HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-02-04, Page 1•
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-•"‘ Tuckersmith- council enders -
'4,4 a central school to serve
rpils in both Tuckersmith and,
4 !Rtanley, at a meeting here Tues-
4ay. Suggested location of the
proposed.' school was in the
tiftucelleld area. •
.•,: The Action' followed an an:
pe,til by members of the Tuck-
ersmith area board, who, together with public school' inspec-
tor, J. G. • Burrows, of Exeter,
Met with the council. '
In asking' for an early dei -
son, Mr, Burrows stated that
IUCKERSMITH COUNCIL endorsed a proposal to estab-
lish •a joint Tuckersmith-Stanley School in the Brucefield
area at a meeting here Tuesday. The decision , followed a •
discussion with Tuckersmith area board Members and public
school inspector, f. G. Burrows. Shown here at the meeting
Curlers i
Step Up
are (seated, left), Road Superintendent Andrew Houston,
Reeve Elgin Thompson and Clerk J. I. McIntosh; (standing),
Councillors Vic Lee, Ross Forrest, Irvin Sillery and Alex
McGregor. (Expositor photo by Phillips.)
Henson Fire.Brigade
Saves Local Sales Barn
in the steel roof over the store-
room over the small room itself
Raise. V186.00
Ten members Of Hensel Kin-
ette Club and four volunteer
Marching. Mothers canvassed the,
village of Hensall Monday eve-
ning for the March of Dimes
•and received a splendid re-
sponse, collecting $186.27.
Committee in charge. were •
Chief of Marching Mothers
Mrs. Grant .MacGregor; general.
chairman, Mrs. Robert Baker
. Jr.; finance, Mrs. Robert Cald-
well; supply, Mrs. Doug John
sto'n;---publicity„ Mrs. William
Participatingin te canvass
were Mrs. John Baker, Mrs
Bob Baker, Jr..,Mrs. Harold
Knight, Mrs. William Mickle
rs. Jim Hyde, Mrs. Harold
Caldwell, Mrs, Jack Drysdale
Mrs. Rim Wareing, Mrs. • Wm
Clement and Mrs. Bob Caldwell
Kinette members, and Mrs.
Grant MacGregor, Mrs. Harold
Bonthron, Mrs. Homer Camp
bell and Mrs. Jack Simmons.
Guests At TV Show
Hensall ' volunteer firemen, the' E. L. Mickle . & Son Ltd.
alerted by nearby nightshift feed mill.
, The first mixed bonspiel of workers' in a seed mill, were Despite near -zero tempera -
the season Was held Saturday able to confine a blaze to a tures, the firemen were able to
with both draws filled. small Storeroom. in the Hensall prevent the fire 'from spread:
The 9:00 a.m. draw was won Sales Barn Friday raorning. ing 'to the adjacent animal yard
by a London.' rink, skipped by The fire was spotted® shortly where .15 cattle were penned.
Don Cooke, with Mrs. Florence after 2:00 a.m. by workers in Damage was limited to a hole
Ceoke, vice -skip; 'Dick Cooke,
second; and Judy Thrasher, . .
vice, Bob Campbell; second,
Seaforth rink skipped by Carl,
Staskoph, with Betty--Cardn%
Second . place was won by a Santa Needs. More ...
ParadeL_Doll______ ars' .
• •
lead. .' .
and Muriel Staskoph, lead.'
„Consolation prize, was won by Not only was Seaforth's San- borhood of --$100-:----tenations_
a Strathroy rink, 'skipped by ta Claus parade plagued by the may be forwarded to Mr. Stew --
Dune Ferguson, with° Marion heaviest rainstorm in years, art, or left at Stewart Bros.'
, Ferguson, vice - skip; To m but the parade also has left a store. •
Hughes, • second; and Isabel' deficit in its wake, Estimated expenses total W-
. Hughes; lead. A preliminary financial state- 559.02. Donations totalled $970,
The 11 a.m. draw was 'won Ment, as prepared by treasurer dance $87, and balance on hand
by a Sarnia rink, skipped by James A. Stewart, indicates that from 1963, $102.49.
