HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-10-08, Page 11• • • a • r • • The USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. For cash payment, or if paid by 10 days following last inser- tion,15 ENT,S_ deducted from above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For BusinesS-Firms, 'Trades- men, etc.): Minimum, 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 .cents per advertisement. • 1. Coming Events ANNUAL Bazaar and Bingo, St. Columban Parish Hall, Wed- nesday, October 21. -1-41-1 EGMONDVILLEUCW are hold- ing a Bazaar, Novembetr 13th, in the Egmondville United Church. Everone welcome. 1-41-1 SOCIAL Evening for 'Rev. and M r s. Ha r old Brill, (Joan Muegge), St. Peter's Lutheran Church basement, Brodhagen, Friday, evening, October 9th, at 8:30. Please bring lunch. 1-41-1 HOT Turkey Supper, in Cram - arty Presbyterian Church, on Wednesday, October 14th, 5 to 8 pen. Admission, adults, $1.50, children, 50c. 1-40-2 ANNUAL Fall Rummage Sale, Hensall Arena, Saturday, Oct. 17, 2 p.m. For pick-up service, call 199 or 47. Sponsored by Henaall Janette Club. 1-40-3 3. Found CATTLE strayed onto the prop- erty of Martin Murray, McKill- lop. Owner may have same by proving ownership and paying charges. • 4. Help Wanted MIDDLE -aged housekeeper to • take full charges of Pratestant farm home, with all modern • contvenienees. Ample time off, if desired. Apply Box 1393, The Hutton Expositor. 4-41x3 WANTED • Organist for St. Peter's Laathetran Church, Rrodhagen. Tenders: to be in by, October 24th, 1984. Duties to commence January hat, 1965. For further information, con- tact: • HAROLD MOGK, • . RIR 1, Bornholm, Ontario •• 4-40-3 • 8. Farm Stock For Sale TWO cows. Jack Rivers, North Main St., Seaforth. 8-41x1 FORTY pigs t Carl Vandenzen, phone 469, Seaforth. 8-41x1 BLACK, white face bull ,cali. C. De Celle, phone Seaforth, 883 W 4. 8-41-1 TWO Holstein bull calves. Lew- is Coyne, RR 5, ,Seaforth, phone Dublin, 109 R 16. —• 8-41x1 F,LE'IVETal"Pigs78 weeks old. Ik,ug Hula, RR 2, Seaforth, phone Clinton, 482-7548. 8-411x1 PUREBRED Aberdeen Angus bull, age 18 months. Ron O'Cen- nor., phone 17 R 4, Dublin. ' 8-41.1x1 YORK boar, 10 months old. Registered. Guaranteed.Theo elljady, phone 34 R 2, Dublin. 8-41-1 ONE Hereforrd and Holstein • cow, carrying her 3rd calf, due end of October; 1 Hereford cow, milking, rebred; number of choice York pigs; 1 York sow, due in two weeks. W. C. MIR - son, phone 880 W 11, after 5 p.m. 8-41-1 REGISTERED Scotch Short- horns; ems with calves by • their -side, bred and open• hail- ers, one se,rvieeable age bull. Frank Falconer, second fun south of Clinton RCAF houses. Phone Clinton, 482.9128. 8-41-4 9. Poultry For Sale FIVE hundred Harko-Sex-o- • Links, 25 weeks old. Tom Mt- . Farlane, Brussels, phone 334 3' 4, 9.41x1 10. Used Cars For Sale 1060 Meteor Monteallm, power steering, power brakes, excel- lent condition. Radio and white walls; 1962 Food Consul Capri, 2 -door hard lop, tRoor Weida , Seatie• low mileage Seattoitti. 1041tx2 • 10, Used Cars For Sale 19591V1et ear, 4 -door, with radio, nearly new whitewall tires and other extras. Excellent condi- tion, tow mileage. Phone Clin- ten, 482-7880. •10-41x2 11. Articles For Sale STORM windows, standard sizes end others. Phone 307-R. 11-41x1 OIL burner, large size. Phone 649 J 12, after 6 pen. 11-41x1' TWO Boy Scout hats. Phone 620 J 1, Seaforth. 11-41x1 IWO winter coats, size 40 and 42, Phone 664 W 1, Miss Ina Gray. 11-41-4 SAMOYED puppies, cheap. W. Putman, phone 248, Seaforth, 49 West St., Seaforth„ 11-41x1 COAL and wood furnace, stoker. Will sell separately. Phone 850 W 3, Seaforth. 11-41-1 BABY buggy, $15; one settee, $15 and 21 -inch G.E. T -V, $40. Phone 773, Seaforth. 