HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-03-26, Page 11^iy"'n. , •.: it Y.. f'<..M: 6, .I.. �.... .d '.nr, ,:. , .... r, HIGH chair. in ,nod condiilpn. 0. disc cultivator; 2-whoeil' tradl- Auction Sale of 60 Awe' Farm, rv. - � biHc-}iaPQ. Londesboro, 11-14-2 Pbin'ne 144, SeaTorth,„- ` 12-14-1 TRICYCLE, la.ree or trbedium - � 19-17.4f WATCH REPAIRS er- circular same; . ,cement mix- er; grain -auger, with motor; Machinery, and Household Ef- feets, at bot 1,, Con. .9, Morris 'North milking, . second calf; Holstein mw, m�illleing, rebred Aug. 29; � tv _ 1° � �. I t� , r� r� � ` i f " �i � .. J6 , '\t'� + � s y calf at foot; Flallslbein cow, je•cond ' ealf, rna"Ctdug rebred • BOY'S 'bicyclle, in good coni_ good comditian. Phoney 279-R, tins. Mrs. Tham!aar Carper All work euaranteed _ Cormick >kaier, . 3 years old; para Oct, 24; Holstein cow, milking, Seaforth'.,.11-1'4x11 . nhone.680-R, Seaforth.. 1.2-14-i ANSTFTT Massey�Harris 6 -bar side rake, (new);. 26 -fib. Smoker^ elevator, MACHINERY - Nuffield,- 460 tractor,, live .power •rake off;., 3- rtebreLd'. Nov. - 20; pasrb Durham and Holstein 'cow, recentlly ALFALFA HATCHING ..seed'. select 1863 • ' eggs wanted. all JEWELLERS, ra H.P. motor; quantity pass point hitch and draw bar, pull- fntesbelrie'd; part Durham); and ey, I?ernard George, , phone 834 R breeds. We pay a, large, prem:- Ltd. 91 set double harness; set ley; 'New 'Idea' manure loader, Ifalstein cow, mauling, sired on r ?✓ ails � ;.•5:��y9:,5�g� �i`��?,1�. � �f/�3 � �T S'�?� `�6'/�.''�'/f '`� �� o2Y ' /. / �� ,$„ f Nom•'"^ :.�.... /� • �� {,+,'i f.. 4 f ' �> / ,d. �.�,f�„ ' ,x�°' f��f%f'' /ttdN�<�f. ��i•�'.'s.. Gs3Y?/��r, �°iL�.`'G".^;.�"ti�� .c �%�`3�'„ :�,w/'... /i.� ,�� .. r�j•�: ..4f:�rr�° USE THESE CLASSIFICATI01 TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found • 4. Help `Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7, Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For : Sale 11. Articles For -Sale ' y 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted . 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices �0. Auction Sales . • 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is low. Classificatio 2, 3, 8, 9; 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 a] w 17, minimum 40c an insertic Classification 25, ,minimum 61 plus 25c for each , 41ine veri All other classifications, mil mum 65 cents per insertie except Auction Sales (20), Te ders Wanted (21), and Leg 'Notices (22), rates on applic w tion. For cash payment, or if pa by 10 days following last inse tion, 15 CENTS deducted fro above rates. 'COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, • Trade men, etc.)- Minimum, 50 cen M per insertion. Billing charge, cents per advertisement. 1. Coming Events DAFFI DIL - Tea, auspices, Cancer Society, SaWndy, Apo 11. 1-14 RESERVE Wednesday, June 1 for Ham: ,and Pressed Chicks 1�, Supper, at Roy's United Chure - Ful@arton `Township. 1-L4 GIRL for Seaforth Office. Son bookkeeping experience helph Ability to, meet public. Pleas apply in writing to Bax itt2 Huron Expositor. 4-M GINGHAM Dance, April 17, 1717,, 9.30 p.m., Kin -burn Hall. Spec- dunces and door pries. Ti. Sc�ot'6'si Orchestra.. Lunch cou ter. Praceedsl'flom Cance,. 1-14J LOOK!, BONTHRON' and DRYSDALI ;I Henslall, 0 Annual; Sale sta.rtst April list Worth waitin>; for. -w Bargains—galore. 