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Whole No. 5444
105th Year
Centennial Project
Back In Committee
Seaforth's search„ .for a cen-
tennial project is back where it
started last January. Council,
at a. special meeting Tuesday
night, referred the .whole mat-
ter to the Centennial Commit-
tee, which had been appointed
by the late Mayor Dinsmore at
the beginning of this year. •
The special meeting was the
outgrowth of the meeting which
had been held 10 days ago with
the Boys' and Girls' Committee
of the Lions Club, when consid-
eration was given to establish-
ing accommodation for Scouts
and Guides as a centennial pro-
ject. At that meeting, which
had been called by the councils
the Lions were asked to con-
sider the extent to which they
could become responsible for
the building,- Victoria Park was
suggested as a site.
The Lions Club indicated in
a letter to council that it was
prepared to assist in raising the
additional capital necessary to
provide, a building which would
be owned and %• maintained by
the town, and assured council
it would co-operate in every
way. Cost was estimated at
from $12,000 to $15,000.
Council discussed at 'length
aspects of the 'proposal:- Mayor
MacLean, pointed out that if
the centre was built, it would
. not be necessary to destroy the
existing kiandshell, or if plans
did provide for removal of the
bandshell,' the. new building
should incorporate bandstand
facilities. Other members were.
hesitant to use any of the park
area for construction purposes.
It was suggested the park was
the only remaining 'green area
within the town proper, and
that. it should be preserved in
its, present form.
Alfred Moffatt
D. Alfred. Moffatt, 62, well
known Tuckersmith trucker and
farmer and a former township
reeve, was stricken with 'a•
heart attack Saturday while in
the field plowing. He had left
the tractor to do some repair-
ing when the attack came, and
he died suddenly.
A lifelong . member of the
Kippen community, he took an
active part in the township and
district. He was a member of
and past master of Huron Lodge
AF & AM 224, Hensall, and a
member of St. Andrew's Unit-
ed Church, Kippen."
-He is survived by his wife,
Esther; sons, Eldred, of Lam-
beth, and Gerald, of, Kippen;
three grandchildren; brother
Lorne, of Regina, and two sis-
ters, Alberta McBeath, - HensalI,
and Laving Rathwell, Moose Jaw.
A largely attended funeral
service .was held .Tuesday at 2.
p.m. at the .Bonthron funeral
home, Hensall, with Rev. How-
ard Plant in •charge. Interment
followed in Ejceter cemetery
Pallbearers- were nephews:
Dale Hayter, Keith Hayter, Al-
lan .Armstrong, Howard .Arm-
strong, Douglas Dowson and
Alex McBeath. Flowerbearers
were Dr. E. A. McMaster, Or-
ville Workman, Frank • Wright,
Dave Triebner, Cliff Henderson
and Reeve Elgin Thompson.
Councillor John Flannery said
he had examined the site; and
a building 35 by 6b could be
placed at the easterly area of
the park and would involve the
removal of only five trees. The
building could be two storeys
in height.
While there was general
agreement that advantage
should be taken of the centen-
nial grant offer, opinion sig-
gested a further study was nec-
essary before any decision, was
taken. •
Reeve Nelson Cardno saki he
felt he was not in favor of dis-
turbing the existing bandstand.
He had reviewed the auditor-
ium situation in town and was
concerned about the additional
maintenance that could be in-
volved by creating a further
public building. There was also
the question as to whether the
original dedication of the park
iland would permit construction
of -a building in the park. Coun-
cil instructed Clerk Lyle . Ham-
mond to 'have this point check-
ed by the town solocitor.
The 'committee which had
been named in January includes
chairman Reeve Cardno, Deputy
Reeve Carl Dalton and Coun-
cillor--JT-Flannery. Magor- Mar-
Lean assured the committee ev-
ery support in order that a pro-
per decision could be reached.
Approve Agreements
Council approved an agree-
ment with A. J. Wright Trans-
port for the use of land .on Oak
Street for the installation of
scales. The agreement provides
for the removal of the scales in
the event the town requires the
land. Approval was given the
rental of a building owned by
Ernie Miller at $4.00 per month
in which town equipment, will
be stored. .
Before council makes a de-
cision as to whether it will be
agreeable to accept the Owner-
ship of a proposed mausoleum,
it was suggeste&.the, committee
advaneing the project consult
WW1 .'. Tuckersmith Township.
