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The Huron Expositor, 1964-05-28, Page 5
0 • r W is SAVE 12c INSTANT SKIM MILK Carnation 3 -Ib'. pkg. 1.03 SAVE 4c McLAREN'S Corn Relish 1S -oz. lar 35c . SAVE Ilc PILLSBURY LAYER STYLE Cake Mix 2. pkgs. 79c SAVE 6c GIANT SIZE 01110 87c CASH YOUR 10c COUPONS SAVE 7c GERBER'S STRAINED Baby Food 8 for 97c Best Buy l..,— Save 6c — Heinz Fancy Quality TOMATO 'JUICE BIG. FIVE - DAY SHOPPING SPREE! Best Buy !, — Save 50c — Maxwell House • INSTANT COFFEE Best Buy! — Sa4e 17c — Dr. Ballard's FR.EE!' RED & WHITE 43rd BIRTH -DAY CAKE With Orders of .$10.00 or over ©SCW•INC. 1 CHAMPION DOG FOOD Best Buy! — Save 20c —Soft Facial SCOTTIES TISSUES ° 48 -oz. Tins 3 for 88c 10 -oz. Jars s 1.49 15 -oz. Tins 8 for 99c Economy .Pack 400's 3for ?9c Kraft CHEEZ WHIZ 16 -oz. Jar •'Spec'ial 574, Maxwell House FRESH COFFEE. 23c Coupon in 1 -lb. Bag 870 Saico Reconstituted ORANGE JUICE 48 -oz. Tin 55¢ Liquid JAVEX. BLEACH 64 -oz. Plastic Jug 45° Specially Selected — Sweet Pickled — Cryovac Halves COTTAGE . ROLLS Well -Trimmed. — Lean - Meaty — Loin PORK .CHOPS _ _ Ib..49c lb. .69. Ch PI Pan -Ready R' dl SId DevonChoice Plump CHICKEN SIDE BACON Fresh nced LEGS or BREASTS • Ib. 41'' ¢ GROUNDMiBEEF Ib. 570 Ib. 430 MARSHMALLOWS lb. 33c RADISHES 3 Bunches 19c HOTHOUSE TOMATOES, No.1 • • • • lb. 33c SUNKIST ORANGES, 180's • • • • 3 Doz. 99c BARLINKA GRAPES lb. 39c McINTOSH APPLES 3 lbs. 45c LARGE PLASTIC GARBAGE PAILS Reg. $6.95 $2.99 with $5.00 order Some Lawn Chairs left at $3.99 Large KIST GINGER ALE 32 az 17c Plus deposit Fancy 'SUPRYEME PEAS Fancy SUPREME CORN Carnation — 9 -oz. Pkgs. FRENCH FRIES Sunkist, - 6 -oz. Pkgs. . LEMONADE 2 lbs. 49c 2 lbs. 45c 3 for 49c 4 for 53c STOKELY'S PEAS -15 oz. 6/99c JIFFY PIE CRUST Hellman's - MAYONNAISE -16 oz. Catelli's 16 -oz. Pkg. MACARONI or SPAGHETTI • • • • 2/39c 2 Pkgs. 65c 43c • Reg. 69c PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE • • • • • • 55c Christie's GRAHAM WAFERS ' Pkg. 35c Weston or Sunbeam ANGEL FOOD CAKE 41c FREE PAIR OF WHITES OE LACES WITH "IT"—Micro White Shoe Dressing Large Bottle 25c GOETTLER'S MARKET DUBLIN ONTARIO ni■ DeS'Croys a rr A barn• at the farm. of Hor- ton McDougall, six miles east of Hensall, was destroyed by fire Sunday afternoon by a fire .. believed caused by lightning. Mrs. McDougall said the L-shap- ed building "seemed to • ex- plode"' during an electrical storm that hit the area about 5 p.m. She said her husband was forced.to shoot several pigs and cattle trapped in the barn. Hensall volunteer firemen saved implements in a shed be- hind the barn. Mrs. McDougall said she believed ether.ilnple- ments and a quantity of grain in the barn were lost, but that the barn was insured. No esti- mate of damage was avail"ble. Unit III, UCW Meets Unit III of UCW met for their May --meeting Monday eve- ring with Mrs. Ron Mock in the their. The devotional, "Live -Yoh'. Faith," was conducted by Mrs. Walker Carlile•, assisted by Mrs. Eric Mansfield and • Mrs. Jack Simmons. Mrs. Pearl Pass- more reported for the visiting committee. This unit will be responsible for the nursery and church flowers for June. Mrs. Orrin Williams present- ed the study, "The Way in In- dia and Nepal." Mrs. William Fuss sang a lovely solo, "Near To the Heart of God," accom- panied at the •piano by 'Mrs. Cecil Pepper, pianist for the unit. Mrs. William was present- ed with a going -away gift of a cup and saucer by Miss Mary Goodwin. Mrs. H. J. Stokes, of Mont- real, spent the . weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlile and other relatives. The barber business. 6f :the late_ C.laiDeneau--has-been-•sold. to Don (Chub) McCurdy, .of Exe- ter, who gets possession this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Richard- son and . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richardson returned Monday from a weekend fishing trip at Kirkfield, on -Lake Simcoe. They reported fishing poor ow- ing to rough weather.. Hensall Legion,Branch 468, observing the 50th anniversary of World War I, are holding a commemoration dinner in the Legion Hall Friday evening, and a reunion of its members who were veterans of .the 1914- 18 conflict. - Flowers at the United Church Sunday morning were in lov- ing memory of Clair F. Deneau, placed there by the family. Sgt. 0. G. Williams, who has been stationed at Clinton RCAF Station for the -past three and a half years, has • been posted to North Bay. Mrs. Williams and family will move to North Bay in June at the completion of the school term. Daniel McLeod, 38, of Exeter, was taken to South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, Saturday, with possible fractures, following an accident one mile and a quar- ter west of Hensall, off• High- way 84, at the intersection. OPP John Wright, of Exeter detachment, investigated, House League Baseball Boys eight years and aver in- terested in playing baseball in a local league, are asked to meet at HensalL Ball Park, Mon- day, June lst, at 7 p.m., accord- ing to the Hensall Minor Ath- letic Association. Girls 12 years and over, interested in playing House League Softball, will meet at the softball diamond at the same time. In case of rain, the meeting will be held in the Hensall Arena. Adults inter- ested in baseball coaching also are asked to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton, of Port Dover, attended the funeral of the late Miss Olive Coxworth Monday from the Bonthron Funeral Chapel. Mrs. Lou Simpson, who has been a patient in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, returned home on. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker, Ricky and Cindy were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McArthur, of Detroit. Mrs. William Parsons, of RR 1, Cromarty, is a patient at Clinton Public Hospital, where she was taken by Bonthron am- bulance Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMur- trie, of Toronto, visited rela- tives in Hensall and vicinity during the past week. Hensall Kinettes were pleas- ed with the success of their an- nual spring rummage sale `held Saturday at the local arena, with many buyers from Hen- sall, community and out-of-town attending. Three cartons of good used clothing not sold were given to the UCW for their bale, which is being packed June 2nd. Miss Susan Jinks, 13, while playing ball on the lawn at the home of her grandmother, -Mrs.. C, L. Jinks, had the' misfortune to fall 'while running and in. jure her kneecap. She was tak- en by Bonthron ambulance to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, where the knee was placed• in a cast. She has returned to her home. A round -cut diamond has 58 facets. Seventy-one per cent of the persons who read a newspaper read it page by page; 27 per cent by scanning.. 41 GREAT SI.'E:1i -. Brand New 1964 Famous "Leo Danal COTTON DRESSES Misses' Sizes, 7 to 17 -and 10 to 20 Women's Sizes, 141 to 241 Petite Sizes, 7 to 13 All this season's newest patterns, designs and colors in classic styles, full skirt styles, shift styles, etc. There's a wide range of floral prints, checks, stripes, modern patterns and dots. All priced to save you money and • right at the height of the season. REGULAR $10.95 THURS., FRI., and $ Q .95 SAT. ONLY Q SEE OUR NEW SHOWING OF JAMAICAS, SHORTS, POPTOPS, SLIMS and COOLOTS for Summer SAVE ON • .BEEHIVE Molana Yarn 69% mohair and 31% virgin wool knitting yarn, in Yel- low,-_ ..Blue, ....Bone, Green, Beige, Red, Pink, Tur- quoise, Azalea. Limited quantities of each color. REGULAR 75c BALL To Clear? At ...49c Regular 65c Yd. 36" Wide. WHITE Flannelette Special purchase of mill -ends in a lovely weight of white - flannelette. Buy several -yards at this very low price! 49c yd. Regular 69c Yd. 36" Wide WHITE Broadcloth Another..