HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-07-09, Page 11.. .. ... x a x , 1 t, k ,.. r r :e 1. n ,,,. :. ,,. > , , ".» : -! I M. si. J, ..•�.^T�"^!�^y":..*tt+�!i-h-'p,•r'u.�v i`jb•,^•t'�.,�yTrtril �J ...+r + �� t, �. * qe..� 4 y i r 1 i M1 - ` 1. Coming Events 10. Used Cars For 'Sale 14, Property For'Sale 23. Business Directory ' 25. In Memoriam r 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found IS58 Volkswagen, 'in good con- FOUR -bedroom house, on -Bast A. W. SILLERY Burt what it meant to Lose yo'u, Cava1n, C hu �4�, � " F�'' 4. Help ,Wanted clition. Ron Mason, phone 441-W, Wilham,St. Phone Leslie Be arbtio Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.. Dan 5. Business Opportunities Sealfomth' 10-29-1 at 450, Seaforth. IA -29-4 phones: Office 1?3, ' Res. 781 No one will ever knaw� ` ; F s f �! 6. Teachers a ted 6vd]�y" missed by Mother, 11JE, , ,r , {� 1954 Chevrolet sedan, low. mile- FIFTY acre farm. in the Town- Seaforth OntarioFamilies 7. Situations Wanted age, gond running order, good ship of McKillop. Brick house, Bmdlhhems land . 25-2.9x1 , "Vacation h • a { Ya 8. Farm Stock For Sale ties A. M, HARPER priced to selll. Edward S. and bank bgrmn. _ , i'in 'pq-s' yore at - -- g , p suppy. Chartered' Accountant Births ; 9. Poultry For Sale Ahrens, Blrodlia e n hone 1632, present. Good water + 1 e 10. Used Cars For Sale R 13, Dublin. 10-29-2 immediate possession. ZW acre 55-57 South Street Telephone - A dedication service was held trations each day, which 1i,Sld "Mr, 'W, pQ'ddse eh {►:tidy t}} ' �+ t + 1 11. Articles' For Sale farm with' good burlldmgs. 1$0 Goderich 524-7562 BOOK -At Scott Memorial I%as- in Cavan United Church, Win- the attention of the pupils. ?F, ,. rth q thi te4,90e 12. Wanted To Buy 1'1. Articles r'or Sale acre , - wit t2- 2 sets of 'bilin- pilau, on Jully� 1, to Mr. grid p, g p service closed fire qp . i l,1me.W'd the 0Ppil$ Mors. La Cook RR 5 Mit- thio on Sunday morning for Worship a JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Try the 'teachers of the Bible Vaca- school, when the children ihe'* work 13. Wanted , ings. 100 acrd, farm, without cheR, +a son. r � � ? 14. Property.For Sale LADY'S bicycle; 'good as -new. buildings. General shore, in a OPTOMETRIST tion 'School, with Rev. J, C. marchgd into the auditoX•iun1, The .evelriXrg G ose11A. +d r$ Phone U7, Selafarth. 11-29x1 small V' A e A Seaforth Office: PETRIE-At Scott Memorial '- 15. Pro art For Rent _ rl�ag . 1xALy" Harold Britton in charge. The school where each class, with their wrorship, �ervrge; in 4he 004# F ,;, ,� w� Property, R Hospital, on Jul 8, to Mr. sq1 s r 16. For Sale or Rent GOOD mimed grain. R. J. Doig, Jackson, Realtor, phone 474, or Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. a.m. In � was held from June 29 .to July teachers; were responsible for ium, led by► ;I,�ifi�;'9 and Mrs, Clifford, Petrie, of 17. Wanted To Rent Rhone 849 J 3 Seaforth. 11-29-1 A 1'l a n Campbell[, Salesman, only, Thursday evenmg by' 8, with Mrs. Ernie Toll as di- the service for one day. by Asrhp} a �Me�I11rp �f =���{ t 18. Property Wanted SEVEN Et. binder, with almost phone 884 W $, Seorfh. 