HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-10-29, Page 10Fmrp0SrTOR, SrattORTII, ONT., OCT. 1964 `4. 40. 40 Mrs. Frank Thomp- S.011, Of Toledo, Ohio, and Mary O'Reilly, of London, are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Russell Prin- gle and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas • Costello, of Seaforth. Mr. aid Mrs. Gordon Anisser, of Indianapolis, Indiana, spent . a few days with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Ren - FUNERAL JOHN REGINALD ALLIN There passed away Thursday, October 22, in Victoria Hospital, London, after a long illness, John Reginald Allin, -of Eg- mondville, in his 53rd year. Mr. Allin was born in Col- borne Township, on NoveMber 24, 1911, and was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Allin. In February, 1'943, he married Helen Marie Houston, who survives, and he continued to reside in the Seaforth area until his death. He was a mem- ber of Egmondville United Church and Canadian Legion Branch 156. Besides his wife he is sur- vived by four brothers, Oliver, Roy and Clarence, of Colborne Township, and Clifford, of To- ronto. The funeral service was held Saturday, Oct. 24, from the R. S. Box funeral home and was conducted by, Rev. Alan Scott, of 'Egmondville United Church, assisted by Rev. J. H.lardy, former minister of EgmONIVille. The pallbearers were Earl Pap- ple, William Hodgert, Elroy Bodges, Warden Haney, Preston Dallas and Norman placLean; and Roy McGonigle, James Racho, Neil Hodgert and Dale Hartwick acted as flowerbar- ers. • YOUTH or Young Man • interested in learning trade. Steady employment in Sea - forth. Apply Box 1398 Huron Expositor indicating •education, experi- ence and age. Onsessammosaseresmosloism;.•••••••••••." IMPORTANT PAPERS NEED PROTECTION FROM FIRE! Most documents are uninsurable — many are irreplaceable. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE! See our range of. Dominion Record Safes to -day THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 141 SEAFORTH BRIEFS Me, of Sundridge,. were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie. Miss Gertrude Crich, Teronto, and Mrs. Earl Smith and Mrs. Margaret White, of North Bay, were here attending the Cen- tennial anniversary of North- side United Church on Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Faulkner, of Galt, spent the weekend with Miss L. Faulkner, John Segrin and Al Ross, of Seaforth, were among over 270 Canadian 'ord tractor dealers who joined with dealers from 10 countries in N_ew 'York City last weekend or a world-wide dealer conference. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and Mrs. Healy spent the weekend in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lamont and family, of Delhi, spent Sun- day with Mrs. Margaret Lamont. • Miss Edith Sta'nway and Miss Elsie Pearson, of Toronto, and Miss Ruby Allan, of Winnipeg, were weekend guests of Mrs. P. B. Moffatt and Miss Annette Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Robinson, of Regina, Sask., visited with friends in the Seaforth and Bayfield district. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goven. lock attended the commence- ment and get -acquainted part at CHSS in Clinton as guests of the principal and staff. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neilly of Paisley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamont, of Windsor, called on Mrs. Mar- garet Lamont recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Linley, Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William 0:—Kellqr.' Mrs. G. W. Geddes and Mrs. 1 J. P. Ferguson, of London, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ged- des this week. • Mr. Bruce West, popular col- umnist of the Globe and Mail, Toronto, spent Sunday in town. He visited a former teacher, Miss Mabel Turnbull. Mr: and Mrs. Walter Parsons, of Hamilton;. Mr. and Mrs. Bev Parsons, London; Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Cassidy, Wayne and Thayne, Ingersoll; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Lyn, of Brussels, and Mrs. Alex Case - more, of Hamilton, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ure Stewart and attended services at Northside United Church. EGMONpVILLE Mrs. Wilson Oke, of Windsor, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacLean and while here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Larone. Mrs. Reg Clarke, of Glencoe, visited Saturday with: Mrs. R. Dalrymple and Charlie, Mrs. McNairn is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, under - .going treatment. KIPPEN The UCW of the United Church at Kippen held a suc- cessful bazaar and tea on Sat- urday afternoon, with the sum of $150 being realized. The con- veners for various booths were as folows: Mrs. Robert McGre- gor, cakes and cookies; . Mrs. Harold Jones, pies and tarts; Mrs. John Anderson, bread and buns; Mrs. Archie Parsons, fancy. work; Mrs. Ross Broad - foot, produce; Mrs. Emerson Kyle, touch and take; Mrs. Robt. Elgie, fish pond; Mrs. John Sin- clair, candy booth. The tables and tea room, attractively dec- orated in chrysanthemums, autumn fruits and vegetables, were in charge of Mrs. Lloyd Cooper. Mrs. Wesley ' Cockerline and Mrs. Alice Armstrong, Pilot Mound, Man., have been visit- ing this past week with Mrs. Russell Consitt and family. CLASSIFIED ADS 24. Cards of Thanks I would like to thank all you kind people who helped to make my stay in hospital brighter, with your visits', treats, letters 'and cards. — Sincerely Rena 24-44-1 WEwish to express our thanks and appreciation to neighbors and Welds for their acts of kindness, Bora/ •tributes and messages of sYmPatillY eonveYed.. to us In our recent sad Wreath& meat. Special thanks In Bee H, Donaldson and the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home. Your kindness was deeply appreciat- ed.—Ehner, Ken, Nancy Larone and Family. 24-44-1 25. In Memoriam 11.0B1NSON—In loving miemory \ of Thomas Robinson, who pass- ed away Nov'. 3, 1961. Your presence is ever near us, • Your Dove remains with us pet, • You were the kind of a father, Your loved ones would never forget. —Ever remembered by lids 25-44-1 Births - 5-Altir.At"-------scott Memorial Bospital, on Oct 21, to Mr, arid M ougtao baton, of Seeforth, a daughter., THOMPSON--Keri Arad Reaelee, (nee Bedard), of Boation, M&w., USA, are to 4111, 110111106 theldlith oir a dugb-. ter, on Oet, 26,. 1904. flinger, Engagements - Mr. and Mrs. William Kyle, Kip- p( n, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Dorothy Yvonne, to Mr, James Dudley Bozzato, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bozzato, of Fen - ick, the wedding bo take place Saturday, November 21st, at 3 p.m., at St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen. ' 44-1 Too Late To Classify HALF price paint sale. Time didn't permit selling paint at Seaforth Lumber clearance auc- tion. Paint available et hall price on Friday and Saturday et Kling's Store, Seaforth. 44-1 BAZAAR and Bingo, Dublin Parish Han, 'Thursday Nov. 5, bazaar 2:30 p.m. and eash bingo at 8:30. Three door prizes. 44-1 FOR SALE—A number of storm windows, cheap. Dave Lemon, phone 675. • 44x1 FOR SALE—Cob corn, Apply to Ross Riley, Cromarty, phone HenSall, 341 W 1. 44-1 FOR SALEEIxtra strong bunch of choice York elrunksi. Alvin R. Dodds, 444 WAIITED—Cattle to feed for winter. Box 1403, Huron Expos+. tor. 444 BAZAAR and Tea, in Cromarty Presbyterian Church, Tuesday, November. ard, tvt 8 p.m. 41-1 FOR SATJE-4iibr Heineford catreS. between 4694O0 1b. Thigh Ben- e 190, - 44-1 • $ • NEWS OF BRODitAGEN Cooking School Attacts Large Attendance from Area About 300 attended the Hy- dro Cooking Show, Sponsored by the Brodhagen Band Ladies' Auxiliary. Miss Linda McMas- ter was the Home Economist do- ing the cooking. The electrical appliances were loaned by Jor- dan Electric, of Mitchell, and the hi-fi set by Doerr Electric, Mitchell. Mr. Tilison was master of ceremonies. A film on 'electric heating and lighting was shown. The Kist Co. of Stratford serv- ed refreshments during inter- mission. Many donations of merchan- dise and cash were received from dealers in Seaforth, Mit- chell, Dublin, Monkton, Wal- ton, Bornholm, Slab