HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-10-29, Page 3• • • • • • • • • • • •. • 1 • • • • • • • r ro 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furance Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 573 or 71 W "THE NAME OF THE WINE" WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS ,SGet Triple STAMP VALUE with purchase of Any Piece of MRMAC Offer expires November 7, 1964 IRVIN'S Hardware Phone 61 Seaforth, Ont. e Kippow ;OW Hqs . e ting The NeVem Iber meeting of Kipperl past Woznep's Institute was held at thee home of Mrs. William CaldWoll, with Mrs. James McNaughton as co -hos- tess. The `meeting opened with singing the- opening one and repeating the Nary Stewart Col= legit. The melnbers modelled their oldest hat for the roll call. Mrs. Robert Bell gave--the'treas- urer's report. An invitation to attend a meeting in Grand Bend on November 19th was accept- ed. A number of resolutions were. read and voted on. President Mrs. Verne Alder - dice, who presided, thanked ev- eryone who helped with the cooking school and the -exhibit at Exeter Fall Fair. Mrs. R. Bell and Mrs. James Drummond reported on final plans for the institute bus trip to Hamilton next Wednesday. Mrs. R. Bell read the motto, "Be kind to the aged, for they have come a long way; help the' youth, for they have a long way to come," prepared by Miss Margaret McKay. Mrs, Stewart Pepper intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs.. Stirling Graham, who was presi- dent of the Kippen East Wo- men's Institute when it was formed in 1934, and gave high- lights of the past years. Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse thanked the speaker. Mrs. J. Drummond read a poem, "Horse and Buggy Days. Mrs. Jack Sinclair gave courtesy' remarks and Mrs. Ken McKay .conducted a contest. Lunch was served by Mrs, Whitetiogse, Mrs, Ross Broad - foot, Mrs. R. Bell and Mrs. Grant MacLean. if Yoti a -TIRED ALL THE TiME Now and then everybody gets a ,"tired -out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired .feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug ' counters. You can depend on Dodd's.eo TEXACO StoveOil and Furnace Fuel Oil WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W Seaforth SMITH'S Thursday, Friday and Saturday Facet le BATHROOM -TISSUE 2 2 -Roil Pkg. 530 Robin Hood QUICK OATMEAL 5 -Ib. Bag 570 Libby's • TOMATO JUICE 2 Lge, 48 -oz. Tins 65o BIG 880 : Pantry Packin' Food Sale CARNATION MILK • • 6 Large Tins 880 Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable SOUP 7 Tins 880 Tulip Coloured MARGARINE 4 1-1b. Pkgs. 880 Nature's Best APPLESAUCE 6 15 -oz. Tins 9880 Coronation FRUIT .DRINKS 3 Lge. 48 -oz. Tins 88.¢ (Orange, Pineapple Grapefruit, Grape) Assorted JELLO POWDERS Minette's 8 Pkgs. 880 TOMATOES 5 20 -off. Tins 880 St. Wilflams' ASSORTED JAMS • • • • 4 9-oz..Jaro 880 Sunnyvale Fruit COCKTAIL 2 Lge. 28 -oz. Tins 880 SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR AiDDITIONAL SPECIALS Open 'til 6 p.m. Stiturdays Smith's PHONE 12 • Y FREE OE (VERY rt PIA CHARLES RAU, Granci Knight, Seaforth (left), Wing Commander "Lew" Lomas, Chief Ad: mtinistrative Officer RCAF Clinton, Flight lieutenant, the Rev. R. Bussey, R.C. Chaplain, and.' Mr. Vic Walden, Grand Knight, Goderich, are shown as they took part in a Communion Breakfast in the Airmen's Mess, Station . Clinton, on the occasion of a visit of Knights of Columbus from Seaforth and Goderich to the Station recently, K of C Councils Tour Clinton RCAF Station Ninety " members of the Knights' of Columbus' 'from God- erich and Seaforth were .. wel- comed to Station Clinton by Catholic personnel on Sunday of last week. The program 'for the day con- sisted of High, Mass at eleven o'clock, followed by a Commun- ion Breakfastin the Airmen's Mess, followed by a briefing and tour of the radar installations. At Mass, Father Bussey spoke on the major problem facing the Vatican Council. The diffi- cultyfacing the Council Fath- ers is mainly finding a place for the mission of the Church in the*. modern world. To ac- complish this purpose t h e Church must understand the tremendous change in men which has taken place during the past generation. Men to- day are more technically mind- ed, they• demonstrate a more critical spirit, they object to paternalism, and above all, their concepts of obedience have changed. The modern man un- derstands the necessity of obed- ience, and yet he must pre- serve his own personal responsi- bilities. Father Bussey called upon Catholic men to accept the changes in the Church, which would be in, with the changes in situations and circumstances experienced by men throughout the world. Present at the head • table dur- Name Murray Falls in Honor of Native A topographical feature . in Saskatchewan