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Whole No. 5043
100th 'Year
organized student activities for the --year. Shown here are
members of the StudentCouncil as they discuss plans for
the season. Seated, 'left to right, are Kathy McLeod, Ted
Wilbee, Christie Dobson, vice-president; Ken Devereaux,
4 e
Delegates attending the fall
conference of Region 1 of the
Federation of Women Teachers
Associations of Ontario at Lis:
towel on .Saturday included
, Mrs. Elva Ellis, Mrs, Ron Eyre
and Mrs. Guelda Holmes, of
the, staff of Seaforth public
Mrs. Pearl Mowry, of - Port
Albert, federation president,
told delegates they were obli-
gated to provide "a first-class
job of classroom teaching."
"The federation is most con-
cerned about the quality of ser-
vice we give, Proof of this lies
in the fact that the federation
spends more money, staff time
and energy on the professional
activities of our organization
than on any other phase," she
This concern, she said is
demonstrated by the interest in
teacher education and the fed-
eration's continual drive to
raise the standards of educa-
tion required for entrance into
the teaching profession.
Miss Mowry termed teachers
the backbone of the nation.
"The whole basis of education
rests withh, you, the individual
Jackson Heifer
Brings $600
Bidding was slow and reflect-
ed present market conditions
at the eighth production sale of
registered • Hereford. cattle at
Jaybee Farms, near Kippen, on
Stanley Jackson said the top
price of $600 was paid for a
bull which went to Oil City,
The top heifer brought $440,
and went to Lloyd Haney & Son,
Seaforth, who also bought the
second 'top at $430. Nine other
heifers went to Atlahta, Ga.
president; Mary Jenn McLean, treasurer, and Janet Turn-
bull, secretary; standing, Gerald Van Den Henget, Eddie
Salverda, Hank Scott, Brian Broome, Juliana Rau, Debbie .
Miller, Doug Mills, Linda Traviss; Marie Scott and Fred
Hassan. (Expositor photo .by Phillips).
RernandedFo, Trial
(By W. E:- Elliott) •
Mrs. Donna Boyes, former
secretary -treasurer of Seaforth'
Public Utilities', Commission,
will be tried by judge and jury
at the Huron. County coilrt ,ses-
sion beginning December 7, on
an amended charge that she
stole $4,910,09 from the com-
mission in the years 1962-3-4.
She was, committed by Magis-
trate H; lenn 'Hays; who heard
23 crown witnesses Friday and
Monday last, and said he found
the evidence sufficient. The
charge which resulted in the
preliminary hearing had . speci-
fied theft of $11,926.74.
G. A. Martin, Q.C., Toronto,
retained as defence,,t:ounsel by
Donnelly, Donnelly 8k 'Murphy,
Goderich, called pp Witnesses.
Crown Attorney W. G. 'Coch-
rane concurred in renewal of
$5,000 bail. -
The .hearing progressed rap-
idly Monday afternoon when
the Crown Attorney called in
succession 15 Seaforth resi-
dents who produced hydro or
water receipts, or receipts for
service • deposits, and examined
them as to whom and by whom
the paymentswere made. Sev-
eral testified that they had
been rebilled for accounts al-
ready paid, but others merely
brought receiptsas a result of
auditor enquiries. ,
These witnesses were Mrs. A.
W. Dick, Arthur Wright, W. E.
Southgate, Melville Staffen,
Mrs. Thelma Coombs, Mrs. Robt.'
Govier, Harvey Dolmage, `'Har-
old .Workman, Keith'Bennewies,
John Van Geffen, Donald Mor-
ton, 'Alvin Regier, Andrew •Cal-
der, Ross Savauge and Rien
Vander' Hoek. Mr. Southgate,
had a receipted- water bill dat-
ed May 15, 1963, and a hydro
bill of March 28, 1964, and had
been billed for both in July,
1964 ,
Other witnesses included
three' London chartered ac-
countants, David Preston, Don-
ald Cameron and E. H. Ellis,
the last-named with Ontario
Activity in Walton Area
Set Plans
The 100th anniversary of
Duff's United Church will be
in 1965 and suggestions for ob-
serving the event were request-
ed. Thankoffering - envelopes
were distributed and fowl sup-
per tickets handed out. It was
announced that the copper con-
test money must be in for the
November meeting, which will
be held Wednesday evening,
Nov. 11. The treasurer's report
was read and collection receiv-
ed by Mrs. Walter Bewley, with
Mrs. A. McCall offering the ded-
ication prayer.
