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The Huron Expositor, 1964-03-12, Page 8
n. 7:14,, y QSI.TOR; SEAFORT i, oNT., MAR. 14 Crossword AeQo4 1t• Viper 4. remelt 'peva* ALso 13. Whirlpool 14. Twisted Belonging to Se 18, Portion j 2Q, 2Q, 0•e 21- Matt INv#rs 22. Valley 23 Burns 26. Shaft of light 27. Mimic 30. Rabbit •- 81. Possesses 32. Roman date 38. Make a mistake 34. Goal 35. Odor 86. Sea eagles 38. Consumed 39. Something of value 41. Barters 45. Tardy 46. Kind of shoe '47. Large tub 48. Bound 49. Gaelic 50. Piece out 51. Differences 52•.Golf mounds 53. Seine DOWN I. On top of 2. Acid 3. Skin opening 4. Awards 5. Worship 6. Doing oothlig 7. Change color 8. Decrease 9. Love song 30. Leg joint 11. Asterisk 19. Peel 20. Cunning 22. Aeriform fluid 24. A4rich• 25. TWOa 444190- 24. tilt Wilt** 29. S pe V e suffix 31. Belonging to bine 84 Sooe3sl� bisect 85. Avera 87. Hollow grasses 48 Cdt up 39. Female singing voice 40. Spoke 42 Level 43: Gar4en tool 44. list it stand 4& Wirer 12, 196"" Seaf Qrth ua i MWDO C©I U3 H00 UMW UMW 1`3MMOODU B©000 0501 MOM UMW MUM MOM 01110D 000 300©MUM M00 00000MEMO MWO 3 a d 313d V 38 31oa ?i nn 1338 I, hao- ,2 ool S)Isv t3 a 1 tfw dsV Solution in 2 3 4 8' y g I, to 11 ,2 $■ t3 ■ M '4 ■�U 'cm i id l7 Ul. ,8 �20 23 24 25,■■ 21 ��■zi 24 ■■■■III 27 28 if 30 33 3Y 3I 31 ss' uim 34. ■I 37 ■ VI 3P ■® . 39 Oa V2 V3 ¥' 85 ■■R "6 ■■■ ■ M8 ... � ®®. S^ _. ALL KINDS of INSURANCE vv. SOUTHGATE MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH Phone 334 - Res. 540 FARMERS! Be sure to get Lowest Possible Prices on All Your Farm Tire Re- quirements HAUGH BROS. Farm Equipment 1 % Miles East of Brucefield Pais Meet The third meeting of The Sea-. forth Pin -Pals was'held at the home of ,Gaye • Watson, with 14 members present, and opened by repeating the 4-H Pledge. The roll call was answered by showing the pictures selected as a home assignment and ex-. plaining why the lines will suit her. Erma Agar read the min- uites. Mrs. Stewart Dale, the lead- er, discussed harmony in color, design in texture and clothes suitable for the occasion. The girls were shown how to make a hand -made buttonhole by Mrs. Earl • Nott. • The next meeting will be held March 16th at the home of Mrs. Stewart Dale. HOMEMAKERS MEET The third meeting of the Sea - forth District Homemaking Club was held at the home of Mrs. Brown. Duscussion was on "Clothes to Suit the Occasion." Connie Howatt read the min- utes. The next meeting is to 'b`e held on Saturday al the home of Mrs. W. L. Whyte. Canadian social worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your problem. She answers letters of general interest ,in this cotumn but can't undertake personal. replies. DEAR DORI.S-My restricted diet prohibits eggs, m i 1 k, cheese, starches, fats. I can have beef fresh fruits, salad greens, principally. Not too hard to follow at home, where I do the cooking. But how do I handle dinner at, restaurants, club luncheons or friends' homes, without mak- ing a 'big fuss? Relatives insist that (a) a little cheating won't hurt, . (b) the caloric restruc- tions are pure nonsense, (c) "she can diet when she is at home, and , when she is here she can very well eat what .I have prepared." • It is considered the height of badrm to take your own SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERING Centre Street Telephone 446 FOR ALL KINDS OF UPHOLSTERING - We. Arrange Easy Terms - food with ydtrwhen you -g The thought of my doing -it horrifies my husband and his relatives. So that's `Out.' AI.i.FRGY. AUNTIE DEAR AUNTIE --It's not out. It's in. You have achieved a diet to stay well on. Now you need sufficient sense of your own Orth to follow through. Peo a don't want to see you fo what you eat of their food, but because they enjoy your personality. Husband and family should r. egg you on; giving moral sup- port to the extent of carrying your substitute offerings to the. cook. Add a light touch with good-natured laughter •at your singular dilemma. DEAR DORIS-I am 17 and haven't as yet had a date. The problem is that 'all the boys around here expect too mach of you. They