St. jo- % d -0-n. spent, the weekend with her Carter, Blyth. moment to place an Expos.itor 59, Walkerton. COLLECT Ca:'-. Mrs. Luel'i Manha:_1 bah- We Hgve jp Je§us.- I-Va-Z SUIZZ. i were made for Want Ad and be money in Dial _,4 se -,r Rrj,5phal. London. and Mrs. Borden Many plans m parents. Mr." s E table No� 2: corvezrer. Mrs., NL-, Walter Bev -ley talked.: 11 pocket. To advertise, just Dial I ; Thi lbriner Jean M. Woods, � Brown, and Elaine. tbe'bettermert of B . IN th Fa Herbert Traviss; casber. Mrs decisions: Douglas Wey, 'she. -y Seaforth 527-0240. sh Drn Ronald Bernell MrF, Ecrward DOrtiOnS of Script b' in, Bay -field- Misses Mai MacGregor. of Fair. -htk-r of 1l,. 1,lp TN- X7' V;-�4, Mar ­ ,., —A f, of NLn�. Ba= Marshall, trig advice on making decisions. -a g ',E�L M':, L iL�- W Worlds and Margaret F. Moles:worth, spent the weekend MTs, N cor Mrs, Ray P.,A m, 31:3, Psalm 32.9 and She attended Clinton with their. parents. Mr. and. Hu -',tier. ,Mrs Wilham Thamer: Psalm ",2,8, Perth Clark led in 1-r-s-titul.e. MacGregor. SEAFORTH TEEN -TWENTY ico!)ez.:iate Stratford -Mrs. -Ross ckrr�_- coulter. 1&-s Neh;on. P�-ayer- `R.E-jCL m-,. Jac -1 Gordon: touchConr_ie Coutts and Brenidal"'),Irm.-a Sc'hool and taught near I Mr. and Mrs- Doug Riley, Orton and in Gait before and Gregory, of Scarbor- �-and Bewl,, D,ct.,d Fabulous VICOUNTS C,, 1�h, offering 'tabe- James' C,9zrkel I I ter=1 training in TorootooG=_,vuglL spent the weekend with 'and Presents the a�d MT -S, -GeOl�ge. 1)qMdaF' Wait- dediCated . it W.,3fh eral 'Hospiud..-SaDej 1 of W1. end- Mrs. Prank. Riley. i resses. Mrs. ~.Ronald Benrett. jprii.rer. Connie gave the. treas- IME. AT --here she was ••'a member Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszeator i Mrs. Emersoti Mitchell, Mrs, 'urer,&'s report and Karen Me- of - class, *33. She was married spent the . weekend -with Mr. ihe Seaforth Legion Hall William Coutts. Mrs. jack _Ponald read minutes of the i to R. H_ Middleton, and Mrs. Allan Pfaff- of Cred�-'� Brown• 1 last meetirtg. eton, June Ia.. Mrs, Allnr. McCall. Mrs, 'P Herbe.n Trai-L-L 19313. and resided in Port cip_,ton' Denise Pfaff returned ,,, Mrs. Howard' Sandra conducted the busi- A d -ft for .'one year before mo-v-lbome with them for a. few Hackwell. Mrs. BB= arz�hn7l gess We hope to have a �ffim Friday, February 19th im! to Hen-sall, -where her hus- days- Mrs.. -Nielson Marisa. Its. RaTion Trinidad for the next meet- 62nd was a "cist for Mier' ing,. twenty 3ft- 'and Mrs. Jack' Cr. 1 Anne W e-, and Mrs. WaheWatsonand Dianne E-aeth r Bew- ye-ul- i Brian and Paul, of Listowel, Pancing 9 to I Dennis w:M help -itis the war. .�y: supper committee, Mrs. A-1- Geo Searle, Mrs. cecn LvdiRtt.'5hip and Joan D4-nri- will A member of St. PAnI1, An_',viSited with Mr- and Mrs- - I ... .an play Mrs Ian Wffbee and Nirs. Wes_ 'Ithe pi=a, gri= Church, she was sec i M'C33"in and"; Mary 611 Sunday. I 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan SPECIAL ADNnSSION:. tars treasurer le7. Hack -well, The Mission Ramid decided to, t cairex of the Deanery 1 family spent Sunday with $1.00 per Person $ 1.50 -per Couple to the pre preMrs. � and had veered As both ,and A donation of $10 w9s - voted; make a donation Of S10 to PresbYtETT and ser-retary-treas. i Mr. and George Hart, of Nichol, of Strat- - Projects Fund- Ev- to Miss Be;:tT J Ur, -Z, of St Paul'. WA Brussels. present teach e:rTone went to classes v -An Intereste'd and active in an,;de Mr. And Mrs. George Hoggart Tuckersmith 4-H Grain Corn Club who '5 zf- K teachers Mrs. Stevwl McCall. in -r'. in three MExjcamr