A nominating committee was
appointed as follows: Mrs.itay
Ftuether, Mrs. Torrance Dundas
and Mrs. Roland Achilles. Hymn
577, "Come, Ye Thankful Peo-
ple, Come," was sung as the
closing hymn. Christmas ' and
everyday cards were sold fol-
lowing the meeting. Refresh-
ments were served by Mrs. Mac
Shpldice, Mrs. Frank Walters
and Mrs. Wm. Thamer. -
The October UCW meeting of
the Walton Unit was held in
the church Wedrteaday evening
with 25 ladies attending.
Mrs. Emerson Mitchell open-
ed the meeting with the Call
to Worship and the General
Thanksgiving repeated in uni=
son. Hymn 10, "Now Thanks
We Alt Our God," Was -sung
with Mrs, Edna 1faekwell at the
plane. Tim scripture passage
v i . -rR ,•e.,
was read by Mrs. Gerald Wat-
son from Deuteronomy, chapter
8. Prayer by Mrs. E. Mitchell
was followed with the Lord's
Prayer repeated in unison. A
piano instrumental, "Sweet Bye
and Bye," was played by Mrs.
Ray Huether. A poem, "We
Thank Thee, 0 Father," was
read by the leader, after which
Hymn 579, "We Plow the Fields
and Scatter;" was sung.
Mrs. 'Cecil Lydiatt chose for
her topic, "Shaping To -morrow
Today." The president, Mrs. Al-
lan McCall, was in charge of
the business part, which she op-
ened with, "The Kiiower's Pray-
er," a version of the Lord's
Prayer, Mrs. Jim Clark gave the
secretary's report and called
the roll, which was answered
with "Two reasons ' why we
should be thankful." A thank -
you card was also read.
Ma nton Unit -
Mrs.' David Watson was , hos-
tess for the McKillop UCW
meeting Wednesday evening.
Twenty-three ladies attended,
with Mrs. Merton Hackwell pre-
siding. The opening hymn was
"Sing To the Lord of the Har-
vest," with. Mrs. Campbell Wey
at the piano. Mrs. Norma Sehade
gave a reading, "October
Thanksgiving." The scripture
lesson was read by Mrs. M.
Hackwell from Psalm 100. ls.
Gordon MeGavin offered pay
Theft Charge
R. J... BousSey, commission
manager, who gave evidence in
chief on Friday, was cross-ex-
amined Monday by Mr. Martin.
About 40 spectators were in
Q, -Did you have a discussion
with the auditors in 1963 about
arrears? - A.—Yes, I cannot re=
member the date. It was with
Mr. Robinson. ,
Q.—What was said? A.—I
cannot remember exactly.
Q.—Following that, did you
make any examination of the
(customers') cards? ' A.—No.'
Q.—How many would there
be, for both water and hydro.
A.—Seven- hundred.
Q.—Where are they ' kept
A.—In the safe.
Q.—You ,are unable to tell
me what was said by Mr. Rob-
inson, other than that he said
collections were in arrears?
A.—I don't remember the con-
versation. He drew . my atten-
tion• to the arrears.
Q.—What did you do? A.—I
don't retmember.
Q.—laid you do anything?
A.—I don't remember.
Q.—You had a further discus-
sion with the auditors in 1964;
what was that about? A.—Ar-
rears again.
Q.—What was saki by the
auditors? AI—Something about -
arrears building up.
• Q.—What did you do follow-
ing. that? . A.—Drew the atten-
ttention of the commission that ar-
rears were high. March or
- Q'.—Do you rememberwhat
the amount of arrears was, ac-
cording to the information sup-
plied by the auditors? • A.—No.
Q.—What eventually ,did you
do, after bringing this to at-
tention of the commission? A.—
I believe a number of past -due
notices were made out. I asked
Mrs. Boyes to send them, out.
