The Huron Expositor, 1965-01-14, Page 10ti M ` , 11RON EXPOSITOR, SIaAFQ ' TIf, ON; JAN. 14, 1865 Mi' • OF BRODIIAGEN Marrie4 Couples Set ice Skating Plans The Married Couples Group of St.. Peter's Lutheran Church met Tuesday evening for the Christmasmeeting with 21 present, with Mr. and '' Mrs, Robert Beuerman and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice in charge of devotions, topic and lunch. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Fischer as- sisted for recreation. Then sev- eral short topics were given, "When the Wise Man Appear- ed," "Speak With a Loving Heart" and "Manners Are From the Heart." A poem, "Judge Not," also New Year's greet- ings were read. Miss Beverley Slipldice sang a solo, "0 Holy Night," accompanied on the piano by Miss Joanne Elligsen. Joanne was also the accompan- ist for the hymns in the ab- sence of the pianist. Progressive crokinole was played with the following win- ners: Mrs. Reuben Buuck, Wil- bur Hoegy, Mrs. Ralph Hicks and Lloyd .Prueter. Most 20's, Ralph Fischer. .v Wilbur Hoegy, the president, was in charge of the business. All members gave a gift of money instead of an exchange of gifts, 'which is to be used for a lawn post lamp for the parsonage lawn. The evening closed with lunch, served at a table decorated for Christmas. If weather permits, this group will again have ice in the church sheds, with Reuben Buuck in charge. The annual meeting is to be Tuesday, Janu- ary 26th. Church. Women Meet The annual meeting of the. Lutheran Church Women of St. Peter's Lutheran Church was held last Wednesday afternoon with 29 present.. Mrs. Lloyd Preuter, Mrs. Manuel Beuer•. • man and Mrs. Lew Hicks were in charge of devotions, opening with a New Year's prayer by Mrs. Beuerman. The topic was read by Mrs. Lew Hicks, "Christ- mas: What Then?" Scripture and prayer were given by Mrs. Lloyd Prueter. Mrs. Dan Beuer- man played the piano for the hymns; Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt read a thankoffering prayer, and Pastor Brill gave a short Bible study'on the Book of Rev- elations. The president, Mrs. Oscar Young, conducted the business. Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth, the secretary, read the minutes and thank -you letters and cards were read from Mrs. John L. Bennewies, Detroit, Mrs. Eli Rapien, Milverton, and Mrs. Nor- man Kistner, Bornholm: A number of donations of money were received and one dozen small glasses from Mrs. Lena Bennewies for the church Kitchen. The treasurer, Mrs. Russell Sholdice, gave her re- port. The visiting committees are Mit. Harold Elligsen and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter, Mrs. Reu- ben Buuck and Mrs. Geo. Rock. Twenty-eight kiddy kits were sent to Canadian Lutheran World Reeel. A box social is to ,be held- on Feb. 5th, when the congregation is invited. Birthdays were reported by Mrs: J. L. Bennewies, Mrs. Geo, Rock and Mrs, Ed. Scherbarth. The highlights of the 1964' meetings were prepared and The vanishing bridge and read by M -s, Edwin Scherbarth: euchre series is under way, Mrs: Mrs. Lloyd Prueter thanked the Glen Chesney and Mrs. Don retiring executive. It was de- Morton were hostesses to Mrs. tided to have a question box Jack Muir, Mrs, Ken Doig, Mrs. at the meetings. Jack McLlwain, Mrs. Gordon Pastor Brill was in charge of McDonald, Mrs. Peter Bannon, the election of officers. A nom- Mrs. Gordon Pullman, Mrs. inating committee of Mrs. Min- Grant Chesney and Mrs. Gar nie Vock,,,Mrs. Dan Beuerman Baker. and Mrs, Fred Young gave their Mrs. Frank Sills, Jr., enter report and those who had been tained Mrs. S. Stapleton and approached, all accepted, name- Mrs. G. Goettler, of Dublin, ely: President, Mrs. Martin Mrs. J. M. McMillan Mrs. R. Dietz: 'ice -president, Mrs. Rus- S. MacDonald, Mrs. Terryy At - sell Sholdice; • secretary, Mrs. kinson, Mrs. W. T. Teall, Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer; treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Cleary - and Mrs. John' Edwin Scherbarth, Turnbull. Mrs. G. Goettler, cash The various committees were