think they i can pet and "everything else" on a date. " I believe that a date should be one of conversation (things that are of interest to either date) and an••.. occasional, good- night kiss. Maybe I've read too stories about this. My friends are snubbing me cause of my not being "nicer to boys". What should' I do? UNCERTAIN DEAR UNCERTAIN - Have you been declaring far and wide your intention of keeping your distance when you do get the first date? Your idea is fine, but there are gentler ways of keeping things " within bounds. And you should never sound like a prude. DID YOU KNOW , that Sun Life' of Canada is one of the world's leading life insurance corppanies, 'with .150 branch offices throughout North America? As. -the Snrr_Life_ceprese_aL____.- 'afire irI yqur community, mag.I be of service? ' JOHN ''J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 - 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada GROWING BENS? Contact E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED for Quality Seed and Bean Contracts Ontario Registered SANILAC SEAWAY • SAGINAW MICHELITE '62 Michigan Certified - SANILAC All Seed Grown From Foundation Stock BEAN CRONTRACTS; . Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Crop Accepted at Harvest Excellent Bean Demand Creates Good Prices Malting Barley Contracts Seed • and Fertilizer Supplied We offer the Popular 2 -rowed, high yielding, excellent grading BETZE BARLEY We carry Spring Grain Seed For . Sale E. L. MICKLE&SON Phone 103 LIMITED Hensall • .nt Phone -5 : g 2 DEAR DORIS-I received an invitation to a shower for a girl getting married shortly. Her mother and another lady are giving it and I thought a mother wasn't supposed to give her daughter a shower. At the bottom of the card it said "Cash" and I know she said she had •lots of linens, etc., so wanted -money.,. What_ do you think of this? I had, worked a pair of pillow_eases with croch- eted lace on . them. DILEMMA. DEAR DILEMMA -No close relative should give a shower. Whether cash is acceptable de- pends on circumstances; in some European -influenced' corn •munities it's just the thing. It's your privilege to decide what you take. Put a note 'with your handi-work expressing pleasure in making something special for your friend. It's my bet she'll love it! NEW SHOW - Newspaperman Gary Lautens, whose Toronto Daily Star columns are noted for their humor laced with wisdom, is host of CBC -TV's new public affairs show, A Second Look. The program takes an interpretive "second look" at news events. Le Legion; Auxiliary Has Monthly Meeting he monthly meeting of the adies' Auxiliary was held Wednesday at the Legion.. Hall. Mrs.' Ivy Eaton's name was drawn for the 8:30 draw; as Mrs: Eaton was not present, the money will' be double next meeting. The meeting opened with car- rying on of the flags and Mrs. M. McGrath presiding. Twenty- three members answeited roll call. Mrs. D. Barry and Mrs. P. Mowet are March conveners. A banquet for the Girl Guides, a euchre tournament, and the St. Patrick'.s....dance are planned for March. Zone Com- mander Mrs. -McCann will . be. at the April meeting. Mrs. K. Coombs read the treasurer's re- port, - and all outstanding ac- counts are to be paid. Mrs. G. Scott read the correspondence, among which was an invitation to the bowling tournament at Walkerton, April 15 and 16. Those wishing to go are asked to get in touch with the sports officer, Mrs. A. Sallows. Committees gave their re- ports; sick committee sent out Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Phone Seaforth 141. WANTED LIVE FOWL Picked up at the farm Top Prices -. Locker Service Available - Phone 751 J 12 = Seaforth .or 393 J 15 - Brussels Ronald Bennett WALTON If You're TIRED _ ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gels a "tired -out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing• seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relievethis condition which mayoften cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney -Pills now. Look for the bl,e box with the red band at all drug cotlters: You can depend on Dodd's.eo three gifts and two fruit boxes last month. Mrs. Scott reported that the February lunch com- mittee fed 146 hockey boys, Saturday, Feb. 29. Next month the ladies were asked to answer roll call with material for handicrafts ,-for Ontario Hospital, Goderieh. Mrs. Scott was asked to get prices on typewriter. Mrs. Sallows re- ported May 7 for Seaforth .bowl- ing tournament. Mrs. McGrath welcomed Mrs. H. Brown to the Seaforth Aux- iliary. 