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The Huron Expositor, 1964-10-22, Page 5
• "Fob^ we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a build- Ing of God, en house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." II Cor. 5:1 We offer this as an expression of sympathy to our neighbours and a memorial to the deceased. DAMON'S TV Carload of Calves Will Be'Arriving in Hensall Soon A limited number of groups of four will be available. Any boy or girl under the age of 21, in the Townships of Hay, Hibbert, Stephen, Stan- ley and Usborne, wishing to feed calves for the South Huron Agricultural Society, con- tact any of the Directors or the Secretary. P. L. McNaughton Secretary -Treasurer HENSALL, ONT. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Red Rose Fresh Ground COFFEE Aylmer Boston BROWN BEANS E. D. Smith's 1-1b. Bag 800 2 15 -oz. Tins 3 , CHERRY PIE FILL • • 20 -oz. Tin 33¢ YORK FANCY PEAS or Cream Style CORN 2 20 -oz. Tins 370 ALPHA Bits or Crisp Critters- ' CEREAL 2 10 -oz. Pkgs. 690 Robin Hood Celebration CAKE MIXES 2 Large Pkgs. 830 White, Chocolate, Coronation VIVA COOKING OIL 24 -oz. Bottle 69¢ Ellmar PURE PEANUT BUTTER 16 -oz. Jar 35¢ Golden Ripe CI-IIQUITA BANANAS• •••;.a,., lbs- 29¢ New Crop CABBAGE. Red Emperor GRAPES 2 Heads '25.0 2 lbs. 35t SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS Open 'til 6 p,m. Saturdays Smith's PHONE 12 SUPERIOR' kFOOD MARKETS. FREE DELIVERY Sea for-th nstitute .Meets .SITO 'rhe October meeting of the Seaforth Woolen's Institute was held Tuesday evening in the Community Centre. As this was the public relations meeting, guests were present from Hen- sall, Walton and Zurich insti- tutes. The meeting opened with the president, Mrs. Leonard Strong, in the chair. The branch is go- ing to help ..in the hospital aid project by taking Ontario Hos- pital patients out for drives. The meeting was', then turn- ed over to the program conven- ers, Mrs. Eldih Kerr and Mrs. ROss Gordon. Mrs. Kerr acted as .chairman. A sing -song, led by Mrs. • William Strong, was followed by bagpipe numbers by 10 -year-old Tom Travers, of Hensall. Mrs. R. J. Doig gave current events and Dianne Hen- derson sang two solos. Miss Lily Dempsey, of Strat- ford ,was the guest speaker, and spoke on the motto, "Rural Communities Are the Strength of a Nation." Concerning pu- blicity, she said recognition must be given it by institutes. With it, nothing can fail; with- out it, nothing can succeed. Miss Doig thanked Miss Dempsey and presented her with a gift. Mrs. A. McDonald, of the Walton, Institute, gave a humorous reading. Mrs. Frank Hunt had her exhibit on dis- play, which was set up at the Craft and Hobby Exhibition in Clinton recently. Mrs. John MacLean extended courtesy remarks to all who had helped with the program, and presented Dianne Hender- son and Sharon Strong with gifts. UNITED CHURCH UCW, NO. 5 The October meeting of Northside Unit 5 UCW was held at the home of Mrs. Don Bright- rall. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. Gwen McCue: A Stewardship reading was given by Eleanor Hender- son. A letter from the foster child in Honk Kong was read and Jean Whyte thanked every- one for helping make the salads for the Lions Club barbecue. The fall thankoffering is to be held on October 27. An in- vitation was read from the Wal- ton! UCW to attend their meet- ing of November 10. Mrs. Gwen McCue read the scripture, Psalms 95 and 96, which was followed by prayer. -Mrs. Johm-O: Turnbull was - guest speaker and gave a talk on Alma College, choosing as her theme, "God's Purpose and Our Response." Mrs.. McCue thanked Mrs. Turnbull. MILLER MOTORS J. ROBERT "Bob" HUARD Mr. George H. Miller, • proprie- tor of Miller Motors, Seaforth, Ont., announced this week that Robert Huard has been appoint- ed salesman of new and used cars for . Miller Motors. Bob will continue to operate Huard Service Station as usual with his son Maurice, but will be available to help you in the purchase or trade of your cars. -(Adv.). • AMAZING SNOW TIRE SPECIAL k DOMINION ROYAL WINTERIDES • 24 month road hazard guarantee • Compact and import sizes available PURCHASE ONE AT LIST Get Extra At HALF PRICE No trade-in required I ANY SIZE - Whitewall or Black --= - at -- SEAFORTH - SEAFORTH MOTORS YOUR GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE CENTRE Phone 541 -- Seaforth SWM�'3� 14i, To Record StOries of mast The Colborne Township gal! at Carlow was the scene of the first meeting of the Huron County Historical Society Fri- day evening, when the mein- hers einhers and interested persons gathered from various parts of the county to hear James R. Scott, ,executive