HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-07-16, Page 94 a • . • • • w • • A A COAL WILLIAM M. HART Phone 784 Seaforth UMW Olt LET I.M.T. ARRANGE ;YQU ' • MORTGAGE For almost three-quarters of a century we have offered a friendly, personal service in the first mortgage field. We can arrange a first mortgage for you on your home, farm or business property. All enquiries welcome. ESTABLISHED 1889 THE INDDSTRIAI MORTTADE &TRUST RANI Head O®c e: Sarnia Ofl%e. in. Forest and Pita& mos W. E. Southgate -Phone 334, Seaforth ,w• PLEASE CHECK YOUR OWN PHONE BOOK LISTING NOW! - THE NEW DIRECTORY WILL BE PRINTED SOON! Please help us to make sure that your name, address and telephone number will appear in the new telephone direc- tory exactly the way you want it! Check your'own listing in the present directory nowt and call your Telephone Bu'siness.Office if anything should be changed. EXTRA LISTINGS (at very little cost) CAN BE USEFUL! For instance: BUSINESS: Home numbers. of HOME: Names of relatives or key people in your office, listed , other people permanently stay - under your firm's entry; other ing at your home; an extra line business names under which -a 'Junior Line' for teenagbrs, customers or clients might try for example: to find you; numbers at which. you can be reached after hours.; Far any questions, corrections er additions, please ail your Telephone Business Office! BELL BUILT, OPERATED ANO OWNED OY CANADIANS ions Cwuncil Morris Township council held its July. meeting with all mem- hers present and Reeve Stewart Procter presiding. 14otiens eluded: Walter Shortreed ,and James Mair: That the reading of the report on the Procter Drain be held on July 20; at 9 p.m. Wm. Elston and Ross Smith: That Bylaw No. 5, 1964, setting the township mill rate for 1964 at 14 mills for farm and resi- dential- proper, and .1.5.5 mills for business and commercial property, be passed. . Shortreed and: Mair: That Bylaw No. 6, 1964, setting the penalty on unpaid taxes at 2% after December 15, 1964, and IA of one per cent. per month beginning January 1, 1965. Smith and Elston: That a grant of $250.00 be given the Brussels Legion Building Fund. Mair and Shortreed: That a grant of $50.00 be given Blue - vale Cemetery Board. The meeting adjourned to meet- August 3, _at'_ 8:30 p.m., or at the call of the reeve. The following accounts were paid: General Accounts -Mait- land Valley Conservation Auth- ority, $1,090.55; Township of Turnberry, gravel for dump, $7; Skeoch Office Supplies, repairs to adding . machine, $28.05; Town of Clinton,' debentures, Collegiate Institute, $340.03; Huron Expositor, advertising and supplies, $108.31; Douglas J. Callander, $71.25; Pinecrest Manor, $71.25; Bernard Hall, compensation insurance, $91.25; Ontario Hydro,. Bluevale street lights, $14.25; Mrs. ° Robt. Bird, sheep killed and injured, $74; Ken Taylor, valuator's fees, $8.90; Belgrave Co-op, warbi- cide, $155.10; Pearson ' & Ed- wards, audit $400.00, 'postage and stationery, $7.50; Red Front Grocery, $87.30; S. B. Elliott, $63.33; County of Huron, re- forestation, $42.30; McCutcheon Motors, • re tank truck, gas, $2.50; Mel - Jermyn, Cloakey dump, $110.00; Brussels Legion,. grant, $250.00; Bluevale .Ceme- tery Board, grant; $50.00; Hel- en Martin, salary, $100.00; Mor- ris Township, culvert on Peace Drain, $36.60. Road Accounts -William Mc- Arter, wages, mileage and. book- keeping, $190.33; James Case- more, wages, $310.00 ; John Smith, wages, $71.50; Alex Inkley, gas, fuel oil • and tax, $465.53; Robertseel Canada Ltd. culverts, $351.46; Dominion Road Machinery, repairs, $75.27; J. M. McDonald, lumber and cement, $14.40; 'Mel Jermyn, putting in culverts and haul- ing gravel, $149.40; James Case - more, rent of tractor j4ulling sprayer, $48.75; Wingham Tire, repairing tires, $104.92; Ross A. Jamieson, hauling gravel, $75.60; Oldfield Hardware, threaded rods, $22.48; Sam Sweeney, bulldozing, $1,224,00; William McArter, rent of tractor. pulling sprayer, ,$33.75; Belgrave• Co-op, shovel, $4.07; Bernard Hall, compensation in- surance, $122.50; Wingham Ad. vance-Times, advertising, $2.10, AGRICULTURAL TIPS About 50 .tractors a year are lost through fire. Some of these losses are caused by fuel leaks, electrical shorts, exhaust sparks or refuelling while the tractor is hot or running. Such an ex- pensive and necessary machine as a tractor deserves the best of care and maintenance; says Hal fright, Farm Safety Spe- cialist. It would be a step in the right direction. to carry a dry chemical fire extinguisher on the tractor. 