11-41x1 EPPS shallow well Pressure pump, with tank. Eldon O'Brien, phone 482-3223, Clinton. 11-411x11 OVEN -ready roasters, 6 ib. average, 50c lb. Ideal for Thanksgiving Dinneri. Phone Seaforth, 5110 or 856 J 12. 11-41-1 SIXTEEN ft • plywood boat, with 35 HP motor, electric starter, steering wheel, fully equipped. Phone 393. 11-41x2 GIRL'S winter coat, boy's, sport coat; sizes 12 to 14. Like new, $5,00 each. MIS'. Orval Greer, RR 4, Seaforth, 11-41-1 ANTIQUE-fiiehrElass cup- boards; lamps, dishes, books, stoves, etc. Phone 271-1578 Stratford, collect. 11-37x8 MIXED dry wood, 45.59 delivered. Lewis Coyne, RR 5, Sectforth, phone Dublin, 109 R 16 11-39x3 TWO Walker hounds, batch of Walker pups, crossed • with Beagle. Leslie Dales, Blyth. 11-41x1 REBUILT watches, $4.95 to $19.95, including such well-known makes as Bulova, Gruen, Elco, Timex, etc... All guaranteed. Sa vauge's, Seaforth. 11-41-2 ADD 20 lbsof feed grade lime- stone per ton of ensilage and increase feed value. Limestone :available at your Seafortif', Co - Op., at 75c for 80 lb. bag. 11-39-4 GREEN corn and beets, fresh picked, and other garden pro- duce. Ambrose Addley, first house south of Kinburn Store. Call evenings and week -ends. 11-39x3 MUSKRAT fur jacket, size 14 to 16; 3 girls' winter coats', sizes 10, 12, 15: girl's gold vel- vet jumper and white silk blouse, size 10. Phone 561, after 7 ta.m. 11-41-1 GRE:ETING cards for all oc- casions, especially Christmas, gift stationery. You are invited to visit my home and choose from •excellent selection, or call for samples. Mae. E. Mills), phone 563-J, Seaforth. 11-411x4 CEDAR posts, all sizes, anchor posts, 12' . braces, steel posts, 6', 7', Paige wire, herbed ware; also Shelburne table potatoes. Borden Brown, General Store, Kinburn, phone Seaforth, 841 R. 2. 11-40-tf ALUMINUM doors, windows, awnings, siding, aluminum and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reason- able prices. Call us for free es- timates. We do our own install- ing. Walker Aluminum Sales, phone 235-0722, (collect), Exeter 11-404f SPRAYED Apples: Pick your own, low trees, no climbing— Spy, King, Russet, Snow, Tal - man Sweet, Delicious, etc. Bring your containers. Picking days: Monday, • Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only, starting Oct. 5th. -Fred McClymont & Sons, one mile south of Varna. 11-40x2 USED MACHINERY For the best deals in Used Machinery, see our display. 1 Oliver 40, self propelled combine, with pickup reels, spike tooth and 10' head, excel- lent condition, 1 Massey -Ferguson 35, self- propelled combine, with 8' head, like new, 1 Allis Chalmers 66 combine, very good condition. 2 Sohn Deere 2 -row mounted corn pickers. 1 New Idea 1 -tow corn pick - 1 Messeaeliarris 1 -row corn pi•cker. 1 Case stalk shredder. 1 John Blue rotary stalk Shredder, 3 John Deere 3 -furrow 14" Figh clearance plows. 1 IHC 3 -furrow 14" high clear- ance plow. 1 John Deere 3010 R.C. diesel traetor, exceRent deal, 1 John Deere 730 R.C. diesel tractor, very good deal. 1 IBC Super M, with cultiva- 1 IBC Super M.D.T.A., with cultivator, 1 MC M, new tiree. 1 IHC Super W-6 dietel. 1 IHC 300 utility, with culti- vator, plow and loader. 1 Allis Chanters WD, with cultivator. 1 Oliver Super 88 diesel, with hydra:idles . 1 Oliver 77 R.C. tractor. We also -hemp in stick some late model used.4-row and 2 -row Sohn Deere corn planters. McGRAIL Farm Equipment John Deere Sales & Service Indian Creek Road West, Chatham, phone 3524.721: . 11-4142 4 • 11. Articles For Sale TWO 3 -piece chilli's coast -sets, sizes 6x, brown tweed, with chocolate brown fur, turquoise, with grey fur. Mos. Nelson Marks, phone 870 W 2. 