donation. then appointed: Mission tress- The January meeting of the urer, Mrs. Irvin Miller; offering, Hospital Auxiliary was held on Mrs. Chris, W. Leonhardt; mem- Tuesday evening in the nurses' bership, Mrs. Robert French; residence with Mrs. Jean Cos• education committee, Mrs. Os- ford presiding. The roll call car Young; Christian Service, and minutes were given by the, Mrs. Dan Beuerman; parsonage secretary, Mrs. M. Whyte. Mrs. committee, Mrs: Lew Hicks, Mrs, Winnie Nott gave the treasur- Harold Mogk, Mrs. Minnie Vock, er's report, which showed a sub - Mrs. George •Rock, Mrs. Albert stantial balance to start the new Bauer, Mrs, Dalton Hinz; stamp- year. ing for quilts; Mrs. ' Reuben Mrs, Janet Schneider read Buuck, Mrs. Reuben Rapien, cards of thanks from Mrs. Jean Mrs. Harold Rock, Mrs.. Edwin Bowering and Miss Drope and Scherbarth; buying committee, staff for gifts. Mrs, Lloyd Prueter, Mrs. Man- The silver cup for the first uel •Beuerman, Mrs, Lavern New Year's -'"baby will go to Wolfe, Mrs, Harold Elligsen; the new daughter of Mr. and pianist, Mrs. Lew Hicks; assist- Mrs, Gary Alexander. ants, Mrs. Dan Beuerman and Over $500,00 was realized last Mrs, R. Sholdice; auditors, Mrs. year from the tuck cart, con - Fred Young, Mrs, George Mogk. vened by M. Grace Cornish. Mrs. Martin Dietz took over The president called on Miss. 'for the close of the meeting. Drape for her report on the - Lunch was served by Mrs, Mar- Auxiliary Aid to the Hospital. tin Dietz, Mrs. Harold Elligsen, Miss Drope mentioned a num- Mrs. Robert French, 'Mrs, Dal- ber of articles which the aux- ton, Hinz, Mrs. Lew Hicks, Mrs. iliary has purchased for the C. W. ILeonhardt. hospital in the past, such as Mr. and Mrs. August Scher- the incubator, obstetrical table berth spent Christmas with and new kitchen, their daughter, Mrs. Calvin She remarked how nice It Gilck and Rev.. Glick at Des- will be in the new hospital to bore, have patients in rooms rather "]rue retiring members of the than corridors; an admitting of- -aural bear'd and their wives lice and 'tickers and rest rooms and remaining board members for the staff. There will- be a arld wives of St. Peter's •Ltz'th. system of "meals on wheels" erau Church enJoy'eda aohlal where the Meals are taken to evefiing at the ,hoirio of' . the rooms iii heated tables on d Mrs.Ronald E11I ori Fri v,' eels. A roam will be avail- . even1ng. :';•ab a for auxiliary Meetings` i�,.:alnr .;lffrii: Ttarr'B tlol cl it tho' btts. yy ittterrrt t .,.."..W.+,.W�:'�4'F,rkKi,e.J,%=r,"wC.il;w,n*unu+J w,. tYfi✓wfnW,� �. Walton, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman, for the weekend, and with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuerman in Lon- don on Sunday. Mrs. Ada Armstrong, Sea - forth, ' with Mr. and Mrs. Man- uel Beuerman on Monday. Mrs. Edward Scherbarth, Sr„ received ,word of the death of ber sister, Mrs. Chas. Fischer; of Gladwin,, Mich., the former Minnie Eggert. Masters Laurie and Randy Adams, Mitchell, spent Christ- mas holidays with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz. Mrs. Marvin McDonald (Dar- lene French) and baby daughter returned from Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert French here. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald reside at RR 1, Dublin. Mrs.' Emma Campbell, of Vic- toria, B.C. who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed, Scherbarth, has been confined to Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, for treat- ment. Mr. and Mrs. George Jarmuth, Mrs. Ed.