HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-03-26, Page 34P • • . Easter Specials 0 • ", • 0 • • Westinghouse SCRUBBER • POLISHER nws OF HENSALL;' Name Hensall Native to First Coroner's .-TeOm - •. Doctors Mervyn and Norma Hopkinson, who have practiced medicine in Lion's Head for 14 years, have become Canada's first husband and wife coroner team. Dr. Mervyn Hopkinson was appointed a coroner for Bruce County about a year ago. Last week his wife received a similar. appointment. Dr. Norma Hopkinson is the former Norma Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, Hensall. She attended public school here, South Huron Dis- trict High School, Exeter, and was graduated from the Uni- versity of Western Ontario in 1946. Never before so fast . . . SO easy to control ' Big .Double - Action Brush covers larger floor area faster and better! -Power Scrubs . . . Cleans thoroughly without -splattering-baseboards. -Power Waxes . Spreads thin even coat, re- cotnmended by experts. -Power Polisher . - . Creates lustrous1- satin fin- ish without leaving swirl marks. -Power Buffs . . Makes floors shine evein be- tween waxings. -Controlled Power . . . You guide it with a touch. Regular 49.95 Easter Special Only .95 After interning at St, Mich- ael's and Women's College Hos- pitals in Toronto, she joined the staff of .Queen's University. In 1949 she was awarded a medical research fellowship by the Public Health Committee of the Canadian Life Insurance Of- ficers' Association, and under- took a study on the early diag- nosis of cancer of the cervix. She and her husband set up practise in Lion's Head follow- ing their marriage. It was be- lieved that she is the second woman to be named a coroner in Ontario. Allan Reid, Scott Smith and Bev Corneil, while out strolling on the CNR tracks, a mile south of Hensall, Saturday afternoon, found an American weather bal- loon. The metal box, a foot and a half square, had an orange parachute attached. The young- sters left it at the local post _office, and Postmaster Cecil Kipfer is returning it to the proper U.S. officials. Win At London Auction • Westinghouse 23" 'Instant On' TV - K4130 'Instant On' ends warm up waiting, prolongs tube life, I: 12 month parts warranty. [-.1 23" Kimcode Aluminized Pic - tube Tube. 0 6" full range, full fidelity speaker. 0 Three stage IF Amplifier, ,Automatic Gain Control CAGC). 0 Local/Dis- tant Control. 0 Trim; compact, contemporary cabinet design. Easter Special Only s23964 Plus Tradein • tirtrArdotAftWASON.,`,.0,, • at • Dublin Electric Phone 70 2' DUBLIN Youngsters , from Seaforth, doderich, RCAF Stations Cen- tralia and Clinton, Exeter, Blyth, Hayfield., and Varna, won valu- able prizes on- Junior Auction on CFPL-TV Saturday after- noon. Lloyd Wright was auc- tioneer, assisted by Al Mitchell, Appearing on the program from Hensall were Bonnie and Linda Sangster, children of Mr:, --and Mrs. John Sangster, arid Bob and June Maxwell. On Palm Sunday, 'members of Hensall,Kinette Club brought happiness and cheer into the lives of 46 shut-ins in the vil- lage, •patients i at Queensway Nursing Home', Hensall, and hospitals at Exeter, Clinton and Huronview, and presented- them with lovely Easter plantS. A St. Patrick's' box social and euchre was held in the lodge' rooms Tuesday evening, spon- sored by the CP & T Commit- tee of Amber Rebekah and 100F Lodges, Heiman. Kippen East WI Meets Mrs. Jack Consitt was hostess for the Health meeting of Kip - pen East Women's Institute on Wednesday, with Mrs. C. Pull- man, co -hostess, and president Mrs. Villiam Bell presiding. The guest speaker, Miss Amy Lammie, of Hensall, gave an interesting talk on her work and experience, "Teaching the Blind." •Members responded to the roll call with,' "What health rule would you emphasize to your children." Mrs. H. Bin- nendyk gave a health quiz, fol- lowed with a question and an- swer period, and Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse read a poem. Members brought recipes for meats and special occasions for their cook book, a project of this branch, to celebrate their 30th anniversary this year. Mrs. Robert Gemmell chaired the meeting for