HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-02-20, Page 11Hyl
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TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 11. Articles For Sale 19 Notices 21. Tenders Wanted 21. Tenders` Wanted enNenn 23. Business Directory ,.24. dards 4f y {
THREE hu'nd'red balms of straw, TYPEgWRITERS and Adding TENDERS' l Ux:;ibo R` alb to wMb +
g John Anderson, phone 78, Sea- Machines are now available for . TENDERS WANTED DRAINAGE TENDER D. H. McIN'NES Wis ;fid
1. Cumin Invents sent1 c
2. Lost, Chiropractic
Strayed forth. 11.09 1 rent at Huron Eaapgsfiban, 19 09xil
SEALED TEND , RS, address and jwhill0
3. Found Tendex^s wall be received by Township of Tuckersinith ed bo Secretary, Ipamtment of Commereial' , Motel
TWO thousand belles Alfalfa GUITAR !criers availgalblle bo Was ar 1tlaient
4. Help Wanted the understgn'ed unt.0 12 , noon, Public Wants of Canada, Room Monday,. Thursday -1 to 8 p.m., •
and Tilmothy hay. A. L. Shama- Dublin and distract residents , yaT Aaaic I;4BAx ql! y?
5. Business Opportunities March 2, 1964, fior slpraying For the Construction of the B 322, Sir -Charles Tupper Build- A. M. HARPER Thomin
hen, Chin -ton, RR 1. ' 11-09x1 children'and adults. See He cattlge in the Township of Morris � � t
6. Teachers Wanted Swadt Dra'in'age Works!, accord- ing, kiv�ers�de Drive, Ottawa 8, Chartered Aecount6ni Legiom :Auxiliary a>ud, 4 G
Pubsafeu , at they nenv Schaal, "under• the WaMer Fl Contra!! gm P 55-57 South Street Telephone Guides .of E d ,Tt
7. Situations Wanted THOUSAND bales of 'hay. Sam , . y ing to the En '' eer's • rofile and and endorsed "TENDER FOR
8. Faim Stock For Sale McClure, 'RR 2, Seaforth, pane Wednesday, tattler 7-p'm. 19-09x2-'A•d• Tender ba state nate per P ' OP
p spepifications. Tenders, clearly POST OFFICE S.P. 10 GRAND Goderich 524-7562 GorwaD .and` num. Et!
9. Poultry For $ale SPS, crochet pi 1 SEyPTITIC tanks clealned. We go h'e'ad. Lowest or any tender not � be receivDrainage", BEND, ONTARIO", wil�h be re- Was deWly ;a>lrp V. -d tied'*-
, 844 • R 1,ti, -Q9 "Tender
10. Used Cars For Sale TABLES, W Phone A. B winter
phone, 65512462, MRvS. IiET�E�i D MA'Ri signed t by the and WEDNESDAY, ceilired until 3.00 p. -L., (E.S.T.), B0 Brgwn ?J4
tT. Articles For Sale blabs blankets, ands. Phenecesma a until March 2, 1864,
'AY, MARc�n 4, 19x4.. 'FUNERAL SERVICE I wv s, to th*nk aavy h4endts a+
12. Wanted To Buy 518, SeaAwtth,, p 11-09xs Tavistock, or FO Box 186. Clerk, Morris Town'sh'ip, 12:00 o clbok notbn. Tender documents, can be ob- der#u �,
13. Wanted - 19-05x6 Bealgrave,'•Ontardo. 1,840 anneal feet of 10, 8 and t0ined on deposit of $25.00 in R. S. relAiiWes wba•;,
i4. Property For Sale fkA-lTLER 'home, 42' by 8', all MAINTENANCE S ce we'll 21-09-2 6 inch bilge and pipe, Ai deg, lay the form. of a CERTIFIED bank LICENSED OWAXMER writh visif's, is '�� ��S
fumnisthed. Phone 569-R, Sea,- �yn� and backPil1, also 2 catch bas- gheigVe to the order of the -RE- P `
'15. Property For Rent washing floor cleeaiiin Prompt and careful attention whine 'a patient
7n &gill M ^'
forth, between 6 nv, and 7.30 g, g and ins and, 50 cu. yds. of topsoil CEIVER GENERAL OF CRNA- Hospital Ved oriaUl Hx ii ai. Stiecfal. rilrS` ;'
10. For Sale or 'Ment p` smalll regpairs. Raymond Squires WARBICIDE Dr..Stan', Renk B dbbu, 1 x
