HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-10-22, Page 9:yr ;99 a_ • 1 • • r REMINDERS ABOUT YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE rEpa BIRTHDAY? KEEP INSURED! When you reach your 19th birthday you are no longer covered by your parents' certificate. Register separately within thirty days to keep Insured. Forms are available at hospitals, bank's and Commission offices. CHANGING JOBS? KEEP INSURED! If you change jobs, follow carefully the • instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment, Form 104, which your group is required to give you. GETTING MARRIED? KEEP INSURED! When you marry, the Family premium must be paid to cover husband, wife and eligible dependants. Tell your group OR, if you pay direct, tell the Commission. ONTARIO ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO ALWAYS KEEP YOUR HOSPITAL INSURANCE CERTIFICATE HANDY WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 Read the Advertisements = It's a Profitable Pastime! R .�.,Eris•<•'.i�d:":•��,:}:�v>+.•�}'�� ' '};::SS:'}:..lw,rwi,S.A•nnrJ1`.7 9r* CONCRETE for oncrete ons ruc ion We Mix To Order and Deliver SAVE TIME, LABOR AND MONEY! We mix concrete to your specifications and deliver right to your door. If your job calls for Ready -Mix Concrete, call us! FREE ESTIMATES Huron Concrete Supply Limited SEAFORTH -- GODERICH Seaforth -868 W 2 Goderich 524 - 7361 There's extra profit for you with. Starcross 288 STARTED PULLETS from SWIFT CUSTOM GROWN Swift's started pullets are grown under controlled lighting and feed require- ments. Isolated confinement under the most sanitary conditions with proper temperature and ventilation assures healthy, vigorous birds. An "all -in and all- out" policy is stressed at every Swift Hatchery, DISEASE FREE All pullets are vaccinated 4 times, debeaked, decombed and wormed• before de- livery to you. All units and shipping crates are completely disinfected. You get a. complete guar- antee' from Swift that all pullets are in goad health at delivery time. HIGHER PRODUCTION You get the highest possible egg income . with Starcross 288 started pullets. The egg -producing and feed -conversion qualities bred into Starcross 288 have resulted in a bird that has constantly excelled in coast-to-coast" Random Sample Tests. Stop In or phone the Swift Hatch- ery or nearest Swift Hatchery dealer and get the story on Swift's Started Pullet Program, In- cluding Swift's famous "follow- through" service. SWIFT'S HATCHERY 17 Pine Street STRATFORD, ONT. Phone 2714783 RUNNER-UP in the Huron County Plowmen's "Queen of the Furrow" competition was Mrs. J. I. McIntosh, of Tuckersmith, shown here as she finishes a furrow. Shown coaching is her husband, Tuckersmith Clerk Jim McIntosh. Winner of the event was Amy Stewart, who represented Huron at the International event in Peterboro. (Photo by Exeter T -A). CROMARTY NEWS OF THE WEEK Miss Doris Swartz, of Credi- ton, spent the weekend with d._birs._.Alax- Gardiner.— Are ardiner:,•Are Guests At Meeting Members from Staffa, , Roy's and. Chiselhurst UCW were guests of the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary and the WMS groups of Cromarty Church at thethankoffering meeting of the Evening Auxiliary, held in the church recently. Mrs. John Miller, president, conducted the meeting and wel- comed the guests.. The worship service was led by 'Mrs. John Templeman, reading scripture; Mrs. R. -Laing, meditations, and Mrs. Carter Kerslake offering prayer., Mrs. Gordon Laing pre- sided at the organ for the sing- ing of Thanksgiving hymns. The offering was received by Mrs. L. Elliott and Mrs. N.' Harburn and dedicated by Mrs. Miller. A duet, "Lead Me Home," was sung by Misses Ruth Ann Cole- man and Patricia Harris, of Chiselhurst, accompanied by Mrs. Alf Ross, Sr. Affiliation Service An impressive affiliation serv- ice for the CGIT group was performed with Mrs. M. Lamond as leader and Mrs. Calder Mc- Kaig, WMS representative. Mrs. Orville Struthers, of Mitchell, who was the • guest speaker, spoke warm words of encour- agement to the 14 girls, urging them to begin at once to equip themselves for -life by