1-14 THE Dance in Brodhagen Com ' munity Centre has been cancce led for Fridav, March 2741:, bt { vii. be h ellld Monday, March 3 Music will be, by George.WoL and hi!sl Blue Rangers: 1-14 THE second annual North -Soul All-Star Game, featuring play, ers from. WO'AA Intermedi,at 3 terarns, will.. be played: in d Acton Arena, Thursday, Apr 2nd, ,game to start, at 8,3 Te'amtsl remresented include, i 'Northern division, Wiarton. Du. h -am, Walkerton, Port Eagii Kincardine and Hanover. Tr "phriesl and awards will' be pn stented between periods,. and "Two Star',' selectionWill I s made., ' based on actual -play i a+l thlffi game,. League Piielsudea r John Crewson will drop tt opening•4uie'k, ,and several prr ndnent soorbil personalities wi be in attendance. 1-14 t 2. r Lost, Strayed E` LADY'S black snow boot, 1, • week in March, on Main St., of posnte, Post Ofifi'ce Finder pleas call. Mrs. Jahn Thompson. BE R 23. 2-14- 4. HelpWanted YOUNG man to 'learn clothin business. Apply in own ban ,4 wri4ing to Box 1326, Huron Ft �" parol gm. 4.1'4- YOUTH interested in learnin p drittdn i bvsitl!ess. Apply in ow .x handwriting, indicating educa bion, to Box 1327, Huron Expos itor. - 4-1'4x WANTED .by August list, organ ist and choir leader for W'eslie Willfiq United Church, Clinton 9enior choir, normally one ser vice per Sunday. Two Manua Morelr ft6 .orgm. Address re P -g pli_srfatin)r experience ani slI exoPcted to Music Com !ntittee, Box.204, Clinton; Ontar io. 4.14- 6. Teachers, wanted TEACHER WANTED For S.& No, 6 McKi Mop sit 6vted 21/2 rriule'sl, East of Winth volp: on County Road'.. Approxli 'mlttellr 211 pupils. AiVI.' in writ ing stating qualifications ane salary expected to: LESLIE J. PR.YC'E. Sec.-Treas RR 1, Dublin, Ontario. 6-14-; 7. Situations Wanted '^. DRESS'MAKING, at home,. Wo, .me's'a, and, children's germentis detailied fini-shing, no tailoring Phan^ 476. Se,aforth'. 7-1'2-1 CARPENTRY Wdrk, remodel-• in'g or odd robs, around the home Call Ed Andrews, 11hon� 863 a 1+ _ o,. 7.1VtY r Sell that unneces§ary. piece 01 furniture through a Hurgn Ex positor Classified Ad. Phone I4t 6a,JA'A•' A J... 8. Farm Stock For Sale 11. Articles For. Sale. 15. Property For Rent 20. Auction Stiles 20. Auction Stales 20. Auction Sales 2; Au�oai�,;l•,• �,,,; ,d,,; �t�,,,t NUMBER,of calves,. bale Nix- QUANTITY A'.ifalfa seed, Tim- MODERN 2 or 3 -bedroom house ING S.e c:t.a an ih!axt�w� ' tl`au�aba ' izi 'bu.. ,attibeea3i` y `" e►#' . - °' �' �r �,� ,'•rr. Wirne 673 W 4, Seaforth. 14-1 othy seled. ArnoldJamieson, in Egmondvillo, all conveniences AUCTION SALE � M,olrse 10r' �,a7n9aa)e�' cIt]d1rr�Fgr�erniatr�"��tr�e _ AUCTION SALE �i SIX'TE'EN pigs 7 weeks old. phone Clinton, 482-9828, U-1.4x1•.Phone 3, SeaforGlr. 15]Ahf nat'ierruall /a-tpT wCk; pra[�1c 'ur,•lldacLg ,'2 b;' ' Y q :,: r ,d k Apply Car]' Vamdeazon, T - Selviemth Ontario Lacombe Clearing. Auction Salle of er; C0 Ifft 3 fg] pilon l; rpt hundred and 3weedro hiteb .;fit:' 'rubber, � thaw phone Oi\l1 bushels -TWO ells 'bead' apaxtmlents, in Sv`';� . Rolle, ab SMa,d[toad Fair ,)-:aril Machinery, at Lot, 16, -'Gam; weed siri.�ayte>1f• 2. °�11b�ea'' c I �}` ,7 • "�,� t 489 Seafoa4hr.