HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-07-23, Page 97. 7•' •.,' ^ , , 'a• , -{I: h yr::.0 w. r�'�'';Y!a i ,<a ,, ,: i .� h,�.4 - f �}y 1 � i a 6 a '� 'TM r.• L 1 � *i t i s` ".J • ;i , G' 1 • AD f,.,..',8 r;''' {v,7114�,lll�T V.,A C e +f V.. tA 1. Coming Events �_ ± �•,:•' l - • 2. Lost, Strayed 10. Used Cars For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 20.. auction Saes .Tenders Wa>nxe4 23, 0w, 11 s� pzreeto>r`y 2 3. Found 1957 INTERNATIONAL S 1700 GIRL'S bicycle in good condi " AUCTION SALE Department of Public 131IcCQNIN I WOULD like to thank ,;ny 'UAMO �-, Coy°loy�,� 4. Help Wanted stake truck, 144t. sroeel plak tion. Phone 131, Seaforth, Works of �Cana.!da 4 ST WART friends and neighbors for their meanory pf •oili�, death ?rig air 5. Business Opportunities form, 9.00 x20 tames, 5 -speed 12,31-1 Auction Sale of One Acres , 6. Teachers Wanted tran;nission, 2 -speed axle, hoist Property and Warehouse, ENDERS Barristers, Solicitors; Etc. kindness shown' to me wh4e `X Ma garEt `: Alzn .. orelr; who `' , 7. Situations Wanted in good m!echanioal condition. WE are in the market for live >i was a patient rn G.gngral Marine passed awsY o#1 y, ,: i�32.: Trucks, Lumber, Tools and xnis SEALED TENDERS address P. D. Mc�Ot,INE,I,L,, Q -C. iJ� -,_• _ 8: Farm Stock Far Sale Complgito with PCV plass F Poultry, Contact Rudy Petzke, DIST AR �T°sgital, fioderich; xtfio ViG- Dau Licence, Phone 157-M ceilaneous items, for W. R. Mul- ed to Secretary, Department ofbtrs and 5pt}s, y HeIIsa'll• Hensall. Phone 328 W or 83. Public Works of Canada, Room Seaforth, Ont•.' 1'lone 550 torso, in London; also thanking + 9. - Poultry For Sale holland Transport, qn part • of ;z3a 10. Used Cars For Sale 1031-2 12 31.4 F B 322, Sir Charles Tupper. the Canadian. I,egron, $I',, act „- , Lot 34, Con. 8> Logan Twp., one PPei Build SEA LTH 156, and the Ladies' Augilrary " , t 11. Articles For Sale TRACTOR, in good condition, mile west of Brodhagen on ing, Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8, $ 12. Wanted To Buy 11. Articles For Sale Apply Martin Guichela.", RR 4, SATURDAY, JULY 25th, 'at 1 and endorsed "TENDER kldt% VETERINARY of 156,—J4mos Watson, Sr.- r rN 13: Wanted USED Seaforth, Phone B54 W 2, . p.m.: ' DREDGING O F APPROXI, CLINIC 2-31x1+:. refrigerators. Bow Fur THE family . • . . 14. Property For Sale 12 31-1 MATELY 1#,250 CUBIC YARDS J. O,. y of the late firs;, Hp '+ 94 "" l • . x. 15. Property For Rent nntui+e, SeadomGh. 1132-2 THE PROPERTY -=Consists of T7lrnbuil, •V.11�r, V'S. X,' Wit SCOW MEASUREMENT CLASS "' Myrtle MacKay wish to eaFpress Mtbehesi, a• son, 16. For Sale or Rent COLIIPE 'Pup, 2 inoniths. old. one sere more or less, with I, „ W R. $ryazls, D.V.V,, V.S. g 14. Property For Sale never -failing well;' frame ware. B MATERIAL AT KINCAR•- D, •I�,. ' Galt, D.V,M., V.S. sincere appreciation to rela- 17. Wanted To Ret Phone' 850 J 1 Se'afomhh. 