HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-02-27, Page 1• Whole No. 5010 105th Year SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, F,E$RU.ARY 27; 1964 -- 12 PAGES $4 ia0 o ar zn> Wm a le#s` e 4 • 4 w I J Company PlansMore Discussion Shareholders of the McKil- lop, Logan & Hibbert Telephone Company Ltd., meeting in Dub- lin Wednesday afternoon, re- viewed problems arising with the approach of conversion to dial in the area. It was agreed to hold another meeting of shareholders in the near future when further , consideration couldbe given to plans for the system. Matt Murray, RR 1, Dublin, who was re=elected company president, presided at the meet- ing, attended by 32 sharehold- ers: He expressed' appreciation. on behalf of the board for the co-operation which had been :extended by the staff during the year. The vice-president. is Albert Siemon, RR 2, Walton. Reports presented indicated the system was in good shape.- Profit hape:Profit on the year's operation amounted to $7,928.00, and was transferred to` surplus. • Mrs. Angela •Klinkhamer, Dublin, who has been secre- tary -treasurer for a number of years, "was elected as a direc- tor. She succeedsthe late Joseph DilI.- Other directors are Mr. Murray, Mr. Siemon, Clem ' Krauskopf, RR 7, Dub, lin; Gordon • Scott, Cromarty; Lyle Worden, -RR 1, Staffa, and Frank Eckmier, RR 4, Mitchell, Egmondville Inaugurates Brownie Pack The First Egmondville Brown- ie Pack officially.' came into ex- istence Friday evening. Parents and friends were present in the church basement, when . ten `Tweenies were enrolled as Brownies and werepresented with- their -Charter ,by , Miss Mary McMillen, Huron • Division Commissioner. Brenda Haney received the' charter on behalf of.the Pack. Members of the Guide Com- pany; with their Captain, . Mrs. Keith MacLean, were in 'attend- -dance and they, too, received their charter. ;Judy Fraiser ac- cepted it. from Miss McMillen on behalf of the Company. • Brownies enrolled were: Fair- ies — Lynn. MacLean, Glenda Butt, Joyce Haney, Jane Dietz; Gnomes -Lois Leishman, Shei- la Butt; Sprites -Brenda Diete, Donna Hammond, Lynn Niche ()bon, Brenda Haney. As each Brownie made her promise at the Toadstool, •she was presented with her pin, six . emblem and enrolment card .by Madame Commissioner. Th e Fairy Ring was formed, and the Brownies were able to dance around the' Toadstool for the first time. During Pow -Wow,' the Guides were invited to form- a ring around the Brownies and to take part in a sing -song. After 'The Brownie Story" had been told, the evening closed with Brownie Taps. On Sunday morning the new; ly-formed Pack attended church parade along with the Guides, Cubs,cotits and Rovers of Eg- mondvi le Church The Pack is under the direction of Brown Owl Mrs. Lyle -Hammond and Tawny Owl Mrs. Milton Dietz. Answer Alarm Seaforth firemen were called to Railway Street Friday after- noon to the residence -of .Pack Smith. The alarm resulted when a door was blown off the furnace. There was no damage. Seaforth Mites proved worthy representatives of Seaforth when they competed in a recent Mite hockey tourna- ment at.. RCAF Station Clinton. Successful, in their first game. against Zurich,. the. team lost to Clinton in the next round. Shown here With coaches: Bill.Nediger and Jack Eisler, are: (Bottom, . from: left , to right): Bill O'Shea, tS. Mites Are Worthy Representati»es McKi9kp Mutual Reports ur I s siIte Norman Trewartha, of Clin- ton, • was named president of the McKillop Mutual Fire In- surance Co., when directors alet following the annual meeting .Friday. He succeeds Alister Broadfoot, RR 3, Seaforth. "Attendance at the 88th an- nual ,Meeting, held in the Town Hall, was larger than•, usual, with about 30 members being present. The company was es- tablished in 1876. NORMAN TREWARTHA Reports presented to the meeting indicated- the company increased its surplus during the year to $189,182.62, in spite of - an increased loss experience. Risks written increased nearly a million dollars to $28,366,763 during the same period. Losses reached the highest. • Opens New Paint, Paper Shop Hildebrand Paint & Paper is opening a new shop Thursday, featuring wallpapere paint and decorating