- Jarmuth, Mrs. Leslie Wietersen, Mrs. August Hille- brecht and Mrs. Phillip Rock attended the funeral of Mrs. Ed. Ainstein in Kitchener last Wed- nesday. A shower was held for Me:. and Mrs. Donald Beuerman (Pauline Osborne) at the Com- munity' Hall here on Saturday evening. Mr. Ray Scherbarth, of To- ronto, who spent a few -days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth before he With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon left for Chicago, Illinois, to at- Aikens for New Year's were his tend a Young People's Seminar parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Aik- of a Lutheran Church there for ens, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chowen, a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eickmey,er Very unusual mild weather and family, Mitchell; Mr. and has been prevailing in this dis- Mrs. Kenneth Moffat, Mr. and trict during the Christmas and Mrs. Clifford Aikens and fam-' New Year's season. • ily, Munro; her" mother, Mrs: Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe Edwin Leslie, Mr. -and Mrs. Rob - spent the weekend in Stratford. ert Leslie, Margaret Ann, Mar - and Sebringville with Mr. and ilyn and Bob, of Atwood. Mrs. Michael Connolly. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney Gregory Charles, son of Mr. visited his mother, Mrs, Albert and Mrs, Ivan Eickmeier, was Roney, on Sunday. baptized during the Sunday Marjory Ann Simpson, daugh- morning • service at St. . Peter's ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Simp- Lutheran Church by Pastor son, who has spent the ,past Brill, with Miss Glenda, Miller, five weeks with her aunt and Larry Muegge, Janice McGill uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Fred Eickmeier, the spon- Roney, returned to the home sors, along with the parents. of her parents on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sawyer Miss Joan Britton returned to and'Robifie,' of Mitchell"' with her•'school in" Galt, and Miss Mr, and Mrs. Gary Sholdice on Nancy Larinin to Woodstock o Sunday. Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Keith McGill, With Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bur - Janice and Robert, of Mitchell, chill recently were Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. „and Mrs.. Ivan Eick- Ken Burchill, Jeffery, Dr. and meier on Sunday. Mrs, Wadland, Woodstock, and Two bouquets of mixed flow- mother, Mrs. M. Smith. ers were on the altar of St. Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper Peter's Lutheran Church on and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon Sunday in memory of Philip called on Mrs. Mary Malcolm Rock, who passed away one year on Tuesday, ago. They were placed by his Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill wife and family, entertained some of their friends New Year's Eve. • Mr, Jack Britton, from Grand- view, Man:, son of Mr. and Mrs: Carman Britton, visited with his •uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs." Britton, over the AUXILIARY masbholidays, and left onCTues- day, his cousin, Mr. Ken Brit- ton, going home with him for a few weeks' holidays. Ken wilt also visit Mr: and Mrs. Vern Britton in Killarney, his uncle and aunt. Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Annis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Ische, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Cole and fam- ily, Staffa, with Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman for New Year's. ' Mr. end Mrs. George Mitchell and family visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Kers- lake and William; Staffa. LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. Lnlly Mark, Of Columbia, who has sp past five weeks visit mother, Mrs. George and brothers and sister Mr. and Mrs. Harold Co Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. R Hell, of Clinton, and Mr Connell, of London, left home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John D. an, of Brighton, Mich., ed the funeral of his Bob Thompson, of Clinto also visited with ,Mr, d John M. cCowan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd . Co Dutton, visited with his b Mr, A. W. Corby, over th end. Mrs. George Cameron Christmas in Kitchen London, Mrs. R. Elgie, who sp past few weeks in the C West, has returned hom Mrs, Ferne Patterson, spent the past two mon Petrolia, has returned ho Miss Susan McLean h turned to McGill Uni where she is a student year Arts. Mr, Gordon Wilson, o ronto, spent Sunday wit parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Norman Ireland, spent the past month wit sister, Mrs. Mae