HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-07-23, Page 6• ON EXPOSrrQR. S4AFoxvrg. ONT., JI,TLY 23, 1964, ACROSS 1. Dance stay 4. Rowed 9.High mountain 12. costly ' 14. Prohibit 15. Use s loom 16. Pantry }7. High card •18. Pause 20. Stepping boxes 24. Consume 26. Not as much 27. Electri tied particle 28. Angry 29. Us 30. Ovum 31. Fragrance 33. Weep 36. Higher 37. Free 38. Carden tool 39. Go by 42. Fondle 43. Waste allowance 44. Assert .46. Resound 48. Falsehood 49. Limb 51. Spear 54. Piece out 55. Infringement 57. Place 58. Arm joint 59. Food fish DOWN I. Church seat 2. Chopping tool 8. Showing mercy to 4. Units 5. Like 6. Tear 7. Dispossess 8. Forest anima! 9. Subside 10. Shoe string 11. Iron 13. Level 19. Rip 21. Malt drink 223. Prig 25. Worahlp 28. Chart 29. Small meas 32. Tiny object 33. Continuous 34. Fish eggs 35, Still 36, Employ 39, Grows wan 40, Identical 9l. lcy rain 42. Danger 43. Pronoun 45. Bestowed ,47. Anima) nail 50, Crowd of people 62. "'Dove's call 53. Finish 66. Behold EIDE no : 1i1 1 R1011001i1E4153 ERIE ©Ei OE X11 El®d L7[ EE ECANICECJ Dana min INEIC2In ECM Duo n[1 MEW trIQL7nCI dC7E rr�� Ed oo©- Ea® ®c]©0 ©& © MUM ©EdEdIE1 d©Ed n IMO ;: 'Dnamute L 1L!M dMIl©EqrinCl MOO ©?.,do,©oo psi pail 4 ■rl11111.c lila if ®� 7 8 x 9 /o ,* 11 411: F ®®1 /I W1r1111■ Mill MR mum411 II kIIII®IIal 1125 ■ dill ,l , 41111137 ■ }id ',' ,tr l 33 Frim MN 33 11 3y INN Ill®ill ,. 0' ■■ id 111111i111111 if III ©■50 x. i.■r 5S ■Uinl1lsu WIIIl. ,, II a. II dill Mill OFFICE SUPPLIES THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 141 Seaforth SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Pillsbury White OR Cherry ANGEL CAKE MIX :.Save 10c • .Pkg. 490 Miracle Whip - Large 32 -oz. Jar SALAD DRESSING Only 59 47¢ St. Williams' New Pack -- Large 24 -oz.. Jar STRAWBERRY JAM Bick's Yum Yum - 32 -oz. Jar SWEET WAFER PICKLES Catelli SPAGHETTI . . 2 Large 28 -oz. Tins 570 2 Bottles 390 430 Aylmer - 11-ozs. TOMATO CATSUP Garden Patch KERNEL CORN Save 14c GIANT TIDE -Special deal.... Pkg. 790 Luscious, Juicy FREESTONE PEACHES -• - • • • lb. 25¢ Tender Homegrown 1' LARGE FIRM CABBAGE ' Ib.' 5¢ Large Jumbo Size SPANISH ONIONS 2 lbs, 25¢ 2 Tins 330 SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS Open 'til 6 p.m. Saturday Smith's SUPERIOR/ FOOD A4ARKETS*1 PHONE 12 : FREE DELI ERY DOMINION P�oI Patter While activity at the Lions Pool is in full swing with swim- ming 1esSons, the swim team, diving, ornamental swimming and adult lessons, we would like to see more people come wit for these. Two swim meets are plan- ned, the first next Wednesday, July 22, with Goderich, start- ing at 6:30, and another on Saturday, July 25, in' St. Marys. The swim team is practising hard every day, so kids, get your parents down to' the pool to provide support. The schedule below tells what goes on at the pool, and when, Cut it out; keep it for handy reference, and be sure you are there when you are supposed to be. Adults! Tuesday and Thurs- day are your nights for swim- ming lessons, so why not come down for instruction and a good time. Monday -1-2 p.m„ ornamen- tal swimming; 4:30-5;30, swim team. - Tuesday -4:30-5;30, diving; 7- 8, adult lessonss; 8-9, swim team. Wednesday -1-2, ornamental swimming ; 4:30'- 5:30, swim team; 8-9, water polo. Thursday - 4:30-5:30, diving; 7-8, adult lessons; 8-9,. swim team, Friday - 1 - 2, ornamental swimming; 4:30 - 5:30, swim team; 8-9, water polo. Saturday - 4:30 - 5:30, swim team. The pool is -open to the pub- lic•while special evening events are in progress. "Why don't you go to work?" the old lady asked the pan- handler. "After all, work never killed anyone_." "You're wrong; lady," said the panhandler. "I've lost two wives .that way." • SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERING Centre Street Telephone 446 FOR ALL KINDS OF UPHOLSTERING - We Arrange Easy Terms THE CH81Silfl� SCI€flCE fflOflITOR Accurate Complete News Coverage Printed in BOSTON LOS ANGELES, LONDON 1 Year $24 6 Months $12 3 Months $6 Clip this advertisement and return it with your check or money order to; The Christian science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Mass. 