-- 8=L4xQ of F eystonei baarl�ey seed for R -I Apartment Building. , histd � A2rlUb /• �yyn{1 i gale, P (bounds, WEDNESDAY, A1'RQI. Cm. 1, 'Goderich Township, 3 'tiredw,agons, 17 tk twk; front. a• •, Appilly Earl Diek, RR 1. 1' Dr. McM'asber Grand Bend, TWE•LV{E- York p2gisl, approxi , P y , Soh, at 1.30 p,m. Catalogues linam milds Boutin of Gadch, on Smoker lLay elevaf,07; '/a. 1-Ydr`aul3e12f; i rrr2teJty 7Q lbs. Ken Stewart, RR Cr^rr-arty' ph0'ne 14 R 5, Dub ' or Joseph, McGbnnela Seafort8r. auctioneea�. Blue Wabea° Highway, MANDAY motor, 321 IG M'aym34ltrhlap+ :oleo Nu, 6 .:tdasQr pk?tlb; �N 5: Se�a�orth,. lin. 11.1 }•2 ' ' 1S-lifif ROBSON and FILSON, Denfield { r $141 MARCH 30th, at 1 p.m:. vator /a HP mcxG9r 4t'g.adn s+hclfie, on , r I FORTY pigs, 9 weeks old. 'Hem- 1'EN W -rod spools) of foal• -point MODERN 2 or 3 lbedroom ouC Massey-Fee'rgrusesn 50 tractor;, auger, with ons•, � mot' conditiorip, beet Van: Niekelrk, RR 3;., Kippelr 6 inch bomb wire. Heavy weight house, . a)7' eyonvearielrces, aarail W. M. COCKBURIV, Securetary, . Freeman loader; 1 belt pulley; :or 1 bate slGnokelr; nuitens!al 3 • I't)1#AG'EI.aLli'y►�aI ;UTP pinnn,e SeYaforth, 651 R 5. 814.1 7'F $8.00 spool delivered able April, 1. Phone 482-7548, Ontario Lacombe Assocation, Massey- tEerguson 3 -furrow plow; ; unit milking 'mime, (new), ,, . trill. 1VIENfP and IZ Wallace Ross, phone 1,35-J, Sea- Clinton, 15-14.1 260 Kathryn Cres., Newmarket. Mossey-Ferguson 3 -point hitch ' Otter articles too n� to Gts1e fiirrdge° `. , EIGHTEEN choice,' Xourk pigs, forth. 11-14-1 _ 20.114-2 mower; John Deere 8 -plate 1- mention, Ing corn t 9 weteksi old. James. McQuaid, way disc Contlinental post Nolle FAR ' one Dublin, 46 'R 14. 8-14-1. SEED Barlle�yl Keynstone, grawD 16, For Sale or Rent iVi�--60 aces more oar, less, er rack, r8 � ph CLEARING auger; `�I'assey-Hams CYiPP� Lot 27 and 28, Col: X14,>t 7_,. -ft> 'Wecl, new- : L �, from registered seed, ideal ftrr THREE -bedrooms house, g� AUCTION_ SALE foaag� harvesltea, coma, luay at. Tawn�shtip., 13" mu�ltes West of New THIRTY -five wean ,. Ap- mixing with late oats. $2.00 per Rhe& onearnv, g heated immediate p satin: tacbmenbs, pick-up crr4tin, Pl'y Lou McIver, 'RR 1, Shaffia, 'liu�1!eN. Lewis Coyne, phone L09 Pi WP g bad BIyIGh, on County. .load, cUayh� ba a South Main Street �arlles Clearing Aucdon'Sglle cE Farm . with- 6 c lain Continental 1 R i 8-14x1 R 16, Dublin. 11-14x3 Reeves Y Doom tan rem ndeIra 1!F acres mer mill' beDp' - nratilr 3 -section drags; Mfr•• per, remainder ii1< ibayr sand 'run grain a caws, carry- 1000 tallest straw, We bale at X# THREE Holstein HOUSE, newly6- at , D4aM nem and House. 'Watbo sdcfe -rake; .Masse.:pasbune,• drn'Ul ed' wed, nwlndnnh411. tease 4 iatrlde make, iii -D=- -- -=- hold E�Efec_ts, f1W a _15a'gner,- J,, third pall, due soon:' forth, Farm, straw delivered in Dublin Lob a'tlland Blbck, Hut- Feliguson $2- late lift discIng J. L. Mtalone, RR 5, Seaforth, and Seaforth areas, 200 bales `loins tnva bedraams livingravm, p TFaRQVIS--CHATTEi15, GA6H.. De mower, 7�^iit ci iia +rt.h and kitchen,. Them is also . lett • Township 21A idles South ' Dearbq� 2 -row H* scu�err, P'ft4FE:RTY=-ip�a e�awny, bah- 'Deere 8 #�''. au�divlalbExi, chine Dublin. 