HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-01-14, Page 7A.PN , N OUNCEMENT . . . During his illness, the :Law Office of Mr. A. W. Sillery will remain open. Mr. John D. -Ferguson Barrister -Solicitor of Mitchell will be in the of4e to advise Mr. Sillery's clients.. On Tuesday afternoon of each week from .2 o'clock to 5 o'clock WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 ECONOM1 GET THE JUMP ON SPR/NO • A You save money! Because nowup to. Janu- ary 30th, your CO-OP Early Delivery Dis- count is $2.00 per ton ; and, to February 25th —$1.50. That's not all either. For Cash payment before January 30th, there's an extra 61/2% Discount. You'll 9,ve costs too ! Because your early delivery dollar savings can pay the interest on storage facilities. • Yes, and you'll save valuable hours by avoiding that seedtime rush at every plant, when you order your CO.OP Fertilizer nowt Early delivery also means that you're as- sured of the . correct analysis you require. You are also protected for any price increase. ORDER -0 -OP Tfl f BETTER FERTILIZER Now/ * , ice" Remember! You get bigger value with the better Fertilizer! CO-OP Fertilizer definitely , has a higher percentage of water soluble phosphate, so importapt on low -phosphate ,soils—a higher lime content —low moisture and uniform -.particle=Size=lless 'seed'= burning characteristics. 717 EGMCNDVJ L The United ChurchWomen. Of 'l✓gmondville -met January .6th with Mrs. LeonardStroiTg pre- Skimp "As We rage the l`iew Year" was read. The devotional leader, Mrs. Norval Stimore, assisted by Mrs. M. Haney and Mrs. Ed. Boyes, enlarged•the theme, "The Light of the World." During Epiph- any we celebrate the coming of the Wisemen, and the spread- ing of the good news to the nations beyond Israel and to us. With Mrs. Durst as pianist, the hymn, "Standing At the Portal" was sung.' The Scrip- ture lesson, Isiah 61, was read in unison,, The hymn, "Take My Life," followed. Mrs. James C. McIntosh, treasurer, read the 1964 report. The minutes, roll call and correspondence were read by Miss Rena MacKenzie. The ladies will cater for the Short- horn banquet, Jan. 28. . The date of the church an- nual meeting was referred back to the session. Mrs. A. Broad - foot and Mrs. A. Chesney re- ceived the offering. IEL' The.;°"`Brucefiel4 UCW held their first meeting for 1965 inl the church parlor with 30 ladies Present. Group Four h a d charge. Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs Betty. St. Louis, Mrs. Har greaves and Mrs. Plant ,had charge of the worship service. Mrs, :Taylor gave ' the 'Call to -Worship. Hymn 445 was used for the opening iiyrnn, with Mrs. Fred McGregor as pianist. Each of the ladies read a New Year's message from different passages of scripture. The of- fering was received and dedi- cated in prayer by Betty St. St. Louis. Mrs. Taylor read a verse on "What New Year's Means," followed by sentence prayers. "0 God of Bethel" was used as the closing hymn. Mrs. Taylor pronounced the benediction. Rev. A. Scott discussed chap- ter one, "Religion and Life," .of. the study book, "God ,.and His Purpose," and group discussions followed. Mrs: Ken Carnochan, Mrs.- James I. McIntosh, Mrs. M. Haney and Mrs. Ed. Boyes reported the group findings. Mrs. Strong thanked , all who participated, with special thanks to' Mr. Scott for typing the 1965 programs. • iazn ? CP9kted ,pn ilnvitatlona: regeived and, Sent out 1<srs. Plants lar, ogram ,convener, • gave Mrs. Elliott took the chair for the - business part of the •,meeting, and in her opening address challenged the mezn- ,bers of UCW to •work for a greater' 1966. Mrs. Triebner acted as secretary, in the ab- sence of Mrs. McBeath. The president reported 26 boxes sent to shutins at Christ- mastime. Thank -you notes were received from the recipients. The treasurer's report for 1964 was received. A total of $1,348.36 has been raised by four units. Mrs. Berry, flower and- card convener, reported cards and plants sent to shut- ins and bereaved ones; also rosebuds to new babies. Mrs. After singing, "For Thy Mer- cy and Thy Grace," Mr. Scott closed the meeting with prayer and Mrs. Earl Papple and Mrs. Strong served lunch. .. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP Phone 527-0770 •Seaforth a • Classified ads pay dividends. SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERING Centre Street Tel. 527=0190 FOR ALL KINDS OF UPHOLSTERING — We Arrange Easy Terms -- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Can W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John St. • SEAFORTH _ Complete Coverage For:. • . • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability - Employer's -Liability • • • • Accident 'and Sickness Fire, Residence, Contents Fire, Commercial Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance her report. She will have as- sistants from each group for this year. It was moved that $30 be given the ..flower con- vener and $15 to the program convener. Mrs. Wilmer Broad-- foot roadfoot moved these reports be adopted. It was decided to hold a pot- luck, supper for the annual meeting on January 18., Mrs. Elliott will have the Tucker - smith ladies for their organiz- ing meeting at her -home, Jan. 12, and ,Stanley ladies, Jan. 14. The ;;:meting closed by read- ing the New Year's hymn, "Standing At •the Portal." firs. Elliott closed with prayer. New Officers officers for Brucefield UCW for 1965 are: President, Mrs. Gordon Elliott; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. H. Taylor; second vice-president, Mrs. J. Hender- son; recording secretary, Mrs. Alex McBeath; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Alice Ham ; press secretary, Mrs. Lorne Wil- son; financial 'secretary, Mrs. Gordon Richardson ; pianist, Miss Margaret McQueen; church committee, 'Mrs. Mel Graham, Mrs. S. Wilson, Mrs. L. Eyre, Mrs. S. Ross; manse committee, Mrs. Hargreaves, Mrs. Dal- rymple, Mrs. J. McGregor, Mrs. C. Horton; kitchen committee, Miss M. Swan, Mrs. Forrest, Mrs. W. Clarke; supply .com- mittee, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. Arriano; social con- vener, Mrs. D. Triebner; assist. ant,' Mrs. E. Thompson; cards and flowers, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. M. Haugh;' repres- entative on board of stewards, Mrs. Hargreaves; representative on official board, Mrs. John Broadfoot• ST. THOMAS' WA MEETING The ladies of St. Thomas' WA met Tuesday at the home of -Mrs. D. Netzke. The meeting opened with the scripture, Gos- pel of St. Luke, second chap- ter, prayer for beginning of New Year, prayer for worker in lonely , platen members' prayer, prayer paftners' pray- er and Lord's Prayer. Eleven members answered roll call. Miss D. Parke gave the treas- urere's report. A total of $'72 was raised with . the Viiihday aprons. Mrs. Newnham report- ed that 11 boxes were sent out to the sick at Christmas, and suggested that next year the contents of the boxes should be donated. The calendars were given out and Miss Parke has 19 to be sold. Mrs. B. MacLean gave the Dorcus report, the bale to be sent by April 1. It was decided to have 'all annual re- ports at the February meeting. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Newnham, Mrs. Case to supply 'lunch. Mrs. Netzke served lunch., Of course our bank likes to say Yes., You see, we need the money. Some of the revenue we earn comps from loans we make to people. So it's to our advantage to give every request for money much more thought. A little more understanding, too. It could be money in The Bank, so to speak. Another consideration : If we approve your loan you'll probably feel More inclined to do all your banking with us. Then we can really show you howtruly helpful our complete banking services can be 1 So do us boththis one big favour. Next time, see us for your money. THE i ORON 1 O'DOMINION Where people make the dgerenpe BANK ,D, STrPRE NSON, Manager Seafart'h �r'ir EI -26111p OPP 'Reports Traffic Data Meet. Here:, . The vo0.1 r meeting 4f the Huron County Jwuor Fari4ae>ys. was held at the Seaforth Legign Hall. '- President Marilyn Mar- shall opened the meeting with 22 members present. Miss Reba Doig is represent- ing the county at the public speaking finals at the Toronto Confe,rence on Saturday. The county choir will also be in attendance at the conference. • . The county's annual meeting will be held in 13elgrave ,on Feb. 5, in conjunction with the sports night. The club mem, bership cards were presented to the local clubs. Special speakers for the Lead- ership Day, which is to be held Jan. 16, at Central Huron Sec- ondary School, are Laing Ken- nedy, Bill' French, Pat Damude and Ian McAllister. An old lady crossed the street