02115 P8-16 Holiday Specials! PRICES Lis 750-14 Black (1st line) T.0 31.90 SALE2.00 750-14 Whitewall (1st line) T.0 • • 35.05 24.00 750-14 Black (Safeway) 24.55 19.00 750-14• WhiteWall (Safeway) 27.60 21.00 750-14 Black (Guard) 19.95 16.00 OTHER SIZES AT COMPARABLE PRICES Seaforth Motors Your Guardian Maintenance Service Centre Phone 541 ' Seaforth r. MY WORD! - Described as "a cross between a quiz and a literary riot" BBC's popular radio program My Word -is back on the CBC network this summer. It is heard ,as part of the newly expanded Radio International which is broadcast for two hours each Saturday. evening. Seen here are two of the challengers of My Word, writer Frank Muir, and film critic Dily Powell. Standing behind them is Edward J. Mason, who with producer Tony Shryane devised the pro- gram. . THIS WEEK AND NEXT Ti he., Wallace Smear By RAY ARGYLE • Canadians usually look on the U.S. civil rights revolution as a purely American dilemma. We found out differently last week, when the controversy overflow- ed into Canada with Alabama governor George Wallace's ap• perance at the Lions Interna- tional convention in Toronto. The fact . that this smooth- spoken racist •was given a plat- form to spread his demagog- ery before Ca- nadians w.a s not • the fault -of the Lions - in fact it was the source of considerable embarrassment to them.. The Gover- ner was : in Ray Argyle Canada ' by virtue of Lions custom of bringing to each con- vention the governor of the home state of the Lions Inter- national president. This year's president is from Alabama, hence the invitation to Gov. Wallace. Toronto has its own outspok- en anti -discrimination organiz- ations, and when they heard the Alabama governor . was coming to Canada, they sent pickets to protest his appearance. Some of the Lions felt they were be- ing unfairly smeared by injec- tion of political issues over which they 'had no control. Canadian . groups have of course every right to engage in non-violent demonstrations. But at the same time only themost rabid civil rights advocate would criticize the Lions for a ituation for which they are blameless. !: . There is:no reason, however, o be so tolerant of Gov. Wal - ace. The Alabama governor is an rticulate .spokesman' for the outh's dying segregationist so- iety. He has the Southern's olitician's classic ability of ugar-coating the evils of segre- ation to make it look as if the hite man is the 'protector and uardian not only of the Negro ut of civilization itself in Dix - e, U.S.A. Gov. Wallace also is well-in- formed about Canada's treat- ent of its minorities and about ur restrictive immigration poli - ies. He has often cuttingly riticized Canadians -.with con- iderable justification -for our ometimes hypocritical atti udes on the color question. One of his favorite themes is hat Canada doesn't have a col. r problem simply because we on't allow colored people in s t a s c p s g w g b m 0 c c s s 0 d MERNER REUNION The 12th Merner reunion was held at Cedar Grove, Bronson Line, Zurich, with 100 members of the clan attending from Lan- don, Detroit, Kitchener, Wind- sor, Calgary, Alberta, Zurich, Bayfield, Dashwood, Clinton and Hensel), Sports for the children, di- rected by Mr: and Mrs. Bob Reschke, Detroit, were enjoyed by all. Some of the highlights of the afternoon were as follows: Em- broidering• a design on mater- ial, Mrs. Elgin Merner, Kitch- ener; men's bowling contest„ Larry Merner, Zurich; number Of inches of string in glass jar, Jack Merner, Bayfield; persons coming the farthest, Mr. and Mrs. William Goetz, Calgary, Alta. After a bounteous smorgas- bord supper was enjoyed a brief business meeting was held• with all the officers acting for the coming year. It was decid- ed to hold the 1965 reunion on the third Sunday in July at the Lions Park, Seaforth. - ALL KINDS of INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE j ,,MAIN ST. -- SEAFORTH f) Phone 334 -- Res. 540 any number to migrate to' Can- ada. Gov. Wallace is not .without grounds for his criticism of Canada. Our immigration poli- cies pretend to be non-discrim- inatory but this is not true. By favoring skilled workers