's- lI1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII TM Buy From A Firm You Know Jones, MacNaughton Seeds have been doing business in Western Ontario for many years. Customers know they can be depended upon to pro- vide quality seed that's true to variety at- a reasonable price. Since seeds are Jones, Mac - Naughton Seeds only busi- ness, they are experts in buy- ing, cleaning' and' merchan- dising seen. ' Because they they know where to buy and when to buy they can sell to you at worthwhile savings. Always ask for Jones, Mac - Naughton seeds for service .... satisfaction .. . savings. From your local dealer J,ones,. Mac-Plaughtkn Seeds EKTER Phone 235-0363 CREDITON Phone 234-6363 LONDON Phone 432-2258 iIIInIn11111H1111111111111111111111111I11 r-rnr.,i�)nF3:�wr.aw+,aw+`.+wtiwr,'�ll"` I. St... T6nia.a' W.A. (March Meeting The March meeting of the Wonian's Auxiliary of St. Thomas' Anglican Church was held Monday at the home, of Mrs. Harvey, Sr. The meeting opened with ` Mrs. Cleave Coombs reading the 22nd Psalm. Mrs. George McGavin presided `and offered prayer. Fourteen members answered the roll call. An invitation was accepted from the UCW Of Northside United Church Thankoffering meeting on March 24th, at 8:30 p.m. The travelling basket pro- ject realized $34.00. The letters for the bakeless bake sale will be sent out in March. Mrs. Harvey, Sr., gave an inspiring talk on the Angli- can Congress. The Thankoffer-1 ing meeting will be held April 7th; at the, home of Mrs. Bruce McLean. The meeting closed with ben- ediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. J. Harvey, Jr., Mrs. Cleave Coombs and Mrs. Bruce Mc- Lean. 9 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! 1959 CHEV. COACH Regular $1,175.00 - This week only 95.00 1961 CORVAIR STATION WAGON _ 1,375.00 1960 ENVOY • SEDAN -Radio • - 875.00 1961 CHEV. BEL AIR 8-A.T., P.S., P.B., Radio 1,775.00 1959 METEOR '8' TW--O-jjD-- OOR 1,175.00 1959 PO.NTIAC STATION WAGON 1,275.00 1959 CH -EV. SEDAN 1,275.00 1958 PLYMOUTH "81: STATION WAGON 875:20 1957 FORD COACH -8 Cylinder 575.00 1956 CHEV. SEDAN '475.00 1960 VOLKS PICKUP TRUCK 895.00 O.K. RECONDITIONED "No Reasonable Offer Refused" io.. u� SEAFORTH MOTORS P - Seaforth • DL11� A N ; ��i !tie value for 0av COAL- FUEL - OIL WILLIAM M. HART Phone 784 Seaforth Tax Return ,.Time Again I should like to inform my friends that my office is located on Main Street above the Gingerich Store. Please use my inter -phone before climbing the stair. MAKE APPOINTMENT EARLY ! H. G. MEIR . Phone 515 Seaforth ................... . He'll even ,het around to his ears and fingernails with the help of the Friendly Fuel Little boys have never doubted the proposition that baths are for playing. in. Mothers lean to another theory: baths are for washing in. He'll get around to both, as long as there is plenty of hot water.. There always is with Natural Gas, the Friendly Fifel. Natural Gas heaters make certainyou have' all the hot water you need, all the time. The more hot water you draw, the harder the heater works. Natural Gas Means faster heat than any other method, Natural Gas Water heating is more than fast and automatic. It's inexpensive ... costs - mere pennies a day. So install a Natural Gas water heater now. Visit your plumber dealer or department store. And don't worry about Junior. Eventually he'llget around to the back of his neck. Home -owners are happier with Natural Gas UNION SCOMPANY THE FRIENDLY FUEL • BOB DOIG Phone 668 R 13 Seaforth FINK KLING 'LT"� fa Phone 19 : Seaforth GINGERICH Sales '& Service Ltd. : Phone 585, Seaforth SILLS' HARDWARE Phone 56 - Seaforth DUBLIN ELECTRIC Phone 70 R 2 Dublin • •