HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-03-12, Page 7• • LET I.M.T. ARRANGE YOUR MORTGAGE For almost three-quarters of a century we have offered a friendly, personal service in the first mortgage field. We can•arrange a first mortgage for you on your home, farm or business property. All enquiries welcome. ESTABLISHED 1889 THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY Head Office: -Sarnia Offices in Forest and Petrone -v ;rant GOOdiflk Is Provincial -Essay 1 ,1. Grant Gooding, SS No. 2,'Pro- ton Township, who entered through the Dundalk Agricul- tural Society, won the Ethel Brant Monture provincial essay contest, held in connection with the Annual Fairs' Association convention. Local winn,ers. announced earlier were Stephen Brady, 1 Joan Govenlock and Vida Mal- kus. The essay topic for the cur- rent year will be, "How Our School Can Take Part in the Fair Program," according to Mrs. Joseph Grummett, presi- dent of the Women's Associa- tion, who looks after competi- tion details. lliscussing "What Our Fair Ca Do For the Community," the Ontario winner wrote in these words: Why does a fair exist? Fairs are an efficient instrument through which people may co- operate—to o-operate to improve. themselves, their- industries, their commun- ity and their country. To me, our fair is like our band or. our church, or our service club and part of our good Canadian way of life. Good citizens, bothmen and women, must work together in har- mony. Fairs have always been and will continue to be educational in character and have therefore increased the knowledge of -our people in all walks of life. They are truly the show window of the community in that they re- veal a living record of its past, its present economic status and a prediction of its future. Fairs have greatly broaden- ed their usefulness in regard to rural youth programs, particu- larly 4-H Clubs and Junior Farmers. A• place in the pro- gram. has also been given to pupils attending public and secondary schools. Perhaps there is no portion of our fair that has taken -greater .growth than the junior division with the different phases of 4-H Club 'activity. More and more we find ourselves giving greater oppor- tunity to the junior girls and junior boys to take p. showmanship and crafts and in- deed to -take over a much larg- er part of the working of the society. Some of the projects undertaken by the junior divi- sion are becoming major at- tractions at our exhibition and undoubtedly this trend will in- crease. These exhibits have been outstanding. They can easily be called "The Fair of To -morrow." Fairs have proven to be a profitable medium for the ex- hibitdr' in finding sale for pro- ducts of the farm, particularly pure bred livestock. Fairs have provided an op- portunity for consumers to ac- quaint themselves with types, grades and packaging food and to gain information on im- provements in equipment and labor saving devices used in the home, office, farm and busi- ness. Fairs through commercial ex- hibits, displays..., and demonstra- tions help business in that wholesalers, retailers and_ local merchants are enabled to make profitable contacts with the buy- ing public. .Fairs have been effective in creating a better understanding among urban and rural people., Those meeting with greatest success are encouraging this to. the limit.. Fairs have promoted activity and wholesome entertainment for young and old. Fair boards have always been active in creating • a better un- derstanding among urban and WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 AnniversarY Specials 20% OFF ON ALL PERMS LADIES! Take advantage of these Luxury Perms at Big Discounts. HAIR SPRAY SPECIAL Large 14 -oz. Professional Hair Spray $1.25 . With Every Shampoo Set BRIAN'S. IAIRSTYLING • • a , r Phone 427 Vinnel _ rural, pecP1e. Those . meeting with "greatest sugcess are . en: couraging this to the lunil. Fairs have promoted activity and wholesome entertauiment for young and old. Fair boards have always been active in agricultural and -con- munity projects. Each year they distribute many thousands of bushels of registered and certified seed of the best varie- ties through;. field crop compe- titions. In this way they have made substantial contribution to better crops and production in Ontario. Most boards have co-operated with their munici- pal councils in establishing community centres, many " of which are located on what is locally known as the fair grounds. Fairs have played an effec- tive rale