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The Huron Expositor, 1964-03-26, Page 10
''l -r7' E HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTII, ONT., -MAR. 28, 1964 Crossword - ACROSS Nationioof Arable S. N 8. Clinging plant 12. Fluid rock 13. Black sticky aubatance 14. Image 15. Looked at; 16. Dined 17. Dispatch 18. Back 20. Dwells 22. Had been 24. Benefit 26. Lived 28. An aristocrat 32. Narrow opening 33. Immerse 35. Hollow grass 38. Male singing voice 38. Believed in 40. Shoves. 42. Attempt 43. Disperse 46. Satisfy 48. Unemployed 49. Fruit drink 51. Dry 54. Scorch 55. Negative word 56. Simple 67. Head coverings 58. Obtain 59. Paradise ..DOWN 1. Malt beverage 2. Shaft of light 8. Reluctance 4. Beckoned G. Played leading role •. Conaume 7. Step on 8. Callen 9. Frosted 10. -Not any 11. Finishes 19, rerfrwm SI.' dam 22. A direction 23. wheel support 25. Girl's name 27. Corks 29. Improved 30. Ogle 31 Whirlpool 34! Gift 37. Regret 39. United States of America (abbr.) 41. ronunon tatk 43. Mate 44. Votton 45. .nth 47. 'lumesticate 50. • emale deer 62. Anger 53. Lair LOAM ®EM ©I!0© J ®© Mall EOM 13I1Elti E30 1011131) 111H151§1 o®u lna GEMEInC�iCE]in LI.1GD®1 J kJ rii i !aii17© ©000d o®I MMU 1E wale© © ©d© EKI O tII 1 ., Emma. mon 12111112€1 I II II HEM 0110ki ©©IID© .11€114 00 0 Solution illill 3 Y 5 MN Ti . 9 /O 12 .�■ 13' It , iv ■� 18 19 20 21 2123 24.25 ■.■ EN27 S■■ .29 ■Zj 30 3/ 3.1 IIU® ii 34 3$ UI* NM 37 33 ■ 39 ■�■■ • 40 01 ■tea "z ■■ 13 94 1.5 .■al N(. 047 -■ IS ■■■ .Y9 50 51 52 53 55. ■.. 55 .■ 54 ■■■ 5' ss ui 59 1■ 1 COAL FUEL - OIL- WftLIAM M. HART ' - Phone 784 Seaforth ® GROWING ING BEANS? Contact E. L. PICKLE & SON LIMITED for Quality Seed and Bean Contracts Ontario Registered- SANILAC SEAWAY SAGINAW MICHELITE '62" Michigan Certijled - SANILAC.. All Seed Grown From Foundation Stock BEAN CRONTRACTS: Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Crap Accepted at A Harvest Excellent Bean Demand Creates Good Prices' Malting Barley Contracts Seed and. Fertilizer Supplied We offer the Popular 2-rowed,J'ligh yielding, excellent grading BETZE BARLEY We carry Spring Grain Seed for Sale & L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED Phone 103 - .: Hensafl f Must TeUH; Own 5.'tory Speaker Warns MWODA Members of the Mid -Western Ontario .Development Associa- tion attending the annual meet- ing held Wednesday in Strat- ford were told by one of the directors, 'Harvey Goos, of Preston, to "get out • a n d spread. the gospel." Mr. Goose adjured the dele- gates to "indulge in some good old American-style bragging." He has been acting manager of the association since the death last December of general manager Elmer Goebel. On hand •at meeting was the new general manager, • Edgar May, of Barrie. Mr. May outlined many of the ideas that he put forward at a directors' meeting late last month for the promotion of de- velopment in the four counties that make up MODA. These include product:surveys to see what can be done to aid in the expansion of whatever industry is at present located in a' community, as well as to draw new industries to the lo- cation; active promotion of the region as a whole; and - if needed - the creation of a labor pool to clinch a prospec- tive industry. Labor Not Enough He warned the delegates that competition for industries is rugged because of price con cessions made by subdividers in metropolitan . areas to tempt in- dustry. "'Don't think that just by hav- ing cheap labor, you can trump Toronto," he said.' "There, there is any amount of labor willing to work for a dollar an hour.' r 1 Other advantages 'of bigger centres, he said, include avail- ability of raw materials and of markets without paying ship- ping costs. He was answering a question by Mayor Harold Cook, of Mit- chell, concerning the number of new industrial leads available. Mayor Cook asked if `there is not a single faint one around" that might-have°shown interest in locating in Mitchell. And) if this interest 'were shown, how could Mitchell go :about .batching its prey..