John Forbes, vice -skip; .Harywhile in the main, expenses Expenses include: postage,
T° $
Bruton, second; and Bertha Br - were in line with previous $8.40; express, 6.75; general,
ton, lead. Second prize waswon years, gifts were less. $88.19;" new decorations, $140.03;
by a Seaforth• rink, skipped by • Mr. Stewart said a.number of c,0nstruction, $20.60; ostumes
Frank . Pierce, with Charlotte merchants, who have contribut- and floats, $387.46; candy,
.Pierce, vice -skip; Gordon Beut- ed in,._other years, had omitted $111.24Snow Queen, $13.39;
tenmiller,, second; and ROth making a donation "and he felt dance, $20.74; prizes, $93.74;,
-Beuttennliller, lead. • that this was because notices reception, $39.29; advertising,
CO/isolation prize was won by had beep mislaid in the Christ- $177.33; Bands, $330.00; pos-
a London rink, skipped by J. Inas' rush. Letters are going ters, etc., 68.65; supplies;
K. McTavish, with, Isabel Mc- out to remind ' givers of the $53.21.
Tavish, vice; Alex McTavish, deficit situation and asking for Contributions
second, and Edna. McTavish, assistance, Mr. Stewart said. Wm. M. Hart ' $ 5.00
lead. • This year additional street Norman MacLean f(cos-
. A rink left by plane this week decorations were provided at a umes) 13.50
to attend the Quebec Interna- cost of $140. . • d. Daly 10.00 Phillips Fruit Store ,
tional bonspiel at Quebee City. The committee in charge of 10.00
Toronto -Dominion, Bank._ 5.00
The players included teacher Christmas activities has ex-
Ball -Macaulay Ltd.
, Menzies, Joe Milrphy, • Royce pressed appreciation to all who 12.00
Macaulay, Bill Leyburn, John worked so hard to make the S. Shinen
Longstaff and Dick Box. i° events. . successful. Particular MacDonald's Shoes 10.00
Charlotte Pierce and her rink reference was made to the Sea-
Wilkinson's I.G.A. .... .. 30.00
from Seaforth won third prize forth .Women's Institute, who John Thompson 3.00
in Exeter last Wednesday. They by co-operating in .the Snow Savauge's
also were given honorable men- Queen dance, 'made possible Irvin's Hardware 20.0016.00
tion for getting a seven -ender. revenue John A. Cardno (of $87.00. Can. IMperial Bank . of
. The rink included: skip, Char- Mr. EteWart said" that while
lotte Pierce; vice, Florenr all accounts had not been re -
Commerce 5.00
Smith; Second, Mary Rowcliff ; ceived, it would appear there Dr. J. A. Gorwill 5.00
lead, Ruth Beuttenmiller. • would be a deficit in the neigh-
Dr. Baljubasic 5.00°
Box Furniture 15.00
McConnell & Stewart 00
T. Pryde & Son 5.00
Stewart Bros. 30.00
Elva Keith 5.00
Topnotch -Feeds Ltd. ..... 20.00
Post Office Staff 5.00
Bill O'Shea Men's Wear,5.00
• II
Stanley Township is willing to
agree with a central school te
ser the two townships, Bay-
field Village, Egmondville and a
small area arqund Hensel de
not favor the idea. • •
Claiming that the costs would
be reduced if the two townships
acted tegether, Mr. Burrows
said , facilities available would
be a benefit to all. It was sug-
gested that the school rate to
Egmondville ratepayers (SS 8)
could be 20 mills if they don't
go in with the central school
McKillop Advances
Centennial Project
'McKillop's centennial project
advanced a stage further Mon-
day when council updated ,a by-
law endorsing the construction
of a township building at Win-
throp. •
Agreed on' last year, • the
building, 30 x 24, of brick and
Cyril Kirk
Plowmen In Huron
Plan Year's Program
Simon Thillithan, of Blyth,
was re-elected' president of the
Huron County .Plowmen's As -
4 •
silYlot4 liALLANAN
sociation at its .annual aleeting
at Clinton,. Friday.