•special:.purchase of fine , quality white sanforiz ed, mercerized white broad- cloth you can't afford to miss. - For the . Week -End .Only ! Special 55c yd. STEWART BROS. WALTON NEWS McKillop Unit The May meeting of the Mc- Killop Unit was held at the home of Mrs. Merton Hackwell with 21 •1ladies „ and four girls present. Miss Ethel Dennis pre- sided, opening with the poem, "Wonderful Mother," and the hymn, "Happy the House _When God is There," with Mrs. Camp- bell Wey as Pianist. The Lord's Prayer was re- peated in unison. Mrs. Gordon McGavin read a poem entitled,. "Mother." Debbie and Dena Wey sang "God is .Love." Mrs. Norman Schade read the scrip- ture passage and the meditation was given by Mrs. Stewart Mc- Call. Mrs. Gordon McGavin of- fered prayer, after which. a piano solo was played by Mary Leeming. The• topic, "The Divine Arith- metic," was given by Mrs. Geo. Fox. Reports were heard and business conducted. The McKil- lop Unit will have charge of the flowers in thechurch for the month of August. An invi- tation to Kinburn, June 10, was accepted. Plans were made for the mother and daughter banquet, Tuesday evening. 'Hymn 557. "The Day is Past and Over," was sung iii "closing, after which prayer was offered. Lunch was served by Mrs. Norman Schade, Mrs. Stewart McCall, Mrs. Chas. McGavin and the hostess. A contest was held and a safe of plants, bulbs and perennials was held following the meeting. Nurse Graduates' . Graduation ceremonies were held last Friday evening for 88 graduates'' of the Victoria Hos- pital School of Nursing. Miss Yvonne Pollard, of Walton, was one of the graduating nurses of the 1964 class, which was held at Thames Hall at the Western University, London. The Students Nurse3 group' of the Women's Auxiliary, Vic. toria School of Nursing, enter- tained the 88 graduates and their guests at a tea in the af- ternoon in the hospital audi- torium. An arrangement of purple gladioli, carnations and yellow Shasta mums centred the lace-cdvered table for the graduation. - Those attending the tea were Mrs. George Pollard and Bren- da, Mrs. Robert Craig and Mrs. Harvey Craig. After the gradu- ation ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard entertained the friends and relatives of Miss Yvonne Pollard at the home of Miss Ada Craig, 383 Ashland Ave. Attending from this area were Mr. '.and Mrs. Harvey Craig, Miss Anne Shortreed, Miss Jean Hillen, Miss Mary McIntosh, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard, Kenneth, Douglas, Brian and Brenda and Mrs. Robert Craig, London; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hollinger, Marie and friend, of Fruitland, at- tended the ceremony in the`eve- ning. CG1T Meets The CGIT Net Tuesday eve- ning and opened with the CtsIT Mrs. Murray with prayer and OF THE WEEK hymn. Wenda Humphries and Carol • Wilbee led in the wor- ship service. Mrs. Neil McGav- in read a story to. the group, who practiced tying friendship knots. , • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall, Susan and Sandra, of 'North Bay, spent the weekend with Mrs. Luella Marshall and at- tended the Marshall - Hudson wedding at Northside • United .Church, Seaforth, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rut- ledge, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett last Saturday. - Mrs. Fred Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, Mitchell. M. Wesley C. Hackwell is at present a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr.. Gerald Dressel, of Toron- to, spent the weekend at his home here. - Mrs. Hilda Sellers, of Lucan, spent the weekend with Mr. -and Mrs. Herbert Traviss and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice visited op Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold• Small - don attended the graduation ceremonies at Thames Hall, Unr iversity of Western