will honor the memory of a Seaforth_native and an eminent Saskatchewan land surveyor. In a release by the Natural Resources Depart- ment, the Minister, J. M. Cuel- enaere said the name was now incorporated among the honor- ed place names of Saskatche- wan. Biographical particulars have been filed with the histori- cal records of the province so that they may always be asso- ciated with their contribution in the development of the pro- vtnce. Murray Falls and Murray Rapids were named in memory of Ernest William Murray, for- mer Director of Surveys, De- partment'"of Highways of the province. Murray Falls , and Rapids are situated in the his- toric Churchill .. River, near Missinipe, some 40 miles north of La Ronge. Mr. Murray was born and educated .at Seaforth. He was a brother of Walter 'BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER ' PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM • A BADGER SALES • SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEA.NE, Jr. BRUCEFIELD SALES -- SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - Clinton Murray, of Seaforth. Mr. Murray died in Novem- ber, 1962, in Regina. Prede- ceased by his wife who died earlier in 1962, Mr.' Murray is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Harvey Dryden, of 3115 College Avenue, Regina, and Mrs. A. C. Smith, of Hayward, California, and four grandchil- dren. Mr. Murray graduated from the University of Toronto as a civil engineer. He became com- missioned as a Dominion land surveyor and carried out exten- sive surveys in Alberta and in Saskatchewan. In 1910, he be- came District Engineer for the Department of Highways of Saskatchewan and carried out considerable road locations and construction. In 1941, he was appointed Director of Surveys of the Department of Highways until his retirement in 19.47, when he continued private prac- tfce as a Saskatchewan land surveyor and consultant en- gineer. Mr. Murray was widely re- spected for his work as a pio- neer in the field of surveying in Saskatchewan and served as President of the Association of Saskatchewan Land Surveyors. At the same time "the depart- ment honored the. memory of D. Alpine. Smith, former Con- troller of Surveys . of the De- partmeht of Natural Resources. Bevins:' , . "So your eldest daughter just got Married. 1 suppose you found It quite hard to part with her?" Nevins: "Hard? Why, I was' beginning to think that it was impossible." END of the MONTH 'LhCd,ueQ, Boys' Continental Slim Jeans $3.95 Men's Continental Slims, sizes 28-38.., $4.50 Men's 111/4 -oz. Denim Work Pants $3.95 Penman's 71 Combinations $4.50 Penman's 71 Shirts and Drawers $2.50 Harvey Woods Thermal Combinations' 5.50 Thermal 2 -piece $1.95 to $3:95 Heavy Drill Parkas $12.95 -and $14.95 Ski Jackets $10.95 and $14.95 Heavy Duck Work Coats " $10.95 Boys' Ski Jackets and Coats $8.95 to $13.95 ALSO FOR BOYS A full line of Lined .Jeans, Mitts, Gloves, Caps, .Thermal and Cotton Underwear, Flannel and Ski Pyjamas. BILL O'SHEA MEN'S WEAR Phone 52-W -=- In the Box Block, Seaforth t0:'r¢,5�kusi,t ing the Communion breakfast were Rev. R. E. Bussey, R.C. Chaplain, Station Clinton; Grand Knights Victor Walden, from Goderich, and Charles Rau from Seaforth. Other guests included John L. Malone, Past Grand Knight, of Seaforth Council; Cecil Tufts, District Deputy of District 31; Group Captain Greenaway, Wing Commander Refuse, and Wing Commander Lomas. During the afternoon Wing Commander L. Lomas, CD, brief- ed the visitors on the function of NORAD in the defence of Canada and the USA:" Specifical- ly he outlined the danger of nuclear attack from guided mis- gj;les, ma_ntci..11ambers,. and.._ev-.. en satellites which could be launched by the Soviet bloc, The visitors learned that Can- ada is protected through a complicated, expensive, but ef- ficient defence afforded 'by NORAD. The Wing Command- er outlined the tremendous contribution which the RCAF makes to , the 'over-all defence of this continent.. The briefing was followed by an extensive tour of the Nava- gational Aids department and the Radar Tower installations. Legion Corner (By JACK . HOLLAND) Well, friends and comrades, a few lines to keep us all in tune to some events coming up., 'first of all, of course, is the big Hallowe'en party on Oct. 30th (Friday night), so come one, come all, Tor - one of .. the big parties of the year, and don't forget the prizes for the best costumes for this occasion. Next week we are coming in- to November, so the Legion is holding their annual veterans' banquet on November 7th. Get your tickets on time, so the catering ladies of the Auxiliary know how many to prepare for. Have you .got the tickets for the Grey Cup •..draw yet? It's not too far away, and the tick- ets are always scarce as hades the last week or so, so "a word to the wise is sufficient. Our ranch has two. more gaps in -their ranks due to. the recent -passing away of Norman (Archie) Hubert and Reginald Allan. Both Ment ers were well known in the community, and they will long be remem- bered for the fine fellows that they were, and on behalf of the Legion our sympathy goes out to their families and loved ones, so, Comrades, that is all for now, and we'll leave you with •a thought for our recently de- parted friends and comrades: "At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them." BY SEE HEE Woe is. me! 