services, in the for- mer Daly garage building on Main Street. The building, which has been owned for some time by Frank Klieg, has been renovated'and a new front in- stalled, Fair Groups Meet Je$some, Bill Whitelaw, Ted Burns, Kevin • Henderson, David Broome, Bill Brown, Robbie Huisser and Bob White- law, and (rear): Wayne Coombs, Steve Southgate, Steve Ryan, Dennis Campbell, Jerry Smith, Brian MacMillan, Bill Nedi- gerr-and..Randy,.McClibrchey. (See story- on Pale 6). level in several years and in- cluded: livestock $2,384.50, ma- jor losses (buildings,;..eontents) $45,566.23, and other $4,046.33. Referring to the loss experi- ence, President A-lister'Broad- foot said: "Losses in 1963 were the highest for several years, but in spite of this the Com- pany was able to increase its surplus by a small amount." He attributed many of the losses to the severe electrical storms on . August 7-8 and November 17. .. The meeting re-elected retir- ing directors W. S. Alexander,. J. L. Malone and C. W. Leon- hardt,• W. R. Pepper, Seaforth, was mined" vice-president, and W. E. Southgate was reappoint- ed secretary -treasurer, Other directors are the new president, N. Trewartha, J. H. MeEwing, Blyth; Robert' Archi- bald, Seaforth; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; W. R. Pepper, Sea - forth, and A. Broadfoot, Sea - forth. • r Company agents are: James. Keys;• RR. 1, Seaforth; William Leiper, Jr„ Londesboro; V. J. Lane, Ret 5, Seaforth; Selwyn, Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton:" Donald G. Eaton, Sea - forth; George Coyne, Dublin. Seaforth Juniors Win Huron Club Award The Huron County Junior Farmers annual meeting was held in Seaforth ,High School Friday -with 1963 president, Ivan Dow as chairman for the meeting. The presidents of -the' various clubs within the county gave 'reports of outstanding active ties in their clubs. The finan- cial report wase' given by Don Pullen, assistant agricultural re- presentative. The election of the 1964 of- ficers was conducted by Mr. Pullen. The officers are: ,past president, Iran Dow; president, Marilyn Marshall; first vice- president, Tom "Cunningham; second, vice - president, B o b Fotheringham; recording secre- tary, Murray Hoover; corres- ponding secretary, Bob Fother- i Eigham; press reporter; Helen Broadfoot; provincial 'director, Maurice Love; assistant provin- cial director, Mac Stewart; newsletter editor, George Proc- tor; assistant newsletter editor, Margaret Chesney. The Federated Women's In- stitute of Ontario pin was pre- sented to "Mrs. Doreen -Strong by Marjorie Papple. Since past president's, pins have not been presented' -tor' ' several years, Larry Wheatley presented the pins to Mrs. Jean Lahn, Bill Dougall, Mrs. Ethel McMIchael, Ken Campbell, Miss Marilyn Marshall, Jim, 'Bowman, • Mrs. Ruth Alton, Bill Strong, Miss Marjorie Papple, Murray Gaunt and Ivan Dow. Past . Provincial Directors' pins were presented to Mar- jorie Papple and Larry Wheat- ley by Jim Bowman. Ivan Dow presented the, H. R. Baker Club Meeting Improvement trophy to the Seaforth Junior Institute and Junior Farmer Clyb. The guest speaker was Miss Mary' Kennedy, of Middlesex County, whoshowed her pic- tures of her trip to Great Bri- tain. The meeting closed with re- creation, which was conducted by Norman Lindsay. Senile of the Week Bill had found a new pet name for his wife. He called her "My Cherub" so often that, at last the lady became suspici- ous and asked why he used that particular form of endearment. Bill looked rather uncomfort- able for a moment, and then de- cided to put a brave face on it. "It's like this," he said, "you never seem to havb any clothes: you're always up in the air, and you keep on harping." Active in Ontario Associations William Hodgins, Carp, presi- dent of the men's association, • and Mrs. Orval Bell, of Bin - brook, president of the women's section, conducted the 64th and 27th annual conventions of the OAAS held in the King Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, last week. During, the convention,'" the o following were elected to office: OAAS: President, Arthur Row- an, Alton, RR 1; first vice-presi- dent, Wm. MacDougall, Alvin- ston, RR ,,l; second vice-presi- dent, R. R. (Dick) Stewart, Pet etborough; secretary, P. A. Lashley,. Toronto; treasurer, M. B.' Cochrane, Altnonte. - A and B Fairs — Presldent, Keith South, Brigden; first vice- president, Ken J. Meaney, Mit- chell, ItRS;i .second vice-presi.