HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1965-01-14, Page 5. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis visited St.nday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rorke, of Wroxeter. roxe er, Mrs. John Bosse, of Ntlontreal, visited this past week with her cousin, Mrs. Russell Consitt, and other relatives in this area. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schnei- der, Paul, Gary and Dale, of Str tford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mfrs, Bert Thom- son and family, also Mr. Robert Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dietz and Nancy left Monday morning for, a month's vacation in Califor- nia • STAFFA Craft classes have begun again in the community, with the first class held at the home of Mrs. Carter Kerslake on Wednesday evening. - Miss Carol Vivian spent the weekend with Miss Brenda Fawm, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and family were. Saturday eve- ning supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Art Smale and family. Eric Norris, O.A.C., Guelph, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Sam Norris, and .Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and daughters. nVVS Ok' )1FNSAEL Area Organization. ForNew. Year On Wednesday the officers of Carmel Presbyterian . Arnold Circle met at the home of their president, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. The program for 1965 was drawn tial and two new res- olutions were.. decided on- The evening closed with lunch, serv- ed .:by Mrs. Schwalm. The CGIT Girls of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting at the home of their leader, Miss Lelia Mc= Falls, Wednesday evening and featured the presentation of the study of Genesis. Hold First Meeting ' Unit Four of UCW held their first meeting of the New Year Thursday .afternoon. Leader Mrs. James McAllister, who presid- ed, opened with a New Year's message; Miss Amy Lammie read the scripture lesson and Mrs. N. E. Cook offered prayer. Several recorded sacred selec- tions were enjoyed in charge of Mrs. H. F. Currie. Rev. H. Currie brought an inspiring New Year's message. The treas- urer's report, Submitted by Mrs. Classified ads pay dividends. FEED THE BIRDS Wild Bird , FEED available in small or 50 -Ib. lots. SMALL LOTS 12c per Ib. 50 lbs... $5.00 OPNOT' CH FEEDS LIMITED '. Phone 527-1710 -- Seaforth • . I' Activity W.' B. Cross, showed that 1964 had been a good year• -financial- ly. It was decided to have a stocking project for 1965. Mrs. Elgin Rowcliffe and Mrs. Joe Ferguson were appointed visit- ing committee. Refreshments were served. Leader Mrs. Edison Forrest of Unit Two UCW presided for their January meeting, which opened with a New Year's poem and prayer. Mrs. J. F. Ingram conducted the devotional, as- sisted by Mrs. Harry Arm- strong. ' A film on "Trinidad" was shown, and slides of the World's Fair were shown by Mrs. Walter Spencer. Mrs. Dave Kyle contributed a reading. Hos- tesses Mrs. Byran Kyle and Mrs. Roy Brock served lunch., Discontinue Bingos Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxil- iary meeting on Tuesday eve- ning for their January, meeting decided to discontinue the bin- gos until the stores were open again on Saturday nights. Plans were also arranged for a euchre Jan. 22, and a bake sate and tea, Feb. 13; also a canvass for Red Cross will be made of the village in March. Winners of the mystery prize was Mrs. Grant Bisback; atten- dance prize, Mrs, Ed. Munn; 50-50 draw, Gordon Munn. A penny sale and lunch rounded out a delightful evening. Presi- dent Mrs: Roy Smale chaired the meeting. Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable°Pastime! WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS. Dial 527-0240 SM.ITH'S SUPERIOR *FOOD MARKET* SPECIALS F`OR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Aylmer mato KETCHUP 2 11 -oz. Bottles 350 'TOMATO SOUP 4 10 -oz. Tins 45¢ Aylmer Fancy CREAM STYLE CORN or Fancy TENDER PEAS 2 15 -oz. Tins 330 Robin Hood Packet Pack CAKE MIXES - (White or Chocolate) Quick QUAKER OATS Macintosh APPLES - Waxed TURNIPS New Texas CABBAGE 6 Pkgs. $1.00 5-1b. Bag 5590 PRODUCE 3 lbs. 290 Ib- 60 - lb. 90 SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS Smith' Phone `! 