HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-01-14, Page 9A e a 1 • i O r USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3 Found 4. Heip Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles "For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy • 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business 'Directory 24, Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25e for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), . Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rateson applica- tion. For cash payment, or if paid by 10 days following last inser- tion, 15, CENTS deducted from above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED • RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- men, etc.): Minimum, 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 1. Coming Events O.E.S. well hold, a se2ties of Euchre's on the following dates; January 28th, Febuary 25th, and March 25th, 1-55-1 A series of prenatal classes will begirt Wednesday,. January 20th, 1965, at 2:00 p.m., at the Health Unit Office, Clinton Public Hos- pital, Clinton. These Will be helkl at .weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are in- vited to attend on tine above date, or phone the Public Health Nurse, Clinton, 482-9661, between 9:00 - 9130 a.m., or 4:30 - 5:00 p.1n. 1-55-1 2. Lost, Strayed LOST on. street, one hockey glove, age 14, Canadienit'si color, new. Phone 527-1822, 2-55-1 4. Help Wanted .: LADY or gir14 to' assist with housework couple of hours ,per day. Phone •5271693. 4-55x1 CLERK -TYPIST or BOOKKEEPER REQUIRED Woman available half days or ,full time for Seaforth Office. Score bookkeeping experience helpful. Apply indicating age, experience and salary expected. BOX 1432, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4.55x)1 DRAFTSMAN Required by Windsor's Larg- est Cabinet and Church Furni- ture Manufacturer, Knowledge of cabinet construction prefer- able but not essential, 'Excellent wage, steady employment, excel- lent opportunittonight'person. The MANAGER ESSEX CABIN- ET MAKERS, 280 Eugenie Street Windsor, Ont. 4-55-1 HELP WANTED Sales representative for well- known and reputable organiza- tion to cover Seaforth and area. Products with a name and serv- ice to back up the warranty. Full-time preferred, but the proper elan can earn extra money on part-time basis. Phone 5248431, Goderich or write to: SINGER COMPANY OF CANADA 40 West St., Goderich. -2 ASSESSOR WANTED for Township 'of Hibbert Applications will be received by the undersigned, on or be- fore January 30, 1965, for the position of Assessor for the Township of Hibbert. Apply in own handwriting, stating age, education and ex- perience (if any). MRS. ANNE BURCHILL, Hibbert Township Clerk-Treas., Dublin, Ontario. 4-55-2 APPLICATIONS Twp. of Tuckersmith For a Roadman, for general ,duties, capableof operating the Township tractor • and mower, and to be willing to Iearn to operate the Township road grad- er when required. Full yearly employment offered. - The applicant to state his age, experience and passible hourly • rated salary expected. Applications to be in the Road Superintendent's hands by 1.2 o'clock noon on Monday, February 1, 1065. • Applications to be consider ed on Feb. 2, 1065. • ANDREW HOUSTON, Bad Superintendent, R.R, 3, Sea,orth. 4. Help Wanted FEMALE HELP WANTED Bell Telephone Company, re_ quires service represientrati`ve for the Goderich business office, Grade 12 education, typing a necessity, single preferred. Please Call 482-3401 • for an appointment, -. 4-55-1 APPLI.CATIONS WAI,TON UNITED CHURCH The Board of Stewards of Walton United Church, invite applications for the position of caretaker of the church. Duties to commence on February 1st, 1965. State salary expected and levy - est or any application not neces- sarily aecepted. For further particulars as to duties apply: DAVID WATSON, Chairman, Walton, Ontario•, Phone Seaforth, 527-1187. 