v0llages- M." ,iii r ;, Mr, partments of the church work visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rank Mrs. _,Dutt_ A Bible book store _­ being, op- WAIt. she was ready to ,-,pr,.te Coleman- of Ripley, on Sunday - at Town Hak Seaforth ened. with Miss "Nichol itt "Or, Marks., and Mrs. . _T to help Mr. and . Mrs. Wilmer, GlOusb- CASHN-0 CASH ch.J-ge. BewleT• with any organization fr. Stewart and Barbara spent E I 'G I the con�munitv. She will be The Faster -fh;rrk the aD8 Tyros an- s;unday -with MT. and 'Mrs - Saturday, February 27th for _-,ered tb�R roll call] with 2 fae'l -2d]T missed. Henry Glousher. of Blyth Saturday, Feb. 20th — 8:15 p.m.' meetuir was anacrimeed about Trinidad. The many Suring her husband w Agri -4. also the Presbyterial . it)-" S VME are Mr. Will!= Dale 'as in To- pim- Northside United 'Church, tereztinv facts were discussed, aced one son. B73b: one sister, _:canto on Tuesday.attending the LEGION HALL, SEAFORTH SeafDrth. on March 24, when before the story. The meeting rLuET) Mrs. Call Diehl, Bay ; Guernsey, Association conven- Rev. Frank Morgan. of.Trimty ticised with Hy= 605. "Tel'I'field- ticin'at the Ro]�A, York . Hotel. • United Church Ritcliener, vU Me the Stories of Jesus.- Regtiug at the 8ronthron fun- � MT. 'and Mm VrAlhm Pin- 6 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $10.00 be guest speaker- The Waltorn -pubUc school ehL dmr eral chapel. HensalL. public ser- ning of Clinton. v1sAed with 3 SHARE TAE ,WE' with SPECIAL meetirIg and their teachers held a skzt- vices vrill be held from St and Mrs. George Leitch on . closed with Hymn 376. "Blest JACKPOT $85.00 Full honse kith 5 )7 e Tie That Binds." Re- i% paw party in Brussels arena Fri, -Paul's Anglican' Church, Hen- Moilday. day afternoon in place' Of the sall, Thursday. at 2:30 pm, I I freshmentE- were served by Mrs. - I . numbers called. I usual Valentine party. with burial m Bayfield ceme-' -ANKS 'Be Children under 16 not permitted T H Arthur ELiggambothain Mrs. C'er- -N[r, and Mrs. Gordon MeGarv- tery. Per: J. P. Gandon ­wm i I a3d WatsoL and Mr-,- Gary Fin- in acid Mr. and Mrs. Neil Me-- nffi�late STAFFA Clarence Walden and 0ifford" Broadfo;ot wish �Ta­vsoh_ ADMISSION $1.00 Gavin and Brian 'riihed Sunday The pupils and teachers -from Extra Cards 25c, or 7 for $1.00 to express their appreciation for the gallant with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- mbbert School Sections 1 to 61 Gavin. Owen Sound. enjoyed 2 skating party At Mit- Auspices Seaforth -Branchr, 156, Canadian Legion Mr. and Mrs- Ronald Er-ilt LOCAL BRIEFS cheD arena on Friday after- FROCEEDS-'TOR WELFARE WORK F ASH Saturday cs services rendered. by Fire Chief 'John, Scott, BETHEL and Steven,. of.Hamilton. -rislt• i ed KariMr. and Mrs- Douglas MT- and Mrs. Glenne i. aid th4 Firen-men, and everyone who aid in BIBLE CHURCH Ennis last Sunday. brand and Mr. Orville Hilde- - Every -week more people dis- ------ I Mrs. Fred Kerley. Toronto, is brand and Mi., John Sproule. oft cover what mighty, jobs are the efforts to control the Ter.&6D Warehouse (Ser -Aces at Orange -Hall) a guest at the h9me of her vis- Mtehener, -spent Sunday with accomplished by low cost Ex - ter. Airs. WaltfT Broadfoot. this Mr. Louis Hildebrand. positor Want Ads. Dial 527 -OM. fireSunday, Feb. 21st Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nixon ANNUAL MEETING • 2:30-­SL-.%-aAY SCHOOL The CGrr leaders. Mrs. 