- Other 641 die lite: vige-Pted,
" ' ' • aani4, alPet 8,i,.#atit',•
i, ' Allen ily ' al •- 1T
1, Dashwodd; secretary -treasur-
er, Elston Cardiff, RR 4, Brus-
sels; .assistant seeretary-treasur-
er, Russell Bolton, RR 1, Sea -
The meeting named Gordon
McGavin as Huron representa-
tive oit. the Ontario Plowmen's
Association. •
Mr. Hallithah and -Mr • Walper
Were named delgate's to the
annual meeting of, the Ontario;
?low/lien's •AsSociation in Tor-
,ehto,' Feb. 22.,
' .The 'match for
fturon Coolfsi !Mil:lie held in,
dth Septentp:riir "cearlY,I Octo-
ber, at '3/frp Linehan* farm.
, • ,
Wed 25 Years
Mr. and Mrs. he Wilkinson
were honored at a surprise bat-
ty arranged by Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wilkinson, friends and
staff, ori the occasion of Their
twenty-fifth Wedding annivers-
ary. • .•
Mige Rosemary Lansink pre-
sented Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson
with 'a silver tea service and
entree dish, together with good
smishes from the gathering.
The eVeriing was spent Play-
ing code and games, followed
Doris Beauty Salon
The Huron Expositor
Joe McConnell
Jack McLlwain
Sills' Hardware
Merchants sponsoring
London Lancers 25.50
Smith's Grocery 15.00
Willis Dundas 5.00
Hugh Thompson 3.00
Province of. Ontario
Savings Office 5.00
Russ Recreation 5.00
Graves' Wallpaper 5.00
Sid puilroan's Barber Strop 5.00
Supertest Petroletim 5.00
Mrs. A. W. Dick 1.00
United Dairy & Poultry
Ed. Pryce
Arnold Stinnisen
Keating's Pharmacy
Elmer Larone
Read'S Shoe Store
Eve -Mar Stores
Stedman's Store
Dave Tremeer's Barber
Shop •, • 2.00
Dick's Grocery 3.00
Williatn,Camphell 5.00,
Anstett Jewellery 10.00
Walden & Broadfdot ...... 25.00
Simpsons -Sears 15.00
Irven's Hardware (float)25.00
FlanneryceleanersMOO 40p
Forty-two members and
friends of Hensall Women's In
stitute were.. in London Satur:
day night to be .guests on the
TV program,"Act Fast." Mrs
Fred Beer organized the trip.
The show will be seen on tele-
vision, Sunday, Feb.. 14.
' 'Mr. Charles Mickle, Hamil-
ton, spent,Sund'ay with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
and Ann.
Successful Music Student
Master Kenneth Jones, who
wrote the grade' two theory ex-
amination of the. Royal Con-
servatory of Music, ,was success-
ful in passing with first-class
honors, having received 94
marks. He is a pupil of. Miss
Greta Lamrnie, of Hensall.
Set Kitchen Rules
The executive of Hensall
United Church Women met at
"the manse Friday to plan for
the ensuing year. Mrs, Verne
Alderdice',. chairman of the so-
cial functions committee, re-
ported concerning equipment
required •for the new church
kitchen, so that catering pro-
jects of all units can be carried
out more efficiently.She also
presented a set of rules govern-
ing •use of the kitchen.
• The upper and lower halts
of the manse will be redecor-
ated during February. This work
was indicated through Mrs.
Thomas Sherritt, chairman of
the manse cominittee," • •
Unit leaders Mrs. James Mc-
Allister, Mrs. Ron Mock, Mrs.
Robert Reaburn and Mrs. Edi-
son Forrest reported on -their
work and projects to be under-
taken in 1965. Mrs. Carl Pas§
more presented her work ,as
chairman of friendship, and visi-
tation cOmmittee.
Finance chairman Mrs. V. M.
Pyette stated that the alloca-
tion to the Unifiedudget of
Huron Presbyterial will remain
at $1,400 for the year. Lunch
was weed by Mrs. -Harold Cur-
rie, aSsitted by Mrs. Edison For-
Mr. and Mrs., Henry Flaxbard,
of Zurich,,. ate observing their
fiftieth wedding 'anniVersary
Wednesday. The bride of 50
years ago is MISS Bertha Bren.
datieliter of "the late Mt.
• -PA** ik
• ,
idea. With a central school theAfternar•A?