p.m. 11-09-1 for additional covert over We. DA throii'gh: Flowers For Alli Occasions
17. Wanted To Rent Tux 33'5, Isabelle St., Seaforth,' TENDERS Contractor to push. the steel ' ' Phones: eM rl rs
18. Property Wanted SAMOYED puppies, pulre wed, phone 557, 19-07x3 p Canadian L. nr,=-a*,;r
19. Notices beautiful, snow white, 8 weeks -- pipe underneath No. 4 Highway, District Architect, 225 Jarvi's Res. 595-W Store 43 the good bunch' 'f i� � ' i
M odd. Geer Lave, Walton h PERSONS who no longer welsh Township of Tuckersmith � Without disruptingthe surface Street, Toronto' District Mana- me an the w4rid • -- Ge
2b. Auction Sales , phone to k J. A. BURKE Eaton.— 2401 ;
21. Tender$ Wanted Sea -forth, 872 W 1. 11-09-1 P a dog, may have the of th'e road. Contractor to con- ger, 457 Richmond Street, Lon-
„ t dog removed without charge by For alpproxlimately, 600 lbs. of tact the 'Delpt. of IIi'ghwaym, don; and can be seen at Roam Funeral Director THE famralr' oc t� Tape Bint* F
'22. Legal Notices COAL and wood range, in contacting the Animal, Control warbicide for spraying cattle ',Stratford. C-705, Sir Charles Tupper Build- and Ambulance Service O. Muir sincerely WW -W thraTh
23. Business Directory good condition. May be seen at Officer, Seaforth, phone, 697-J. for Warble Fly. Township to supply- the and ing, Riverside Drive•, Ottawa, DUBLIN ONTARIO those who ssnt flbrwm, eatm&
24. Cards' of Thanks' St. Thomas Parish Hall,. Phone 19-08x2 Tenders to state price per 15 pipe, at the Past Offices at Sarnia, Night or Day Calls: and_'hek)ed do any way dari7ig
25. In Memoriam 334, Seaforth. 11-09x1 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED 1'b. bag delivered to Township A marked cheque for ben 'per- Stratford, Clin'fbn, Goderich, St'. Phone 43 R 10 their recent sad beaavtemenk
26. Personals MOBILE Rome, 43' x 10' in Modern equipment used. All She'd, in hamlet of Egingondvilie, cent with. 'a minimum of $WO Mary's and Grand Bend, Ont., Special, thankm to The Cana
2, 3, 8, 9; 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and Sergei A to Lewis Ginger- Write orphone Ontario. to accamlpany_tentier - ,
The cost is low. Classifications lake new condition, priced res'- work guaranteed. as well as at the Builders' - G. A.. WHITNEY Legion' Braneyhi 1}M• Sega
• Tenders to be clearlry marked Lowest or an tender not changes at Torornta Sarnia and Rev, D. Fry; Dr, •G�arwrll, Boot
' G g � ' Y London, Ontario, FUNERAL HOME Funeral Home, Mrm. A. Sr", J:
17; minimum 40c an insertion. ich,• RrR 3, Bayfield, Ontario. LOUIS BLAKE..; , , "Tend'e�, - Warbicide' and in necerssari'I'y, accepted. Goderich St. W., Seaforth G
Classification 2s5, minimum 65c, 11-09x2 RR 2, Brussels, phone iii'* 6. the Clerk's -hands by 12 o'clock Plan, profile land speicifica- Mrs Matheson and Mrs. : •
noon, on March 2nd, 1964, and tions and tender• forms m�a'y be The deposit will be ref'tmded, AMBULANCE SERVICE Mlc •aloin. It Warr very much ap-
plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. WARNER electric,livestock 19-00an20 will be opened and consid'ere'd seen at. the Clerk's Office. or. return of the documents, in Adjustable hospital beds for pr mated. 24-OOA
All other classifications, mini- feed cookers. Cooks 2 bw Is m Manch 3, 196q, at 2:00 p.Ym. goad condition within one months rent.
