HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-05-14, Page 3• -y • • 1 s • • • • • 1 • • • • 4. • • :L. Your neighbours profit from using ATRAZINIg*4 Shou(an't You? 01, 4 "Control is excellent wouldn't be without it!" Says George F, Morris, Merlin, Ontario. •'I used an over-all spray of Atrazine on 200 acres of picking corn and 50 acres of silage corn" says Mr. Morris. "Control of weeds and grasses has been excellent. without any cults -11 vation, '1 would hate to have to go back to netting along without it. ' Atrazine treatment is normal routine with successful corn growers, Your neighbours, who have used Atrazine, will tell you.,they w uldn't grow corn without it. One application of Atrazine controls weed all season long including those inthe rows which can't be reached by cultiva- tion. Start using Atrazine this year , , discover how profitable corn production can be. Ask your farm -supply dealer for an instructional leaflet on the new, more concentrated formula, Atrazine 65W. Place your order, new and get your sprayer ready on.time, forgood farming *trade mark registered /rr Canada for use by F/sons (Canada) Limited WANT ADS BRING, QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 SURE IS STRONG FENCE DAD. SHOULD LAST FOR YEARS! Fig We Stock All Your ,e4 4777 f/ Just Arrived ! Shipment of CEDAR POSTS ea•.. 90¢ -FENCING REQUIREMENTS Wooden Posts • `Barb Wire Electric Fencers SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 9 • - Anchor Posts Staples Batteries Seaforth IT WAS A SPECIAL DAY at the Alex Aubin home in Seaforth recently when five generations of females all on the women'+s side of the family were present. In the front,' row, left to right, are: great -great grandmother,. Mrs. Rose Denomme, Zurich; great-grandmother, Mrs, w Church • .Groups .UNIT i11, NORTHSiDE UCW Unit Three of Northside UCW held the May meeting in the church school room with Mrs. J. Talbot, opening with a poem, "Angels in Disguise," followed by hymn394. Roll call was an- swered by reading a verse on "Mother's pay." Mrs. Dunlop conducted the business. It was decided to hold a pot -luck supper in June. Clothing for the bale is to be brought in as soon as possible. Miss Abbie Seip took the de- votional, opening with a read- ing, "A Thought For Each Day of the Week," followed by prayer and Scripture. Mrs. 01i - ver took the topic from the study book, "Rural Work in In- dia." An invitation was accept- ed to meet with Group Four for a picnic, June 3rd. ST. THOMAS' WA, MEETS The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Thomas' Anglican , Church was held at .the home of.'Mrs. Cleave Coombs with 15 mem- bers present. Mrs. George McGavin presid- ed and opened the meeting by reading Psalm 8, also from the fourth chapter of St.. Mark. Mrs., B. McLean, Dorcas sec- retary, displayed the articles of clothing to be shipped to In- dian Residential Schdol at Cardston, Alta. MA. McGavin gave a report of the"WA annual meeting held in London, May ,28th and '29th. Those attend- ing with her were Mrs. H. Don- aldson, Mrs. E. Dinsmore, Miss D. Parke,Mrs. William Oldfield Every week more people _dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. ALL KINDS INSURANCE w. E. SOUTHGA�'E MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH hone 334 --Res. 540• P of AT HURON COUNTY'S FINEST USED CAR MARKET • 3--1964 Chev. Bel Airs—A.T. 1964 Pontiac Laurentian—A.T. 1963 Chev. Biscayne Sedan 1960 Chev. Bel Air Hardtop with V-8 en- gine 1960 Ford Two -Door 2-1963 -Chev. Impala 4 -Door V-8—Lots of 1960 Chpv. Station Wagon—Standard extras 1959 Fb d Sedan - 1959 Pdntiac Laurentian—A.T. 1958 Chev, Biscayne—A.T, • 1957 Pontiac Standard 2-1963 Pontiac Laurentian Sedans—A.T. 4-1963 Bel Airs—Automatic, fully equip- ped 1962 Pontiac Sedan—Laurentian, 6-cyl. 1962 Bel Air Sedan—A.T. 3-1962 Biscayne Sedans—A.T. 1962 Chev, Biscayne Sedans—Standard USED TRUCKS 1958 Half -Ton Chev. Pickup—Long box A Written Guarantee for 60 Days on all Late Model Cars—Many other Models to choose from BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS -- • ONTARIO PHONE 173—"The Home of Beller Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING Alex Aubin, Seaforth; back row, Left to right, great-grand- daughter, Mrs. Marie Evans, London; great -great -grand- • daughter, Kathryn .Evans, London; grandmother, Mrs. Una Jeanne Montague, London. FRIENDS AND .NEIGHBORS GATHER TO HONOR WINTHROP BRIDE On Saturday night, friends and neighbors gathered in the schoolroom of Cavan United Church, Winthrop, to honor. the former Betty, Axtmann, who was; recently married to Mr. J. Herbrich, of Toronto. Pink and white apple, blossoms,tul- ips, bells' and streamers were the decorations chosen for the occasion.. The program opened with "0 Canada," after which Mrs. Gil- bert Smith expressed .a wel- come to all on behalf of the committee in charge. Jean Pat- rick played an instrumental; this was followed with a hum- orous reading by Margaret Hil- len. Contests were conducted by Della Dennis and Ruth Axt- mann. The gathering was then favored with a duet 'by Eileen Smith and Margaret Hillen; a sextet, consisting of Brenda• Pryce, Glenda Little, Donna Horne, Barbara, Marie and -Jan- ice McClure sang, "It Is No Secret" and "I See the Moon." Jean Hillen