HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-10-15, Page 12IL
Mr. and Mrs. John Snaith, De-
troit, and Miss Nell Doyle, of
• London, with Ted Doyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne De Gaust
and children, London, with Mr.
and Mrs. • James O'Connor.
Mrs. Catharine Feeney, Kit-
chener, with Mr. and Mrs. Theo'
Miss Rita Kennedy, London,
with Mr. and Mrs, Angus Ken-
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murray,
Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Malone and Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Murray.
Miss Noreen McMillan, Lon-
don, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murray and
family with Mr, and Mrs. Gil-
bert Murray and Mr. and Mrs.
James McQuaid.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Melady,
Trenton, with Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Melady.
Mr.,, and Mrs. Joe Sloan and
family, Windsor; Mr, and Mrs.
Gerald Sloan, and baby,- Graf-
ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Pat
Sloan, Collingwood, with Mr.
and Mrs. 'James Sloan.
° Mr. and Mrs. Dick Feeney and
children, St. Agatha; Mr. and
Mrs. Pat Feeney, Niagara Falls,
and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leiss,
Kitchener, with Mrs. Joseph
Miss Joan Coyne, London, with
Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Coyne.
Ken Ducharme, Wingham;
Miss Kay Allen and Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Marcy and children,
Stratford, and Tom Ducharme
and Miss Hilda Kennedy, Lon-
don, with Mr. and Mrs. Auguste
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Murray,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert
Murray, Sarnia, and Miss Mary
Murray, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Murray.
Mr. and Mrs, Al Heeney, of
Niagara Falls, with Mrs, Mary
Williams and Tom.
BROWN - At Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Oct. 12, to Mr.
and Mrs; Herbert Brown, of
Dublin, a son.
Pulblic Hospital on Oct, 6, to
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cart-
wright, Londesboro, a son, Nei•I
DALE -Art Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on Oct, 13, to Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Dale, RR 4, Clin-
ton, a daughter.
KINSMAN -At Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Oct. 10, to Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Kinsman,
RR 2, Kippen, a son.
KIRKBY -At Scott Memorial
. Hospital, on . Oct, .7, to Mr.
._ and Mrs. Douglas Kirkby,
Walston, .a son.
SANGSTER - At South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, on Oct. 8, to
" Mr. and Mrs, David Sangstier,
Hensel, a son.
VIVIAN- At Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Oct. 8, . to Mr.
and Mrs Gordon Vivian, RR
1, Staffa, a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Joh H. Lansink
wish to 'announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Anna
Marie Garon, to Mr. Frank
Wilkinson;. son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Wilkinson, of Seaforth,
the merriage to take place in
St. James; 'Roman Catholic
Church; , Seaforth, on November
7th. 42x1
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Annis,
RR 3, Mitchell, announce the
engagement of their • daughter,
Audrey Isabel, to Russell Alvin
Ische, RR 5, Stratford, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Ische,
RR 5, Stratford. The wedding'
will take place on Saturday,
November 7, at 2:30• p.m., at
Zion United Church. nc
riage is announced of Anna
Jean Hummel, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Hummel, RR 1, Zurich, to Mr.
Fredrick George Troyer, only
son. of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
'!mayor, RR 2, Hensall, at
° .First Presbyterian Church,
Seaforth, on Saturdray, ° Get.
10th, 1964. The Rev. D. O.
Fry officiated. ed. 42-1
RECEPTION for Mr, , and
MIs. George Ducharme, ori
their 25th Wedding Anniversary,
October 17, 'in Brodhagen Hall,
8.00 p.m. Everybody welcome.
Lunch served' after reception. •
Too Late To Classify
EPPS shalIow well water pump,
3 HP, in good condition. Frank
Bruxrer, Dublin, phone 18 R 9.
Sell that unnecessary piece of
furniture through a Huron Ex-
positor Classified Ad. Phone 141.
HOME in Seaforth, corner lot,
four bedrooms, bathroom, spa-
cious Living room: modern kit-
chen with ample dining area.
Ga3 furnace; attached garage.
