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The Huron Expositor, 1964-02-27, Page 10
®©o ©1111ra MOM ©OM Cliiii1� q I1Ei ©OCT BMW ©E1Ca1411 ®rlci®® ©4©fil O©- ilii/101111111 I©L 13IWff ^^©I7®r ' 1EL E E i ©leek 1:1©�1 ©®©1113121IM MOO ' Q� IillE1110.1121d1B14,12111W figillItelailillT nap!! Y.E'yktr"�tYYv 11w re'r HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., FEB: 27, 1964 • Crossword ACROSS L Couple 4. Sluggish 6. 0£f 12. That man 13. Prong 14. Eat dinner 10. Fruit dr uk 16. 5limio 17. Pools 18. Male singing. value 20. Asterlak 22. Rescue N. Season of sear 28. Paid outrun .10. Soft Cupping tool ,os. [furry M. Measure of weight .16. Twirl 37. Blackbird 30. Small 40. Treasury Dept. (abbr.) 41. Finer 43. Period of tibia 45. Employs 47. Hits with open palm 50. Wound marks 53. Possesses 65. Feline 50. Merit 57. Song for one 68. First woman 69. insects 60. Unclosed 61. Morning moisture DOWN 3. Pronoun 2. Broad 8. Signs 4. Go hungry 5, Part of mouth 6. Unita 7. Us 8. Trim 9. Conquer 10. Conjunction, 11. Affirmative word 17. Two of a kind 19. Vow 21. A number 23.A11 26. Rap lightly 26. Way out 27. Tear 28. Native of Arabia 09, Send bill 31. Period 84. Resealed 36. Close t.glitly 38. Nut as m.:,h 39. Thing Ican,ed 42. Rotates 44. Sped 46. Store 45. Make sin oth 43. l'ook'sl 50, Ocean 51. Metal contad,ers 52. Craft 51, Malt beverage 57, Thus EWA EIVIUMM umeramma um Aum .<K ,iaim mmuumuftmdm ,s a ti �?�i�u<'::®uumuu zM. t. Ammo= wou mulimumumOmum umummumm mu mum= moi® :morin' ummu imilinnuairim Aim DIEM a„im*IN .;41111• WOMMAIMOMI SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. P ryde . & Son ALL TYPES'OF', •aCEMETERY MEMORIALS -Luquirfes are invited: Telephone EXETER 4f " SEAFORTH: Numbers: CLINTON: HU 2-9421 Contact Willis Dundas WANT ADS BRINC-r0QUlCk RESULTS -- Phone 141 HARIUSTON I'ERTILZERS at Attractive Prices.!. - Early Ordei Discount' -.Quantity Distii•ount Cash Discount - Bulk Discount Check our prices"on . HARRISTON QUALITY FERTILIZER E.' L. NAME & SON -'LATE -. HENSALL - Phone 103 Township of Hulett ER Tenders will be received by 'the' Township of Hullett for the ' Spraying of Cattle For Warble Fly-Control,,, Within the Municipality All 'tenders are to be clearly marked as to con- tents,and are to state the price per spray per head, and are to be in the Clerk's Office not later than February 29, at 6 :00 o'clock p.m., 1964. All per- sons tendering for.this job must be registered with' the Industrial Hygiene Branch of the Ontario Depai tytient of Health, and also must be covered with insurance. • • The Sprayer must work wider the supervision Of an Inspector and must conform to the regula- tions imposed by the Warble Fly .Spray Act. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 'H'ARRY ,F. TEBBUTT, Clerk -Treasurer R.R. No. 1rLondesboro, Ont. NOTICE! 'Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers " and inhabitants of the Township of Tucker-' smith are requested by the Council to not park cars on township roads , and .streets during ' t h e Winter months in order to.. facilitate snow- plowing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles parked, on roads or streets. JAMES L McINTOSH, Clerk,. Tuckersmith Waterloo U. Attracts Students Fr�rn Huron "The students and - myself feel we are taking part , in a development very important to the life of Canada," Harry Ball, of Waterloo University. staff, said speakingGoiderich _gad in to Rotary Club. Co-ordinator and vocational 'counsellor at the University. Mr. 13a11 gave spe- cial attention, in his address, 1 to• the co-operative . feature, ac- cording to. the Goderich Signal-' Star, who reported the event. "Waterloo," he said, "is the only co-operative university in Canada," starting ..out with the arts 'and setences, then co-oper- ative engineering courses. Now the co-operative ideas is being expanded so that we have post- graduate courses. in engineer- ing on the co-operative basis. It is also being expanded into the arts field.' In September the university will start a co- operative course in honor math- ematics. Requirements will be 56 per cent in maths and sci- ence and slanted to computer work with special reference to insurance companies and actu- arial work. "This is only a beginning and I r am quite sure , some of the other universities are going to find that" 'to look after increas- ed registration of several' thou- sand they will have to go into tha thing. The people at Wa- terloo feel this is a .realistic and imaginative approach to the problems of registration." 