21-0990 Sgt. MacKinnon, who extended greetings to his mother and brothers,' Donald and Bill, has been statiohed in Germany for three and a half years, and expects be home sometime this summer. Mr, John Henderson is a pa- tient in South Huron. Hospital, Exeter, ,'having suffered a frac- tured- hip in a fall at his home. 'Mr. Doug Johnston, account- ant at the Bank of Montreal for the past fifteen months, has been transferred to the branch at Chatham and expects to leave in the near future. At present Mr. Johnston holds the office of treasurer of the Kins- men Club. Mr. and Mrs. John- ston took active parts in the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs. . Memorial .flowers in the church' sanctuary at the United Church Sunday morning were placed by Mrs. Stewart Black- well, in loving memory of her father, Mr. Clinton Sweet., Ray McKenzie has returned from a five weeks' vacation spent in Montreal, New York City, Miami Beach, New Or- leans, and Mexico City. C Most of his travelling was done by plane. He reported a most en, joyable holiday. ' Miss Sylvia Henderson is vis- iting her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lind- say and family at Willowdale. Mr. 'Percy Webster is a pa- tient , in Sauth Huron Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Bill spent last Friday in Kitchener visiting the former's. son-in-law, Mr. Ross MacMillan, and son David. Mrs. Mickle al- so visited her daughter and new son in Kitchener -Waterloo' Hos- pital. Mrs. Robert Pinner and Deb- bie, London; Mrs. Ross Mc - Cance and• Monnie, St. Thomas; Mrs. Stewart' Bell, 'Pauline and Troyarin, Hensall, left for Dun- das Thursday to attend the'fig- ure skating competitions Fri- day and Saturday, Jan. 15 and 16. Mr. Bell and Mr. Pinner will join them Saturday. Mrs. Gordon Troyer is a pa7. tient in 'Clinton Public Hospi- tal. Miss M. Ellis., who had the misfortune to fracture several ribs in, a fall at her home, is recuperating nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay and family were weekend visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and family. Rebekahs Meet The regular meeting of Am- ber Rebekah Lodge was held Wednesday evening with Mrs. J. F. Ingram, NG, in the chair, Thank-ybu notes were read from the shut-ins of the village who 'received lovely Christmas plants. At the next meeting, Jan. 20, a euchre for the CP & T fund will be held at the con- clusion of the meeting. A social evening followed this regular meeting with 10 tables of euchre in play, the winners being: ladies' high, Mrs. Alice Joynt; gents' high, Garnet Mousseau; travelling lone hands, Mrs. Bert Riley ; lucky rcup, Mrs. J. Ingram. Canadians in Germany Mrs. Donald MacKinnon had. the pleasure of ,seeing her son, Sgt. Ronald MacKinnon, wife and family appear on the pro- gram, "Canadians in Germany," on television Christmas Day. :'Pei 4•Fi' 111 CHURCH GROUPS HEAR REPORTS NORTHSIDE UNIT ONE • The January meeting of Unit One of Northside Church was held at the horne of Mrs. Ern- est• Williams.he president, Mrs. Don Wood, opened the meeting with the poem, "New Year Good Rules," followed by minutes by Miss Fennell. Twen- ty-four answered the roll call. Afterseveral items of busi- ness discussion,, Mrs. Wm. Ball started the program with a poem, "New Year Friend." The 'hymn, "Standing At the Por- tal," was sung,followed by prayer by Mrs. Ball. • The topic, Modern Version of the 23rd Psalin, was taken by Mrs. Ball, and the Korean ver- sion by Mrs. Britton, was inter- esting. Instrumental by Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill and vocal- duet Free Delivery WINTHROP UCW of Cavan Church, Win- throp, met with Mrs. William. Little presiding. A poem entit- led, "New' Year", Was given by Mrs. Wm. Little, followed by prayer. Roll call being mem- bership fees was answered by 21. The following slate -of officers for the •coming ..year were 'in- stalled by Rev. J. C. Britton:. Honorary president, Mrs. J. C. Britton; president, Mrs. George Case; vice-president, Mrs. Wm. Little; secretary, Mrs. Ken Beat- tie; treasurer, Mrs. Archie. Som- erville; . chairmen of commit- tee's: finance, Mrs. Erne Toll; program, Mrs. Wm. Church; so- cial, Mrs. Robert Dalton; citi- zenship, Mrs. Russell Bolton; stewardship, Mrs. Ernie