If arrears they tvere to be add-
ed to the bill.
Q.—Did you have any discus-
Two Seaforth
Huron COF
Are Hosts
About 200 members of the
Canadian Order of Foresters,
representing 171 lodges, at-
tended the annual Western On-
tario Provincial Assembly con-
vention held at the Elm Haven
Motel, Clinton, over the week-
Delegates came from the To-
ronto area south to Windsor
and from as far north as North
Harley Switzer, of. Binbrook,
was elected president, succeed-
ing Mrs. Jean' Miles, of Nor-
wich. Other officials: vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Dorothy Smail, Lon-
don; treasurer, ,Ellis Wilson,
London; chaplain, Mrs. Edith
Campbell, Simcoe ; recording
secretary, Mrs. Marjorie Mur-
phy, Caistor Centre; registrar,
Mrs. Marie Walters, London;
auditors, Jack Youngston, St.
Marys, and Mrs. Munro McCrea -
$ion with Mrs. Boyes as to the , dy, Welland Point; executive
past -due notices"sent -Mit? A.--
I remember telling, her to make
sure that arrears were put on
the bills.
Q.—Do I understand you to
say you had no idea of what
the arrears were supposed to be
or who were in arrears? What
did you do, if anything, to
familiarize yourself with the
situation? A.—I asked Mrs.
Boyes to put the arrears, if any,
on current bills' sent out. -
Q.—Without having any idea
of how many people were in
arrears or what the total amount
was? A —I left that to Mrs.
Q.—When did Mrs. Boyes
leave? A—The last day she
was employed was 'June 1. The
auditors 'took all records up to.
June 1. Some customers re-
ceived a current bill plus ar-
rears and brought in receipts
showing the accounts paid. I
beliebe that was the April,
1964, billing.
To the Crown Attorney, wit-
ness said tliat when he checked
back on stubs (of bills paid)
kept for audit, some Were miss-
Mr. EIIes, who called at the
Seaforth office two ' or three
times a year and ,once at the
year-end, said the visits were
arranged with Mrs: Boyes a
short time in advance. He found
the books in very good condi-
tion, generally speaking. In
1962 he had discussed arrears
with Mr. Boussey and Mrs.
Mr. Martin asked: "When you
spoke to Mr. Boussey ,and Mrs.
Boyes, what were the arrears?"
"In' the neighborhood of
"Did you send out an enquiry
to customers by way of confir-
Mrs. Margaret Scott,, employ-
ed 3% months by the Commis-
sion, and Mrs. Marjorie Bridge,
employed a few days a month,
(Continued on Page 6)
committee, . Ralph Greenwood,
Wellandport, Mrs. Jean Parney,
London, and Vern Whitwell,
The convention was attend-
ed lay the president of the Can-
adian Order 'of Foresters, J.
Albany Richard, of Brantford.
Arrangements• for the assem-
bly were completed by Huron
(Continued on Page 12)
Troop Has
Joining -up
A joining -up ceremony was
held Tuesday evening at the
"Community' Centre when 14
Cubs' joined the Seaforth Scout
Troop. The event, attended by
parents and friends, ended
with asocial evening and film..
The ceremony was conducted
by Mrs. Gerald Snowdon, cub-
master of 'H' Pack. Harry Cum-
ings, Scout Leader, received the
new boys.
Taking part in the ceremony
were: "A" Pack—Bob Carno-
chan, David .Harvey, Garry
Broome, John McConnell, Stu-
art McLean, Jim Putman, John
"B" Pack—Ron Dalton, Doug
Hildebrand, Bill Mowat, Rick
McKenzie, Ron Henderson, R.
Mennell, Jim Rivers.
Bill Baussey and - Paul Mog-
gach were presented with their
Leaping Wolf Badge.
Revert To
Standard Time
Seaforth, in common _with
other centres across Western
Ontario, will revert to standard
time at 12:01 a,m. next Sunday
Church services and other
Sunday events will be on stand-
ard time.