-. ,wAIe a Was told that sometimes municipalities are given the once-over by would be • indus, trialists theft without. anybody knowipg they were under sur- veillance until the industry had. decided on a course of action. Mr. May advocated a policy of "growth from within" as a major source of industrial ex- pansion in ` this part of the province. Work With Department. • r: in�a new ew car Choose your own repayment plan . 4, $ 500.... $1,000.,.. $2,000.... $3,000.... 12 months $ 43.96 $ 87.91 $175:81 $263.72 18 months $ 30.04 $ 60.07 $120.14 $180.21 24 months $ 23.09 $ 46.17 $ 92.34 $138.51 30 months $ 18.92 $ 37.83 $; 75.65 $113.48 i then see "The Bank" If you're in t+he market for a new car, g nearest Toronto -Dominion Bank Manager a call. A low-cost Personal Loan from Tile Bank can put you Jlehind the wheel of the car of your choice. our EMII TORONTO- 1DOVA IMIt I . Where people make the difference • POW, Se49011 1s3ANK into by MODA and the Agri- cultural Refor=estation Develop- ment Association with the idea of planting some sub -marginal parts of the Mid -Western region with the probable eventual idea of a chipwood plant going into operation. Delegates were warned, how- ever, that MQDA has "no power of its own. It must work with and co-ordinate those bodies that have power and it must make recommendations.to those bodies - that is all that it can legally do." Development Group Elects New Officers Close to 50 members in the four zones of the Mid -Western Ontario Development Associa- tion met in Stratford at the Victorian Inn for the group's .annual meeting and election of officers Wednesday. At the meeting, each zone named a chairman, a vice- chairman and a secretary -treas- urer ;as well as three directors. Zone One, Huron County, named Howard Aitken, Gode- rich, chairman; Charles Far- row, Exeter, vice - chairman ; 11rs. Minnie ,Noakes, Hensall, secretary = treasurer; Robert Squire, Goderich, Allan Wil- liams, Wingham, and 'Mr. Far- row, directors. Zone Two, Perth County: Howard Stacey, Mitchell, chair- man; ' vice - chairman, George Glover, St. Marys; secretary - • It was suggested at the meet -1 ing that Mr. May meet at least yearly with the municipal coun- cil of each member munici- pality in an effort to get to know it and its problems bet- ter. -It was decided that such a• series "0f meetings take place and that, as well as councillors, members' of local chambers of commerce, "municipalboards, and commissions, and also in- terested citizens be asked to at- tend. treasurer, Harold Nickel, Lis- towel. This same trio was nam- ed as zone .directors. Chairman for Zone Three, Waterloo County, is Ken Burke, Kitchener; vice-chairman, James Chaplin, Galt; secretary -treasur- er, Harvey Goos, Preston; di- rectors, Robert Pickell, Elmira; John McCartney, Galt, and Mr. Goos: ' ' Doug Oaks, Guelph, was nam- ed chairman of Zone Four, Wel- lington, County; vice-chairman, Arthur Hoffer, Elora; secretary - treasurer, W. K. Denny, Fergus; directors, Harold Latsch, Palm- erston, J. A. Richardson, Fer- gus, and Mr. Hoffer. The executive slate of' MODA is made up of these 12 direc- tois and the zone chairmen if they are not on the list of zone directors. No Change In Huron Tax Rate , The county rate for this year will remain at 14 mills -six for general purposes and eight for roads -if county council adopts the budget presented by clerk- treasurer John G.. Berry at op- ening of the larch -session. The forecast a year ago was for a rise of one mill to maintain th road and bridge program, but a larger -than -expected year-end surplus was a factor in, avert- ing the increase. In 1963 there was withdrawn from : surplus funds $110,000, which ,was expected to produce a surplus of $16,899 on a bud- get of- $2,224,334, largest ever for $uron, • but at the end of the year there was a 'surplus of $95,000. The 0 roads budget, so far as the county is concerned, amounts to ,$548,500, less $16,- 427 from surplus and $10,000 rebate on provincial sales tax, or a net of $522,073 to by rais- ed. asa - ed. Th(e amount to be raised by the county in 1963 was esti- mated at $533,000 when the committee reported at the No- vember session. ' Road 16, Brussels west for eight miles, continues at the head of the 'construction list, and provision is made in the budget for land and' fences. Road 13, Clintons west for 5.5 miles, is next in priority on the cofnmittee's long - range pro- gram. • a• 