11••3-1 U c n ' DINE, BRUCE COUNTY, ON.es, friends and neighbors for 1944. R -- J... it +ant FOUR -bedroom house, on Ease aY, B.S., D.N.M..VV.S. g ° 18. Property Wanted GRAIN. Edgar ! ', RfR 2 house ing, with steel roof TP�RIO AND 21950 CUBIC. iq R,. Gr their man acts of kindness, Memorial' fi. ' i 19. Notices Walton WIMam; Sb. Phone' Leslie Be'a%o and siding, and heavily wired Fhoue lI)5 $ealorth y ', ' i srl7l - phone Dublin, 104 R 14. hydro throughout. This build- YARDS SCOW MZASUREj)rIF,N'p messages of sympathy and floral Ton" ou J. 8, t5t lr and • • 20. Auction Sales 11_ 1 at 450, .Seaforth, IA -294 g is in excellent state of re- CLAS "B" A. W S' LLFi Y tributes during their loss • of a M,040n, rd`s MATERIA:- AT 21. Tenders wanted ii'RAMJF/ , arag!e for sale. Must painted re- BAXFIELD, HURON COUNTY, li st�r, ,Split WT, Et dear sister. Special thanks to a M Pic e' AIR Age, ifl7 cat,. ,Rifled ,bore pair and has been Pabi�tci 22. Legal Notices be moved. Box -369, Huron'Ex- centl .'Phis ONTARIO", will be recsived P1?c►J4 pace 173, Res. 781 Rev. J. C. Britton, Dr. Gcirwill, Lf' good COIIditnOII $10.00. James y property will be p,rn (E: s.T.), oVED- 23. Business Directory po�siton. 14-31.1 until 3:Oo Se Orth : Otitlfrio nurses and staff of Scott ivlenr- inga e e t MIoG7Mgor, E9mioadvillle, 113!Jhcl offered by auetion, subject to 24. Cards of Thanks GOOD burldui'g 10 % an North reserve bid, with 10% down NI SI)AY' AUQUST '5, 1864. A A�, tt orial Ilospital, , the R. $, $px Mr and 25. In Wgmoriam PONY, caro and barnriss!• ansa Main St. Contact Robert J. Tender doeuments ,can be ob Funeral Home, the. manage>isent �& ...gpSe.. !Clark, 26. Personals motorcycle: Phone 862 W'3, 5ca- and balance in 30 days. s ed. A1res�slA i;At Battersea, a ngiluele t#le en- ^f Doig, RR 1,, Dation, phone Sea- ,t;,,ed through: Chief En >!iieer 50-57f5p?t#eal li?eispone and staff of Highland Shoes of The cost is low. Classifications fob 11.31bN ! Also ofered ,by auction will • gogement of heir dal} ter, ?' ' 849 ;J 3 14'-29 3 be the following Corals 28x24 R.00in. E-443, Sir Charles TuP• O9 R iFb. 5 X662 Seaf°rt 1 and the ladles of the • 2, 3, 8, 9, 30, 11, 12, IS, -15 and VSW cock$h •binder, swami- GOOD buxduig lot; close to the , :;pier' Building,, Riwpside Drive, Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of �''n' Linda Louise, to Lewisfolios •P 17, minimum 40c an insertion. er, m4th new eanvag. Box 1370, with steel roof and loading Ottawa, Dist ret Engineer, P.O. OI N K LONGST��''I+' First Presbyterian Church,•,of gnetse o 0 } son of Mr. ri Classification 25, minimum 65c, Huron E'xpositomf. 1131-1 Agipl ako School )+.7c- chute, excellent for a pasture Box 668, 457 Richangnd Stxeet, OPTQ B which Mrs. MacKay was a mars- " h' -f SgafArth Qgtp i plus 25c for each -line verse. farm, frame garage 10x20, 37 SQrth O,+re, The weddipg will take puce RASPBERRIES. Mrs. Wilfred Posibor'. 14-31x1 London, Ont. ter. Also thanks to Dr. Brien August Stir, at 2:30, in $alter1 All other classifications, mini- Drager, Rif 5, Seaforth, Phone FIFTY acme farm in the Town. foot trailmobile livestock van To be considered each tender Tues., Thurs., Fri•, !t• a,m. and his staff, nurses and order- s mum 65 cents with Rum tandem, would make must be submitted on the forms only, Tl 0 5day aVemA,g by ties of the third floor of Vic ea United Church. xl per insertion, .886 J 3• 1i-31ap1. shop of McKillop. Brick house, suitable farm granary; 1956 iii- appoint _ ant opl . Vic - except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ✓&nd bark barn. All an as!bure ak g supplied b the Department m Y toria Hospital of London and Mrs Leonard � B, ltqu, BORDEfR. Collie Y P p' • dais Wanted (21), and Legal Pups• C, Rap- p ternational stake truck with 15• Phone 791 Residence 613 � g Sea len Lott 2 Con. to McK'' ' ppresent• Good wooer supply., and must be accompanied by to those who sent cards and forth, wishes to announce the Notices (22), rates on applica• °P' Imnne ,, session, 200 acre foot body chassis and cab,.in in the security phone 52 R 15 Dublin. 11-30x3 y specified in the + messages of sympathy there. engagement of her _ daughter, s tion. firm with, good buf 'ngs, 180 good condition, complete with tender documents; Mon., Wed., Clinton Office your kindness was much a GARDEN tractor with new mo-. g ury 600 The lowest or an tender not •ciated and will always be pre- Joseph Bne astian, son of Mr.Wilfand 1. For cash payment, or if paid acre flaarm, with 2 sets* of basil-- loadin chute 1956 Merc y W, . J, CI:EARY' y tor, cultivator, plow and hill. stake truck with 16 foot box , by TO days following fast insery log's. 100 acne farm, without necessarily accepted. Seaforth, Ontario membered.—Clifford and Clar- Mrs. Alphonse Bastian, of ,fit ars. Roy Rau. Phone 668 J 4, stock racks and LICENSED EMBALMER ( g } tion,' T5 CENTS deducted from uildin'gs. General: snore, in a good tires, suit- r. ROBERT FORTIER, ante "Trott brothers). thenar. The weddin will take Seaforth. 11-31x1 able for wreckin Secretary. and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 2431--1 place on Saturday, August 15, ab ve rates. _ small Village, Apply Harold g; 1957 G.M.C. Secreta �OAit1VlERCIAL CLASSIFIED BALER kit for 270 New Hol- Jackson, Readbor, phone 474, or 9700 series truck, suitable for 2131-1. Night or. Day Calls — 335 at 11:00 a.m., in St. Mary's port - RATES land baler, in. good condition, Allan Campbell, Salesman, wrecking; 25 -foot six-inch port - Ji Flannigan. DEPARTMENT OF PUB C Church, Kitchener, xl (For Business Firms, Trades- m pan. Phone 37 R 10, Phone 884 W 3, Seaforth, 14-29-tf able grain auger; 16 foot four. J. A BURKE 25. In Memoriam men, etc,): Minimum, 50 cents Dublin. 11-31-1 f inch grain auger, complete with WORKS OF CANADA o , Funeral Director Mr. and Mrs. Gerald' Van den, per insertion. Billing charge, 15 WOODEN silo 24x12 feet, with 15• Property For Rent motor and 5 -foot extension; �4 TENDERS' and Ambulance Service GLANVILLE In loving mlem` Hengel, RR 5, Seaforth, wish cents per advertisement. roof. Map Sholdice, Walton. TWO�bedroam, se!hf contained H.P. Heavy duty electric motor; SEALED TEND'E.RS oddness- DUBLIN _ ONTA_ RIO O13' of a dear facer, Wilbert. to announce thesengagement of " steel rubber tired wheelbarrow• ed to, Secreta D Night or. Da Calls• • Glanville, who died July 19; daughter, Antonette Mary,' Phone 381 W 5, Brussels. , a! a�rGment their dau ' P , passessao4 i'mmed- rw, enada, Room of g Y 1961..- to Mr. John Andrew Lane, sone 1. " Coming EVeritns 11-31x1 i�ikefliy, Phone 602 W 4. 