Ontario, London, Friday evening, when their granddaughter, Miss Aud- rey Gaye Sinalldon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Robert Smalldon, Elmira, was among the eighty- eight graduates of the Victoria Hospital School of Nursing. Miss Patricia Ellen Kirkby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kirkby, of Burwash, was also one of the graduates. Mrs. Esther Johnston, of Blyth, visited -with Mrs. Jean Miller last Sunday. Mrs. Eva Dougan visited with Mr, and Mrs. C. Sotheran at .Ford,wich last Saturday. Miss Ruth Cluff, • of Seaforth, is relieving at the Walton post office 'this week. -Miss Janet Berarducci, of Roseville,- Michigan, spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan recently. Unit Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the 17th and Boundary Unit of UCW of Duff's United Church, Walton, was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Bennett, with 13 members answering the roll call and one visitor pres- ent. "1 Love To Tell the Story" was the opening hymn. Mrs. Maud Leeming and Mrs. Wil- liam Murray were in charge of the devotional period. 'Mrs. Leeming took the topic from "Our Living Faith" on the Bible, while Mrs. Murray read passages of scripture and of- fered prayer. Mrs. Clifford Ritchie presid- ed over the business part of the meeting. There was a dis- cussion on having' a Vacation Bible School. A petition in pro- test to the advertising of beer and ale on TV was' signed by all members present. The meeting was cl'bsed by, Bakeiess Bake Sale Nets $50 • The treasurer of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Mrs.' Keith Sharp, reported at ^ Monday night's meeting that close to $50 was realized from a bake - less bake sale, Final arrange- ments were made to attend a birthday meeting of Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, on June 3. Members of Edelweiss lodge have been asked to conduct the opening and closing ceremon- ies. All officers are asked to attend. • The Past Grand's Club is to meet at the home of Mrs. Mac McKellar on Wednesday eve-, ning with Mrs. Joseph Grum- mett as co-hoste`ss.. Reporting for the CPT com- mittee, Mrs. Charles Reeves stated that •two , additional hos- pital beds have been ordered. A euchre party and draw net, ted close to $100, Mrs. John Oldfield being the lucky win- ner of a platform rocker. A donation was also made to a cancer patient. It is understood that mem- bers of Edelweiss and Fidelity Lodge IOOF will attend First Presbyterian Church in a body on June .14, at 11 a.m., and that - the annual decoration service will be held at Maitlandbank cemetery the same afternoon. More information regarding this will be announced later. Mrs. Peter Malcolm, NG,' pre sided. STAFFA Erie Norris, son of Mrs: Sam Norris, Staffa and the late Mr. Sam Norris, received his Bach- elor of Science in Agriculture degree at the convocation held in the Physical Education build- ing at the Ontario Agricultural College on Friday, May 22nd`. He also received the OAC Gen- eral Proficiency Award ($100) for highest standing in "the yea r; the Massey•Ferguson Scholarship, ($250), to be used for graduate studies, and the OAC Class of "33" Scholarship ($200), to be used for graduate studies. Eric has been accepted by the OAC Graduate School to start working on a master de- gree this fall. . Mrs. Sam Norris, Mr. and Mr.a. i ob Norris and Patti, Miss Et114 el Balkwill and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lcemp attended the con- vocation at the ,Ontario Agri- cultural College on Friday, May 22, at which time Eric Norris received his Bachelor of Sci- ence in Agriculture degree. - the hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." Luneh was served by the hostess, assisted by.. Jan Van Vliet, Mr's. , Baroid Stri'alMoh Ina Ml's. O d. WilliamSo'n. 1 • • eb YV, r 'Ya�,ii{i v��GCbB�nw�Al�SOL. <ti{t�Yv° 4• '1 1.