0 SAVE UPT01. ER00 Worms can cost you up to $3.00 per pig in reduced ,• feed efficiency. On top of that, wormy pigs take up to two weeks longer in time -to -market. Kill those worms before they get your profits ! Purina Liquid Pig Wormer worms your pigs twice for only 80 per pig. Your pigs keep right on gaining too -with Purina Liquid Pig Wormer; because there's no change in feed, no starving, no special handling. Purina Liquid Pig Wormer is just one of the over 45 different Purina Disinfectants, Cleaner, Insecticides, Wormers and Treatments that were developed totelp you stop profit Teaks on your farm. Why not stop in and let me tell you about the results some of your neighbours are getting from Purina Health Aids. CANADIANS WHO WANT BIGGER PROFITS TOMORROW USE PURINA HEALTH AIDS TODAY! Milton J. Dietz -Phone 600,J 2 . 0 1 By RAY ARQYi-.E Parliament has entered a tense • and crucial, period.. 7t will either break' 'the log -jam which has stalled enaetrpent of a long list of legislation, or degenerate into hopeless dis- order out . of which can come only a new election. The flag debate is but a symptom of Parliament's surli- ' ' ness. Members of the House d'f Commons have frittered away so much time on incon- sequential ar- gument it is little wonder the Prime Minister h a s had t o lay Ray Argyle Gydowel an ulti- matum o n business to be completed before a summer re- "cess- is taken. After just over a year in of- fice, this Parliament has prob- ably less public prestige than any in Canada's history. The pay hike to $18,000 which the members voted them- selves and the incessant name- calling and political jockeying which has gone on, are the chief reasons for the public's • low opinion of the present House. As a consequence,,, the de- cline of Parliament is now one of the favorite themes of po- litical observers in Ottawa. Had parliament declined un- der the Pearson minority gov- ernment? Is the House of Com- mons no longer the effective de- pository of public leadership in Canada? Are our present crop of MP's really less responsible and more partisanly opportun- istic than those of early Parlia- ments Has this Parliament fail- ed Canada?' The answer to these ques- tions, I would submit, is "No." The situation appears worse than it actually is because of the Government's minority posi- tion. A minority government is a vulnerable government. The chief opposition party could na- turally be expected to press every opportunity to embarrass and discredit the administra- tion. The Safest course for a inin- ority government might be to 'walk a careful 'tightrope on controversial issues to avoid tackling problems which 'gener- ate heated and emotional de- bate. But, this,' would not get the business of thecountry done and would be a worse in- dictment of Parliament than the political. jockeying which has characterized the present House. I believe the Government has performed creditably since it took office 'in the spring of 1962. The Prime Minister has some- times blundered in his tactics, but his overall program has been constructive, progressive and courageous. Opposition parties defend their behavior on the grounds that it is the Opposition's duty to oppose, to challenge and to scrutinize, So it is. But it is not the Opposition's duty to ob- struct. When does opposition turn to obstruction? I believe it does so when the Opposition