15-29-tf Garwood coal and -wood furnace, Public Works of Canada', Room Phone 43 R i0 ' TTlimaugh 'a,121 aur•'troubles, 'he complete with controls and cfr- B 3D2, Sir Charles Tappan Build-. of RR 4r Seaforth. The Mervine ge NEW bean knives, for all types THREsE - bedroom apartment culating unit; quantity of used ing, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, 8, , If we ]rive like brim we will. TWENTY - FOURTH McKellar 'P BOX belrped us' along, of pullers, at Basil O'Rourke's kitchen, . ]wing. room and bath. a Reunion, at Lions Park, Sea- truth tires; quantity of new ply a'nd• endorsed "TENGER FOR' FUNERAL SERVICE. � is to take place August 15 at Welding & .Blacksmith Shop, Available around 8th of Aug. oyer go wrong, , forth, Sunday August 2, at two p' wood and white , ash lumber; FEDERAL BUILDING, CLIN• R. S. BOR 10 a,m, ' in St. James Roman. o'clock. Picnic su Brucefield. 11-31-1 Mrs. Fna'rrk Nigh, phone 670 W On earGli' �he upas "loved, in ; pper at five quantity of .used lumber, 2 b TON ONT.", will be received LICENSED-EMBAL Catholic Church, Seaforth, o'clock. 1.31x2 •QiJANTITY of hard body 'wood 2'af0' 15-30 3 by Heaveai he nests, SELF contained bwobedmaom 4's, and rafters; chimney tile; until 3.0.0 P•m, (N.D.&T.), Prompt, careful attention God bless you' Dad you were Mr. and Ml's, Walter Mue also smaller size for stove. Wil' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, ' gge, apartment, with bath heart and ceibent blocks; '2 14x20 -ft. tarps; Hospital Bed one of the best. RR 4 fred• O'Rourke. Phone Dublin 1964. Mitchell, wish to ail - 2: Lost, Strayed hydro, J. C. Crich Seafnm@h. Black & Decker skill saw; 2 Flowers For All Occasions —Always neme!rnbetlied by Son nounce the engagement of their 37 R 9. 11-31x1 1/4 -inch electric' drills; chains; Tender docum'enbs can be ab- Phones: Dani 15-30-2 ' tamed on deposit o8 $100.00 b- gQiber4n-law and Family., g KODAH- flash camera lost on- WHITE electric sewing mach- chain binders; 2 308 -cubic inch Res, 595-W Store 43 dau hter, Joan Caroline, to Rev. SELF conEadried modern apart the form of a- CERTIFIED bank 25.31x1 Harold John Nelson Brill, Brod- a highway between Walton and ire, console model: Fred Rose IHC motor blocks s 't bl f 12th concession of McKillop, on P July 16. Anyone 25 co ' RR 1, Walton. Phone Seaforth menu; available about August 1. Bax 10364, Huron Expositor. ' ' • w a e or rebuilding; 5 speed transmission cheque to the order of the RE- G. A. WHITNEY finding same, 875 J 3. 11-31x) 5. BUS. Upportunitie8 for 4 ton truck aluminum shov- CEIVER GENERAL OF CAN - FUNERAL HOME pleasecall collect Seaforth 872 ' ,W 3. -• 2.31-1 QUA1V'PLTY of maxed gram, :-� 1S-�xkf UPPER 2 -bedroom #nrenk els some small tools and' a ADA through: Dasbidcb ATchi- tett, 241 Jarvis Streeft, Toronto Goderich-St. W. Seaforth ' living room and kitchen; three- -approximately two-thirds bare-decorated,� ley, Apply^ `Jim La¢ideshomo rawly - host of other items too numer- ous to 2; District Manu ger, 45T Rich- AMBULANCE SERVICE 3• Found , trance. Dennis Apartments, Dniparte ts, mention: Qnx�nd. Streak, Landon, Ont.; and Adjustable hospital- beds for � � phone 665 W 1, Seaforth. 11-31wi Welsh St. Contact Joseph M ALSO—One Pinto pony' stab. can be seen at the' Past Offices rent. .STRAYED onto the promises of SEE ur 14'rmge s'ele'ction of Timex Conn�eUl, Se�afWrblr. 