39 From Huron Mr. Ball said there are 39 Huron County students at Wa- terloo, 19 in engineering. God- erich has sent a half-dozen," The members were much in- terested in M1'. Ball's explan- ation about cards being fed into an IBM machine to obtain computer information as to the industry to which an engineer- ing under -graduate should go for his work seminar. A native .of Clinton and gra- duate of the University of Western Ontario, Mr. Ball .is a brother of W. N. Ball, Sea - forth. For a number of years he was associated with Ball- Macaullay Ltd. here and in Clinton and with Seaforth Sew- er Tile Ltd. He spent nine Canadian social worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your problem. She answers letters of general interest in this column but can't undertake personal replies. DEAR. DORIS-My -daughter, 19, has R.H. Negative blond. What •do you suppose are her chances of having, children; and. what extra precautions should she take in choosing a life part- ner? She is very sad since she dis- covered this, and I'd like to cohsole her as much as pos- sible. • MOTHER OF ONE DEAR MOTHER -The chanc- es of trouble are small. If an R.H. Negative woman marries a'man ,who is R.H. Positive, the first bby., is rarely affected -and many such couples, have large families without trouble.; If she marries an R.H. Negative male, she'll have no trouble at all. But since she can't very well 'sift out her male friends to find those who belong in the R H.-Negati:ve_i.3 per cent, my medical consultant advises ex- tra careful prenatal care •for the pregnant R.H. Negative wo- man including periodic checks for antibodies. And 'hope for the best --which is highly like- ly. 3 3 ' M 6 DEAR DORIS-The boy I've been going with is a problem to me. He has• never tried to boss me around, but he seems to be jealous of me whenever I'm dancing with another boy. I know he hardly ever looks at another girl. He is, 17. I get home .from school be- fore he does and he expects me to wait outside to see his bus go by! My mother is furious when I do, so «now I wait and watch from my bedroom win- dow, but. he think I don't . so I'm in an' utter stat of confu- sion. \\ FOURTEEN THIS MONTH DEAR FOURTEEN • -,- Any mother would be furious. 'He's bossy, he's childish - and. too old for you! No dignified young lady would be seen -'slavishly waiting for her swain to ride by her house. Nor would she let him know if she watched for him from her bedroom win- dow. DEAR DORIS-Because of my husband's job he lived away from us for five months while I was carrying and giving birth to my second child. I wrote him faithfully every day. I came through all right and only look- ed forward to when 'we• could be together again. Now I learn that all the while he was going to the hotel for beer, and going to . mixed par- ties, without a partner. All he says is he couldn't sit in every night. I said I had. Why is it a man can do these things, but let a woman try it and she's a hussy? DEEPLY HURT DEAR HURT -Beer and par- ties are cold comfort for a fam- ily man in a strange town. He came back as fast as he could. Don't borrow trouble, P.S.-A woman is only a hus- sy if she behaves like one, in whatever company. SNAKE -HAPPY Thi" snake is held in super- stitious reverence by some Af- rican natives. For example, if the Kaffirs find a• dead serpent, they dress it in clothes and give it a ceremonious funeral. IRISH OUTLAWS The name 'Tory" applied to political pates in Great Bri- tain, Canada and other Anglo- Saxon countries, is said to have been originally given to Roman Catholic outlaws who lived in the bogs of Ireland during the reign of Charles U. -- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 193J -• John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverages For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services' • Wind .Insuraege 4404 For Complete --INSURANCE _. on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LiFE - . os SEE JOHN A. CARDNO. Insurance Agency Phone 214 Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors 1111111111411111111111111111111111111111111 Know What You're Getting When you buy Jones, Mac - Naughton seed you know you are getting What you pay for. All Jones; MacNaughton seeds are true to variety, carefully cleaned and tested for germ- ination. Jones, MacNaughton handle only seeds - for 'Many years they have been Western Ontario's leading seed spe- cialists. When you buy from a local firm you get service satisfaction . . . sav- ings! This year ask for Jones, Mac - Naughton seeds. years in South America in ni- trates and copper, three in Northern Ontario and Quebec in explorations for Wright -Har- greaves Mine, and from 1941 to .1945 -was overseas with army engineers. Following the war he did explorations out ,of Win- nipeg for Wright -Hargreaves. In 1961 he joined U. of W. staff. "The co-operative idea has had.,a place in universities of the United States and Great. Britain," Mr. Ball said, "but had never been organized in Canada. It means that the stu- dents come to school four months, go out for four months' work semester in industry, in some subject related' to their academic work, and go back for four months at,,,,the univers- ity. The advantages are that they are able to correlate what they are learning at school with practical experience. Industries that have' taken students have liked it and are most co-opera- tive. "Students entering must have taken nine subjects in Grade 13. They must have 60 per cent in three mathematics and two science subjects and an ov- erall average of 60 per cent. French is not a requirement. There are four optional sub- jects from Grade 13. The course takes five years,, as,. op- posed to four for the conven- tional engineering course, be- cause the boys spend periods working in industry. "There are .seven co-ordin- ators, three in