using every opportunity to improve their education. The CGIT hymn, "O Jesus, I Have Prom- ised," was sung. Mrs. Elmer Dow, of Roy's, played an or - an instrumental using Thanks- giving numbers, "Now Thank We' All Our God" and "Thanks- giving Hymn." Courtesy re- marks were given by Mrs. T. L. Scott., The church was decorated` for the occasion with • autumn flow- ers. A social hour followed in the church schoolroom,• with Lunch' served by a committee convened by Mrs, Frank Hamil- ton, with Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mrs. William Harper, Mrs. J. "M.' Scott, Miss Olive Speare, Mr's. Grace Scott, Mrs. R. Dodds anct--IVIrs•.--M-Harburn,as-ass ants. Mr.• David Chappel, who is taking a -two-year course as X- ray a technician at Chateau Hos- pital, pital, Hamilton, spent Thanks- giving weekend with his _ par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Filmer Chap- pel. Misses Alice Walker, Carol Ho0e, Margaret .Jean Russell and Mr. Kenneth Walker, Lon- don; Miss Shirley Gardiner, of Stratford; Mr. Hugh Scott, of Guelph; Mr. Floyd Dow, Corn- wall, and Miss Laura Chappel, Mitchell, spent Thanksgiving weekend at their respective homes. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Jefferson were: Miss Ina Jefferson, Miss Gail Nichols and Mr. Peter Hoyle, Of London; 'Mr. David Woolley and Mr. Gerry Long, of Lam- beth; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cle- land and Bobbie, Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jefferson and Debra, Munro; Mr. and Mrs. Don Riehl, Michael, Bruce and Jimmie, of Seebach's Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Laing and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, Linda and Joanne, of Dorches- ter; Jackie McGhee, London; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hulley, Bobbie, Sandra and David, Winthrop; Kenneth and Alice Walker, of London, spent Thanksgiving at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker.. Mr- and Mrs. T. L. Scott and Alex attended the plowing match at Peterborough and spent the. •weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and fam- ily at Lindsay.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sinkie- wicz, of Prince Albert, Sask.; visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs. E. Moore. Mrs. E. Moore returned home Monday after spending a week with her son at Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hulley and family spent the . weekend with relatives at Guelph.. Mrs, T. L. Scott was guest speaker at the thankoffering F with DRINK MILK AT NOON for a Refreshing Lift . It's so -o nutritious! 0 0 Try a glass to -day. 0 _ 0 The Best Tasting Milk in our Town comes from 1 MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Phone 101 •Seaforth Sundays, Holidays, Everyday — Maple Leaf Dairy Products are available at VANDERHOEK'S SUPERTEST meeting of the WMS of Hen- sall Presb rian Church on .-Tuesday'evening. Mr. ' and Mrs. Frank Allen and Mr. Will Worden were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ross, Sr., Staffa, on Sunday. Mrs.M ervin Dow, Mrs. T. Laing, Mrs. R. Dodds, Mrs. J. Jefferson and Mrs. T. L. Scott were guests at • the WMS ,meet- ing of Knox Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, on Thursday. Mrs. T. L. Scott was guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs'. K. . McKellar visited Sunday evening' with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning, Mitchell'. WINCHELSEA invite 1.0dges to Opening Invitations. have been sent to all primary Orange lodges in North and South Huron to at- tend the formal opening and dedication of a new hall by Victoria L.O.L.. 182, Goderich. This lodge, chartered in 1845, has occupied several, premises, latterly a building it owned on Hamilton Street. but has now acquired more suitable quar- ters by purchasing the former Salvation Army building on. Lighthouse Street. Recording secretary J..James Morris has confirmed the ac- ceptance of an invitation to M.W. Bro. Leslie H. Saunders, of Toronto, to be principal 'speaker at the opening cere- monies, to be held on the eve- ning of Saturday, October- 