mum 65 cents per ,insertion, grain, beans, etc,, for 25c. Fula TOWN OF ° ��,t or any tender not J•'I• McIntosh, Clerk, frCim the date of bender opening. FLOWERS FOR EVERY
except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ly autorwtic. HEPC approved. ,I RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario To be considered each. tender OCCASION B
SI;AFORTH n cesstarily accepted. must be sinbmdtteii on the form's DU E - At Scott Mlemrgnuad
dors. Wanted (21), and Legal Safe inside barn,, Far literature � �-�-2 Phone 119 Seaforth
y Notices (22), rates on applica- write H. E. W.al nef; AWInston, J. I. McIntosh, Clerk, supplied by the Department and ' Hospital, on Feb. 13, to . Mr
Do Tal For 1964
tion. Ont.. phone' 898-2994. 11-Os=4 g RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario WARBLE FLY must be accompanied by the W. J. , CLEARY and- M'rs. Domalld Dwpee, Sea- .
SEED FOR SALE iso now due. 21-09-2 rte' s ecified in the: tender forth, ra daughter.
For cash curity, p
payment, or it •paid, CONTROL Seaforth. Ontario. '
by 10 days following last inser- Russell. Oats, Reg..No. 1 and . Male dog, $6, each additional documgents• . LICENSED 'EMBALMER REGE1.0-tit ' Scott MiermcriA
tion, 15 CENTS deducted from Canada No. 1. $9; fetmalle dog, $12, each adds Township of Hullett TOWrishl Of Stange neche,loo est'or any tender• not. Haspitab on Feb. 16; fie M%-,-."
Garry pats, Cert. Nva. '1 land ti'ohal $15. Ta s availabl at: - - p y y accepted. d UN • ' CT and Mrs. Robert Reggsle, RR
eve rates.
Night or Day Calls - 335
__ g e - VEL TENDERS, No. 1-Applitaticn will be .re- IiOBER�IFORTIER, -Secretary SMITH bb, .a daughter.
11 Has -
ab Ca'n'ada No. 1.• ---- _-. �iRA u�b
- ---'-C NM RCIAL CLASSIFIED - K�yls one ariey,-Reg,. No. 1 Town Clerk's Oif1Ce cehnad by the Township of Stan- 21-09-1 ' SMITH -At Scott
York Barley, Canada No. 1 Sealed tenders wilt be receiv- 24, Cards Of Thanks pitalt,. Dn Feb. 12, to Mr. and,
RATES, 19-08-2 ley •fio'n the position of Wasbllge
Early order discounts until ed by, 'the undersigned ,until 6, ,,. , 1 would like ba thank everyone Mr.9 Lowell' Srni�t`h, 1.7 Victo, 14i ,.
�y Inspector for the ye'Or 1964.
(For Business Firms, Trades- March, 14th. ANSTETT' p.m., .Saturday, February 29th, r r 23. BUSine55 D.ireCtO
g n. peeler must be fa�mdliar with
r3' for, the cards and •,gifts I re- St., " MitchEll', a' soon:
men, etc.): Minimum; 50 cents ART BOLTON, phone 850 R 41, 1964 for the crushing and haul Act and must ceived while I Was a patient �Y�'- In Oshuawra Ocn'er.A,
JEWELLERS t tlue Warble Fly. in Spo2't Memorcial hospital. Hoslpitail, on .F_
per insertion. Billing charge, 15 or RUSSELL BOLTON, RR 1, ing of 11000 cubic end's of SEAFORTH.
cents per advertisement. Seaforth, Ontario. -Ltd. graver mors or lens, for Town Icclep an accurate record of
H_Og_4 Offers you., gra roads; an a flat rate per cu, cattle sprayed. VETERINARY Special thanks to. Drs. Malkus 'and M"rs ..John -Whyte, Oshia-
Sarlary will be $1 per hour and and Brady and the numes and wa,, a daughter,
1. Coming Events Easy Credit Terms yard. Three-q'uarter inch screen. CLINIC staff of the' hospital. MTs-, '
g y to,•he used on crusher, contract 8, per mire for be ge.