11-41-1 PRIVATE SALE A Private Sale of Household Effects' will be held on THURS- DAY, OCTOBER 1st, and FRI- DAY, OCTOBER 2nd, from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m., at the Meldester Apartments, next to The .Seaforth Clinic, in the apartment of Miss MarionVVat- son. The following 'articles; for sale: walnut bed; walnut dress- er; walnut aom chair; cheeter- field; household linen, refriger- ator; bed ,sheets; dishes and brie a brae; electric toaister; electric iron; " .pietures; bed pil- lows; crotched bed spread; silver tea service, 5 pieces; 2 bridge lamps; 1 bed lamp; one electric fan; 1 card table, and ether •amticles. 11-40-1 12. Wanted To Buy • STOVE, box -type, wood binn- ing. R. R. Thomson, phone 608 J 1. 12-41-1 SMALL barn, about 20'. x 25'; circular saw, about 36". State price and Where to Box 1392, Huron Expositor. 12-41x1 ALL kinds of salvage wanted— metal, iron and rags. Will call for: Louis Hildebrand-, OSt., Seaforth, Box 338. 12-404f 13. Wanted BOARDERS waited_ Mrs. A. McNichol, phone 187, Seaforth. , 13-40-2 ACCOMMODATION for stocker :steers to be fed out. Apply Jas. F. Scott, phone 601W 4, Sea - forth. 1341-2 PEOPLE to keep saddle horses with saddles for the winter, free of charge. Frank Little, 149 Blake Street East, Goder- ich. Phone 524-8429. 13-41x2 WANTED 5000 Fertilizer Bags, Will pay one cent each for used plastic fertilizer, bags, without tears. JACKSON • ALUMINUM LTD., Seaforth. 13-41-2 14. Property For Sale FOUR-bed000m house, on East William St. Phone Leslie Beattie at 450, Seaforth. 14-40-lf NINETY -eight workable acres of land, good buildings, drilled • Bathroom• and oil) furnace in house. 11/2 miles from Sea - forth. J. Jansen„ RR 5, Seaforth, phone 852 J 2. • 14-41x1 FOUR -bedroom house, situarbed on West William Street, kitchen, livingtroom, veranda, garage, gas furnace. Price $8,500.00. C o ntac t Joseph McConnell, phone 266, or William Fraiser, phone 563-W, Seaforth. 14-37x6 ATTRACTIVE, modernized 3 - bedroom home on paved road in Harpurhey, near Seaforth. Located on about one acre of land. Stucco. New oil furnace. Low taxes. For information, contact J. M. Scott, Seafortia, Executor for the Estate of late Mrs. Edith RusseR. 14-41-3 TWO hundred and forty acre farm, good buildings; MO acre farm, brick house and bank barn, in. Tuckersmitti; 100 acre farrne new barn and modern house, in McKillop; One general store in a small village Apply Harrold Jackson, Realtor, phone 474, or Allan Campbell, Sales- man, phone 884 W 3, Seaforth. 14-384f 'HOUSE FOR SALE—Offers to purchase will be, received by the undersigned for the former Hawthorne residence, a frame dwelling, located on Lot 186, north side John St., Seaforth, to- gether with a portion of the said lot, having a frontage of approximately 56 feet and in, eluding' a right-of-way. Each of- fer is to be accompanied by a deposit representing 10% of the amount of the .offer, 'Which will be returned if the offer is not accepted. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. W. R. Smith, Seaforth. 14-39-2 15. Property For Rent DOWNS'DALIIS apartments, heat- ed. 2 -bedrooms, 3-plece bath, available immediately- Gordon Noble, phone 350, Seafortile 15-40-il APARTMENT in Dublin, 1 -bed- room, completely modern. Heat and hot water supplied. Private entrance. Phone 82 R 2, Dublin. 15-384f UPPER, 2 -bedroom aparent, newly decorated, private en- trance. Dennis Apartments, Welsh St. Contact Joseph Mc- Connell, Seafototh. 15-404 GAS -heated two-bedroom apart- ment, In Royal Apartments building. Apply Dr. E. A. Mc- Master, Grand Bend, or Joseph McConnell, Seaforth. 15-404f Boxholders' Names Not Given Out! It is not possible for us to divulge the name or address of -any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box number. Please do not ask for this information. 