1� R 4=81f1-1 an over, 25c bale, Walllace Ross on tole cold 1 mille West .of Aabvrn. on F`aiTbanies lion s,ca'llet; New ter Me ff)' Se Iaforth. property a -large, hewn ance in 30 days. Sold subject ' GRADE Holstein cow, 5 yleaxs phone 16b -J. 11-1'4.1 house, 20' >0 52', vrtll- 2 flbors. FRtpAY, MARCH 27, alt 1 p.m. Idea tractor Zwhee'1 Wreaid�; - to serve bid. tooth culltrv'aOoA+; 34A,had e r old, due to freshen in week. ' SEED FOR SALE, Apply to Albert Balder SSeeforth. CATTLE --Pure bred DuTbbm 3 -drum land roller; Massey -Har' CLMX GALBIFL'A1'1X Plropriebom evabor; 54m-CodAilti0 ru Lewes Coyne, phone 109 R 16, Certified Russell' Oats. 16_ima bull. 2 years old; 2 Holstein ris b- lo' r, .45 -ft. of pipes- and HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer tire' w4900; gkiada baac 1 Duiblli'nl. 8-1,4wl Certified Garry Oats _ cows, fresh; 5' Durham cows,. dawn pipes; unloadin; jack; 1 GEORGE POWELL Clerk covin harro'tvs; Mt - .Deeding bolt- �__ . Also - �1 !-IP- electric, moltor; grant exon- der, 74t. cub; rnrblrea• ire' matii- HOLSTEIN 'heiflers, vaccinated. prepared nuwtumelcr of Dabs;.- 17anted'. 'lo Rent fief and retired; 4 2-yeam old 201:4-1 barlle and wheat available. steers; 4 heifers read for mar any 8 bon wagon; 1 5lrpper ore spreader 16 Vit; flat h' r bred Hereford: due snon. Jahn Y °1' 8 + B'erenctsem. RR 1. K•irkUon, on SPENCER JEFFERY, PASTURE for ' 25 yearlings, ke4; .6 Durham year olid steers; °ubber tired steel hwme 5 -ton E`XTENSTVE rack; ]land paw dab ro No. 83 Hiehway. 7 mi s!e least of .Staffa, phone Dublin, 1,16 R 10. Robert Regelle, phone, Seaforth, 2 Durham year old heifers; 7 wagon; 2 forage racks, -with AUCTION SALE Mc -Deering 2 --row. horse draft Exeter phone Kirkthn 21 R 4'.• 11-14x3 R40 R 3. 17-14'-i Durham. young calves. bay. and corn unlgaders; Mas- Extensive Auction Sate of scuffleT• 2 sangl� plb", 1s-}lt.' _ 8-3ti s FERTILIZER- TWO bedroom a amtmvenh on PIGS -York sone, with 13 pigs,; `iey"Hamris 10" pllabe gmincler; Homse�s, C9attIDe, Hb@5, Tractors, g''� auger; 4 Can.mutik caalen; P Duminion Road snow bilower; SADDLE horses 3 year old eround flloar, central) York sow, due time of sale.- 16 Threshers, Forage Haavetsten lvea�y barn+ jack; quantity nen>`l llocation, Massey FParnis' .7 -ft. cut binder Pinto >;elding; 4 year old black Large quantities of fert,iiliz�r bv' May 15th. Phase 693-M ':ergs, alanost ready for ma'rloa, Equipment, Farm IuruPDe'ments, lumber; beam: sryaDem; :sneer } POULTRY -125 un with good canvasses; Lombart p p Hackney pony; 6 year old 'blaek from Ontario are being, export- n,nrnrn'�a or everuings. 17 14x1 yo g Hylbrid 194nch chain sraw; 1 2 -raw M+c- Hay twain and Mdscellaneairs Fence;' electric fencer sa mare, in foad' to reg, q'ua'rter ad to Ciba. For assurance of hens,; 165 Hybrid Mens, six Items, at Lot ]12, Cps. ]Q Stan- and spites; L FIP electric motor; . horse, aill broke' to rider child's vour spring reauirerm,enls, con- PASTURE' fnr• 12 yea'r'ling and months old. • Cormick -Deering •corn planter; 1I Township 3 mi9em' North of 1/4 HP cle'otrsc motor; electric y'vet bh'- firm interested coil,° in ' yeal• old heifers. Apply J, C. MACHINERY -44 Massey -Har- Wood Biro& 26 x .46 threshing Rbake, or 4 miles South of, Bary- brooder: many other nAseel- UonY saddle, in very good con- 9millhe, Anion. A *he slertricine n their tocol IaTea. Pludr a 274 J 2; Hensall. nil dies,. mlrnchinie; 2 small motors; ce,m laneous it&= vpIlk to Roasts Lean'hardt, 1 tractor; hdWy equvpp fieCd Road. 13orrrlhollm, 1h mile north of HARRISON FF,RTILiZF'R LTD. est mixer; electric pail•' scrap 17-14x2 'e'd; Massey -Harris super lux The undersigned auctioneer HAY and.