Dorrance for her home in Lethb on Tuesday. Mrs. Dolens McCuaig Miss Janet Wilson leave week for Florida, where will spend a vacation: Mr. Clare Haney and sons, who have spent the three weeks visiting friend relai"ives in the area, leav California on Thursday. British'. ent • the ing her Connell, s -in-law, nnell, of oy Con - Cecil for her McCow- attend- cousin, n: They an Mrs. rby, of rother, e week - spent er and ent the anadian e. who the in me. as re- ersity,v in first f To - h his D; H. who h her , left bridge, and this they three past s and e for ZION WOMEN'S HOSPITAL • Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Balfour had their daughter, Marjorie, from London, and son, Bill, for Christmas, Mr,' and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm spent Sunday • with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gibb and family, of Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman visited on Sunday, with Mrs, Mary Malcolm: . ' FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE The January meeting of the Friendship Circle of First Pres- byterian Church was held at the home of •Mrs, W. A. Hod- gert, The president, Mrs. Anne Carnochan, opened the meet- ing ,with a poem, "Thoughts For the New Year." The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Joyce Miller and prayer was given by Mrs. Donna Smith. Annual re- ports were read by the secre- tary, Mrs, Ruth Stewart, and the treasurer, Mrs. Joyce Mil- ler. Miss Brenda Hodgert fave ored with two piano selections. A Bible quiz was conducted by the president and a "Famous Quotation" contest by Mrs. Shea ila Morton. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. June Greenan with Rev. D. 0. Fry as guest speaker, • speaker. After adjournment lunch was served by Mrs. Grace Cornish, -Mrs Margaret 'Curings, -Mfrs, opal Do'bsoil Mrs Vyonno Etue and Mrsif:.„ Betty Dove0V' rau es . StanIey Coupe Wed: 50 Years MR. AND MRS. HARVEY TURNER Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Turner celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on December 30th, whenfriends and relatives call- ed to extend best wishes and congratulations. They received Warriors Continue Win Series Winthrop Warriors skated to an impressive 8-6• victory over Mildmay Monarchs in a WOAA Intermediate hockey game in Seaforth on Monday night. • Mildmay led 3-2 after the forst period, but Winthrop roared backto grab a 7-4 lead at the end of the .second. Art Strong and Arthur Mur- ray led the Warrior attack, fir- ing two goals each, with sin- gles by Jim Strong, Winston Powell, Ray Powell and Don Achilles. H. Dosman scored twice for Mildmay, with W. Nelsen, John- stone, Weiler. and 'Fortney add- ing singles. This was an important vic- to .-fpr., Win:throe, ..as. ,.Mildmay,. are a "C" team and Winthrop are "D", but mainly because the only game the Warriors have lost to date was to Mild- may, in the, opening game of the season., Here Monday The next Warrior home game will be Monday, Jan. 18, when the Atwood Huskies. will be in town" to renew •a rivalry which has existed between these two teams for years. .It is hoped that the local fans will come out and give the Warriors a little support in their home games, as the atten- dance to date has been nearly non-existant. IVIILDMAY — Goal, Harrison; defence, Wendt, D. Neisen, Fedy; forwards, Armstrong., Dos - man, Weiler, B. Neisen, W. Nei- sen, Helw•ig, Fortney, Walters, Johnston. • WINTHROP — Goal. Flynn.; defence, A. Strong, Maloney, Dolmage. Achilles; forwards, Murray, Malone:, Moylan, J. Strong, R. Powell, W. Powell, Love, Varley, Allen, First Period -1. Mildmay, W. Neisen (Walters, Fedy) 1:55. 2. Mildmay. Dosman (Armstrong) 13:56. 3. Mildmay, Dosman (Armstrong, ,. Fedy) 14:27. 4. Winthrop, J.,Strong (R. Powell?' W. Powell) 14:59; 5. Winthrop, W. Powell (Maloney) 18:48. Penalties—None, Second Period -6, Winthrop, (A. Strong) .10; 7. Mildmay, Johnston (W. Neisen) 4:14; 8. Winthrop, Murray (Moylan), 11:46; 9. Winthrop, Murray (Ma- lone, Moylan) 12:02; 10. Win- throp, R. Powell (A. Strong) 12:57; 11, Winthrop, A. Strong (Malone, Moylan) 18:45. Penalties—W. ,Neisen 4:35, B. Neisen 15:35. Third Period -12, Winthrop, Achilles (W. Powell, J. Strong) 3:25; 13. Mildmay, Weiler (Dos - man, Armstrong)' 6:20; 14, Mild- may, Fortney • (Helwig, B. Nel- sen) 18:12, Penalties -- Wendt (5 min.) 2:40; Dolmage (5 aurin.) 