1.5. Property For Rent MODERN 2 -bedroom apartment, kitchen, bathroom, livang000m. Phare 101, Seaforth, or 285- 1510, Exeter. 15-404f 19. Notices -GUITAR lessons at St. Pat- rick's School, Dublin. See Mr. Pulsifer, Wednesday evening, or phone Exeter, 235-2120. • 19-41x2 SEPTIC tank service. New tanks sold and installed. Back- hoe available for digging. Septic tanks cleaned out. Donald For- rester, phone 528-3002, Lucknow. 19-33x10 SEPTIC TANK SERV -ICE' Cleaned and repaired with modem equipment. IRVIN COXON, Phone 254, Milverton. 19-40-9 CUSTOM DIGGING Contact: KEN or BILL CAMPBELL R.R. 1, Dublin Phone Seaforth 882 J 2 -3 SEPTIC TANKS C.LEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. LOUIS BLAKE, • RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 19-35x18 DEAD- ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 License No. 262-C-63 19404f CUSTOM COMBINING Contact: -41JOHN HENDERSON Phone 858 W 3, Seaforth or ORVILLE STOREY Phone '856 W 4, Seaforth 1940-tf WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. • Phone 77 --Seaforth 19404f PoV, NOTICE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP Will be open until further notice, on Wednesday and Sat- urday afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. No wire fencing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted. J. 1. McINTOSH, . Clerk. 1940-tf 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Lumber Trim; Shingles, Siding, Paint, Hardware, .including the, entire stock of Seaforth Lumber Ltd., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1964, at the same. The dement block building, together with coal and lumber sheds, all lo- cated on Railway Street, will be offered far sale subject to a re- serve bid. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer • 20-40-4 STOCKER 'and FEEDER AUCTION SALE on SATURDAY, OCTOBER lOrth, at 1:30 p.m., HensaR Sales Arena. 600 Head Steers, Cows, Calves Auctioneers HAROLD JACKSON HECTOR MCNEIL " For Consignments, Phone Hansall, 235, Victor Hargreaves, Clinton, 482-7511, Jack Morrissey, Crediton, 234-6200 29-40-2 JAYBEE HEREFORD FARMS fith PRODUCTION SALE OF REGISTERED' HEREFORDS At the farm 5 -rake South of Seaforth, 3 'miles East of Kip - pen, on THURSDAY, OCT. 15, , commencing nt 1:00 o'clock, ° featuring 33 Head 24 bred females, 18 stilled by Read) Silver Prince, which we purchased at Calgary, in 1959, and 6 sired by Britisher. 9 serviceable -age bull's, all of which are preformance tested, with rate of gain well over 3 lbs. peir day while on test. Carrying Government Grant of 20% of purchase price, all are sired by Real Silveir Prince. Write for catalogues STANLEY JACKSON, Prop. Kippen, Ontario Telephene Seaforth, 672 R 5. Auetioneers: W. S. O'NEIL, nr) 'ELLIOTT 20-41-1 .•.s. 20. Auction Sales. , • 24th Ammar Sale of REGISTERED HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell for STUTT BROS. Forest, Ontario WEDNESDAY., OCT, 21, 1964 at 2 p.m., D.S.T. 30 1Head-14 Bulls, 18 Heifers Mak of the Bulls are perfor- mance Tested and eligible for Grant of 20% Catalogue on Request W. S. O'NEIL, Auctioneer 20-41-2 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Cattle, Machinery and House- hold Effects, for Andrew. Turn- bull, Lot 8, Corn 15, Grey Town- ship, VA miles North and two miles East of Walton, on WE'D, NESDAY, OCTOBER 21st, at 1 p. m. CATrI,E-5 Hereford steers, 800 lbs.; 9 Holstein steers, 800 MACHINERY Massey 30 tractor; International 15 -disc power drill; New Holland baler, with motor; Massey stiff 'loath cultivator; Massey 2 - furrow plow; Massey 7 -ft. binder; Jahn Deere wagon and rack; Ieternational side rake'. In. - national manure spreader; 32 - ft, Smoker bale elevator, with 1 H.P. motor; cutter; sleighs; slush scraper; 5 -section har- rows; t4 H.P. electric motor; •steel barrel:' wheel barrow; hot water tank; 10' x tarp.; pig crate; •po.wers lawn mower; 7 -ton mixed grain; 600 bales of .hay; 2 x 4 and 1'/2 and 2 -inch Hemlock; 2 15 -ft. feed troughs; fence posts; few 4 -inch tilie; sap pails; colony house; snow fence. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—fur- nished bedroom; extension table; kitchen chairs; number small tables; rocking chairs; cupboard; buffet; dishes; kit- chen utensils; studio couch, like new. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—Cash, no reserve, farm said. • ,ANDREW TURNBULL, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer George Powell, Clerk. 20-41-1 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock. and Machinery, on Lot. 21, Con. 1, Tuckersmith Township, 21/2 miles West of Seeforth, on No. 8 Highway, for John Powell, held .art the Farom of Lorne Carter, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, at 1 o'clock. MACHINERY—Oliver 88 row crop tractor, ..L.P.T.;, 3 -furrow International plow, on rubber; 15 -run Maesey-Ilanris fertilizer drill, on rubber, like new; Inter. • THE lillAQN 20. Auction Sales national manure bpreader, on rubber; Massey -Harris 7 -ft. cut binder; International 91/2 ft. cul- tivator; 6 -sections of Interna- tional harrows, with •stretcher; hay rack; grain box; Viking cream separator, 600 pounds; rnikeans; Surge ,mrilking machine, 2 units, with pipeline for 10 cows. • CATTI(R-9 regisitened Jer- sey cows, alt fresh and rebred, ranging in age from 2 to 6 yrs.; 1 3 registered year:lag heifers and 4 spring heifer calves. PIGS -1 registered ,GoVem- inert approved Landrece boar, 18 months; 1 registered Land - race sow, with litter of 12, 18 months old, this was reserve junior champion at the Western Fair, 1963; 1 large English black sow with litter of 10 blue spot- ted pigs, 8 weeks old at time of sale; 1 York and Landrace sow, with litter; 2 York and Landrace sows, bred in Sept.; 3 York and Landrace sows, bred in July; 2 blue spotted English Black and York, eight month old, open gilts. TERMS—Oash, no reserve as farm, is sold. JOHN POWELL, Proprietor RiOBSON & FILSON, Auction- eers. 20-41-1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE _ • In the Estate of EDITH HARRIET RUSSELL. All persons having claims against the Estate of Edith.Har- ruet Russell, late •of the Thwre ship of Tuck,e,rsanith, in the County of Huron, ,deceased, who died on the 14th day of Septem- ber, 1964, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of October, 1964„ after which date the assets will be distributed,* having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 5th day of October,. 1964. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 22-41-3 TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES 'Town of Seaforth County of Huron. TO WIT; By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and seal of the said Corporation, bearing date •the 13th day of July, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Council cham- bers at the hour ef 2 o'clock in the 'afternoon. on the 9th day of December, 1964, unless the tax- es and costs are Sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the fist of lands for sale for arrears MOCO — By Barley MOCO 22. Legal Notices of taxes, was published in the Oro Gazette on the 54/1 day of eptember, 1964, and that co es of the said list may be had art my office. Treasurer's Office, this 8th day of September, 1964. C. L. HAMMOND, Treasurer. 