•GII.ALN-quantn�Gy cut loader; Mas9e Harris No. 30 iron; gas tank,.14Q, gallon, with received insltmuctians to sell by mixed h'ay; 500 buslbeU oats: BnodhA'gen. 8-1¢x2 Cavarin. pt -sole 4>i�fok6. 19. Notices tr'�actiom; George, White thresh- pump; 45 lnbernabi nal ba9ler; r.1.Ibllic auction on TUESDAY, 200.bushels mixed oraun. 41,Fo aya�la,blp At;. the flahtowing 8 x N -ft: Smoker• , elevator, like ' 1.0. Used Cars For -Sale FOR piano tuning and repairs, ing machine 28x50, fu1Wy equip- '' MARCH 31, at 1.00' p.m. sharp. No reserve as the farm' is sold, uew and bale stacker; 4-w'hee] Sfi I H ]l. M t hell,s'd; drive belt; New .Ide+a. frac- New Idea manure' spreladler, `on l'ORSES-Clyde gelding, rising TERMI -CASH 1958 Volkeswa'gen, delluwe model PhnnP 348-8503. -,Al" 603 J 2, S-aft19-13x4 tem spreadea, (like new,); one 8 years old, true and ,re1n'albie; ]� Q,AH G NGERICH . Proprietor• rubber; forks; shovels- chains; r with radio and leather seat coy- Hubbard's Sbaia.;7e Blyth, C cc'rriii�m ss or; Jalur' Deere 8- ger-coos, purpose Belguran'ge2dirr9, ALVIN WALPER. Auctionver, A N, TFTT tools, Other ,art'cles boo num'eT- ejrs. Arrplly Ray Anste4rt, :)'hone chin. � ph one' way disk; Mx>Carmick- n.s4ng 4 y,e'ars old, bay in calloh•, ne 525-4554. Gus to mention. Phone 11.9, Dashwood. 77. Seaforth.- 10-1¢:$f Mieklle's' Flied Mill. Hemsa�ll. JEWETiLERS Deering hydraulic three -furrow TERMS --CASH ' � ,a real show indiyidhr'alt: .-ERVIIV GINGfERdCH, Cl�mk. Prion~v 103, Ltd. pliow;`lVIas,sey-Horror 8 -ft. spring NORMAN FULLER,',Pr+�prietoa. CATTLE ,- Part Du4+hraln and „ , M-14-1, 11. Articles' For Sale Millverton AVRwriobts', Milverton Offers .you booth cultivator; Massey -Harris Holstein, calf at foot rebred HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer. ' Remember it takes but a Phone �4, 28�plla'te. tractor disc; Massey- Dec. 3• roan Dumbrarnr crow, calf �' ° GARDEN tillers, in various Easy Crerlit Terms, 28 , 8-flt. binder; Cunning- 20.14-] c,t foot, rebred Jan. 30 Holstein moment, to place an Expositor ize„a now in stock at Crown 1] with 'li Want Ad, and be, money in ham Suffer; • McCorridek CLEARING e�M milking, second calf; Hol - Hardware, Seaforth,. 11-14-1- ^ No 7 -ft, tractor mower; 5-seetian AUCTIONstein, cow, milking, secondcalf pocket, To advertise, just Phone QUANTITY of seed acts Phone .12, wanted To Riuv Carrying Charges diamond harrows! -drily horse ` SALE rebred Dec. 7 . FRgsdleln heifer' Seaforth 141- Seaforbh', SM •R 31, Arthur Mre- HIGH chair. in ,nod condiilpn. Phone 77 - Seaforth disc cultivator; 2-whoeil' tradl- Auction Sale of 60 Awe' Farm, pasture bred;' H Tstefin' cow, biHc-}iaPQ. Londesboro, 11-14-2 Pbin'ne 144, SeaTorth,„- ` 12-14-1 TRICYCLE, la.ree or trbedium - � 19-17.4f WATCH REPAIRS er- circular same; . ,cement mix- er; grain -auger, with motor; Machinery, and Household Ef- feets, at bot 1,, Con. .9, Morris 'North milking, . second calf; Holstein mw, m�illleing, rebred Aug. 29; 1951 Ferguson tractor. ArtFin- lavison, phone 601 W ' 1, Sea- size, Phone 65x7 R 13, Seafarth:. 