2:40; Wendt 8:00; Wendt 11:30; J. Strong 14:01. Too Late To Classify F'OR RENT—Three-room apart- ment, furnished, gas heated. Ap- plY Carl Dalton, Railway St., Seaforth, 55x1 FOR SALE -31 pigs, 9 weeks old. John Nigh, RR 4, Seaforth, phone 527-0286, ' 55-1 FOR SALE -1962 O1.dnmobile. 2 - door hardtop, power steering and brakes, radio, new white- wall tires, Excellent condition throughout. Jack Lane, RR 5, Seaforth, phone Dub1jm 107 R 17, 55-1 FOR SALE -10 pigs, 9 weeks old, L. Oakley, RR 2, Walton, phone Dublin, 24 R 24. 55-1 FOR SALE--Wnrdnoite, 4' c 6'; 1 -double ibed and opringa, Phone' 527x3631, 55x1 FOR SALE—Sturgy�e yMiilker,+and; ., 4 'In u•, w�, Jt` many beautiful cards, gifts, flowers and a message of con- gratulations from Hon. C. S. MaeNaughton; and a scroll from the Government of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Turner have one son, Wilmer, and two daugh- ters, Irene and Dorothy, Mrs. Robert Taylor, RR 3, Hensall, A family . dinner was held on New Year's Day when their family, also Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son Reid, and Mr. and: Mrs. Jack Mustard and family, of Brucefield, were present for the occasion. 1 The couple were married at the home of the bride's par- ents, Varna; on December 30, 1914, by the late Rev, Johnston. The bride is the former Janie Stewart, daughter of the late Walter Stewart and Lucinda Stephenson, The groom is the son of the Iate James Turner and Margaret Webster. The bridal attendants of fifty years ago were the bride's sis- ter, Mrs. Nelson Reid, and the late George Stephenson, The couple settled on their farm, lot 6, concession"7, Stan- ley Township, where they con- tinue to reside. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ryan and Mr.- and Mia. .roseph Jor- daxl in London. ,, Mr. Mancer Brown, of Mat- tagami with Mrs. Brown and family. Mrs. Joseph Melady in Galt - with Mrs. Alin Murray. Mr. Eddie Arnold of Carthage with friends in the village. Miss Karen Dill, London, at her home. Mrs. Anthony and Mrs. Scrim- egour,' Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald holland. Cars have every convenience —except a bushbutton to lower payments, REAL ESTATE SALESMEN OR SALESLADIES Required for thy-Seaforth area. Experience not necessary, but must have neat appearance and. automobile, The broker pays for all advertising, stationery and signs. Commissions are divided evenly. We have been established for the past five years and are presently covering everything west of London with the exception of a few towns. We will be very pleased to discuss this in full by letter or phone. Apply to GEORGE R. JOHNSTON, Realtor, Box 249, WEST LORNE, ONTARIO Phone 768-1170 ; NEED RUBBER STAMPS? c Dial 527-0240 -- Seaforth JANUARY _.CLEARANCE SALE' -- SPECIAL MONEY - SAVING DISCOV,NT -- 20% Off Snow Suits -- '1/3 Off Car Coats 20% Off Jackets SPECIAL CLEARANCE - On Other Lines At Discounts of 10% to 20% a, At,44.1.41V41, VALENTINES go), Advance showing of Coutts Hallmark and Rustcraft Valentines. Cards designed for every member of the family, for that personal card or for general use. 5c - 1Oc -• 25c - -.50c - $1.00 Pkgs. — 10c to 50c Att-61,t1t14'44W•14•441"/ LA RONE"S STATIONERY -- SEAPORTH GIFTS ,°FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS • BEDDING TABLE LAMPS 2 for the. Price of One ilk Savings up to SO per cent On Ends of Linoleum many lovely designs at half • price PIANOS ZO°Jo DISCOUNT Regular $795 Now $635 BEAUTYREST MATTRESSES Jsed Televisjons All Makes -- All Sizes As low as 4995 KROEHLER Lazy Boy Chairs Reg. 97.00 Save 1$.o0 79.00 Cash The most comfortable money can buy Reg. 99.95 Now 79.95 Store -wide Discount 10% On Everything INIMINMIOMMINTEMMEMmonallIMMIONNINIMIOMMIMINOMMII step Tables • 12.95 Save 3,00 Special 9.95 NITURE Seaforth 1