HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-09-10, Page 9• ;.r tt ,y • • • • s• • 4,14 :1,.4. vaeLA USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO- YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities' 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock- For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam • 26. Personals The cost is low, Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum +40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus .25c• for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum '65 cents _ per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. • For cash payment, or if paid' by 10 days following last inser- tion, 15 CENTS. deducted from above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades - ellen, etc.): " Minimum, 50 cents per insertion. Billing'charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 1. Coming Events 10. Used Cars For Sale 114. Property For Sale 1956 Meteor, A.T., V-8, hard- top, radio. Phone 649 W 12.- 10-31x1 1957 Mebeor, 8, coach, light'blue color, 'mechanically good, A-1 ecndition. Donald Wright, John St., phone 193-J, Sealorth, Sat- urday only,. 10-37-2 11. Articles For Sale ANNUAL Bazaar and Bingo, St. Callumban Parrish Hall, on Wednesday, October 21. 1-37-1 HOSPITAL Auadliary Rummage Sallie; •Fridaty, • Oc''tober--30th; 2 p.m., Seaforth Library. 1-37-1 ANNUAL Christmas Bazaar, sponsored by St. James' CWL, Seaforth, will be . held Saturday, Decesmber 5th. 1-37-1 KEEP October 21st in mind for The Turkey Dinner, in First Presbyterian Church Hall, spon- sored by the Fireside Group. 1-37-1 SATURDAY, September 19th, come to the Hobby and Craft Exhibition, Clinton Legion Hall, 2 to 10 p.m. Admission 75c, public, school children 25c, pre- school free. Sponsored by Wes- ley Willis United Church Wo- men. 1-37x2 4. Help Wanted ' TWENTY access second cut hay. Russell Bolton, phone 840 J 3, Seafarith. 11.-37-1 ONE set of grade 11 books, in good condition. Phone 666 W 3, Seaforth. 11-3+7-1 TWO thousand bales of second cut 'hay. George Stone, RR 1, Seaforth, phone 856 W 2. 11-31x1 GYM sprit; bowling shoes and bag. Phone 620 W 3, Seaforth. 11-37-1 STOVE and furnace- wood. Robert Regale, phone 840 W 3, Seaforth.. , 1147-1 CHILD'S ]large crib, in very good co2rdition, Mrs. Bedford Dungey, phone 533. ,- 11-37-1 QUANTITY quart sear, half price, Mrs. John Campbell', phone 4354, Seaforth- 11-37-1 USED reilregeratars. ',Box Fur- niture, (phone 43, Seadortlr. 11-36-2 ANTIQUE fiiurni'ture, glass cup- boards, lamps, dishes, books, stoves, etc. Phone 271-1578 Stratford, collect. 11-37x8 CLERK and waitress, exper- ienced •paerred. Apply J. C. Crvch, Cnieh's Bakery. 4-37-1 MAN wanted to work on 'ditch- ing :ma•r+hone- Reg. Chappel:, phone 'Dublin, 33 R 10. - 4-3r7 WOMAN to help with house- keeping and babysdbting. Five day week. Phone 212. 4-37-1 EGG graders and packers.. Ap- ply UDPC, phone 13, Seaforth, 4-371 MEN WANTED For 'Mill work. )!'all and win- ter employment. E. L. MTCKLE & SON LTD., HENSALL. 4-37-1 FIFTY -acre farm in the -Town- ship of McKillop, Brick house, and bank barn. All in pastime at present. Good water supply. Inenhdiate possession. 200 acre farm, with good buildings. 180 acre farm, with 2 subs of build- ings. 100 • acre- farm, without buildings. General store, in a smell Village. Apply Harald Jackson, Realtor, phone 474, or A 1 1 a n Campbell, Salesman, phone 884 W 3. Seaforth. 14-36-tf 15. Property For Rent APARTNPENT. Frank Ming, phone 19, Seaforth. 15-36-2 DUPLEX, modern, sellf-conta+in- ed.Reasonable rent. Phone 3, Seaforth. 4 L5 -364f SELF contained modern apart- ment, available about August .L Box 1364; Huron Expositor. 15-3341 FOR RENT — Apartment " on Railway Street, furnished or unfurnished. Available Sept. 18. Carl Dalton, phone 30. COMFORTABLE room with board, conveniently located to church and business district. Phone 208. 15-36x2 DOWNSTAIRS apartments, heat- ed. 2-bedroomis, 3 -piece bath, available imrmedia tel+y. Gordon Noble, phone 350, Seaforth. 