and educated persons, we',effectively bar untrained coloreds while at- tracting the very people which emerging nations can least af- ford to lose -the skilled and educated. Our treatment of native In- dians is a national disgrace. We have never made a- serious ef- fort to integrate either the In- dians or Eskimos, into our so- ciety. We leave them in their ignorance and.privation because we don't give a damn what be- comes of them. But as bad as all -this is, it is pretty pale stuff compared to the vicious Southern conspir- acy to downhold the Neg to keep him in a state of undu- cated poverty, to deny him po- litical and civil rights, all for the basic purpose of maintain- inga-pool of cheap labor. When a Southern white family boasts -as they are wont to -of get- ting a maid for $15 a week, it's clear that economic exploi- tation is the real reason for ra- cial discrimination. PROTECT YOUR PROFITS! VICTOR Full Protection Cash Register Now Ooly 19'9. A Cash Register -and an adding machine. Enforced registration, ' designation keys, locked -in in- formation. Totals 9999.99. Two machines for the price of one. THE HURON . EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH Phone 141 BridemEleot About twenty-five ladies gath, ered at the home of the bride - elect, Miss Yvonne Bolton, on Saturday at two o'clock to hon- or her with 'a miscellaneous shower on her approaching mar- riage. - As each lady entered the home she was presented with a carnation corsage by the hos- tess, Miss Angela Ducharme. The home was beautifully decorated with yellow and white pompoms and yellow and orchid mums. The table was centred with a - bouquet of pansies and white candles. Various games were enjoyed. Later, many lovely and use- ful gifts were opened by the bride -elect. Yvonne graciously, thanked the ladies for their kindness and invited them to visit her, in her new home. A delicious lunch was serv- ed by the hostesses of the. oc- casion. On .mune 21st, Yvonne was al- so a guest of honor at a shower in Kitchener, given by Mrs. Walter Boris. She received •a beautiful set of lamps and oth- er useful, gifts. ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Store Main Street Phone 75 Seaforth 11111 tillIlltl11111I111111111t1III1111111111 NOTICE! STANNAH . . . The Radio Man will be closed for holidays July 27 to August 8th • inclusive t11111III111lllllllilllllillllllllUl,JU111 For Your Grain Harvesting Requirements from the New M -M Combines to the Continuous Flow M -C Dryers Gravity Flow' Steel Boxes Wagons - Augers Klear-Vision Combine Cabs - SEE - HAUGH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT• One Mile East of Brucefield Ready -to -Use • • • READY MIX CONCRETE for NEW. WALKS. Add a new look to your home! Add concrete walks. All work fully.guaranteed . . . and, concrete increases your property's value.„ Now is the Time --- Call or write us for free estimates. The work can be done quickly --- ready for use the next day. , Huron Concrete Supply Liniited 'SEAFORTH G`ODERICI • Seaforth 868 W 2 Goderich 524-7361 We Are Buying, 1964 WHEAT At Competitive Prices! OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone 775 Seaforth zE:M Eat.. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141 : Seaforth Seaforth Motors ECIAL w 10 DAYS ONLY'-- Ends July 31 Front End lignment Regular Price $9:50 Special Price $4-.25 including all camber, cas- ter, toe -in-- and steering bar adjustments. We have the "finest and most accurite front end alignment equipment in the county. We invite you to see how your car measures up for safety. Save those tires, be able to control your car at all times. Phone 541 for an immediate appointment AIit�. Parts and Accessories 1964 Chev. Custom Bug Screen... $8.95 Blue Coral Treatment Com. Pack- age - "The finishing touch for any car $4.95 Universal Auto Aerials -To fit all makes and models • $2.95 Genuine Topper Porto -Walls, 13", • • 14" and 15" Set $5.95 Door or Fender Mirrors - from $3.95 to $4.25 USED TIRES 7.50 x 14 each, from 6.70 x 15 each, from D 0 Seaorth Motors CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE $1.90 $2.00 • e • • • s e e • Phone 541 rr Seaforth