Town, Brod- hagen and surrounding district, and the following were the winners: Mrs. R. Salisbury, Mit- chell; Harry Proctor, Mitchell; Mrs. John Diehl, Mitchell; Mrs. Fergus Feeney, Dublin; Mrs. Al- bert Van Hec, Jr.; Marjorie Jar- muth, Bornholm; Shirley Vock, Bornholm; Oscar Eickmeier, Bornholm; Janice Dietz, Dublin; Mrs. Gus Herbert, Mitchell; Mrs. John J. Gloor, Bornholm; Violet Clark, Mitchell; Mrs. Wil- fred Nicholson, Monkton; Mrs. Edwin Bach, Bornholm; Mrs. Loretta Schmidt, Dublin; Mrs. Ed. Alles, Brunner; Mrs. Roy Mawen, Milverton; Mrs. Wilf Maloney, Mitchell; Mrs. Earl Johnston, Mitchell. Mrs. Mary Eckert, Dublin; Mrs. Herman Leonhardt, Born- holm; •RQs.e.. Mit- chell; Mrs. Wilfred Maloney, Dublin; Harold Die el, Mit- chell; Toledo Parrot, Monkton; Mrs. Charles Skinner, Mitchell; Mrs. Ron Hinz, 'Bornholm; MrS. Howard Kunmer, Warren Rock, Walton; Mrs. J. W. Greene, Mit- chell; Mrs. Lena Bennewies, Walton; Linda Miller, Brodhag- en; Elmer Johnsdn, Mitchell; Linda Mogk, Bornholm; Mrs. May Howze, Mitchell; Mrs. Wil- bur Hoegy, Brodhagen; Sharon Deitz, Dublin; Mrs. Mervin Deitz, Dublin;. Mrs. John Camp- bell, •Mitchell; Mrs. Albert Sie- mon, Walton. Irene Eisler, Mitchell; Mrs. Lawrence Barker, Mitchell; Mrs. Glen Marshall, Fullerton; Mrs, Howard Jackson, Monkton ; Laura Mogk, Brodhagen; Ed. Oliver, Stratford; Mrs. Keith Pethick, Hickson; Mrs. Ben Ny- land, Dublin; Mrs. Georgina Siemon, Mitchell; Mrs. Berneda Trutter,,Dublin; Mrs. Alvin Dav- ey, Monkton; Mrs. Lloyd Dill, Mitchell; Dora Rapien, Walton; Mrs. Ken Rick, Monkton; D. Mc- Keown, Mitchell; Mark Shol- dice, Brodhagen; Mrs. Albert Bauer, Mitchell; Mrs. Alvin Schellenberger, Mitchell; Mrs. Robert Weitzel; Mitchell; •Mrs. R -ay Beuerman, Walton; Mrs. Wilfred_ - Ahrens, Brodhagen; Alex Hassan, Seaforth; Mrs, Wilfred Drager, Seaforth. Mrs. Martha Rock, Bornholm; Mrs. Neil Hillebrecht, Mitchell; Miss Monica Roach, Dublin; George Coville, Dublin; Ed. Oli- ver, Stratford; Mrs. Ron Beuer- man, Dublin; Edith Harefield, Mitchell; Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer, Brodhagen; Mrs. Don Siemon, Mitchell; Mrs. R. Sholdice, Brod- hagen; Margaret Ellig'sen, Wal-. ton; Audrey Hodgert, Born- holm; Mrs. W. H. Wolfe, Born- holm; .A. Yr, McLean, Seaforth; Adolf Trentowsky, Brodhagen; Jean Henderson, Mitchell; Mrs. Irene Kistner, Bornholm; Mar- ilyn Ward, Mitchell; Fred Eick- meier, Bornholm; Mrs.. Hilda French,, Bornholm; Mrs. Wil- lard Bennewies, Dublin; Doro thy Davey, Monkton; Mrs. Har- old Bauer, Bornholm; Mrs, Min- nie Vock, Bornholm; Mrs. Ella Gloor, Mitchell; Mrs. Joan Brill, Bornholm; Mrs. Ron Hinz, Born- holm; Miss Beverley Sholdice, Brodhagen; MFS. botythy Van Herk. • Mrs. Norman Riehl, Seaforth; Mrs. Ken Jordan, Mitchell; Mrs, F. V. Young, Monkton; Nita Rapien, Walton; Joan Rapien, Walton; Mrs. Reuben Buuck, Brodhagen; Wm. Morley, Lis- towel; Marjorie Schutz, Mit- chell; E. Boshart, Seaforth; Mrs. Cecil Harrison, Mitchell; ,Mrs. Irene Rock, Monkton; Mrs. Har - /Old Wurdell, Bornholm; Loret- ta Spotton, Windsor; Mrs..Leon- ard Burgess, Stratford; Mrs. Gordon Mogk, Bornholm; Mrs. Edward Scherbarth, Jr., Born- holm; Ken Elligsen, Brodhagen; Mrs. Don Johns, Cromarty. Gordon Miller, Bornholm; Mrs. Wm. Boyd, Walton; Paul Gloor, Monkton ; Joanne Jarmuth, Bornholm; Mrs. Art.Wright, Sea - forth;. Mrs. Dan Fischer, Born- holm; Neil Rapien, Walton; Mrs. Murray Machan, Mpnkton; Mrs. Wm, S. Riehl, Brodhagen; War- ren Elligsen, Brodhagen. Mrs. Murray Rock, Monkton; Mrs, Edgar Elligsen, Walton; Mrs. John Mikel, Sebringville; Mrs. Ella Hoegy, Seaforth; Mrs. George Beuerman, Dublin; Mrs. Anna Sherrin, Toronto; Sherry flicks, Bornholm; Jane Osborne, Monkton; Mrs. Wilfred Pehlke, Monkton; Jean, Beuerman, Mit- chell; Mrs. Roy Gloor, Mitchell; Mrs. Ross Pepper, Mitchell; Mrs. Lorne Mueller, Mitchell; Mrs. Leonard Rose, Bornholm; Mrs, Glen Mogk, BornhOIM; Miss Elaine Bennewies, Brod- hagen; A. E. Regan, Mitchell, Charlotte Scholl and Jane Bak- ker,. Monkton; Mrs. Ross Leon- hardt, Bornholm; Mrs. Harvey Ahrens, Brodhagen; Mrs. Alma Tubb. Daltbn