4-55-1 POPULAR AVON - COSMETICS Has an opening in your rural area. Act now! For information mail coupon to MRS. M. MILLSON, - 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London. Name Address Phone No. 4-55-1. DISTRICT SALES MANAGER Large International company in agriculture field requires a District Sales Manager. Appli- cant must have recent agricul- tural background. Prefer mar, ried man, between Loges of 25- 40. Car necessary. Sueegsful ap- plicant will receive complete training in company sanieso- gz'am�, If . you are interested in a job with an established and growing company and immed- late income of $6,000 to $8,000 per year and an early oppor- tunity for advancement, -Write to Box 1366, Huron Expositor, Seaforth and an early personal interview will be arranged. 4-55-2 7.„Sifnations Wanted GIRL would like baby sitting or housework • in Seaforth. Phone 523-9438, Blyth. 7-55-1 -DRESSMAKING and altering women's. and children's ” gar- ments; detailed finishing. Phone 527-1882, Seaforth. 7-54-tf 8. Farm Stock For Sale TWELVE pigs. Jan Janmaat, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 527-0655, 8-55x1 THIRTY five good chunks. Ap- ply Patrick Ryan, phone 133 R 16, Dublin. 8-55x1 WHITE -faced calf. Gerald Van Dean Hengel, RR 5, Seaforth, phone 527-0968. 8-55-1 FIFTEEN pigs, 8. weeks old, George Townsend, RR 3, Sea - forth, phone 527-0096. 8-55-1 NINETEEN pigs. Tony De Jong RR 3, Seaforth, phone 482-9983. 8-55-1 ONE Holsteins heifer, bred 'Dur- ham, due in as week. Apply to Norman Eggert, phone' Dublin, 81 R 14. ' , 8-55x1 FOR SALE—Aberdeen Angus hulls and club calf prospects, R. J. Doig, phone 527-0415, Sea - forth. ,.., 8-54-3 9. Poultry For 'Sale DE—KALB Ready -to -lay Pullets • Ca11 , M .KINLEY'S FARM and HATCHERY LTD,, Zurich Phone Hensall, 262-2837. 9-54-tf 10. Used Cars For Sale 1950 Chrysler car, in good runn- ing order. Apply Box 1431, The Huron Expositor. 10-55x1 1956 Monarch, automatic, pow- er brakes and steering, radio, in good condition. J. C. Crich, Seaforth. 10-55-1 '57 FORD, metallic green, ne-owner per - car; new tires.uti Will oncond;ofinance, Ross Love, RR 2, Hensall. Phone 262-5280. 10-54-tf • 11. Articles For Sale ALFALFA• reed from 'Venial, $24 •per -bushel. Larry Wheatley, phone 527-0105. 11-55-1 FOR SAID—Rtawlefgh Products Robert Engel', RR 3, Mitchell, phone Dublin, 35 R 177.. 11-54-4 SEE our large selection of Sig- net and Stone zings: Use your credit. Corte no niore fet: ANSTETT ' JEWELLERS IAD. 11-44.61 VACUUM CIeaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phone 262-5350. 11,54-tf SINGER zig zag sewing machine does fancy Stitches, makes but- tonholesr and sews forward and reverse. Can be had for bal. ante awing, $54:00 cash or $8.00 tnoritllly. Write Dolt 1480 The -AN 11. • Articles For Sale PAIR boy'S skates, size6; good shape;- half price. Phone 527- 0351. 1,1-55.1 FRIDAY and Saturday only, lemon jelly 'rolls, reg. 40c,. spe- cial .30c. Cnich's Bakery, Sea - forth. 11-55-1 MATTRESS, nearby new; luws; • spoilt jacket, size 12,,. doilies,. quilt •• tops, blankets cheap. Phone 527.0132. 11.55x1. SINGER sewing machine, in excellent working order; is treadle cabinet machine. Phone 527-1892. - 11-55x1 BEATTY litter carrier—, track and bucket; also elec- tric automatic cream separator. .Terry ;ileyink, RR 1, Blyth. Phone 523-9208. 11-55x1 SPECIAL sale of apples fnam January 18th to 23rd. Cooking and eating • apples $1.50 per bushel at the farms in your con- tainer, Fred McCllymont and Sons, 1. mile South of Varna. 11.55-1 NEED A CLOCK? We have a'large selection of alarm, wall and mantle clocks. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-54-tf TIMEX WATCHES - One year guarantee Priced from $7.95 up. ANSTETT JEWEIJ.ERS LTD. 11-54-tf MASSEY 101/z" plate grinder with speed jack on skids; Mas- sey No. 11 cream separator, newly rebuilt bowl. Ken Carno- chan, Seaforth, 527-1545, 11-54x2 WE ARE YOUR HEADQUARTERS In town for Tilley Leather Goods, See our large selection of. Wallets Key Cases Jewel Boxes Clhit`ch Purses Shoe Polishing Kits ANSTETT JEWELLERS IIPD. 11-54-tf NEARLY new Cold Spot auto- matic combination refrigerator - freezer with large bottom freez- er; 36" McCiary electric range; new 1500 watt electric heater with fan and.thermostat; new 42" sink cabinet with single. stainless steel sink and contour- ed arborite top; oak kitchen cabinet; Beech white enamel wood and coal range with wa- terfront; 6 walnut dining room chairs,; several other chairs;. large platters, add - other odd dishes. Apply John Thompson. Phone 527-0238. 