HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-04-09, Page 7By RAY ARGYLE The Supreme Court of Can- ada, has once again rejected complaints of obscenity against certain magazines widely sold throughout Canada. This latest decision keeps intact the •,s./ court's record of turning down every single com- plaint of this •nature since Canada's new obscenity law went into ef- fect. four years ago. • Ray Argyle The deci- sions, howev- ever, have not deterred local authorities f r o m continuing their efforts to deprive the pub- lic of publications or motion pictures which they think should be suppressed. In Alberta and Saskatchewan, for instance, the entire adult population has been deprived qf the •privilege of enjoying what is probably the finest mo- tion picture of the year, TomJones. Jones. In Toronto, a local magistrate has ruled the 18th -century clas- sic, Fanny Hills, to be obscene. Censorship of another sort has been threatened from Par- liament as a • reSult of com- plaints against anti-Jewish hate sheets distributed by a mis- guided 19 year :old •Ontario youth. * * * • • • • • • • • • • • • ILLIAM M. HART kl! 784 • Seaforth •40 kb. 4 A At times like this... you'll like Black Label Beer • say:".111ABEL BLACK LABEL!" Urs'0 WI Guest Mrs. Thomas Laing was hos- tess for the Home Economics and Health meeting held. at her home on Wednesday after- noon, March 25. There were 14 members and five visitors pres- ent. Mrs.- C. Glanville presid- ed and opened the meeting with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. The roll call %as answered by "a safety rule for the home." Guest speaker'llor the after - non, was Mrs. E. Brothers, the health nurse for South Perth. She chose as her topic, "A Crip- pled Child," and told about the treatment centre in Toronto for the crippled children. Mrs. Brothers was thanked and pre- sented with a gift byMrs. Roy McDonald. The motto was presented by Mrs. McDonald. Mrs. Russell Worden presented Mrs. Carter Kerslake with a WI cup and saucer on behalf of the' insti- tute members. Mrs. Kerslake had been a 4-H leader in the community for thirteen '4-H homemakers clubs. Mrs. John Vempleman presid- ed for the business at which time letters were read about the leaders' training school, and "Desserts" were'chosen for the first 'choice arid "Focus qn Finishes" for the second choide, Mrs. Gerald Agar gave a re- with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller Cancer Societ., to be held at port on the box sent to the and Mr. and Mrs. John Temple- the home 9f Mrs, J. M. McMil- institute's adopted child in man and families. Ian on;Saturday. Parish visitors for April will be Mrs. John Meagher and -Miss Katherine THIS WEEK AND NEXT Cleary. ducal Ilona The annual meting of St. Jaines" Catholic Women's Leagge was held in the school auditorium on Wedmosday, fol. lowed with a pot -luck supper. In appreciation of her achieve- ments, during, the past year, Mrs. James Devereaux, presi- dent, was given a corsage. Following "the sapper, John, rlaratery introduced the guest speaker, L. P. Plumsteel, Principal of the Seaforth Dis- trict High Selma In his ad. - dress, Mr.' 151tirnSteel dwelt on the two main problems in the present educational „system : first, the new Roberts' plan which has to do with the new vocation school Clinton, where pupils can now seek knowledge of trades; se'vdly, the prob- lem of mainta!stmg standards so that when a pupil reaches grade 13 he will be capable of teaching or pursuing other professions. February. The curator of the Tweedsmuir bet*, Mrs. Cecil Bowman, suggested a Tweeds- muir -tea to be held. in June, with e.eryone -favor; plans to be made at the April meet- ing. Mrs. Russell Worden pre- sented two poems. A display of winter work, which consisted of quilts, cop- per tooling and aluminum etch- ing, was .enjoyed by all. Quite a number of housedresses were displayed, as everyone was to wear a housedress or pay a fine. The Meeting was closed- with "Thoughts of Easter," after which a dainty lunch was serv- ed by the committee in charge. Mrs. Pearl Francis and Jane, of Scarborough, visited Easter weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Kemp and family. .Miss Bonnie Miller visited. with Carol Vivian Easter Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited Good Friday Greater communication be- tween thelare,d and the school would be helpf•il in getting the pupil to reale the course most suited to him and to give his best to it. On behalf of the group,Mrs. •John Maloney thanked Mr. Plumsteel and pre- sented him w th a " ift. Mrs. James Devereaux con- ducted the reqular monthly meeting with Father C. E. Sul- livan saying the opening prayer. Mrs. C. Malone membership convener, reported 181 mem- bers and six honorary mem- bers. Plants were sent' to the Sisters for Easter and 87 dozen eggs were stint to the House of Providence, London. An invi- tation was extended to all to attend the Daffodil Tea.for the ,'. aleme; second v COAPrealile4t, 1 Mrs. Jaynes Nash; 014'11 OPP, president, Mrs. JO • A-Unili.;, re- cording secretary., Miss Mar- jorie Kieffer; correspendilig sece.