the Teronto ar- ea .and one each in Montreal, Hamilton, Kitchener,' the Nia- gara Peninsula,.. and „ I have southwestern and norfhern On- tario. Each co-ordinator has 100. to -150 students in his care,_ of, whom half are out working. at 'any one time. • Woman . on telephone: "Miss- ing Persons Bureau?. Can you help me find my husband?" Bureau chief: "Certainly. De- scribe him." Woman: "He's short, fat, bald. Like blondes. Has squea- ky voice and red nose . . oh, • never mind. Forget it.":, From your local dealer or Jones, MacNaughton - Seeds EXTER Phone 235-0363 CREDITON Phone 234-6363' .LONDON Phone 432-225g tunlnttmMntntiitnttritfiit1 UUiu t Producers Discuss Set -Aside .Main opposition to the On- tario Cream Producers' Market- ing Board set-aside for promo- tion of the milk industry is prob- ably an incomplete understand- ing of the program, according to members of the Perth Coun- ty Cream Producers' Associa- tion, The set-aside is one-quarter of one per cent of each pro- ducer's cheque. It is anticipated that the total amount of this set, aside will be close to $820,000 in Ontario this year. According to the Perth' pro- ducers, sales of milk and milk products in any form, concen- trated or whole, butter or cheese, benefit all producers either directly or indirectly - even though increased sales might not increase revenue on the milk, it may increase gross revenue by building wider - reaching.. markets. A forum discussion by mem- bers of the association brought forward two suggestions ' for boosting whole milk sales. One was active promotion of a school milk program and the other was placing milk dispen- ser's in public places - such as theatres, beaches and par-ks. Discussion leaders liar the for- um were Harold. Scott, RR 2, Stratford; Cam Skinner, RR 1, Mitchell; Filmer Chappel,. RR 1, Cromarty, and Russell Miller, RR 1, Staffa. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. ODORLESS CLEAN BURNING FURNACE _OIL STOVE OIL D. Brightrall FINA SERVICE Phone 354 0 a 1I" f youlr • 4 SNOWED UNDER In the Sierra Nevada area of California, snowfall rather than rainfall is the chief form of precipitation. In this area; trees like the giant„ sequoia, oldest, and largest of living things, when young, are often buried completely for half the year under snow drifts up to 25 feet high. ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton - Office In Masonic Store Main Street Phone 75 ' : Seaforth WE FIX" ' EVERYTHING • But a 'Broken Heart! • Seaforth Upholstering Phone 446• Seaf orth Township of ' Hullett TENDER Tenders will be received by the Township of Hullett for the -Supplying and Delivery of 800 pounds of Warble FIy Powder 750 lbs. to be in 15-1b. Bags and • 50 lbs. to be in 1-1b. Bags Bidders must.. name the brand of Spray and the percentage of Rotenone contained in the pow- der. owder. 1.. Delivery to be made in the Township Shed in Londesboro. • All tenders are to be clearly marked as to contents and are to be in the Clerk's ,Office not let- , et ot-ger than February 29, at 6 :00 o'clock ,p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. BARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk -Treasurer R.R. No. 1, Londesboro, Ont. a financial wizard, you don't have to read this ad Payday. Bills. Expenses. Fun Money. Savings. How to keep track? Easy! Get a Pocketbank A small book. But a mighty big purpose: it' records your progress in saving! This Is a Personal Chequing Account chequebook complete with its own, deposit slips. A convenient and low-cost way to payia: bills. Saves trouble to •. 4' Want to deposit money in your 4-- Savings Account? Your deposit slips are right here. 'T6w iratldr Y'i1F C4fi11 .0..rbiiiwoiar,) bi dtranrr, yoor incoasa 05411tf0 001$ W41 c^,ssret hoag0000 1,00 to Fik pat 43' '•4403 150 006030 a! �"1'1(e 6044' 33066; •0»ssy gpw'atO410odny tr4ntlg0t4•F. gf, U,Oad0,0you"00x!33ha0 5 fuwalvy4 e.: sadsaayaerrnein�aOTn$i,'. One of the exclusive features that makes Pocketbank such a good Idea -The "Money Manager". It actually helps you to organize your money! Lets you figure out the right amount for every need . enables you to anticipate expense before it happens and set aside the necessary funds. This new idea takes care of every dollar and does away with doubt on, paydays. It's amazing that nobody ever thought of Pocketbank before. Because when you really think about it, it's;the only logical way to handle money 'wisely. Pocketbank is, a Personal Chequing Account, a Savings Account and a simplified mohey Management system all ebinbined in a handsome wallet. In the front: a con- venient cheque record for listing deposits and cheques. Helps you to record payments and keep track of expenses. It saves you time. Does for the individual what accounting records do for business concerns. Helps you to keep control of your money allthe time. How,do you get one? Just walk into any branch of "The Bank" and ask. The friendly people there would love to show it to you. And it only costs 2240 pins 10 sales lax. BAN• ' Where people make the difference W..D. STE'HENSON, Manager m, f.., ..Seaaorth JLwrlryy1f44hW -v(sr nrc�0 x.x a. AWA Itella•/0 4001utleiJYWW.t st.rte eio,t, w:.l:L. • • V 1 1 1 v 3 8 •