11-543 12. Wanted To Buy - SEVEN hundred by 17" tires wanted. Phone Hensall, 262-5151. 12-55x2 ALL kinds of salvage wante,d— metal, iron, rags. Will call for. Louis Hildebrand, Ord St., Sea - forth. Box 186. 12-53x5 HIGHEST prices paid for live fowl, picked up at the farm. Ronald Bennett, Walton. Phone Seaforth 527-0867. 12-54-tf ANTIQUE furniture, lamps, dishes,' books, etc. Will buy in- dividual pieces or complete household, P4lbl'e 271-1578. 12-53x8 14. Property For Sale FOUR -bedroom house, on East William St. Phone Leslie Beattie at 527-0542, Seaforth, 14-54-tf THREE-BEDROOM house, re- finished inside and out; 'perfect location. New gas furnace. Ap- ply Vanderhoek's Supertest or Henry Lansink, 14-54-tf TWO -family dwelling on Welsh St. Redecorated; new siding and picture windows. Will sacrifice for cash or can handle terms, Contact: C. J. Dennis, 10320 E. Grand River, Brighton, Mich. 14-54-tf TWO hundred and forty acre farm, -good buildings; One gen- eral store in a small village. Apply Harold Jackson, Realtor, phone 527.0640, Allan Carmpbell, Salesman, phone 527.0445; Sea - forth. 14-54-tf 15. Property For Rent KITCHEN, dining room, two bedrooms and bathroom. Phone 527-1892, 15-55x1 MODERN, snlfecontained, one-, bedroom, downstnir apartment, suitable for retired couplte. Box 1965, Huron Expositor, 15.55x1 DOWNSTAIRS apartm ts, heat- ed, 2-bedroomn, 3-pdieee baba, available immediately. Gordon Noble, phone 527-0840, Sealorr& 15-54-tf MODERN 2 -bedroom kitchen, bathroom, ltvin�. Phone 527.0810, Seaforth or 235- 1510, Exeter. 15,45-tf 'HEATED apartment, either 4 or 5 rooms, private entrance, private bathroom. Mho. J. J. Selatber, Seatborth, 15-.44 19. Notices Plan now for 15 -DAY TOUR IN FLORIDA March 7.21 For information, call: CLEAVE COOMBS' SUNOCO SERVICE 527.9018 -- Seaforth 19-54x4 USE YOUR CREDIT , Corr no ,more When you shop S0'ET1' MALLERS' LTD, 19. Notices NOTICE The Township of Hibbert will riot be responsible for vehicles left on township roads during snowplowing operations through- out - the winter months. ED. CHAPPEL, Road Superintendent, 10-52-14 DEAD .ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT Darling & Coinpany of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 License No. 262-C-63 19.54-tf SEPTIC TANKS ' CLEANED workguarant used. AR Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels, 19-35x18 WATCH REPAIRS. FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT. JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1420 — Seaforth 19-54-tf 20. Auction Sales Danevang Jersey • COMPLETE DISPERSAL • (Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Petersen,• •Stratford ) THij'RSDAY, JNUARY 21, 1965 at 1:30 p.m., at the' Georgetown Sales Arena; (1/z imide South of No. 7 Highway, 8 ,miles, North of interchange 40 on No. 401 Highway, on the 7th line-) , 125 HEAD 60 head in mink, including 25 late fall fresheners; another 20 cows and 'heifers close spring= ers; •'15 bred yearllings; • the bal- ance open yearlings and calves., Perth County Accredited Area.. Perth Certified Area:: Calfhood vaccinated. pregnancies guar- anteed. This herd is in a beautiful condition with clean, sound ud- ders, showing the resa.iirts of bet- ter than average management, Don't miss this outstanding op- portunity to add foundation an- imals •tri your herd and keep up your winter supply of m'il'k, which is becoming more and more' in demand. Credit, avail- able upon 24 hour notice. Lunch available. Heated'buiIdings. ROCKWO'OD INTERNATIONAL LTD., Sale Managers, Box 67, Georgetown, Ont., phone (416) 877-4101, 20-55-1 21. Tenders Wanted DRAINAGE TENDER Twp. of Tuckersmith For the construction of the Rogerson Drainage