15-28-bf V on, 4 � 'Years old, quiet •with nb Guelph,. Sarnia and, .Clinton; FLOWERS FOR EVERY Henry Armstrong, a . Holstein s, Pmced from $7.95 wp.. GAS -heated two-bedroom apart- children; broke to saddle and and the Builders' Etx!cha'nges OCCASION h'enfeer, ,.a:bout 800 or 900 lb's.. Ga Gazanbeed one £u12 year An- rent, in Royal Apartments' to ride. Toronto, London, Guelph and Phone 119 Seaforth y Anybody pnpying 'the identity �� Jewe11!ers Ii4d, 11-30-2 building. Apply Dr. E. A. Me- No reserve on chattels as pro is Sariva, Ont. The depo'sdt 24. Cards Thanks and payung the expenses ma,? PHILISHAVE Seed F1elc alae- Master, Grand Bend, or Joseph prietor selling surplus stock will .be refunded of I WOULD like to thank all my claim this ani'miak. 3-30x2 bine shaver, to clear at Onlyand McConnell, Seaforth. equipment: on return of fltve documents, in ood �.� • hagen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Brill, Preston, the wedding to take place in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodbagen, on August 14, at 5:30 p.m., i• Huron Farm News Harvest of fall wheat and early .spring crops is underway. 4. Help Wanted $ 95. No .trade needed. An-, s'bebt Jervvellens-Ltd. 11-30-2 15.arge TERMS—Cash on da of sale. y R. g n on wa n ane mon from the date of tender O1prnmg• friends and neighbors for cards, phone 482-3237 Clinton, or 611 Corn and white beans are mak- 5. BUS. Upportunitie8 TWO bedroom apartment, large W MULHOLLAND, Prop. To be considered each 'Gender gifts, flowers and visits while I For ing excellent growth. QUANTITY of lumber, • i/a"; SALESLADY, full or parttline. tiro dining ram table; living room and kitchen; three- Franklin Buuck, Auctioneer must be submitted on the forms was .a patient in Scott Memorial �, will be no 'advance in price far Army worm is making its ap- State experience. Apply to Box ' window glass, and 'piece bath; gas Heated. On Dial Stratford 271-3049, or supplied by'bh'e Department and Hos rtal and St. Joseph's P Hos- � � pearance in only small seat - y 1363, 1363, Huron Expositor, 431-1 Clan ncndonvs Shaba brick, Clarence Reeves, North Main. Available immedi- Sebringville 393-5501 muse be accom!paxued� by the Pital, London. Thanks to all Additional tared area. The Mexican bean GIRL to look after two "chil Seaforth. it 31in1 ately. Phone 415, Seaforth. 20-31.1 seeumify specified in the bender the nurses and Drs. Gorwill, also Shelborne table potatoes. Borden Brown, General Store, beetle is affecting bean crops dren and do light housekeep- ing, five days begin- 15-31-1 documents. Th'e' lbwe'sk or any tender not Wyatt Macaninch and Hostet- ler. Thanks to the ones) who Classified in man areas of the county. The population of the te SECOND hand amts far" 7 -ft. P 21. Tenders Wanted a week g Ping in September, May live in. binder, alt petc. including including chains, knife, — n'ece'ssa.Tdy oaccepted. looked after our home' and dad SEAFORTH beetle hasn't made it necessary 19. Notices Phone 41 R 14, Dublin. 