A two -car crash two miles
south of Exeter claimed' the
lives Of two Seaforth women
Monday afternoon. The driver.
of one of the cars and a pas-
senger in the second car are
in South Huron Hospital, Exr-
Dead are Mrs; Elmer (Nora)
Larone, 56, and Mrs. John
(Velma) Talbot, 44.
Miss Mary Gardiner, of Lon-
don, and Mrs. Talbot's daugh-
ter, Sharon, 14, are in hospital.
The hospital said Wednesday
that Miss Talbot was suffering
from ' shock, but was in fair
condition. She rece'ved a frac-
tured clavicle, acrd possible
fracture of her knee and fin-
Miss Gardiner, while still on-
ly semi-conscious, appeared to
be slightly improved, the hospi-
tal reported.
Mrs. Larone, with Mrs. Tal-
bot and her daughter as passen-
gers, were returning from Lon-
don, Miss Gardiner, who is
employed in Exeter, was on
her way home to London. Po-
lice set the time of the acci-
STUDENTS at Dublin Continuation School competed in
the annual field day recently, when champions were declared
in a number of events. Shown here. are top athletes: (left),
Patsy Melady, senior girls; Nora Anne MacRae, junior girls;
(left) Bill Feeney, junior boys, and Gerald Ryan. senior boys.
(Expositor photo by Phillips).
St. Andrew's Church
Holds Anniversary
Anniversary services Sunday
at St. Andrew's United Church
were well attended. Many visi-
tors were present at both serv-
ices, it being a perfect day. Rev.
A. Higginbotham, of Walton,
was the guest speaker for the
day. Miss Elizabeth Smale, of
Seaforth, was guest soloist at
the morning service, and Mr.
Eric Ross, guest soloist at the
evening service. Special -music,
was provided by the choir un-
der the leadership of Miss Jean
Hold Trousseau Tea
Mrs. Ernest Talbot entertain-
ed at a trousseau tea honoring
her daughter,' the former Kar-
en Talbot, prior to her mar-
riage to Gary Alexander.
Guests were received by the
bride, Mrs. Ernest Talbot, and
Mrs, Art Alexander, mother of
the groom. 1'he tea table, cov-
ered with a lace cloth, was cen-
tered with an arrangement of
Centennial Celebration
er. The topic on "Stewardship"
was given by Mrs. Andrew
Coutts in the form of a skit,
with Mrs. David Watson, Mrs.
Gordon McGavili and Mrs.
Campbell Wey taking part.
Hymn 356, "Take My Life and
Let It Be," was sung.
Mrs. Charles Boyd gave an
interesting talk on their win-
ter home in Florida and told
about their church and meet-
ings of the different societies
in the church, After the reports,
roll call and offering, the busi-
ness was dealt with. Announce-
ments were made regarding
coming meetings and suppers:
Everyday and Christmas cards
were offered for sale, The meet-
ing closed with the hymn, "All
Praise To Thee, My God, ,Thip
Night" The Mizpah benedic-
tion was repeated in unison. A
miscellaneous sale was held.
Lunch was served by the hos-
tess, Misses Lena and Ethel
Dennis and Mrs. Murray Den -
n is. -
Recent guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. 'George Hibbert
were Mrs. Walter Nelson, Mr.
and Mrs. John Butt, Mount For-
est;, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aitchi-
son, Dalyre, Ewart and Mrs. Jim
O'Neil, all of Schomberg:
Mrs. John Taylor, of Seaforth,
spent several days last Week
with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson re-
turned home last Friday after
spending the past month with
their son-in-law and daughter,
F/0 and Mrs. Ray Nelson, Van-
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McCut-
cheon, of Bolton, were guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Sholdice on Thursday.
Walton Institute members are
reminded to bring sandwiches
and baking for the bake sale
to the October meeting on Wed-
nesday, when Miss Anna Mc-
Donald, of CKNX, Wingham,
will be guest speaker,
Rev. H. R. Plant, of St. An-
drew's Church, Kippen, was in
charge of the morning service
in Du'ff's United Church last
Sunday. Rev. Arthur Higgin-
botham was guest minister at
Kippen anniversary services.