'N-,ejI -spelit the week -end in V11)(150r, MeGai-in and Miss Shirley Bj3. the guests of "their daughter FMST We are very sorry for the, anxiety . and incorr 7 30 --GOSPEL SEPNTICE *r, the cGrT girls and their and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. W. PRESBYTTIRIAN -McKillop Mutual I venience which, was caused to. neighboring Sp�aker. friends held a skating parti- iL WAylowiqh.. CEELTPXH Brussels arena stturdav el -e- John Patterson and Fred MR_ 14ARRY WILSON ring. Refreshments v- ' qen � Uhler are among area students REV- DOUGLAS 0. my Fire insura'nce families and hornes.' ere the an- Minister Waterloo Lutheran University ed at the home of Mn. _Ne --1 who wM take pail in "And this is the record, that iMeGarin and a social hour en. nual re -view of Western On- Sunday, Feb. 21-- 1 THANKS God hath given to us 'eternal im'6d- tariff Agricultural Agricultural School at WORSHIp — 11, Con pany .AAt life, and this life is in His About twelve men frtm ,be- Wdggetown, Thursidgy. 9:45 am--Minisfees Class, Son- He that hath the Son Moncrieff and Walton cmgrega. 10:00 azd—The Senior Sunday CLIFF ,and CLARENCE hath, life: and he that hath tions sang on, 'Sing Time" at jjj Scho'o'L Friday., Feb. 19., 196.5 not the Son, of God hath CEN -W, W"lngham,.Sunday after. phries. Airs. George Hibbert, 11.00.-, am—The Junior Sunday not Jolih :511, i2.noon,I Mrs. Torrance Dundas and Mrs. SchooL A new stairway and dumb- Hubert Traviss. waiter have been in stalled in 1:30 p.m. the Community Ran diming the `Town' -7 past week.. Hall, Seaforth Mr. Neil McGa4_M,. left READY TO SERVE YOU Malwn Airport last ThTTum ursday O.H.A. Intermediate"1111 morning 'for Dayton, OhioAll Members, are -invited -to by present where he spmA a few clar business. Retiring Directors Are Harvey Futter, J. Norman I Trewartha To All Our Good Friends 'and Customers: Miss Norma Leeming'. Urn- and J. H. McEwing, all of whom are eligible for re-election.don. spent a few days 1AFt week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. HOC -K The BY -12w stating the Objects of .the Company will Leonard Leeniing. be recommended for revisiop so that the Company- might We are at your service for delivery A successful crqkinoje social. attain the power to e\tend its underwriting powers to PLAYOFFS include the so-called "Floater" was held in' the church base- coverages to Theft and ment Friday evenihg.undeT the Collisi6n. A new By_lj1%%* will be presented therefore which 11 read as follows: t I I Ross Leeming and children, ''FE "Bylaw No. I Oble,ct: FUEL OILS GASOLINE ETC. auspices of the MrXillop Un, ONny ..A...22 will of St Marys were gdesL- of his I -Subject to the power granted under the Charter, the pur- Leerning, on `Sunday, Pose and business of the Corporation ,,hall be the insurink, -our Tfudis Are Operating, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard FOREST vs.. under any class of insurance for which A Company. writing The WI. To Meet .on the Premium Note may be licenced in Ontario, of frisks n agricultural property. or property that is not merean- February meeting of the SEAFORTH t,4,po te will or manufactutirig, or linzardous at provid6d in Part be hold Wednesday evening', V1 of the Corp orations Act of Ontarim" 0 CANADA LTD. Walton Women's SEAFORTH ARENA Feb. 24, with mrs. Nelson Reid' The resent Article and Mrs. Clarmw MW No. I li its; the pdrpose and busi- �ess con+enem Tbe roll call wfl) be 9 against fire or lightning. Wj L BROADFOOT "WbAt hialth =1e we 'fixe I of the Company to insurinm Tb4e 8:30 pitL tl6aeb to oul� ehill" The 4-H nftma Awn verses r-oreit, Liman, S6000% W- L "'SOMIGATE 02 Wrle Ctdb vM h9 v,0 274 24, 10> CYlS2ki3i 6 first & In 25 50 cets 0�uts e &G- AMER N — , ., 0 Secretary p X ,,tar 0 4 41 a 0 P 11