• retary, Mrs, Mel Cooper; treas., urer, Mrs. Ewart Wilson. Di* rector Father Sullivan installed the officers and the Act -Of Con - secretion to the Blessed Virgin was recited. • Mrs. frank Nigh presented Mrs. Devereaux with a past preSiderit's pin and thanked the members for choosing her as president. Fr. Sullivan thank- ed Mrs.. Devereaux and last year's executive for having Completed a successful year. In welcoming the new executive, he asked all the members for their continued co-operation. A High MOS in honor of Our Lady of• Good Counsel will be offered on April 28. It was de- cided to cater to the bowling banquet May 9th. Members were reminded to k. bring in • clothing for the St. -Vincent de Paul Society on April 12th. nme.s. The annual meeting followed, ThIs Not with' the executive and conven- is Moirality • MALTING. BARLEY CONTRACTS Parkland Seed Supplied This variety out-yielCled-Betz and Mont - calm in Huron County as tested by the ' Ontario Agriculture College and pub- lished in their'"1963 The Progress Re- port" • White Bean Contracts One of the Areas Better Cash Crops Fertilizer and Seed supplied -ori all contracts. .,• • FERTILIZER • A complete stock carried at competitive • prices. 00 FEED BARLEY $49.00 PER TON 0 0 K. D. • CORN $53.00. 'PER TON ' - 0 0" Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. Henspll 'Phone 24 or 249 Ont. , errsgivingeveretxthanked t4hel ir reports. s Father showed a very successful year. msD trol devices for the express pur_Sullivan for his patiente and. pose of birth control. Instead, guidance, also the executive, they must be sold in the guise conveners and members who of health protection, which is. a had, been so faithful. Mrs. good exampleof the hypocrisy 'Joseph McConnell moved a vote still prevailing in •our sexual of thanks to- Mrs. DevereauX attitudes. and her executive for carrying Canada's divorce and abortion out their duties so capably. laws still' remain as relics Of Mrs. Gordon Reynolds, nom - puritan age. They would ' be inating - committee convener, modified tomorrow if the pub- presented the following slate lic were allowed to make a of officers: President, Mrs. dernocratic choice in the mat- Frank Nigh; past president, ter. Mrs. James' Devereaux; first * * "* vice-president, Mrs. Clarence Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex.- ,positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. In the case of the Tom Jones movie, the distributing com- pany refused to cut sections which provincial authorities had regarded as obscene and decid- -ed just not to show the movie in either Saskatchewan or Al- berta. In -view of the Supreme Court's consistent retisal to accept obscenity changes under our existing laws, one must wonder why various local auth- orities across' the country con- tinue to press for convictions of this type. Seldom, if ever, do such authorities enjoy • any general public support in their efforts to decide on their own what is • There is probably no single law, however, which is more stupid or+ 'self-defeating than Canada's law concerning drug addiction. ' The law as it now stands serves only one purpose — it permits • immense profiteering by underworld drug traffickers just as prohibition laws served only the • interests of bootleg- gers. This is the kind of "morality',' we can do without. WANTED LIVE FOWL Picked up at the farm Top Prices — Locker Service Available — Phone 751 J 12 -- Seaforth or 393 J 15 — Brussels Ronald Bennett WALTON USBORNE, -AND • HIEBERT MUTUAL FIRE • .INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE EXETER, Ont, • Directors: Timothy I3. Toohey - RR 3, Lucan • President Robert G. Gardiner - RR 1, Vice -President • Cromarty Wm. H. Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1, Science Hill Martin Feeney - RR 2, Dublin Milton McCurdy - RR 1, Kirkton Agents: best for the public., • Hugh ,Benninger Dublin Laws relating to morality and 'Harry ,Coates - RR 1, Centralia censorship are probably among Clayton Harris - - Mitchell the most difficult to enact and enforce in present-day society. This is because Western society in general is going through a revolutionary change in atti- tudes toward traditional mor- ality.. It is not that morality, as some charge, is breaking down. It is that attitures and stand- ards, based on a more realis- tic outlook to life in general, are changing accordingly. Literary and movie censor- ship is not the only storm cen- tre of the forces now buffeting our traditional moral attitudes. * * * It is still illegal in Canada, for instance, to sell birth con- -- NOTICE For Co -Op Insurance Call . . W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 193./Fi — John St. SEA ORM Complete Coverages Fcli/:: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • tire, Commercial • Ilfe Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance mommossi••••••••••••Namftwiraimi Solicitors: Mackenzie & Raymond - Exeter Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur Fraser - - Exeter 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1, Know What You're Getting! • with a cheek -up an CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY a cheque When you buy Jones, Mac - Naughton seed you know you are getting what you pay for. 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