Work's, 1964, closed work only, according to the Engineer's profile and speci- fications, • Tenders clearly mark- ed "Rogerson Drainage Tender" will be received by the under- signed until Feb. 1, 1965, at 12:00 o'clock noon. - Extent of work: 1,810 lineal feet of 16" tile 10 lineal feet of 18" pipe 1 catch basin Tbwhship to supply tile and pipe. A marked cheque for 10 per cent of contract to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plan, profile and specifications and tender forms may be seen at the Clerk's Office. JAMES I. McINTOSH, Clerk, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont. 21-54-2 DRAINAGE TENDER Twp. of Tuckersmith For the construction of the Rehorst Drainage Works, 1964, closed work only; according to the Engineer's profile arid speci- fications. Tenders clearly mark- ed "Rehorst Drainage Tender", will be received by the under- signed until Feb. 1, 1965, at 12:00 o'clock noon. Extent of work: 24985 'lineal feet of 8, 10, 14 and 15" tile and steel pipe 3 junction boxes or catch basins. Township to supply tile' and pipe. -A marked cheque for ten per cent of contract to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Platt, profile and specifica- tions and tender forms may be seen at . the Clerk's Office. JAMES I. McINTOSH, Clerk, R.R. 3; Seaforth, Ont. 21-54-2 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Latate of WiLLF A, ORAlXAIyf-- 22. Legal tices against the Esta a of Wiilena Graham, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, deceased, who died on the 26th. -day of December,, 1954, are hereby notified to seed in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be - fete the 29th day of January, 1965, after which date the; assets will be distributed having re- gard only toclaims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 6th day of January, 1965. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 22-543 23, Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5.30p.m. Sat., 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint- ment only. Phone 527.1240 -- or 482-7010 Mon., Wed., 'Clinton Office ' A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant. 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. V: J. V. Parks, D.V.M., V.S. G. A. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth MCCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. L STEWART Seaforth, Ont. - Phone 527-0850. A. W. SILLERY Bargister,. Solicitor, Etc. Offidei 527=1850, Res. 527-1643 Seaforth Ontario G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME God'erieh St W., Seaforth AM.IWLANCE "SEIICP�- Adjustable hospital beds for rent, FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION. Phone 527-1390 Seaforth W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSlb EMBALMER,. and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls 527-0510 OUR TOWN NITROGENOUS FERTILIZER PELLETS MUST SE SPREAD EVENLY. THREE POUNDS PER HUNDRED QUARE FEET, 1..W,,• CYNTHIA 23. Business Directory J. A. BUR1E Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls; • Phone 43 R 10 X FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 -- Night 527-0885 24. Cards of Thanks WE would like to thank every- one who planned, donated and helped in any way with the shower held in our humor.—Rus- sell' and Audrey holm- • 24-55x:1 I wish to thank my friends end neighbors) for cads and treats received 'while I was la patienit in the hospital. Special thanks to the staff and to Dr. Stapleton. —Doo Fry: 24-55-1 THE family of the late John Sr Ritchie wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbors and rela- -tives for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes and donations to the Heart Fund and expressions of sympathy ducting their -. nee ent bereavemient,-rflie Ritchie Faandiry, 24-55-1 THE family of the late William Scotchmer wishes to.. extend their sincere „thanks to neigh- bors and friends for all acts of kindness during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to. Rev. Donaldson, Dr. Stapleton,. staff of ,'.Scott Memorial Hospi- tal and to the Box Funeral Home. 24-55-1 25. In Memoriam MILLER—In loving memory of a dear mother, Letha -E. Miller, who passed away two years ago, January 16, 1063: Through all our trubles she helped us along, If we live like her, we will never go wrong; On earth she was loved, in Heaven she rests, God bless you, Mother, you were one of the best. —Sadly missed by Gordon, Marlene and John. 22-55-1 Births,' MacMLLLAN .