HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-03-12, Page 12112,7--TJAK HURON EXPOSITPR,, SF,,AFORTH, QNT., MAR. -12, 1964 1 Seaforth Motors SPECIAL Extended 5 Days Ends March 19 Fr i nt En Alignme Regular Price $9.50 Special Price $4'25 including all camber, cas- ter toe -in and steering bar adjustments. We have the finest and most accurate front end alignment equipment in the county. We invite you to see how your car measures up for safety. Save those: tires, be able to control your car at all times. • Phone t 541 for an immediate appointment Seaforth tors. " F .-.an4-LDSM-OBILE.. -Phone X541 -- Seaforth District. COiinciIs • Meet GREY COUNCIL - The tender of H. F. Donegan for crushing and hauling 15,0n yards of gravel at 70 cents was accepted by Grey Council at its March meeting. In other business, council ao: cepted the tender of John La- mont for warble fly powder at $4.50 per 15 -pound bag, powder to be delivered to the inspec- tor, Fred Smalldon, before April lst. Hired Charles Fischer . to spray cattle at 9 cents per head. ' Agreed that the - collector's roll for 1963 be acceptedd the collector be relieved of fur- ther responsibility.. Concurred with the Agricul- tural Committee of the /County of Huron regarding the Rae property; exempted from taxes north part lot 3,• con. 18, assess- ment $800, owned by the Coun- ty of Huron. Approved accounts for pay- ment as follows: Frank Cowan Co,, insurance, general .account, $619.59; Federation of Agricul- ture, $930.74; Wilbur Turnbull, collector, balance salary, post- age and exchange, $60; Hiem- stra Nursing Horne, February acct., $52.25; Queensway Nurs- ing Home, February account, $66.75; Twp. of Arthur, relief, $17.31; Hyndman's Transport, moving, welfare acct., $50; Dr. J. Bruce Spence, welfare acct., $35; relief account, $25; C. R. Dunbar, to Rural Municipalities convention, $25; Archie Mann, Glenn Huether, Kenneth 'Bray For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE and: -Lawson Wail, to. good Roads convention, each $25.00; C. $ G. Krauter- Co., install* tion furnace, office, $570.00 ; Bernard Ten Pas & Sons, ma- terial and labor, office, $1,- 824.24; Orval Harrison, wiring office, $232.59; Hilton Ward, fox bounty, $4.60; Wm. Baillie, fox bounty, $8.00; C. M. Steven- son, fox bounty, $12.00; Robt. L. Cunningham, fuel oil $19.64, gas, fire truck $1.65; roads and bridges, $2,968.32. Total, $7,- 622.08. EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL East Wawanosh council met with all the members present, Reeve Snell presiding. Mr. Goss of the Mid-W-estern Ontario De- velopment Association, was pre- sent requesting the council to join the association, but no ac- tion was taken. Oliver Anderson and • Carl Govier presented a petition with a large number- of rate- payers' signatures on it, asking that the road closed in 1963 at Auburn be opened 'again. The reeve said he would present the petition to the proper authori- ties. W. S. Gibson was present to renew insurance policies that are due at present. The tenders for warble fly spraying were opened, f o r warble fly inspector, Edgar Wightman's tender' for $1.25 an hour, he to find his own trans- portation, was • accepted. The clerk was instructed to adver- tise dvertise again for sprayer operator and operator helper. The resolution passed at the February meeting was amend- ed to appoint Murray Scott for three years as member of the Wingham District Planning Board. Council agreed to pay the' Blyth Fire Committee $19 expense levy for 1963, and $1,- 886.99 • to Blyth, the township's per centage for the new Blyth Fire Hall. Warble fly powder was ordered from the. Belgrave Co-operative at $4.70 for 15-1b. bags and. $9.95 for 25 -Ib. •bales of one -lb. bags. ,. Accounts approved included: C. W. Hanna, salary, $200.00; other items, $209.87: Alan Mc- Burney, wages $94.23, Mick $5; George Radford, 54 hours snow removal at $9, $486.00; West Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co.; premium, $12.50; Harry Wil- liams, stove oil $11.37, fuel $90.78; Belgrace. Ce -op, tools alt, $12.42; Dominion Road NEWS OF THE VIIEEKtIN STAFFA penes, $35; Stewart Procter, convention expenses, $35; Pin*. crest Manor, $66.75. Road Accounts -Wm. McAr- ter, wages, $180.57; James Case - more, wages, $255; Ideal Sup- ply CQ., bolts and brake fluid, $30.40; J. M. McDonald; lumber, $35.63; Brussels Coal Yard, stove oil, $17.06; Wingham Tire, repairs to tire, $21.79; Oldfield Hardware, paint, brushes, hing- es, etc., $28.94; Alex. Inkley, fuel oil and tax, $135:70; Mel Jermyn, snow plowing, $408.00; Wilmer Glousher, snow plow- ing, $350; Glenn Snell, snow plowing, .