22-37-13 Township of Tuckersmith Clerk's Notice of the First Posting of Voters' List NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my of- fice at Tuckeremith, on the 8th day of Ooteber, 1964, the lint of all persons entitled to vote in said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I herelhsy call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or ommissions corrected accord- ing to law, the last day for ap- peals being the 22nd day of October, 1964. Dated this 7th day of October, 1964. • J. I. McINTOSH, (3Ierk, TovvnE14 ef Tuckersmith. 2241-2 23. Business Directory A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. phones: Office '173, Res. 781 Seaforth : Ontario • A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5.30p.m. Sat,, 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint- ment only. Phone 791 : Residence 613 Mon, Wed., Clinton Office SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, .D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. V. J. V. Parks, D.V.M., V.S. G. R.. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., V.S, Phone 105 • : Seaforth McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. 1 STEWART Seaforth, Ont. : Phone 550 J. A. BURKE - Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 , 23...13u,SiliegS..110lrgetOr3r W. J. Seaferth, PAtlielir •• LICENBED, EMBALM and FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Night or Day Calls -- 335 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE 11, S. OX LICENSED EMB.94.41.44 Prompt and careful attention Hospital Bed • Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Res. 595-W • : Store 43 - G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth • AMBULANCE SERICE Adjustable hospitaj 1beds for • rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY. OCCASION Phone 119 : Seaforth 24. Cards of Thanks . TO friends and relatives . who sent cards, Dowers and visits, while in 'hospital, e' grateful thenk you for these messages of cheer; also to Dr, Sta,pletton and nursing staff for their kind- ness and • to Rev. JkyhnBoyce for visits, thenks- again.—Mrs. Sadie Scott, 24-41X1 I wish to thank all who sent me cards, gifts and treats! while e as in Scott Memorial Hospital and St. 3 -osier -a -Vs Lea- den. Special thanks to Dr_ Ger- will, Dr. Margaret Campbell and all the nurses.—Alan Cam- achan. • _ _ 24414 Mrs. Helen Bolton wishes to - thank her many friends for Idncl-• ness to her, for their visits, cards. treats and flowers; alSo R ev. Father C. SuRven, Drs. Malkus. and Brady, the nurses: and staff while she was' a pat - tent in Scott Memorial Hospit- al. • • 24-41x1 I wish to take this opportunity to thank the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital for kindness and service to me while I ;was a patient there. To Drs. Brady and , Malkus •thanks; also to those who sent cards, flowers, gifts or visited me 7 also special thanks to t,hose who helped at home hearty way. It was very much appreciated. Peter McLaughlin. 24-41iel ' I wish to express my sincere .. thanks to my friends, neigh • - hors., relatives and the- staff and emplayees of Highland Shoes for cards, flowetne and treats while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Brady and Mel- kus and the • nurses at the hos- pital. Your kindness will always be rem embered.—Gladys Me Larnon, 24-41x1 La Classified See Page 12 LI'L PEDRO — By de la Torre 01111.111111.11. DUR TOWN — By McClelland IS AN ELECTRICIT? OEPOLARIZOR 03AY. IT REMOVES THE ENERGY ROM ELECTRICITY. WHEN I TURN IT ON ALL THE LIGHTS GO OFF AND ALL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES STOP WORKING. YOU MEAN ELECTRICITY CEASES 10 EXIST AS A FORCE, PROFESSOR. NAPOLEON — By McBride A4U5T PROCURE A OPECIMEN OF ONE MORE FAE ANIMAL, AND THEN I'LL. BE HEADING HOME, _c_scA erf,IF : •-f? GXACTLY- AND ANYTHING THAT USES ELECTRIC. POWER IS USELESS' IM NOT WORRYING /See PROGRESS , ALL I• WAi TO DO IS STOP THE CARS WHEN I WANT TO CROSS, THE ROAD! 1 eee ee.VP'e. • "YA ,YVl, A W" „4 F.141