-- At Kltohener • Waterloo Hospital, on Jan, 7, to • I' r. and Mrs. Ross Mac- Millan, (nee Micicle), Kitchen- er, a son, Thomas Ross. THIS EXTRA W08E ATTACHMENT WILL. ENABLE ME 10 KILL CRABGRASS, WEEDS DILLWORTS, FEEGU85, AND ZOOWUMPS WITH ZX P. e2. Births MeCLURE—At Scott Menspri;ai ,Hospital, on • Jas,, 10, to :Mr. ,and Mfrs. Don MeC1t re, BIR 1, Seafortb, .a, son, Deaths BEST. -Harold Stanley, •sudden- ly, at: the Searlio'na General Hospital, on Nov. 15, 1.964, in his 471Cln year, of 40 Ilfracombe Ores., Scarboro, husband of Mary Donaldson, 'son of Mist. Della Best, (nee 'GilRespie), and the late 'Harald Best. In- terment Pine Hills Cermebery, Engagements Mr. and Mrs. T. Riltsema, Wing - ham, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sylvia .Greitje, to Mr. James Owen Scott, son of Mrs. James T. Scott, Sea, forth, and the late Mr. 'Scott, marriage to *take place January 30th, 1965, at Wingharm United -Church, at 3 .p.m. 55x1 vousimmortor WANTADS DO THE JOB! The $uron Expositor 'Seaforth '111f1ii111Ui11111111111I111111111111111111 Boxholders' Names Not Given Out! It is not possibl for us to divulge the Arne or, address of any, advertiser using a Huron Expositor box number. Please do not ask for this information. For Additional Classified SEE PAGE 10 BR.UCEFJELD Mia , Walter Watt has r0,- turned from a: lenguby Gravenhurst. . Mrs. John R. Murdoch enters Widay tamed a last fewweefrieknds hurs- . Mrs. John} A, McEwen spent Christmas and New Year's with relatives in Mount Forest and - • nghaofi}t,. Mr. arid Mrs. Ellwood Steck house visited over the, weekend with Mrs.-. W. Staekhouse. and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson. The basket of flowers in Brucefield United Church on Sunday were in memory of the late Arthur Chapman. The dinner and annual meet- ing of the Brucefield United Church will be held on Jan. 19 at 7 o'clock. The first meeting of the Tuck- ersmith unit of the UCW was. held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. Gordon Elliott, with a good at- tendance. VVINCH.ELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith and Penny, of Crediton, visited Saturday evening with 'Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Bar- bara Ann. Mr. and Mrs. William' Wal- ters attended the organ recital in Main Street United Church, Exeter, on Sunday afternoon. The Elimville YPU was held Sunday night at Elimville Church, Janice Johns read the scripture and Marilyn Johns' led in prayer. Margaret Johns was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Carl Hume and Bob and Mrs. James Simpson, of Farqu- har, visited Monday evening . with Mrs. M. Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. William Walters. Mr. and Mrs. William Wal- ters visited on Thursday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne, of Sunshine. Line.' Miss Kathy .and Gary Hern spent Saturday in Toronto. They were helping with the singing in the Junior Farmer's Choir, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sholdice of London, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Newton CIarke. The Elimville" UCW execu- tive held their meeting t• ednes-- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Phil Hern to plan their meetings • for the coming year. LOAM AT FIVE BUMS A CUBIC YARD MUST BE SPREAD OVVERTHE 7OPTO REGENERATE THE LAWN. SMALL WORLD SUZY, ARE licfiPLeyeeeU BUGS AGAINT f FLUNKO 11 AFTER BEING IN SUZY'S 140T STICKY HANDS I'LL SAY I'VE GOT GERMS,.1'D BETTER HAVE A SAND BATH. THERE'S ATHIEF AROUND HERE,. IN THE PAST WEEK I'VE LOST A UCLA TEE SHIRT, A YALE JACKET, A HARVARD CAP AND 2 V..M:CA TOWELS... •