HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-02-13, Page 7r. ODOR: E S. CLEAN BURNING FURNACE OIL STOVE .OFL D. Brightral.( FINA SERVICE Phone( 354 ,:rt• ..nnt-Zr7,KteirAtc". • ,t1.7”IrMffrf.5,4, ;1. gSPefaifte, the I 00104)110 la guage, is a,..cons eted or - extracted language, et an arti- 1cia1 language, It i based on the elements of the nost impor- tant European tongues. It was first suggested by a Russian phs- ician named Dr. Lazarus Lud- wig Zamenhof, who wrote -a papmphlet under the pseudonym of Dr. Esperanto ("one who hopes.") The pseudonym later became the accepted name or the language. 11 - Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron ,Ex- positor Clessified Ad. Phone 141. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS - Phone 141 ELL LIN ES by W. W. Hayiom your telephone manager Upcoming TV Specials Lovers of good music will want towatch for two tele- visiontreats to be sponsored by the .Bell over the CBC -TV network in the next few weeks. On Wednesday, February 19, at 9:30 p.m., six recognized young stars of the music world, including the assistant conductors of -both the Mont- real and Toronto Symphony Orchestras, will be featured in a program entifled, "Young Canadians in Concert." Then, two weeks• later -Wednesday; March 4, at 9:30 p.m. -the Bell will sponsor the TV presentation of, the Montreal Symphony Orcheitra performing Richard Strauss' "Ein Heldenleben" (AHero's Life) under the direction of Con- ductor Zubin Mehta. Filmed and recorded at Montreal's proud Place des Arts during the 30th anniversary concert of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, the program captures a full richness of sound.tor 47 minutes of uninterrupted musk, and also highlights an interview with Conductor Mehta. * * * Answerer Whenever you're looking for information, you have a vriety,of sources' to turn to, depending on the nature of your quest. There's the dictionary or encyclopedia . . . newspapers and magazines . . radio and TV . . . maps, cookbooks, bus schedules, etc., etc., etc. . . . .AND, of course, the telephone. And it's the telephone you reach for most often when you want information in a hurry -informa- tion such as, is Mary Ellen's birthday tomorrow (horrors!) or next week? . . . homd° you get to the Johnson house? . . . what's the latest. stock quotations? . . what time does the movie begin? °. . . who's going to bring the young- • sters back from the party? Isn't it a fact, though? Day • after day it's the -telephone that helps you get the answers you need to schedule your activities and keep you informed. * * * Questions The hospital switchboard operator advised the caller thatthe patient in 618 was not yet receiving calls. "Well; can you tell me how Mrs. Smith is getting along?" inquired th‘ caller. "Surely," replied the operator. "She had her operation this morning and is ,doing extremely well, according to my card. May I tell her who called, please?" "Oh, that won't be necessary," came the answer. "This IS Ms. Smith in 618. I just wanted to find out how I am. Thank you." .9•77'77•TITT77 PREY TWP. COUNCIL, Grey ToWnship cenneil,- at US February inteting approved the following raotion.s: That we pay membership fees to Associationf Rural Munici- palities, • Oocid Roads Associa tion, Asgociation of Mayors and Reeves and, Association of As- sessing Officers. That we give a grant a $25 t� the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Asociation. That we instruct the clerk to advertise for tenders for crush- ing and rauling 15,000 cubic yards, more or less, of gravel, %-inch screen to be That we instruct the clerk to •advertise for tenders for ap- proximately 1400 pounds warble fly, powder. • That we accept the petition of the residents of Molesworth for street lights and enter into an agreement with the Township of J Wallace for same. The following accounts were paid: Village of Brusels, share division court, $16; drainage de- bentures, $475.01; Hienstr a Nursing Home, $60.25; Callan- der Nursing Home, $75.75; The Municipal World, supplies„ $4.40; George Wesenberg, assessor, tax arrears notices, $13; E. M. Car- diff, division registrar, • $1.50; C. M. Stevenson, fox bounty, $2; Cardiff's Hardware, bulbs, Eth- el Village, 95c; Robt. L. Cun- ningham, stove oil, $20.30; John Johnston, caretaker No. 4 school for elections, $5.00; Association of Rural Municipalities; mem- beship fee, $15; Good Roads Asociation, membership fee, $15; Association Mayors - and Reeves, membership fee, $10; Associetion of Assessing Offi- cers, membership fee, $10.00; Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association, $25 Road and Bridges, $2,555.00 Total, $3,310.16. USBORNE COUNCIL Usborne council held its Feb- ruary meeting at Elimville with members present being Reeve Archie Etherington• and Council- lors Ward Hern, Ken Duncan and Lloyd Ferguson. Road gravelling tenders were opened as follows:: Joe Kerr, Wingham, - price cubic yard cruShed and delivered, 67, stock- piled 35c; R. H. Jennison Ltd., Grand Bend, 68c and 40c; Ray Ireland, London, 7(lc and 40e; Marmac Construction, Tillson- burg, 73c and 39c; Yendt & Mc- Cann Construction, Stratford; 731/2c and 421/2c; Ross & Paton Construction, kirkton, 75c and 45c. The tender of Joe Kerr, Wing• ham, for the. 1964 road gravel- ling contract at the price of 67e per cubic yard for crushing and delivering and 35c per cubic yard for stockpiling, and $500 tender' guarantee was accepted, subect to the approval--ofAhe Department of Highways. Road accounts amounting to $3,451.30 • were approved for payment. The engineer should provide for a detour during the construction of the Westlake bridge; that the superintendent should include- the cost of a new mower in this year's road appropriattien (estimated $509). Treasurer N. G. Clarke re- ported receipts of $13,077.23 since' January 7th, and comple- tion of the audit for 1963 by A. M. Harper & Co. Tax collector B. M. Woods reported that the total of 1963 taxes still uncol- lected has been reduced by re- cent collections to $8,454.51. Grants of $25.00 each Were made to the Salvation Armrand the Huron. County Soil & Crop • 0 MILTON J. DIETZ ,f+ • TI PS ON A FAST, SAFE START FOR CALVES Heifers on the Purina Farm Calve 4 to 4 8 months ahead of average. That means they give around 3,000 lbs. of milk before most heifers have even started producing -Why don't you try it! 1. As soon as the calf is dropped, cut off the navel cord about 2 inches frop the calf's body and soak, the stub in iodine to prevent infection. 2. For the first three days leave the calf with the mother so it can get the.fist colostrum milk which helps regulate the digestive system. Milk to 'even pressure in all 4 !quarters, but do not empty udder completely. Guard calf against draughts and dampness. • 3. For the next ten days, keep-dalf in an individual pen. Pen should have clean bedding and be disinfected with Purina Disinfectant before calf is moved in. 4. On the fourth elpy start feeding Purina Nursing Chow in gruel •form 1 lb. re- places 1 gal. milk. Continue for four weeks. Calf should have clean water and rock salt available free choice. 5. gl1f-feed Purina Calf Startena from 4 days to 4 months, adding bright leafy hay at .1 months. _ 6. After 4 months change to a Purina heifer growing program. Why not give me a call, or drop in at my Store with the Checkerboard Sign and let me tell you how Purina feed- ing ha been Paying off for many of your 'neighbours. for fas, efficient feed service call MILTON J. DIETZ '9.1310NE 600 J 2, SEAFORTH, R.R. 3 Purina Chows - Sanitation Pretitucts Ventilation Equipment (Wholesale, Retail) nadians who want bigger profits tomorrow mail'iNVANWWW0,1 feedPURINACHOWStoday! InaP' fuTimift ..ABSOiati0- C uncil agreed that the cou- ty be advised that the Township of Usoredoes net relinquish its priority in having a centn- nial project, to the county for a county project. Council agreed that the al). plication of Fred Harburn, Dub in, to provide *arble fly spray- -ing at '81/2 c per head per spray and supply warble fly powder at $4.95 per 15pound carton, and 43c per 1 -pound bag, or lower if there is a price reduc- tion, be accepted provided that he or his operator secures the license now required by the De - „pertinent of Health under the regulations of the Pesticides Act. Council agreed to support a debenture issue by the Town of Exeter for an estimated $197,- 900,00 to $225,000,00 to provide for an addition of six rooms to the Hum South District High School building, on the estab- lished equalized assessment bas. is for the • district. HOWICX COUNCIL A, regular meeting of Hotrick Township Council was held in the clerk' S office when all mem- bers were- present and Reeve Ivan Haskins was in the chair. 1Viotions approved included: That we agree to the request of the C.P.R. in the removal of the stock pens at Wroxeter. That 'bylaws to fix the salary of the assessor and fixing the remuneration of road account payroll employees and appoint- ing and setting the salary of the road superintendent be fin- ally passed. That we join the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Association of Assessing Offi- cers of Ontario. That we give the Huron Coun- ty Crop and Soil Improvement Association a grant of $25.00 for 1964. That we ac-epe'the tax collec- tor's 193 tax I ctn. That we instruct the road sup- erintendent to engage B. M. Ross to prepare plans for bridge at lot 19, con. 10 and 11. That the Township of Howick are •anticipating in their own centennial • project andthe clerk notify- the County Clerk of same. That we make the renovation of our abandoned cemeteries a part of a centennial project. That we instruct the clerk to advertise for tenders for warble fly spraying, stating price per head for hot and • cold water spray and advertise for applica- tions for warble fly inspector. That all members of council receive $15 for regular meet- • ings, $8.00 -for special meetings • and court of revision meetings, 10 cents a mile to and from meetings, and the reeve to .re ceive •$50 -extra annually:, clerk to prepare the necessary bylaw. That any member who can attend the Rural Municipalities convention and the Good' RoadsP convention may attend and re- ceive the same remuneration as in 1963. That the following accounts be paid: Howick Municipal Tele- phone System, service and tolls, $19.23; Wingham Hospital Board„ balance of membershiP, $4.00;' County of Huron, com- flflSin tax arrears ,collec- tions, $264.45; Grand River Of- fice Supply, supplies, $16.19; Town of Harriston, fire call re Bob Campbell, $150; United Stationerys, dog tags a n d forms, $83.30; Municipal World, supplies, $6.20; Gestetner (Can- ada) Ltd., supplies, $54.32; H. G. Harris, part salary; $75.00; W. E. Whitfield, part salary, $215.00; balance salary, tax col- lector, $100.00; • Department of National Revenue; income tax, $40.00; James Renwick, fox bounty, $12; Carl Dinsmore, fox bounty, $4; Amos Yoder, fox bounty, $4; Jack Murray, fox bounty,. $4; R. GibSn, two hos- pital board meetings, $10; On- tario Goad Roads AsSociation, membership, $15; Association of Assessing 'Officers, membership, $10; H. N. Gowdy & Son, stove oil, $50.93; I. Haskins, welfare administrator, $27.35; Howick Township Municipal Recreation Committee, grant, re Wroxeter rink, $110.80; relief accounts, $449.91; road accounts, $4,- 240.36. Total, $6,011.04. EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL • East Wiwanosh council met with all the members present, Reeve Snell presiding. Motions adopted included: That Elmer Ireland be ap- pointed as township representa. tive on the Wingham and Dis trict Hospital Board, Riving to Gordon McBurney not accept' ing the appointment. That the road and general iw counts as presented be passed and paid. Captain Howard S. Moore, of the London Salvation Army, ad• dressed the council on the work of the Army in •Western On tarici and requested a grant. That council give a grant of $50 to the London Salvation Army. That council give a grant of $25.00 to the Huron Soil and Crop Improvement Association That council pay the Blyth Municipal Telephone System the balance oiking on the 1963 account of $2,117.39. That council appoint Roy Pat- tison as council member for one year and Murray Scott as, non-coliwil member for one year on the Whigham District Plan, ning Bord. E sign the applitation to the igh- That the Reeve and• Clerk s AFORT M Aott.41141tot 1060 tu*44441''PM41 • That' the clerk adyeitiie fo • tenders 4Y- the honr for -wa We 0"inPector, heto find his ogn ..transportation, a prayer operator' end an operater help- er; tenders to be '-receye(Lon beoreIVIrh 3rd, at 1:00 o'qoplr. Acceunts approved inluded: C. W. Hanna, salary, $193.01, bills paid $3.01; Alan McBur- ney, wages $143,84, truck $15; Donald Pengelly, wages, $87.73; Amor Smth, first aid kit, $4.10; r r y Williams, fuel, etc., $84.24; Dominion RoadMacb- iry C., repairs, $145.18; Jack Wardell, tire chains and hooks, $77.25; Belgrave CO-ePerative, salt and drill; $6.91; Harold R. Cengram, snow removal, $15.00; George Radford; snow removal, $1,008.00; -J.' Ross Anderson, tape and oil can, $2.50; Receiver Generarelf"Canada, income tax, $12.50. General Cheques -,-Elmer Arbikkle, Arbuckle Dr., $121.37; Robert Arbuckle, Arbuckle Dr., $434,38; Township- a Morris, Arbuckle Dr., $362.21; A. E. Cook, Redmond Dr., $281.64; A. D. Campbell, Redmond •Dr., $87.24; J. 11. Campbell, Red- mond Dr., $10.94; East Wwen- ash T.S.A., ftedmond Dr., $1.99; The Blyth Standard, printing fi- nancial statements,174.16; Twp. of Morris,Belgrave street lights, $37.34; TWp. of Morris, Grasby M Draassessment, $29.40; Mrs. Jean McKay, maintenance pa- tient, $75.75; County of Huron, tax collection charges, $273.76; Blyth Municipal Telephone Sys- tem, balance rates and tolls, $2,- 117.39. W. H. Gow, fox, bounty, $400; The Salvation Army; Lon- don, grant, $50.00; Huron ,Coun- ty Soil and Crop Improvement, $25.00. MORRIS TOWNSHIP • Morris council met with all members present and the reeve presiding. Motions included: That. we pay , our member- ship to the Associatin of 'On- tario Mayors and Reeves. Dele- gations to the meeting were: Roy Cousins and John Wheeler, re chapel for Brussels ceme- tery; John McDonald and Max Coldfield, re Brussels Arena, and Captain Moore from London, re the "Salvation Army.. • That grant of $50.00 be given to. the Salvation Arm. That William Peacock be re- commended to represent Mor- ris for three Years and Walter Shortreed be recommended • as representative from council for one year on the Wingham Dis- trict Planning Board. • 1 • That we give 4 MUT *25 t9 the 4rqi Comfy '&0 ;r4Crop Inipriminent Assoeintion. That Milo Ca,fernOre, garlel lora an'n)jr one. be givn, a rebate on their .1903 taxes. • That we ailvertise for appli- cations for warble ily inspec tor and for tenders for warble ,fly spraying. That we advertise for ten- ders to supply 15,000 cubic yards of gavl. The follewing accounts were paid: G. Ross Anderson, light replacements, $2.40; ,Blyth Tel- ephone, tolls and tax;$411.81; Brussels Telephone, phone ren- tal, $50.68; Village of Brussels, division court, $16; ,City of Brantford, $3.65; Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves, $10; F. Kirkby & Son, $348.00; Amos C. Martin, tile, $505.41; Salvation Army, grant, $50.00; Huron County Soil and Crop brit -movement; $25.00; Municipal World, supplies, $2.42;rHovick Fire Insurance Co., hall and shed, .179.90; Stratford Beacon - Herald, advertisement, $23,10; Douglas J. Callender, $75.75; Pineerest Manor, $75.75; S. B. Elliott, $75.63; Red" Front Gro- cery, $75.20; George -•r, Mutter, $28.10; John G. Berry; collect- ing taxes, $314.87; Nelson Reid, snow removal, $3.00; C. B. Hoff- man, $14.93; Milo Casemore, re- bate on taxes,.$15.30; Earl. Sel- lars, rebate on,,Jaxes, $29.80; Ruby Stone, rebate on taxes, $8.97; Helen Martin, part sal- ary; $100.00. • Road Accounts -William Mc- Arter, $162.42; Jim Casemore, $272.50; John Smith,' -$5; Valley Bledes Ltd, bolts, $57.35; Glenn Snell, snowplowing, $337,50; Wingham T i r e, vulcanizing, $3.75: Purdon Motors, repairs, $337; Thos. Garniss, welding, $4.50; Brussels Coal Yard, coal and oil, $66.00; Alexnkley, oil, fuel oil and tax, $256.53; Mel Jermyn, snow plowing; $688.00; Ideal Supply Co., fitting, 34c; Stainton Hardware, stove, etc., $27.34; Oldfield Hardware, shov- els, padlock, $21.36; J. M. Mc- Donald, lumber f o r signs, $62.33; Dominion Road, repairs, $570.13; J. C. McNeil, genera- tor and voltage regulator, $26.04; Post Publishing House, tender cells, $3.20; Morris Twp., Grasby Drain repairs, $40.72; Wilmer Glousher, snowplowing, $605.50; Brussels Telephone Co., tolls, $4.80. Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositer Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Phone Seaforth 141. • NEED RUBBER STAMPS?;: PHONE 141 - SEAFORTII Malting Barley CONTRACTS Sed and Fertilizer Supplied BETZE . . • - Yields Good Grades Good • - High Test Weight - Short, Stiff. Straw - Less Lodging With increased demand for 2 -Rowed Barley for Maltig,. we again offer this excellent variety. • • • BEAN SEED Excellent Quality Ontario Registered Sea- way, Sanilac, Saginaw end Michelite '62 Bean Seed grown from Foundation Stok. MICHIGAN CERTIFIED SANILAC SEED BEANS Bean Contracts Availa SEED and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED Excellent Bean Demand Creates Good Prices • Consider Beans As afr Cash Crop! • • • Drop in Now for your Spring Needs or PHONE 103 COLLECT We• wish to help" E. L. MICKLE at SON • LIMITED Phone 103 : Henson envoy cENERAL MOTORS INTRODUCES At last, power HEWS NWT IT ISP Epic is a totally new budget car, built and backed by General Motors. It's the small car that gives you the roominess, com- fort, Power, good looks, and value that you've always wanted. Epic gives you a lively engine, combined with 4 -speed all- Synchro-Mesh transmission. No detail of driver or passenger comfort was overlooked in Epic's design. The heater is exactly the same type as, in big cars, and gives excellent warmth. Also, there's a real trunk . . . to hold the luggage of the whole family. Epic is availabl in two models - Deluxe or Standard 2-doorsedan. We suggest that you drive Epic soon at your Chevrolet dealer's and find outwhat you've been missing other Small cars. and comfort in the small car field! HERE'S WHAT IT HS! 1. 50 -HP HIGH .PER- FOHMANCE ENGINE. 2. SMOOTH -RIDING INDE- PENDENT FRONT SUS- PENSION. 3. EASY STEERING, FAST HAN- DLING 4.FINGEBTIP- LIGHT 4 -SPEED STICK. 5. SURE STOPPING • POWER. 6. INTEGRAL BODY -CHASSIS. 7. FULL- SIZED HEATER. 8. REL AL LEGROOM. 9. ROOM EOR FOUR ADULTS. 10. FAM- ILY -SIZE TRUNk. 11. SUPERB ROAD -HOLDING. 12. GOOD VISIBILItt ALL 'ROUND. *Suggested Maximum retail de- livered price of a standard 2 -door sedan with hiaterand defroster at SEAFORTH Price quoted includet delivery and handling charges, Federal Sales and Excise taes. Provincial and local taxes and licence are not included. arencmra 4,Can ... • ' t . „ „ „ ,,, • • „ „ ' • • • • • ' s's ' " " " '"' • ‘. ' • • . • • • • • • • • •••• • •". ........ MAT MANUFACTURED FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF :CANADA. LIMITED BV VAUXHALL MOTORS LIMITED, LUTON. ENGLAND., PARTS AND SERVICE -FROM cowl° ecntst,.. See Your Chevrolet101d6mobile/Ent!oy Dealer Ea -164o •ct way , bepartinent for the sub- TORS PHONE: $41 • lry UP. MY.= t =gra .014 itt17.04=1:VirC;1$4.1aPr4r"rlitt".441'4"' •• "•• , • • .t