$310.50; Helen Martin, hydro for shed, $8.14; Domin- ion Road Machinery, repairs, $146.76; Daily Commercial News, advertising, $12.60; Stan Hopper, snow removal, $6. -JOl A. -CA Insurance Agency Phone 214 - Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors TiT1TLTIT T-1 T1TOT. TITiTITIT1T Mr. Farmer! 11 GET THE JUMP ON SPRING ! Order today as prices Now is the time of year to order your seeding requirements! FERTILIZER C -I -L Super Flow Either Bags or Bulk Grass -.Seed & Forage Mixtures . Top Quality Seeds and Mixtures in stock now at competitive prices. on grass seeds are gradually increasing. Canada No. 1 Alfalfa - $25.00 per Bushel SEED GRAIN We are handling Alex M. Stewart & Sons Seed Grain this year and can offer you all Mixturea and Grades 'of Seed Grain. SEED CORN We are handling Funk's Seed Corn and we wouldsuggest you order early as some hybrids are now sold out. • ORDER TODAY AND HAVE NO DELAY AT SEEDING TIME All Fencing Materials are now in stock at Special Prices! OP'NOTCH FEEDS LIMITED "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE' FARMER'S DOLLAR" Phone 775 ' : . . Seaforth s, i,Ty ;n i4 •• `�.r'x`�biy `r ,t���N:eY.' �r , .�!. :T�., u' ia." 5;'➢ir .�^M I Because of inflation the Can- adian dollarnow buys what 67 cents did in 1939 and what 45 cents bought in 1939.. The human capacity for be- ing bored, rather than man's social or natural needs, lies at the root of man's cultural ad- vance. -Ralph Linton. Machinery Co., grader repairs, $590.46; Receiver General of Canada, income tax, $4.25; C. W. Hanna, convention expens- es, $50; Alex McBurney, U. I. stamps, postage and supplies, $40.04; Edward. A. Elliott, prem- ium treasurer's bond, $12; W. S. Gibson, insurance premiums, officers' $100, spraying $70, army truck $33; convention ex- penses, E. R. Snell, Wm. Gow, Mason Robinson, Roy Pattison and R. H. Thompson, each 550; Denald Schultz, 2 fox bounties, $8; Wingham Advance -Times, adv. warble fly, $4.32; Mrs. Jean McKay, maintenance patient, $66.75; Township of Kinloss, share of relief, $12.25; Snell's Grocery, relief acct.,, $32.70; Belgrave Co-op, furnace oil ac- count, $12.16; Blyth District Fire Area, levy, $190.00; Vil- lage of Blyth, share capital cost fire area building, $1,886.99. -- MORRIS- COUNCIL- Morris' OUNCILMorris` council held its March meeting with all mem- bers present .and Reeve Stew- art Procter presiding. Council approved the follow- ing motions: That we' authorize the Cana- dian Pacific Railway to remove the present danger bell and light on completion of the im- provements to the sight lines at the crossing south of Blyth; That Bylaw No. 3, 1964, auth- orizing Morris to enter into agreement with Ken Sholdice for reforestation of part of lot 15, con. 4, be passed as read first and second times; That' George Radford Con- struction Limited be -awarded the contract to supply, crush and deliver approximately 15,- 000 cubic yards of gravel at 74 cents per cubic yard, subject to the approval of the district municipal engineer; That Murray Reid be given contract of spraying cattle un- der the Warble 'Fly Act . at 10 cents per head; That Charles Souch be warble fly inspector for 1964; That warble fly powder be ordered from Bluevale Milling Co. and Belgrave Co-operative Association; That Bylaw No. 4, 1964, to provide for road expenditures to $58,000 be passed subject to the approval ,of the district municipal engineer; That the road accounts "as presented by the road superin- tendent be passed; • That general accounts 'as pre- sented be paid as follows: Ross Procter, fox bounty, $4; Blyth Fire Area, share of ex- pense levy, $150; Huron Expos- itor, advertising, $12.75; Vil- lage of Blyth, share of new fire area building, $1,489.73; City of Brantford, $33.65; George Mutter, re tank truck, 511.80; Department of Health, insulin, 6.16; Heleti Martin, hydro for hall, $6.07; John Brewer, ver- ifying tax arrears, $33; Blyth Standard, • advertising, • $7.50; fonnenburg Insurance Agency, renewal of bond on treasurer, $12; Howick Mutual Insurance, additional preinfum,'$11; Doug- las J. Callander, $68.75; Ad- vance -Timed, cheque'§, $55.85; Helen !Martin, salary,. $100; Wm. Elston, ebnventiott expetlses, 4104 4,.