'J Gordon Reynolds, phone 66T' J ,CUSTOM +^ombining and swath- TENDERS ROBERT FORTI'ER, Secretary so much for me. It is deeply appreciated,—Ona Fortune: Page 10 to spray in many , areas, al - though it almost to the break- 4.3lx2 AVON C II• f N d d ' 4, Seafwth. 11.31-1 STIr " 'ton ing, Ken Gibbings, RR 4, Clin-2131 1, 482 74 Tenders i�vaal be races ed f ' --1 24 31x1 ing point. a .ing. ee a immed- -piece webs Wf Silverware, Ty one - 19. 19-30-2 v or iately, three ladies iii: the Hul- chest included, clearing at only VACUUM Cleaner Sales da Ser- ithe construction. of a 'store' and MOCO p poria • lett, Tuckersmith and Ribbert $69.95, 001Y 3 sets left. Terms vice for all makes. Bob Peck office .building' for the Seaforth DV y available (at no extra, charge. Farmers' Co -Op, Plans and 1 7 area, with ambition to earn Varna. Phone Hensall 352 W 2. sPecalacations are amaillabl!e' al mons Good incoine Anstett Jowlei ers Ltd. 11-30-2 19-19x20 � office in Seaforth on the time Y Phone collect:' mn M FIFTH' -'piece sets °f T°hnsbon — Millson, 'London; 451-0541. Bros. dinnerware, service for C U ST 0 M combining. Alex Townsend RR 3 Seaforth. deposit of. $35.00 which will be refunded on return of plans, by i 4-31-1 • '8, seWng now for dnly $29,95, Open shack. Anstett Jeweil!ers phone 482-3237 Clinton, or 611 all non successful, bidders. . 5. BUS. Upportunitie8 Ltd. 11-30-2 HONEY for W 2 Seaforth. 19.31-2 Lowest or any bender not nec- es�s'araly ccePted• CUSTOM cortins ng, new Case RAWLEIGH. business now open sale—Now pouring fzes'h clover honey, 256 per lb. 600 combine., 'Arnold Taylor, Interested contTaetans should con not fracter than Tu ll- contact in :Huron County. 'Trade well in your oven container,. There Brucefield.: Phone 482-9155, .lis July 28th. established, Excellent oppor- will be no 'advance in price far Clinton.- 19 31x1 ,• . tunity. Full time. Write Raw- thd,s se'a'son. Wallace Ross, S'e'a- FOR Beauty Counsellor products' SEAFORTH FARMERS' ' leigh, Dept: G-363-189, '4005 forth, 11-314 contact your Seaforth and dis- CO-OPERATIVE Richelieu St., St.' Henry, Mont- trict representative: Mrs. J. C. 21-31-1 CEDAR posts, alt ,sizes,anchor i real. 5-31-1 pasts, 12' braces, steel pasts, Cornish. Phone 595-M, SEa- tial; exceptional promotions; ' `<{ WOMEN and responsible gdzls,` 6•, T, Paige wire, barbed ware; forth. 19-31-2 TENDERS WANTED openings for management and representative posdtionsi with also Shelborne table potatoes. Borden Brown, General Store, HESSMAKING, aftemin'g ladies nd children's cooks dresses Tenders are invited by Tuck- 4 B Kinburn phone Seaforth 841 .and ensmdth School Area Board for >) I X e'auky! Counselors nr Seaforth lsa ment1mg and puttan'g cuffsr and . surrounding areas. For P a _ 1'1-28-bf on trousers, Mrs, Olarence Schxx Transportation a � �e ° routes in L 1 L P E D R O --By de la Torre appointment call- 9 a,.m, to 11 STERLING Stl'ver 1/z price, in Rf;pien, RR 2, Walton, phone Purpose of i r a.m., Crediton, 234.6467, or Cie following patterns; Wild' Dublin, 52 R 15. 19-29-3 � sial- Education, Two grades write Mrs. Ruth Ganser•, RR 2, Crediton. 