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The Huron Expositor, 1964-07-16, Page 8
Q t. $g4ro4 ' * on, JULY 16, 164: Nword AQRO$9, ' 1. Fallowing 6, Period 'at turns 9. Entreat 12. Cut meat 13. Tetter 14. Girls' name 15. Teach 16. Mimic 1T. Obtain 18. Schemes 20. Glisten 22. Tears 24. Crimson 26, Insects 27 High card 28. Mother or father 30 Married 32. Mailed a fetter 36 Unclosed 38. Manner 39 Male singing voice 42. Lair 43. Telegram 44 'Change .46. Rim; 48. Title of respect 49. Aged 51 Fixed charges 54 Night before 55. Lubricate 56. Turn aside 67 Stitch 58 Service charge 59 •Small fruit DOWN 1. Deed 2. Distant 3. Caught 4. Sins 5. City In Nevada 6. Rubber 7 Knock 8. Grows older 9. Start 10, Happening 11 Fence doors 19, 'Bartered 21, Head covering, 22. Uncooked 23, Frost 25, Rely( 28. VItalttp '29. Bow the head 81. Prescribed amount 83. Totlnado 84. Auricle 35. Cofer 37. Sewing implement 59, Foundations 40. Living 41. Scatter 43. Interlace 45.Housetop 47. Seize 50. Prevaricate 62. Make a mistake 63. Pig pen MODE] ©Ed MO 13Id Ed@ MUM CIE& DLiE Et EllairEl OMB WO JE�Q c it i ©©EO ©�' © 0€1dEo13 151€11B©L]U ©fJE©II] 1111117131315 i00 © E10 ' .OEE amp o©©•,seer; ©ono© 1315M11, EME1317 Fl©E00©:E7©B©E1 Solution 1 2 3 µ 5 7 8 , 9 /0 11 MEM ,"" ®SII /5 IRIS',, l6 f711 r. 13 ■.■« l9 '�� S 20 2/ .�■ 22 23 ■■_ 2/ ■� x:26 ■.J 27 28 29A1 itl`fts,r 3o ..WI.. 3Z ■.33 ®3S 36.37 ■■`^Fr.38 ■� 39 Oto 5t1 MO '', MI M3 ■.� OS Cq. 111447 Y8 ■� Fadoi*' 1.fil .52II 53 5si■■ 55 ■■ usual II Mulching Helps Most ' Gardens • Mulching is a garden prac- tice which helps conserve soil moisture and control weeds. Horticultiurists suggest mulch- ing small fruit plantings such as strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. Place a , protec- tive covering of straw, strawy SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERING Centre Street Telephone 446 FOR ALL KINDS OF UPHOLSTERING = We Arrange Easy, Terms -- manure,, sawdust or similar materials over the soil and roots of the plants. Peat • moss is often used as a mulch in the home garden. It can be spread around orna- mental shrubs such as forsy- thia, taxus and spirea, thus re- ducing watering and cultivat- ing. Black plastic mulches have been used successfully by vege- table growers. 'They prevent evaporation of moisture and so help plants .overcome short periods of drought. The mulch is laid down the row and a slit cut to allow the plants to pass through it. Cov- er the edges of the plastic with soil to prevent it from being blown - away. Black plastic mulches may .be used for toma- toes ,melons, cucumbers, pep- per and egg plants. • WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS - Phone 141 FOR TV SERVICE ADEQUATE TEST EQUIPMENT • Technical Competence • Honesty • Integrity Satisfaction For You ! You'll find them all 'at STANNAH'S SPARLING AT JOHN - Phone 587 Prayer changes things - try it! 5 SMITH'S SPECIALS . , FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday LKam UNCHEON•MEAT • • • • 12 oz.,Tins 390 Maxwell House -- 6 -oz. Jar • ,INSTANT COFFEE Only $1.03 Tulip Coloured MARGARINE SANI-FLUSH Heinz TOMATO JUICE • • • •2 48 -oz. Tins 590 Challenger COHOE SALMON • • • • 73A -oz. Tins 413,E Heinz PICKLES -Mix or match 4: Jars $1 00. Bread and Butter, or Piccaiilie Relish, and Bread and Butter Pickles Ontario Transparent APPLES 2 lbs. for 29 CAULIFLOWERS SLICING 'CUCUMBERS 1 -Ib. Carton 210 Large 34 -oz. Tin 370 ea. 250 ea. 90 SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSI AY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS Open 'til 6 p.m. Saturday Smith's PHONE 12 FREE DELIVERY ta Farrn Fl.0 i' -T`i' t+ •. 4�1 The National Safety League of Canada is supporting all or ganizations across the cduntry in the promotion'of Farm Safe ty Week, July 19 to 25, 1964. The present-day farm is a comparatively safe place to live, but it remains a dangerous place to work, said the League. If present rates continue in the next year, more than 120,- 000 of the farm population will be involved in accidents of which about 33,000 will cause injury and 2,400 deaths. This will mean that one member of every fourth farm family 'will be either killed or seriously in- jured this year. Of all accidents involving farm residents, 72% occur on the farm, the rest off the farm. In one-third of the machine 'ac- cidents', victims are under 20 years old, 12 per cent under 10. The tractor is involved in the majority of fatal farm pow- er accidents'. "Operators of tractors must know safe oper- ating procedures," warns NSL. Farming continues to rank as the third most hazardous occu- pation. Only mining, including quarrying and petroleum drill- ing, and construction