31. Mr. Saunders, a former mayor of Toronto and currently presi- dent of the Canadian Protestant League, was elected last July in England as President of the Imperial- Grand Council of ",the Orange Association. Tentative arrangements for the program provide for a wel- come • frdm Glenn Paterson, master of 182, who will turn the chair over' to Past County Master Oliver Jaques, of Hen- sall, as master of ceremonies. Formal presentation of the key will be made by Capt. Roy Wom- bold, of the Salvation Army, Mrs. W. J.'Beer and -Mr. Maur- ice Quance and Clifford, of Exe- ter, and Mrs. Edna Werner, of London, visited on Monday with Mrs. Nelson Clarke and Mrs. William Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Wib Coward and Susan, of London, visited Sun- day with Mrs. John Coward, Miss Ruth Horne, of Lion's Head, spent the weekend_ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Free- man Horne and Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn, Jimmy and Joan spent .Saturday at Owen Sound with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake spent the weekend at. Lake Sim- coe, Mrs. Garnet. Miners spent Sun- day in"Exeter with Mr. arid -Mrs. Eric Carscade and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter and family, of Exeter., visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson, of Farquhar, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Nelson Clarke and .Mrs. William Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Dobbs, of Langton and Mr. an'd Mrs. Clif- ton Brock and sons, of Credi- ton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan .Brock and faint ily. Miss Pamela Coward, of Sun- shine Line, visited over the weekend with her grandmother. Mrs. John Coward. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Clarke, of Sebringville, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters and Mrs. Nelson Clarke. The pains we take often mea- sure the gains we make. German beehives are painted bright colors to guide the bees to their own 'hives. For Your Fall MACHINERY REQUIREMENTS See the Minneapolis - Moline Tractors the New Cushion Trip -bot- tom M.M. Plows, Etc. The Economical Renault Tractor Line The Continuous Flow M -C Grain Dryers Ful -Vision Combine Cabs Etc. TIRES AT GOOD SAVINGS ! HAUGH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT One Mlle East of Brucefleld TIM XWAQIN Q: W.C.B.A. P WORD IN; YOUR SAFE a dankerous animal is. eliminated CONVENIENT — saves time, feed and barn space 1 NEXPENSIVE — breeding fees are low, sire quality high. ESTABLISHED — sires are well known, offspring sell well NEAR— as your telephone. Listed in local directories CO-OPERATIVE — controlled by you, through your local directors EXPERT — technicians are top retraining. CALLING HOURS: Weekdays till 9:30 'a.m. y, SUNDAY SERVICE: Saturday evening 6 -8 p.m. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association men, ander constant Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN _BEANE, Jr.' BRUCEFIELD SALES — .SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - Clinton For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 214 Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors A Superior RANGE gives YOUR kitchen a "BUILT-IN LOOK" Jlutomagfca/(y1 MODERNIZING7 See this new exciting Moffat Range,with recessed; top and. "BURT -IN LOOK $200 per week delivers this modern Moffat range. It's.just-one of many new exciting models now on display., See the complete line. Today's smart, new propane ranges are fully automatic, with a 1001 instant heat settings. Automagic controls cook, bake or broil food perfectly the clean, cool, economical propane way, See or call your Superior man'... ask about his FREE ROTISSERIE offer! p �upe1'iO111 PROPANE LTD. 159 Monteith Street • STRATFORD, ONTARIO Phone 271-0810 'FOR HEATING, COOKING, ""' 'DRYING SUPERIOR IS - 'AUTOMAGICALLY .: BEST FOR YOU! FERTI LIZERS NOW is the time to FERTILIZE your HAY and PASTURE for 1965 A 4 -TON BULK SPREADER AVAILABLE For further information contact A. J. MUSTARD MGR. BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT PHONE CLINTON .482-743.5