14-29appointment only. GeorgeSt., Sea�fortli,. a daugir�' rector. Sixty-eight boys and On Friday. evening an ppm :Biar1 + u r 4 , ' ten. y . ch < , 19, Notices new canvasses. Phone 279-R, Phone 791 Residence 613 girls registered. r v service was held, when pare tie Ap +fid i�� 11. Z0. Auction Sales Seaforth. 11-29x01 16. Pro art For Rent RYAN -At Scott Memorial, Hos. The Chemo was "Around the and interested #rle7ads we • 1Il< P,orla t#, f e p y Mon., Wed., Clinton Office Pita,, on July 2,'I tp, Mr. ' and 21. Tenders Wanted TWO truck tires, nearly new, _ _ - World With Christ. Rev, Mr. vited to join. TtieP:pupils'p1.e3ch tkie aoi#41a1sQsPj,i :I� , nished. Apply Mr's. F. •J'. Bec'h- W. J. CLEARY D ,blin, a daughter. Britton opened the school each ed in p• Y,q ft4, -� SMALL apartment 'sem! fw- Mrs. Clarence Rynan RR 1, 22. Legal Notices 7..50 x 20 ape wrap on w2- l A slid to their iret; 411X0• 23. Business Directory wrench for tricks, Ed Andrews, ely, Seadlorth, is 291 Seaforth, Ontario P ' morning with the theme hymn, places 4pd, opeUgd the gyeua 1141# ehed ! .Wn 24. Cards of Thanks phane'86Q W 1. 11-29-1 LICENSED EMB i1RER D "We've a Story To Tell • To the ing s Rrogrn?n .With their .uae r tool "zoom, W n e , I d " TWO -bed, room, self contained Caths a ryed 25. In Memorialtn ASTRAL frvig. good condition, Nations,,, the pledge to the hymn, pledge to lire �ifle�,5.� t ' ' ailment possession ianrrred- and FUNERAL D CTOR 26. Personals Can be steen at Whitnley':sr Store, ' `ERT -•'In Toronto, gn July Bible and a short message and prayer •upd -their welcp�i)e �Qng p�Yed.. • 1a Phone 602 W 4, 15-294f Night or Day Calls - 885 The cost is low.'. Classifications Jahn McQuaid$ phones .208, Se3a-ti61i, 1 Peter M. Ectaerit, of prayer. Theft the director took Each teacher gAye a shStrt 1•. +r•,. ; 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and forth. ]L28?e1 SELF contained maclern apaait- J. A. BURj+�I?'+, M Timmins, fanm�nliy aC M'cI�l- over with the pupils first go- mary *f the wcei�'.,s aCt�vies, � 17 minimum 40c an insertion. mrent available about August i. Lap, in his 54th Year• ing to their classes. Each class {t" one :nulb;r , ABOUT 10 tons'of good quality^ , Funeral Director �e;{� Classification 25, minimum 65c, mixed grain, (whcat 'barllcy and Bax 1Ci64, Huron Eaoposabor, and Ambulance Service The kindergarten depart- w'hicl }� rgrn s1l1 iA , a �. ' T�I�A1F plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. oats), to sell] 'at $50.001 per tan. - • 15-29DUBLIN ONTARIO Engagements ment, the pre - school, were rhythm bili(], 8 skit ,And QAO All other classifications, mini- E. Beuennan W AOn phone UPPER 2 -bedroom apartmebt, Night or Day Galls: under the leadership of Mrs. class repr'esentfng "ergot OP1��%NOTROT Mtn.: and Mrs. Hastert" Wallldam> countries and singing, "We Are *� mum 65 cents per insertion, 877 W 2. 11-28x1 newly decorated, private en- Phone .4$ R 10 •p aonnom Verdun, , wilsh, W. Dodds, Diane Roes Yvonne dersexcept-Auction ( (21), andSales Legal back- Welsh St. Contact ,Joseph 'Mc their announce-the the Linda G ail of beginners, rade a had Many Children Of All Lands." 