HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-02-20, Page 3• • v 1 i; """.. •,-....••• , 4 • • ;• s .••• ?..tx 't• stinghouse Annual SAVE'AT THIS LOW WHIT.Ig SALE PRICE! bilflfrotst LICW-Iylfets A pet -luck dinner and, quilt- ing preceded the February meet- ing of Chiselhurst UCW Tues- day afternoon with 19 ladies present. Mrs. William Brintnell conducted, the devotiohal, as sisted by Mrs. Ben Stoneman and Mts.' lack Brintnell; with the iheme, "Training For Wit- ness."' Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson gave the missionary prayer. Mrs. Clarence Coleman review- ed a chapter from the Bible study, "What is Religion?" also a film, "Around the World in Prayer" was„shown. It was decided to pack a bale to be forwarded. to Mrs. Doug- glas Wein for needy families M Nova Scotia. It was also de- cided to make more quilts and purchase quilting. frames. Two large qullts, one custom, One for sale, and a crib quilt were cotn- pleted at this quilting Tuesday. President Mrs. Harold Parker chaired the meeting. Sell that unnecessary,piece of furniture through a Heroin Ex- positor. Classified Ad. Phone 141. rl'ues4x,. Wdzes4 a n d Thtral ay were quilting days Ii the sphool rooms ef Flepsall United Chur,ch, when. from 17 te 20 ladies of the 1JCW *ere busily engaged in mkking quilts. _Several qitilts.,customs and some for the bale, were completed. Wednesday they enjoyed a pot- luck, dinner. Mrs. George Arm- strong was convener for the Bantams Oust Clinton RCAF Hensall Bantams eliminated Clinton, RCAF Bantams .7-3 in "D" League playoff hockey game at RCAF Station Friday evening. Bob Taylor was in goal for Hensall, and goals were scored by' Grant Walker 2, Charles Schwalm 2, Michael Hoy 1, Len Smale 1 and Charles Dalrymple 1., This team, sponsored hy Hen- sall Kinsmen, have eliminated Zurich and Clinton. Doug John- ston is eoach and manager. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY FI i' • Westinghouse Automatic 30" ,Rotisserie Range .KED3OR Automatic Rotisserie for juicier, more flavourful meats and fovd. 0 Auto- matic timing Centre with clock, automatic oven con- trol,' minute minder, timed appliance outlet. ID Miracle Seal Oven with spread -even oven heaters for better bak- ing and roasting„0 Single Dial Oven Control. 0 Non - fog Look -in Window, lift- off oven door for easy cleaning. , . 199.64 PlusTrade- In at Dublin Electric Phone 70 R 2 DUBLIN Remember, it takes but a moment to place en Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Phone Seaforth 141. Office — Main Street SEAFORTH . I 4. Insures: • Town Dwellings ',,e All Classes of Farm Property • Sunirner Cottages • aurches, Schools, Halls - Extended coverage (wind, Ismoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane; RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. Tax Return Time Again I should like to inform my friends that my office is located on Main Street above the Gingerich Store. Please use my inter -phone before climbing the stair. MAKE APPOINTMENT EARLY! H. a. MEIR Phone 515 — Seaforth project, used 4yer and givtog: Igemberi of the Arnold Cir Leaders were Tliernaa cle- of Carmel Presbyterian tavender, MrSt Harold clgri,e4 Church, Hensall, delivered -14 Mrs. Percy Huai, Mrs, lovely_ Valentine baskets to pa- Campbell, Mrs- Walter Spencer tients at Queens*ay Nursing and Mrs. Phillip J Gander'. Home, Hensall, Wednesday af- Scripture passages were 'read by ternoom Mrs. A. Boyce. Meditation on Earl Dick, president of South Prayer was given by .Mrs. Earl Huron Agricultural Society, and Campbell, Mrs.- Harold Parker P. L. *Naughton, secretary- and Mrs. Gandon. The soloist, treasurer, are in Toronto this Mrs. William Zuss, for ,her sel- week representing the society ection sang, "Q Brother . Man, at the provincial convention. Fold To Thy Heart Tby Bro. Mr. and Mrs. William Soldan ther." Accompanist was Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc4llis- Fred Broadley. ter are holidaying in Florida. The, Explorers of Carmel Flowers in the Sanctuary of Church held their meeting at the United Church Sunday the horie of Mrs. Cathie Hop - morning were in memory of -the kins Pursday afternoon. Presi- late Mrs. Byron A. Campbell; dent MisMrjorie Schwalm op - placed there by the family. ened the meeting, and Miss Dorothy Skea, secretary, read Arnold Circle Meets • the. minutes, After the busi- Eighty-nine visits to sick and ness meeting, Stewart Hopkins shut-ins of the village, patients said the offering prayer. Bible in hospitals and newcomers, study and Bible quiz were pre - were reported at the February sented. meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church Monday evening. Mrs. Gerald Bell was present- ed with a life membership cer- tificate by Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and accompanying address read by Mrs. Stewart Bell. The meet- ing was chaired by president Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, who re- viewed interesting articles from the Presbyterian Record. Program and worship was in charge of Mrs. Harry Hoy and Mrs. Ed. Fink, and the topic, "Why the Presbyterian Church Canada is Needed in India" Was in the form of a panel dis- cussion, taken by Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. John Skea, Miss Hannah Murray,. Mrs, Hoy and Mrs. Fink. Fifteen Valentine boxes were delivered to patients — 14 at Queensway Nursing Home and one to a patient who just re- cently left the nursing home. Thank -you notes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Gerald Bell. Kippen, Brucefield and Chisel- hurst UCW will be special guests at their Easter meeting in March. Luncheon was served, the hos- tesses being Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. Trevor Wilson and Mrs. Harold Bonthron. Ambet Rebekah Lodge, Hen- sall, sponsored a successful Val- entine euchre in the lodge hall Friday evening, proceeds of which will be donated to the eye bank. Nine tables were in play for the euchre, and winners were:. ladies, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Hen- sall; gents, William Thompson, Exeter. Mrs, Mary Taylor won the prize for having birthday nearest day of party. In charge of the project were Mrs. Alex McBeath, Mrs. GeorgeClifton, Mrs. Ed. Corbett and Mrs. How- ard Lemmon. , The World Day of Prayer was held in 'St,. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, Friday after- noon with Hensall and Chisel- hurst United Churches and Car- mel Presbyterian Church unit- ing with them, with the theme Township of Willett TENDER Tenders will be received by the TownShip of Hullett for the Spraying of Cattle For,Warble Fly Co-ntrol • Within the Municipality All tenders are to be clearly marked as to con- tents, and are to state the price per spray per head, and are to be in the Clerk's Office not later than February 29, at 6 :00 o'clock p.m., 1964. All per- sons tendering for this job must be registered with the Industrial Hygiene Branch of the Ontario Department of Health,' and also must be covered with insurance. The Sprayer must work under the supervision of an Inspector and must conform to the regula- tions imposed by the Warble Fly Spray Act. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk -Treasurer R.R. No. 1, Londesboro, Ont. 1962 CHEV. SEDAN 1961 PONTIAC SEDAN 1,575.00 1961 CORVAIR STATION WAGON 1,375.00 1961 CHEV. BEL AIR 8—A.T., P.S., P.B., Radio - • 1,775.00 1959 PONTIAC STATION WAGON 1,275.00 1959 CHEV. SEDAN , , , 1,275.00 1958 CHEV. "8" SEDAN—A.T. 1,075.00 1958 CHEV. SEDAN 975.00 1958 PLYMOUTH "8" STATION WAGON 875.00 " 1957 FORD COACH -8 Cylinder • 750.00 1956 CHEV. SEDAN 575.00 1960 VOLKS PICKUP TRUCK / 895.00 159 CHEV. 1/2 -TON FLEETSIDE 1,075.00' 0.K.'RECONDITIONED . "No Reasonable Offer Refused" SEAFORTH MOTORS Seafotth . , 1,975.00 Phone) 54:1 Christian began at St. Church last T one wishing t continue throughout the subject of "Prayer." The Rev. J. Phillip Gandon chose the topic, "From God's „Point of View." • In th,e mid -winter piano ex- aminations of the Royal Con- servatory of Music of Toronto, Miss Lois Simmons, Hensall, was successful in passing Grade 7; Miss Jane Pyette, Hensall, Grade 7 (honours), and in the Grade 2 theory, written Janu- ary 18th, Miss Janice Bratrud, RCAF Centralia, obtained 86 cation classes P ul's Anglican rsday for any and will t, on KIPPEN ntertm t Meeting- Guest: night was observed. at Hensall Women's Institute Feb- ruary meeting, held Wednesday evening in the 'legion Hall, which was beautifully decorat- ed in Valentine -dear, enhanced with baskets of mums and daft- dils,.. President 14rs. Beverly Bea- ton presided and welcomed members and their guests, with members answering the, roll call by introducing her guest. Mrs. Carl Payne will attend the offi- cers' conference for the district directors, to be held in Guelph in May. Sixty-two, including members and guests, attended tit% meeting. Mrs. Fred Beer, who chaired the program, conducted a birth- day contest, and the winner was Mrs. Arthur McCallum, Thames Road. Fourteen tables were in play for euchre and one for crokinole, and winners were: euchre, Mrs. Joe 'McLellan and Mrs. Thomas .Kyle, Sr.; lone hands, Mrs. Edna Caldwell; crokinole, Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mrs„ Robert Elgie gave cour- tesy remarks. Program conven7 ers _were Mrs. Fred Beer and Illys. John Skea; hostesses, Mrs. Inez McEwen and Mrs. Funk. • Kippenettes Meei The third meeting of the marks, and Jim Traquair, Hen- Club, "What Shall I Wear?" was held at the home of IVIrs. Robert Bell on Saturday after- noon. The meeting opened with the 4-H Pledge and seven members answered the roll call, "Two garments with lines that would suit her." Donna Whitehouse read the minutes of the last meeting. The new secretary is to be Marion Roberts. The book covers were given out to the members. Mrs. Whitehouse spoke on "Clothes for all occasions," on harmony and basic of the ward- robe. Mrs. Bell then discussed the wardrobe chart. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Bell on February 22, at 2 p.m. The meeting clOed witkthe,na- tional anthem. sall, 92. They are pupils of Miss Greta Lammie, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brock,- of Ottawa, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Russell Brock. , Red hearts and cupids creat- ed the theme for the Valentine tea held .in.garmel Presbyterian Church Sunday School rooms Saturday afternoon, sponsored by the Ekplorers of the •church. A delicious tea was served. Mrs. Cathie Hopkins, leader of the group, assisted by her husband, were in charge of decorations- ' Mrs.. Bill Brock and infant son Jeffrey, Port Credit, are spending , a week .isiting with Mr, and Mrs. Ruell Brock.. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson returned Friday after: spending three weeks vacationing in Flor- ida. While there, John partici- pated in a chain of trap shoots and won the Daytona Beach class --championship event with a score of 195 out of 200, which was high for that day, winning the trophy. Rev. Howard Plant commenc- ed his Confirmation classes Stin- day with over 50 in attend- ance. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and sons visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride, of near Blake, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willert and family, of Zur- ich. Mrs. Vivan R, Cooper was ad- mitted Wednesday of last week to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, for surgery, and at present is reported to be doing as,ffell as can be hoped for. - Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Faber for the gift of a daughter, born Saturday at South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. Mr. Vivan Cooper, of RR 2, Kippen, has purchased the late Mr. William Ivison's residence from Miss Jean Ivison. The Mises Gayle and Dawn Robinson recently spent a week- end in Chatham visiting rela- tives. Mr, an d Mrs. James Arm• strong, of Staffa, visited Thurs- day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. EUTAW INSTEAD OF HONEY BEE When the Mormons first set- tled the area at the foot of the Wasatch Range in the Ameri- can Rockies in 1847, they want- ed to call the territory "Deseret" from a word in the Book or Mormon meaning "hon- eybee!' However, the U.S. Cori- gress• had other ideas and when the Utah Territory (now the State of Utah) was created in 1850, the name was taken from the shoshone Indian word eutaw, which means "people who dwell on the tops of,moun- tainS." -- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Call . W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 191J — John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverages For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents-- • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Coop Medical Services • rWind Insurance Race Horse: An animal which can take thousands of people for a ride at the same time. A large sign on a department store counter read: "Register Here For Free Door Prize." A woman reaching for a card and pencil said, "I guess I'll sign up, but I sure don't know what I'll do with another door." If You're'l'IRED ALL 1111E TIME New and then everybody gets a "tired -mit" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney pais. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodd's. 60 PHolsli 121 eft HARRISTON FERTILZERS at Attractive Prices F - Early Order Discount -- Quantity Discount --== Cash Discount - Bulk Discount Check our prices on . . . HARRISTON, QUALITY FERTILIZER 1. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED HENSALL — Phone 103 County of Huron TENDERS FOR TRUCKS Sealed tenders on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be received until 5:00 p.m. on FRIDAY, MARCH 6th, 1964 • for theaollowing : ' TENDER HC -64-102-4 1/2-TONPICK-UP TRUCKS TENDER HC -64-103-1 1/2 -TON PANEL TRUCK (ECONOMY TYPE) TENDER.. HC -64-104-2 29,000 G.V.W. CHASSIS WITH BOX and HOIST - No trade-ins. Bids must be submitted on County Forms. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept. J. W. BRITNELL •i • County Engineer P.O. BOX 940 Goderich, • Ontario • Ifyou'dlike - to improve your honle,,_ why not do it now2- - Talk to your Toronto--Do-miniOn Ba,nk manager about' , a low-cost Home _ Improvement Loan. „ He's a good man to know. Interested in modernizing your kitchen, adding an additicnal room, renovating a bathroom or installing a new heating system? Talk it over with your near- by Toronto -Dominion Bank Manager. Any time you want to improve your home (in just about any way) he can be a very good friend.. Drop in arid get acquainted soon. TORONTO -DOMINION. TH E BANK Where people make the difference W. D. STEPHENSON, Manager - Seaforth • County of Huron QUOTATIONS AND TENDERS FOR MATERIALS FOR 1964 Sealed quotations- and tenders clearly marked "Tender For will be received by the ,undersigned' until 5:00 p.m. on FRIDAY, MARCH 6th, 1964 for the following materials: (a) On Bidder's Own Stationery on the fol- lowing basis: (please bid both): (1) F.O.B. Their Plant or Warehouse and (2) Delivered via Truck or Rail to Auburn and Wroxeter, Ontario The bid price shall include all applicable tax- es except the 3P'r O.R.S.T. which must be shown as a separate item. Any discounts from the bid price for prompt payment, etc., should be clearly noted. 1. Asphalt Emulsions—RS-1, ItS-2 and RS -2K. 2. Cut-back Asphalts—MC-2, MIP, RC -3 and D.H.O. primer. 3. Paving Grade Asphalts -60/70 and 85/100 • Pen. 4. D.H.O. approved washed "one size" 3/8 -inch stone chips for surface treating. 5. Winter Sand—price per ton & per cubic yard. ' 6. Concrete Pipe—all sizes. 7. Steel Fence. Posts -7 ft. "T" rail price per •post in lots of 2,000 and 5,000 posts with clips. 8. Wire Fence type 842-12—price per rod in 40 - rod rolls in lots of 5,000 and 10,000 rods. 9. Cold Mix and Semi -Hot Mix Asphalt Patch- ing Material—price per ton loaded on County trucks. 10. Portland Cement—delivered to Brussels, Clin- ton and Auburn, Ontario. 11. Reinforcing Steel—Hi Bond deformed bars. 12, Grader Blades -6'4" x 6" x 5/8"—price each for 200. ^ 13. Metal Highway Signs (all types) and metal sign posts. (b) On County Tender Forms Available From the Office of the Undersigned: 1. Tires and tubes. 2. 'Gasoline and diesel fuel oil. 3. Calcium chloride—liquid and flake. 4. Ready -Mix Concrete. 5. Pavement Marking. 6. Weed Spray Chemicals. 7. Cedar Fence Posts. 8. Corrugated Metal Pipe. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. BRITNELL County Engineer P.O. Box 940 Goderieh, Ontario 4,..4*, • .f.4•1.C4..•.