J. 0. Turnbull, D.V,M., V.S. Robert Ch'a'rters. 24.09x1 Deaths
DANCING, Brodha' en Comimun- FERTILIZER NOwith to be completed b October 15, %ch and torte m the hands, of 1. wise to thank all' Chase .who
g p Y W: R Bryans, D.V.M., V.S.
Centre, Friday, Feb. 21st. We suggest you contact Har 1964, work to 'be done to s D. E. 'Galt, D,V.M., V.S. McSPADDEN-In Seaforth _ err
Carrying Charges upEr� the cler(c'by Feb. 29 1964. sent cards and'tneatsg alsa'thase Feb- 16, Beiges_ Trewar
Desijard'ine s Orchestra. 109-1 riston.. Fen tilizers Ltd., Clinton, faction of Raad ,S ea't. G. R. Gray _B,S, D, V.M. V.S. ,
Phone 77 - Seaforth No. 2-Tend'ers will be re- Gray,.BS, ' who visited me whale ia' patient beloved wife of Zack M -pa
or your -local Ha'rrist�on a'g'ent 1� 0? tf i due for $300 t° ceivedl by the Township of Stan- Phone 105 Seaforth in the hoslpital,, Speenab thanks
and WATCH REPAIRS 'particulars JOHN E. LONGSTAFF.... d r • ' o diIVER-IIn dElgtn�ndryalt
bender. For further her 77th year.
Lost, Strayed plan' yrntr spring ferWbea ley for spraying cattle, for to Father Sullivan, Dr. Brady
r - requirements now. Check our P, contact the indict'- e, '�' ,
LOST on- Main Street about Warble Fly Central far a powder
The an Dr, Scott elm staff and Feb+ 1f, Thomas West Olk
' complete bullk''hgandlnng facilities signed. Lowest or. any tender township -w-1111 'wj�ilg su llv the OPTOMETRIST -"'OPTICIAN - 'E"3"
p pp powder nurses of Scott Metmori'ail Hos Ve in his, 15th r
Feb. 13, lady's 'bl'ack lieat'teier' servdcesl slid "not necessarily accepted. Seaforth Office: year, .
price, before you FAST SERVICE Tenders to sgtatte price per hexad pirtall.-•Albert Ca+o ' 24- 1 OLIVER-In Egrrwmdville ca
glover. Box 1315, Hurdh' Expos buyYour requirements. �� Tues. Thurs., Fri.,
2-09x1 All work guaranteed LEN CALDWELI;, per suras: All work 'ta 'conform � Sat' a.m. I wish to thank a!ftn5� friends' Feb: 715, William CanFis�
Special Januar deliv Road Superintendent, with the 'terms of- the Warble only, Thursday evening by
January err, and ANSTETT P and rel4vtive wblcl sgo 'ndly re- Orliver, in his 14th year.
RR 1 Londesbo'ro On't, Flw Act. appointment only.
4. Help Wanted cash discounts. ' p me�mgbered me with flowers,
JEWELLERS 21-09-2 No. 3 -Tenders will. be ..re- hone 791 Residence 613 'boxes gifts, cards, Letters and
FEMALE help wanted far. Ltd. ceived for �PPl3^?ng agppr'� calls, 'wlhile in Scout Memorial,
knotory work. Apply Highland CLiN`TON PLANT Phone 77 -Seaforth WARBLE FLY mgateliy 1.200 pounds Warble Mon.; Wed., Clinton Office Hosgpitall aril sanCei returning For
Shoes. Seaforth. 4-08-2 Phone 452-9133. 19-07-tf Fly powder in 15 pound and 1 - 'home. It was all verymuchap-
"' M'ARR4IED man, gaud 'wig F - SPRAYING �;,. McCONNELL p.