'I am sick tonight es I write this. column. Yours truly was certainly off last. Fri. -day as his .team' _gait*d only MU 'points. To . top off this sort of bowling, I was sicker Satur- day afternoon because I -was worse than the night before. Tonight Pin really sick! AM hit- ting the hay as soon 'as I finish the- column. * Inter -Town League As predicted last week, the local inter -town team did fare better. Yes, sir! They took four points from Cloud 9, Cliri- ton, the top team. Yours truly congratulates kis six in taking the last game, You just have to give credit to Doug Shirk who rolled a. 302. Another fel- low who deserees mention, in fact he was top man in the five games, our own Jim Scott, who had a 1155 total for five. One feature about the Cloud 9 team is that all seven players aver- age over 200. Team standing: Cloud 9, 38; Clinton RCAF, 30; Little Bowl (Blue), 22; Jim's Selects, 22; Little Bowl (Red), 21; Zurich, 18; Exeter, 17; Seaforth, 8. * * as Seaforth Legion League , Team standings: Redcaps, 12; Beatles, 12; Gutterasnipers, 7; Hepcats, 6; Lucky Strikes, 5; Martians, 0. Men's high single and triple, William Brown, 283 and 770; •'ladies'' igli sill?le, Anne 'Mac rae, 21.1; . high triple, Helen Nicholson, 548. - St. James' Church League Team standings: Cracker Jacks, 26; Happy Gang, 21; Flippers, 18; Hotshots, 16; Pace- makers, 12; Night Hawks, 12. Ladies' high, • single, Carol Brown, 188; high triple, Kiddo Muir, 488. Believe it or not, but it really happened, in fact I was there on the same team. You know the fellow who sells coal and oil for heat? Well, he was hotter than any coal or oil stove last .Monday night be- cause he rolled . a 304 game, ending 'up with the men's• high triple, also .of 588. Congrats, Bill Hart. Ladies'.COF League High single, Doreen Dolmage,, 193; high triple, Joyce McClure, 450. Points: Hornets, 8; Wasps, 6. Each team has played three games. ..* Men's F300 Club to date: Don Eaton, William Brown, John Van Geffen, Eric Matzold, Mel Merriam, William M. Hart and Doug Shirk. Ladies' 300 Club to date: Joan Eaton. 700 Triple Club: William Brown, Floyd Turner, Eric MatzoId, Art Finlayson, Norman MacLean, Joan Eaton, Mel Mer- riam, Andre Aubin, Jinx Scott and Leo Hagan. -- NOTICE' --- • 40 For Co -Op Insurance • calf W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 193 J - John St, SEAFORTH . Complete Coverage- For: • Auto and- Truck • Farm Liability - • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services - • Wind Insurance LAY - AWAY NOW For' Christmas ! WHILE THE SELECTION IS BST ! -- at -- ANSTE7"T Jewellers Ltd. Watches Sheaffer Pens. Radios Ringi Jewellery Clocks Cuff Links and Tie Bar Sets Beaut•ifuliy Boxed Sets of Jewellery Pin' and Earrings Necklace and Earrings Plump 784 WANT 'ADS TIRING QUICK RO$$T7JfiS Read the Advert ements - re..s a"PrOf4 p P14 Paa sf` • If Not, Have it Done This Fall Corrision from salt will eat into the body of your car and deteriorate it quickly. You have complete protection if .__.you have your automobile undercoated! S e afor . th Motors' ° CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE _. Phone 541 -- Seaforth QUALITY Guardian Maintenance SERVICE wiped- ctwoitk( Mom knows more about warmth than anyone else in the family. She's the one who knits and sews and keeps the children warmly -dressed all through the winter: For heating comfort inside the home, many mothers have learned to depend on CO-OP* Sunglo Fuel Oil. That's because Sunglo is another reliable service of your Co-operative ... one that puts into deeds the warm friendly philosophy of this unique business institution. With CO-OP Sunglo Fuel Oil Service you get that consistently conscientious care so vital to winter - long comfort. as well as the very hest in fuel oil. WI -tile the Sunglo Serviceman can never take Mom's place in the home, his quality CO-OP products have helped make her job a lot easier. a ' Registered Trade Mork FREE. HOME HEATING SERVICE is Free Conditioning Service • Free 24-hour Emergency Service • You pay only for Oil and 1 Replacement Parts • Free Annual Inspection HEEL 01 _---- SEAFORTH FARM.ERS AEAPORTK 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1