against the traffic and made it safely to the opposite curb where a traffic cop was glaring at her with strong disapproval. "Didn't you see that sign?" he questioned. "What sign?" the lady asked. The policeman pointed at the flashing warning on the traffic signal, "DON'T WALK." "Oh,' I saw it all right," the lady answered, "but I thought it was an advertisement for the bus company." PRODUCED LIMITEO a NIAGARA PAL; -5. CANADA OFFICE SUPPLIES THE HURON EXPOSITOR Dial 527-0240 - , Seaforth BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER ' PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR 'FROM A BADGER - SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCEFIELD SALES — SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - Clinton, Convenient RAIL -LINER service to STRATFORD WITH NG SERVICE TOOCNNECT LEAVE. SEAFORTH' 12:54 P.M. ARRIVE STRATFORD 1:35 P.M. LEAVE STRATFORD 1:55 P.M. ARRIVE TORONTO 3:55 P.M._ Convenient connections to Montreal, Atlantic Provinces and Western Canada. ' ' Low Rail Fares. Red Fare one-way. to WINNIPEG $21.50; to HALIFAX $24.10 For information phone the local CN Sales Office. -70 WhitRED FARE• ME Seat a $3.40 S' uW 4 rth to e � l Toronto CANADIAN NATIONAL The highway traffic statistics for November for the Counties of Huron, Perth, Waterloo, Wel- lingtnn, Grey and Bruce, and known as No. 6 District, with headquarters at Mount Forest, are, with provincial totals in brackets: Motor vehicle accidents, 293 (3•,036); fatal accidents, 9 (53); persons killed, 13 (67); persons injured, 113 (1,546); vehicles checked, 1,659 (34,426); warn- ings issuert; 600 (14,587); charges preferred, •413 (7,877); registra- tion and permits, Part 2, H.T.A., 19 (339); licences: operator, chauffeur and temporary and driving instructor Part 3, H.T. A., 29 °(539).; garage and storage licences, Part 4, H.T.A., 0 (16); defective equipment, Part 5, H•T.A•, 43 (733); weight, load and size, Part 6, H.T.A., 3 (193); rate of speed, Part 7, H.T.A., 121 (3,452); rules of the road, Part 7, H.T.A., 105 (1,620); care- less driving, Section 60, H.T.A., 50 (496); fail to report accident, Sec. 143, H.T.A., 7 (57); fail to remain at scene, Sec. 143 (a), H.T.A., 4 (37); other,. charges, H.T.A., 4 (61); criminal negli- gence, Sec. 221 (1) (a), C. Code,; 0 (0);, dangerous driving, Sec. 221 (4), C. Code, 1 (20); fail to remain at scene; Sec. 221 (2), C. Code, 4 (27); drive while intoxi- cated, Sec. 222, C. Code, 2 (47); ability impaired, Sec. 223, C. Code, 14 (169); drive while pro- hibited, Sec. 225, C.- Code, 7 (72); uniform strength, 191 (2,587). When a woman lowers her voice, it's a sign She wants something. When she raises it, it's a sign she didn't get it. For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527.0490 ' Seaforth Office bli wily opposite Seaforth Motors b Ir($oreground: the 1965 Epic 2 -Door Deluxe Sedan. 05 ENVOY AND EPIC FROM GENERAL MOTORS FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE OUT FOR THE MOST IN A SMALL CAR. Envoy for 1965 brings you total value. Total comfort and dependability are matched by completely new and handsome styling. See it and prove to yourself that Envoy is the most luxurious car- in its class for 1965. Put this same kind of value into the toughest little car of the year—and you have Epic for '65. Beauti ltd interiors and bonus luxury features. An unbeatable heater. An engine that is the•live- Iiest 50 -hp performer in its class! Visit your Chevrolet -Envoy dealer and see the British - built, North -American inspired '65 Epic and Envoy soon. In background; the new 1,966Envoy Special Sedan. Priced from as low as $1804 'Suggested maximum retail de. livered price of an Epic Stand- ard 2 -Door Sedan with heater and defroster. Price quoted in- cludes delivery and handling charges and Federal Sales and Excise taxes. Provincial and local taxes and licence are not included.. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE oz. E• • r• -. �...`�...-..',... use.. 3 .' ..n... .... C:$:16:t5D'i� MANUFACTURED FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LIMITED BY VAUXHALL MOTORS LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND. PARTS AND SERVICE FROM COAST TO COAST Seafcrth Motors • Phone . x '27 -1t 7 o Urb _ta tree -i3 qrk each laundaX ohegk your local listings,for channel, end ttriei --- zmanaa.on the•CBC-TV'netvti.