RANK PEARCE DEAD ANIMALS Pcund bag's, ba be delivered to )abed -Mrs Wilbur Turn-
miachinery, required -bo work on TENDER the township Shed in Varna. &STEWART bili. 24-09x1 • •
P'hon'e' Seaforth, 396. REMOVED enders) floor each, of the Barristdrs - Solicitors, Etc. Additional
Sealed t WE wish 'to thank gall our
a beef, hog and cash' m"o'P' farm above, clearly m�"2rloed as, to con- '
startling March 1st.' Mtod'eTn.. ,.,. DON HOCKING Township Of Tupkerslnith P. D: • McCONNELL, Q.C. fri'end's and neighbors, for Marv•
For Dead or Disabled Animals tents; . will be received by the D. I. STEWART in
hohrs�e, with all convenienclegs , g a pa'r'ty an our planar and Clue .
Fhone Kirkton, 155 R 20. undersigned until Feb.Fib29, 1964.
supplied. Apply in person to CALL COLLECT For spraying cattle for warble Seaforth, Ont.,. Phone 550 levels gifts we received; also
11-07-tf Lowest or anw tender not ' Classified
Verne Atl'derddce, lfiippen, Ont, fly4 n 1964. for remembering us with cards
Darlin & Company" n. cessgar+ily� accepted. A: W. SILLERY Q
• - 4-09-1 g p y'' Tender to' srta�i prise •p"er a£ the time of our 25th Weddin',
12. Wanted To Bu Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Anniversary. It wa•S. very, much
_ y. of Canada Ltd. head per spray. MEL GRAHAM, Clerk �'' 'See Page 12
7. Situations Wanted SECOND hand 'crash register•, Phone Clinton HU 2=7269 Work to be done under the Brueefield, Ontario Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 appreciated. -Martin and Cath- g
• Gordon Noble hone 71-W, License No. 262-C-63 direction of ,the Inspe'c'tor in ac- 21-09-2 Seaforth Ontario . arine Baan. 24 09x1
CARPENTRY work remodel4- p '
,' S�e'aforth. 12-09x1 19_p•�_{f cordance with the regulations -
ing or odd jobs ariound the home ROCK E1lm, standing or cut. of the Warble, Fly Act.
Call Ed Andrews, hone 863 W g SALES & SERVICE t.r
P Tenders try be clearly marked t
1 7-06-tf Alwin Beuemmlann, RR 1', Dub 'Viking -Separators and I "Tender - Warlik, Fly Spra+y- I LI L PEDRO By ..de la' Torre "
1'in: phone 23 R 1�5. 12-09-1 v:,^ .. �Ra.,o-
8. Farm .toe or ale
13' Wanted
Blacksmith and Welding Shop,
Tenders to, be in Clerk's
0 Holstein blit!: calves. Ger -
hrndo by 12 o'clock noon, on
WANTED - Bicks cucumber
Highest 'hest prices
g paid:
don eJoiig;- Brucef eld. 8-09-1
Phone 482-9131, Clinton.
March 2, 1964, and will be open -
ed and considered on March. 3,
TWO Hereford cows, due Mar.
1st,. carrying third calfE, Ernie
-Free pickups,. s. A 1 Alb. Kram-'
P Apply
„1964, at 2:30•p.m.
Dade, con, 2, RR 4, Clinton.' 03x3
err., Dublin, phone 30 R 3, after
Lowest or any tender not
ground grips on rear and spare'
6 p.m, 13-07-14
ne'c'etssari'ly accepted'.,
SEVENTY -three pigs, 80 to 100
lbs,. Stuart Willson, Brac�efield,
7 weeks old, Cor Dorssers,
J. I, McIntosh,. Clerk,
Property Fbr Sale',
p y
pbone 658 J 4, Seaforth. 8-09-1
RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario.