Toll; literature, Mrs. George Case ; community friendship, Mrs. Wil- son Little; supply, Mrs. John Boyd; flowers for church, Mrs. Wm. Dodds; nominations, Mrs. George Case; all appointments to committees to remain the same for 1965 as those in 1964;' pianist, Mrs. Frank Johnston; assistant pianists, Mrs. Arnold Scott and Mrs, Gilbert Smith; auditors, Mrs. Ernie Tall and Mrs. Walter Somerville; mem- ber to official board, Mrs. Geo. Case; member to Christian edu- cation committee, Mrs. Charles Boyd and. Mrs. Oscar Cuthill; member to missionary mainten- ance, Mrs. Oscar Cuthill. Unit Four, with Mrs. Wm. Church, was then in -charge of the meeting. Hymn 148 was sung. Mrs. George Case read the Scripture, St. John 14, vers- es 6-12. The second chapter from "God and His Purpose," entitled, "God Speaks For Him- self," was given by Mrs. Wm. Church. The meeting closed by singing Hymn 500,' followed by Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Cuth- ill followed. NORTHSIDE UNIT TWO The January meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Mar- garet Leeming with 19 .mem- bers and one visitor present. The new president, Mrs. Mae Moffat, .- opened the meeting with prayer, followed by a poem. Mrs. Ross Savauge took charge of the devotional per- iod, reading from the 61st chap- ter. of Isaiah and commenting on it. Mrs. Willis Dundas , dedi- cated the offering. The roll call was answered by paying mem- bership fees. Mrs. Jack. Kellar gave the 1964 financial report. Mrs. Mof- fat had charge. of 'the business. Lunch was served by Mr's. J. Hoggart and Mrs. George Addi- son. Mrs, Hiram Shannon gave courtesy remarks. NORTHSIDE UNIT FIVE MR. AND MRS. HOWES Marriage vows were ex- changed in Woodstock by Ellen Ida Boyce and Mark James Howes on Saturday, Deg. 5th. ° The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Boyce, Bruce - field, and the groom -,is the son of Mrs. Olive M. Howes,. Wood- stock, and the late Mr. N. M. Howes. After the reception t h e couple left for a , honeymoon trip to Niagara and other points. They will reside in Woodstock. The January meeting of Northside United Church UCW Unit Five was held at the home of Mrs. Eric McCue Monday The devotional portion of the meeting was taken by Gwen Mc Cue. Eleanor Henderson gave a stewardship reading. A genera meeting will be held in' th church on January 26th. Silve coffee spoons are- being sent t four former members of th unit. The project for this year i to be a copper collection. Plan were made for a bake sale i May. The program for.i965 wa drawn up • 1 e r 0 e s s n s • CROMARTY Mrs. Robert Gardiner is a patient. in Scott Memorial Hos- pital,, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker visited on Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. H. R. Currie, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and also with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and family, London. A number of friends and rel- atives from 'this district attend- ed the funeral of the late Mr. Harold McLeod in London on Monday. Mr. and Mrs: Will Miller, Mrs. Grace,.Scott and Mrs. Sadie Scott were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar on Wednes- day, honoring Mr. McKellar on his 76th birthday: - WMS Meets • Miss Olive Speare presided, at the January meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society which was held at the home of Mrs. Grace Scott. Twelve members answered the roll call with a New Year's thought. The meeting opened with a poem, followed with Hymn 542 and devotions 1Pd by Miss, Speare. Rev. J. C. 'Boyne had charge of the Bible'study. Mrs. Grace Scott read the Glad Tid- ings prayer, and Mrs. E. Moore gave a New Year's message as her topic. Business was• con- ducted by the president, Mrs. M. Lamond. Mrs. T. L. Scott introduced the new study lesson, "Missions On Our Doorstep." Mrs. R. Dodds conducted a Bible quiz: The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by, Mrs. William Harper. Officers Elected The annual meeting of Crom- arty Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. T. L. Scott with Mrs. Scott presiding. Devo- tions ' were led by Mrs: Mervin Dow: Mrs. Charles Douglas gave a reading on "Christmas Customs." The annual business meeting and election of officers followed, Reports