Since it is proposed to erect
the building in Tuckersmith, it
was the feeling of council that
Tuckersmith should indicate its
attitude, and whether or not it
wished to .have ownership.
Clerk Hammond said that he
had discussed the matter with
the Department of Municipal
Affairs and also the Department
of Health. He saki the town
could acquire possession and
outlined the steps that Would
be necessary.
Realizing that there was a de-
sire that constrpetion be -under-
taken immediately, council hesi-
tated to defer a decision' but.
agreed' that final action could
be taken at the next council
meeting, since Tuckersmith
would have a meeting in the
interval. '.
Provision of sewer service to
the new UDPC plant on Main
Street South had run into dif-
ficulties, Deputy Reeve Dalton
said, when the outlet from the
building was at a level too high
to use a proposed town line.
As a result, it would be neces-
sary to- install pumping equip-
ment. He said the estimated
cost of the sewer installation
was approximately $1,500, in,
eluding a pump.
Approve Sewer
Council earlier had agreed to
run a sewer line to the build-
ing at an estimated cost of $500.
Reeve Dalton said that the
UDPC" admitted they had made
a mistake and wondered • whe-
ther the town should be called:
on to assist in paying the cost
of rectifying the , mistake.; He.
recalled."that in addition to the
sewer service, a waterline had
been installed at a cost of $600•.
In anticipation of running the
line in a shallow trench, addi-
tional • fill had been provided
along the route at .a cost of
$265. If a pump was ailis%ailed,
this would no longer be requir-
ed, the council was told.
The meeting agreed that the
town would pay half of the esti-
mated $1,500 over-all cost for
the needed installation, and in
addition would provide for
maintenance of the pump and
provide the water service. The
over-all cost to the town will be
about ''$ 1,600.
(Continued on Page 4)
OPP Constable
is Transferred
OPP Constable D. A. Bower-
ing, who has been in charge of
the Seaforth OPP detachment
since July, 1960, has been post'
ed.. 'to. Walkerton. The . move . is
effective November 1.
During the period Constable
Bowering has been in Seaforth,
he and members of his family
have taken an active , part 4n
the comnlilnity, particularly in
the Home and . School and in
the work pf Northside Church.
Begin Work 'On
Postal Office
Work began this week at the
Post Office to provide- a new
lock box area and improved
sortation and 'office accommo-
dation for the' staff.
The contractor;' Frank. Kling
Ltd., W
as`the 'lowest est athree
tenders received.
-Group' Attends.
Scott Memorial .Hospital is
well represented at the 40th
annual conventionof the On-
tario Hospital Association being
held in Toronto this week.
Among those attending from
the hospital are: Mrs. J. McCon-
nell and Mrs. M. W. 'Stapleton,
representing the board; Miss
Valerie T. Drope, administra-
tor; L. C. Hoggarth, secretary -
treasurer; Mrs. Dorothy Mun-
roe, medical records; Miss Mar-
jorie Keiffer, food supervisor,
and •Mrs. Leone Rowat, nursing.
Together with personnel from
hospitals ' all across Ontario,
they are attending the largest
annual gathering of hospital
people in Canada. Registration
is expected to top the 5,500
figure of the 1963 convention.
Running concurrently with
the OHA meeting is the annual
convention of the Hospitals
Auxiliaries Association of On-
tario. Mrs: R. Nott and Mrs. L.
Stephenson, auxiliary members,
are --attending the sessions.
Scott Memorial Hospital is
one of 250 public -general, Red
Cross, chronic and convalescent
hospitals which, as a member of
the Ontario Hospital Associa-
tion, is represented at the con-
POnLiC SCHOOL ti 'ACH'PRS frorri l�Ta. 2 inspectorate of 'Huron County met at( Chilton
Friday and elected Seaforth teacher Donald Morton as president. Officers are from lefts Mr.
Morton, treasurer, Gibson Willis, of Brussels, and secretary Mrs. Teresa Coi'llle, of Dublin.
The probleti df} clropohts was : isGttstcd '.. (pbeto' bl ur1et Trott). .