15-35-Nf FRIDAY and Saturday only, 30 chocolate cakes, reg. 50c, only 39c. Sarve 11c., No phone girders. Cricb's Bakery. "11-31-1 TWENTY acres of second cut hay, 9 acres of Alfalfa and 11 of mixed Alfallfa, Red Top and Dutch Clover. John K e r r, phone 849 J 1. 11-37-1 HONEY for sale. Now is the time to have your containers filled with choice clover . , honey 25c a lib. in your own containers. Wallace Ross Apadries. .11-36-2 SWEET corn, whir it lasts, suitable for freezing; special price on choice freshly dug potatoes. .for • 01E4. week_ . only. M u r r ay Tyndall; Brucefieid, phone Clinton, 482-7182. 11-37-1 BEATTY Front Free, 2 -door, 1964 refrigerator, R 14/370, 109 pound freezing capacity, spec- ial reduced price. or+ special ,triode price. Gingerieh's Sales & Service, Seaforth. 11-37-1 APPLES, Macintosh and other varieties. Apply' R.. E. Robin- son, RR 3, Kippen, lila" miles west of Highway 4, on second Con., between Kippen and Brueefield. 14.37-1 .GREEN corn and beets, fresh picked, and other garden pro- duce. Ambrose Addley, first house South of Kinburn Store: Call .evenings and week ends. 11-36x3 REPOSSESSED Singer Zig Zag- sewing machinre, Does fancy stitches and reverse. Oriniriai $119.00. Can be had $57.00 or $8.00 monthly. Wrote Boyo 1379, Huron Expositor. 11-36-2 CEDAR posts, all sizes, anchor posts, 12'.. braces, steel posh, 6', 7', Paige wire, barbed wire; also. Shelburne table potatoes. Borden Brown, General Store, Kinburn, phone Seaforth, 841 R. 2. •.11 -36 -If ALUMINUM doors, windows, awnings, siding, aluminum and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality prodects at reason- +ablie prices. Call us for free- es- timates. We •do our own irfstall- ing. Walker Aluminum Salers, phone 235-0722, (collect), E -ex 11ser FEDERAL - MOGUL - BOWER " (CANADA) LTD. MECHANICAL RUBBER. DIV- ISION, MITCHELL, ONTARIO YOUres THS for steady interesting work. PLEASE APPLY AT PLANT. 4-37-3 7. Situations Wanted , COMFORTABLE room a n d board for elderly gentlemen in modern country home. Apply Box 1382, The Huron•. Exposi- tor. 7-66x2 S. Farm Stock For Sale SEVEN good Pigs. Jo'sephr` No- lan, St Colhumbran, phone 1.23gr 16, Dublin. 8-37-1 FORTY pig. Hubert Vaal- Nei- kerk, RR 3; Kippen phone 651 J 3. 8-37-1 TEN pigs, nine weeks old. Carl Vanderzon. Phone 469, Sea forth. 8-37x1 ONE Shorthorn bull, 115 months old. Apply Oliver :Wright, Sea - forth, phone 847 W 1. 847-1 FORTY' weaner pigs. Apply Cor Dorseems, RR 4, Seaforth. ' 8-374 SIXTY -five pigs for sale, 10 to 12 weeks old, Jerry Heyank, phone B9lyth, 523.9208, 8-37-1 FORTY -five choice York pige, 10 weeks old. Apply to Urbain Ducharree, RR 2, Brussels, phone 343 W 7. - 8-37x11 EIGHT first grade Holstein milking cows. Free from Brunel- - testis and TB. H. W. H IBnga, Lot 3, Con. 11., Grey, RR 3, Wel- ton. 8-37nc1 9. Poultry For Sale ROOSTERS, live or oven-ready, dress around 6 lbs. Phone 510. 9-37x1 NINETY laying hens- and 2 hen fleieders. H. W, Hellhnga,, Lot 3, ' Con. 111, Grey, RR 3, Walton. 9-37x1 SEVEN hundred Red a and Sus- sex pullets, 4 months 3 weeks 16111;• Staffed'be lay, Gorden Wren pIhono 329 3 3,, 4lett5all. 9-37x1 UPPER, 2 -bedroom apartment, newly decorated, private en- trance. D e n n i s Apartments, Welsh St. Contact Joseph Mc- Connell, Seaford-, 15-36-tf GAS -heated two-bedroom apart- ment, in Royal Apartments building. Apply Dr. E. A. Mc- Master, ;Grand Bend, or. Joseph McConnell, Seaforth. 15-36•-tf a %•w • 20. Auction Sales - springs and+ mattress; electric sewing machine; power mower, 2 ceche ironing board; wafitle iron; electric floor polisher; el' Admiral. T.V.; 22 rifle, re- peater; 2 camp riots; vacuum cleaner; 3 fishing poles, (ghees rode tackle box, complete with accessories; 2 bedspreads;. Halliday 8mrm movie 'projector; movie screen, 9 x 9; garden tools; T.V. antennae end rotat- or; desk; octagonal table; chest of drawers; camp cooler; 8 doz. fruit sealers; all transist- or rade; 3 'wicker trunks; roasting pan; 2 slice toaster; 3 pair girls' figure 'skates; girl's bii,yele; 4 pillows; Black and Decker, 6 -inch heavy-duty ad- justable sane. Other articles too numier+o'us fo mention. TERMS—Oast. , • JULES TROCH, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer George Powell, Clerk. Owner moving to California, furniture like new. 20-36-2 19. Notices... CUSTOM plowing. Doug, Up - shall, phone 672 W 2, Seaforth,. RR 3, Kippen. 