adopts tactics designed not to fully de- bate the issues, but to prevent r ec legislation ;front eoaaiing, to a vote. This is the case at pt'e$r ent in the flag debate. fir, Diet enbaker's tactics appear to be aimed at indefinitely delaying the vote on the flag. Is it too much to ask that Canadians expect all their MPe to- debate the issues; to vote on them and then to abide by majority rule? n Area Picnics BELL REUNION The Bell family reunion was held on Sunday afternoon, July 5, at the Exeter Riverview Park. The president, Donald Stephen, conducted the business after the supper meal, and the secre- tary was Mrs: Joan Stephen. Races were conducted by Miss Shirley Jacques, Miss 'Joyce Munn, Mr. Harry Jaques and Mr. Bob Munn. Winners were: Pre-school, Rickey Skinner,Brent Marshall; girls 6-8, Donna Stephen; boys 6-8, Larry Nash; • girls 9-12, Brenda"" Skinner, Marjorie Schenk; boys 9-12; , Bradley Nash, Brian Nash; girls 13.15, Mary Lou Schenk, Carol- Bell; boys 13-15, Larry Skinner, Dale Skinner; young ladies, June Munn, Shirley Jaques; young men, Noel Bell, "Harry Jaques and Bob Munn (tied); married ladies, Rosalene Schenk, Vesta Marshall; men kick slipper, Noel Bell, Andrew Houston; ladies kick slipper, Mrs. Ross Skinner, Miss June Munn; re- lays, peanut on plate, Mrs. Vera 13rintnell; milk bottle and sponge, Mrs. Bernice Jaques; gum in purse, Mrs. Vera Brint- nell's side; youngest child, Heather Bell; oldest person, Mrs. Thomas Bell; coming far- thest distance, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller. and Danny, of 'Sas- katoon; guessing beans in jar, Jim Watson. The 1965 picnic will be held at Seaforth Lions Park the first Sunday in July... Officers for 1965 are:" Presi- dent, Andrew Houston; secre- tary, Mrs. Beatrice Munn; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell, Mr: and Mrs. Milan Nash; table committee, Mr. and Mrs. Len Bell, Mr. David Mc- Lean, HULLETT SCHOOL^PICNIC On Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m., the members of No. 4, Hullett School Section,' met at Londesboro Community Hall for supper' and an evening of sports. The weather was ideal and almost all the families were present. • Sports results were: Pre- school age, boys, Wayne Turn- er, , Larry Howatt, Billy Roy; pre-school age, girls, Sandra Riley, Colleen Carter, Lorna Riley; 6, 7 and 8 age boys, Bri- an Jewitt, Larry Carter, Gre- gory Riley; 6, 7 and 8 age girls,. Terry Flynn, Karen Shepherd, Bonnie Shepherd; 9, 10 and 11 age boys, Jimmie Medd, Lyle Adams, Gordon Riley; 9, 10 and 11 age girls, Joan Howatt, Cathy Carter, Jeanette Riley; 12 and over, boys, Leland Adams, Ray- mond Riley; 12 and over, -girls, Vicky Lou Finch, Barbara Shep- herd, Connie Howatt; young men, David Medd, Keith' Cart- wright; young women, Dianne Shepherd; Doreen Riley; mar- ried men, John Jewitt, Jim There's extra profit for you with Starcross 288 STARTED PULLETS from SWIFT CUSTOM GROWN Swift's started pullets are grown under controlled lighting and feed require- ments., Isolated confinement under the most sanitary conditions with proper temperature and ventilation assures healthy, vigorous birds. An "all -in and all- out" icy is stressed at every Swift Hatchery. All pullets are vaccinated 4 times, debeaked, decombed and wormed before de- livery to you. All units and shipping crates are completely disinfected. You get a complete guar- antee from Swift that all pullets are in good health at delivery time. DISEASE FREE HIGHER PRODUCTION You get the highest poSsible egg income with Starcross 288 started pullets. .The egg -producing and feed -conversion qualities bred into Starcross 288 have resulted in a bird that has constantly excelled in coast -to -east Random Sample Tests. , Stop In or phone the Swift Hatch- ery or nearest Swift Hatchery dealer and get the story on Swift's Started Pullet Program, In- cluding Swift's farnous "follow- through" service. SWIFT'S HATCHERY 17 Pine Street STRATFORD, ONT. l'hone 271-4783 • ...,•,,,,,.,,,e,, v,wa.r,.y,,,gy, i r.,.rv,ug• Cr. 1 Flier hxgliway" �t; e Statistics;: for the •trou! Ue of 'ryrthfi` lour on, Waterloo, 'ellingl~oiFR Grey and Bruce, knoxvn PANo, 0 Dia- trict,' , •with iieadquarteirs at Mount- Forest, for the month of May, are as follows, with the Provincial total in brackets; Motor vehicle accidents 221 (2,521); fatal accidents, 4 (64); persons killed, 5 (75); 'persons injured, 86 (1,651); vehicles checked, 6,714 (72,452);_ Warn- ings issued, 2,225 (31,240}; charge preferred, 1,075 (12,468); registration -and permits, Part 11, HTA, 16 (352); licences, op- erator, chauffeur, temporary and driving -instruction, Part III, 58 (767); garage , and stor- age licences, Part IV, HTA, 0 (7);, defective equipment, Part V, HTA, 94 (1,066); weight, load and size, Part VI, HTA, 18 (344); rate of speed, Part VII, 502 (6,249); rules of the road; -Part-VITT; FITA; 332); careless driving, Sec. 60,. HTA, 89 (683); fail to repor accident, Sec. 143, HTA; 7 (54);t fail to rediain at scene, Sec. 143(a), HT`A, 3 (17); other charges, IITA, 4 (77); ,criminal negligence Sec. 221-1-a, C.C., .0 (2); dangerous drivingi-- Sec. 2214, C.C., 1 (27); fail to • re- main at scene, Sec. 221-2, C.C., 6 (39); drive while intoxicated, Sec. 222, C.C., 3 (64); ability impaired, Sec. 223, C.C-, 34, (305); drive while prohibited, Sec. 225, C.C., 11 (83); uniform strength, 187 (2,519). Flies can cause discomfort and production losses in both dairy and beef herds during the summer months. Simple con- trolmeasures like installing back and face rubbers near wa- tering areas in pastures can go a long way to relieve such con= ditions. Howatt; married women, Mrs. Jim Howatt, Mr's. John Jewitt; girls kick the slipper, Barbara Shepherd, Joan Howatt; boys kick' the ' slipper, Larry Carter, Brian Jewitt; ladies kick the slipper,' Dianne Shepherd; men kick the slipper, Glen Cartes!; minute race, Mrs. Wilbur Jew- itt; guessing candy in -jar, Mrs. Cecil Cartwright; youngest per- son, Ruth Jean Shepherd; old- est person, Mrs. Jim Medd. A peanut scramble., was held for the children. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Leatherland were present- ed with a rose-colored blanket and a pair of flannelette sheets as a symbol of the high - ap- preciation held for them by the parents and pupils of the section. Mr. Leatherland has been the school bus driver for many' years. Harry Tebbutt made the presentation. 11i11elritp V!or f irthpr un,4oritiattpp, pox}tait See3'e 3' Sealed tenders t0 p&ifl i)e j4ant�e of hf4, `xxx)4! Saturday, July 18, 1984. ' LaWfst Pr ax#Y : glxfl€ essarily accepted. ' R. I,. McNaughtort. retary.rtie ixor>. 1/ENS IAL NEED RUBBER STAMPS? Phone 141 : S of orthi` NOTICE TO DESTROY NOXIOUS . WEEDS NOTICE IS, HEREBY GIVEN to property owners in , urban and sub- divided areas to destroy all Noxious Weeds as often as necessary in each season, to prevent their going to seed. Also, after July 25, 1964, proceed- ings will be taken to destroy. Noxious Weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act. - ALEX CHESNEY Huron County Weed Inspector SPECIAL THIS WEEK! 1957 BUICK HARDTOP - A.T. $49C �7 Only 1964 CHEVELLE STATION WAGON Radio, low mileage 1963 CHEV.•BISCAYNE SEDAN 2,200.00 1959 PONTIAC STATION WAGON 1,175.00 1959 BUICK-H.T., Radio 1,075.00 1959 PONTIAC-A.T.," Radio 1,275.00 1958 CHEV. SEDAN 1,095.00 1958 CHEV. SEDAN 995.00 1957 CHEV. SEDAN-A.T. 725.00. 1957 FORD COACH -8 Cylinder 575.00 1960 VOLKS'PICKUP TRUCK 695.00 1960 FORD 3/4 -TON TRUCK; very low mileage 1,475.00 TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS Stock No. 330-56 CHEV. COACH 425.00 274-56 RAMBLER SEDAN 125.00 399-56 PONTIAC COACH 1 200.00 439-56 FORD SEDAN 275.0,0 431-55 FORD COACH--A.T 175.00 38g-48 PONTIAC COACH 50.00 448-53 FORD STATION WAGON - 195.00 - See All These Cars At Our New Lot on Goderioh St. East - OPEN 'TIL 9 EVENINGS O.K. RECONDITIONED "No Reasonable Offer Refused" SEAFORTH MOTOR Phone 541 -- Seaforth