the program. Winners for euchre were: ladies' first, Mrs. Ross Richard- soni, men's first, Percy Camp- bell; ladies' low, Mrs. Jack Con- sitt; men's low, Clarence Vol - Hibbert Co-op Has Good Year The past year was the larg- est year in the history of the Hibbert Co-operative' Dairy As- sociation, Limited, sharehold- ers were told at the annual meeting. Total 'butter manufactured amounted' to 1,397,396 pounds. A total of $67,656.29 was paid •to-the.vatrons as a patronage bonus. Officers for 1964 are: Presi- dent, Harris Butson, Mitchell; vice-president, Russell Worden, Staffa; secretary -treasurer, J. M. Scott, Staffa; directors, Vic- tor Jeffery, Exeter, and Arthur Kemp, Staffa; manager, Gerald Agar. DISTRICT' WEDDINGS TIGGING-SMITH Baskets of mums, gladioli and •red carnations formed tho'set- ting in Egerton Street Baptist Church, London, for the wed= ding of ' Margaret Ann iSmith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Al- fred J. Smith, Hensall t and Richard William Tipping,..Lon- don, son of Mrs. Mary Tipping, Willowdale, and the late ,Rich- ard William Tipping, Saturday, March 21, at 2 p.m. Rev. Fred Darnell was the officiating. minister, • and Miss M. Reid, of Londen, provided traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mt. Louis •Fodor, of London, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Wedding Prayer." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor - length go.wn fashioned with a square neckline and lily point- ed sleeves. Her bouffant' skirt was of lace and net. A, crown • headpiece held 'her shoulder - length veil, and she carried a cascade of red roses. Miss Marilyn Smith, RR 4, Thedford, attended her sister asmimaid of.'.honor, wearing a street -length dress of turquoise satin with netting over top with •,,,•°$.°1.1'.`"•17,1", land; one hands, _Percy Cazill)-: bell. Chief of Police E. R. Davis was guest ,speaker at the St,' Patrick's_ meeting of the First Hensall Broil/hie Pack, held in the United Church Tuesday af- ternoon, speaking on "Safety." Attending the Tipping -Smith wedding inLondon on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith Mil and Mrs. Garnet Allan, Mr. hnd Mrs. Roland Vanstone and Miss Marlene Reid, all of Hen- sall. Mr. M. VanDyke, of Grand Bend, returned Saturday after a three months' visit' to Holland. Mr. VanDyke is an uncle of Mrs. Sim Roohol. Members of Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary attended the card party at Seaforth Legion Hall on Wednesday, sponsored by Seaforth Legion Ladies' Aux- iliary. Attending were Mrs. Roy Smale, Mrs. Mary Taylor; Mrs. Harry Horton, Mrs. Wm. Smale, Mrs. W. J. Cameron, Mrs. Gordon Munn and Mrs. Harold Campbell. • Peter Bisback, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Grant Bisback and student at SHDHS, Exeter, underwent an appendectomy operation at 'Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday. . - Amber Rebekah Lodge met in the lodge rooms Wednesday evening with Noble Grand Mrs. Clarence Volland presiding. A donation was sent to the Eye Bank. At St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, Rector J., P. Gandon dedicated a pair of brass candlesticks for -the altar, gift of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin, and dedicated in lov- ing memory of Mrs. Annie Maulkinson, mother of. Mrs. Goodwin, Hensall Kinsmen attended the Zone "D" conference at Simcpe Sunday. President John Baker led the delegation which. included 'R6n Johnston.' and Doug Johnston. Head table guests included Kinsmen Bill Mickle and Jack Drysdale, also of Hensall, who are serving on the district executive. The con- ference is held annually to elect the 'Deputy Governor for Zone "D", and also to allow the individual club presidents to present the statistics report of their club. Wayne Hamilton, Stouffville; Steve Charlton! .alejlizeim; John Bradley, Sarnia; Ian Spencer, Oakville, and Bob Mickle, all residents of Sydenham Hall, University of Western Ontario, were 'Sunday evening dinner guests with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks, Gail and Billy left Saturday for Lon- don, where they will take up residence. Gary