19-36x4 SEPTIC tank service. New tanks sold and installed. Back- hoe available for digging. Septic tanks cleaned nu+t. '.Donald -For- rester, phone 528-3002, Lucknow. 19-33x10 CUSTOM CHISEL PLOWING •Good for killing twitch grass. ' RAPIEN BROS., • RR 2, Walton, Phone 52 R 15, Dublin. 19-37-2 12, Wanted To Buy ALL kinds of salvage wanted— metal, iron and rags. Will call for. Louis Hildebrand, Ord St., Seaforth. Box 338. 12-34x4 14. Property For Sale FOUR -bedroom house, on East William St. Phone Leslie Beattie 'at 450, Seaforth. 14-36-fif FOUR -bedroom, house, situated on West William Street, kitchen, livingroom, veranda, garage, gas furnace. Price $8,500.00. Conte c t Joseph McConnell, phone 266, , or William Fraiser', phone 563-W, Seaforth. 14-37x6 •EIGHT- acre farm, with 3 -bed- room house, all miodern con- veniences, including bathroom mid new 'oil furnace. Hank Van Rraoa jen, London, phone 434- 3557., or call Ben Akker; Welsh St:, Seaforth, after 6 p.m. '1A -36x2 APARTMENT house, located on Goderich Street East, 2 becks from Main Street. Upper and lower- apambments9 in good con= dition, with modern conven- iences. Extra building lot. For further information call 534, after 6 pm. 14-36-4 FOR SALE lira storey frame, 3 -bedrooms, west side, close to chnunelfes and school!. Modern kitchen and bartlh, oil furnace. Folli price $7500.00. Tering tactarrnged Con HAROLD JACKSON, Broker, or - JOHN A. CARDNO,. Salesman. 14-37-1 FOR SALE Four-bedroom house on West William Street. Nene gas fur- nace: large lot, priced at a greatly Deduced price for a quick sale. Two-bedroom home in Dub- lin: Reasonable terms. Imded- iate possession JOSEPH McCONNELL Realtor 19 Victoria Street, Seaforth Telephone 266 14-37.1 VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Bob Peck, Varna. Phone Hensall 352 W 2. 19-19x20 22. Legal Notices CUSTOM combining, grain, flax and beans. Apply Oarl J. Walk- er, RR 1, Cromarty, phone 12 R 13, Dublin. 19-35-3 CHIMNEYS repaired and re- painted; basements cleaned and whitecoated. Raymond Squire; Box 335,. Isabelle St., Seaforth. Phone 557. 19-36-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR 2, B•russets, phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 19;35x18 DEAD 'ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals ' CALL COLLECT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 License No. 262-C-63 19-36-tif CUSTOM COMBINING NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of LILY SMITHERS. i A11+ persons ha+vings claims !against ' the Estaite of Lily Smothers, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Widow, deceased, who died on the 22nd .day of August, 1964, are hereby- notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of September, 1964, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to _claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 27th day of August, 1964. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. " -Solicitors for the Executrix 22-35-3 Contact: JOHN HENDERSON Phone 858 W 3, Seaforth or ORVILLE STOREY Phone 856 W 4, Seaforth 19-36-tf WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ' ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 77 — Seaforth • 19 -36 -ti 24. Cards of Thanks I would like to thank all those who sent me cards and teeets whilile a patient in Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital; also spec- ial thanks to •those who helped at home.—Ernie Toalr. 24-37-1 THE family of the Late James Donald McRae wish to express their thanks for the kindness and sympathy extended in their recent bereavement. Thanking friends and relatives for the floral tributes, Masses to be offered on his behalf. Special thanks to the neiighlbors, Farther Nietenheiuner, Father Durand, Dr, Scrirmegour, M. Box and Sons and the pallbearers for their many kindnesses. 