among agricultural producers by exhibits, displays and demonstrations in improv- ing the quality of the products. The fall fair for many of us is a symbol of our community life. Here one sees a repres- entative cross section of our people; here we have unity in diversity, which, in itself, is of, the very essence of life. How rich the world is in combina- tions and. compound's. Cross fertilization in plant life has given us gorgeous flowers and luscious fruits. Cross breeding in animals has furnished us with noble horses, prize hogs and finer cattle. Intensive farming exhausts the soil, inbreeding impoverish- - NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Call ' . W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 193 J = John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverages • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Emple ,er's L• lability . • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • iu ron--Co-op Medic. Services • Wind Insurance For: .ems tIT Lets Gravel contract _ 1 Logan council held their M- illar alar meeting • in the Township Hall. Engineer's reports having been received on 'the7`R aneY- Shaw, Hillebreeht, Melville and Shea municipal drains, the Clerk was instructed to notify the ratepayers affected . they would be read and considered at the Township Hall,. Born- holm, Monday, March 16. Applications are to be called for a warble fly inspector: Four $5.00 prizes were authorized for the public speaking contest being held in the hall April 15 for Logan schools. The gravel contract w a s awarded to Durham Stone & Paving Ltd., at 711hc a yard. Road accounts totalling $4,- 618.57, and ,general accounts amounting td $843.90, were or- dered paid. es the stock. It is by judicious admixtures that we secure the best results. So meeting toge- ther, from all walk of life, deep- ening our friendship and ex- panding our interests, we be- come more conscious of our dependence 'upon one another and more conscious of the un- ique contribution that each one of .us has to make to the gen- eral scheme of things. Thus your problems become mine and my• problems yours. In different vocations we yet walk a common way. Walking together, we find that life is rich, life is fine, life is good. THIS WEEK AND ,NEXT Our Centennial Crisis By RAY ARGYLE Three years remain before Canada will mark its' centennial of Confederation. Assuming that this na- tion is able t o hold to- gether - that long;. little. has been accom- plished to date to fitting- ly . mark our our 100th year. Despite for - 'in -of t Canadian Cen- tennial Com- mission under the able admini- stration of John Fisher,, and the birth of a host of lesser committees, neither Ottawa 'nor the provinces have yet drawn up any concrete plans for the 1967 celebrations. .._The most publicized project thus far is the World's Fair to be held 'in Montreal. The Fair is designed as the glittering crown jewel to a galaxy of Can- ° adian baubles- which would glis- ten around the world. But the Fair's planners are already counting ,on"running . at least 'blue coal' "Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Pho573--or. OLDS -a sure feel for actio tt said:808e. Oivdtite! Point an Oldsmobile toward the horizon and let - her go. That's Rocket power you feel pushing you. deeper into your seat. And every Olds has it in good measure. How good? Up to 345 hp with the Starfire V8. Now, take Olds -over 'back roads. "Yes, those am---baps-you • see- -but-don't-feel. -Oldsmobile's- balanced coil spring suspension takes care of that. • • Pilot an Oldsmobile into a crowded city can- yon. Notice how smooth and relaxing downtown • _ »,nmir RR I- nlidav COUDC driving just became. That's because O1dsnbi 's famous Hydra -Matic Drive, Roto -Matic Powe Steering and Pedal -Ease Power Brakes (optional at extra cost on some models) take on the effort, and leave you the fun. Sooner or later, you'll get \"that Oldsmobile -feeling. And- when -you -do, -your--Olds dealer • is the man to see. He has 21 variations on .the Oldsmobile action and value theme. Buying any one makes very good- sense. ?� GENERAL MOTORS VALUE } K•ii �>nA•{ {•... � ,0) :< yfrrL/h�rryirk'`r r r F7 > r: r' ffr".r: yr ,<•R yr/'rhs rjr Vii::%:. r4•;l r:rFri�i:% Fr ri.'r/Q' /...'.; ��ff :•/HS� :.C'�r r ,v:u,r. r r:.«:.ri,d�...,✓.:.SMOBILE '64 .syc¢7.-o,w,::,.rr ...