presided at the. piano for a sing -song. The pro gram concluded , with the'*girls and Mrs. E. Brown. , The June meeting will be held at the. home of Miss D. Parke in the form of a pot- luck • s,upper. Mrs. Coombs and Mrs. Jones served a delightful Btch, and a soeial hour was spent. UNIT TWO, NORTHSIDE UCW' Unit Two of Northside Unit- ed Church Women held thei-r regular monthly meeting at the home 'bf,-,their president, Miss Gladys Thompson, on Tuesday evening, who opened the meet - ng 'by eet-ng'by reading a poem, follow - d by prayer. In the absence of he secretary, the minutes of he April meeting were read by Mrs. Hiram Shannon, acting sec- etary. Fifteen members and ne visitor responded to the oll call by an exchange of ulbs or flower slips. Mrs. J. MacLennan had charge of the program and read a poem,, after which the hymn, "0 Hap - y the Man Who Hears," was ung. The devotional part of the eeting was conducted by Mrs. oss Savauge, who read from he 17th chapter of the Gospel ccording to Luke, starting at erse 36. She then gave a read - ng from The Upper Room book - et and concluded with prayer. Miss Nan, Taylor, the guest peaker, based her remarks on roverbs, chapter 31, commenc- g at verse 10, "Who can find virtuous woman, for her price far above rubies?" The speak - r gage a most interesting and structive address, comment - g on each verse and stressing e virtues: Prudence, Forti- de, Temperance, fustic e, aith, Hope and Love. She mpared ancient Biblical cus- ms with those .of today. The hymn, "Fight the Good ght of Faith" was then sung. usiness was conducted by the esident. On motion of Mrs, ss Savauge, seconded by Mrs, B. Moffat, it was agreed to nd a bale of clothing to long ng. Wedding dinners for the sum- er were discussed and mem- rs were urged to secure as ny names as possible for the endar, The meeting closed by repeat - the Mizpah benediction. Re- shments were 'served by the sal corhmittee: Mrs. Lorne Da and Mrs. Hiram Shannon, anks to the hostess, the aker and the lunch com- ttee was expressed by Mrs. C. MacLennan, and to the gram committee by the sident. e r 0 r b c p s m R a 1 s P in a is e 1n in th tit F co to Fi B pr Ro P. se Ko nt be ma cal ing fre soc D Th spe mi 3, pro p're singing, —May the Good Lord Bless and Keep Thee." Betty and her mother were ushered to 'the' platform, re- •ceived corsages and' seated in .chains decorated for the occa- sion. An address was .read by Marlene Pepper, and. Betty was presented with many beautiful and useful gifts. Betty made a fitting reply, and expressed her sincere thanks and appreciation to. ev- eryone. Receive Life Memberships • The regular meeting of Win- throp UCW , was held in' the schoolroom of the church on 'Wednesday, vtith Mrs. • William. Little••4presiding. The medita- tion was on Family Life, --and scripture, Psalm 5:1-8, was giv-. en by 'Mrs. Wilson Little, and prayer by Mrs. Russell Bolton, Three members " were pre- sented with life membership certificates and pins, namely,{ Mrs. Fames McClure, Mrs. Wm. Boyd and. Mrs. John Boyd. An invitation to Constance UCW on June 10th was accepted. The mission study on India was given by Mrs. John Boyd. A chapter from The Word and the Way, entitled, "The Life of Grace and Freedom," was giv- en by Mrs. Mervin Godkin, A social time, with Unit III in charge, followed; with con- tests, . readings and 'musical numbers, theme being on Fam- ily Life. Township of Tuckersrnith PROCLAMATION ° RE ,DOGS In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town- ship of T-uckersmith, and by virtue of the. provisions of Bylaw No. 13, 1952, I hereby proclaim that no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the hamlets of Egmondville and Harpurhey, Town-. ship of Tuckersmith, during the period ending October 31, 1964. ' (Note: The bylaw provides for the impounding, destroying . or selling of any such dog and; upon conviction, the owner or harborer of such a dog is liable to a fine not exceeding $50:00.) Elgin Thompson, Reeve Tuckersmith, May 5, 1964. "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" 1 •oun . FEES FOR 1:994: MALE $30.00, NON,RESIDENT ;$2S FEMALEn...,. 15.00 NON R,E,SM•.DEAT FAMILY . . 50.00 " e t is a person residing more Chap, '7 pu .s ::Bronx Mitchell. , GREEN FEES -- Limited to .ti Ton -Res hens $1.50 per Day on Week Days $2.00 Saturdays, Sundays and Holidati, .. ''.. • Phone MITCHELL 34$.9994 for fi her . information. P.ERSONALJZwED COASTERS - GIFT IDEAS SERVIETTES THE HURON EXPOSITOR - Phone 141 --- •Seaforth S. At times like this,,. you'll like Black Label 4 Beer say. "MABEL, rf \ 64-4N BLACK LABEL!" Looking at Sprayers ? Be sure- you see the all new "Arrowette" line of crop sprayers from Goidgn Arrow, Canada's lead- ing manufacturer of sprayers, • P.T,O. Drive • Mechanical Agitation • Choice of nylon colter and 2 or 4 piston pumps • 25 -ft. boom, 3 sections with safety clutches to prevent breaking. Covers 3 acres each mire— travelled. • Aluminum alloy tank booms and fittings • Rope -pull quick -shut-off valve • Full One -Year Warranty ;n 'ILLUSTRATION - MODEL 147 (ONE OF THE TWELVE ARROWE'rTE SPRAYERS AVAILABLE.) golden arrow SPRAVEr - Exclusive Eastern Canadian bisfributors CHIPMAN CHEMICALS` LIMITEr+ Hamilton • Montreal • Halifax oyes Farm Supply Phone 612, Seafor