ONE hundred or ' 150 acres,
barn 146 x56 ,
good stabling,
SEVENTEEN good Lacombe
HOLSTEIN heifer vaccinated,
pigs, 8 •„ weeks old. Herman
e Haste; RIR. 5, Seaforth. 8-09x1,
' ,
s drilled Al well, brick peau
(Opposite the Post Office)
Township Of MCI�1110p
wla ova a e uatga ton, Two certified watchmakers, all
TWELVE weanen 019s4 Jack George, Cook; lot 16, con. con. 4, work dune on the remises and TENDERS
ow ck, .phone 654 R^ 33, 8-09-1
� i Logan, RR 4, MibehellU. 14-Mx3 checked on the w+atchmastter, = FOR PICKUP TRUCK, � U R TOWN — B V McClelland
FORTY FARM., 100 acres, good land; FREE ESTIMATES
pig, 7 and 6
weeks old. Ted Van Dyke, RR
barn, driving shed, house and
gtarage. House' has all modern
Engine, .6 cylinder, bang box,
9 feet or mane, heavy dn%ty
'Twp. of Tueke•rsmith
For the crushingand hauling
of a g
approximately 16,000•eu, yds.
of gravel to township roads) in
1964; 3/4" screen to be used.
Contractor to sir PPIY'. all re-
quir im'ents except gravel which
will be supplied by the town-
ship at 3 Ilreafions9
3, Seaforth, phone 610 W'4. 09ai1
con•vendenoes, Located on No.springs,
4 -speed heavy rliity
r NUMBER of Holstein caws, due
Highway, first farm on Yin-
transmission, 700 x 17, 8 Ply
Kaon. Apply J. L. Malone, RR 5,
burn Dead. Apply to Roger
Now is the time to talk about
nylon tire's, tire and tube' type,
Seaforth, phone 109 R 4,,,; Dub-
Hrrogrn'aemt. 14-09x1
nom, custom homes, kitchen cab-
ground grips on rear and spare'
!tin. 8-09-1
THIRTY weaner pigs, 6 and
ONE Ihruhd�red and fifty acre
farm; 23/2 miles north of Dublin,
)nets, rec. rooms, re'pai'rs. Free.
Air condition heater and de -
7 weeks old, Cor Dorssers,
Lot 1, Con. 5, Lot 1, north kalif
froster, two speer!., electric wind -
phone 654 R -31, RR 4, Seaforth.
oaf Con. 4, MgcKilloo. Well, drain-
shield -wipers, signal: lights and
ed, eBay, loam., frame house„
clearance lights, side view
HOLSTEIN heifer vaccinated,
instill brick, a][ modem conven-
ien'ces, Lamgre L barn,
mirrors, windshield washers). '
Lowest tender not necessarily
in the 'Road Superintendent's
h�ends goy
bred Hereford, due soon. NOT,
man Eggert, !tort 2; cora. 9, Mac.
ciiment stabling, stable clean-
accepted. Subject to the approv-
Kiliop, phone Dublin, 81 R 14
'e'r, drilled well and, salt. Large
Township Of McKillop
al of Department of Highways.
SealUea tenders to be in
ideplament shed. Apply Dan
A d 'ted
O'Rourke Dublin. 14-09x1. All car owners e .Town- hi the pan sof tht'e, Roa Supm pern -
do ent, by Feb. 29, 3964.
10. Used Cars For Sale ship of McKiEo'p are requested
1961 G.M.C. F7tsidre ick up, 15. Property For ent riot to park their cars on the WILSON LITTLE, MOCO — By Barley
I? -- roads of the Township during Read Sunerintendengt,
• ancereniru cunuit a. n;ummg x—
$1256.60, take trade. Phone 275
W 1, Hensall•. 10-08x2.
-1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk,
in good eonotion. Apply Ken
Calemian, Seaforth; plum�i 7,
or 652 R 14. ib107-'tf
11. Articles For Sale
USED..WMdCtlar dryer, ivatel.
ry pr gy
owned. Can be. seen apt Klieg's
Store, Seaforth. 11-04-tf
USED Viotar cash register: Pro-
tection of a cash' register, con-
venience of an adding machine.
