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The Huron Expositor, 1965-01-14, Page 6
N EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JAN.. 14, 1965 ApRoos 1 11(oagrel brick • 9 •Help ;2-113doneelan tribesman 18.One, borne 3.4+01d French coin. 15 -Writing implement 17 -Interrelated nnulmber of th19-Foray 21 -Exclamation 22-K111 25 -Sailor (colloq.) 27 -Word of sorrow 81 -Conducted .32 -Enact Into law 34 -Part of "to be" 35 -Unit of Japanese currency 36 -Mountain 37 -Preposition 38 -Strategist 41 -Goal • 42 -Heraldry: grafted 43 -Shade tree 44 -War god 46 -Printer's measure 47 -Ship bottom 49 -Enthusiasm 53 -Attacked 57 -Equality 68 -Indian unit of weight <pl.) 60 -Man's name 61 -Inquire 62 -Scarf • O3 -Insane DOWN 1 -Headgear 2- Southwestern Indian 3 -Hurried 4 -Solo 5 -Persevering application 6 -Hypothetical force 7 -Wager 8 -Silkworm 9 -Beast of burden 10-Promihe, to pay (colloq.), 11 -Owing 16 -Sob 18 -Auxiliary verb 20=Canine 22- Writing Sablet 23 -Sweetheart 24- Paid notice 26 -Having two legislative branches ' 28-A state (abbr.) 29 -Hake amends 30 -Dispatches 32-Hawallan wreath 33 -Offspring 35 -Beet animal C'!l'AIL L WEEP MED NUB E UWW19 DOM 0.©a®oD 121101=5 MUM ©U POEM moo .€1PM CIS© MMIGIUMEIBU! WIL EC7E1 .G1 1 i WO MIRO 000 - SONE DC7 t lIW2kJ [ifi7©©Ill® EE IDE ME0ri 0001:100110 oo©: ©doom, o00 Solution „ :� 50- Dance step 51 -Irritate 32-Sniall child 54 -Obscure 55 -Period of time 56 -Parent (colloq.) 59 -Behold! 39-A state (abbr.) 40 -Kind ,J1 -.Teutonic deity 44 -Mohamme- dan name 46•Insect eggs 48 -Comfort 49 -Resort *IME .FOR MAPLE LEAF MILK Children love MAPLE LEAF MILK. They adore the good wholesome taste that makes ,an after-school snack( a real event! For Balanced Nutrition, Make Sure It's Maple Leaf •� MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Phone 527-0810 Seaforth • Sulidays, Holidays, Everyday - Maple Leaf Dairy Products are available at Vanderhpek's Supertest WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 s. cdFfN_. FOR YOUR BAST BUY ON A Seaforth Motors '63 OLDSMOBILE-P.S.; P.B., Radio; low mileage • '62 CHEV. SEDAN-A.T. '62 'RAMBLER SEDAN ''61 CHEV. COACH '60 CHEV. SEDAN '60 DODGE '8'-A.T., low mileage '59 PONTIAC SEDAN '58 FORD • `8' SEDAN-A.T. '58 FORD `6' SEDAN-A.T. '56 CHEV. "8' SEDAN-A.T. '55 FORD COACH '53 CHEV: SED,A.N '59 BUICK 4 -DOOR HARDTOP '61 CHEV " PICKUP '57 FORD :3/4 -TON PICKUP No Reasonable ^ Offer Refused I - Our Big Money -Saving -TIRE SALE CONTINUES 750x14 Black Snow Tires - $14 ea. Seafo.rth Motors . -Dial.. 527-1750 50 --- Seafoa ■ h OPEN tVEN 11 S ,tib`'ilY`1jd�41Y�t'tYtYt'�"{i"'_x DOWN AT THE LANES BY LEE HEE Here is big news for all bowl- ers. Every Friday night follow- ing the Legion League is sweep bowling with prizes. This type of bowling is a partnership af- fair. Why don't you come down and try your luck? Last week Betty Smith came through with' •a big game of 360 and collected $5.00. She came through again in the sec- ond game with 308, and ended the evening with an 878 triple. Congratulations, Betty, f o r some tremendous bowling! The management is adding more for your pleasure and your skill. In the immediate future, a gift tumbler will be awarded to women, men, boys and girls in any bowling, open or league. In order to win a tumbler, the female species must hit 250, the male species must hit 300; so, let's go bowl- ing! Egmondville League Team standings: Bobcats, 75; Alleycats, 49; Polecats, 39; Wild- cats, 33. Ladies' high, single and tri- ple, Helen Nicholson, 268 and 645; men's high, single, War- ren Shera, 279; high triple, Norm MacLean, 708. Commercial League Team standings: Sewer Tile, 521 Victors, 48; Shoelaces, 46; Never Sweats, 32; Strikers, 28; Misfits, 27. , High single, W. Broome, '329; triple, A. Aub.in, 743. CbF Ladies' League Team standings: Hornets, 53; Wasps, 38. . High single and triple, Amy Horne._ (regular), 180 and 470; Olive Little (spare), 185 and 523. Ladies' Inter -Town Team standings: Exeter Pep- sies, 54; Goderich, 50; Zurich, 48; Exeter, 44; Seaforth, 25; Lu - can, 17. High single, Helen Nichol- son; 333; high triple, Phyllis Haugh, 794. St. James' League . Team standings: Happy Gang, 68;" Crackerjacks, 66; Night - h wks, 66; `Pkerhakers, 56; Hot- shots, 55; Flippers, 47: Men's high, single and tri- ple, J. Scott, 282 and 646; wo- men's high, single and triple, M: Van Geffen, 221 and 559. Seaforth Legion We must admit most of the Legion bowlers were back to normal last Friday night, but we sure feel like kicking our- self for the way • yours ..truly bowled. But then, there was some compensation. Yours truly was closest to the hidden score suggest More Member Will Jain Mid -Western A prediction that Stratford will join the Mid -Western On- tario Development • Association was made by the association's new general manager, William Urquhart, at a meeting of MODA directors held at the Stratford Country Club on Wed- nesday. "By 1966, we'll have Strat- ford in," he said. "I have already made over- tures," he said, and added that one Stratford councillor who had been an opponent of MODA has changed his mind: "We have good municipal support except in Stratford," he said. • Some delegates suggested that Perth and Huron counties might come into MODA this year.. "You have a better Chance," L. Q. Winters, Clin- ton, told Mr. Urquhart. Mr. Urquhart said he will approach the counties, "be- cause rural development must start within the counties." Of all the regions in'the prov- ince, he said, "Mid -Western has the greatest potential wealth." He was given permission to revise an "industrial directory and "bring statistics up to date." He estimated production cost of the directory at $1,800. 'FIRESIDE GROUP MEETS The Fireside Fellowship group of First Presbyterian Church met at the prayer meet- ing .in the church and held a short business meeting after- ward, There were 15 present. It was decided to hold a box lunch at the next meeting, and Rev. D. 0. Fry is to get the film,, "The Gift," to be shown. The treasur- er, Miss, Janet Cluff, reported $244.90 in the bank on Jan. 2. drawn on the second game.for men and won a turkey. The number drawn was 43. Yours truly had 95. Isn't that some- thing? However, it doesn't add points to the league standing: Hagan, you must do better . that is in bowling. The other turkey winner was Betty Leon- hardt, 171, closest to hidden score of 170. • Team standings: Beatles, 58; Guttersnipers, 42 ; Lucky Strikes, 40; Hepcats, 32; ,Red- caps, 31; Martians, 28. Ladies' high single, Norma Eisler, 202; triple,. Helen'Nich- olson, 570; men's single, Don Wood, 291; triple, Gord Noble, 716. . Riscuss Tourism MODA directors discussed tourism at Wednesday's meet- ing. Mr. Winters said that the only tourist attractions in the region are the Stratford Shake- spearean Festival a n d the Goderich - Grand Bend beach area. Ira Needles, Kitchener, urg- ed that tourist' promotion be- come one of MODA's duties and suggested that a full-time per- son be hired and put in charge of the 'project. At one time, he said, tour- ism was under MODA jurisdic- tion, but two years ago a separ- ate tourist council was estab- lished to take advantage of De- partment of Tourism and In- formation grants. Hold Report The provincial Government's approach to regional develop- rrient was blasted ,at a meeting Of directors of the' Mid -Western Ontario Development Associa tion,"held at the Stratford Coun try Club. A special guest at the meet- ing was Dr. Ralph Kreuger, a professor at the University of Waterloo and author of a gov- ernment report on regional de- velopment. Asked when the report would be made public, he said he did not know. He said it waspossible the report might be "suppressed," saying it was "pretty critical" of the Government. "It asks the Government per- tinent questions," he said. He told directors, "The Gov- ernment has' one arm that doesn't, know what it is doing sometimes." He criticized the present or- ganization structure in region- al development. Hard To Get Together "Municipalities are on one level," he said, "and the prov- ince is on another; it is hard to get them together." . 