have high- er accident rates. Motor vehicle, home and pub- lic accidents affect farm resi- dents about as severely a§ they affect other Canadians. Work accidents on the farm, the smallest classifi"eation national- ly, remain second only to motor vehicle accidents. "Safety procedures are as necessary on the farm as' in other work if farm safety is to be brought into mine with the rest of the nation," the League claims.. Supervision of employees is more difficult on the farm than in a factory. The worker often WATERING LAWNS 'A regular 'program of water- ing .should be carried out to keep lawns green during the hot summer months. Horticul- turists give the ' following sug- gestions to make the best use of available water, When the lawn is watered, a thorough soaking should be giv- en so that the water penetrates to a depth of several inches to encourage the development of a deep, healthy root system. Since sprinkling the lawn light- ly encourages shallow rooting, the probability of injury be- comes greater during hot dry weather. Shallow -rooted weeds also benefit from light.•sprink- lings. When rainfall is lacking, homeowners should apply be- tween 1 and 1% inches of wa- ter each week. To estimate the amount of water, place a pan in the area covered by the sprinkler; when 1 to 11/% incites have accumulated in the pan, sufficient water has been ap- plied to the lawn. Watering early in the morn- ing or early evening is best, since evaporation is slower than during mid-day. However, wa- ter may be applied at any time that is, convenient. Remember, .it takes b'ut a moment to .place •an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Phone Seaforth 141. WANTEC LIVE FOWL Picked up at the farm Top Prices - Locker Service Available - Phone 75.1 J )2 - Seaforth air 393 J 15 ,- Brussels Ronald Bennett WALTON For Your Grain Harvesting Requirements from the New M -M Combines to the Continuous Flow M -C Dryers • Gravity Flow Steel' Boxes Wagons - Augers Klear-Vision Combine Cabs - SEE - HAUGH' BROS. l:'ARM EQUIPMENT One Mlle East of Brucefleld works alone and an unsafe act may go unnoticed and uncor- rected, the League points out. Frequently the farm em- ployee is temporary, an itiner- ant worker or a student work- ing during the summer. Too often he lacks the proper''train- ing and knowledge to work safely, said NSL. • "The farm employer should make an extra effort to be sure that his workeris understand their duties and the proper; safe way to operate equipment and handle the materials they use. It cannot be assumed that a high school student 'can oper- ate a tractor properly because he has a driver's license -no matter how safe a driver he may be." Farm Safety Week, July 19 to 25, is a time. to concentrate on identifying and removing ac- cident hazards and examine safety attitudes, in a united ef- fort to reduce farm, home and rural accidents to an irreduc- ible minimum. The farm fam- ily can play a most important part in accident control. It must lie a family affair. Blyth -Fills Vacancy At a special' meeting of Blyth Municipal council held in Mem- orial Hall, George N. Hamm, a member of the council in 1963, was appointed to fill the vac- ancy on council caused when ,Councillor Borden Cook was ap- pointed 're.eve following the death of Reeve William H. Mor- ritt. The 1964 residential tax rate was set at 77.5 mills, an in- crease of one ,mill over the 1963 rate. The commercial tax rate' was, set at 86.5 mills, also an increase of one mill over 1963. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper, Dennis and Nancy spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson- and family at the Pinery. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Annis, Joan and Kelvin attended -Groin-' arty anniversary on' Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. John Tem- pleman. Miss Mary E. Graham, Miss Marion Baggs, and Mrs. Laura Simpson, Dresden, were dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Thursday, •Miss Graham remain- ing for some holidays with her aunt. ' Mr. and Mrs: Leo Wernham and family, Denfield, were din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney on Sunday and visited her mother, Mrs. Albert Roney, at Hillside Rest Home. Miss Ruth Marie Salton spent the weekend with her friends, Misses Mary and Eleanor Lan- nin. Mr. and Mrs. Vandewalle, of Belgium, . are visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Vande'rwalle. Miss Bonnie Barker, Kitch- ener, was home -with her.ppar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawefuce Barker, for the weekend. Miss Gloria Ann Pepper was home from Whitby for .the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pepper. • Robert Mitchell, son • of Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell, is spending a week at Binnini Camp. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens vis- ited his sister, Mrs. Edith Col- lins, in Avon Crest recently. WINCHELSEA Mr, and'' -Mrs, George Frayne of Sunshine Line, visited Fri- day evening with Mr. and Mrs, William Walters. Mr. Grant Gilfillan returned to his home on Friday after having spent four months in Alberta. Mr. Raymond Horne return- ed home from South Huron Hos- pital on Monday and is recup- erating at his home. Miss Donna Bibby, of Kirk - ton, visited this past week with Mr. and Mrs. John Coward. Miss Barbara Ann Giitillan is spending this week at Chesley Lake, the guest of Miss Judy Walters and her family at their cottage. Mrs. Howard Johns and fam- ily, of Elimville North,9visited Friday with her mother, Mrs. Garnet Miners, The children of Winchelsea and surrounding district at- tended vacation school this past week at Elimville United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner of Sebringville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family. Miss Sharon Fletcher, of Sun- shine Line, visited Sunday with Kathy Hern. Mr. and Mrs, Newton Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke and sons attended the Dobbs picnic on Sunday at Riverview Park in Exeter*. - Miss Ruth Horne is taking a summer course at the Univers- ity in London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurley and Mr. and 11?rs. John Holbrook of Crosswell, Mich., and Mr. Ray Fletcher, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Coward. FARM SAFET1f WEEK Check your farm! Check accidents! ❑ KEEP MACHINES IN GOOD REPAIR: Keep all guards and safety devices in place. Stop machines before un- clogging, oiling or adjusting them. Don't wear loose, floppy clothing around machinery. ❑ OPERATE TRACTORS SAFELY: Start tractors smooth- ly; turn corners slowly. Avoid ditches, banks and soft ground. Alway's hitch to the drawbar. ❑ USE THE RIGHT TOOLS FOR THE JOB: Make sure your tools are in good, safe condition. Keep them in a safe place and handle with care. ❑ ,SPEAK TO ANIMALS WHEN APPROACHING THEM: . Keep them calm by acting with calm self-assurance Your- self. Keep bulls in a safe pen. ❑ KNOW AND OBEY AL,L TRAFFIC LAWS: Follow safe driving practices. Read and obey all traffic signs. ❑ BE A GOOD HOUSEKEEPER: Have a place for every- thing and keep everything in its place. What is your farm safety rating? ❑ WATCH YOUR STEP TO PREVENT FALLS: ,K,,eep lad- ders and steps in .good repair, with no loose rungs. Make sure they are easily accessible' in case of emergency, and don't pile things on stairways. ❑ BE "FIRESIGHTED": Don't smoke' around the barn. Pour gasoline or kerosene outdoors, to prevent the ac- cumulation of explosive vapors. Dry clean outdoors. Don't use kerosene to start. fires. Be careful with matches. ❑ APPLY, FIRST AID PROMPTLY: Even 'minor injuries may be dangerous if they are not treated . immediately. Keep first aid kits in the house, in the barn, and on the tractor. ❑ TREAT ALL GUNS AS IF THEY WERE LOADED: Keep guns unloaded except when actually using them. ' Aim ONLY at targets you want to shoot. 0 Ke Al t Tod B Ali T Kee er ay - e Ivo omorrow 1 . THE FOLLOWING LOCAL FIRMS SPONSOR THIS AD IN THE INTEREST OF CANADIAN FARM SAFETY WEEK BALL MACAULAY LTD... ' ; EA -FORTH' COIN ' OPERATED LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES CEMENT and LIME • Phone 787 Seaforth TEXACO CANADA LIMITED. WALDEN & BROADFOOT, Consignees Distributors of Quality Petroleum Products To the Farm Trade Phone 686-W' • Seaforth McGAVIN FARM EQUIPMENT New Holland - New Idea - Nuffield George White WALTON Phone Seaforth 751 J 1 ROWCLIFFE • MOTORS Case Farm Equipment Sales & Service We Service All Makes of Tractors Phone 267' Seaforth SILLS HARDWARE PLUMBING - HEATING Lowe Bros.' Paint Phone 56 • • Seaforth LAUNDRY. Market Street ., Seaforth BOYES' FARM SUPPLY Massey -Ferguson" 'Sales & Service Repairs Toy All Makes of Tractors Phone 612 - Seaforth SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE' , Feed -, Petroleum - Farm Supplies Phone 9 Seaforth SEAFORTH MOTORS Expert Repairs To All Makes of Cars, Trucks, Tractors Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Envoy Sales & Service Phone 541. Seaforth TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED "The Most Value For the' Farmer's Dollar" Phone 775 •Seaforth ROSS . SCOTT LTD. Distributor of SUNOCO PRODUCTS Motor Fuel - Motor Oils - Lubricants BRUCEFIELD -'- Phone Seaforth 641 W 1 Don't' cultivate accidents! Keep all farm machinery in good', safe, working :order • • • • s tl