24-37-1 THE Seaforth Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Soceity wish to thank all who donated blood at the clinic held in North- side Church, Sept. lst; ,all who helped at the °Murch, and the groups who canvassed the town for donors, Mn.tiD. Whyte's group of Northside Church, the Friendship Circle of First Pres- byterian Church, the CWL of St. James' Chinch and the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legion; also the Boy Scaubs who helped carry equipment at the church. 24-37-1 TREASURER'S SALE ----O-F -LAND-FOR-TAXES Town of Seaforth County . of Huron. ' TO WIT; By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under hi'S hand and seal of the said Corporation, bearing date the 13th day of July, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Council cham- bers atthe hour of 2 o'clock in the !afternoon, on ,the 9th day, of December, 1964, unless the tax- es and costs ase sooner -pad. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for.arrears of taxes, was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 5th day of September, 1964, end that copies of the said list may be h,ad at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 8th day of September, 1964. C. L. HHAMMOND, •Treasurer. 22-37-13 f'' NOTICE TU(ALIISMTPH MUNICIPAL DUMP Wilt be 'open until further notice, on Wednesday and Sat- urday afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. No wire fencing, old concrete, or ear bodies permitted. J. L McTNTOSH, Clerk. ' 19-36-41f 20. Auction Sales 23. Business Directory A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 Seaforth Ontatio A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant • 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 25. In Memoriam ADAMS—In Loving memory of my dear liusbarid, Thomas J. Adams, who entered into eter- nal rest, Sept. 10,• 1963. When all wase still at 3 o'clock -in the morning, before God lit the day, ' God touched His hand upon' your bed and took your soul away, Oh how I miss- your footsteps, Tom, and the tap of • your walking stick, 1'would open the door, take you by your hand and help you • into your cocking chair. r. broke my heart to see you go, But you didn't go alone, Tom, Pare of me went with you, The day God called you home. In God's beautiful Garden, you- are afi --resat -- peacefully sleeping iii h Jesus Christ. —L o v i n glly 'remembered by your wife, Rose. 25-37x1 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: • Tues., Thurs., Fri.,' Sat. a.m. only; Thursday evening by appointment only. Phone 791 Residence 613 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Household Ef- fects, in the Town of Seiafomth, on 'East William Street, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER le, at 1 p.,m. Chesterfield suite; 2 hostess chains; rocking chair,, (larsy boy); wicker rocking chair and wicker chair sett; cocktail table; 2 end tables; 2 table (tamps; tro light lamp; 2 magazine reeks; 2 foot stools; 6' x 9' rug; 12 -ft. runner; le cu ft. refrigerator; dinette suite, .table and 6 chairs; 4 -burner electric range; set of &shee; 18 en, ft. freezer; washing machine, wrin- ger ; sdnglo bid, gliorillgr' and attatffre9 ; double • bed, Mon., Wed., ,Clinton Office SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. G. R. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., V.S. ' V. J. V. Parks, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth McCONNELL . & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D..1. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. : Phone 550 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 335 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE R. S. BOX LICENSED EMBALMER Prompt and careful attention Hospital Bed Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Res. 595-W , Store 43 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 119Seaforth NEWS OF BRODHAGEN Leave for. calx Gather for •Farewell Frty A farewell party was held at the Brodhagen and 'District Community Hall Thursday eve- ning for Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacLean (Arbritus Smith), and children, Brenda, Bradley, Bon- nie and Bevan, of Stratford, 'prior to their leaving to reside in California. Progressive euchre was play- ed, followed by dancing and lunch. • Mr. and Mrs. MacLean and family, were presented with gifts. Walter Moffat, of Strat- ford, spoke a• few words of good wishes to the couple and their family. John Oldfield made the presentation of gifts. BROOME—In loving memory of a dear sister-in-law, Mrs. Bert Broome, who passed away Sept. 13, 1962. Two years have passed .dear Vi, Since God called you to your eternal home, How well do I remember, That sad and weary day. You sufterd much and murm- ured not, We prayed that your dear ]fife be spared, Vi. Some where. dear, there is no parting, Some where, there is no pain, Some where, !loved ones ere waiting, Tho' beyond our undeesrtanding, May this set all our hearts at rest, Some where, in all His Wisdom Hog Producers Meet A pork barbecue was held at the Brodhagen Community Hall Wednesday evening, when about 700 attended. It was sponsored by the Hog • Producers. A pro- gram and dance followed. Sponsor Shower On Friday evening a shower was held at the Community 25. In Memoriam Vi, Our ]loving Gad knows' best. • —Ever remembered by your loving Sister -In -Lawes, Rose, Violet, Betty, Della and Anne. 25-37x1 Births BOUSSEY—At S,cabt Memn¢'dal Hospital, on Sept 3, to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Boussey, a son, Stephen Alexander. DILLON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 4, to Mr. . and Mrs. Hardy Dillon, RR 1, Seaforth, a son. DRAGER—At Scott Memorial • •Hospital, on Sept. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drager, RR 5. Seaforth, a son. HUTCHISON — At Woodstock Genera/ Hospital, on Sept. 2, to MT. and Mrs. Doug. Hutch- ison, (nee June Ross), RR 2, Ingersoll, a son, Stephen Ross. KOLKMAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, "on .Sept. 6, to Mr. and MDs. Geaiald I(olkmran, of RJR 5, Mitchell, a daughter. MALONEY—At Stratford Gen- eral Hospital, on Sept. 8, to Mr. and Mas. Mike Maloney, a daughter. MOCO -- By Barley For Additional Classified Page 10 Hall here for Mr. and Mrs. Den- nis Wolfe (Diane Rose). Gary Josling ,read the address, and Mrs. Ken Elligsen presented the gift of cash. Lorne Mueller's orchestra played for dancing. Lunch was served. Honor Bride -Elect On Saturday evening a ladies' shower was held in the club room' of the Community Hall for Miss •Dorothy Ross, of Sea - forth, prior to her marriage to Roy Roch. Mrs. Harold Rock and Joyce and Mrs. George Rock attended a shower for Miss Dorothy 'Ross at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross, Sea - forth, recently. The Dunsmore reunion was held at the Brodhagen and Dis- trict Community Park on Sat - urday afternoon, 'SO ;an _ Sun- day afternoon the $iemon falmu- ily held their reUfl1on at the - same 'park. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bode, of Fort Erie, visited relatives here recently. Last Monday, funeral servic- es for Mrs. Frieda Liedtke; of Avon Crest Hospital, Stratford,' and formerly from Brodhagen, and on Saturday for Mrs, Louise ,. Morenz, of Mitchell, were held at St. Peter's Lutheran. Church here. Miss Barbara Hoegy: dislocat- ed her thumb while playing ball Friday evening. She received treatment at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Miss Hope, St. Thomas, and Mr. Don Adair, of Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens. TIRES AT 30 to 40 per cent ISCOUNT These New Tires Taken Off New__Cars_in_ Exchange. These are first-line tires by Goodyear, Dominion and Dunlop, to be sold on a first-come basis, to reduce inventories. 30% Discount on 1 or 2 Tires 40% on Over 2 Tires SEAFORTH MOTORS Your Guardian Maintenance Service Centre Phone 541 .— Seaforth Your Guardian Maintenance Service Centre r". Phone 541 — Seaforth LI'L PEDRO By de a Torre OUR TOWN — By McClelland NAPOLEON --= By McBride 1 WON'T 5UPPO5E NAPO- LEON LIKES FLIES ANY BETTER THANANl I DO