The choirs from Duff's United
Church, Walton, Kincardine
United Church and Mount -For-
est United Church were the on-
stage choirs last Sunday after-
noon at the Family Rally held
in Wingham District High
School. The song leader was
Mr. Wm. Conron, organist; Mr.
William Connell, pianist, and
Mr. H. Swatridge, all of Wing-
Miss Ruth Ennis, Reg.N., To•
rento, spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug-
las Ennis.
Mrs.• Clarence Martin spent
several days last week with her
daughter, Mrs. Floyd Jenkins
and Mr. Jenkins, Ingersoll,
Recent guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, David Watson
were: Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Maier, London, and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Pritchard, Kim and
Mark, Toronto.
, Mrs. Kenneth Ritchie, Eg-
mondville, spent the weekend
with her mother, Mrs. Fred En-
Weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Leeming were
Miss Norman Leeming, London,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ranton Mit-
chell, of• Carlingford.
Mr. Tom Love, of Waterloo
University, spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Love.
Walton CGIT
The meeting opened Tuesday
evening with a worship service
conducted by Miss Shirley Bol-
ger. During the business per-
iod the following officers were
elected : President K a r e n
Coutts; vice-president, Velma
Higginbotham; secretary, San-
dra Watson; treasurer, Joyce
McNichol; press reporter, Mary-
ann Wildfong; leader, Mrs. Neil
McGavin; assistant leader, Miss
Shirley Bolger.
Mr, and Mrs, Torrance Dun-
das spelt Saturday at thehotne
ter, Mr, and Mrs. W. Stutz, of
Mr, and Mrs. Donald McDon-
ald and family spent the week-
end with the latter's brother and
sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Rickey Newman, Toronto,
Walton Girl Guards
The third meeting of the
Walton Girl Guards was held
at the home of Karen McDon-
ald, Saturday with the president,
Betty Roe presiding, and open-
ed with "0 Canada" and the
4-H Pledge repeated in unison.
The roll call was answered by
"A book I would like to own,"
with 10 girls in attendance. The
next meeting is to be held at
the home of Emma Shortreed
on Friday.
A discussion was led by Mrs.
Nelsen Reid on "The Club Girl
Keeps Fit Physically" and on
bone fractures and treatment.
A demonstration was given on
how to make slings for broken
arms, a straight sling for sprain-
ed wrists, etc., and applying
splints for broken bones. Lun h
was served by Karen McDonald
and Brenda Bewley,
Seventeen ladies from the
Walton Women's Institute were
guests of the Seaforth Insti-
tute Tuesday evening in the
Community Centre.
Mrs. John McDonald is at
present confined to Wingham
of their son fn law and daugh District Iltaspital
white carnations and mums.
• Tea was poured ,by Mrs. Rus-
sell Coleman, grandmother of
the bride; Mrs. John McAsh and
Mrs. Lloyd Makins, and Mrs.
Cecil Oke, aunts of the bride,
and Mrs. William Storey and
Mrs. Sam Scott, aunts of the
groom. The trousseau and gifts
were shown by Miss Margaret
Alexander, •Mrs. John Alexan-
der, Miss Lorraine Talbot and
Miss Marjorie Hyde. '
Serving were Miss Gwyn
,Jones. Miss Dawn Robinson,.
Miss Joyce Hood, Miss Lois
Scott, Mrs. Glenn Deickert and
Mrs. Dave Reynolds.
Miss Marjorie. Hyde and Miss
Gwyn Jones were hostesses at
a miscellaneous shower, honor-
ing Miss Karen Talbot, prior to
her marriage to Gary Alexan
der. Lunch was served.
A community shower ' was
held in Brucefield United
Church the following day. The
hostesses were Mrs, McBeath,•
Mrs. Rathwell, Mrs. D. Trieb-
ner and Mrs. Clifton. The
church basement was decorat-
ed with wedding bells and pink
and white streamers. Karen
thanked everyone on both oc-
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ortman, of
Moose Jaw, Sask., have been
visiting a Week with former
neighbors, Mr. and Mrs, Ted
Robinson and family. They re-
turned home by plane on Sat-
We welcome Mr. and Mrs
Eldin Kerr to the village since
moving into their home at Kip -
pen. '
Mrs. Hazel Blake and daugh-
ter, Roxy, of London, were week
end guests ,with Mr, and Mrs•.