Hinz, -Bornholm; Mrs. Steve Murray; Walton; Mrs. Laurene Regele, Dublin; Mrs, Mervin Wurdell, Bornholm ; Mrs. Freg Jung, Monkton; Mrs. Leuise Hoppenroth, Bornholm; Mrs. Frank Van Revel, Born- holm; Mrs. Edward Prueter, Brodhagen; Mrs. Frieda Mogk, Brodhagen; Miss Phyllis Ah- rens Brodhagen; Mrs. Ken John, Cromarty; Elsie Klein, Mitchell; Helen Elliott, Dublin; Mrs. Bert Pryce, Dublin; Mrs. John Dietz, Dublin; Wendy Wolfe, Mitchell; Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens, Brodhagen; Mrs. N. J. Kistner, Bornholm; Miss Bar- bara Gloor, Mookton; Mrs. John Moore, Dublin; Vi Schel- lenberger, Mitchell; Mrs. Roy Pearn, Mitehell; Miss Sheron Campbell, Mitchell; Don Camp - Bell, Mitchell. Miss Bonnie Hoegy received first prize in public speaking at Monkton last Wednesday and competed in Milverton on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oliver, Viv- ian and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolfe, Cathy and Carol, Miss Ruth Fraser and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wicke, all of Strat- ford, with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassman and Mrs. Marie Wassman, of Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer and Mrs. Ad. Pfeifer. • - Mr. and Mrs. -Chris- W. Leon- hardt on a. trip to Barrie and other points on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuer- man, London; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beuerman, Michelle and Mich- ael, Walton; Mrs. Wm. Barwick and Miss Darlene Chessell, of Goderich, , with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ahrens, Kimberley and Colleen, of Ham- ilton, with Mrs. Chas. Ahrens 'Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Diegel, Matthew, Michael and David, of Owen Sound, with George and William Diegel. Miss Shirley Trentowsky was successful in passing her Regis- tered Nurse examinations and spent the weekend with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Trentowsky. She is nursing at St. Joseph's Hospital, .London. On Saturday evening a din- ner and reception was' held at the Community Centre here for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schneider of Seaforth, on the occasion of their 25th wedding annivers- ary. The regular Friday night dance was • held at the Com- munity Hall with Desjardine's Orchestra. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Jarmuth recently were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feis, Mrs. Phyllis Bernier and Kathy, of Bridegport; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Frier, Kitchener; M. and Mrs. Wayne Jarmuth, Oshawa; Miss Barbara Scott, St. Pauls; Robert Jarmuth, Stratford. Mr. Everett Smyth, of Tees - water, visited with his brother, Harold Smyth, and Mrs. Smyth, Mr. Don Adair, of Oshawa, spent the weekend with his friend, Robert Ahrens. Mr. Lorne Kahle, of Detroit, has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank EiCk- meier and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Woodward, Donna and Gay, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stauch and Janet, of Kitchener, with Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks, Alvin and Sherry. A turkey dinner was held at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell, to honor Mr. and Mrs. Harold El- jigsen, RR 1, Bornholm, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, and their sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Atigust Scherbarth, on their 32nd wedding anniversary, with the immediate family attend- ing. Later in the evening a celebration was held for Mr. and Mrs. Elligsen at the Brod- hagen and District Community Hall. Mr: and Mrs. Elligsen and their attendants, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell, were called to the platform and George Jar- muth read a very fitting ad- dress, and they were presented with a dining room set, china cabinet, a Wrench set and a chest of silver, a mirror, plant and silver bowl. A bounteous lunch was serv- Airstep The Shoe with the Magic Sole! • IN TRIM LINE STYLES .. . To compliment any lady! • In Dress, Stack Heels and OXford Read's Shoes & Luggage SEAFORTH 4-H Group Has Meeting The Seeforth District 411 club held their second meeting at the home of Mrs. Broadfoot. The group discussed, what quali- ties a mentally fit person needs and "Spending your time off." Margaret Whyte and Blanche Dalton demonstrated first-aid. All the club girls participated and. criticized each other. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Whyte. ed, including anniversary cake. The coil/lie have a family of three sons: Kenneth, of Brod- hagen; Donald and David, at home, and two grandsons, Ter- ry and • Warren Elligsen. Mrs. Elligsen is the former Norma Hoppenroth, daughter of Mrs. William Hoppenroth and the late Mr. Hoppenroth, RR 1, Bornholm, and Mr. Elligsen is the son of Mrs. Ernest Elligsen and the late Mr, Elligsen, of Brodhagen. Mr. Elligsen is a member of the Brodhagen and District Chamber of Commerce, and both are members of St. Peter's Lutheran. -Church and the church organizations. 7-1 This Vieth At the $eafortb District High £3choot (By BARBARA HOLLAND) SDHS students are celebrat- ing Hallowe'en with a Sadie Hawkins costume ball this Fri- day night, to music by "The Bounty Hunters." The dance is sponsored by the Girls' Ath- letic Association, and adniis- sion is only 75c per person ($1.25 per couple) if yeti wear a costume, but $1.00 per per- son if you come semi -formal: • * s The magazine campaign is picking up speed at last. Grade 9-A is still in the ,lead, al- though 12-B is inchizzg up. It seems that 10-B and 10-C are having a wee feud. * * * The football game against Mitchell ended with a score 'of 31-13 for them. The next game is at Exeter this Thursday. That same day, the girls' junior vol- leyball team will be travelling to Stratford for their ffrst, game of the season. Good .luck, all! * * * The Snow Queen candidates this year are: From the coun- try, Linda Bryans, Mary Helen Buchanan„ Mary Lou Coyne, Janet Hulley, Diane Stoll, Irma Peterson and Carol Van Loon; and from the town, Cathy Phil- lips. I close with congratula- tions to you, girls! See you next week with more news. Classified ads pay dividends. .....411••••••••••Ad• ,:a6NOWNINNISIBEI • YOUR 70ICE0. STEAKS, ROUND STEAK ROASTS or RUMP, ROASTS lb Schneider's — 12 -oz. Carton HEAD CHEESE About 3-1b. Fresh CHICKENS ' Aylmer Choice 15 -oz. - PEACHES Rose Brand Colored MARGARINE Clark's 15 -oz. 4/880 PORK and BEANS • • 6/880 Carnation — 16 oz 'MILK 350 lb. 330 41880 Save All — 100' Roll WAX PAPER Supreme Butter Cream or Suprerne Chocolate Cream COOKIES 64380 3/88¢ 3/880 Seaforth PHONE 285 THIS WEEK -END • With a purchase of. $5.00 or over, sign your name on a ticket and drop -it in the box for a draw on a SERVING TRAY and Double Salad Bowl Value $8.90 DRAW SATURDAY EVENING. SUMMER SAUSAGE, - Breakfast Club — 24 oz. lb' 690 JAM 490 York Tall Boy — 14 oz. • PEANUT BUTTER • • • 350, Foodland — We Deliver -- CASH ON DELIVERY FREE PARKING ON WEST SIDE OF LOCKER VOTE FOR THE 1964 SNOW EN a The public, by ballot, will decide who the 1964 Seaforth Snow Queen and attendants will be. Here is how you vote: 1. Write the name of the Candidate you prefer on one of the Official Ballots, 2. Ballots are available in many, Seaforth stores on the basis of one ballot for each $1.00 purchase. 3. Leave your ballot in the, boxes provided in the participating stores. 4. Ballots to be- counted must be deposited on or before Saturday, November 21st, 5. The Candidate receiving the largest number of votesywill be declared the 1964 Seaforth Snow Qued The Snow Queen will be crowned at the Snow Queen Dance Friday evening, November 27th, and will occupy a position of honor in the 1964 Santa Claus Parade.. 6. The Candidatesireceiying the second and third greatest number v;otes will be declared atten- dants,, and will ndeOppany the Snow' Queen at the Dance and in the Santa Claus Parade. — Complete and Deposit As Many Ballots As You Wish For the Candidate of Your Choice — comp With Santa to. Seaforth Saturday, Novem er 28 And see the Monster Parade of Floats, Bands and Costumed Characters, a 1 • s • 4, • •