'ev. 4 SEVEN anSds x 12 t.. drr � e s trance. D e n n i s Aparbments, gtageinent of Pryce and Joan Alexander: The ands. R �''q « . _. BOX daughter, g g Mr. Arrtton'.,.spoke' brieflyto_ July 11 � Notices (22), rates on a plica- . 00nnd n' Seaforth. 15-2m.ff the children and parents, .and p 'ground; aru:gnnall pm'�, FUNERAL SERVIC1. Mr. Douglas Thompson Scott, McKercher, Joyce Roe and •Mrs.. A • • - tion. now selling at bargain price. TWO gas 'hearted apartments, in R. S. BOX son of Mrs:. James T. Scott, R. Dalton for their teachers. For cash payment, or If paid Fina Station; Seafarteh. 11-29.1 'Royal Apartment Building. AIp- LICENSED EMBALM M Sea&&th- and the ]late Mr. Mrs. C. Boyd, Aoba Doig and by 10 days. following last inser• ONE racking ,horse; on chrome ply Dr, McMaster, Grand Blend, prompt and careful attention Scott, marriage to take place Linda Somerville , taught the tion, 15 CENTS deducted from stand; one, chiild's' high chair, or Joseph McConnell; Seaforth. Hospital Bed August1st, in St. Thomas primary class, grades 2 and. 3. Notice of above rates. with chrome frame. Both +ami- 15-2870. Flowers For All Occasions' MOM Church, Verdun, Qutebec. The junior group, grades 4 and ' COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED cues like new. Phone &54, Sea Phones: MM, and Mrs', Benson Park, 5, were led by Mrs. 0. Cuthill, POW M RATES forth. . 11-23w1 19, Notices lies. 595-W Store 43 Dungannon, Ontario, 'wash to an- Jean Patrick, June Hiller and ER (For Business Firms, Trades- .NUMBErR of window screens, 'VACUUM Cleaner Sales &Ser- nounce the engagement of their Mrs. A. Somerville. I men, etc.): Minimum, 50 cents .basin, toiltet, bathroom' fittings, vice for all makes. Bob Peck, G. A. WHITNEY daughter, Marilyn Lorraine; to - The intermediates, or youth per insertion. Billing charge, 15 3 sheetst of arborite, suitable for Varna. Phone Hensall 352 W 2. FUNERAL HOME M -r. Anthony Martel. Van Loon, group, grades 6, 7 and 8, were INTERRUPTION cents per advertisement. cottage,. Alan McLean, Godemich son' of Mr, and Mrs. Anthony -� , • St., West. 1129x1 19-19x_20 Goderich St. W., Seaforth directed by Miss Bletty Nichol; Van Lawn RR 2 Kippen, On -,- SLTPER�IOR Maintenance -Ser- AMBULANCE SERVICE ' missionary home on furlough 1. COmlrig Events CASE corn harvester, Dion talrio: The wedding �isl to take (Weather Permlttiilg) vi wall . washy window Adjustable'• hospital beds for from Mexico. She aS assisted blower; 3 false front boxes, in �' plane July 25 ax,,�1 a,•mt. �r 5t. ' •CRIC,H Reunion will, be held in cleaning, floor cleaning and rent. Jose'ph's .R�amlan GaPohallic Church 'by her sister, Mrs: G. Blanchard, good repair, 1, Stewart Dale. p Raymond Squires FLOWERS FOR EVERY Clinton.nd Judy Thompson, In the Lions! Park seaiiamth Saturday, small repairs. Ria 1 and Wednesday, Jul 15 1964 � Phone 847 R 21, Seaforth. periods the pupils were yi y • i ' Ju+ly 18th.. _ 1-29x1 Box 335., Isabelle St., S�ea%rth, -OCCASION class 11-28x3 phone 557. • 1,9-28 tf Phone 119 Seaforth taught Bible stories, mission THE Seaforth Women's Insti- SINGER zig zag sewting mach- *• , stories, memory work music twte are sponsoring al bus trap ine, dues fancy stitches, straight ANSTETT