of the year's work were given by the secre- tary, the treasurer and the work and card committees. Mrs. J. M. Scott's group won the cop- per contest. A substantial sum of money was voted for the board of managers of, the church. ' The following officers were returned for the new year: president, Mrs. J. M. Scott; vice- presidents, Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. Eldon Allen; secre- tary; •Mrs. John Wallace; treas- urer, Mrs. T. L, Scott; card com- mittee, Mrs. Thomas Laing and Mrs. Thomas Scott; work com- mittee, Mrs. Thomas Laing, Mrs. Mervin Dow, Mrs. Robert Dodds, Miss Olive Speare, Mrs. Grace Scott and Mrs, James Miller. FUNERALS .:-. MRS. JESSIE WEBSTER Mrs. Jessie A. Webster, 89, of Victoria Street, Clinton, died Sunday morning in Clinton Public Hospital. She was born in West Wawanosh Township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Watson, and went to Clinton in 1932. Surviving are two sons, Wat- son Webster and Melvin Web- ster, both of Varna; nine grand- children and 16 great-grandchil- dren. Her husband, Robert Webster, died several years ago. The funeral was held Tues- day at 1:30 p.m. from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clin- ton, with Rev. Grant Mills, of Ontario Street United Church, officiating. Burial followed in Baird's cemetery, Stanley Town- ship. MRS. MARY. A: WHITMAN Mrs. Mary Amelia Whitman, a native of Goderieh Township, passed. a; ay at the horde , of ston, at Leslie, Michigan, on Christmas Day. In her 85th year, she was the former Amelia Sturdy, and was born on the 7th concession of Goderich Township. She is sur- vived by her daughter; a son, Harold, of Lansing, Mich., .and al�ster, Mrs. George Connell, of, Seaforth. Funeral services were held in the Baptist Church in Lansing, which she had attended for 60 years, knd were conducted by Rev. Scott Irvine. Burial fol- lowed in Mt. Hope cemetery. Those who attended the fun- eral included Mrs. George Con- nell, Harold Connell and Mrs. Emily Marks, Seaforth, and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Connell, Clinton. 1905 ST; STOR' CONTINUES UNTIL ,THIS SAM j TAKE APVANTAOE OF THE LAST FEW PAYS OF THIS OR.E,AT SALE' °Al Save As You've Never Saved Before'! Remember! Sale positively ends January 16th SAVE NOW I BOY'S SKI CAPS Reg. 1.95 & .9s All colors, sizes and types, grouped in one Big Special Value. SALE. 1 00 SAVE NOW!. BOYS' 12.95- NYLON SKI JACKETS Black, Royal and Wine shades; this year's newest styles. Sizes 8 to 16 SALE 9:95 - SAVE NOW I BOY'S CONTINENTAL SUITS 90% -Charcoal, olive and brown, Continental style coats OFF with popular slim pants. Sizes 8 to 18. SALE • SAVE NOW! Regular 2.95 - 3.95 - 4.95 - BOY'S LINED SLIMS Denim, chino or corduroy in black, olive or brown. Sizes 3 to 16 20% SALE OFF SAVE NOW! Stanfield's Make Boy's Thermal Shirts & Longs 1.59 Regular 1.95 to 2.2: quality Thermal Under- garment wear. Sizes S, M, L. Fits boys from 6 to 16... SALE SAVE NOW ! Sizes 10 - 11 - 12 Regular 1.25 ALL WOOL WORK SOX' 97c Three sizes, pure wool, Stanfield's make. .SPECIAL REGULAR $1:00 — Famous Tiger Brand 4 BRIEFS MEN'S SHIRTS & BRIEFS A complete, sell-out— New fresh stock, just in SALE 79c SAVE NOW! Regular 2.95 to 6.95 , Fine knit or bulky knits, pullovers or cardigans;, 25% plain or jacquard. Sizes 8 to 18 , SALE OFF SAVE NOW — Regular $85.00 "TIPTOP" • BOY'S SWEATERS • - MADE - TO - MEASURE SUITS Choose your cloth andstyle and have your suite; made to your individual measure with a perfect fit guaranteed by us. On Sale all Month.... SALE STEWART BROS. PHONE 527-0230 Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, Just Dial Seai°orth. 527.0240. DO YOU KNOW THE 4 POINTS BEHIND EVERY AD? When You See An Ad in THE. HURON EXPOSITOR • THIS -IS. WHAT IT MEANS 1. A REPUTABLE STORE . .. a store that lives up toitsadvertising bar- gains, -has a reputation to uphold. 2. DEPENDABLE QUALITY in the merchandise it sells -Merchandise that is exactly as represented. 1 3. HONESTY in advertising messages and in dealings with the public. No attempt to falsify or deceive.. 4. VALUES . Every Huron Expositor advertiser, has an important message for you. It pays to read them all ! MAKE YOUR PURCHASES THE . SAFE WAY CONSULT THE ADS EVERY WEEK IN Phone 141 Seaforth