Available October 1. Phone
348-8641, Mitchell, Ont. 15-422
FOR SALE 13 white: - faced
feeder steers and 7 white-faced
feeder heifers, 7-800 lbs. Ken
Stewart, RR 5, Seaforth.. 42-1
FOR SALE -7.0 pigs, 9 'weeks
old. Donald Carter. Phone 667 J
3, Seaforth. 42-1
Sell that unnecessary piece of
.furniture through a Huron Ex-
positor classified ad. Phone 141.
FOR SALE•-Purelbreed Aberdeen
Angus bulls, over 12 months
old. R. J. Doig, RR 1, Dublin,
phone. 849 J 3. 42-1
FOR SALE -Combination radio.
and record player, 3 -speed table
model. Phone 668 W 1. 42-1
I wish to thank friends who re-
membered me with cards and
treats while I was a patient in
the hospital. Special thanks to
the staff of Scott Memorial Hos-
pital. -Frank Willdnson. 42-1
Every week more people dis-
cover what mighty jobs are
accomplished by low cost Ex-
positor Want Ads.
STRAYED - Two-year-old Hol-
stein heifer, black and white.
George Greydanus, phone 482-
3335, Clinton. • 42-1
CHIMNEYS repaired and re -
pointed, basements cleaned,
white coated and water proofed.
Raymond Squires, Box 335, Isa-
belia St., Seaforth, phone 557.
FOR SALE -Sump pump and a
number of kitchen chairs.
Phone 175, 42-1
WANTED - Responsible baby
sitter several afternoons and
evenings a month, in my home.
Phone 419. _ • 42-2
THE family of the Elate David
F. Anderson, wish to express
their sincere thanks, for the ex-
pressions of thoughtfulness and
sympathy, floral tributes and
other donations during their re-
cent bereavement. S pe c i a 1
thanks to Mr. Morrison, Bon-
thron Funeral Chapel, Dr. J. A.
Addison and the nurses and
staff of Victoria and Clinton
Hospitals. Thanks also to those
who remembered him with
cards, flowers and visits. Int was
all very much appreciated. xl
If Not, Have It Done This Fall
Corrision from salt will eat into the body -
of your car and deteriorate it quickly.
You have complete protection if
you have your automobile
Phone 541
The Week's Activity In WaltOn Dist-ri
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brooks,
Hamilton, were weekend guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Bosman.
Ross Leeming, of St. Marys,
and son, Jeffrey, were guests
of the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Leeming, on Sun-
Linda Leeming, of Mitchell,
spent the holiday weekend with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Leeming.
Miss Norma Leeming, of Lon-
don, visited a few days last
week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Leeming.
Mrs. George Dundas is at
present visiting with members
of her family in Toronto and
Mrs. Eva Dougan visited with
friends in Detroit over Thanks-
giving weekend.
Mrs. Hilda Sellers, of Lucan,
spent Thanksgiving weekend
with her son-in-law and daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tra-
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leem-
ing visited the latter's sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Simpson, on Thanks-
giving' Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid
visited over Thanksgiving with
relatives in Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkby
and Mark, of Woodstock; spent
the weekend with the former's
father, Mr. Frary_ Kirkby.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Uhler
and Patti, of Burlington, visited
over the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. William Turnbull.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Bell and
family, of Elora, visited Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ben-
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stevens
and Mr, and Mrs. Torrance Dun-
das spent a•day at the Interna-
tional Plowing Match at Peter-
boro last week and also toured
,part of the Muskoka District.
Mrs. Ada Craig anis Miss Ada
Craig, of London, spent the
weekend with Mr. add Mrs.
Harvey Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stimore,
Stratford, were guests at the
hot%e of Mr and Mrs. James
Williamson over the holiday
Jane Allan, wife of the late
Christian Haugh, died on Thurs-
day, October 8, fater a lengthy
illness, in.the Queensway Nurs-
ing Home,' Hensall. She was
in her 93rd year.