Town Managel ,
Possibility that Seaforth will,
have a town manager was septa;
as council discussed for some'
time at a special meeting Tuds='
day evening the benefits that;
sucha position would provide,`
Mayor Angus MacLean, who-
raised the suggestion, said , flew
felt that many of the 'meetings"
which members -were required;
to attend now, and which on.
cern,,ed detail, could be avoided;
if there was a town official .re-
sponsible to carry out and su-
pervise town projects.. -
Reeve Cardno agreed and
added that the work load was,
getting too heavy on members
of council.
Councillor Flannery suggest-
ed before any positive action
was taken the procedures being
followed in other centres should
be checked. Clerk Lyle Ham-
mond explained that he had
much information on file if
council wished to consider it.
He said that the provision of a
town manager rested with Coun-
ouncil, who would be responsible
for outlining the, duties . that
would be involved. Members
reverted to other business with-
out reaching any conclusion.
It's. a . Long Way
To Egmondville
By Stratford'
The recently inaugurated mail
service, designed by the Post
Office Department to speed up
delivery, worked in reverse last
The, bag containing' copies of
The Expositor, , addressed to. Eg-
mondville subscribers, was de-
li'ered to the post office at 5:30
Wednesday afternoon, and in-
stead of going . to.. Egnxondville,
was picked- up by .;the truck
service, and taken to Stratford.
It took from Wednesday ev,,e-.
ping ' to Saturday morning be-
fore the papers were returned
to Seaforth----2% days for a
round trip of 50 • miles.
In the meantime, further
speedups have been introduced
by the department, effective
Monday of this week.
The afternoon mail closing
time is set 30 minutes earlier,
at 5 p.m., with street letter bor
pickups at 4:30; p.m. Morning
mail will arrive at 7:25 a.m.,
30. minutes' later, •and all first-
class 'Mail will not be sorted
before 9:20 a.m. '
Postmaster O. G. Oke says
he has been advised the changes
result from changes in train
tunes. - . •
Injured At Brucefield
Cho�se SDHS Caiidiclates
ln Snow Queen Tithe Race
SDHS students Friday �chosp
candld$te in annual
Snow Qpeen .contest Retails?
of the -event; which geta
der way► this weekcond, a
pears on Pape 10, ,:-
Mayor Angus MacLean paid
tribute to Seaforth police at
council Tuesday, when he said
their alertness had prevented
seriousdamage at Highland
Shoes Saturday night.
Constable Ruston noticing a
signal light in the factory as
he was making rounds about
10 o'clock, phoned 'Mayor Mac-
Lean. On investigation, it was
found a defective control had
resulted in the boiler continu-
ing to -run without water. Heat
in the, boiler room had built up
to such a degree that sprinkler
heads melted.
Staff of Robert Bell Industries
Ltd. worked all weekend re-
pairing the damage.
Hensall Resident
Dies • In Crash
]3esidents . of Hensall and
community were saddened to
learn of the sudden death .of
Mrs. Robert McKenzie, a well-
known Hensall resident, who
was instantly killed Wednesday
evening while walking on'High-
way 4, on the outskirts of Hen-
saiI, when she was in collision
with a car driven by Milton
Love, Hensall.
Mrs. McKenzie, who would
have observed her 52nd .birth-
day this month, was the former
-Laurene Schwalm. She was a
member of Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church, and an active mem-
ber of the Hensall Legion
Ladies' Auxiliary Branch 468.
Surviving are four sons:
Glenn, Ronald, Ray and Jack;
h e r mother, Mrs. Violet
Schwalm, Hensall; four grand-
children; five brothers, Gordon
and Ray, Hensall; Austin, Strat-
ford; Lee, Hamilton; Carl, Pete -
wawa; five sisters, Mrs. Harold
(Nelda) Hansen, Stratford; Mrs.
Lions install
New Members
Seaforth Lions welcomed four
new members in a ceremony at
a meeting in the Community
Centre Monday evening. Join-
ing the dub are B. R. Smith, -
Bill Wilbee, William C. Hen-
derson and Robert Huard.
The monthly suit draws were
won by George Hildebrand and
George Anderson. Committee
chairman E. C. Boswell handed
put tickets for a new series of
The club discussed provision
of Scout accommodation before
beginning the peanut drive, or-
ganized by Emile Grebner and
W. aotfthgate..
Bill (Margaret) Wayne, British
Columbia; Mrs. Jack (Violet)
McFarlane, St. Thomas; Mrs.