- dent, J. E; Greig, Metcalfe; di- rectors,.__.Philip and James Howell, St. George. Woinen's Section — Presideni, es. Joseph Grummett, RR 4, eaforth; first vice-president, Mrs. J. H. Leslie, RR, 3, Peter- borough; second vice-president, Mrs. Lloyd Topham, Woodstock; secretary -treasurer, Mrs .George Ironside, RR 1, Georgetown; conveners: handicrafts, Mrs. Alex McKinney, RR 2, Bramp- ton; junior work, Mrs. H. A. Dickenson, Mt. Hope; public re- lations, Mrs. A. D. Koehler, Durham. Throughout .Ontario the boards are represented by men directors and 16 lady represent- atives. The director for District 8 (Huron and Perth) is Earl Dick; of RR 1, Cromarty, while he lady representative is Mrs. Roy Coulter,RR 2,' Milverton, Consideret8 be a highlight of the convention was a panel diseteeeion with Phil Dodds, of Platen, as rntorterat:oe. erbe loplc' discussed was ' "l)ressiing U(r Our Fairgrounds and Exhibits,' with consultants being James P. Mansfield," of the Kemptvi'lle Agricultural College; N. G. Wil- son, of Lindsay; R. F. Goir'eme, Toronto, of the Ontario Horti- cultural Association; George Carson, of Orono, and Mrs. Joseeth Grummett, of Seaforth. Mrs. Grummett dealt with "Dressing Up Indoor Exhibits," tell how adequate lighting, suit- ably painted walls and back- ground, the use of tiered stands, hangers, bars, showcases, etc:, all aid in bringing out the best in fall fair exhibits, while ov- ercrowding of exhibits detracts from their appearafice and edu- cational value. Other panelists dealt with weeds, fences, paint on build- ings, lighting of grounds, signs at show rings and on livestoelt bel ldfligs-; slanting of -shrubs,, flowers and trees, entranees to grounds, map of grounds in a conspicuous place; etc. 011e fairs should, have a fes- tive touch. Plans should be well laid to prevent accidents. Things should be kept moving t to prevent gaps and lagging. Topics dealt with at' the main' convention were: "Public Rela- tions is Everybody's Business, by J. E. Moles, of Ontario Hy- dro, Toronto; "The Role of Fairs in Ontario Agriculture," by W. P. Watson, manager of Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto; "Federal Assistance To Fairs, including Projects for Cainada's Centennial Year," by Bruce S. Beer, M.P., Paellas, rnentary Secretary to Federal Minister of Agriculture, Taking part in group discus- sions from this. area were James Mair, of Brussels, past presi- dent oi~ the CAM; and Ken J. (C6ntiliued' 'oil Page 6) Urge Chane Season For Ducks, Geese ' An earlier open season fo.- hunting ducks and geese was arced at a meeting' of the. Sea - forth Fysh and Game Club Thursday evening. Speakers pointed out that under.the pres- ent regualtions,sfducks have left the area- by , theetiine the open season comes about, and as well geese, have been down here and have already left. The re- sult estthat there is very little shooting possible throughout the district. • The -meeting heard Ed. Mea- dows 'and Ray Belanger• of -the Wild Life and Fish Conserva- tion Auithority, discuss matters contribut'tting to the organization of a successful .fish . and game club. ' . Mr. Meadows, in answer to questions, explained the pur- pose underlying the fishing and hunting regulations and point- ed out that such regulations, while seemingly restrictive, were, in most cases, made nec- essary due to the carelessness of individual hunters. . The meeting, in charge of president W. M. Hart, was well attended. In reviewing club.ac- tivities since it was organized, secretary William Bennett said that the membership now stood at 65. He pointed out that there was .still an opportunity for any who may be interested in conservation and .in hunting and 'fishing to join. Need $20,0 H.ospital Obi C. of -C. Plans - Emphasis On Clean - Up Week The annual meeting and din- ner of the Seaforth Chamber of Commerce will be held' April lst, the executive decided at a recent review of the organiza- tion's activities. President . W.,. M. Hart said