She was born on the Town
Line, Hay Township, and lived
most of her Iife in Huron Coun-
ty, except for her first eight
years of married life, when they
farmed at Cavalier, North Da-
kota. She was interested in
community life, and was active
in the United Farmer's Move-
ment, the Red Cross, the work
and witness of Brucefield Unit-
ed Church,' particularly the Sun-
day School and the Woman's
Missionary Society.
Her son, Wallace, predeceas-
ed her by six years. She leaves
to mourn her loss, Anna (Mrs.
W. John McIntosh), Carman, of
Toronto, and Hazel (Mrs. J. S.
Ussler), of Ottawa; ' 11 grand-
children and four great grand-
The funeral service from
Brucefield United Church was
conducted b'y Rev. Mr. Plant.
The pallbearers were Messrs.
Robert Allan; Gordon Manson,
Milton Haugh, William Haugh,
James Souter and Lindsay Eyre.
Interment was in Baird's ceme-
Misses Ruth and June Hig-
ginbotham, of London, spent the
weekend at the manse with their
parents, Rev. and Mrs. Arthur
Higginbotham. • June has re-
turned from Toronto after com-
pleting a course sponsored by,
the insurance company where
she is employed in London. She
was successful • in obtaining
fourth place in a class of about
35 students.
Miss Jean Mills, of Toronto,
spent the weekend with her
father, Mr. Earl Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stutz and
Wolfram, of Wellesley, and 'Mr.
and Mrs. W. Stutz, of -Waterloo,
spent Thanksgiving Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Torrance laundas.
Mr. Gordon McGavin spent
last week at the International
Plowing Match, near Peterbor-
ough. Mrs. McGavin and Mr.
and Mrs. Neil McGavin attend-
ed on Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Jean Broadfoot spent
Thanksgiving Day with Mrs.
Margaret Leeming, Seaforth, on
Guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull for
Thanksgiving were: Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Lawless, Dianne
and Murray, Burlington; Mr.
and •Mrs, George Habkirk, Jack
and Bob, of Ingersoll; Mr: and
Mrs. Louis Yungblut, of Wood-
stock; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Uhler and Patti, of Burlington;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turnbull and
family, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs.
William Turnbull and Barbara.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter
spent Thanksgiving Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McTaggart,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether at-
tended the Plowing Match at
Peterborough on Friday and
spent the weekend wifli the
former's brother-in-law and sis-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Saun-
ders and family, .. Royal. Oak,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis
spent Thanksgiving weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Love-
ridge and Mr. and Mrs, Ronald
Ennis, near Lindsay, on Stur-
geon Lake.
Mr. and Mrs: Edward Smith,
Sandra and Monica Anne, of
London, spentthe weekend
with Mrs. Edna Haekweli. Mrs.
Smith and children remained
to visit with her mother,
Graeme Craig and Jack Mc-
Call were contestants at the In-
ternational plowing Match last
Misses Anne and Jean Short -
reed, of Western University,
London, spent Thanksgiving
weekend with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Shortreed.
Several high school girls
from here, who are members
of the Seaforth High School
Band, attended the plowing
match on Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Douglas Kirby and baby.
son have returned home from
Scott Memorial hospital, Sea -
Brian Traviss, of Western Un-
iversity, London, spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Traviss.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLlwain
and Mark, of Seaforth, visited
Sunday with Mrs. Edna Hack -
Plan Open Meeting
An open meeting of the Wal-
ton Women's Institute will be
held in the Community Hall,
Wednesday evening, Oct. 28th,
with Miss Anna- McDonald,. of
CKNX,e' Wingham, as guest
speaker,, Institutes from Blyth,
Brussels, Londesboro and Sea -
forth are invited. Conveners for
the meeting. are Mrs. Ray Hue-
ther and Mrs. Gerald Watson.
Girl Guards' Meet
The second meeting of the
Walton Girl Guards was held
at the home of Betty Roe Fri-
day afternoon and opened with
"0 Canada" and the 4-11 Pledge.
The roll call, "An item I plan
to include in my first aid kit,"
was answered by ten girls. San-
dra Watson read the minutes.