857 R 21. , 11-14x1 fanning mnilP and mrotor; -grain 'Township, 1st farm of Hereford caw, reeentMy freshen- 'pd, form.:ll-14x¢ 12-13-2 FAST SERVICE grinder; rubbbertired' wagon, and 2 hay racks; trailer; Me- bridge in V'ill'age of Blyth, on TUESDAY, ' MARCH 31, at 1 calf at foot; Flallslbein cow, je•cond ' ealf, rna"Ctdug rebred iLIASSEY HARRIS seed drill, in BOY'S 'bicyclle, in good coni_ good comditian. Phoney 279-R, tins. Mrs. Tham!aar Carper All work euaranteed _ Cormick >kaier, . 3 years old; para Oct, 24; Holstein cow, milking, Seaforth'.,.11-1'4x11 . nhone.680-R, Seaforth.. 1.2-14-i ANSTFTT Massey�Harris 6 -bar side rake, (new);. 26 -fib. Smoker^ elevator, MACHINERY - Nuffield,- 460 tractor,, live .power •rake off;., 3- rtebreLd'. Nov. - 20; pasrb Durham and Holstein 'cow, recentlly ALFALFA HATCHING ..seed'. select 1863 • ' eggs wanted. all JEWELLERS, ra H.P. motor; quantity pass point hitch and draw bar, pull- fntesbelrie'd; part Durham); and ey, I?ernard George, , phone 834 R breeds. We pay a, large, prem:- Ltd. 91 set double harness; set ley; 'New 'Idea' manure loader, Ifalstein cow, mauling, sired on 1,6, Sea -forth. _ 11-14-1 iu,' , take eozo from soma' 1"Teedq.every week in.4mla phone 77 -Seafarth singlle harness; Planer; P (like new)-; snow blade; Fergu- lug: 28; Iiolsbein h ficarry- BOY'S. sports: coat'and ants, p year. Fn full duh '] - 19-11fif slaw; ba truck; steel- barrets g. , son 20-85 tractor, S.P.; 9 -ft. :ng seecnd calf, due before .sale save 12. Phone: 392-R, Sea- fm th. i1-14-1 r an .sl wr7UPI Iwc"Alle Chuck Ha•tcberies Limited. F'Pr- gus, Onbariq.; 12141 -- DEAD ANIMALS REMOVFsD tractor oil'; block and tackle; fence-pos,Gs; 2000 lib. scaNes; sap pails,; sap pan; forties; Cackshutt damlbine ( con action); Spreadmastem manure spneadem top beater, PTO; tel 8 a part Hereford and'Hol- stein yearling steers and Neuf "Ts; 4 part Hereford, and Hol- - For " QZ•ANTITY Red Clover 9eed. Ant Anderson, Se'afortlh', phone cheay. Phone 518. 11-14x1 sibovells; chaunsr; fence' stretch- (new); 3-p^int hitch Ferguson stein fall PaWes; 2 Heretord 'n �ryod lbca,tion, will' •dell' by the 13. wanted 857 R 21. , 11-14x1 FOR Good -Friday dolly, bons For Dead or Disabled Animals ers; quantity household effects. Mier articIesi too• numerous. to m,nwer, 7 -ft. cut, PTO, (2ye,ars old); 3 -point hi't'ch H1erglohlt out- yearling heifers. Cattle -all of -Plaice quality. Additional FiST TNG tackle pnicesl iedaueed 25°/4 for one, week onlly at Craw: and erirls' ba well the day's- cn.pv CALL COLLECT mlention, tiva'bor, 12 -ft., new; M. -H. R'dla- 70GS-York saw eamying 31,d 11 '19:09X20 Hard'wa.re, Seaforth. 11-14-1 of the Globe and Mail. Gabel.,. cornmlissdon�land vailulabllewizgPs Darling & Comi,an y 0f Canada No reserve, farm' sold. Terms; cash, ' bar side sa'k'e, (like new); M. H, baller, PTO; 3 -paint hitch John lithoT, bored Jan. 5; 3, York sows ^arry.n> fast Witter, bred mid iR, Feb. CIaSS.ifled QUANTITY of Brrdsfoot Tree- floral' seed; Rmbert'Lawson- hone. 443E-9947, 011intan^_ it Phone, 563-J. Seaforth. 13-1'4-i . .Ltd. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 I RED WAGNER, Pro eior Tr'r'i' HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer plow, Deere 2 -furrow lone, (like new); Oliver 13,run fertilizer d'r�ll,; 'pony, of TRACTORS and TIIRESH•ER- See Page 12 RIDE ba Detroit, Friday -14x2 QUANTITY om Satllmda,yn. Clarence, Reeves, Sea- License No, 262-C-63 GEORGE POWELL Clerk. Cocksbubt 3 -furrow on Fordslon super marj�or dies'e] of mixed grain. James) Ja�me9 Axtmlann, Rk 2,' Walbarr, f-thl. 13-14x1 1.9-1144 20-14.1 rubber; 4 -section harrows, 3- standard bna'cbar, fulliy equipped, .home: 865 J 2, Seaforth, 11'- phone 14-2 SALES & SERVICE ° -Viking SeraratoTs and I Viking Milkers I Rlaekc,miflh, anal Wwfltlino Rhvrm p r DRO = By LII L ' f E de la Torre - WANTED - Bicks cucumber Erowers. Highest prices paid. Free pickups. Apply Alb. Kram- n.,t,,a„ ,.>,. ^ gn v o. ..cal„_ FORMIAL, onlyworn twice size 15, reasonable price. Polon _- END tables: extension table; 6 P.M. 13-07-14 BASIL' O'ROURKE, cl airs; dinner wa'gion; pandal- _ _ _ 14. Pr_oo_ert For Sale y Brucefield. Phone `182-9131•, Clinton. baby bllankets;, crochet pieces _ _ 19-07.8 cheay. Phone 518. 11-14x1 t HOICE binding lbts from sale, SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED GIRL'S llarninated spring coat 'n �ryod lbca,tion, will' •dell' by the Modern equipment used. All ' ize 10: Ifighk blue, used ane` foot, or in one parcell. Gals and wok gu'aran'teed. .v,car, Mrs, Robert Gemmell, .waA; available-, Phone'''670 J 2, • Write or ohne nboniel Seafarth, 672 R• 24. ,11-14x1 Seaforth, in - evening's. 14-12-3,OUI.S BLAKE C'RAS'S seed, 50% Ti'm'othy and LARGE .2 -storey brick home, RR• 2,. Brussels, phone 442:.W .6.. 50% Alsike mixture. Factory double lot and garage, svitahle 11 '19:09X20 efean'ed. Phone Dublin, 146 R for apartments, on M'a'in St., PROMPT SERVICE 16.. 11-14-2 Mitchiell, near downt'awn. ' Con - "Fred "36. a4 FOUR hundred knadles Tim nthy tact tact T, Fowler, phone , WF'STPRN ONTARIO'S and AuIEadfa :'hay. Ted Meladly, floc Sao, interview:, 12-4 FOREMOST,WATCH REPAIR phone 84 R 10; RR 2, Dublin. TAT foundation and burnt-out DEPOT g nnrlh wec4cated an quiet street SAIJAUGE 11.14x1 btsilA ng la EGG washer, with heatrn eI- seetion of Se-aforth, JEWELLERS C' Q � 1 - ---- , - . �. >,R�,.,1 -9r— .>o,4.�., 'r% ­ ---_�_ _.., OUR TOWN,,,--. By R I vial Sti•more, phone.. Seaforth, ]r;rdins, box 367, Forest, Ont. TWO certified watchmakers, all. 642 J •4. 11-14x2 14-12x3 work done on the premises and FOUR hundred and fifty egg, ONE hundred and thirty aere n checked r , the. watchmra-sten. game bird incubator- also chap- flr•'rm' in Grey, including 10 ahres FREE ESTIMATES - er. with 10 cutters. Grant Fin- plow -1. 5 acres bush. bal'ance 19-11-tf nieran, Eornondville, 11-13-2 of 11.5 amps in hav and g'ras's. e>1llers, Seaforbh. 11-12-tf TEN -can milk cooler, good con- New dnll,ed ;kelt. L-shaped 20. Auction. Sales dition. Price reasonable, Peter Niro' r -rad brick house, near Hundreds of pieces to choose UyIe, phone 836 R 31,Seafor0h Walton Sellnol' and on bug route+. AUCTION SALE 11 -13x2 henry Armstrong, RR 3. Wal - Auction Sale of Ho�llstein cows ALFALFA seed and Red Clover bin 14'11x4 and heifers, at Lot 16, Con. 13, seed. Louis Bolton, RR 1, Dub- RECENTLY remodelled 'resi- AicKilllom Township, 8 miles lin, phone Seaforth, 850 R 22 genre. welly located naalr Sea- North and 21/2 miles, •East of - it -13x4 fm"th Public School. New ea's Seafmmfh, on WEDNESDAY, HFR.TA 'hamlpm KPMOnnw ham. firrnace. new bathroom and kit- _,.__ _.__,.__-�_ °.__.-,.. _.._ _.