'Only provincial and munici- pal governments can initiate action," he said, "regional de- velopment associations can on- ly act as a catalyst." • Although he was unable to give an outline of, the report, he said it did urge more .gov- ernment action in the field of regional development. . He said the Ontario Economic Council has 'given permission for him to . make use of his re- • Arnold Stinnissen GROUP LIFE - 'ACCIDENT and SICKNESS - MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS - ANNUITIES Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of 'Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 Goderich. St. East - Seaforth search work in a speech' he is to make at a regional develop- ment conference to be held Feb. 15-17 in Toronto. He said he and two associates spent last summer to research and prepare the report. The province came in for a good share of . criticism at the meeting. Members complained of the "lack of government recogni- tion," Douglas Oakes, Guelph, said briefs presented by region- al development groups have been ignored by the .Govern- ment. He said he would like to see regional development come un- der direct control of the pre mier; it is rumored this is one of the recommendations of, the,. Kreuger report. The board passed a motion that copies of the Kreuger re- port be made available to such organizations as MODA before the February conference. When asked if this was a good. idea, Dr. Kreuger laughed and said, . . if you can get a copy of the report." THE McKILLO . MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office -- Main Street SEAFQRTH Insures: • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind,, smnoite, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available.. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea forth; Wm: Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. TEN THE - HURON EXPOSITOR Dial 527-0240 -- Seaforth Here are three important reasons why it will pay you to renovate and redecorate your home now! SKILLED MEN ARE AVAILABLE -NOW! Although more and more building is being done each winter, exterior construction does slow down during the cold weather. As a result, home -Improvement centras.-• tors, and skilled craftsmen. seek out the smaller interior jobs that they are 'Linable to handle during the summer. You benefit -with skilled workmanship by experi- enced tradesmen when it's most convenient to youl 2 DISCOUNTS AND LOANS ARE AVAIL- ABLE -NOW! To create incentives .:that will balance their sales and keep their staff employed through- out the year, building supply dealers,,. run.,: winter. sales - These special discounts help you renovate and redecorate at the lowest possible cost. You'll find your bank a good place to visit, too -for low - Interest Home Improvement Loans underthe National Housing Act: up td$4,000.00, with up to ten years to repayl ;i 3 MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE -NOW! When building slows down, materials become more readily available. Re - suit: irritating delays In,com- pleting your job beca.ule of tate' de ve of supplio are' eliminated! There's no doubt about It. _ Winter is the very best time to spruce up your home (and your place of business)-- quickly, efficiently, inexpen- sively! For advice and assistance call your National Employment Office Everyone benefits when winter work.,is increased. DO' IT NOW! Issued by authority of Hon, Allan 1: MacEachen,Mlnister of Labour, Ottawa. Starts Jan 14 Ends Jan 23 20% OFF ALL OTHER LINES- OF LADIES' LEATHER SNOW BOOTS WOMEN'S SNOW BOOTS Rubber & Leather SALE 3.88 WOMEN'S Dress Overshoes Reg. 7.95 SALE 4.85 Men's 4 & 5 BUCKLE OVERSHOES Reg. to 8.50 Canadian SALE 5.88 Made Children's Slippers SALE .97 & 1.88 COSSACK BOOTS rubber Reg. to 12.98 SALE ' 5.88 and 6.88 10% Off All Rubber Boots, Overshoes, Thermo and Insulated Boots & Plastics 'CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS A MUST' Read's Shoes and Lugg. Phone 527-0690 Seaforth • 4. a •r t a 1 5 a A •