The next meeting is to be held'
at Karen McDonald's home, and
Brenda Bewley and Karen Mc-
Donald will bring the lunch.
A demonstration on artificial
respiration followed, lcaren,
Coutts and Sandra Watson did
the mouth-to-mouth, and Bren-
da• Bewley and Karen McDon-
ald did the "Sylvester." Discus-
sion was led by Mrs. Nelson
Reid about the mentally fit per-
son and about spending our
time off. She told what to do
for anopen wound and how to
control bleeding. She demon-.
„strated. how-to apply a' bandage
on the hand; then the girls
practised applying one on each
UCW Plans- Activities
The Walton UCW meeting
was held in Duff's United
Church basement on Wednes-
day. Mrs. Clifford Ritchie pre-
sided over the devotional per-
iod with a reading entitled,
"Thanksgiving Thoughts."
Hymn 577, "Come, Ye Thank-
ful People, Come," was sung,
with Mrs. Martin Baan at the
piano. Mrs. Baan read the
scripture taken from Matthew
18:1-11, after which Mrs. Roy
Williamson led in prayer. Mrs.
Jim. Clark read a poem entitled,
"Thanksgiving Prayer," • T h e
Christian ' Citizeowship and So-
cial Action convener, Mrs. Clif-
ford Ritchie, read a short item.
Mrs. A. Higginbotham took
over for the business part, of
the- irneeting. Minutes of last
meeting and an executive meet-
ing were read by Mrs. Camp-
bell Wey. The Third Regional
convention of the . Huron Pres-
byterial UCW will be held in
More and' More
People Are °Finding
That the Name
Damon Stannah
Means the Best 'in
PHONE 587 - Spading
At John
Del Monte
Peas or Corn
6 - tins -$
Del Monte
for $
Fancy Imported
size a9c
ism for
ICA Evaporated
7 for $ 1
Centre -Loin
ib. 65c
-- for -•
2 Pt
pkg' $ 1
New Low Price
for 39c
lb. 690
Brucefield on' Oct. 22, when
delegates are Mrs. Gordon Me -
Gavin and Mrs. Nelson Marks,
and the guest speaker, Mrs. W.
Cruickshank, Wingham Confer-
Corresponding secretary Mrs.
H. Traviss read thank-yoii cards
and other correspondence. The
Walton Thankoffering is to be
held on November 10th, guest
speaker to be Mrs. Alan Scott,
of _EgmondviIIe:_Guests are to
be invited from Londesboro,
Burns, Seaforth and Walton
Anglican ladies. Each society
is to give a number for the pro-
Stewardship and Recruiting
secretary Mrs, Andrew Coutts
read an interesting account on
Stewardship. Treasurer's report
was given by Mrs. Ken McDon-
ald. The following recommen-
dations were made regarding
the fowl supper: doorkeepers,
William Dennis, Jack Bosman,
Roy Bennett, Walter Bewley,
Wm. Turnbull, Alvin McDon-
ald, Ross Bennett and Hugh
Johnston; number callers, Rev.
A. Higginbotham and Don Den-
nis; to usher guests to, table,
Mrs. Gordon McGavin, Mrs.
Clarence Martin.
Miss Ethel Dennis gave her
report on Alma College, St.
Thomas. Skits on program plan-
ning and things to go wrong
on having a meeting, such as
no preparation and disorganiza-
tion, were put on by Mrs. Wm.
Rae, Mrs. Merton Hackwell, Mrs.
Dave Watson, Mrs. Jack Bos-
man, Mrs. John Burch, Mrs.
Campbell Wey, Miss Ethel Den-
nis. The meeting closed with
prayer by Mrs. A. Higginboth-
Shower Honors Bride-to-be
Miss Catharine Buchanan,
Reg.N.,, was' honored. at a mis-
cellaneous shower Saturday ev-
ening at the home. of Mrs. Jan
Van `Vliet, Sr. A social hour
Was enjoyed, during which an
amusing game was played un-
der the direction of Mrs. Harry
Bolger. Miss . Ruth Ritchie read
an address to the bride, who
was seated in a decorated chair;
after which the gifts were pre-
sented. Miss Buchanan replied,
expressing her thanks for the
gifts and to the hostess, Mrs.