- • '1••••_,,,k••••
rate would be in the 12 to 10 ,P011#01. Ervinmill bracket, speakers claimed.'llieinotion that:
.as •,runit'• ere••,•,pUblip schdo
cement, will house a council
chamber, a clerk's office and
storage space and vault. Cost
is estimated at $8,500.00.
Approval of provincial and
federal authorities, who assist
with grants, is now being
Council estimated road expen-
diture for 1965 at $75,000.00;'
and approved a grant of $25.00
to the Huron Soil & Crop 1m-
provement Association. • •
is w 'Matter of Tenders will be requested for
• 16,000 yards of gravel,•..With
• • •
work to be completed by Ione'
Cyril ,Kirk has been installed
as master of Britannia Lodge
No. 170, AF & AM, Seaforth.
Other officers are: Arthur •J.
Wright, immediate past mas-
ter; E. F. Durst, senior warden;
Alex Chesney; junior warden;
Ross MacGregor, chaplain; J.
E. Keating, treasurer; Gordon
; John -AWrightsecretarMac
Lean,senior •
19.. In case of default, a. pen-
alty. of $25 per day will apply
Council indicated it was expect-
ed gravel would' be taken from
the • Francis Hicknell, Gilbert
Smith and Alvin Dodds pits,
Joseph qalone, Sr., was ap-
pointed warble fly inspector fit
$1.15 an hour, plus '10 cents a
deacon; Laverne
Hugill, junior deacon; Melvin
E.. Clarke, director of ceremon-
ies; Glen Chesney,' inner guard;
Bedford Dimgey, senior stew-
ard; Dr. J. C. MacLennan, jun-
ior sleward; Roy Butt, outer
McKillop F of A
Speak -Off
The second speak -off or the
McKillop Federation of Agri-
culture public speaking contest
was held in the basement of
Winthrop Church Monday eve-
ning. President Gordon Elliott
was chairman, when 14 contest -
tants took part., "
The following were chosen as
top six for the evening: Sandra
Coleman, grade 5, SS 13, Mc-
Killop; Dianne Henderson, grade
6, SS 4, McKillop; Janneke Van-
rooijen, grade 6, SS 13, McKil-
lop; Anne Stewart, grade 4, SS
4, McKillop; Sharon Shea, grade
6,- SS 4, :-Hibbert; Trudy Van-
Drunen, grade 5, .SS. 4, Hibbert.
Judges were Rev. H. Donald-
son, Rev. Elford, and J. Tal.
Guide Has
2nd Class Badge
,The first member of the Eg-
mondville Guides to receive the
award, Mary: Anne' McGrath was
'sented with a_second,plass
badge at a ceremony Tuesday.
The presentation was carried
out by the recently appointed
district commissioner, Bessie
Enrolled as new members are
Lynn Nicholson 'and 'Lynn Mac-
Lean. There are now 20 girls
in the Egmondville company.
Melvin E. Clarke has been
named manager of the Liquor
Control 'Board store 'here. He
Succeeds William Burns,
has been named manager of a
Toronto store at Long Branch,
Mr. Clarke joined the LOB
SHARON STRONG, 14 -year-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard. Strong, of Tucker-,
smith, widely knoWn area
soloist, who has signed a
contract for four years' with
ARC Recording of. Toronto..
he first recording—a long -
play record—will be produc-
ed shortly.
MO, ants,Ai:Tuekei
• bt
ol for central it 11 epurpose 14Yi9t,47'
Smith Aii4t-Ay0F.49
the proposed, Ocp04..TOLKt,M.
the Brucefield 'area." The mo-' • 1
for Alex McGre goseoriclirii„. eber Council -.
Voting for the motion werq • •,14
tion •was seevz.oin.cdt
was Councillor Ross Forrest,• e
RR 2; Rippe», in the Hensall
area. Pupils of SS No. 1, Tuck-
ersmith, currently are attend-.
ing Hensall public school.
Act To Recover Share
A petition, signed by several,
ratepayers who reside in Tui..