530 3 Rose; Enchantress; Stradivari; Reigning Beauty; ff, a s ti n' g -- WATCH REPAIRS a c assmoom far 1 year from Sept, 1964, to June 1965. THIS. 1S A PLs ASANT, UNSPOILT PACK OF T-HE� COUNTRY, — Spilus; Pine Tree. This special offer to FAST SERVICE Route No. 1 Comprising Schools 4, 7, 8. ' -- FRANCHISE applies pieces in shock' Phone 236 0722, (calleeG), Route, No. 2, Comprising., Township Of Hibbert �ii��l onbn. Anstett . Jewell!ersi Ltd., All work guaranteed Schools, 5 10, 9, 2. 1`•i;5i!iy;t, First time offered, fast mov- Searfadth. 11-31-1 ANSTETT Bus to pick up pupil's at vas•- ,• SEAFORTH CO-OP in and repeating national food- g P g JEWELLERS iou,s schools morning and even ed by the undersigned rintil 7 p.m., D.S.T., on Monday, August line for Huron and Perth Coun SPECIAL—Until July 31, 1964 lumber, 2x4 s, 2x6 s, sheet - ing. 3rd, 1964:; for the construction ties. Tremendous growth poten- ROSCO GRAIN BINS Ltd. further con- OP tial; exceptional promotions; All steel with independent steel Phone 77 — Seaforth tact ka,r«b th;e Secretary of hh'e School ry of 4,823 lineal feet of closed 4 r well tested and proven.'An out- frames - 19-281 Board. - NOTICE standing opportunity to be in- dependently 1350 bushel size _.......... 299.00 bushel. Tenders to be in the 'hands of = �' in business for 1950 size .- ... 413.00 tires; Reasonably priced. Will metal, iron .and rags. Will call Secretary by July 24, 1964, MRS. ANNE BURCHL, Clerk, IL yourself. Investigate now by ' SEAFORTH accomplished by low cost Es- clearly, marked Tender. E calling MR WILLARD collect FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE TUCKERSMITH Lowest or any 'tender not „F y, ni.::,�r ,f„,: ” \ f,.', •Ay:Nq':I5 Y8: p:, „^'v , .,., ,.. ... .. "..:i .i..l r:i:,' , .. ........ :. at Guelph TA2-7800, 7 to 9 p.m., 11.31-2 MUNICIPAL DUMP" necessarily accepted, J U k TOWN -- By M c C IQ 1'la n d to arrange interview: W� be Ween day fd Sate IVAN FORSYTH, See.-Treas. x Al'g 5 3I i ALUMINUM downs, " windows, notice, on Wednesday and gat - 1 - ?. Situations Wanted HItGH School' .gir!t wantsr baby- Wsvlegiht 'i�rono' porch radlinrgs�. Top quality products at reason- able es, Call us for free es- l� oma W. We-doAlour ownnum instSaleps U'lYlUy i1S,LFWnU'UnS, rrom' 1 'UO 5:30 p:m, No wire denrang, old concrete, or carr bodies permitted. a u�:nea�J•u,u'wi 0ti11,jv I Z%Av l' ou'I'LU RR 2, Kip.oe'n,, Ont. 21-30-1 THIS. 1S A PLs ASANT, UNSPOILT PACK OF T-HE� COUNTRY, DRAIN TENDERS sitting, part-time' or fO-time, A!pplyf to Box 1368, Huron EGc- J T ClerNTOSH, License No. 262-G63. seen at the Clerk's office. Drain positor. 7.31 Phone 236 0722, (calleeG), r Clerk. Township Of Hibbert �ii��l ": �I.i:i'°^•':�,li?ilii [i:!iri!gii!i!$;a,,.,, 'f•.'2!i'i Fijlfl i9r?ti:• ih!i :i+!a 19 28 tf 1`•i;5i!iy;t, � i iilt:.:tE:1t::ng3irN^; 8. Farm Stock For Sale WRECKING Buildings 6, RCAF Drain tenders will be receiv- A; Phone 343 W 7. 8-31-1 vanity dresser; sewing mach- DEAD ANIMALS---- TWENTY -one weaner pigs. Cor Station Clinton buildings size g 20x20, 25x30, 19x25, 20x40; or REMOVED ed by the undersigned rintil 7 p.m., D.S.T., on Monday, August `z Dormers, RR 4, Seaforth. 8 -31 -II sell lumber, 2x4 s, 2x6 s, sheet - Contact: 3rd, 1964:; for the construction >� TEN York pigs, 7 weeks old. ing; , windows; doors; usable For Dead or Disabled Animals, OP camivlel6e with' Market Stt, Ph220, s `{ box to hold 150 bushels. 