Boxholders Names ' ' Thursday, July 16, 1964 on rth6 21st of July, lle.aving Sea- g handicrafts I and reverse sews. Take .on 24• Cards of Thanks t working on their forth from, the library at 71:00 JEWELLERS Not Given Out! own pupil's books, etc. $7.00 payments ar', only $58.00 Ltd. I would hke, to 'thank all who 1:30 P.M. t0 3:30 p.m. (D.S.T.) a':m, Any person desiring to go A recreation period was a cash. Write .Box 1362 Herron Offers you remembered me 'wMTh' 'gifts,' It is not possible for us on. this) trip may contact Mrs. y feature each morning, after aosdttor•. 1128-2 oaf and since c whale in has d divulge the name or ad -AREAS AFFECTED: � R. M, Scott, Mrs. Leonard COMBINE for sale: 6 -foot Case, Easy Credit Terms iota and since Gamin h�o�mel.- which the entire school, as- ' ' Strong or Mrs.' John Mb cLean. A 1 g dress , of any advertiser sembled for a special message 1.29-2 engine drive, pickup, straw Deborah Wallace, 24-29-1 using a Huron Expositor p g spreader and bean equipment; NO which varied al flrat a stor- WE w!'sdr to thank Mm. Eras box number.'Please do not NORTH. MAIN ST. from Franl�liri St. BINGO At Zaber}-Don't fior- Carrying Charges stories, slides, illustrated star- , get the big cash. bingo in the condition good. Harold Dignan, Boshart' for the help he gave ask for this ,information. to Northerly Limits. Phone 7? -Seaforth les, These were taken by Rev. S' Hensall: Phone Zurich 91 R 3, use fallowing our accident ream Teesnvlatem Arena this Friday . 19-28"� Leslie McSpadden, Miss Nichol, WELSH STREET ' night, July 10th, commencing evenings. it -28x2 Exeter, ..Saturday night, June g SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED 27.. -Mr. and Mrs, Karel' Buys.. Rev. J. C. Britton, Mrs. Britton az 9 o'clock, sponsored by the CEDAR posts, all sizes, anchor Modem equipment used. All._ . � 29x1 'Remember, it takes but a and Mrs. L. Dolmage. This was " Lions Club for welfare work:. posts, 12' braces, steel posts, work guaranteed: moment to place an Expositor followed with a sing -song led WILLIAM ST. WEST, from Centre St. Admission -• $1.00, extra) and 6', 7', Paige' wire,' barbed wire; Write or phone MANY bhankst ba' my friends Want Ad and be money 'in by,. Betty Nichol, with Mrs. E. special: cards 25c or 5 for $1.00: also 'Shelborn�e table potatoes. LOUIS BLAKE who re'mem'bered me kindly pocket. Td advertise, just Phone Storey, Jean Patrick • and Mrs. t0 Duke St. 1-29-1 Borden Brown, General Stare, RR 2 Brussels, hone 442 W 6. when I was in Clinton Public Seaforth 141. INTERRUPTION IS 'NECESSARY Kin -burn, phone Seaforth, 841p A. Dennis as :pianists. 19-09x20 Hospital"and sauce I have re- � On. Wednesday Miss Nichol R 2. 11-z8�tf turned (home. Special thanks to TO CHANGE PRIMARY LINES 4. Help Wanted DRESSMAKING, 'aging ladks gave a talk and showed slides — BLACK sweet cherries, abund- the nurses an the se�eond floor and children's coasts and dresses For on her work -in Mexico and the Your co-operation is requested. SALESLADY, � or part4ine, ant supply; also Montmorency of the, hospital. -Sincerely Mrs. p and Richmond Sours. Pick your also mending and putting 'cui:fs children gave a missionary of stage experience. Apply to Box 1 W, Stackhouse, Brucefleld. 