4 Arnold Stinnissen GROUP • LIFE - ACCIDENT and SICKNESSMAJOR-MEDICAL PENSIONS • ANNUITIES Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 470 I Welsh St. - SEAFORTH BUILDING SILO? I'.have taken over the business Of . PETER JORDAN -= Reasonable Prices - FOR INFORMATION, CALL Monkton 347-2713 OR WRITE William Poppe Monkton R.R. 2 • Need Publicity It was suggested that more people would thus get to know that their municipalities are members of . MODA and the aims of the development' group. Howard Stacey, Mitchell, had complained earlier in the meet- ing that "too .few people know that such a thing as MODA exists and that their municipali- ties belong to it." Mr. May told the delegates that a recent form letter to On- tario municipalities, purport- ing to be from a group• calling itself the Association of Indus- trial Developers and alleging that it is a non;profit-making ,or- ganization, dedicated to draw- ing industry to -.the •cbuntry, is under investigation. - He advised officials of MODA member municipalities to hold action on the letter until they receive a report on the spon- soring group. Delegates were told that close ^co-operation would bei entered Hullett F of A Abandons Trip. The regular monthly meeting of Hullett Federation of Agri- culture was held in Londesboro Hall. 'A donation� of $15.00 was made to the Hullett Music Fes- tival, and a doniation of $5.00 was made to the Seed Fair. It was decided to hold an- other card party on Thursday evening, March 26, in Londes- bora Hall. Those in charge are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plaet- zer and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cun- ningham. More orders were handed in for the gate signs. This makes a 'total sold to date of 63. It was decided not to plan a bus trip to Central Schools, as discussed at the February meet- ing, as it was the general feel- ing that the Government was in the process of changing the present school r system. The directors decided to think. over until the April meeting the question of -having guest speakers, and whom they might �vrole' w will gO:;t;O '64.Jet-smooth Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe (11p -inch wheelbase) sxy • •`r.•'}.;: w<'.•'.•'� •.•� T<•:"•.r fit,:. • .;>'•:.%+{ r#. < New Chevelle Malibu Sport Coupe (115 -inch wheelbase) any length 064 Chevy II Nova 2 -Door Sedan (110-inck 7u#ceelbase) to make '64 Corvair Monza Club Coupe (108 -inch wheelbase) you happy '64 Corvette Sting Ray Sport Coupe (98 -inch wheelbase) A General Motors Value Luxurycars, thrifty cars, sport bars, Sporty cars, big cars, small cars, long cars, short cars, family cars, personal cars. 45 DIFFERENT MODELS OF CARS Why one stop at your Chevrolet dealer's is like having your own private auto show And if we had room here we could go on and on and list all the choosing that they generally reserve for shoe stores. And all the. engines Chevrolet offers, starting at the Chevy II's 90 -horsepower models with bucket seats and all the models without - all of 163 4 -cylinder (it's the thriftiest!) and ranging all the way up them comfortable as all get -out. And the hundreds -• yes hundreds to the big Chevrolet's extra -cost 425 -horsepower 409 V8 (it's --of different,extra-cost options .•.. serious ones like Positrac- the greatest!). We 9ould wax eloquent about thg_choice of trans- tion and gay ones like the new AM -FM radio. But all that's missions, and how they team up with those Chevy best left to your Chevrolet dealer. The long and power plants to , produce some of the going -est short Iof it is, he'll go to any length to show you cars ever: Or the fact that you can have umpteen exactly the kind and size and price of car you different exterior and interior color choices - want- and exactly how reasonable that price enough, in fact, to allow some of our lady cus- can be for you to be able to enjoy so much tourers to have the sort of fun in buying and more car. THE GREAT HIGHWAY PERFORMERS Chevrolet • Chevelle • Chevy IL • Corvair • Corvette See your local Chevrolet dealer Be sure tO see on the CBC -TV i etwork each ,Sunday. Check your local -listing for channel and time. - CX -564D SEAFORYH MOTRS PHONE i41 y SEAFORTH, A CHEVROLET t 4 a a i i' az yt