Don (Florence) Perdue, British
Columbia; Mrs. Arthur (May)
O'Hara, Belleville. Her husband
predeceased 'her in 'July, 1963.
Largely attended funeral ser-
vices were held from Bonthron
funeral home, HensalI, Satpr-.
day, conducted by Rev. D. O.
Fry, of Seaforth. Burial was in
Baird's cemetery. Members of
the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary
conducted a service at the fun-
eral home. .
Pallbearers were .Wilson Al-
lan, Garnet Allan, John Skea,
Stewart Bell, Jim Venner and
W. J, Cameron.
Ankles Fractured
Air accident Sunday evening
sent a Brucefield resident to
hospital with both ankles and
an arm fractured. The driver
received cuts and bruises.
Mrs,. „Harvey Taylor was a
passenger in' a car driven by
her husband, when the car was
in collision with a truck oppos-
ite Brucefield post office. Fol-
lowing the crash, the driver of
the truck disappeared, abandon-
ing the smashed vehicle.
OPP Constable D. A. Bower-
ing, who investigated, said the
identity of the driver is being
Mr. Taylor had been in the
Ross Scott Ltd. office to use the
vault following the anniversary
service in Brucefield Church.
The accident occurred about
11:30 and he was driving on
his Way home. '
The truck enroute south was
badly damaged, as was the Tay-
lor car.
Arm Cut in Window
Mrs. Ervin Sillery, Brucefield,
had the misfortune to put her
arm through a storm window,
requiring seven stitches:
Mark 100th Birthday
M,th,-.'o::d.,,,ism Founding
Sunday marked the ;etbserv-
ance of the 100th anniversary
of the occasion in 1864 -when
church services were first held
on the site of the present North
side United Church. Services'
began in a small frame Wesley.
an Methodist Church, •which
was replaced 13 years later by
the present edifice.
Congregations that included
more than 100 former members
filled Northside 'United Church
for morning and evening serv-
ices. At a luncheon, arranged
after the morning worship in
the church schoolroom, over 300
persons were served. Old friends
met, looked at the pictures of
former year, collected and set
up by Miss Gladys Thompson.
Mrs• Lorne Webster, a long-time
member of Northside and re °
presentative of a ,family that
gave freely of their time and
Christian talents in the years
gone: by, officiated at the cut-
ting of the birthday cake, made
and 'decorated for the occasion
by John C. Crich.
Rev. James Finlay, D.D., of
Stayner, formerly of Carlton
Street United Church, Toronto,
brought two forceful and
thought-provoking. messages to
splendid congregations.
The choir, under the leader-
ship of James A. Stewart, with
Mrs. Stewart at the organ, made
an unforgettable contribution
to a day of praise and thanks-
giving, in the splendid antlibms
and men's choruses.
Commenting on the annivers-
ary, Rev. J. Cliff Britton said
that altogether it was a day
that will long be remembered
by all who were present.
An historical booklet, prepar-
ed' by John W. Talbot, was in
demand as it recorded the his-
tory of the church in a form
that will he an authoritative
reference in the years ahead.
This is the first 'time that such
a record had been made.
Among those who attended
the centennial celebrations in
Northside United Church on
Sunday and who signed the
guest register ate: Mr. and
Mrs. Chartrand (Audrey Som-
ers), Detroit; Thomas R. Cluff,
Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. George
Johnstone and Mai`y Jane, West
Lorne; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Har-
rigan (Jean Wallace), Cooks-
viile; Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Clark
and Brian (Beatrice Seip), Kit-
chener; Wayne Kinnear, St.
Catharines; Paul Kinnear, St.
Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Smith (Minnie Beattie), Owen
Sound; Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson
(Minnie Merner), London; Clair
J. Merner, Highland Park,
Mich.; Mrs. Maybelle Ryan
(Maybelle Rands), Kathleen Ry-
an and Gerald Hodgins, Lucan;
Mrs. Joseph Carpenter (Helen
Crich), Chatham; Miss Gertrude
Crich, 'Toronto; Mrs.
'White (Marg. Crich), bi'orth
Mrs. Earl Smith (Frances Crich'};`
North Bay; Fred A. Crich, Strat-
ford; Mr. and •Mrs. Oliver. El
ligtt, Stratford,
Mrs. Della Green (Della
Thompson), London; Mr. and
Mrs. W. H: Stevens, Hamilton;
Mrs. Herman Lindsay (Ruth
Thompson), Ingersoll; Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Cudmore (Martha
Fisher Reid), Wallaceburg; Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Webster (Eve-
lena' Nott), Blyth; Rev. and Mrs.