1363, Humor Expositor. 429-1 awn 3atr Wyrrmave Ridge .Farm', on (trousers. Mrs, Clarence 24-29-1 � � fering and brought a variety i Rsipien, _ RR 2, Walton, phone HELP WANTED -For office located directly .behind Marven Dublin, 52 R 15. 19.29-3 Ted and Doreen McCreath ex- Additional of articles which were packedSEAFORTH work. Pleasant working Condi- Ellis Superfast Gas Station, BLACK and white sweet cher (mess their sincere 'tha'nks to and. presented to the mission-'„ i 'tions, Apply Highland Shales on Highway 23, in Forest, On- to Walton Community for an are at the Friday evening en a V -V Seaforth. 4-28.3 :tario. Allen F. "Brain Forest'. Tres are now ready,. next weer- ice. The pupils were given a 11-29-2 ency'wild be ready newt wreck. thjobeau farewells he thought- and Classified treat of cookies and freshie'by PUBLIC UTILITY, COMMISSION, Brie your own containersi and beautiful gifts. The Bring the teachers on Wednesda ,and c� HAVE. A' FLY=FREE FARM fulness of the choir, the CGIT Y 5. Bus. Opportunities pick your awn at Ridgeway Mr. Britton treated them to ice D. SILLS R. J. BOUSSEY USE CYGON 4E IN YOUR Fruit Farm, Elmer Wellsi. Three and YPU, the WI, blue UCW and , , MIEN wanted: Are you sabis- BARN the students and staff of tlh� cream bars. Chairman. Manager. « fied with your work? Would you' miles south of Camp Io f Bos s2- See Pae 12 Mix 16 oz. Cygon 4E, with 4 on . ave:] road. Tenth of Basan•- Walton .Public Schaal is deetpl�y g Miss Nichol gave one part like a business of Your awn? gaubns of water. Covers 4000 qua L9-�2 appreciated. 24-29-1 of a continuous' story by iPus- If yes, write Rawleighr, Dept. sq. fit: for $5.50 ---� G -363 -GG, 4005 Richelieu, St., USE SPRAY LIME ON YOUR MY sincere thanks. to, my neigh- � , -- _ WATCH REPAIRS bars, friends and relatives, for M 000 J` _B'y Barley v4. +­rgit, LADIES HAVE YOU, ELVER THOUGHT ABOUT SELLING AVON. er It costs nothing bo find out the details. Phone Collect MRS. M'. MILL -SON, � ,phone) London, d 4510.5-41 %. Situations Wanted DRESSMAKING at home.. Wo-' men's' and chil'dmen's, gamments, + detailed 'finishing. No tailoring. Phone 476, Seaforth. 7-28-3 TWO ,High Seyhaol gulllsl would' 50 lbs,, 85c SEAFORTH FARMERS' CO=OP. 1-129-2 FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 17 - Seaforth. 19-”Wi+lEa y Owers, caras, d I b those who visited St while General Hospital; in Stye, who Hospital; a)g' those ent helped • in so many different wa1y,'s in my home since my re - turn and whale 'I .was, away. it ' is' deeply appreciated.- Mrs,. , 0. Kenley, 24-29x1 CHERRIES -Both Black and White sweet cherries. Will be ready July 3. Montmorency cherries ready by July 12.13ring your -.own.' containers and pick Your'own at Murray Bros., 31/2 miles southwest of.. Thedford, on Ridge Road, Bosanquet. 