HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-07-09, Page 8h r �1r 4.U:4X1, 14 ARP* fi• any Family Groups HoId Annu'aI Gatherings REID REUNION. , The seventh annual picnic of the Reid' family was held on June 21 at the Lions Park, Sea - forth. A program of races and games was conducted by Mrs. Jack Mustard and Mrs. Ken Mercer. • The winners were: Kick the slipper, Mrs, George Cantelon; races, eight and under, Linda Carter; 8.12, Barbara Keyes; boys, Ervin Keyes. Mrs. Bruce Keyes was proven to be She mystery lady by Mrs. -Fred Mul; holland. Mrs. Ken Mercer con- ducted a make-believe televi- sion program, • in which many of the family members took part. Those present were from Clinton, Brumfield, Varna, Tav- istock, Woodstock, London and Seaforth. MILLER-McDOUGALL The Miller -McDougall picnic was held in the Seaforth Lions Park with over 50 present. Mrs. Peter Simpson had charge of the sports, followed by supper with Mr. and Mrs. William Lamport in charge. The business meeting followed. Results of race are: Girls, six to eight, Joyce Rohde; eight to 10, Jean Cole; 10 to 12, Di- anne Adkins; boys, six to eight, Peter Simpson; eight to 10, James Miller; 10 to 12, Donald Cole; young women, Linda Ev- ans; young men, Robert Mc- Cartney;' married women; Mrs. - Marion McCartney ; married men, Wilson McCartney; young- est child; Audrey Adkins; most articles in purse, Janet Miller; most • silver pieces in pocket, Lesli Miller; birthday nearest picnic, Janet Miller; annivers- ary nearest picnic, Mr. and Mrs. Alyin Cole. The younger children enjoy- ed a peanut scramble and sev- eral relays were held with Al- vin Cole and Wilson McCartney as captains. CONSTANCE S.S. AND SCHOOL The Constance 'Sunday School and school held a picnic at the Lions • Park when, sports winners were: Girls 6-8, • Lynda Anderson, • Faye Dalton, Karen Tosczak; boys 6-8, Brian Jewitt, Kevin Jewitt, Teddy Sailows; girls 10, and under, Linda Preszcator, Donna Buchanan, Janet Otten; boys, ,10 and under, Kenneth Anderson, Larry Jewitt, Jim Buchanan; girls, 12 and under, Blanche Dalton, Margaret Whyte; boys, 12 and under, Keith Tosczak, Donny Jewitt, Jimmy Anderson; minute race, Mrs. Don Buchanan; children's kick the slipper, Jimmy Ander- son, Kelly Dalton; ladies kick the slipper, Deanna- Dale, Mrs, Bob Dalton; wheelbarrow race, Keith Tosczak and Donny Jew- itt, Kenny Anderson" and Kelly Dalton; three-legged race, Kathy Dale and Blanche Dalton, Keith Tosczak and Donny Jewitt; tie race, .Kenny Anderson and Mrs. Eric Anderson; sack race, Ross Jewitt, Paul Buchanan; thread the needle, Mrs. Carson, Mrs. Eric Anderson (tied); relays, Life Savers, Mr. Carson's team. . CARTER REUNION The Carter reunion was held at the Lions Park, Seaforth,-on Sunday, June 28, with about 100 in attendance: Officers elected were: President, Bob Carter ; secretary - trea"surer, Mrs. Bob Carter. A ball game was played by the men, and then a delicious lunch was enjoyed. Winners of the races were: Races, five and under, Donny Carter and Kevin and Annette Carter; girls, eight and under, Glenda Johnson and Marie and Kim"''.Detmo;. boys, eight and under, Danny. Carter and Blane Johnson; girls, 12 and under, Joyce Carter and Dale Pater- son; boys, 12 and under, Bruce Carter and Gary Ament; young men, Charlie . and Harold Knox; women kick the slipper, Elsie Wrigley and Ruth Carter; men kiek the slipper, Bob Carter and Ken Johnson. Winners of the games includ- ed: tie the tie, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Patterson; pick the 'clothespins, Vera Carter and Murray Carter, Laurie Hanes and Agnes Carter. CLARK REUNION The Clark reunion was held Sunday at Seaforth Lions Park. with 60 in attendance. Officers are: President, W. D. Wilson; secretary -treasurer, Elva Metz; sports committee, _ Ruth and Mervyn Johnston, Sports results: Girls, six and under, Ann Clark, Julie Clark; boys, six and under, Bobbie Wilson; girls. 