that a nominating committee, including L:-F.Eord,.. K. B. MacMillan and James A. Stewart, was preparing plans for the meeting. Appreciation of the' role the Chamber of Commerce can play in the -1966 Internatiohal Plow- ing_ Match, which is .scheduled for Seaforth, was indicated when it was agreed that the signs at the east and west en- trances to town should be en- larged by the addition of sec - .tions -indicating that Seaforth is the ,site of the 1966 Interna- tional. Reporting for. the committee which has, been responsible for. marking Seaforth streets, .Cliff Broadfoot said that it was ex= petted the work would be com- pleted this yyear. He referred to requirements for numbering Seaforth houses and said that if ihe,wutk• re.) undertaken it could be completed by ' 1966. The project is being studied by. the executive. Mr..Hart said that when con- sidering the annual Clean -Up and Paint -Up Week, it Was sing .gested that emphasis be placed on tidying up, not,.gnly the town' proper, but the district sur- rounding the town: He said etc ery effort should be made to have the entire distriet repaint- ed and tidied up before' thein-., lime of "plowing match visitors, which- will come with the mateh in 1966, • 'Cubs Receive Unique Awards Baden Powell Week; envied on Sunday with Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies attending• worship in the local churches: - Two Cubs, I,arry Brooirie and David Harvey, both of •'A' Pack, received' their religion and life emblems on Sunday rnornrng. Presentation to David Harvey Was. in St. Thomas' Anglican Church, .made by Rev, H. Don- aldson, and to Larry Broome in Northside United Church„ by Rev. J. Cliff Britton. The covet- ed emblems are earned through a course of 'study, as well as by example.. FORUMS DISCUSS . BENEFITS 0)F MARKETING PROPOSALS ' y Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Buchanan Monday evening with 12 in attendance. The dis- -cussion was, "Who Will Control Agriculture.?" The group agree commodities produced in the area are hogs, • cattle, eggs, milk, cream and . wheat, and would like to see hogs market- ed by•a marketing board, cat•• tle by private enterprise or 'co- operatives, ' eggs by ..co-opera- tives, n'rilk and create by milk and cream producers, and wheat by a marketing board. Mrs. Oliver Anderson invited the forum for the next meet- ing. Winners at euchre were: most games, Mrs. Jack Howatt: lone hands, Mrs. Harvey Tay- lor; consolation, Mrs. George Carter. The'Seaforth Comm,uhity Hos- pital campaign is 'short -$20,000 of its $195,000 objective. K. B. MacMillan, campaign chairman, told a board meeting Thursday that while it is eV. peeted J - peeted tenders for the new hos- pital will be called immediate- ly, it was most essential that the campaign for funds be com- pleted. - "We feel that the objective can be reached. In some cases those taking ' part in the cam- paign have not completed. their calls, and this means that re- turns from certain areas are below estimates," he said, add - Heads Women's se .tion. Mrs. Joseph Grummett, RR 4, Seaforth, was elected president of the• Women's Section of the to Association of Agricul- • tural Societies, '.at ita 64th an- nual convention held in...Toron- .to last week. It was the 27th' ' annual meting Of .the women's section. Locally,' Mrs. Grummett has 'been active on the Seaforth fall fair board for 37 years, having been an exhibitor, di- rector, secretary -treasurer,. and is currently on the school.com- mittee and public relations con-: vener. For three years she was dis- trict representative for District 8 (Perth -Huron), and this is the first time that anyone from •Seaforth dr•District "8 has been elected to the. post of president. •Last summer Mrs, Grummett took a course at Guelph tb bet- ter enable her to judge at fall fairs. Several years ago the Sea - forth society presented Mrs, Grummett with an agricultural sereice • diploma for outstand- ing work. in agriculture. ipg that returns from. tiiese-01l' would --go a Iang way OWa' y .' meeting the nbjectiya.. Mr- Mardian sai+i .diece><lelit ea!gR paign was meeting an eP response.1n'co lnection •with ppy - roll deductions.. ,-'pfd. • . been a BD per cent, partieipa. • tion In a number of -0440 firms, and soliciting, was • px - ceeding en; others. Reporting for the properly - committee of which he xs .cliaihr•-; man, ,lames M. Scott said drain-. age work and sewer connectienls had been completed. The Prek lem of hot water had been sett - ed,. he felt through the Trental of additional water heating; tanks.