Vivan Cooper and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Camp-
bell and daughter, Cheryl, of
near Seaforth. visited Sunday
with their aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Eldin Kerr.
Lions Plan
Seaforth Lions wilt hold their
annual peanut drive Monday
evening. Members of the club
will visit Seaforth and area
homes with a selection of pea-
nuts, as well as Hallowe'en
packs. •
Proceeds will assist the Lfois
dent -at 4tb5! P.nl
Cpl Mitcll't1I; who with OPP.
Constable li (y Neild, of'>4<hg
Exeter detachment, are investi-
gating, said }aiterniittentnow
was falling, 11xed with sleet
and ram. The' pavement was
slippery at the time.
Both cars were wrecked . in
the crash, and damage was esti-
mated at $7,000. Constable 1 eid.
said both women were dead at
the .accident scene when} he ar-
rived Mrs. Larone and ?ii rsxTal-
bot were active in the commun-
ity. Mrs. Larone frequently 'as-
sisted in the Larone store; while
Mrs. Talbot was a member of
the staff of Seaforth Public
School, of which her husband
is princi al., Both were active •
workers f the Women's Hospi-
tal Auxiliary.
' Born in Fenelon Fells.
Mrs. Larone was the former
Nora Jackett, of Fenelon Falls.
With her husband .she carne to
Seaforth in 1948 with. the .estab-
lishment of Larone's Stationery
and Gifts. ' She was a member
of St. Thomas' Anglican Church.
Surviving besides her hus-
band to whom' she was married'
in Fenelon Falls in 1931; are
one son,, -Kenneth; of -Den Mills -;•-
five brothers, Earl, Fred, Wil-
fred and Orville, all of Fenelon
Falls, and Archie, of Chatham;
four sisters, Mrs. S. S. (Dina)_
Spicer, of Fenelon Falls; Mrs.
Russell (Gertrude) Letson, • of
Toronto; Mrs. Joseph (Olive)''
Gennova, of Toronto; Mrs. Roy,
(Annie) Coiling, of Colborne,
and three grandchildren.
Funeral services will be 'con-
ducted by her minister; Rev.
Harry Donaldson, from . St.
Thomas' Anglican Church at 3..
p.m-, Thursday; .Interment will
follow in Maitlandbank cemetery,
Pallbearers will be - Claire
Reith, Dr. J. C. MacLennan,
Gordon Beuttenmiller, Sea- ••
forth; Donald Wright;. � ir1SIig-
ton; Harold Collins, Sarnia, and
Wally White, Peterboro.
Flowerbearers are, E. C. Bos-
well, J. A. • Stewart Sid Pull-
man, Norman Schneider, Dr. P.
L. Brady, Seaforth, and James'
MacDonald, Parkhill. G. A.
Whitney funeral home is' in
charge of arrangements.
Active in Church
Mrs. Talbot was the former
Isabel Velma Alcox, only daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Al -
cox, of Markdale.
Surviving, besides her hus- '
band, to whojn she.was married
in 1938, and her parents, are
four daughters: Mrs. George
(Joan) Mcllw,,ain, of • Seaforth;
Miss Una, of London; Miss- Bar -
tiara, of Oakville; and Sharon,
at hone.
.Mrs. Talbot was a member of
Northside United - Church and
of the UCW, choir and official
board of the church.
Funeral services will be con-
ducted by her minister, Rev.
J. C. Briton: from the G. A.
Whitney funeral' home, Sea -
forth, at 12:30 noon on Thurs-
day, Interment will follow in
Maitlandbank cemetery, Pall- .
bearers will be, Cliff Broadfoot,
Don Morton, Ron Eyre, Dr, J.
C. MacLennan, William Hender-
son and John Longstaff,
Flowerbearers will be E. C.
Boswell, J. A. Stewart, Ross
Savauge, Helmer Snell, C. Wal-
den, Irwin Johnston, Wm. Mow.
att and Wm. Hodgert,