Hoy, 4, son, of LAC Clarence and Mrs. Hoy, of Exe- ter, formerly of-Hensall, has re- turned home froni-South Huron District Hospital, Exeter, where he was a• patient, following an operation for removal •of his tonsils and 4other surgery. •Mr. and Mrs, Brian Bonthron >and Chris, of London, were weekend guests with ''Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron and fam- ily. pleated short sleeves. She car- ried a bouquet of white mums. Flower -girls, 'the Misses Kathy and Sharon Fodor, of London, nieces ot the groom, were cos - Wined' in pink nylon, and car- ried small cascades of white mums arranged with a pink boW. Mr. 'Herb Davis, of London, was groomsman, and George Smith, Thedford, and Robert Valentine, London, ushered the guests. For the reception held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Durham, London, the ride's mother received we mg a blue •dress with whit acces- sories and pink carnat on cor- sage.The groom's mother chose a blue dress with acces- sories, in white, and wore a yellow carnation corsage: House decorations were.- in pink and white motif, accented with streamers with balloons and baskets of mums, gladioli and red carnations. Servers for the reception were Mr. and Mrs. George Dur- ham, Miss Shirley Jackson and, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mohr. - -The young couple will reside in London. ' Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through ,a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Store Main Street Phone 75 : Seaforth THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! 1963 OLDS. SEDAN . P.S., P.B., Radio, A.T.-Very Low Mileage - ,33 7 5 .00 1961 PONTIAC COACH -Radio, A t 1,675.00 •1961 CORVAIR STATION WAGON 1,375.00 1960 ENVOY SEDAN -Radio ' 875.00 1959 METEOR '8' TWO -DOOR 1,176.00 1959 PONTIAC STATION WAGON 1,275.00 1959 CHEV. SEDAN 1,275.00 1959 VAUX SEDAN -Low mileage; Radio 515.00 1958 VAUX STATION WAGON -Low mileage • 575:00 195f FORD COACH -8 Cylinder 575:00 1956 CHEV. SEDAN 475.00 1960 VOLKS PICKUP TRUCK • 895.00 O.K. RECONDITIONED "No Reasonable Offer Refused" SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 541 •Seafortli E Optometilt e140 11 Mr. LongstafXwflbr...atten4finOa Veat-gr,t0jlata, aaalhia; arid business meeting of the OpIemetrical Association of Ontario being held in Tokento March 23 all 24. VILLAGE OF HENSALL 29th February, 1954. The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, The Village of Hensall, Dear Sirs: We have completed an audit .of the books and accounts of the Village of Hensall and the various boards and com- missions of the Village for the year ending 31st December, 1963. The year's operations resulted in a surplus of $2,820.43 as detailed en Statement D. The accumulated surplus as at 31st December, 1963, is $34,678.72 as, shown on Sche- dule C. We -have appreciated the co-operation which we have received from the officials ofyour Village. Capital and Loan ASSETS General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) Due from Schools (for Debentures) Public and Continuation • Collegiate and High Due from Utilities and Other Muni cipal Enterprises (for Debentures) Water Supply System Parks Beard, Artificial Ice Deben- ture ASSETS Cash Cash in Bank Accounts Receivable Sundry Agree ents, Mortgage Receivable, • •E. ass • Total Due from Province of Ontario Due from Other Local Boards and Commissions (specify) Park Board 1,234.64 Library Board , . 175.00• •,,, l - 1,409.64 Tares Receivable (SchjdUle 5) ''S 1,944.30, 1.• 1,944,30' -- • AUDITOR'S • We hereby ePort that in, OW ppittiprrt4-- ." • , 1) The financial transactions Which bailer'ennte:;;', our notice have been within this peigera icipality; .