• smith Township, but whose -
assessment had gone to US$:
No. 1; McKillop, Tuckersmith
and Hibbert, previous to the.
lisbhmaarendta aotf thteo 4nisnttitigh i P
h.. •
of the year, asked •that Tie*
• (Continued en liege 10)
Consider Work on
rucefield Cemetery
If Tuckersmith Township
wishes to clean up Brucefield
cemetery it will be necessary
to advertise in local papers for
three weeks and indicate plans
to clean up the cemetery, and
giving the &bile an opportun-
ity to lodge any objections. The
Department of Health suggeat-
ed it would be possible to:Clean
tip and level the property, leav-
ing -large stones, if possible; or
clear the whole area and set
stones in a cement base near
the road (No. 4 Highway), or
bury alL stomp" and set up a
cairn. Council favored- either
of the first two suggestions.
A commulkation from the
'Town of 'Clinton indicated a
Meeting was being held Feb. 11
to consider the erection of a
cenotaph in the town in mem-
ory of the fallen of two World
Wars. It was left cpen for any
member of council to attend.
Council was advised a work-
shop on community planning is
to be held Goderich, March
Seek Tenders -
Tenders are to be called ,..for
ihs4ru::ovi. pc•anc1,3 of
warble fly powder; a man to do
warble fly spraying, stating
engaged as weed inspector at
the same rate.
Contracts were let to Aqui:
Inklis, of Fordwich, for closed
work only on Belfort drab) Or
$1;080, and for Rogerson drain
for $805.00;
Road Work
Road expenditure in the town-
shig:ler„..1065 is •estimated at
$50.:000L--,Vtffii0, lot construe -
tion and $42;900 ter, mainten-
ance., an increase .0t,45,000. .
Andrew 411itiatozi; road super-
intendent, suggested that York
should be done on the road
Concession 2. Levelling and
, widening is needed. Council*
;'Sillery suggested a Ph -foot cul-
vert on Sideroad 25-26, Con. 2,
HRS. Mr. Houston said work.
should be done on Con. 2, if
the Bell Telephone co. would '
move their line. A letter was
read frOM the company inquir-
ing regarding road construction
,contemplated by council, as
they wish to' do their work
first—removing pole line—so
that road work ' Could be car-
ried out successfully: •
Czp:--gc Krnze was engaged
for„ general duties and to learn
to operate grader and snowplow .
price per head per spray, and at $1.15 an hour, on probation;
for mom cubic yardQ 'If gravel; Six applications were consider-
crushe•-I hauled and •laid, ed.
inch screen to he used, under • Council set salary of road
the supervision of the road su• superintendent A. Houston at
perintendent. Andrew Houston, $2,700, an.increase of $100, and •
and approval of Department of that of grader operator, A,
Highways. gravel to be laid by Nicholson, at $1.50 an hour, '
staff when the Seaforth store June 19th. up 10 cents.
opened January 17, 1961. Dur- Wilmer ' Broadfoot was re -en- Acting as a court of revi- •';
bot. Final speak -off will be ing the past two summers he gaged as warhle Tly inspector sion, council approved the re -
held in the auditorium of i has managed the LCB - store in at $1.15 an hour, plus 10 cents bate of ' dog tax of $5.00 on a
SDHS next Monday evening. i Tobermory. per mile. Charles Eyre was- re- second dog to Andrew Crozier.
.4.01••,;• • •„..
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lose :14.14,Ase.
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i"'P. . ••••;
THE EXECUTIVEof the Maitland Valley Conservation
4:it- • •
Authority was revamped at the organization's annual meet-
ing in Blyth Thursday. From the left, front, are Harold
• Cpsens, Wallace- Township, past Chairman; Cyril Bamford,
Listowel, seeretiiy.treasurer; Itehert Wenger,. Winghaint,
,,••.,,thairman; Alvin Smith, TartiberrY Township, fiet-chttirrninr; .
gYa g 01.11g§' &titian), bt r he, Refefeattk
:4 71
tion Board; Ken MuSclow, Listowel, fleid-officer; George
Cutcheon, Brussels, Conservation Areas; Mason Robinson,
East Wawanosh, Land lyse and Wildlife. The -latter two,
along with Reeve N. 6, Cardno, Seaforth, chairman. of the -
Pubhc Relations Board, iire necomors to the 604#!%
(Photo by ettlitelOit.): •4 •'• 174;1,
:•••• ••,.•;',•••,•,.. ."•4'.'w•?•'•••?',•' •'"4" N4r