- - , APRIL het. at 1 p.m., III Canada No- 1, $2.00 bushel ` u'1,uva„ur. o,tumu- i"t," i-„�u UIL)Wb-14 Ha sitem cow's. fre'51r1. /� I Acreage optional. Armlyl Mup. with cailves, a4 foot: 34 Hol>,steinl�OCO — By. Barley Russells oats, Cllndfland oats, Can Cora Barrows, phone 260=J. heifers, due in Aprrii and May ado No.11. . 1 $1 35 bushel Lorne Fell, Staffa, phone Dublin, US 14.13x2 8 repstemed:, 11 yeah -old open Holstein heifers, all vaccinated REAL bargain. 2 -storey R 11.. 11-13x¢ - .white fmim,a hin-we, consistinie of mod- And TB bested. FIFTY piece china style .sets dinnerware by Johnson Bras. of PqT kitchen. with bI cup- lveyardis, 11fivino and dining room, GRAIN -12 tion of kiln dried corn; 10 ton mixed grain elert'ric' Eng liand, only $29.95. 20 patterns palrtry and hall,: upstairs, Nveo,, Viking cream. senarator•, used 4 to choose from,at An'stett Jew- hm:rnht bedron,ms. 3 -niece' bath; months: 8 range shelters; .Prin- e>1llers, Seaforbh. 11-12-tf f0i` basement: excelllont oil for- cess Pat cook stove. COSTUME jewellery, only 59e. t1Tro, tris water heater. plus Terms. cash. Hundreds of pieces to choose 41, 1'v a++rt'n'matie waren srofterr,pr. GLEN McNICHOL, Proprietor. from, ne'cklac s, pins, earrings,. r,-eAiI 2 htlac'ka frMM Main St., Aucbioneera - Buy now and save at Anstebt nriced for quack sale, attra'ctiye HAROLD JACKSON Jeweliliems, Ltd. Seaforth. 1.1-12-tf tienrnsi, To gel. tbi•sl apportalnity, DON DENNIS KEENCO air agdtaited 'egg wash- r-unt-It Joe Verherne. George GEORGE POWELL, Clerk er, 4000 wa'tb heater, sdaanle'ss C4.• Seaforth, call 745.-J. affi" 20-13.2 steel, tub. Cash, $55.00; Plastic 6 n.m. 14-13x2 CLEARIN : Cadet wire egg baskets, $1.00 ATTO T(1N CALF each. Moores' Poullfmy Farm,, 15. Property For Rent pp �r C]]�ea'riac Auction Salle, featur• NAPOLEON D McBride � phone 600 J 3, or 671 J 2, Sea- PASTURE. See A. L. Shanahan, ins! Tracbnrs, Self P'ropel1led Pirrttn. . 11-12-3 R.R 1, Clinton. 15-13-tf Combine; A.P. Swa lhrer, Robert CEDAR pasts, -all sixes, anchor PASTURE by Ehea month. A. L. 13A4 Th,retsh'ing Machine, TruckLi L -F WHERE 0/O THAT RAZOR PLAPE ��"�• , pasts, 1¢' braces, steel' pasts, Sh iiaihan, Clinton R'R 1, see in and Farm Implements, .at Lot GD,' IT'9 MY !-A5T � r. OR � -• I 61. 91, Pau'ge' wire, barbed wire; o -r pennon, 15-13x2 fin rK Tack smtith Tawe_ ONE ; t also Shelborn,e' table potatoes. NRS, 3 miles, 'Fnst and t Borden B,rowri, General' Store, FIVE room apartment, on John 1 �n� a ScnMh of H nsall on SATURDAY ]] �J 1 ` Kin -burn, 'phone Seafdrth, 841 St., self contained, dawnstaans, nlr,nR(7I 2v ^t ] mm. 1 • �n �� R 2, 11.1¢-tf 'avAAlable Aroril' 1. Mrs. A. Mc- Nichol,, phone 1'87 Seafarth. The farm i:p sold. Mr. Pon"Ir 11 SEED FOR SAI, la e'iv,rn- rap farmino c� m"lle4a- (J 15-13x2 V , Ttussel Oats, Reg. No. 1 and thiC, -ear will' celipbrab^ TWO�bedrpom apartinlen4 in it e Canada' No. 1. ' F1� R:9fM1r hirthAay. it Kevstone• Barley, Reg, No, 1 of A of Selply H., old a ck n. Terms.. ca�a'h. York Rarl Canada No. 1. of A'pFill. Apply Harold Jackson. r _ eY, t1NN PFpp ti'R Pr+cmmrie�licm ART BOLTON • ' honed 850 R 41, phonic, 474, Saafrxt+tt-. 1 . Its-tf n p .PERCY C. WR.TGHT. Auctioneer V • or -RUSSELL 'BOLTON, RR 1,, TW0�bedr+oo'm apa�lrtment, heat- Phl+me�6gn st, �. N�msa4il � � - r Seaforbh, Ontario ed, private `emtra'nce 'and bath. DALTON FINKBV. DMR, Cl Werk. = • \ \" 11-mtf Phone 3§6=. Ifs-]rl�tcf