11-2$x3 NOTICE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP Will be open until further notice, on Wednesday and Sat- fro WE wish to ,acknowledge with ' grateful, appreciation, :the.many messages of sympathy, floral tributes and donations received during our recent :bereavement. Special thanks to. Rev. J, C. Britton and the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home The many +acts ALUMINUM doors, windows, anvnings, siding, aluminum and wrought -iron parch railings.. Iik� to'gett jobs m a store, rest- Top quality produlats,a3t reason- urd'ay aStemnom 1 ons, to aurant ar hbspitail lar summer able prices. Cal]( u's fon Epee es- 5:30 p.m.of kindness of neighbors, Tela- months. 'Phone .671 W 4, Sea- ti.mlartes. We do our awn install No wire fencing, old concrete, fives, friends and members,of r t Earth. 7-2s-1 ins. Walker Aluminum Salol, or car bodies, permitted. thle .Seaforth W.I. 'wiID always L I L P E D RO = By de la Torre b d M L' 1•. J „ YOUNG boy 13. years, wants' to ' k spend summer on an area farm. Anxioug to help in any way possible in exchange• for room, phone 235-0722, (collect), Exeter 1p28 bf - J. I. McIINTOSH, 19-28-ff be remem, ere .- res. es lie P'rylce and Vamiy. 24-29x1 THE family of the late Edward L. Boyce wishes, to exipresls' Largest Display of DEAD ANIMALS ]board- and smiaA wage. Apply USED . MACHINERY sincere appreciation to rela- hives.; hie-riftandneighbors for Box 1365, Huron Expositor. in S.W., Ontario REMOVED their many ac't's' of kindness. 7�29xl • Joliri Wamtmes, RIR 1, Clinton, this drain to be cleaned out messages of syinpathy, and 8. Farm Stock For Sale Including Kor Dead or Disabled Animals floral tributes during their re - bereavement in the SIX Registered budlls. 3 of serviceable -age. Bruce Roy; 1 -1114T John Deere baler,,dem- piior pttiom to Aug. 1, 1064.' cent sad THIRTY pigs, 7 weeka old. Don onstrator; 1 Case 1000 cobine, headers; CALL COLLECT Darling & Company loss of a dear husband, father, Son and grandfather. Special Carter, R'IL 2, Seatwth, phone with grain and cora Clerk -Treasurer, With Idughter and Blears we 667 J 3., 8-29-1' 1 Super WD6 tractor.; 1 W6 gas of Canada Ltd. thanks Jia Rev. CUR Britton, TWO Border Collie pups three trac'tom; 1 Oliver Supero 88 R.C. 1 Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 ` Drs: Stapleton and Gomwlld', nurses and staff of! Scott Memr- 4 months old,. Frank Murray, RR with adjustable front axle; Lic ns No 262-G63 2, Walton, phone 101 R 6, Duly- Oliver 88 R.C', with ad'justa'ble e e Gnaw Hostpr�i, :the R. S. Brox ---•-• lin, 8-29.1 front axle, 19-284f Funeral Home, the ladies of FORTY pigs, 6 to 8 weeks ol'd. M any other used tractors, the L.O.B. A. No. 71e, Seaforth, U R TOWN — B y McClelland w Apply to -Clarence Mandigam,eay g'ra'm drills, stalk cutters and NOTICE and to donations dib, the Heart North Mann. g_�xj I FIFTEEN pigs, 8 weeks old. ! # phone 482-7I� RR 2, Seaforth, I4 TWENTY -ono pigs, 8 weeks old. planters to Choose from. McGRAIL _ Farm Equipment Indian Creek Road WesC BROADFOOT CREEK DRAIN Township Township of Tuckersmith The 13roadfoot Creek Drain is Foundation and w 1I 'help- ed in any way. Your kindness wiliD always ,be remembered, ' 24-29-1 25: In Memoriam Roger •Hoornertt, R -R. 2, Kippen. g••� P.O. Box 477, Chathatm, Onbarmo. to be repaired and/or improved, from the Bayfield River up to WW- In Loving father of ' ' t • THIRTY (pigs• lA weeks old. 11-27x2 a suitalbale outlet floor Lot 28, Con. 5, LR6. If anyone wishes a, earn cry of a• dear husband and father m Leo Stephenson, who assed 12. Wanted To Buy • Joliri Wamtmes, RIR 1, Clinton, this drain to be cleaned out anva�i yea2ts+ ago, JW 'y> 12, h e Seaforth, 859 R 22. 