• 2) The audit has been conduet ed in accerflaneeL: instruetioUs of the Department nf 3) The financial Iltsterueuts prgsstit 141.717 t4e*1IIIflC position of the MUniCitalitY 1963, nd the es ended on that date. . era' t'i" , arults of its P • o Respectfully submitted,• , MONTEITH, MONTEIT'if ,04 7c9., ChLicartenseeredpfuAmthee°ril421111163t:1 • Date 'of Filing, March 14, 1064. Fund Balance Sheet December 31, 1963- $ 36,090.90 $ 85,600.00 26,586.30 112,186.30 4•1 $ 29,774.31 "19,670.14 49,444.45 $197,721.65 • Revenue Fund • December $ 27,169.32 $ 27,169.32 3,369.80 1.15.00 $ 3,484.80 3,484,80 1,074.34 Total Assets .1) A LIABILITIES " Schools • Public and Continuation $ 8500.00 Public 'Utilities and Other Enterprises Water Supply Syttem $ 29,774131 Parks Board, Artificial Ice Deben- tue 19470.14 49,444.45 Total $135,044.45 Due to Other Municipalities (For De- bentures Assumed -Schedule 2) •. $ 28,586.30 Investments in Capital Assets . ' • 36,090.90 $ 85,600.00 Balance Sheet 31, 1963 " LIABILITIES Due to Other Local Boards and Com- missions. (specify) Waterworks . Other Liabilities Deferred Revenue (Schedule 8) Surplus (Form C) $ 35,082.40 Total Liabilities and Surplus Revenue Fund Surplus (Deficit) Account December 31, 1963 Debit Balance at 'beginning of year Surplu or deficit included- in Current Budget Balance 'after above adjustments Surplus or Defict for the year (Form Total of Debit and Credit Columns Balance of Surplus or Deficit at year (Form 13) B " $197,721.65 46.98 $ 46.98 356.70 • 356.70 34678.72 Credit Balance $31,858.29 • $31,858.29 .•••• • $31,858.29 D) 21,820.43 $34,678'Z2 end .. • • $34,678.72 D Statement of Revenue and Expenditure For the year ended December 31, 1963 EXPENDITURE REVENUE Total Revenue from Taxation (Sche- dule 3) Long -Term Debt Charges Recoverable .(Schedule 12) Contributions, Grants and .Subsidies Governments: Ontario - Children's Protection $ 315.74 Direct Relief _• . 702.60 Highway Improvement 4,067.67 • Payments in lieu of of municipal taxes •227.93 Police and Fire •, , 22.50 Unconditional Per Capi- ta Grants 2,754.00 Other Municipalities Co. of Huron, Highways $ 3,575.34 Licenses and Permits (include dog tax) . .. Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. Other Revenues - Rents,, Concessions and • Franchises, $ 640.00 Fines . 84.17 Service Charges 97.58 Gross Total Revenue $ 3082.40 Actual Budget ,• ,Actval • Budget •General Government $ 74,331.20 $ 73,000.00 Executive and Legislative $ 912.00 • Administrative. • 3,721.51 • ' 8,946:49 9,000.00 • . Other 5,837.00 $ 10,470.51 $10,000.00 8,090,44 • 3,575.34 346.25 524.84 ProteCtion to Persons and Property • Fire •.. 686.95 Hydrant Rental • • 2.317.27 Street Lighting • ,2,716.98 Flood Control 1,059.14 • Public Works -Roads; Highways and Streets, etc. • Sanitation and Waste Removal • Social Welfare (Schedule 10) 7,600.00 Institutional Care •. 1,068.00 6,780.34 6,600.00 10,194.00 ' 9,800.00 229.15. 200.00 1,068.00, 1,1b4p. 3,400.00 Education, including debt charges • (Schedule 9) 31,284.08 31,200.00 • 200.00 Recreation and Community Serviees 5,481.80 5,500.00 500.00 Debt Charges Long-term debt charges (Schedule 11) , •$23,754.80 Less own share of school • debt charges • 13,867.81 821.75 5oo.00 $ 96,636.31 $ 94,200.00 $ 96,636.31 $ 94,200.00 • _ $ 9,886.99 • Shortterm charges and other charges 138.91 10,025.90 10,000.00 Iwtitutional and Public Utility Deficits provided (specify) Waterworks • $ 2,518.96 2,518.96 2,000.00 Discount for taxes 213.46 250.00 Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates , $13;988.34 Miscellaneous ('stiecifY) Provision for Deferred Revenue 1,561.34 13,983.34 13,900.00 1,561.34. 9ross Total Expenditure'• $ 93,815.88 $ 90,550.00 $ 93,815.88 $ 90,550.00 Surplus for the Year . .. 2,820.43. 3,650.00 • Total Revenue Section $96;636.31 $ 94,200.00 Total Expenditure Section • $96,636.31 $ 94,200,00 Analysis Of Certain Items Of Expenditure for the year ending 3Ist December, 1963 General Government - Administrative: • Salaries and Allowances Printing, Postage, Stationery and Office Expense $ 2,725.20 996.31 $ 3,721.51 General Government - Other: .. .„ Salary -Maintenance Man $ 3,700.00 Maintenance of Municipal Buildings 954.44 Election and Miscellaneous Expenses • 1,182.56 Recreational and Community Services: Artificial Ice Debenture Rate Parks Board Rate Library Board 'Rate Grant to Community Arena, Grant to Recreation Committee Grants to Sundry Organizations ,r 4C..;41,A15,15R A„, A $ 5,837.00 $ 2,317.27 , 1,007.52 808.01 1,000.00 200.00 151.00. $ 5,481.80 rorriorrarrorroworarrirweirmarow.r.orrroorriow$ 11, • •