TA"Vm.F.v,vrnciMnr ii.°Rv9.
imuur:'tuv a'parumem, on nau,
way St. Gas heated. Apply Carl
Dalton, Seaforth: 1547-tJ
TWO -bedroom apartment, heat-•
ed pri-rate entrance and bath.
phone 336-W. 1'5-07-tf
INR,EE-bedroom modern apart-
downstairs, available im-
mediately. Phone 602 W 4, Sea-
forth, 1�5-07-tf
the winter. Cars that are left
on the roads, are contrary to
the Highway .Traffic Act and
are a detriment to operation of
snowplows: ^_
Pl'ease note• that Provincial
Palfce will bake necessary ac-
ticm to see that cars are not
)'eft on roads and prosecution
may fallow.
Road Sup'e'rintendent
RUR 1, SeaforW4
'Twp. of Tueke•rsmith
For the crushingand hauling
of a g
approximately 16,000•eu, yds.
of gravel to township roads) in
1964; 3/4" screen to be used.
Contractor to sir PPIY'. all re-
quir im'ents except gravel which
will be supplied by the town-
ship at 3 Ilreafions9
SELF contained apartment, 2-
bedrooms, large living roam,
ltnt'chen, bath. Early posses,91o'n.
Boat 1313, Huron Expositor.
AVAILABLE soon. cottage near
NAW- 5.
- `..
rr JUST in, another shipment of
Lions Park.' Reasonable rent
The Council' of lire Township
Work, to Ibe, completed by
freezers: Whi'l'e they last, $229.95
for M cubic fleet at Dublin
for respdnsible cnuple. Box
1316, Huron Expositor. 15-09-2
of HBbbert hast passed a "Hunt-
ing Regulation" byl-law, No. 16
June 20, 1864, under the) super -
visdoon of the Road Superintend-
B McBride
EWCtrlc; 11-06-4
1983 for the issuing of licenses
'Rabbets, Foxes' and Phea-
subject ba b ghwaysg of
(If lata approval
c De of Hie
16. For Sale or. Ren->���" •sur
@ze e. Grimm
SAP panus 'galvanized
pails, 35 galvanized and 200
sgants and Hibbert Tawnshi is
now a, regulated Hunting Area
Tenders to be' clear! marked
7Hi5 t5 KILL- 19N'T =KING
/ -
MODEM 3 -bedroom home, in
olhersg• also 300 s iters+. Phone
Dubllin. Gas furnale, hot and
of Perth County.
Tendlef -- Graved' and must be
V065 IN YOUR CLA55• �
, c
INC, /VIE• DO H119
Brnrsseta , 327 J 5, Andregw'Turn-
'bull!, 11-08x2
colld water, bathroom, dining
raorn and living room and full
in the 'Road Superintendent's
h�ends goy
basement. Phone 610 W 4. Sea-
As tate authorized issuer H.
tenses may be obtainedrka from
1�D o-clin'ck risen an
March 2, 190, ascii! wall be- open-
A 170,05
faith, • Avail -able end of Fe�bru•
lite Townsghip Clerk, at her
'ed and considered an March, 3,
M bons of good feed barley,
airy. 16.09x1
--- J
nffiica in Dublin Ontario.
1964, at p.in.
Tenderp to be accompanied
e4 49.5b per bon and 190 'Bons
17• Wanted T9 Rent
by a m0kged ch,eque flog $300. -
Kiln Dried Coreg at $53.25 per
tan. Trucking can''be arranged,
g g
YOUNG couple• wi h one slmraiD
Child T4�isgh Cllr sn,�blet fieimnisQt>ed'
1)^werrt or ativ tender not
nrc^sQlarrly accepted.
aparibmlemt, trailer• -or belated
Ever y week more people dis-
p p ..
r N
Pltrone 24, Hensalti.
cKvtba fr6m March- 14th. to ,-
Mays `23rd; A ly Brox ,1314. ')the
cover what mf
mighty jobs -"are
accomplished by low cost Ex
Road, S
Ttaad, Su eini.ntendbrt
p intew t'
RR 3 SeafanBh, ' Ontario.
Huron Exiposi'tom, 17.09-2 ..positor
Want Ads.