--•---------- WHERE THE ACTION /S! $50 million irl the hole. What can the average Cana- dian community do to make a lasting and meaningful contri- bution to Centennial '67? Every Canadian city find town should now launch a two- pronged drive aimed at climax- ing this country's century of, Cbnfederatioh. " One aspect of- the drive would be to plan, finance, and erect permanent structures of community value, such as new town halls incorporating librar- ies and auditoriums, riew parks, or new recreational centres. WI..ND • TORNADO . ' • CYCLONE Insurance • Plastic Coated • Fade Proof • Washable _ • Easy to Apply • Ready -Pasted ° • Non -Pasted — Inexpensive, Too! •--_ Siler Paints GLOSS ENAMEL SEMI -GLOSS Gallons 6.95 Gallons 6.55 Quarts 2.15 Quarts • ' 2.10 LATEX FLAT FLOOR-ENAM 5 7 Gallons 5.50 Gallons 5 Quarts 1-.80 Quarts 1.85 ❑ ❑ AVES' WALLPAPER & PAINT STORE Phone 7 - . Seaforth- ti WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS Phone 141 NOW Glue Those Fall Crops a Boost. USE AERO PRILLS Broadcast -Spreader Supplied Harriston Fertilizer at Attractive. Prices 'The other aspect of this great national crusade should be to remake the face of every com- munity through general civic improvement and beautifica- tion campaigns. Such cam- paigns would require b o t h municipal and private partici- pation, by as many household- ers and businessmen as pos- sible in each'`community. A. variety of plans should be considered. One of the most appealling of civic redevelop- ment plans—arid most economi- cal—would involve closing sev- eral blocks of a main business street to motor traffic and turn- ing it into a pedestrian shop- ping mall, with .provision for ample off-street parking near- by. A practical and low-cost plan for general beautification of the business community is the "Norwich Plan," so named af- ter olid city in `England which first developed it. ' The Nor- wich Plan is being promoted in this country by the Community Planning Association of Canada and has already been put 'into effect in Oakville, Ont., and other centres. This •plan provides for a co- ordinated face-lifting of down- town business premises, with the average cost per merchant usually not running over a few hundred dollars. It's time now to_put pressure on local coun- cil to see that at least one ma- jor building project, plus a general civic improvement plan. is undertaken }iTnmediately for Centennial '67. R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 R 4 - Seaforth Representing the Western Farmers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. 0=464-C " n SURE TO SEE BONANZA EACH SUNDAY ON TAE CBC -TV NETWORK. CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTING FOR' CHANNEL AND TIME. , QRS .P�ON� 541 SEAFORTHMOT lei GET Dell Est.ager A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A ,BADGER smss - SRRVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCE'FIELD SALES — SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - Clinton Think twice before you speak —if, yqu intend to say what you think. The Ontario Heart Foundation continues its research projects on a year round basis. Thanks to research;' heart disease can now be, prevented in most cas-. es. f647.8 OP PRICESFOR YOUR CAR 1963 RAMBLER CLASSIC 660 -4 -Door 1961 CHEV. i3ISCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1960 RAMBLER 'GLASSIC-4-Door 1959 CHEW. BEL AIR -6 Cyl., AuI olnatic 1959 RAMBLER CLASSIC -6 Cylinder 1959. RENAULT DALPHINE-4 Cylinder i •i See the New 1964 'Ramblers •,,� -- at -- �� , -i MiLLE' M,TOR PHONE 149 - — SEAFORTH r) I• CONTACT E. L M KKLE & SON LIMITED HENSALL Phone 103 , ,____,r__ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••• .WARREN Sex-Sallink • • LAYER.. •• • -•• • y'��• • ..•......•••...••••.••. NE from wlft JUST RIGHT FOR THE FARM FLOCK A salmon -colored bind with white undercoating - . . a bird that weighs 5-5i/z-pounds. That describes the Sex -Sal -Link. It averages 240 to 255 egg's per bird housed for a full year of lays, has good feed efficiehcy and egg size with low mortality. ' From the "Pick of the Nation's Bloodlines," the new Sex -Sal -Link is 'backed by additional testing at Swift's central research farm. Build your own "productive flock of Sex -Sal -Link layers. Order now from— WALTER McCLURE R.R. 2 Seaforth, Ont. — Phone 844R 5 •••••••••07,..77,,sY..V./• fertilizer 5 - 20 - 10.. $63.50 10-10-10.. $61.10 3 - L5 , 9 :. $50.15 4-12-10.. $48.20 SEE US THIS, SPRING ! (1) Malting Marley Contracts (2) Seed Crain (31 Low, Low Fertilizer Prices (1 } Bean Seed (5)' Bean Growing Contracts "Where You Can Deal With Confidence" okS Fos. Milling Co..Ltd. Phone 24 or 249 -- HENSALL, ONT.