-, -Mix- Jose, nh McConne ,i ,y, reported for the personnel mittee. °� While average occupancy CO* tinued at 123.7 per cent in. mode - cal and surgical during •Janu- ary, there had keen a ' Slight easing 'during recent_days, Miss • V. -Drope superintendent, said.. ' Discussions had been herd with the , medical _Stiff and - monthly meetings wera'" plakw ned by the doctors to, review . tient discharges , arid, othea administrative problems, In ' anticipation . of . an early 'start on construction, the board named . a' building • committee, with William Dennis as chair- man. Others on the committee, are J. M. Scott and K. Bruce MacMillan. Plans were made • for an early meeting to review final details of the new. hospital before tenders are' called. The board agreed to investi- gate the use of land not re- quired for the hospital. A ' meeting is to be arranged with . engineers Archibald, - Gray - McKay, to discuss the matter. Board chairman A. Y. , Ma- Lean presided at the meeting, and members present included • M. McKellar, K. B. MacMilIan, William Dennis, J. M. Scott, Mrs. Je McConnell, D. I: Stew- art and Mrs. Fl. `Hillebrecht. • • News of Rrodha:ken. Linesman is Injured • • George .Hibbert, lineman of the McKillop Municipal Tele- phone System. was injured on Friday, when he was 'struck by a tree. Mr. Hibbert was trim- ming trees on ctancession 7, when a tree fell -and struck him on the arm. New Dial Ekc Lange Takes. Shape Construction of a new $35,000.00 dial exchange building to house Bell Telephone equip- ment to serve Seaforth' is advancing rapidly. Here, pre -coat conrrete beams. and •colu'rnns are being Waded in position, ready to ,receive pre -cast floor and roof sections. The new build- ing__is _located on Chalk Street, treat the PUC substation, Pounder Bros., 'of Stratford, are general contractors, (Eiiposi%1 pho-co`by Phillips) _ . _ serve Youth Sunday Youth Sunday was observed at St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday with Phyllis Hinz; Richard Leonhardt, •Cheryl Wur- dell and Larry Kistner taking part 'in the service. The guest speaker, Seminar- ian "James Bindernagel, deliver- ed a Sermon concerning "Chris- tians in Conflict." The choir, which consisted . of Luther e,ague members, Cheryl Ben- newies,.• Carol Wurdellr Joyce; Rock. Barbara Hoegy., Mary Beuerman, Judy Trutter, Linda Mogk, Shirley Vock, Barbara Dietz, Diane Trutter, Clare French, Roger Sholdickr-and Al- lan French, rendered an Mei them. The offering was taken , by Luther Leaguers: Donald. Die - rel, Frank Jarmuth, Robert iarmuth, Billy Siemon, Keith Siemon-•and Maynard Hoeey, and is to be used to send a Luther.. Leaguer to Camp Edge - wood this summer.' Mrs. Willard Bennewies- has. been confined to Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth for treat= ment on a leg infection. Mr. Norman Bennewies is in Stratford Hospital undergoing iperations on his eyes. Mr. Herman Leonhardt re- turned home from Victoria Hos- London, after receiving treatment on his ;hand. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mueller is e :old their farm tp Wilfred Wolfe. Mr, and Mrs. John Mueller rind Ruth Ann, of Hamilton, vith lien"mother, Mrs. August litllebreeht. Seminarian and Mrs. James 3,ndernagel, of Waterloo, and (Continued on Page 7) 1.ions Hear Of Berlin Trip , Seafoeth Lions, meeting at the Community Centre Motrday eeht•, heard an interesting tray- ''oeue dealing with Germany' • and Berlin, when Ron Totten, ,f Stratford, reviewed details )f, a trip which he had taken ' n that -country recently. He was introduced by Art Wright. President L, F. Ford presid- ' ed for the meeting. Attention , ithof the members was drawn tt1 the sale of suit draw tickets by the committee chairman, E. C. Boswell. J. Scott Clukf, their- man of the Rural -.Relat10t4 Night, reviewed anise eneetter which had been; CS" ed #+l e_e ent.,:being:be •