Van Vliet.
Mrs. Jan Van Vliet a n d
daughter, Mrs. Peter Ronaegn,
of Holland, visited at Perkins -
field, near Midland, over
Thanksgiving weekend, where
they were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Hamlin .and Doug-
Miss Arlene Williamson, of
Kitchener, and Miss Eilene Wil-
liamson, of Brampton, spent
Thanksgiving weekend. at their
Mr. and Mrs. George McGav-
in, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Legg, Goderich, visited
with Mrs. Maud Leeming on
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Shol-
dice, of Cooksville, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
David Sholdice.
Joseph McConnell, Realtor,
reports the following real es-
tate transfers:
The Joseph Malone farm, lot
13, con. 4, McKillop Township,
to Leo Arts, of McKillop Town-
ship, with possession November,
The William B6ttger house,
Goderich Street West, to Mrs.
June Greenan, Seaforth, with
immediate possession.
Remember, it takes but a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and : be money in
pocket. To ;advertise, just Phone
Seaforth 141.
For Best Buys in Men's and
Boys' Parkas, Ski Jackets,
Winter Underwear (Wool,
• Cotton or Thermal)
-- TRY=
Phone 52-W - 'In the Box Block, Seaforth
Changes. In Evening _Courses
At Central Huron Secondary . School, Clinton
Due to Results of Adult Registration, the Following Changes Now
Become Necessary
Courses not listed have been cancelled due to insufficient registration or non avail-
ability of qualified teachers. . Applicants are invited to re -register in another course
or to obtain a refund on presentationof receipt at school office on evenings of October
19 or 21, between 8 and 9 p.m., where fees for courses listed below have been changed
refunds will be distributed on first night of course.
(1) Typewriting: "Monday evening only from 8:00 to 10:00
p.m. - Fee $5.00.
(2) Bookkeeping: Wednesday evening only from 8:00 to
10:00 p.m. -Fee $5.00. •
(3) Business Machines: Monday evening only from 8:00 to
10:00 p.m. Fee $5.00. If a minimum of 15 candidates has
not enrolledby October 26, this course Will be cancelled
and fees refunded.
(1) Automechanics : Course is full and will.be offered Monday
and Wednesday evening from 8:00 to '10:00 p.m. '
(2) Drafting: All candidates to report on Monday, October
•19, A decision will be° made on changing to a 3 -hour
course one night per week. If a minimum of 15 candi-
dates has not enrolled by. October 26, this course will be
cancelled and fees refunded.
(3) Electricity: (as above for Drafting).
(4) Building Construction: (as above).
(5) Welding: Courses are full, and will be offered as pre-
viously advertised.
(1) Sewing - Basic: Monday evenings only from 8:00 to 10
p.m. Fee is $5.Q0.
(2) Sewing Advanced: Wednesday evenings only from 8:00
to 10:00 p.m. Fee- is $5.00.
(3) Art and Oil Painting: Monday evenings only, from 8:00
to 10:00 p.m. Fee is $5.00. If a minimum of 15 candidates
has not enrolled by October 26, this course will be can-
celled and fees refunded.
(4) 'Millinery: Wednesday evenings only from 8:00 to 10:00
p.m. This course willtrun for 10 weeks. A second 10 -week
course will be offered in January if, there is sufficient
interest. Fee is $5.00 per course. Registration for BOTE
courses will be held on Wednesday, October 21. A mini-,
nium enrolment of 15 is mandatory if these courses are
to be offered.
Farm Management Course: Will be held on Monday nights
ONLY at 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Fee $10.00.
PLANNING FOR PROFIT (Management Accounting)
Course restricted to the owner/managers of small businesses.
Thursday evenings 8:00 to 10 p.m. Fee $25. The course
shows how a small business owner, regardless of his type
of business, can use information contained in his own
books of account to operate more profitably.