8.25 Street, one Dennis, Jem4bt, phone 856 J, 12, pipe; , plfyrwood; rooting 'brousises' CALL, COLLECT 4,823 lineal feet of closed or ORVILLE STOREY Sea6orbh, 8-3W complete, - TWE �severi 7 ate. Contact sales - man l c a o sial- on job. Darling o g & Company drain, and held at the Township Hall, Staffs; Monday, August 3, 1964, * pigs, weeks •-Door , in excellent condition; four new ALL kinds o salvage wanted— ig_ 3.catch basins on the NEEV- , old, Al By ..Bob Pawle1c, phone 11.31x1 1: of Canada Ltd. �VY17H NOTHING NAPOLEON -- By McBride ON THE QOAD Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 gu-r us. FORTY choice York chunks, icles: 2 -piece red chesterfield License No. 262-G63. seen at the Clerk's office. Drain approximately 65 pounds;' also suite; reversible grey rug, 9'1011 19-2&.,0 to be completed in 1964, but �ii��l ": �I.i:i'°^•':�,li?ilii [i:!iri!gii!i!$;a,,.,, 'f•.'2!i'i Fijlfl i9r?ti:• ih!i :i+!a . ��f �i�i!i::. !ii: ii�ii 'iii i•'i'>�'!�ii'`fi�:lJili�'i`iifl�':: ��,f.�ilyrisiii•:`!':,�;: f,: ;,;.,.,.::t:.!i 1`•i;5i!iy;t, � i iilt:.:tE:1t::ng3irN^; CUSTOM work until farmer's crops are old, Al By ..Bob Pawle1c, phone 11.31x1 1: of Canada Ltd. EL MUNICIPAL DRAIN NAPOLEON -- By McBride &W Jr 8.31-1 PRIVATE sale of household art- Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Plans, profiles, etc., may be FORTY choice York chunks, icles: 2 -piece red chesterfield License No. 262-G63. seen at the Clerk's office. Drain approximately 65 pounds;' also suite; reversible grey rug, 9'1011 19-2&.,0 to be completed in 1964, but �h hog weighing 400 pounds. Ur- x 8'; combination stove; bed- contractor not to , commence ban Ducharme,• RR 2, Brussels. room suite; bed and dresser; CUSTOM work until farmer's crops are A; Phone 343 W 7. 8-31-1 vanity dresser; sewing mach- COMBINING off, Contractor to supply ma- ine; Gerhard Heintzman piano; terials, and a certified cheque 10. , Used Cars For Sale 28 -ft. extension ladder; odd Contact: for 10% of bid to accompany >� x 1949'Mev ury dump truck, with. tables, chairs, lamps, dishes, etc. Mrs. C. in hrydraulic lift, Chamberlain, JOHN HENDERSON each tender. Lowest dr any tender not necessarily accepters. ' camivlel6e with' Market Stt, Ph220, s `{ box to hold 150 bushels. 8.25 Street, one Phone 858 W 3 Seaforth Tenders to be opened at the tires, Mrs. David' Shannon, forth, 1131x1 or ORVILLE STOREY reguIar', council meeting " to be • ! piwne 666 W 41Seafox+th, 10-31-iI 1957 Pontiac Ha'rdtop- 12 Wanted 'fo Buy phone 856 W 4, Seaforth held at the Township Hall, Staffs; Monday, August 3, 1964, •-Door , in excellent condition; four new ALL kinds o salvage wanted— ig_ at 9:30 p.m. , Every week more people dis= tires; Reasonably priced. Will metal, iron .and rags. Will call cover what, mighty jobs aro MRS. ANNE BURCHL, Clerk, IL take trade. -. Phone 238 -It, Sea - •for. Louis Hildebrand, Ord St,, accomplished by low cost Es- Dublin, Ontario. forth. 104121; Seaforth. ,Box;,338. 12.30x4 ;positor Want .Ads. 2131-1 „F y, ni.::,�r ,f„,: ” \ f,.', •Ay:Nq':I5 Y8: p:, „^'v , .,., ,.. ... .. "..:i .i..l r:i:,' , .. ........ :. ..,... sr� n6/kT„ •,� _._-•- _� cardia.