7.9, Gloria John- ston; boys• 7-9, Floyd Johnston, Keith Clarke; young ladies, Shirley Johnston, Glenda John- ston; young men, Wayne Ham- ilton; married men, W. D. Wil- son, Bruce Johnston; married ladies, Mrs. Stuart Wilson, Mrs. Bruce Johnston; men kick the -slipper, W. D. Wilson; ladies kick the slipper, Mrs. Les Balers; spot walk, Elva Metz; elimination race, Bruce John- ston, Gloria Johnston; balloon relay, Mr. and Mrs. Les Balers; youngest person, Dianne ser;,, oldest n, person, Jack Wil- liatas A peanut , scramble was held for the children. New oficer% elected are: President, W. D. -Wilson; sec- retary -treasurer, Kathleen Clark; sports committee, Nellie and Melvin Hamilton, WINGHAM BAPTIST CHURCH The Wingham Baptist Church Sunday School held a picnic Saturday at the Seaforth Lions Park with 84 in attendance. Sports committee was John Currie, Frank Collar and Hart- ley Watson. Lunch committee included Mrs. Elinor C91lar, Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick and Mrs. Muriel Cantelon. Sports winners were: •Run- ning races, girls and boys four ye -ars and under, Laurie Ann Kerwin, Jeffery Watson; girls, 5 and 6 years, Karen Currie, Mary Hildebrand; boys, 5 and 6 years, David Stapleton, Kenny Procter; girls, 7 and 8 years, Sylvia MacLean, Sandra Cur- rie; boys, 9 to 11 years, Jed House, Brady House; girls, 9 to 11 years, Adora MacLean, Ruth Ellen Currie; junior high girls, Joan Cantelon, Lynda Levquie; junior high boys, Don- ald Collar, Donald Procter; sen- ior high girls, Ann Jouwsma, Audrey Collar; senior high boys, Bryon Collar, Ray Schei- fele; ladies shoe -kicking rage, Lynda Stapleton, Ann Jouws- Ma; sack race for children, Sandra Currie, Brenda Staple- ton; teenage sack race, Ann Jouwsma, Lynda Levquie; rug- by ball throwing, Bryon Collar, Ray Scheifele; water balloon competition, Patricia Cantelon and Ruth 411en Currie, David Stapleton and Brady House. This was followed with a 'de- licious picnic supper. BALL REUNION The annual Ball reunion was held at Seaforth Lions Park with, approximately 150 rela- tives present, • Guests were pre- sent from Goderich,, London, Stratford, Cooksville and sur- rounding district. The children enjoyed a .swim in the pool; while the men had a ball game. Sports were then held and the results were as follows: five and under, Michael and Paul Gibbings; girls, 9 and under, Debra Gibbings and Arva Ball; boys, 9• and under, Grant Laws and Doug Durnin; girls, 14 and under, Daryl Ball and John Gib- bings; ladies' race, Norma Vodden; men's race, Leonard Hoffman; time race, Ethel Ball and Edith Wright; nails in a board, 'Bert Shobbrook; jelly bean contest, Eyelyn Tasker. A poptop relay was held, fol- lowed by a peanut scramble, which was enjoyed by all the children. These sports were convened by Merle and Bill Stanbury, Alan Ball and Bob Ball, Supper Was served under .a committee including Jean and ,Ed. Dolmage, Lea and Olive Ball and • Dave and Mabel Mc- Leod. .. President Ernie Durnin pre- sided for the business session. New officers ar-: Honorary pres- dents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Dun -- in; president couple, Helen and Wayne Fisher; vice-president couple; Lloyd and Edna 'Pfaff; secretary -treasurer couple, Ken and Mary Gibbings; committee: Warren and Marie Gibbings, Bev , and Arnold Riley and Lloyd and Vera Penfound: John Gibbings was the old- est person present; youngest person, Kevin Adams, of Gode- rich. The family coming the farthest was Mr, and Mrs. Stew- art Ball, of Cooksville. :1 DIEGEL REUNION The 27th annual Diegel re- union was held at the Com- munity. Park,- Brodhagen, on Sunday, June 28. The afternoon was spent in bail' games, horse- shoes, races and other games, and lunch was served after the business period. Winners of the various events were: Oldest lady present, Mrs. Christine Leonhardt, Walton, 80; oldest gent present, George Diegel, Brodhagen, 90; oldest married couple, Mr, and Mrs. Henry E. Diegel; the most re- cent married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Diehl; youngest baby, Lloyd Roger Diehl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Diehl; coming the farthest, Mrs. Rachel Doyle, Scarborough, Warren Sholdice and Barbara Plumsteel, Scar- borough; largest family pres- ent, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Par- sons, Staffa. Officers for 1965 are: Presi- dent,. Henry C. Diegel; vice- president, Harold Diegel; secre- tary -treasurer, Fred W. Kist- ner; booth committee, Warren Sholdice, Mr. and Mrs, Ken- neth Getke; bingo committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hinz, Mr. and Mrs, Don Rolph, Earl Rock; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser; "'"Mi-, and Mrs. Walter Diegel,-- Mr. and Mrs: Gary Sholdice; lunch com- mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Heck- man, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Leon- hardt, Mr. and • Mrs. ,Ralph Fischer, _ Mr. and Mrs.. Irvin Swint; horseshoes, .Martin Die - gel; bell game, Richard Leon- hardt, Sr. Sports winners were: Races— girls. four and under, Kathy Rolph, Cheryl Diegel, Ruth Gloor; boys, four and under, Billy Vock, Calvin Diegel, Ran- dy Rolph; six and under: girls, Sandra Diegel, Wanda Voch, Cindy Diegel; boys, Richard Parsons, David ,Rock; eight and under, Dennis Diegel; 10 and under, girls, Joyce Vock, Shar;, on. Vock, Linda McLean; boys, Carl Diegel; 12 and under, girls, Sharon McLean, Karen Leonhardt; boys, Paul Parsons, Douglas Vock, Earl Leonhardt; 14 and under, girls, Ruth Ann Diegel, Gloria Diegel, Linda Diegel; boys, Paul Parsons, Jimmy Diegel; balloon on an- kle, June M ek, Gloria Diegel, Paul Eisler, Jimmy Diegel; boys wheelbarrow, , Roger Die - gel, Jimmy Diegel; girls carry- ing bean on spoon in mouth, Sharon McLean, Joyce Vock; ladies dropping penny in milk bottle, Mrs. Ed. Kressler, Mrs. R- Sholdice, Mrs. N. Ahrens, Mrs. R. Doyle. Sawdust scram- ble was held for children six years, and under. - Ants aren't as industrious as we think. They are always„ go- ing to picnics. Bride: "Do you • still take an interest in •everything I do?" Husband: "Why, certainly. For example, I've spent all day wondering what you put in that pie we had for supper last night." - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIII111111I11.11111111 NOTICE Will be closed from JULY"20th to AUG. 8th (last pickup July 16th) Scoins Cleaners 11111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111 • NOW OPEN! New Drive - in Restaurant. With Take -Out Service AT WILDWOOD MOTEL Highway 21 =-- one mile south of Bayfield featuring a special process . . . DELICIOUS, JUICY, TENDER PRESSURE FRIED Flavor Crisp Chickens Also Frozen Custard,, Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Etc. • Regular Home -Cooked Meals IN MOTEL RESTAURANT -- Including Nov Pancake Service -- 1MR. AND MRS. CHARLES DUNGEY Managers RED T NYS FOR • Tangy Charcoal Flavor - Whets Appetites Master Chef" Barbecues You CAN take it with you I PICNIC GRILL L69 (A) Folding Picnic Barb .g o e s anywhere ; backyard, picnic — great for camping ' occupies so little space; 108 square inches cooking surface. t.. (B) Controlled Heat Barbecue Full-size Circular Grill Model =- gives maximum cooking surface and allows building a bed of live coals" most suited for the number of large appe- tites to be satisfied; 24" grate is 5 -position adjust- able for perfect cooking temperature. Sturdily constructed, baked grey enamel finish; 29" high' �.95 (C) "Chuck -Wagon" Barbecue C.S.A. approved 60 -cycle motor" turns the spit, which is adjustable for efficient heat control. The hood reflects and intensifies the heat to speed cookery and to protect food and flavor. Large 16" x 24" cooking surface. Equipped with utensil racks, trayand easy 18.88 rolling wheels; 431/2" /2" high e • 5 -Position CHAISETTE For the lazy days of Sum- mer —t Durable weather re- sistant polypropylene 'web- bing in Green, Blue or• Yellow — with contrasting White;. 5' vertical, 15 hori- zontal straps; Aluminum frame, folds flat. 7.77 Matching LAWN CHAIR Generously proportioned; seat about 17" wide .and i61/2" deep; back about 29" high,' Two-tone 214" wide web straps. For patio, lawn or beach. 3.88 SW WO WO SW IWN MN gam INVESTIQ4 TE TI/ENEM WORLOOF ; FETY 9; ss3: �<z$:'sruw Torture -Tested at •SPeed You'll ' Never Need So Nearly Indestructible , It's ReplacedIT BLOWS THROUGHIPEED TION) See Dua�antee . Use the Cash BONUS COUPONS for FREE INSTALLAION' and WHEEL BALANCING . . , Yes, Canadian Tire puts a price on this super -tire -- but no higher than others for their ordinary top -grade tires ... Nome any brand you wish. BUT, your "trade discount" and special old tire trade-in allowance are like "money in the bank", when you compare YOUR FINAL TIRE COST — at Canadian Tire, 50/ CCARRY d BONUS COUPONS Learn how relaxed driving con be - . Thanks to Super-Lastic "Safety 99". At sustained high speeds, your car feels so easy to handle. You'II enjoy a new measure of comfort, quiet and 'riding ease. Call it a Premium Tire, a Luxur-y Tire or what you will — the high - style Super-Lastic "Safety 99" High Speed. Nylon Tire puts Safety First! INSULATED PICNIC BAG Thick layer of insulation keeps picnic lunches, salads and drinks — appetizingly fresh and cold Bright plaid sturdy vinyl plastic—in at- tractive red or green. White plastic lining; around -the -top, zipper. Reinforced carrying handles. About 17" x 51/2" xEACH 10" high. EACH 64 -oz. Unbreakable DECANTER A hot -weather essential - . , for fruit juices, ice water, etc.... for mixing, serving or storing. Graduated mea- sure; snap -on lid;, no -drip pouring spout; natural grip handle. 64oi., .33 128 -ox... i66 • • ♦' a • • • 0. M • • • W. V. SIAM Phone 792 w • • •