HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-02-13, Page 9fefteveee, -eeeet, USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Corning Events Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. ,Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted • 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For -Sale • 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted • 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent -18. Property- Wanted 19, Notices • • 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam • • 26. Personals The cost is low. Classifications „ 2,. 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. • Classification 25, -minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini - Mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Salest(20), Ten- • ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- • tion. 4-c'or cash payment, or if paid by 10, days following last esere Hon, 15 CENTS decInctecl from above rates. . COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES ' (For Business. Firms, Trades- men, etc.): Minimum, 50 cents per insertion. Billipg charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 1. Coming Events DANCING, Brodhagen and Dis- trict Community Centre, Friday, Feb. 14, to music of Greorge Wolfe, and his Blue Rangers. 1-08-1 THE finals in the Public Speak- ing sponsored by the McKillop Federation of Agriculture will be Mkt in the Seaforth District High School, on Monday, Feb." 17th3 , at '5 P.m. "1 1-08-1 2. Lost, Strayed BLACK' and white hound, north east of Winthrop, Finder please call 836 R 5, Seaforbh. 2-08x1 4. Help Wanted FEMALE help wanted for factory work. ApplY Highland Shoes, Seatforth. 4-08-2 RELIABLE young women to help with housework, 'steady employment. Apply Box 1312, • • Huron. Expesitor. • 4-08-1 CLERK for Seaforth store, reale OT female. Steady erruployment in pleasant surroundings. App/ in writing to Box 1310, Huron xiposdtor.• 4-03-1 1 WANTED • For Seaforth district, men with car. This man must work 40 hour week which will ensure above average earnings. KEITH DUNBAR, 51 McDonald St., Stratierd. 4-08x1 . HELP WANTED - Office Clerk for Seaforth In- dustry. Typing essential, gener, al clerical experience helpful. Write to: BOX 1309. HURON p EXPOSITOR ' • 4-08-1 POLICE CONSTABLE FOR Town of Seaforth Applications, in writing, will be received by the undersigned until February 24th, 1964, for the above noted position. Salary 62400.00 per annum. Please state ago and qualificetions,. Envelape thrust be clearly marked "Ap- plication, police Constable". C. Lyle Hammond, Clerk 4-08-1 7. Situations Wanted CARPENTRY work, remedell- ing or odd jobs around the borne Call Ed AndreWS, phone 863 W 1. 7-064f 8: 'Farm Stock For Sale FOUR year old Pinto, rideor work., Wilidarnt Blair, phone 642 J 2, Seaforth. 8-08-1 TWO Hereford, cows, due Mar. 1st, carrying thbrd calf: Ernie Dale, con. 2, RR -4, Clinton. 08x3 THIRTY -five pigs, 8 weeks old. Apply Ken Bearbtie, phone 834 R 6 Seaforth 8-08-1 GOOD two-year old Hereford hull. Darcy Rathwell, Brew - field, phone Clinton, 432.3384. 8-08-1 lOISTEIN heifers, va•ceinated, bred Hereford,due gdott. John " Temndeet, RR 1,. Kirldon, on No. 33. Highway, 7 mils east of Exeter,. phot a R. 8. Farm Stock For Sale SlIORTIIORNED- Guernsey !mif. er, calf at side, quiet, geod milker, fully guaranteed. Rea- sonable. Phone Dublin, 54 R 10, N. .J. Kramere. - 8-47-2 FOUR. registered Hereford heif- ere, due in April and Mar. Blue Jay Domlno breed, bred to Jarvis, Darius.Boy Hoven Ocean impoeted, Joe Hastings, lot 25, con. 7,' Hibbert, phone -Dublin, 43 R. IL 8-08x1 10. Used • Cars For Sale 1961 G.M.C. Fleebside pick-up, ewcellent condition. Asking for $1250.00, take trade. Phone 275 W 1, liensall. 10-08x2 1957, Studebaker Silver Hawk, in good condition. Apply Ken Coleman, Seaforth, phone 17, or 652 11, 14. 10-07elf 11. Articles For Sale LIG-HT green girl's springeowt, size 14. Mrs'. John Smith, BalI- way St., Seaforth. 111-08-1 USED Mcglary dryer, privately owned. Can 'be seen at Kling's Store, SeafOrth.- 11-0441 FOUR/PEEN inch Westinghouse portable T.V. A-1 condition. An- gus MacLean, ' 11-08x1 USED Victor cash 'register. Pro- tection of a gash, register, con- venience of an adding machine. Huron-Exposit:3pr. • 11-08x2 BABY buggy, ,g years old. Ex- cellent condition, can be con- verted toe bassinette. Phone 221, Seaforth.. • 11-08-1 BLUE baby carriage, converts to car bed and stroller. William Blair, phone 642 J 2, Seaforth. 11-08-1 JUST in, another shipment of freezers. While they last, $229.95 for 24 cubic feet 'at Dublin Electric.1140-4 SAP pails, 50. Marge Grimm pails, 35 galvanized and ' 200 others; etas° '300 spites. Phone Bru:ssel§c"327 J 5, Andrew Turn - 11 -08x2 FERTILIZER We suggest you contact Har- riston Fertilizers Ltd., Clinton, or your ,Ilecal Marrison agent and plan your spring fertilizer requirenuents now. Check our complete Milk handling facilities services and prim before you buy your requirements. Special January delivery and cash discotu.nts. '7. CLINTON PLANT Phone 482-9133, FRANK PEARCE • Phone Seaforth, 396. DON HOCKING Phone Kirkton. 1.55 R 20. 11-054f• • 12. Wanted,,To Buy BELL threshing machine, 28" x 45". Phone Brussels, 351 J 5. 12-07x2 FEED: grain, cern. hay, straw, Write or telephone Len Watson, 28 Eastern Ave., B ra mpton or telephone 451-4804. 12-05x4 13. Wanted WANTED - Bicks eutumber • grewerk Highest prices paid. Free piekups. Apply Alb. Kram - ems, Dublin, phone 30 R 3, after 6 p.m. 13-07-14 14. Property For Sale SEVEN room home, clOste to bu Sines% sectien: oil furnace, hardwood floors, built-in cup- boards. Terms evailable. W. A. Thodgert, -phone 498, Seaforth. 14-05-4 FOR SALE Three bedroom • ,home, 1,1/2 blocks west of North Main Si. New. gas furnace, bath and so forth. Can be seat by appoint- ment only. Also 5 other'homeS, 2, 3, and 4 bedrooms. Farms, 100; 150, and 250 acres in surrounding Townships'. Joseph McConnell. Realtor . 19 Victoria Street . Phone 266 - Seaforth • • 14-08-1 15, Property For Rent MODERN apartment, on Rail- way St. Gas heated. Apply Carl Dalton, Seaforth. 15-04-1f ROOM and board for elderly person in quiet home. Apply to Box 1305, Huron Expositor, 15-074 THREE -bedroom modern apart- neent, dcnynStadre, available im- mediately. Phone"802 W 4, Sea - forth. 15-07-tf THREE -bedroom modern apart- ment, downstairs, available im- tnediately. Durl Hopper, phone 602 W 1, Seaforth. 15-07-tf EE. bedroom house, RVi1- able last of February. Apply in oerson to Warden- Haney, RR 4, Sea forth. 15-08x1 SE -LF contained apartment, 2- bedrGoms, Targe living room, kitchen, bath, Earlv possession. on 1313,, Huron Expositor. 15-08x2 MODERN 3 -bedroom house. Available iriimediatelv. situated ^ei Highway 8, west of Sea•forth. A E. Crozier, RR 2, Seaforth. aerie 601. W 2. • •15-07k2 15. Property For Rent TWO-bedioom apartment, heat- ed, private entrance and bath. Phone 336-W. • 415-07-tf APARTMENT for rent, avail- able now. Heated and with hyd- ro. two bedronins and self con- tained. 3. C. Crich, Seaforth. • 15-07-2 19. Notices ,SEPTIC tanks cleaned. We go anywhere winter or summer: A. B. Roth, phone 655-2462, Tavistock, or PO Box 196• . .1.9-05x6 MAINTENANCE Service, wall washing, floor • cleaning and small repairs. Revmiond Squires Rox 335. Isabelle St., Seaforth, phone 557. 19-07x3 SEAFORTH • UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kind of upholstering. 19-07-tf PERSONS who no longer wish ea keep a dog. may have the dog removed without charge by eentacting the Animal Control Officer, Seaforth, phone 697-J. 19-08x2 TOWN OF SEAFORTH • Dog Tax For 1964 is new due. Male dog, $6, each additional $9; female dog, $12, each addi- tional $16 -Tags available at: Town Clerk's Office • 19-08-2 ANSTETT. JEWELLERS • Ltd. Offers you ••• Easy Credit Terms witi 7 NQ Carrying Charges' • -Phone 77 - Seaforth 19-07-11 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone .77 Seaforth • 19 -07 -ti - DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT - Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 License No. 262-C-63 19-07-tf • SALES & SERVICE Viking Separators and Vildng Milkers' Ilacksmith and Welding Shop BASIL O'ROURKE, Brucefield, Phone 482-9131, Clinton. -19-07-8 PROMPT SERVICE at • WESTERN ONTARIO'S FOREMOST WATCH REPAIR DEPOT SAVAUGE • JEWELLERS (Opposite the Post Mite) Two certified watchinakers, all work done on the premises and checked on the watchmaster. FREE ESTIMATES 19-O5.tf CARPENTRY WORK New I.'S the time to talk about new custom homes, kitchen cab- inets. rec. rooms, repairs. Free estim a tcs. GRANT FINNIGAN Seaforth 19-03-5 NOTICE Township of McKillop All car owners in the Town- ship of McKillop are requested not to park their cars on the roads of the Township during the winter. Cars that are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act and are a detriment to operation of snowplows. Please note that Provincial Police will take necessary ac- tion to see that cars are not left on roads and prosecution may follow. WILSON LITTLE • Road Superintendent 19-0.141 23. Business Directory • SEqFORTH • - VETERINARY CLINIC • J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., VS. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. • D. E. Galt, D.V.M., V.S. G. R. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST - OPTICIAN Seeforth OffiM: Tues.; -Thur4 Fri., Sat. a.M. only, Thursday evening by appointrrient only. Phone 791 •: Rekidenee 613 Mon.; Wed., Clinton Office •-• 23. Business Directory McOONNELT7 -• STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. • D. L STEWART Seaforth, Ont. : Phone '550 A. W. SILLERY , Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 Seaforth : Ontario D. H. McINNES Chiropractic Commercial Hotel Monday, Thurs4ey-1 to 8 p.m. A.M. H4RER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Steet Telephone Goderich 524-7562 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE R. S. BOX LICENSED EMBALMER Prompt and careful attention Hospital Bed • Flowers For All Occasions • Phones: Res. 595-W Store 43 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulahce Service DUBLIN • : ONTARIO • Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich Seaforth • AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for • FLOWEtS FOR EVERY . OCCASION • Phone 119 : • Seaforth W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario • LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls - 335 24'. Cards of Thanks MY. sincere thanks to everyone who remembered me with cards and letters while I was in Strat- ford General • .Hospital. -Mrs. Hiram Shannon, 24-08-1 WE 'wish to tharik • all our friends and neighbors for .the many good wishes, cards and - gifts we received odi our 40th weddirig anniversary. It was very much appreciated. --Jan and Jaans Van Vliet. 24-08-1 I wish to thank D. Stapleton, Father Sullivan, the nurses and the staff of the Scott Memorial Hospital who treated me so kindly during my stay; also Harry Telin and friends for giving a helping hand at home. Urbain Blockeel, 24-08x1 THE family of the late Frank Walbers wish to thank everyone who remembered' them with cards and flowers at the time of their sad- bereavement, c- ial thanks to Bail and Mutch Funeral Home, Dr. Addison and Tuokersmith Ladies' Club, It was tall greatly appreciated. xi I wish to thank ail my friends who so kindly renumbered me with lovely cards and the kind woeds, and also I want to thank the people of Seaforth for going to London to eete my dear eon while he rested at the Funeral Home in London. Mrs. Will. Kerr. 24-08x 1 Births GORDON-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Feb. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gordon, RR 2. Blyth, a daughter.' HOTHAM-At Hotel Dieu Hos- pital, Windsor, on ,Feb. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hoth- a m, a son. LOOBY -At Scott Memorial Hos pita', on Feb, '11, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Looby, Dublin, a son. McAllister -At Scott' Memorial Hospital, on Feb. 9, to Mr. and Mrs, Ron McAllister, a daughter. RILEY-At Scamborough Gere eraI Hospital, Scarborough. on Feb. 7, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs, , Doug Riley, a son Gregory Dean. • Boxholders' Names Not Given Out!- - It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser tisitig a Huron Expositor box number. please do not ask for this information. For Additional • Classified Page 10 Mr. Peepers was, complaining to a friend: • "The strangest thing . . . spots, strange spots -4 keep seeing them all the time. Yellow spots, blue spots, -- red spots, pink lspotsl They're driving me craiy!" "Hmmmm," sympathized the friend. "Hhave you seen a peychia trist?" "No," replied Peepers. "Just spots." Walton News of the Mission Band The monthly meeting of the Mission Band was held in the. basement of the church Sunday morning with an attendance of 62. • Karen Coutts, the vice- president, conducted the meet- ing, which opened with the hymn, "When He Cometh," with Debbie Wey as pianist. Karen read the Call to Worship from Luke .6:46. The hymn, "The Wise May Bring Their Learn- ing," was sung. --Ms.' W. Bewley reviewed last month's discussion • on ,PThe Light of the World," and teondi- tions that might cause darkness in India. Then ways were con- sidered 'whereby we might help turn the darkness to light. Joan Bennett led in -prayer. The Scripture was read by Gwen Bosman from Matthew 7: 24-25. Mrs: Bewley explained the story of the two builders. Betty Roe and 'Mary Bewley Col lected the offering and Karen dedicated it with prayer. Betty Roe gave the treasurer's report. Gerald Baan read the minutes of the last meetineeend a letter of thanks from the Chil- dren's Aid Society for the white gifts. Karen Cutts conducted the business. Shirley Williamson will play the piano for the next ineeting. Murray Houston and - Ross Mitchell will assist with the worship..Everyoneewent to classes, after which the meet- ing was closed with the hymn, "JeSus Bids Us Shine," and the Benediction. The World Day of Prayer meeting will be held in Duff's United Church, Friday, Feb. 14, at 3 p.m., with Rev. A. John- ston of Brussels as guest speak- er. The monthly UCW meeting will be held at 2 p.m. Homemakers Meet • The first meeting of the 4-H Homemaking Club was held at the home of Mrs. Nelson Reid Saturday afternoon with twelve members present Nellie Baan was elected president; vice-pres- ident, Sherrill Craig; secretary, Karen Coutts and Velma Hig- ginbotham. It was decided to call the club "The Walton Needlepushers." Two people are to bring lunch to each meet- ing. It was decided that each member was to make a sewing box. The name of the project is, "What Shall I Wear?" The next meeting is to be held at Mrs. James McDonald's on Feb- ruary 15. - Honor Local Couples A social evening, honoring Mr. and' Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Sr., who observed their 40th wedding anniversary on Feb. 2, and Mr. LI'L PEDRO — By and Mrs. Martin Bann, whose '25th wedding anniversary will be observed on Feb, 22, was •held in the Welton Community Hall, Friday evening, Feb. 7ee• Progressive euchre was plaY- ed with 16 tables at play. Prize winhers were as follows: high lady, Mrs. Laurie Cousins; low lady, Miss, Caroline Fraser; high gent, Glen Corlett; low gent, Alex' Gulutzen. • A short program was present- ed by the following: Two vo- cal duets, IVIrs. Glen Corlett and Ruth Ritchie, with Mrs. Jim Smith at the piano; piano solos, Caroline Fraser and Glenna Houston; reading, Mrs. Harvey Craig. Mr. Alvin McDonald addresa- ed' Mr, and Mrs, J. Van Vliet, who were presented with a set of snack tables and a tri -light lamp, and Harry Bolger ad- dressed Mr. and Mrs. M. Baan, who received a living -room mir- ror, stainless Steel double boil- er, and a purse of money. Lunch was served by the ladies. • CGIT Meeting • - The CGIT meeting opened with a sing -song and the min- utes of the last meeting were read by Linda Traviss. The treasurer's report was read by Mary Bewley. Karen Coutts -arid Linda Traviss are to have the worship service on February 17, At this meeting a film of Nepal will be shown. Mary Bewley and Sherrill Craig had the wor- ship service. Shirley Bolger read the mission study, Shanta Bwana. • Miss Bessie Davidson of Sea - forth has returned home after spending several days with "Mrs. Walter 'Broadfoot. • Mrs. Hilda Sellers of Lucan was a recent guest at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss. • Neil McGavin, Larry Wheat- ley and Ken Campbell have re- turned home after spending a week at a skiing resort' in the Laurentians. Mr. and. Mrs. W. Stutz of Wa- terloo spent 'the weekend with Mr. Torrance Dundas and vis- ited with. Mrs. T. Dundas who is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. - Mr. and Mrs. William Simp- son of Mitchell visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming. Mr. Ranton Mitchell of Car- lingford visited with his sister, Mrs. Leonard Leeming, and kr. Leeming last week. Mrs. Neil McGavin and Brian spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston, Bluevale, Me. Everett Byerman has re - de la Torre Owned home after being fined to Scott Memorial Hogg, Seaforth, for several netialllias with a heart condition. Mr. and Mrs. Earle COette, Robbie, Rickey and Carel A0n,C. of Toronto were weekend. gees at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coutts. Miss Norma Leeming of Lop. - don spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leenaing. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott spent the weekend with friends in London. Mrs. C. Ham and Miss M. Swan are visiting with Mr. Wes- ley Ham and family, Burling- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie and family, of St, Thomas, call- ed on friends in the village on Sunday. Mrs. H. Berry visited in Wing - ham and Bluevale oYer the weekend.• Rev, H. K: Plank spent Thurs- day of last week in Toronto. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wightman of Belgrave spent several days in the village. Mrs. Wightman has- rented her house when new residents will move in this week. WINTHROP • The UCW Of Cavan. Church, Winthrop, • held their regular meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 5, in the schoolroom of the church with .Mrs. Gordon Blanchard presiding. The meeting opened by sing- ing Hymn 637 and reading Psalm 698 in unison, Meditation being on the 23rd Psalm, fol- lowed by prayer. Roll call was the gift of a tea towel for the church kitchen and was answer- ed by 30 mernhers. March roll call will be on "Faith.' World Day of Prayer is to be held Feb. 14 at 3 o'clock in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ladies are reminded that dis- carded Christmas cards are. to be brought to the next meeting. Hymn e51 was then sung. Mrs. George Case gave a chap- ter from "The Word and the Way," entitled 'Atonement," Mrs. Gordon Blanchard showed interesting slides and told of her sister's work as a mission- ary. The meeting closed 'by singing Hymn 252 and ,repeat- ing the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. Refreshments were served by Unit Three. The.For.94,4*Vetitic. •5)4 M4s.191.14,401,0#' held. et the /19419. 31t. lintn 1411l0r• 3v#4.44 iner and•`oey:Oral 0§1. Mrs. T. Laing presided ducted: the;,-- openi with Scripture read tion and •prayer. , led in the Bible atpdy, Calder MeKaig bad - charge of the -SOW -hook -lee, - seri and it was presented Pell* fornt of a dialogue with Mrs. M. Laillorikl, Mrs. T. L. 'SOU, Mrs. Earlier and Mrs. Laing taking part, the theme bcing, - "Why are we of the Presbyter- ian Church in Canada he iri•- dia." The roll call Was answer- ed with a -verse on "Praise." Routine reports were given by the secretary and the trees- urer and Mrs. Meltaig gave a brief report of the annual meet - Mg of Stratford Presbyterial " Mrs. J. Jefferson read the ,01a4 Tidings Prayer. Mrs. Sadie Scott for her topic read an article by Padre Young, and current events were given by i several members. Mrs. McKaig and Mrs. K. McKellar were nam- ed as representatives on the centennial committee. The meeting closed with prayer by Mr. Boyne. Mrs. R. Dodds and Mrs. F. Allen assist- ed the hostess in serving 'at dainty lunch. Mr. William Hamilton visited' in TeesWater with his son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.. Nelson Hurikins, on Sunday'. Miss Lorraine LairTg",1 fteneetee----, • ter of Mr. and \Mrs. Gordon Laing is a patient ineClintori Hospital, having undergone sur- gery last week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, and 'family, Dorchester. • Mr. and Mrs. Laurie McKel- lar and ,,son. Mark. visited dur- ing the weekend with her Par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Nigh, Sea - forth fr Y.; a • . Mr. Hugh Scott, of Guelph, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 4 T. L. Scott. • • Mrs. W. •N. •Binning and daughter Jane, of Mitchell, vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee, Jackie, Judith and Roy, of Lon- don, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto, • Walker. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and David and Peter were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne' Scott, Seaforth. .tr. and Mrs. T. Laing visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coleman,, Seaforth. OUR TOWN — By McClelland 'THERE 'S A SURE , SIGN OP SPIZING. 77/ER'TH EI AT BOY SKATING ALONG ell114 A BASEBALL BAT ANC) MITT! ee- .7- MOCO — By Barley NAPOLEON — By McBride AND TELL THE GROCER TO SEM" NArot.Eoll HOME WITH SOME BANANAS ;",e4 s.i.4..±."'''"--"7.".267.1.1111111111e1111111111111114111161...i.. , . j'',, • ' or,