8-x1 GARAmGE, 15 feet 22 r,'c'onti(et the undersrigned. 195G SIX Registered budlls. 3 of serviceable -age. Bruce Roy; about •by feet, suitalbne for moving. Boar piior pttiom to Aug. 1, 1064.' Softly we turn back the pagers of time, Londesboro, • :phone M Blyth, 523- 1361, Huron ExpaSdboa . 12-'29-1 JAMES I. McINTOSH, To wander down Vwmoryl's lane, 4237. 8-29-1 WE are in the market for live Clerk -Treasurer, With Idughter and Blears we ONE 4,3ftr olid Hereford bull; poultry. Contact Rudy Petzke, RR 3, Seaforth. bring back ,the years, WNSN A CHEF BRINGS A LUNCH PAIL TO NIS RESTAURANT CAN BE 5ORS HE�e NOT A GOOD COOK t - dMI �. N Appy Jack Patridi, phone 654 R Hen'sadf', phone 328-W, or 83, 19-29-1 And gently speak your name. 33, Seaforth. 8-29x1 Henslatlll. 12-29-3 Juslt• ass you were, you will ads AA O pun+ebried Yark hags and ALL kends of salvalge wanted- 23. Business Directory ways be,N /� PO L E0 N — B yMcBride d Wil 11 Treasured forever in our mem.- one saw, weighing 65 lbs. each. Apply to Wm. Walters, phonq 14 R 16, Kimkton. 8-29-1 RECASTMEID Hereford (Mull.', Donald ReJtvrns i5 -T, alga as mtebac ]iron an rags. 1 ca ,for, Luis Hildebrand, Or'd 'fit., Seaforth, box W. 12- x4 McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P, D. McCONNELL, Q.C. Dries. -Sadly missed by Effie, Donald and Bi9l. 25 29-1 14. Property For Sale GRUMMETT--d'n laving mem. ' g 'off of 'my deem son, Daniell w months. `M. Ross Bennett, RR 3, Walttlon, phone Brussels, 382 J GOOD' ]Funding lots, on North Miain St. Contact Robert J. I D. L STEWART Seaforth Ont, : Phone 550 yea rru a: 'moo passed away 3 years July 8th. 4. • 8=29x(1 Doig, RR 1,. Dublin, phone Seta- ig 1� oga, I de not need a slrec3ai' dray, SEAFORTH TWENTY -one 7 to 8 week olid pigs and one female IGermlan iarith, 849 J 3, 14-29-3 TWO -storey fn me house, with VETERINARY To ,bring You th my, mind, The days I do not think of you, Shepherd dog. Henry KlaVer, Highway 8, Clinton, 482: nald brick sliding:. 3 bedrooms CLINIC Are very hard :tb find, phone 9156. 8-29)d 4iroing�MVM Md kitchen, g ecAlar• Smalit barn and atbowt_ 1 J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. They .&W time healis alt sorrow, ,And hte$s one to for" f 4 ONE-ylear . old grey Sheffand ' arerte of go6d,.garrdeiiing' ]land. In rgans, D V,#., V.S. D E. dealt, D V IVIS But tit so far bats,enlya proved, Pony. Sii`irem wane ' land fall:. village aC'' B1?odlnaglen. Atpplly>' , ., G• pl8y, $.5., VYS. w much I miss. you $tett, �j: Apply Ren .�tvaot, RR. 5, � �tW �k Fei's!ch�tt', S�afOmthr .R, .D.V�11(., g'�ra+an�r` eltt�h �r lta'Itgr it, faith, 8-1 phftd"I$&W., Imo] Phoire 106 'Seaforth And courage to bad the blow 7-r IT; - d *41 ,� •. � � ' ) sr l �' �: v f .. .. : .. :,,_ ', .. •. ... I ... a. _._ .. .,. .,.,..� w.1., +A'.t., �., ,r;.:vl n. ,. .o .,. .. .. , ,..-.....:.. i,t, .. ,_ ...u-.,Y—....:...e:. _.r .... J`Iti; ,.1........ ,. _.,. .,. _:�I�v_ z.,,t.,,..;c, _,t t..:....3, �e.l rt,.� .4,inf.,ut