A. W. Gardiner (Edith Hoag),
Strathroy; Mary E. Smith '(May
Spading), Toronto; Mr: and
Dave Siynpson (Margaret Cud -
more), Stratford; Mr. and Mrs.
A, A. Naylor, Chatham; Mr. and
Mx Jade- s. J k--Cudmore "`Toronto;
Mrd aritd_ Mrsr •George..Black,
Toronto; Cecil Knight,; IitCj?on
er; Alvin • Knight, Hamilton;
Carl Knight, Hamilton; Ronnie
Knight, Toronto; Mr..and' Mrs.
Clendon Christie (Audrey Web-
ster), HensalI; Mrs. Wm. Black,
Toronto; Mrs. Ed. Holland (Mae
Webster), Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Eric Richter '(Freida Webster),
New Hamburg; Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. T. Dodds (Pearl Webster),
RR 1, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs.
James Cluff, Woodstock; Dr.
and Mrs. E. C. Bryant (Evelyn
Cudmore), Toronto; Donald Hil-
lis,' Ingersoll; Miss Marilyn
lis,- Tillsonburg.
Seaforth . Teacher
Heads Association
The teaching of English in
the Elementary School was dis-
cussed by 100 Huron County
elementary school teachers at-
tending their- annual conven-
tion in Clinton Public School.
Greetings from the Town of
Clinton were delivered to the
teachers by Mayor Wm. Miller,
and from the Clinton Public
School Board by chairman Ken-
neth S. Wood. J. W. Coulter,
Inspector for No. 2 Inspectorate,
reviewed the history of the in-
stitute from the year 1877 up
to 1948.
Ian Fraser, head of the Eng-
lish Department at Central
Huron Secondary School, Clin-
ton, stressed the necessity to
improve the, reading and writ-
ing skills of students. "We are
indeed changing in our methods
of education," he said "but
there is nothing new under the
sun—the three R's are still the
most important part of our edu-
cation. The key to learning,
and indeed to the very survival
of our young students, is a good
understanding of English. Drop-
outs in secondary schools are
largely due to a lack of good
reading and writing skills. We
must make our students omni-
vorous readers, if they are to
prepare themselves for the fu-
ture. Automation is so chang-
Announce Grant
To Hospital
The Minister of National
Health and Welfare, Hon. Judy
La Marsh, announced this week
that the federal government
had approved a grant of $123,-
•380.00 to -the new Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital.
The grant had been antici-
pated and the amount approved
agrees with ,the total which had
been used in arriving at the
financial requirements for the
new building, according to hole.
pital officials.
ing our world that we are pre-
paring our students for jobs
that don't even exist today."
Officers appointed at the
meeting were: President, Don-
ald Morton: Seaforth; secretary,
Mrs. Teresa Coville, Dublin; „
treasurer. Gibson Willis, .Brus
During the afternoon' the
kindergarten and prim a r y
groups held a discussion under
the leadership of Mrs. Dorothy
Williams, Clinton; Mrs. Agnes
Mason, Seaforth, and Miss .
Edythe Beacom, Clinton.
The convention was arranged
by a committee including:
President, Garnet Harland, Clin-
ton; secretary, Mrs. Dorothy
Ball, Clinton, and Mrs. Marian
Powell, Hoimesville, treasurer.
-Set Plans..
For .Skating
Plans for the 1964-65 figure•
skating season were set in mo-
tion at a recent meeting of the
Seaforth Figure Skating Club.
Classes will begin on Thursday
of next week, and will continue
each week on the same day.
Officials pointed out this was
a change from previous years,
when classes were held on each
At a meeting on Thursday,
the club reviewed the operat-
ing report of the past season,
which revealed a balance of
$427.72. A payment of $200.00
tothe arena commission to cov-
er ice rental for the past sea-
son was approved. Club presi•
dent Nelson C. Cardno was in
charge of the meeting.
It was decided to again have
a hockey class for young boys.
Also discussed were the carni-
val date, tentatively set for
either March 12th or ,28th,,
1965; club competitioua s$
purchase of a Alla bent fitit
figure skating ,mantud,