#41.04vOttti9 ,00. There are still a Few APPLIANCES Left from our estinghouse' Annual' Teachers ...and pupils from Hibbert School Sections 1 to 6 enjoyed a 'skating party at Mit- chell Arena on Friday after-. noon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Tem- pleman and family: Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Harburn have returned home after a holiday in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Miller and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Edgar and family, Wingham. Mr. Sam Norris is at present a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mrs. William Taylor and baby son, Brian, returned home from South Huron Hospital this past week. - A large number from this community attended the Drama Night in Mitchell District High School on Friday night. Eric Norris, OAC, Guelph, spent the weekend with -his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris. The sympathy of , the COm- munity is extended to the fam- ilies of the late Albert Smale and Kenneth Drake, wl}'b pass- ed away this past week,' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan, Kirk - ton. HENSALL Miss'L Margaret Smith, bride - elect of Saturday, was honored 'at a miscellaneous shower held at the ,home of the groom's sis- ter, Mrs. Frances Fodor, Lon- don, attended by 17 relatives and friends of the groom -elect, Richard Tipping, of Landon. Margaret was presented with many lovely gifts. Mr. Fred Bonthron is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, USBONE AND A BERT , MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Timothy B. Toohey - RR 3, Lucan President Robert G. Galxliner - RR 1, Vice -President Cromarty Wm. H. Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton ,Colquh Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2, Dublin Milton McCurdy - RR 1, Kirkton Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - RR 1, Centralia Clayton Harris - Mitchell ,.Solicitors: Mackenzie & Raymond - Exeter Secretary -Treasurer: xeter Arthur Fraser - Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs oost are accomplished by o Ex- positor Want Ads. SAV.E AT THESE PRICES! 7.1 RANGE .$1996'4 Pips Trade-in REFRIGERATOR $'119.64 Plus Trade-in FREEZER $229.64 LAUNDROMAT $249.64 Plus Trade-in DRYER $159•64 TELEVISION $239.64 Plus Trade -In STEREO $2'j 9.64 at ublin electric Phone 70 R 2 UBtJN BUY NOW and SAVE MONEY! DUAL -AIRF Automatic Forceld Warm Air Burns NA . Oil Wood - Coal 'All -Welded Steel Construction -Burns Solid Fuels, Without Los- ing Efficiency When Burning Oil -Simple and Easy to Keep Clean You Are :„Never 'W'ithout cleat -Ian Delivers Filtered Warm Air to all Roomswhether you are firing by Wood, Coal or Oil. - ASK YOUR DEALER HOW tlYO CAN SAVE ON THE 'DUAL - AIRE BY BUYING DURING MARCH! The DUAIL- AIRE ' is manufactured in Seaforth and offers ,you ' these special features 1. Completely automatic, highly efficient oil heating system. 2. Highly efficient coal or wood burning system that can be used for regular heating or in emergencies such as (a) Oil short- age or breakdown in delivery due to storms, etc., (b) Hydro breakdown. - 3. THE OIL BURNER WITH THE INCINERATOR - Can be used for disposal of boxes, waste paper, vacuum sweepings, etc. ' 4. In rural districts DUAL-AIRE can be fired with low cost fuels when convenient. The oil burner takes over automatically when these fuels burn out. - 5. A superbly engineered heating system with extra 'heating surface. 6. Saves you money because of (a) Greater efficiency, (b),Low.er 'fuel consumption, (c) Longer life. 7. - Plus Air Conditioning -good, clean, healthful air -warm in winter, cool in summer. 8. Built for bbth left hand and right hand installation. CALL OR WRITE NOW Robert Bell Industries Ltd. Phone 268 ; j - : - Seaforth, Ont. , For further information, see your local heating contractor hi 1 • • • v A • N 4 • M