assistant to the president of the University of Waterloo, tell about his new book, "The Settlement of Hur- on County." Mrs. W. D. Mack, of Credi- ton, president of the society, was in charge of the meeting, which opened by singing "O Canada." She welcomed all to the first meeting and stated that indeed ,it was a challenge to everyone to help track down the history made during the past 140 years. She related sev- eral instances of the early days when Huron County was known as the Huron Tract. The minutes of the organiza- tional meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Otto Popp, of Dungannon, and Mrs. L. Poth, of Bayfield, membership ,convener, stated that 66 mem- bers would have charter mem- bership cards now, and anyone wishing to join before the end of the year would also be char- ter members. She stated that it was hoped to have family memberships next year. The convener of the constitution committee, Magistrate H. Glenn Hays, gave a report for his committee and Mrs. Tait Clark reported on the projects • which -her committee would like to see carried out by the Huron County Historical Society. Warden Ralph Jewell "intro- duced Mr. Scott' to the mem- WINCHELSEA Miss Sherry Lou Gilfillan, of Exeter, spent a few • days his past week with her grand ar- ents, Mr, and .Mrs. Colin il- fillaii and Barbara Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dayman and family, of Kippen, visited on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. 'William Walters and Danny and Mrs. Nelson Clarke. ' Miss Kay Horne, of London, spent • the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and, Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Church, of Winthrop, visited on Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Colin Gilfil- lan. -Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner at Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Prance and Lori, of Exeter, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance and family. Mr. and Mrs.*John Miners and family, of Elimvitile South, vis- ited on Sunday with Mrs. Gar- net Miners.. MissSharon Fletcher, Sun- shine Line, visited on Sunday with Miss Kathy, Hern. YPU Meets The Elimville YPU meeting was held Sunday evening at Elimville United Church. Joyce Mayers had charge of the meeting. Scripture lesson was read by Elaine Johi,s. Rev. Wil- son gave the Bible study, with prayer by'BobSnow. bers and the interested friends. Mr. Scott stated that it was. indeed a pleasure to see so' many people interested in their heritage. He paid high tribute to the Huron 'County Pioneer Museum at Goderich, and spoke of Doon Village, the project of the Waterloo Historical Society. Often facts of the early days are told differently, Mr. Scott said, and added, the county has not changed a great deal since 1890 -no cities, no industrial development, and, in his words, since Huron.. County was set- tled, we've been settled. He told about the capitalist scheme of John GaIt's to purchase and sell land and to lielp his Scot- tish people, and also abosit Tig- er Dunlop and MacDonald, who was an early surveyor. He spoke of the first winter in Canada in 1833 when ,two men, 50 years of age and their two sons, came in with salt, flour and axe and one had a fiddle, to clear the virgin forests and make homes to bring out their families the next year. He told the members to have the drive to get information about the one -room schools which are swiftly disappearing from the country. He said Legion Ladies Lay Plans there is history about the early dOys in this vicinity in, the eat: cation field, and it was up to everyone to get it and preserve it for future generations. John Berry, county clerk of Goderich, thanked Mr. Scott for his address and said he- hoped that 'everyone would read his new, book, "The Settlement of Huron County," when• it comes off the press early in 1965. Special musical selections were given by members of the Auburn Women's Institute, in costumes dating back over 60 years ago. Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor and Mrs. Wes Bradnock sang four num- bers, accompanied by Mrs. Wil- liam J. Craig, and the Mills sis- ters, Misses Joan and June Mills, sang four numbers with guitar and banjo accompani- ment. They were also in old- time costume. Herbert Neill spoke of his work as curator and hoped to see an office built at the front of the museum some day. He introduced his successor, James Chisholm. It was announced that the next meeting will be held at Bayfield on November 23, with Dr. James Tolman, librarian at the University of Western On- tario, as, speaker. After the singing of • "God Save t h e Queen", lunch was served by the members of the Tiger Dun- lop Institute -the only women's institute in the county that has a historic name. The ladies of the Legion Aux- iliary met Tuesday in the Le- gion Hall for the monthly meet- ing. The 8:30 draw, now ,up to $3.00, was not won, the mem- her not being present. President Mrs: M. McGrath opened the meeting and Colors were advanced and "0 Canada" was sung. Twenty members an- swered roll call. Comrade T. Coombs gave the financial report and accounts, which were approved for pay- ment.. It was decided to buy a new flagpole, holster a n d gloves. Reports indicated next month is a very busy month, and banquets were discussed. Other reports included sick and shut-ins, fair booth and sports. A bowling tournament is to be held at Exeter, Nov. 4th, and those wishing to play are to get in touch with Comrade Sal - lows, sports officer. The meet 1 ing discussed tiling the stage in the hall, and Comrade Coombs is to get in touch with the buy- ing committee. Comrade Finni- gan gave the auditor's report. The members welcomed Com- rade Watson back after her re- cent trip to Scotland. Comrade Brown gave an' ex- cellent report on the 31st La- dies' Auxiliary convention at North Bay, being very proud of the fact that Zone -C--1- was sev- enth highest in 1963, making a total- of $32,000. She stressed the fact -that every girl should have the opportunity to go to the convention to see what won- derful work the Legion and Legion Ladies are doing, not only for 'the veterans, but the I youth of Canada. Crossword DOWN 1. Once around ram track - 2. high card 3. That girl 4. Nut often 5, Slope 6. Secrete 7. Final part 8. Decigram (abbr.) 9. Three 10, Unwanted plant IL Unequal things 4 14. Run away to marry 19. Mineral rock 20. Kind .of meal 5 21. Inquires 22. Boat 23. Sensible 6 24. Scarlet 26. Mongrel 27. Close 28. Kind •g9. Plant 31. Wager 34. Not asleep 35. Lock opener 36. Male heir " 37. Chopped in Small pieces 39. Range of mountains 40. Remain 41. Rod • 42. Decays 43. Warbled 40. Offer 47. Frost 48. Definite article 49. Turf a 51. Musical not* ACROSS ' I. Young girl 5. Lean-to 9. Couple 12. Pain 13. Loitered 15. Pare 10. Sum up 17. Prevaricated 18. Finished 20. (lead coverings 21. Classify 24. Knock 25. Disgrace 26 .Unites firmly 30. Relative, Sl. Unopened blossom 32. Look at 33. Orator 36. Form 38. Moist 39. Bellowed 40. Sprinkle 3. Transgressions 44. Accepted from 45. Evil 46. Bats. a ball 0. Changing 62. Reverberation 64. Rim 5, Act a OHO©•r app 3®a11•41E10 90 1031 13 5111©' GIN 3 3 S1 sago" (IVO ©JUI bDEa�,NEM J k/ J A 3 On N©©30 p v a >1 ©V3dS LJ©©d 8: ©©OH© 1ZOSS0 N a CD4.1s` 00© ;� .'. hr S N Ip U3 10321 I 'aH'.',-1®N]d 1 1A 3fi 1I O ml `1 __0-1 NS V Ij Sdiution 6.2.60 MINIM - ®■a■ . ®a■■11a111■ ®■a■' iiia ', �a■■■ 111■■�;: F®■■ ®1111■■■" :NUM :0E. i l ©■a■■ y111aaa111iiiii ck 1111111111 iw■a®®■f Yiiii■■■ 11111111111111 rail®a■ R alum las■n®a■at hint a IllinianumAanin W. G. CAMPBELL Box 859 Seaforth, Ont. Phone 486 Did You Know That tire small cash left in your pocket or purse at the end of a day could mean a small fortune for you? ASK US HOW MUTUAL FUNDS ARE HELPING MANY PEOPLE TO FINANCIAL SUCCESS SYNDICATE LIMITED Rebekahs Meet The initiatory degree was conferred on three candidates at Monday night's meeting • of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge with Mrs. Peter Malcolm, N.G., pre- siding. Thoseinitiated into memberships were Mrs. Wil- liam Collins, Mrs. Gordan' Dap- ple and Mrs. R. M. Scott. Mrs. 'la Dorrance was degree cap- tain, and Miss Mae Smith, musi- cian... On behalf of the team, Miss Mae Smith was presented with a gift by Mrs. Wilmer Cdthill V.G., and a birthday gift was presented to Mrs. Ila Dorrance by Mrs: Lorne Carter. Lunch was served with Mrs.. William Miller as convener. All officers for the ensuing year will be installed at the October 26th meeting by Mrs. Ruby Beaver, of Exeter, dis- trict deputy president of Huron District, arid. ier`staff7-------- Mr, • 40 1,$04. dalton $male, Beverly, ROSS; Marie, WaY.illl ,;p and Margarettepent Thanks - giving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Parsons, 'Owen Sound. Mrs. Vera Moore is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary 'Williams, Burford. Visitors during the Thanks- giving holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and family were Mrs. Edith Mit- chell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl had as their dinner guests on Sun- day evening, Carolyn Diehl, home from. Pembroke; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Diehl,. Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Dillon and baby, Kitchener.- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Han- son, Toronto, visited for a few days with her brother, Mr. R. S. Aikefi.s, and Mrs. Aikens. Visitors at Zion anniversary on Sunday were: Mr. and Mr,s. Norman Bushfieldr Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl and Mrs. Rhea Jef- fery with Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Hannon. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Jef- fery and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hannon, Susan and David with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Glynice and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Haraill, Milton; Miss Vicki Thistle, Stratford, and Mr. Don Williams, Munro„ with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. James Leeless, Munro, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kramer and family with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roney. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, Sea - forth, with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Roney. • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tubb and Lloyd with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roney. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Sillery, Brucefield, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Nairn, Scott. and Jeffery, of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Aikens. Mr., and Mrs. Bill Thiel and sons, Stratford, with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aik- ens. Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper, IMPORTANT PAPERS NEED PROTECTION FROM FIRE! Most' documents are uninsurable -many are irreplaceable. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE! See our range of DOlrlitli0h Record Safes to -day THE - HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 141 SEAFORTH s ton '�alfut� .o4s I'eex'pe aztcalxtily lay.. Mr. and 'Mrrsr We, •,TA Horn, Toronto, visited Mr Oa - George George Mitehell; Aso" Miffs et MMis leCrhavrilseisteF shatnehde saWin9O mIthoemnSe AFr einudeyallendeId ListQSy 1' • . on Thursday. • , Miss Lettie Lanniii, ,lieg,N,,: her Detrosiit,steper, sntMrsthe.wHaeekendrold- T'hwjieltli . and Mr, Thiel, and Mr, and Mrs,. Morley Lannin and Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin, McKillop Group Holds Meeting The McKillop WMS of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, held their thankoffering meet- ing in the church hall Thurs- day with a large number of guests from Northside United Church, the Anglican Church, Seaforth, Egmondville and the Presbyterian Church in Gode- rich. The president welcomed the guests and members and then opened the meeting with the Call to Worship. Hymn 686 was sung, and the scripture • was read by Mrs. Francis Coleman, taken from Psalm 100, verses 1 to 5 and Psalm 95, verses 1 to 7. Jennie Hogg led in prayer and Mrs. - Be Dorrance favored with a solo, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. McGregor, The collection was taken by Mrs. •N. R. Dorrance and Mrs, Rollert McMillan followed with prayer. Miss Jean Scott " introduced the speaker, Miss Lily McAr- thur, of Goderich, who spoke of different countries, and what we could do to help their churches and help out the mis- sionaries. She closed her talk with a short prayer. Mrs. Har- old Agar thanked the speaker and the president' added her thanks to all who assisted. IS YOUR CAR UNDERCOATED? 1 If Not, Have It Done This Fall Corrision from salt will eat into the body of your car and deteriorate it quickly. You have compete protection if you have your automobile undercoated! Sealorth rotors CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE Phone 541 Seaforth !Rfi-, SAFETY -TESTED AT HURON COUNTY'S FINEST USED CAR MARKET 1964 Pontiac Parissiene 2 -Door fully equipped 1964 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan 2-1964 Chev. Bel Airs-A.T. 1964 Meteor Custom -Fully equipped 3-1963 Pontiac Laurentian Sedans-A.T. 2-1963 Bel Airs -Automatic, fully equip- ped 1963 Chevy I1 Sedan-S.T. 1962 Pontiac Sedan -Laurentian, 6-cyl., V-8,' Automatic 1962 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, 8 Cylinder V-8-A.T. Hardtop 1962 1961 1960 1959 1959 1958 Rambler Classic Pontiac Laurentian -Power steering, A.T. . Chev. Sedan, --Standard Ford Sedan. Pontiac Two -Door Hardtop-A.T. Cev. V-8 Sedan-A.T. USED TRUCKS 1963 Chev. 1/2 -Ton Pickup 1961 Chev, %-Ton Pickup with long box A Written Guarantee for 60 Days on all Late Model Cars -Many other Models to choose from BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE 173 --'The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING