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The Huron Expositor, 1964-07-09, Page 5
n NOTICE TO DESTROY. NOXIOUS WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to property owners in urban and sub- divided areas to destroy all Noxious Weeds as often as necessary in each season, to prevent their going to seed. Also, after July 25, 1964, proceed- ings will be taken to destroy Noxious Weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act. ALEX CHESNEY Huron County Weed Inspector SPECIAL NOTICE Having sold' our Shoe Business in Seaforth to Mr. Bob Read, we sin- cerely thank our many customers for their generous patronage. WE SOLICIT YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE FOR OUR SUCCES- SOR, BOB READ SMYTH'S SHOE STORE LTD. SEAFORTH, ONT. • .• • A e • • • • b V s • • • • • ACROSS 1. Not many 8.. Foae 4li lrrot 12. 11aill 13. Weight allowance 14. Creat lake 18. Pole 1$, Inquire 17. Markets 18. Honor swats 20. Sang for one 21. Frost' 22. Evil 28. Small mass 28. Penny 28. Sweetheart 30. Parent 31. Storm 32. Single 33. Above 35. Lice 36, aemoved Moisture 38. Peel 59. Encountered 41. Conjunction 42. A number 43. Batters 45. Female relative 48. Chew noisily 50. Passing fancy 51. Fruit drink 62. Military assistant 53. Contest 54, Obtain 65. Part o o be 56. Mineral' oche 57. Printing measures DOWN 1. Agricultural land 2. Wild cry 8. Marriage ceremony 4 Unfresb 5. Go by 6. Noah's boat 7. Musical note 8. Make wel ' 9. Dart 10. Be seated 11. Foot -like part 17. Manner 19. Perrot/led 22. Removed APAP 24.,Mimieker 25. Challenge 20. Starr 27. Comfort 2e. Cuts of Meat 2e. Lassos 84, Better position 37. Sloping roadway 40. Barter 42. Ocean movement/ 44. So be it 45. Alike 40. Paradise 47. Soaks flax 48. Public vehicle 49. Hasten 50. Distant 85. Depart ©WELi©e10 ©©ElFJ EOM 11:100 MDT €ll IL!i DM mums] k� J!!E EIQ BMOC 1117 1`9q€1Gly�I JI EMU MUM UM OMNI 1J0© Viola €lEMil 1310013 ©Ot7C]©© 13119M4W 11113161' .©kJI'EI' °©lICI MJ©CI© ©tDE-I :141EI0 So ution 11111© MENA 8 l'o If 11 ' 1l1. ' ■ 1 r Is. u 26 UMW28 MUNN WINN RI WI 61111 iill1NEI Its 1,, 23 ®I 3.D ■ 1112? : 3' ■mIII . ®i' il" I IA II 39 "eiiiUII�5011' �M®MNI! ■■ MINI Ili Iiil 1Il1■ NM '®u■ ■l Canadian social -Worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your problem. She answers letters of general interest in this column but can't undertake personal replies. DEAR DORIS-I am 4i and an immigrant. My question is: How do you address a stranger without a question? It seems to me stupid to start with, "What do you think about-?" One movie director said the way to approach a girl with- out getting the cold shoulder is to as her: "Do you want to become a movie star?" I haven't tried this. All the books . on the Art of Conversation say be :. a , good listener. That would mean sil- ence for all! CONTINENTAL DEAR CONTINENTAL --Lis- tening Lis- tening is all right in its place. But even this requires the pos- ing of a question -so 'that you may listen for the answer. Eti- quette says if you are guests under thesame roof. you may consider yourself introduced. •Even our familiar greeting: "How do you do?" is a, ques- tion, Or that popular topic, The Weather: "Lovely day?" Not a thing wrong with it, DEAR DORIS - My sister, eight years• married, has tried every way to please her hus- band. He treats her horribly and is as nice as pie to every- body else. She is suffering severe at- tacks of asthma and hasn't had the power to' fight back. She used to be such a happy-go- lucky gal but these past years have drained. her of everything. I just can't stand by and watch my sister suffer all this unhap- piness. STEADY READER DEAR STEADY -Sounds like a losing battle. Your easy-go- ing sister is not the type to give as good as she gets -which is the best way to handle such a man. The asthma may be her physical response to her dilem- ma. There are times, you know, when even social workers won't hold misfits:._ together. •But your sister badly needs personal counselling. Help her find it. DEAR DORIS-I am 14 and I like a boy that is 15 going on 16. ' The only problem is that he is• a foreigner and my parents don't want me going out with him. .I try to tell them he's the same, but they fight with me. Please help me. ENGLISH DEAR -ENGLISH - Sorry, Duckie, but at 14 your parents still have some say in your choice of friends. They may have other good reasons they haven't mentioned. Let's hope it isn't just because he's a for- eigner. TO WOULD-BE LADY DOC- TOR -.If medicine is beyond you, how about nursing, or oc- cupational' and physical ther- apy, which requires some .•of the same talents? Write in- for my leaflets on these two pro- fessions, enclosing ten cents (for each pamphlet) and a stamped, self-addressed envel- ope. WEDDING INVITATIONS Phone 141 Seaforth Seaforth Announcement was made thia week of the sale of $inyth's Shoe Store Ltd. to Robert J. Read. Mr. Read has taken pos- session. Smyth's Shoes was establish- ed in Seaforth in March, 1959, when the business of the late C. E. - Smith was purchased. In 1961 the firm purchased the former McConnell Sr Stewart property and created an entire- ly modern shoe store on the premises. Mr. Read, -who is a graduate of Clinton Collegiate, has had extensive experience in the shoe business. He began his career with Bata Shoes, where he graduated from the Bata Retail Training Course at Batawa, Ont. He was manager of the Bata Store in Stratford for three years, until becoming associat- ed with the Smyth Shoe Stores Ltd. in Mitchell. Prior to be- coming associated with the Bata organization, he spent three years in the Canadian Army. Mr. Read is married, and his wife is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. McEwing, of Hul- lett Towns'hip,• and is well known in the district. A gradu- ate of Seaforth District High School, she attended Teachers' College in Stratford and is on the staff of the. Stratford Pub- lic Schools. In announcing the sale of the business here, Mr. Sam Smyth, of Smyth Shoe Stores Ltd., said that he had appreci- ated the years in ' which the firm had been in business in ore most areas of'the unty crops 4,ro looking god' eragab o orabove average yiel should be expected In other, areas, ra411 is neocloo ast;ire and spring grain crops Are dry- ing lip. -Wheat is beginning, to ripen, and barley is just starting tq tura color. *�.r WOS Over 1,000Belts art pod:, shot Fx Plugs, Plovif S}litr, ,st fC iti*ratok (iIp OItpmt 0.904,4t JHN 'BACH Announcement .apk 4# MR. AND MRS. ROBERT READ are shown above as they examine samples of shoes"from the large stock carried by Read's Shoe Store. Smyth's Shoe Store Ltd. was sold to Mr. Read, who took possession on Monday, Mrs. Read is the former Beth McEwing, of Hullett, while Mr. Read comes from Clinton. (Photo by Phillips) Seaforth. He expressed appre- ciation for the many courtesies that had been extended torhim, and said he was satisfied' that the type of service which the Smith Store had provided would be continued by the new owner, Mr. Read. • Customer: "Your dog seems very fond of watching you cut hair." Barkley. "Well, it ain't that so much. Sometimes I snip off a bit of a customer's ear.' Deals ' - *if • WANT ADS `L ING Q UUG. ' fevar,6 - ; An Announcement of Interest•t o Seaforth Area Shoppers READ'S SHOE STORE features these Famous Makes . . SAVAUGE'S DACK'S AIR STEP Long -Lasting. Work Boots by 4 HYDRO ,GREB SISMAN (Formerly Smyth's Shoe Store Ltd.) THE HOME OF BETTER SHOES The modern interior of READ'S SHOE STORE is designed for your con- venience. This, coupled with the ,large stock we carry for every member of the family, makes it a pleasure to shop for shoes at Read's. Come in on openings days and whenever you need shoes,! As a welcoming gift as we begin our business in Seaforth, we offer FREE to every customer making a purchase of One Dollar or over, a Pair of First Quality Seamless Mesh Nylon Hose • OFFER GOOD UNTIL 6 P.M., SATURDAY, JULY 11th Please! One pair only to a customer. WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT US ONo OUR OPENING DAYS EAD'S READ'S SHOE STORE. features these Famous Makes WOLFE (Gracia) HUSH PUPPIES KAUFMAN McBRINE QUALITY LUGGAGE DR. SCHOLL'S Complete Line of FOOT CARE PRODUCTS HOE STORE Top Quality At Fair Prices Formerly Smyth's Shoe Stare Ltd. 42012o$u1l.0 Seaforth:. Motors 1 ■ h ••• •4#, • i' Seaforth, Ontario, 4. •ii -v4466114 'iit `itk •